World Heritage 39 COM

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World Heritage 39 COM World Heritage 39 COM WHC-15/39.COM/19 Bonn, 8 July 2015 Original: English / French UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION CONVENTION CONCERNING THE PROTECTION OF THE WORLD CULTURAL AND NATURAL HERITAGE WORLD HERITAGE COMMITTEE Thirty-ninth session Bonn, Germany 28 June - 8 July 2015 Decisions adopted by the World Heritage Committee at its 39th session (Bonn, 2015) Table of contents 2. ADMISSION OF OBSERVERS ..................................................................................................... 4 3A. PROVISIONAL AGENDA OF THE 39th SESSION OF THE WORLD HERITAGE COMMITTEE (BONN, 2015) ................................................................................................................................ 4 3B. PROVISIONAL TIMETABLE OF THE 39th SESSION OF THE WORLD HERITAGE COMMITTEE (BONN, 2015) ......................................................................................................... 4 4. REPORT OF THE RAPPORTEUR OF THE 38th SESSION OF THE WORLD HERITAGE COMMITTEE (DOHA, 2014) ......................................................................................................... 5 5A. REPORT OF THE WORLD HERITAGE CENTRE ON ITS ACTIVITIES AND THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE WORLD HERITAGE COMMITTEE’S DECISIONS ........................ 5 5B. REPORTS OF THE ADVISORY BODIES ..................................................................................... 5 5C. FOLLOW-UP TO THE DIRECTOR-GENERAL’S INITIATIVE ON “THE WORLD HERITAGE CONVENTION: THINKING AHEAD” ............................................................................................. 6 5D. WORLD HERITAGE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ....................................................... 6 5E. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE EVALUATION OF THE GLOBAL STRATEGY - FOLLOW-UP TO DECISION 38 COM 9C ........................................................................................................... 8 6. FOLLOW-UP TO THE WORLD HERITAGE CAPACITY BUILDING STRATEGY AND PROGRESS REPORT ON THE WORLD HERITAGE-RELATED CATEGORY 2 CENTRES ..... 8 7. STATE OF CONSERVATION OF WORLD HERITAGE PROPERTIES ....................................... 9 7A. STATE OF CONSERVATION OF THE PROPERTIES INSCRIBED ON THE LIST OF WORLD HERITAGE IN DANGER ............................................................................................................. 12 NATURAL PROPERTIES ............................................................................................................ 12 AFRICA................................................................................................................................ 12 ASIA-PACIFIC ..................................................................................................................... 29 EUROPE AND NORTH AMERICA ..................................................................................... 31 LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN .................................................................................. 32 CULTURAL PROPERTIES .......................................................................................................... 35 AFRICA................................................................................................................................ 35 ARAB STATES .................................................................................................................... 38 ASIA AND PACIFIC ............................................................................................................. 52 EUROPE AND NORTH AMERICA ..................................................................................... 54 LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN .................................................................................. 57 7B. STATE OF CONSERVATION OF PROPERTIES INSCRIBED ON THE WORLD HERITAGE LIST ............................................................................................................................................. 62 NATURAL PROPERTIES ............................................................................................................ 62 AFRICA................................................................................................................................ 62 ARAB STATES .................................................................................................................... 67 ASIA-PACIFIC ..................................................................................................................... 68 EUROPE AND NORTH AMERICA ..................................................................................... 81 LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN .......................................................................... 90 MIXED PROPERTIES ................................................................................................................. 94 AFRICA................................................................................................................................ 94 ASIA-PACIFIC ..................................................................................................................... 98 LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN ........................................................................ 100 CULTURAL PROPERTIES ........................................................................................................ 101 AFRICA.............................................................................................................................. 101 ARAB STATES .................................................................................................................. 110 Decisions adopted by the World Heritage Committee WHC-15/39.COM/19, page 1 at its 39th session (Bonn, 2015) ASIA-PACIFIC ................................................................................................................... 123 EUROPE AND NORTH AMERICA ................................................................................... 135 LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN ........................................................................ 147 OMNIBUS .................................................................................................................................. 151 CULTURAL PROPERTIES (CONT’D)....................................................................................... 152 EUROPE AND NORTH AMERICA (CONT’D) .................................................................. 152 8. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE WORLD HERITAGE LIST AND OF THE LIST OF WORLD HERITAGE IN DANGER ........................................................................................................... 153 8A. TENTATIVE LISTS SUBMITTED BY STATES PARTIES AS OF 15 APRIL 2015, IN CONFORMITY WITH THE OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES ...................................................... 153 8B. NOMINATIONS TO THE WORLD HERITAGE LIST................................................................. 153 CHANGES TO NAMES OF PROPERTIES INSCRIBED ON THE WORLD HERITAGE LIST . 153 EXAMINATION OF NOMINATIONS OF NATURAL, MIXED AND CULTURAL PROPERTIES TO THE WORLD HERITAGE LIST ................................................................................................. 154 NATURAL SITES ....................................................................................................................... 154 AFRICA.............................................................................................................................. 154 ARAB STATES .................................................................................................................. 156 ASIA / PACIFIC ................................................................................................................. 157 MIXED SITES ............................................................................................................................ 162 LATIN AMERICA / CARIBBEAN ....................................................................................... 162 CULTURAL SITES .................................................................................................................... 166 AFRICA.............................................................................................................................. 166 ARAB STATES .................................................................................................................. 168 ASIA / PACIFIC ................................................................................................................. 173 EUROPE/NORTH AMERICA ............................................................................................ 189 LATIN AMERICA / CARIBBEAN ....................................................................................... 220 EXAMINATION OF MINOR BOUNDARY MODIFICATIONS OF NATURAL, MIXED AND CULTURAL PROPERTIES ALREADY INSCRIBED ON THE WORLD HERITAGE LIST ........ 224 NATURAL PROPERTIES .......................................................................................................... 224 EUROPE / NORTH AMERICA .......................................................................................... 224 LATIN AMERICA / CARIBBEAN ....................................................................................... 225 CULTURAL PROPERTIES ........................................................................................................ 226 EUROPE / NORTH AMERICA .......................................................................................... 226 STATEMENTS OF OUTSTANDING
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