International Atomic Energy Agency



Vienna, Austria, 2013

International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

Organizing the world' nuclear information and making it universally accessible

International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

Nuclear Information Section (NIS) Department of Nuclear Energy International Atomic Energy Agency

Vienna International Centre P.. Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria

Tel.: +43 1 2600 22842 Fax: +43 1 2600 7 [email protected]

2 Contents Highlights ...... 4 1. INIS Membership ...... 6 2. INIS Collection ...... 6 2.1. Bibliographic Records ...... 6 2.2. Non-Conventional Literature (NCL) ...... 7 3. INIS Collection Search ...... 7 4. Products and Services ...... 8 4.1. INIS Database on CD–ROM/DVD ...... 8 4.2. INIS NCL Collection on DVD ...... 8 4.3. INIS Atomindex Files via the IAEA FTP Server ...... 8 4.4. INIS Topical Sets of the INIS Collection on the Web ...... 8 4.5. Preservation of Non-Conventional Literature ...... 9 4.5.1. Digitization of the INIS Microfiche Collection ...... 9 4.5.2. Digitization of IAEA Publications ...... 9 5. Capacity Building ...... 9 6. Publications ...... 9 6.1. INIS/ETDE Thesaurus ...... 9 6.2. Subject Categories and Scope Descriptions ...... 10 6.3. Manual for Subject Analysis ...... 10 6.4. INIS List of Journal Titles ...... 10 7. Outreach and Promotion ...... 10 7.1. INIS Website ...... 10 7.2. Promotional Materials ...... 11 8. OECD/NEA Databank ...... 11 9. ICT Development Projects ...... 12 10. Human Resources and Budget ...... 12 Appendixes ...... 13 Figure 1. Input to the INIS Collection by Country of Origin ...... 13 Figure 2. Input to the INIS Collection by Country of Input (Graphical representation) ...... 14 Figure 3. Input to the INIS Collection by Country of Input (including voluntary input) ..... 15 Figure 4. Input to the INIS Collection (national vs. voluntary input) ...... 16 Figure 5. Input to the INIS Collection (time lag) ...... 16 Figure 6. Input to the INIS Collection by Literature Type ...... 17 Figure 7. Input to the INIS Collection by Subject Area ...... 18 Figure 8. Total Number of Records and NCL ...... 19 Figure 9. Input to the INIS Collection by Year of Publication ...... 20 Table 1. INIS Membership Growth -Historical Overview ...... 21 Table 2. Computer Programs dispatched to non-OECD Members ...... 23 Table 3. Computer Programs dispatched originating in non-OECD Members ...... 23 Table 4. New Computer Programs received from non-OECD Members ...... 24 Table 5. Paid subscriptions to the INIS Database on CD-ROM ...... 24 Table 6. INIS Collection Search Statistics 2012 ...... 25 Table 7. INIS Website Statistics 2012 ...... 31 Table 8. INIS Members’ Website Statistics 2012 ...... 37 Table 9. Input to the INIS Collection by Country of Input ...... 41 Table 10. NCL 2012 Input per Country / International Organization ...... 45 Table 11. Digitization of the INIS NCL Collection on Microfiche ...... 47

3 Highlights

The International Nuclear Information System (INIS) was established in 1969 by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in collaboration with interested Member States and international organizations. The main objective of INIS is to provide access to information on scientific literature on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy published worldwide. INIS operates under special membership arrangements that set specific duties and privileges. Currently 128 Member States and 24 international organizations are members of INIS. In early 2012, Mr Yukiya Amano, the Director General of IAEA, approved the overall restructuring of the Department of Nuclear Energy (NE). This included the creation of the Nuclear Information Section (NIS) and the establishment of a separate Nuclear Knowledge Management Section. The newly created Nuclear Information Section consists of: • INIS Unit • IAEA Library Unit • Systems Development and Support Group The restructuring and creation of NIS provides an opportunity to further enhance existing information products and services, and introduce new ones geared towards achieving higher organizational efficiency and effectiveness. The Content Management Group, Database Production and Imaging Group, and Capacity Building and Liaison Group were combined to create one single monolithic INIS Unit. The 36th Consultative Meeting of the INIS Liaison Officers (ILOM), held in Vienna from 4-5 October, 2012, was attended by representatives from 47 Member States and 5 international organizations. The meeting reviewed INIS activities since the 35th ILOM, held in 2010, the use and effectiveness of INIS, and its future. Presentations were delivered by INIS Liaison Officers and speakers from Azerbaijan, Brazil, China, India, Japan, Pakistan, the Russian Federation, Syria, and the USA, providing valuable information on many aspects of their INIS operations and suggesting further developments. The important role of national INIS centres in preserving major nuclear accidents’ literature was stressed, as was the need to provide access to other types and formats of nuclear information. With the completion of the 2012 production, a total of 130 999 records were added this year. This brings the number of records in the INIS Collection to 3 494 544. This figure makes 2012 the second highest year for total annual input in 43 years of INIS. The number of records input into the INIS Collection has steadily increased over the past years, more than double the number of annual entries since 2000. An additional 34 580 full texts (24 742 from microfiche and 9838 from Vol. 43) were prepared and uploaded, bringing the total of full text documents available in the collection to 469 271, of which 314 729 are publicly accessible. Several INIS members sent INIS input for the first time, some after many years of no input. Over 90 000 IAEA Library bibliographic records were added to the INIS Collection. This enables a simplified and more efficient single access point to both the INIS and IAEA Library collections. This collection of documents on the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology is now fully indexed and searchable online using Google based technology. Around 47 000 searches and 2700 downloads were performed monthly. At the request of the Group of 77, the INIS Secretariat organized a briefing on the main products and services of INIS and highlighted the major benefits to INIS Members States. The briefing was well received and many participants pledged further support to INIS and its activities. A new version of the INIS Collection Search (ICS) was developed with several valuable features including: integration with the INIS Multilingual Thesaurus; full integration with INIS authorities

4 (subject categories, journals and report prefixes); an enhanced multilingual user interface; and improved usability, security and reporting. With the completion of the Japanese version of the Joint INIS/ETDE Thesaurus, the multilingual Thesaurus is now available in eight languages. Additionally, translation of all these languages was solicited from the respective INIS centers. INIS implemented a mobile version of its website. With this development, visitors can easily explore the INIS website on a variety of mobile devices, including iPhone, Blackberry and Android. The INIS Database Production System (IDPS) is now compliant. In addition to increasing efficiency in INIS records processing, the successful implementation of a Unicode compliant IDPS has substantially improved both the quality and accuracy of the INIS Collection. An upgraded version of INIS WinFIBRE, 3.0.9, was developed and made available to the national INIS centres on the INIS FTP server. This version contains new features designed to facilitate the preparation of INIS input and to improve its quality. A new version of the NCL Collection Management System was developed and made available to INIS staff. This version contains several new enhancements to enable advanced filtering and correlation with the bibliographic records database. The INIS Secretariat participated in a ’Consultancy Meeting on Knowledge Preservation of Major Accidents in Nuclear Industry, 19–22 March 2012‘ at the IAEA headquarters in Vienna. The important role of the national INIS centres in preserving such information was highlighted. The Secretariat initiated contact with the INIS Liaison Officer of Japan, encouraging further coverage of published literature related to the Fukushima Daiichi accident. The ILO of Japan gave a presentation at the 36th Consultative Meeting of the ILOs in October 2012 summarizing the role of INIS in collecting and preserving literature on major nuclear accidents. Similar contacts took place with the national INIS centres of the Ukraine and the USA. Assistance and feedback were provided to a number of INIS centres, improving all aspects of their INIS operational capabilities. Monthly updates of the INIS Database on CD-ROM and on FTP were provided regularly to Member States. The INIS Liaison Officers were informed that the INIS Database on CD-ROM will no longer be distributed as of January 2013 due to budgetary constraints. Promotional materials were provided to INIS Liaison Officers to assist them with promoting INIS within their national boundaries. A number of presentations about INIS and its activities were delivered at IAEA in-house meetings to delegates from Members States, encouraging their greater cooperation. INIS was active in the preservation of nuclear information. In 2012, 24 742 full text PDF documents (1 113 443 pages) were created from digitized microfiches. This was coordinated with Member States. During the same period, 402 out of print IAEA publications (115 944 pages) were digitized. As part of INIS’ cooperation with the OECD/NEA Databank, 120 computer programs were provided to 18 IAEA Member States, 72 codes originating from non-OECD IAEA Member States were dispatched, and 1 new computer package was received from non-OECD IAEA Member States. Nineteen INIS information letters covering different aspects of INIS activities were sent to the ILOs during this period. The commitment of INIS Members, the enthusiasm of INIS staff and a forward-looking strategy puts INIS in a position to meet the information needs of today and of future generations.

5 1. INIS Membership

Bosnia and Herzegovina became the 128th INIS in 2012 IAEA Member State to join INIS in • 152 INIS members September. This brings the total number of 128 Member States and 24 international organizations INIS members to 152: 128 countries and • INIS Collection 24 international organizations. The INIS Secretariat established contact with several 3 494 544 bibliographic records and 469 271 full text documents Member States encouraging them to join INIS. New members are expected to join in the near future (see Table 1).

2. INIS Collection

2.1. Bibliographic Records

With the successful completion of volume 43, 130 999 records were added in 2012 (see Figures 1-3 and Table 9), bringing the total number of records in the INIS Collection to 3 494 544. This figure makes 2012 the second highest year for total annual input in 43 years of INIS. The number of records input into the INIS Collection has steadily increased over the past years, more than double the number of annual entries since 2000. This remarkable achievement is a direct result of each participating INIS Member’s contribution throughout the past 43 years. This represents an increase of more than 19 % compared to the previous year's input of 109 914.

During 2012, 34 580 full text documents were prepared and uploaded, bringing the total number of full text documents available in the Collection to 469 271, of which 314 729 are publicly accessible (see Table 10). Taking into consideration statistics for the last 10 years, the 2012 INIS Collection growth rate is beyond the yearly average of 100 000 records (see the chart below and the Figure 8-9). Around 72% of all bibliographic INIS Collection Annual Input with a records entered into the INIS Collection Trendline during 2012 were journal articles, followed by miscellaneous (13%), 150000 reports (over 6.5%), and books (6%) 100000 (see: Figure 6). INIS Collection input by subject area 50000 remained similar to previous years. The majority of newly added records Number of of Input Number 0 covered Nuclear Physics (17%), followed by Atomic, Molecular and Condensed Matter Physics (15%), Nuclear Materials (14%) and Life Sciences (13%) (see Figure 7). France continued its voluntary identification and coverage of missing conferences and records from the journal ‘Radiation Protection Dosimetry’ 3240 records with full bibliographic description and abstracts were submitted (see Figure 4).

6 The national INIS centre of Syria started submitting INIS input on a voluntary basis. During 2012, they submitted 1501 indexed records (see Figure 4). The national INIS centre of Cuba started its voluntary contributions. 64 records were submitted (see Figure 4). Several INIS members sent INIS input for the first time, some after many years of no input. The INIS Secretariat continued to perform automated checks of the indexing consistency of Members’ input in order to identify records requiring manual verification. By the end of 2012, INIS subject specialists reviewed and, when necessary, corrected the indexing of 3961 such records. The Conference Authority Tool (CAT) is continuously being loaded and updated. This allows the comparison of the ’Meetings on Atomic Energy‘ database and the IAEA Library holdings with the actual data in the INIS Collection, thus identifying gaps in the coverage of conferences. During 2012, conferences held in 35 Member States were checked. A total of 382 missing conferences were identified. Each Member State received a list of their missing conferences. Feedback was received from 19 Member States— Algeria, Australia, France, Georgia, Israel, Japan, Kazakhstan, Macedonia, Malaysia, the Netherlands, the Philippines, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, the Ukraine and the United Kingdom. These additional efforts improved the coverage of conference literature in the INIS Collection. Nuclear science and technology are fields of great research interest, resulting in the accumulation of many new journal articles, books, patents, and reports. However, there is a delay in making this literature available to end users. Some factors that impact the delay are publication, distribution, processing, and data entry. The delay, or ‘time lag’, represents a difference between the publication date and the date of input to the INIS Collection. The average time lag for all types of literature entered into the INIS Collection during the first seven months in 2012 was 23 months. Journal articles had a time lag of 22 months, while reports had an average time lag of 29 months (see Figure 5).

2.2. Non-Conventional Literature (NCL) In 2012, 25 027 NCL records were processed and added to the INIS Collection. Out of these, 13 457 were linked to full text available as 9 838 PDFs (see Table 10). Although the NCL collection is regarded as the most valuable part of the INIS Collection, only 19.1% of the total input for 2012 is NCL, 53.8% of which are full texts physically residing at the INIS Secretariat (10.3% of all input). Out of 13 457 NCL documents, 2 107 full texts were contributed by the IAEA. The remaining 11 350 were contributed by 54 INIS Members, 8 more than in 2011 (see Table 10). The ten highest contributors of NCL were responsible for over 76% of the total amount of full texts. The largest contributor was Brazil with 16.6%, followed by the IAEA (15.7%) and France (13.5%). In order to reduce this evident disproportion, INIS Members are strongly encouraged to increase their NCL contribution, when possible.

3. INIS Collection Search

In 2012, a significant effort was made to develop new functionalities for the INIS Collection Search. Two new versions of the web application were released, improving usability, enabling integration with other INIS products and extending subject coverage of the Collection. All INIS products were fully integrated with the INIS Collection Search. The INIS Multilingual Thesaurus, with over 30 000 INIS descriptors from eight different languages—Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Russian, Spanish and Japanese—is now accessible through the Advanced Search interface. INIS subject categories, journals and report prefixes were integrated with a similar mechanism previously implemented in INIS countries and languages. Improved security and a multilingual user interface were implemented on both the user interface and the help file. 7 Usability of the web application was enhanced by implementing the dynamic filtering of search results when selecting country and/or language, subscription to selected queries through a RSS 2.0 format, and pop-up help hints for metadata fields in the Advanced Search. Translation of search results to different languages and export to PDF format was also made available to the users. Over 90 000 bibliographic records from the IAEA Library catalogue were incorporated into the INIS Collection, enabling a simplified single access point to both the IAEA Library and INIS collections through the INIS Collection Search web application. A total of 562 000 pages were viewed during 77 853 visits to the INIS Collection, while unique searches reached 217 000 by the end of 2012. The number of full text document downloads was over 31 000. For the list of INIS Collection Search statistics please see Table 6.

4. Products and Services

4.1. INIS Database on CD–ROM/DVD

Monthly updates on CD–ROM and FTP were provided regularly to Member States. At the end of 2012, there were 189 free and 24 paid subscriptions (see Table 5). The INIS Liaison Officers were informed that the INIS Database on CD–ROM will no longer be distributed as of January 2013 due to budgetary constraints.

4.2. INIS NCL Collection on DVD Nine DVDs were distributed in 2012, bringing the total volume of data on NCL CD/DVD to 378 GB, comprising over 7 million pages with links to the full text of over 226 000 bibliographic references from the INIS Collection. At the end of 2012 there were 78 free and 6 paid subscriptions.

4.3. INIS Atomindex Files via the IAEA FTP Server The INIS Secretariat continued to provide weekly Atomindex files on the FTP server for downloading by the ILOs. Because the location of the files and the frequency of their updates do not change, and in order to limit the number of emails received, the Secretariat discontinued sending the weekly notifications.

4.4. INIS Topical Sets of the INIS Collection on the Web A set of INIS popular topics continued to be available on the INIS website. These topics are based on previously published CD/DVD titles, differing in that the lists of relevant documents are based on dynamic queries, which give researchers up to date results. Currently there are four popular topics, including the Fukushima and Chernobyl accidents.

8 4.5. Preservation of Non-Conventional Literature

4.5.1. Digitization of the INIS Microfiche Collection A total of 24 742 full texts consisting of 1 113 443 pages were digitized from microfiche and added to the INIS Collection in 2012. This brings the total of electronic full texts digitized from microfiche to 279 485 since the beginning of the project in 2003 (13.7 million pages, 341 GB of data). Over 80% of the INIS microfiche collection has been digitized since the beginning of the project. An estimated 3.2 million pages need to be processed before project completion. Depending on available resources, this major project is expected to be completed within the next two years. The ultimate goal is the complete integration of the microfiche based NCL into the INIS Collection and online access provided to the full texts (see Table 11).

4.5.2. Digitization of IAEA Publications The INIS Secretariat supported several important digital preservation initiatives within the IAEA. This included the digitization of 402 out of print IAEA publications (115 944 pages) from the Technical Reports, Safety and Proceedings Series, 79 issues (4587 pages) from the IAEA Bulletin in Russian, as well as 429 historical photographs from the IAEA archives.

5. Capacity Building

Provision of assistance to the national INIS centres to facilitate their active participation in INIS continued in 2012. The national INIS centre of Georgia was provided with a set of equipment to facilitate their contribution to the INIS Collection and the provision of information services to users. This assistance included an expert assist visit which provided on the job training on all aspects of INIS input preparation and products utilization. The national INIS centre of Egypt hosted training for two fellows from the INIS centre of Yemen, which covered all aspects of INIS input preparation, the utilisation of INIS products and INIS promotion and outreach. The national INIS centre of Belarus hosted one fellow from Croatia, providing training on all aspects of input preparation and products utilization. Additionally, staff members at the INIS Secretariat continue to reply to questions and provide assistance on a daily basis to staff of the national INIS centres.

6. Publications

6.1. INIS/ETDE Thesaurus In close cooperation with ETDE, the INIS/ETDE Thesaurus was consolidated and a fully updated version is now available on the INIS website. The thesaurus is updated on a regular basis, giving users an opportunity to consult the latest version in a single document. INIS/ETDE Thesaurus document identification numbers were adapted as well. Monthly supplements to the INIS/ETDE Thesaurus continue to be maintained and made available on the INIS website. For reference purposes, ETDE will also maintain an annual cumulative version of supplements issued during each current year.

9 INIS created an on-line Thesaurus Advisory Group to evaluate proposals for new descriptors and other thesaurus related topics. During 2012, the Thesaurus Advisory Group discussed and agreed on the addition of more than 130 new descriptors, which are now available in the updated version of the thesaurus on the website, in CAI, and in FIBRE. In 2012, the national INIS centre of Japan provided full translation of the thesaurus in Japanese. The Japanese version has now been added to the other seven existing languages in which the Thesaurus is available (six official languages of the IAEA: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish, as well as German). Translation for the updates of the other languages was solicited from the respective national INIS centres. The INIS webpage containing all publications, including the INIS/ETDE Thesaurus, was modified and the design simplified to enable an easy overview and access to the multitude of documents which are available. Besides access to the August 2012 issue of the INIS/ETDE Thesaurus, links are provided to all language versions, the Thesaurus Supplement, the Interactive Multilingual INIS/ETDE Thesaurus with navigation capabilities (August 2012), and the multilingual dictionaries without thesaurus hierarchy.

6.2. Subject Categories and Scope Descriptions The latest version of the INIS/ETDE Subject Categories and Scope Description (IAEA-INIS/ETDE- 02), IAEA Vienna, August 2010, is available to users (cataloguers, indexers, abstractors or searchers) on the INIS website.

6.3. Manual for Subject Analysis An updated version of the INIS/ETDE Manual for Subject Analysis (IAEA-INIS/ETDE-03) was prepared and published in August 2012. It is also available on the INIS website.

6.4. INIS List of Journal Titles An updated version of the ’INIS List of Journal Titles by Country or International Organization Name’ was prepared and published in September 2012. The INIS Secretariat continues to maintain basic journal authority tables used for input verification and validity control.

7. Outreach and Promotion

7.1. INIS Website The INIS public website and the INIS Members’ Area website continue to be maintained and updated regularly. In line with a recommendation from the 13th INIS/ETDE Joint Technical Committee Meeting, INIS implemented a mobile version of its website. With this development, visitors can easily explore the INIS website and its contents on a variety of mobile devices, including iPhone, Blackberry and Android. When accessing INIS from a mobile device, visitors will automatically be re-directed to the mobile version of the INIS website, which optimizes the display for such devices. Visitors can also switch to the 10 website’s full version, the same version which is accessible from your desktop. The IAEA website ( devoted a top story to the creation of a mobile INIS web presence. Overall, there were more than 48 000 INIS website visitors opening 111 000 pages, the most popular of which were INIS contacts, INIS products and services (reference series), and the INIS Collection. For additional statistics please see Table 7. While most of the web pages were moved from the restricted INIS Members’ area to the public site, some collections still remain accessible to INIS members only. These include INIS Information Letters, various statistics, and some legal documents. In 2012, there were around 2000 visits to 9300 webpages (see Table 8). Based on the recommendation of the 35th Consultative Meeting of the INIS Liaison Officers, an electronic INIS website user survey was created and placed on the INIS site. The objective of the survey was to collect answers to questions from the users of the INIS website, their reasons for visiting the site, satisfaction, and suggested improvements. Results of the survey were presented at the 36th INIS Liaison Officers meeting. Some INIS website statistics and results of the user survey are available at the INIS website ( INIS continues using social media to promote its activities. There are currently over 70 INIS Twitter followers, the number of which is expected to increase. Two INIS promotional videos were made available through

7.2. Promotional Materials Promotional materials were updated and made available to the national INIS centres. Additionally, the twelfth issue of the INIS newsletter (INIS Newsletter No. 12) was produced and made available to Member States. INIS Liaison Officers were provided with assistance to promote INIS within their national boundaries, and promotional materials were sent in support of such activities. Additionally, the INIS Secretariat provided the ILOs with information on relevant meetings and conferences taking place in their countries encouraging possible contacts and promotional activities. ’INIS in the World‘, found on the INIS web site, continued to provide news and information from national INIS centres around the world, such as special events, presentations, training, newsletters and informational materials. In cooperation with the national INIS Centre of Japan, a web page was prepared to promote INIS at the Global 2011 international conference held in Japan.

Several presentations were delivered to delegates from Members States at IAEA in-house meetings about INIS and its benefits, and members were encouraged to increase their contributions.

8. OECD/NEA Databank

INIS continued its cooperative arrangement with the OECD/NEA Data Bank, and several non-OECD IAEA members benefited from these services. In 2012, 120 computer program packages from the OECD/NEA Data Bank were provided to 18 IAEA Member States (see Table 2). 14 non-OECD members dispatched 72 programs in the same period (see Table 3). One new computer package was received from a non- OECD member (see Table 4).

11 9. ICT Development Projects

In July 2012, the INIS Data Processing System (IDPS) was made Unicode compliant, significantly enhancing both the quality and accuracy of the INIS Collection. The weekly issues of the Atomindex and the INIS Collection Search (ICS) bibliographic records now contain Unicode characters. A new version of WinFIBRE, currently under development, will allow Unicode compliance for INIS records entered by the INIS input centres. Substantial efforts were made towards improving INIS’ presence on the web. The ICS web application was considerably enhanced, achieving full integration of the INIS authorities through the development of several new features. A mobile version of the INIS website was created and made available for smartphones and tablet PCs, increasing accessibility to INIS information. INIS processing software was reviewed and enriched with additional functionalities. A new version of WinFIBRE was deployed and made available to INIS input centres. This version contains two innovative features: it checks the number of descriptors and the Category Match Value (CMV). Both of these features will improve the quality of INIS input for national INIS centres. An enhanced version of the NCL Collection Management System was released at the end of 2012. Version 2.2.1 of this powerful tool was enriched with custom filters, correlation with bibliographic records repository, additional reporting capabilities and user interface customizations. These new features facilitate INIS staff’s daily activities as well as NIS management business decisions. The ICT infrastructure used to support INIS business was further optimized. The CAI system and the INIS Thesaurus Editor were both upgraded to allow compatibility with the latest windows server technology. Virtual servers replaced the legacy equipment previously hosting RetrievalWare based applications.

10. Human Resources and Budget

At the end of 2012, INIS had 13 staff members. In addition, the Systems Development and Support Group (SDSG) which Grade Male Female Total works on INIS IT related matters had 6 staff members. Out of P 0 2 2 13 INIS staff members, 10 were general service, 2 were 3 7 10 professional staff members, and one was an intern. The Intern 0 1 1 average age of INIS staff was 50. Two staff members left Total 3 10 13 INIS in December, one due to retirement and the other one due to the 7year rotation policy. With 5 staff members over the age of 55, the issue of proper HR management and planning is very important to secure efficient knowledge and skill transfer, as well as to ensure the smooth continuation of INIS operations. Six external consultants, subject specialists, were recruited to review purchased journal records and assign subject categories and descriptors using the INIS Thesaurus. A number of consultants also helped SDSG to implement all the changes and developments related to the INIS Collection Search. In 2012, funding through the Regular IAEA Budget for Sub-programme 1.3.4 - International Nuclear Information System (INIS) totalled €2 693 064. This represents a decrease of 18.1% compared to 2011. An additional decrease of over 3% is included in the 2013 budget.

12 Appendixes

Figure 1. Input to the INIS Collection by Country of Origin

Vol. 43 (1-50) 2012

PK, , 0.6% 0.6% IT, 0.6% GB HU, 0.6% PL, 0.5% US AT, 1.1% NL UA, 1.3% Other, 7.4% DE RU, 1.5% JP IN, 1.7% CN FR, 2.1% GB KR , 26.9% BR, 2.4% XA BR XA, 3.0% FR IN KR, 3.3% RU CN, 3.3% UA AT JP, 4.0% HU US, 20.5% PK IT DE, 4.0% ES NL, 14.6% PL Other


Figure 2. Input to the INIS Collection by Country of Input (Graphical representation)

Vol. 43 (1-50) 2012 RU SY PKHU ES PL SK AT IN UA 1% 1% 1% 1% BR 1% 1% 11%% 2% 1% 2% CN 3% KR 3%

DE 4% US 4% JP 4% XA FR 59% 5%

Others 7%

XA: IAEA FR: France JP: Japan US: United States of America DE: Germany KR: Korea, Republic of CN: China BR: Brazil IN: India RU: Russian Federation UA: Ukraine SY: Syria PK: Pakistan HU: Hungary ES: Spain PL: Poland SK: Slovakia

AT: Austria

14 Figure 3. Input to the INIS Collection by Country of Input (including voluntary input)

Vol. 41 (2010) – 43 (2012)









2010 2011 2012

FR: France JP: Japan US: United States of America DE: Germany KR: Korea, Republic of CN: China BR: Brazil IN: India RU: Russian Federation UA: Ukraine SY: Syria PK: Pakistan HU: Hungary ES: Spain PL: Poland SK: Slovakia AT: Austria EG: Egypt FI: Finland MY: Malaysia


Figure 4. Input to the INIS Collection (national vs. voluntary input)

Vol. 32 (2001) – Vol. 43 (2012)








0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

National Input Voluntary Members Voluntary IAEA

Figure 5. Input to the INIS Collection (time lag)

Vol. 43 (1-50) 2012

B: Book : Film I: Miscellaneous : Journal : Report : Computer medium

16 Figure 6. Input to the INIS Collection by Literature Type

Vol. 43 (1-50) 2012

Books Computer Mediums Reports 8442 143 8833 Films 20

Miscellaneous 16194

Journals 97367

17 Figure 7. Input to the INIS Collection by Subject Area

Vol. 43 (1-50) 2012

Safeguards Isotopes Non-Nuclear Energy Economic, Environmental & 0% 1% 1% Legal & Earth Sciences Social 3% Fusion 2% Research Life Sciences and 13% TechnologyNuclear Fuel Chemistry Cycle4% & Atomic, Molecular 6% Radioactive and Condensed Waste Matter Physics Nuclear Power & 3% 15% Safety 6%

Nuclear Physics Elementary Particle 17% Physics 7%

Nuclear Materials Engineering & 14% Instrumentation 8%

Nuclear Power & Safety (S21, S22); Elementary Particle Physics (S72); Engineering & Instrumentation (S33, S42-S47); Nuclear Materials (S36); Nuclear Physics (S71, S73, S79, S97); Atomic, Molecular & Condensed Matter Physics (S74-S77); Life & Sciences (S60-S63); Safeguards (S98); Isotopes (S07); Non-Nuclear Energy (S01-S04, S08-S10, S13-S17, S20, S24-S25, S30, S32); Economic, Legal & Social (S29, S96, S99); Environmental & Earth Sciences (S54, S58); Fusion Research & Technology (S70); Nuclear Fuel Cycle & Radioactive Waste (S11, S12); Chemistry (S37, S38)

18 Figure 8. Total Number of Records and NCL

Historical Overview Annual breakdown of bibliographic records and NCL in the INIS Collection • Total number of bibliographic records per year • Total number of NCL records per year

29 479 . 19… 106 717 24 666 86 249 26 032 V. 21… 95 579 28 723 91 927 26 936 V. 23… 88 956 24 482 76 560 26 601 V. 25… 77 084 27 175 78 986 26 972 V. 27… 80 516 26 086 80 756 21 479 V. 29… 67 857 27 054 61 233 24 569 V. 31… 65 719 27 272 69 391 27 903 V. 33… 71 276 26 527 87 837 26 390 V. 35… 106 886 30 270 116 635 27 941 V. 37… 122 412 30 019 117 447 27 230 V. 39… 123 536 30 822 109 214 30 664 V. 41… 133 770 25 461 109 914 25 027 V. 43… 130 999 0 30 000 60 000 90 000 120 000 150 000

19 Figure 9. Input to the INIS Collection by Year of Publication

20 Table 1. INIS Membership Growth -Historical Overview

Year Total INIS Members (States + Int’ Org) 1969 25 (23 + 2) Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Canada, CSSR, Denmark, France, Hungary, India, Israel, Japan, Korea Rep. of, Mexico, Norway, Pakistan, Russian Federation, South Africa, Sweden, UK, Ukraine, USA, Vietnam + FAO, IAEA 1970 50 (38 + 12) Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Egypt, Finland, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Thailand, Yugoslavia + CERN, EC, ICRP, ISO, OAU, OECD-NEA, UNSCEAR, WEC, WHO 1971 51 (39 + 12) Switzerland 1972 56 (44 + 12) Bangladesh, Chile, Peru, Spain, Turkey 1973 57 (44 + 13) JINR 1974 60 (47 + 13) DDR. Indonesia, Iran 1975 61 (48 + 13) Iraq 1976 64 (51 + 13) Algeria, Ghana, Ireland 1977 66 (53 + 13) Cameroon, Venezuela 1978 75 (62 + 13) Democratic Republic of Congo, Ecuador, Kuwait, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mali, Qatar, Sri Lanka, Zambia 1979 77 (64 + 13) Colombia, .P.R. Korea 1980 79 (66 + 13) Cuba, Greece 1981 83 (69 + 14) Libya, Paraguay, Syria + IIASA 1982 83 (69 + 14) — 1983 86 (72 + 14) Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Guatemala 1984 87 (73 + 14) China 1985 88 (74 + 14) Uruguay 1986 88 (74 + 14) — 1987 89 (75 + 14) Panama 1988 93 (78 + 15) Costa Rica, Morocco, Jordan + UNIDO 1989 94 (79 + 15) Mongolia 1990 94 (79 + 15) DDR ceased, Sudan joined 1991 96 (80 + 16) Albania + AAEA 1992 98 (81 + 17) Bolivia + ICSTI, WMO 1993 103 (86 + 17) Nicaragua, Slovenia, Slovakia, Kenya, Ethiopia 1994 105 (88 + 17) Croatia, Lebanon and Lithuania joined, D.P.R. Korea withdrew 1995 111 (94 + 17) Armenia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Myanmar, Estonia, Tunisia 1996 116 (99 + 17) The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Republic of Cyprus,

21 Year Total INIS Members (States + Int’l Org) Singapore, Yemen, Uganda 1997 118 (101 + 17) Latvia, Republic of Moldova 1998 122 (103 + 19) Senegal, United Arab Emirates + CTBTO, WONUC 1999 122 (103 + 19) — 2000 122 (103 + 19) — 2001 122 (103 + 19) — 2002 127 (108 + 19) Republic of Tajikistan, El Salvador, Niger, Azerbaijan, Georgia 2003 129 (110+ 19) United Rep. of Tanzania, Mauritius 2004 130 (111 + 19) Botswana 2005 136 (114 + 22) Haiti, Kyrgyz Republic, Burkina Faso + MERRCAC, WNA, WNU 2006 140 (117 + 23) Central African Republic, Namibia and Luxembourg + ABACC 2007 141 (118 + 23) Seychelles 2008 143 (120 + 23) Mozambique, Zimbabwe 2009 146 (122 + 24) Côte d'Ivoire, Sierra Leone + SESAME 2010 148 (124 +24) The Sultanate of Oman, Benin 2011 151 (127+24) Republic of Chad, the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, the Gabonese Republic 2012 152 ( 128+24) Bosnia and Herzegovina

22 Table 2. Computer Programs dispatched to non-OECD Members



Table 3. Computer Programs dispatched originating in non-OECD Members

Originator Number of (non-OECD Member) Programs ALGERIA 4 ARGENTINA 2 BRAZIL 2 CHILE 1 CUBA 2



Table 4. New Computer Programs received from non-OECD Members

Originator Number of (non-OECD Member) Programs Pakistan 1 Total 1

Table 5. Paid subscriptions to the INIS Database on CD-ROM

Country Quantity Canada 1 Czech Republic 4 France 3 Germany 2 India 3 Japan 4 Pakistan 3 Sweden 1 Ukraine 1 USA 2 Total 24

24 Table 6. INIS Collection Search Statistics 2012 Unique Visitors Visits Total Unique Searches Page views 38 070 77 853 216 908 561 998

No. Country/Territory Unique Unique Visits Total Unique Page views Visitors Searches

1. United States 5713 8788 22343 41765 2. Japan 3379 7961 15067 40742 3. India 2550 3952 6343 15156 4. France 1803 5012 14494 34381 5. Brazil 1664 5283 22180 48357 6. Egypt 1579 3646 4638 16372 7. Canada 1262 2678 5164 14431 8. Austria 1225 6889 61475 180222 9. Germany 1154 1862 3687 9561 10. United Kingdom 1118 1945 3817 10519 11. Iran 912 1253 2106 4751 12. Russia 811 1734 3654 12541 13. Turkey 779 1251 1424 4487 14. South Korea 776 1249 2414 6084 15. Malaysia 687 1089 1780 4784 16. Italy 627 895 1332 3288 17. Argentina 577 1407 3121 7953 18. (not set) 526 751 939 2114 19. Spain 477 761 1335 3381 20. Pakistan 413 640 1258 3343 21. Australia 395 588 995 2890 22. Indonesia 392 748 1869 3864 23. Syria 386 639 742 2123 24. Poland 368 641 1038 3152 25. Czech Republic 363 764 2066 5652 26. Mexico 341 452 704 1788 27. Switzerland 305 471 929 2460

25 No. Country/Territory Unique Unique Visits Total Unique Page views Visitors Searches

28. Belgium 303 609 1194 3196 29. Romania 301 495 892 3065 30. Sweden 295 538 961 2542 31. Algeria 281 422 677 1832 32. Morocco 264 534 914 2448 33. Finland 257 606 2286 4560 34. Netherlands 234 344 632 1915 35. Ukraine 230 353 1616 3353 36. Belarus 227 466 1567 4509 37. Taiwan 223 286 376 692 38. Bulgaria 213 371 661 1968 39. Israel 202 423 973 2971 40. Iraq 187 273 476 1468 41. Peru 176 411 681 2152 42. Philippines 172 329 520 942 43. South Africa 172 238 367 860 44. Saudi Arabia 166 225 320 782 45. Thailand 150 209 319 684 46. Nigeria 149 189 255 436 47. Serbia 147 282 719 1733 48. Colombia 131 271 443 1012 49. Portugal 131 157 225 463 50. Tunisia 126 173 276 625 51. Hungary 125 189 335 914 52. Sudan 122 623 1508 4480 53. Slovakia 116 295 520 1378 54. Singapore 111 202 479 790 55. Greece 110 126 174 423 56. Chile 106 190 371 965 57. Ghana 103 485 1100 1877 58. Vietnam 103 136 184 372 59. Hong Kong 99 122 134 260

26 No. Country/Territory Unique Unique Visits Total Unique Page views Visitors Searches

60. Norway 89 243 582 1458 61. Slovenia 89 125 159 532 62. Ethiopia 87 102 139 215 63. Denmark 80 108 158 386 64. Costa Rica 75 146 257 590 65. Croatia 73 109 113 289 66. Lithuania 71 90 100 247 67. United Arab Emirates 68 85 137 277 68. Ireland 63 84 164 361 69. Armenia 62 85 64 183 70. Cuba 62 190 270 660 71. New Zealand 61 161 136 499 72. Uruguay 59 317 720 3218 73. Venezuela 58 82 152 388 74. Ecuador 47 62 116 276 75. Bangladesh 44 63 84 230 76. Libya 44 145 281 818 77. Jordan 43 52 64 129 78. China 39 124 438 898 79. Kenya 39 72 103 185 80. Kazakhstan 37 58 95 187 81. Azerbaijan 36 148 311 646 82. Moldova 36 211 1384 3223 83. Macedonia [FYROM] 34 67 102 331 84. Bosnia and Herzegovina 32 45 53 127 85. Georgia 29 56 105 307 86. Lebanon 29 38 112 210 87. Madagascar 28 76 166 223 88. Qatar 26 31 33 80 89. Tanzania 25 59 108 376 90. Oman 21 29 66 179 91. Yemen 21 28 35 68

27 No. Country/Territory Unique Unique Visits Total Unique Page views Visitors Searches

92. Latvia 20 45 56 88 93. Myanmar [Burma] 17 21 26 52 94. Cameroon 16 19 19 31 95. Kuwait 16 19 36 68 96. Albania 15 21 43 89 97. Bolivia 15 19 29 57 98. Mongolia 14 23 44 95 99. Uzbekistan 14 52 117 265 100. Puerto Rico 13 16 30 53 101. Estonia 12 14 14 28 102. Panama 12 14 16 36 103. Cyprus 11 11 11 17 104. Nepal 11 13 9 17 105. Uganda 11 17 17 34 106. Zimbabwe 11 11 15 29 107. Dominican Republic 10 15 14 24 108. Sri Lanka 10 14 16 26 109. Niger 10 34 35 123 110. Paraguay 10 17 53 96 111. Senegal 10 11 14 45 112. Trinidad and Tobago 9 10 10 16 113. Luxembourg 8 11 68 221 114. Malta 8 42 49 245 115. Côte d’Ivoire 7 10 11 24 116. Guatemala 7 8 13 37 117. Iceland 7 8 16 26 118. Burkina Faso 6 9 14 24 119. Congo [DRC] 6 13 68 112 120. Cambodia 6 9 13 24 121. Mauritius 6 6 6 10 122. Palestinian Territories 6 7 7 10 123. Botswana 5 9 25 43

28 No. Country/Territory Unique Unique Visits Total Unique Page views Visitors Searches

124. Liechtenstein 5 8 11 25 125. Mozambique 5 6 4 11 126. Jamaica 4 7 11 20 127. Montenegro 4 4 3 5 128. Afghanistan 3 3 2 4 129. Bahrain 3 3 3 5 130. Macau 3 3 2 8 131. Namibia 3 3 14 35 132. Nicaragua 3 4 1 5 133. Réunion 3 4 5 8 134. Sierra Leone 3 7 10 34 135. Zambia 3 3 9 44 136. Netherlands Antilles 2 2 1 2 137. Gabon 2 2 7 44 138. Honduras 2 2 2 2 139. New Caledonia 2 2 2 3 140. Rwanda 2 2 1 2 141. El Salvador 2 3 4 6 142. Swaziland 2 2 2 2 143. Angola 1 1 1 2 144. Åland Islands 1 1 2 2 145. Benin 1 1 2 8 146. Bermuda 1 1 1 1 147. Bahamas 1 1 1 1 148. Bhutan 1 1 1 1 149. 1 1 0 1 Djibouti 150. 1 1 1 1 Fiji 151. 1 1 1 1 Gambia 152. 1 1 0 1 Guam 153. 1 1 1 1 Guyana 154. 1 2 4 6 Kyrgyzstan 155. 1 1 1 1 Laos 156. 1 2 1 5 Lesotho 29 No. Country/Territory Unique Unique Visits Total Unique Page views Visitors Searches

157. 1 1 0 1 Monaco 158. 1 1 2 4 Marshall Islands 159. 1 1 1 1 Malawi 160. 1 1 0 1 Seychelles 161. 1 1 1 1 Somalia 162. 1 1 2 3 Togo 163. 1 1 1 1 British Virgin Islands

30 Table 7. INIS Website Statistics 2012 Unique visitors Visits Unique page views Page views 25 409 48 369 75 877 110 896

No. Country/Territory Unique Visits Unique Page views Unique Visitors page views 1. United States 3589 4282 5684 7193 2. India 2292 2847 5642 8322 3. Austria 1743 5965 13436 27063 4. France 1324 2239 3111 4238 5. Japan 1204 1976 2887 4054 6. Germany 1122 1378 1975 2601 7. Nigeria 1099 1195 1347 1421 8. Brazil 1041 1395 1799 2318 9. Malaysia 900 1540 3517 4691 10. United Kingdom 878 1125 1482 1856 11. Côte d’Ivoire 848 891 983 1049 12. Russia 779 2156 2780 3970 13. China 764 1042 1417 1784 14. Canada 650 996 1374 1795 15. South Korea 541 1063 1361 1801 16. South Africa 514 558 637 695 17. (not set) 487 557 893 1138 18. Ghana 446 509 594 678 19. Egypt 435 722 942 1263 20. Iran 425 598 979 1424 21. Benin 404 437 458 469 22. Senegal 396 439 462 499 23. Italy 369 472 731 1005 24. Spain 366 401 549 696 25. Argentina 360 481 704 935 26. Poland 359 481 690 895 27. Indonesia 334 684 1137 1632 28. Czech Republic 285 412 564 772

31 No. Country/Territory Unique Visits Unique Page views Unique Visitors page views 29. Mexico 263 432 593 788 30. Switzerland 247 310 474 611 31. Morocco 239 318 429 618 32. Australia 235 322 448 572 33. Belarus 235 460 534 845 34. Netherlands 232 275 389 522 35. Pakistan 226 292 515 737 36. Bulgaria 222 327 595 848 37. Sweden 221 357 557 791 38. Algeria 214 261 464 616 39. Turkey 206 272 365 471 40. Finland 205 309 379 472 41. Peru 204 273 335 402 42. Belgium 203 321 501 677 43. Burkina Faso 180 199 205 214 44. Romania 176 282 587 905 45. Ireland 168 202 268 391 46. Ukraine 167 243 353 481 47. Philippines 154 293 447 601 48. Costa Rica 142 172 193 253 49. Israel 138 246 402 537 50. Thailand 125 204 326 494 51. Saudi Arabia 118 134 188 252 52. Chile 112 148 201 270 53. Hungary 112 175 378 627 54. Colombia 106 128 183 239 55. Singapore 106 189 314 419 56. Togo 104 110 116 124 57. Sudan 100 312 361 486 58. Slovakia 94 182 212 270 59. Iraq 86 101 145 182 60. Syria 85 140 283 447

32 No. Country/Territory Unique Visits Unique Page views Unique Visitors page views 61. Vietnam 82 100 195 295 62. United Arab Emirates 79 83 110 139 63. Lithuania 70 83 112 129 64. Portugal 69 76 107 142 65. Serbia 67 87 155 246 66. Denmark 65 73 110 137 67. Greece 65 70 83 100 68. Taiwan 64 76 95 111 69. Slovenia 63 72 105 136 70. Georgia 61 207 302 444 71. Croatia 61 72 105 130 72. Norway 61 130 174 226 73. Bangladesh 55 64 118 157 74. Hong Kong 55 63 73 83 75. Tunisia 54 105 165 237 76. Venezuela 54 57 61 72 77. Cuba 49 103 161 209 78. Lebanon 49 63 106 166 79. Libya 47 285 633 982 80. Kenya 46 130 314 493 81. Jordan 44 55 85 107 82. 42 92 158 296 Macedonia [FYROM] 83. Azerbaijan 40 122 205 303 84. Moldova 40 111 188 289 85. Tanzania 39 50 84 107 86. Bosnia and Herzegovina 35 58 163 254 87. Estonia 35 39 56 68 88. Niger 33 119 298 473 89. Madagascar 32 48 63 72 90. Uruguay 32 71 145 193 91. Sri Lanka 31 38 57 80 92. Kazakhstan 30 53 72 85

33 No. Country/Territory Unique Visits Unique Page views Unique Visitors page views 93. Armenia 29 34 61 76 94. Cambodia 26 36 47 61 95. Qatar 26 30 86 134 96. Ecuador 22 23 31 36 97. Oman 22 23 27 28 98. Mongolia 21 25 42 64 99. Latvia 20 26 29 39 100. New Zealand 20 32 41 62 101. Albania 18 19 39 53 102. Yemen 18 19 30 39 103. Uzbekistan 16 50 118 161 104. Ethiopia 15 15 21 23 105. Uganda 14 28 65 92 106. Honduras 13 13 13 14 107. Kuwait 12 14 19 28 108. Montenegro 12 12 13 19 109. Dominican Republic 11 14 21 24 110. Luxembourg 11 11 16 18 111. Mauritius 10 10 11 14 112. Mozambique 10 13 19 26 113. Bolivia 9 24 48 62 114. Cameroon 9 13 16 17 115. Zimbabwe 9 10 20 25 116. Gambia 8 9 10 10 117. Myanmar [Burma] 8 9 13 18 118. Paraguay 8 8 22 26 119. Botswana 6 9 16 20 120. Kyrgyzstan 6 6 10 12 121. Sierra Leone 6 8 12 14 122. Bahrain 5 5 6 7 123. Congo [DRC] 5 9 10 13 124. Guatemala 5 5 5 5

34 No. Country/Territory Unique Visits Unique Page views Unique Visitors page views 125. Iceland 5 6 12 14 126. Malta 5 14 16 20 127. Namibia 5 5 11 18 128. Nicaragua 5 7 7 9 129. Panama 5 5 8 12 130. Puerto Rico 5 5 6 7 131. Afghanistan 4 4 5 5 132. Guinea 4 5 5 5 133. Haiti 4 6 30 40 134. Jamaica 4 4 4 4 135. Trinidad and Tobago 4 4 4 4 136. Zambia 4 5 9 10 137. Brunei 3 4 7 7 138. Cyprus 3 4 4 5 139. Gabon 3 4 29 50 140. Nepal 3 3 4 6 141. Rwanda 3 3 4 4 142. Seychelles 3 5 7 10 143. Somalia 3 3 3 5 144. Angola 2 2 3 4 145. Liechtenstein 2 3 6 12 146. Mali 2 2 4 5 147. Macau 2 2 2 2 148. Malawi 2 2 2 2 149. Palestinian Territories 2 2 2 2 150. Tajikistan 2 2 2 2 151. Burundi 1 1 1 1 152. Bahamas 1 1 1 1 153. Fiji 1 1 1 1 154. Gibraltar 1 1 1 1 155. Liberia 1 1 1 1 156. Martinique 1 1 1 1 157. Mauritania 1 1 1 1 158. Chad 1 1 1 1 35 No. Country/Territory Unique Visits Unique Page views Unique Visitors page views 159. Turkmenistan 1 2 2 3 160. British Virgin Islands 1 1 1 1

36 Table 8. INIS Members’ Website Statistics 2012

Unique visitors Visits Unique page views Page views 594 1 953 5 446 9 290

No Country/Territory Unique Visits Unique page Page views Unique Visitors views 1. Austria 178 451 1271 2233 2. Malaysia 103 120 159 230 3. India 68 73 95 136 4. Japan 53 101 304 508 5. United States 49 51 74 93 6. Côte d’Ivoire 38 38 41 45 7. Ghana 27 35 104 176 8. Niger 23 72 275 572 9. Germany 21 31 85 137 10. Russia 21 44 153 267 11. Brazil 19 45 112 144 12. China 18 38 130 186 13. France 17 31 85 165 14. Iran 17 31 100 202 15. Argentina 16 17 58 101 16. Indonesia 16 33 102 182 17. Nigeria 16 17 38 51 18. United Kingdom 15 15 18 20 19. Pakistan 14 15 56 104 20. Bosnia and Herzegovina 13 22 94 172 21. Benin 13 13 14 14 22. (not set) 12 23 48 67 23. Algeria 11 18 96 158 24. Egypt 11 16 42 71 25. South Korea 11 13 13 15 26. Morocco 11 15 45 57 27. Senegal 10 10 12 12

37 No Country/Territory Unique Visits Unique page Page views Unique Visitors views 28. Canada 9 16 52 81 29. Italy 9 13 47 94 30. Czech Republic 8 12 42 63 31. Israel 8 16 60 127 32. Sweden 8 32 122 209 33. Bulgaria 7 16 54 68 34. Spain 7 8 19 24 35. Georgia 7 18 35 48 36. Madagascar 7 11 55 62 37. Belgium 6 14 51 75 38. Costa Rica 6 8 23 41 39. Kenya 6 47 175 334 40. Libya 6 9 44 58 41. Mexico 6 8 8 11 42. Poland 6 6 6 8 43. Romania 6 8 8 11 44. Turkey 6 8 24 39 45. Ukraine 6 7 7 9 46. 6 6 21 36 Vietnam 47. South Africa 6 6 6 8 48. Australia 5 16 33 37 49. Switzerland 5 10 25 36 50. Croatia 5 5 11 14 51. Ireland 5 8 36 80 52. Bangladesh 4 4 7 13 53. Chile 4 7 22 30 54. Colombia 4 5 13 15 55. Denmark 4 5 19 34 56. Moldova 4 19 93 263 57. Macedonia [FYROM] 4 16 70 115 58. Netherlands 4 4 5 7 59. Peru 4 5 24 44 60. Philippines 4 8 23 48 38 No Country/Territory Unique Visits Unique page Page views Unique Visitors views 61. Syria 4 12 46 72 62. Uganda 4 5 19 25 63. Burkina Faso 3 3 3 3 64. Hungary 3 30 144 278 65. Portugal 3 3 5 5 66. Qatar 3 4 16 25 67. Serbia 3 3 3 4 68. Togo 3 3 3 3 69. Thailand 3 11 62 126 70. Tunisia 3 3 7 30 71. Tanzania 3 5 13 19 72. Azerbaijan 2 7 7 9 73. Ecuador 2 2 3 4 74. Finland 2 2 4 7 75. Iraq 2 2 2 2 76. Jordan 2 2 9 16 77. Lebanon 2 2 3 3 78. Sri Lanka 2 2 2 2 79. Lithuania 2 2 2 2 80. Mozambique 2 4 9 16 81. Saudi Arabia 2 2 4 7 82. Singapore 2 8 13 18 83. Uzbekistan 2 9 51 70 84. United Arab Emirates 1 1 1 1 85. Afghanistan 1 3 3 4 86. Albania 1 1 1 1 87. Armenia 1 1 3 8 88. Bolivia 1 6 26 70 89. Belarus 1 1 3 3 90. Cameroon 1 1 2 2 91. Cuba 1 6 24 30 92. Estonia 1 1 1 1 93. Gabon 1 1 1 1 39 No Country/Territory Unique Visits Unique page Page views Unique Visitors views 94. Gambia 1 1 1 1 95. Hong Kong 1 1 1 1 96. Luxembourg 1 1 1 1 97. Myanmar [Burma] 1 1 1 1 98. Panama 1 1 1 1 99. Paraguay 1 1 1 2 100. Sudan 1 2 2 2 101. Taiwan 1 1 1 1 102. Uruguay 1 11 49 112 103. Zambia 1 15 25 36 104. Zimbabwe 1 1 4 5

40 Table 9. Input to the INIS Collection by Country of Input

Country Name CC 2012

AAEA XH 32 Albania AL 0 Algeria DZ 3 Argentina AR 413 Armenia AM 76 Australia AU 200 Austria AT 661 Azerbaijan AZ 336 Bangladesh BD 0 Belarus BY 179 Belgium BE 26 Benin, Republic of BJ 0 Bolivia BO 0 Bosnia and Herzegovina BA 0 Botswana BW 0 Brazil BR 3174 Brazilian-Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials (ABACC) QP 0 Bulgaria BG 219 Burkina Faso BF 0 Cameroon CM 0 Canada CA 242 Central African Republic CF 0 CERN XC 0 Chad, Republic of TD 0 Chile CL 50 China CN 3793 Colombia CO 122 Congo CD 60 Costa Rica CR 55 Cote d'lvoire CI 2 Croatia HR 119 CTBTO XQ 0 Cuba CU 218 Cyprus CY 0 Czech Republic CZ 88 Denmark DK 61 Ecuador EC 0 Egypt EG 571 El Salvador SV 0 41 Estonia EE 0 Ethiopia ET 0 EU/CEC XE 0 FAO XF 51 Finland FI 548 France FR 6520 Gabonese Republic GA 0 Georgia GE 16 Germany DE 5135 Ghana GH 76 Greece GR 0 Guatemala GT 0 Haiti HT 0 Hungary HU 803 IAEA XA 76703 ICRP XR 0 ICSTI XM 0 IIASA XI 0 India IN 2170 Indonesia ID 89 Iran, Islamic Republic of IR 400 Iraq IQ 9 Ireland IE 40 ISO 0 Israel IL 0 Italy IT 447 Japan JP 5194 JINR XJ 205 Jordan JO 45 Kazakhstan KZ 37 Kenya KE 0 Korea, Republic KR 4371 Kuwait KW 0 Kyrgyzstan KG 0 Latvia LV 0 Lebanon LB 125 Libya Arab Jamahiriya LY 9 Lithuania LT 0 Luxembourg LU 0 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of MK 49 Madagascar MG 29 Malaysia MY 448 Mali ML 0 Mauritania, Islamic Republic of MR 0 42 Mauritius MU 0 Mexico MX 149 Middle Eastern Radioisotope Centre for the Arab Countries (MERRCAC) QQ 20 Moldova, Republic of MD 361 Mongolia MN 0 Morocco MA 41 Mozambique MZ 0 Myanmar MM 22 Namibia NA 0 NEA XN 328 Netherlands NL 149 New Zealand NZ 30 Nicaragua NI 0 Niger NE 0 Nigeria NG 6 Norway NO 372 Oman OM 0 OPEC XP 0 Pakistan PK 814 Panama PA 0 Paraguay PY 0 Peru PE 23 Philippines PH 44 Poland PL 709 Portugal PT 0 Qatar QA 0 Romania RO 146 Russian Feder. RU 1959 Saudi Arabia SA 50 Senegal SN 0 Serbia RS 28 Seychelles SC 0 Sierra Leone SL 0 Singapore SG 20 Slovakia SK 708 Slovenia SI 0 South Africa ZA 50 Spain ES 712 Sri Lanka LK 0 Sudan SD 25 Sweden SE 380 Switzerland CH 163 Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East (SESAME) QR 0 43 Syria SY 1611 Tajikistan TJ 298 Tanzania TZ 0 Thailand TH 115 Tunisia TN 86 Turkey TR 5 U.A. Emirates AE 0 Uganda UG 0 Ukraine UA 1686 UN XU 11 UNIDO XT` 0 United Kingdom GB 1 United States US 5155 Uruguay UY 152 Uzbekistan UZ 233 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of VE 0 Viet Nam VN 117 WEC XX 0 WHO XW 1 WMO XK 0 WONUC XV 0 World Nuclear Association (WNA) QM 0 World Nuclear University (WNU) QN 0 Yemen YE 0 Zambia ZM 0 Zimbabwe ZW 0 Total: 130999

44 Table 10. NCL 2012 Input per Country / International Organization

Bib. records with Country / International organization NCL in INIS PDF files Collection Brazil 2 236 1 879 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 2 107 1 128 France 1 815 1 281 Russian Federation 920 8 Japan 778 695 Slovakia 677 469 Finland 515 515 Germany 477 477 Poland 436 435 Argentina 374 372 United States 333 324 Nuclear Energy Agency of the OECD (NEA) 303 17 Sweden 202 202 Korea, Republic of 202 202 Malaysia 151 151 Moldova, Republic of 150 150 Bulgaria 137 137 Uruguay 119 64 Uzbekistan 115 115 Hungary 114 114 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) 114 114 Austria 112 65 Belarus 112 112 Croatia 101 101 Tunisia 87 87 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 82 3 Switzerland 82 71 Egypt 78 78 Canada 74 74 Mexico 43 43 Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization 40 40 (CTBTO) Ireland 40 40 Spain 36 10 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of 35 35 Denmark 29 29 China 27 27 Belgium 26 26 Norway 26 26

45 Bib. records with Country / International organization NCL in INIS PDF files Collection Peru 23 1 Myanmar 22 22 European Commission (EC) 20 20 Czech Republic 17 17 Sudan 12 12 Syrian Arab Republic 11 11 India 10 10 Pakistan 7 7 Morocco 7 7 Madagascar 5 5 Ukraine 5 5 Netherlands 4 4 Turkey 3 3 Australia 3 3 Indonesia 1 1 Iraq 1 1 United Kingdom 1 1

Total: 13 457 9 846

46 Table 11. Digitization of the INIS NCL Collection on Microfiche

Year PDF Pages Size (GB) 2003 566 49 574 3.7 2004 19 959 1 324 768 36.5 2005 36 935 1 577 365 32.1 2006 23 163 1 367 637 33.3 2007 9 314 668 778 16.3 2008 25 675 1 228 057 29.7 2009 81 222 3 940 087 77.4 2010 33 882 1 969 274 45.9 2011 24 027 511 763 16.2 2012 24 742 1 113 443 49.9 Total: 279 485 13 750 746 341.0