Abstracts of Oral and Poster Presentations

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Abstracts of Oral and Poster Presentations European Radiation Research 2004 The 33th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Radiation Biology Abstracts of Oral and Poster Presentations Guest Editor: Géza Sáfrány The abstracts published in this issue have not been peer-reviewed. Hence the opinions expressed in them are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the editor. The abstracts are in alphabetical order according to the first author. EUROPEAN RADIATION RESEARCH 2004, AUGUST 25–28, BUDAPEST, HUNGARY · 2004; 10: S5–S219 FACTORS INFLUENCING ON CLINICAL MANIFESTATION OF HCV IN GROUP OF CLEAN-UP WORKERS OF CHERNOBYL NPP ACCIDENT ABRAMENKO I. V., CHUMAK A. A., KOVALENKO A. N., BOYCHENKO P. K., AND PLESKACH O. Y. Research Centre for Radiation Medicine of Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine Imunological monitoring of 536 clean-up workers of Chornobyl NPP accident revealed significant prevalence of hepatitic C virus (HCV) infection (19.6%) compared with non- irratiated person (9.5%). Among 105 HCV carriers clinical signs of infection was found in 39 (37.41%) persons. Factors that influenced manifestation of HCV were male gender (r = 0.3553, p<0,0001), serological signs of previous hepatitic B virus (HBV) infection (r = 0.2896, p = 0.003), anti- bodies against cytomegalovirus (CMV) and T. gondii in serum (r = 0.3418, p<0.0001). –z Logistic regression (P = 1/1+e , where z = 1.5040 – 1.8405 × Mix(1) – 2.6026 × Mix(2) – 0.6567 × Mix(3); Mix(1) – serological signs of one of above menshioned infec- tions, Mix(2) – serological signs of two infections, and Mix(3) – serological signs of previous HBV, CMV and T. gondii infection) for male clean-up workers allowed to predict HCV manifectation in 72% of cases. For patients with serological signs of two or three infections the most significant predictor for HCV manifestation was the absolute content of CD4+T helper cells (>1.0 × 109/L or <1.0 × 109/L) (r = 0.5745, p = 0.005). These parameters allowed to predict reactivation of HCV in 28 out of 31 (90.33%) male HCV carriers. These data suggest to additional negative influence of TORCH-infections and immu- nological reactivity on maintence of HCV in latent form. In connection with our previ- ous investigations, that revealed significant prevalence of CMV and T. gondii infections among the acute radiation syndrome convalescents, clean-up workers and inhabitants of contaminated territories, the persistance of TORCH-infections among irradiated persons may disturb their health state. EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL BIOLOGY OF CARBON-ION THERAPY AT HIMAC; AN OVERVIEW K. ANDO, T. KANAI, N. MATSUFUJI, Y. FURUSAWA, M. AOKI, J. MIZOE, AND H. TSUJII Research Center for Charged Particle Therapy, Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sciences, Chiba, Japan Purpose Carbon-ion therapy using HIMAC synchrotron started at year 1994, and treated more than 1,800 patients by year 2004. Therapeutic outcome of this new modality is well recognized so that Japanese government approved our institute in December 2003 to charge the treatment fee from patients. Biology of heavy ions in past has attracted only a limited number of basic scientists, but it is now becoming a general topics in all oncology areas. I here shortly report experimental results and also biological analysis of clinical data that have been obtained recently. Materials and Methods: 1. in vitro experiments: 10 cell lines of human melanoma (MM) and 11 cell lines of human squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) were cultured. These S6 · 2004; 10: EUROPEAN RADIATION RESEARCH 2004, AUGUST 25–28, BUDAPEST, HUNGARY cells were exposed to either carbon ions of 50 keV/micrometer or reference 200 kVp X rays. Colony formation assay was carried out to obtain survival curves. 2. in vivo ex- periments: C3H/HeMsNrsf mice aged 12–18 weeks were used: males for the tumor study and females for the skin study. The tumor was a syngeneic NFSa fibrosarcoma, and its 16 through 18th generations were transplanted intramuscularly into the right hind legs of mice 7 days before the first irradiation. Hairs on the right hind leg of female mice were removed by applying a depilatory agent 7 to 8 days before the first irradiation. A total of 881 male mice for the tumor experiment and of 2,323 female mice for the skin reaction experiment were used with 5 mice for each irradiation dose point. All of the data collected from repeated experiments were combined. 3. Clinical data analysis: Local control rates of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) by carbon-ion therapy were achieved by a treat- ment schedule of 18 fractions in 6 weeks with dose escalation. Local control rates for photon therapy that were obtained other institutions were used to compare with those for carbon-ion therapy. Results and Discussion: Survival parameters such as SF2 and D10 were plotted for X rays and carbon ions. No difference between the two cell lines was obtained except alpha/beta ratio, which distribution was wider for SCC than MM after X-ray irradiation. For carbon ions, the distribution was wider for MM than SCC. RBE values of carbon ions for tumor growth delay was higher than RBE values for early skin reaction after high LET carbon ions, implying therapeutic gain of carbon ions even for early reaction. Tumor control probabilities of NSCLC were analyzed by using alpha and beta values of a cultured human salivary gland tumor, HSG. We found that the slope of TCP for carbon ions was steeper than that for photons. This strongly support an concept that high LET radiation could overcome photon-resistant tumors that are heterogeneously included in spontaneous human tumors. 4D NUCLEAR ORGANISATION AND RADIATION INDUCED CHROMOSOME ABERRATIONS: QUANTITATIVE RELATIONSHIPS 1 1 2 ANDREEV S. G. , EIDELMAN YU. A. , AND TALYZINA T. A. 1 Institute of Biochemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia 2 Medical Genetics Research Center, Moscow, Russia Principal theories on the mechanisms of chromosome aberrations (CA) formation are common in suggestion that chromatin lesions must be in contacts to form exchanges. Theories differ suggesting whether these contacts are pre-existent or lesion proximity occurs after irradiation. To resolve this uncertainty, studies are necessary on the struc- tural organisation of interphase nucleus affect induction and interaction of chromosome lesions. Quantification of lesion contacts in space and time requires knowledge of chro- mosome states in the whole nucleus. Two models of large scale chromosome organisa- tion are numerically studied by Monte Carlo experiments, as to random walk and globu- lar chromosome models. The random walk model reveals highly dynamic behaviour of chromosomal loci in the nucleus, massive intermingling of chromatin and unrestricted movement of open broken ends. The globular model predicts that interphase chromo- somes are restricted in movement and thus rejoining distance has to be small compared CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE · 2004; 10: · S7 to the chromosome size. Unlike random walk model, the globular chromosome model is in agreement with all available data on chromosome structure in situ and dynamics in vivo. Basing on globular chromosome model, a variety of 4D structures for whole inter- phase nuclei of human lymphocytes as well as a pattern of intra- and inter-chromosomal contacts are obtained by the Monte Carlo technique. On this basis the simple and com- plex intra- and inter-chromosomal aberrations induced by low and high LET radiation are calculated and compared with the full-colour and dual-arm labelling FISH data. Simulation results of complete and total interchanges agree well with data, except of complex interchanges which are underpredicted. To explain this underprediction, a new mechanism is introduced dealing with chromatin dynamic repositioning following irra- diation as a part of rejoining process. A direct comparison of CA simulation and data requires a consideration of the fact that computer experiments are made for interphase nucleus and the CA detection (Giemsa, FISH) is performed in metaphase at single sampling time. The radiation induced mitotic delay or/and cell death may influence the frequency of aberrations in metaphase cells at a given sampling time. The exact incorporation of the cell cycle delay into chromosomal aberrations analysis requires knowledge of kinetics of cell progression through cell cycle stages. The frequencies of aberrations seen in first metaphase at any time with taking into account the mitotic delay are calculated using the Monte Carlo technique. The pre- dicted dose-responses for simple and complex interchanges induced by low LET radia- tion are compared with the experimental CA data for human lymphocytes. RADIATION INFLUENCE OF THE NPP ON ENVIRONMENT 1 2 1 2 1 1 V. ARAKELYAN , K. PYUSKYULYAN , T. AVAKYAN , A. ATOYAN , R. VARDANYAN , N. SIMONYAN , 1 1 1 G. CHACHATRYAN , N. MKRTCHYAN , AND T. HAMBARDZUMYAN 1 Yerevan Physics Institute, Yerevan, Armenia 2 Armenian NPP Co, Medzamor, Armenia The big number of biosystems sensitive to radioactive pollution of an environment is known. A problem of a choice of the most sensitive test-system is one of the most com- plicated problem in radioecology. The soil-vegetable top located around NPP is the first and basic depot of radioactive substance arriving on earth during emission from the NPP. This thin biosphere layer being most rich in life is known to be most sensitive to radiation affection of radioactive pollution. The soil well accumulates radionuclides (mainly 137Cs) and the effect of influence of the NPP can be found out by the long term influence of 137Cs on soil microorganisms. Based on this, the soil microorganisms were chosen as research objects for monitoring of the territory located around NPP. The nec- essary condition for monitoring is the presence of the same microorganisms at all points of observation. Researches demonstrated that the basic groups of microorganisms the best fitting the above mentioned requirement were representatives of the following sorts: bacteria of sorts Corynebacter, Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Actinomycetes and also myce- lium mushrooms (Filamentous fungi) and yeast (Yeasts).
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