Leonardo Reviews Quarterly 2.01 | 2012
L|R|Q Leonardo Reviews Quarterly 2.01 | 2012 Executive Editor: Roger Malina Editor-in-Chief: Michael Punt Associate Editor: Claudy Op den Kamp www.leonardo.info © ISAST L|R|Q Leonardo Reviews Quarterly 2.01 | 2012 The Sublime in Art and Science Today Executive Editor: Roger Malina Editor-in-Chief: Michael Punt Associate Editor: Claudy Op den Kamp www.leonardo.info © ISAST Leonardo Reviews Leonardo Reviews Reviews Panel Leonardo Reviews is the work of an international Allan Graubard, Amy Ione, Anastasia Filippoupoli- panel of scholars and professionals invited from ti, Annick Bureaud, Anna B. Creagh, Anthony a wide range of disciplines to review books, exhi- Enns, Aparna Sharma, Boris Jardine, Brian Reffin bitions, DVDs, CDs, websites, and conferences. Smith, Brigitta Zics, Catalin Brylla, Chris Cobb, Collectively they represent an intellectual commit- Chris Speed, Claudia Westermann, Claudy Op ment to engaging with the emergent debates and den Kamp, Craig Harris, Craig Hilton, Dene Gri- manifestations that are the consequences of the gar, David Bering-Porter, Dene Grigar, Eduardo convergence of the arts, science and technology. Miranda, Elizabeth McCardell, Ellen Pearlman, Enzo Ferrara, Eugene Thacker, Florence Martel- Leonardo Reviews publishes all reviews received lini, Franc Chamberlain, Fred Andersson, Frieder from the panel monthly at www.leonardo.info. In Nake, George Gessert, George K. Shortess, addition, four times a year a selection of reviews Giovanna Costantini, Hannah Drayson, Han- is printed in Leonardo and now Leonardo Reviews nah Rogers, Harriet Hawkins, Ian Verstegen, Quarterly will be publishing an even larger selec- Jac Saorsa, Jack Ox, Jacques Mandelbrojt, Jan tion as a PDF together with introductory material Baetens, Jennifer Ferng, John F.
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