Chapter One: Pre-Westphalian Era up to 1648 9

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Chapter One: Pre-Westphalian Era up to 1648 9 JANUS PROJECT PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW & RELATIONS BIBLIOGRAPHY By Gregory Lewkowicz This is a first draft version of a comprehensive bibliography prepared in the context of a research project. The author thanks his colleagues for their indulgence in the reading of this first draft. The sections “articles” are particularly incomplete and several entries must be added, deleted or double-checked. Comments are welcomed. Please e-mail; March 2009 JANUS Project With the support of the Communauté Française Wallonie-Bruxelles and the Loterie Nationale of Belgium A lot of people have contributed to this first draft of a comprehensive bibliography. Thank you to all of them and especially to Cornelia Schiemann, Jeanne Dupendant and Jörg Krempel for their contributions. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 INTRODUCTION & METHODOLOGY 7 CHAPTER ONE: PRE-WESTPHALIAN ERA UP TO 1648 9 I. International Law 9 1. Primary Literature 9 2. Secondary Literature 15 a. Monographs 15 b. Collective Works 26 c. Articles 28 II. Diplomacy 30 1. Primary Literature 30 2. Secondary Literature 32 a. Monographs 32 b. Collective Works 41 c. Articles 43 III. Politics 49 1. Primary Literature 49 2. Secondary Literature 51 a. Monographs 51 b. Collective Works 58 c. Articles 60 CHAPTER TWO: AFTER THE TREATY OF WESTPHALIA [1648-1815] 62 I. International Law 62 1. Primary Literature 62 a. Monographs 62 b. Collective Works 84 c. Articles 85 2. Secondary Literature 85 a. Monographs 85 b. Collective Works 91 c. Articles 92 II. Diplomacy 94 1. Primary Literature 94 a. Monographs 94 b. Collective Works 97 c. Articles 98 2. Secondary Literature 98 3 a. Monographs 98 b. Collective Works 107 c. Articles 109 III. Politics 113 1. Primary Literature 113 a. Monographs 113 b. Collective Works 118 c. Articles 119 2. Secondary Literature 119 a. Monographs 119 b. Collective Works 128 c. Articles 130 CHAPTER THREE: AFTER THE CONGRESS OF VIENNA [1815-1919] 132 I. International Law 132 1. Primary Literature 132 a. Monographs 132 b. Collective Works 150 c. Articles 152 2. Secondary Literature 154 a. Monographs 154 b. Collective Works 162 c. Articles 163 II. Diplomacy 168 1. Primary Literature 168 a. Monographs 168 b. Collective Works 173 c. Articles 174 2. Secondary Literature 174 a. Monographs 174 b. Collective Works 193 c. Articles 196 III. Politics 197 1. Primary Literature 197 a. Monographs 197 b. Collective Works 199 c. Articles 200 2. Secondary Literature 200 a. Monographs 200 b. Collective Works 207 c. Articles 209 CHAPTER FOUR: AFTER THE FIRST WORLD WAR [1919-1989] 211 4 I. International Law 211 2. Primary Literature 211 a. Monographs 211 b. Collective Works 239 c. Articles 244 2. Secondary Literature 263 a. Monographs 263 b. Collective Works 271 c. Articles 272 II. Diplomacy 276 1. Primary Literature 276 a. Monographs 276 b. Collective Works 291 c. Articles 293 2. Secondary Literature 294 a. Monographs 294 b. Collective Works 321 c. Articles 325 III. Politics 327 2. Primary Literature 327 a. Monographs 327 b. Collective Works 337 c. Articles 340 2. Secondary Literature 343 a. Monographs 343 b. Collective Works 373 c. Articles 382 CHAPTER FIVE: SINCE THE END OF THE COLD WAR [1989 – NOW] 386 I. International Law 386 1. Primary Literature 386 a. Monographs 386 b. Collective Works 389 c. Articles 390 2. Secondary Literature 395 a. Monographs 395 b. Collective Works 399 c. Articles 399 II. Diplomacy 407 1. Primary Literature 407 a. Monographs 407 b. Collective Works 413 c. Articles 415 2. Secondary Literature 415 5 a. Monographs 415 b. Collective Works 426 c. Articles 430 III. Politics 432 1. Primary Literature 432 a. Monographs 432 b. Collective Works 441 c. Articles 445 2. Secondary Literature 447 a. Monographs 447 b. Collective Works 474 c. Articles 490 6 Introduction & Methodology The JANUS Bibliography was developed in order to document works written in relation to the topics of the philosophy and history of international law, diplomacy and politics. The bibliography consists of five chapters framing the different periods of time according to authorized, but yet imperfect, historical periodization: Chapter One: Pre-Westphalian Era up to 1648 Chapter Two: After the Treaty of Westphalia [1648-1815] Chapter Three: After the Congress of Vienna [1815-1919] Chapter Four: After the First World War [1919-1989] Chapter Five: Since the end of the Cold War [1989 – now] Each Chapter is separated into three parts: International Law // Diplomacy // Politics. The parts are again divided into: Primary Literature // Secondary Literature again separated into: Monographs // Collective Works // Articles with the following format: Monographs Ayala, B., De Jure et Officiis Bellicis et Disciplina Militari Libri III, Douai, J. Bogard, 1582. [English translation: John Westlake (ed.), Pauweley Bate J. (trans.), Three Books: On the Law of War, and on the Duties Connected with War, and on Military Discipline, Washington D.C., Carnegie Institution, 1912] Collective Works with two authors: Adcock, F. E. and Mosley, D. J., Diplomacy in ancient Greece, London, Thames and Hudson, 1975. with three authors: Bély, L., Berenger, J. and Corvisier, A., Guerre et Paix dans l’Europe du XVIIème siècle, Paris, SEDES, 1991. with more than three authors: Victoria, F. d., Nys, E., Wright, H. F., et al, De Indis et de Jure Belli Relectiones, Washington, Carnegie Institution, 1917. Articles in general: Behrens, B., "Treatises on the ambassador written in the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries", English Historical Review, 51, 1936, 616-627. If not only the Volume but also the Issue is known, cite as follows: Jensen, D. L., "French Diplomacy and the wars of religion", Sixteenth Century Journal, 5 (2), 1974, 23-46. Articles published in a book should be cited as follows: *Barthélemy, J., “F. de Vitoria”, in A. Pillet (ed.), Les Fondateurs du Droit International: F. de Vitoria, A. Gentilis, F. Suarez, Grotius, Zouch, Pufendorf, Bynkershoek, Wolf, Vattel, de Martens: Leurs Œuvres, Leurs Doctrines, Paris, V. Giard & E. Brière, 1904. 7 In case details are missing the work is marked by a star (*) in the beginning and the missing details are marked as follows: *Anonym, De salvo conducto et de represaliis, s. l., s. n., s. d. “Anonym” means either authors name is unknown but can also mean that the authors name was not found during research; s. l. means sine loci (missing city); s. n. here means sine nomine (missing publisher); s. d. means sine data (missing year of publication); If the Editor(s) is/are know(n), this is stated in brackets after respective author(s): Holk, L. E. van. and Roelofsen, C. G. (eds.), Grotius reader: a reader for students of international law and legal history, The Hague, T. M. C. Asser Institut, 1983. The bibliography contains works in five different languages: Latin, English, French, Spanish and Italian. In case there are translations of a publication, at least the English and French translation is documented: Kant, I., Zum ewigen Frieden. Ein philosophischer Entwurf, Königsberg, F. Nicolovius, 1795. [French translation: Kant, I., Project de paix perpétuelle, essai philosophique, Königsberg, F. Nicolovius, 1796.] [English translation: Kant, I., Project for a perpetual peace, London, S. Couchman , 1796.] However, translations in other languages can occur. Classical texts, such as Aristotle’s, Plato, Hobbes, Thucydides, Kant and others are principally cited in their original language [e.g.: Hobbes in English, Kant in German]. However, it was considered satisfactory if the works of Aristotle’s, Plato, etc. are at least cited with a modern publication from: Les Belles Lettres, series CUF [French Standard Collections] or Cambridge University Press, Loeb Classical Library [English Standard Collection]. It should be pointed out that the publication places of old (Latin) works where changed into their modern terms. In order to do so, the following resource was used: In general, the author tried to be consistent with the usual place names. The same applies to the publisher names taking into account the development of the publishers company during the centuries. “Long period books”, crossing the centuries and periods, will be found in every period of time (chapter) covered by the book. Thus, Armitage, D., Theories of Empire (1450-1800), Aldershot, Ashgate, 1998 will be found in chapter one and two, but not in chapter five as in respect of contents it is related to the first two periods but not to the last one in which it was written. In case the author of a publication died before his or her work was published, the work will nevertheless be stated in the period it was written, although it may be published decades or even centuries later. 8 Chapter One: Pre-Westphalian Era up to 1648 I. International Law 1. Primary Literature *Aqvivivi Aragonii , B., “De re militari”, in B. Acquaviva, De principum liberis educandis, Basel, Petri Pernae, 1578. *Aqvivivi Aragonii , B., “De singulari certamine”, in B. Acquaviva, De principum liberis educandis, Basel, Petri Pernae, 1578. *Alciat, De singulari certamine, Consilia, de Digeste, Opera omnia, Lyon, s. n., 1560. *Anonyme, Breve maris Consulum Pisœ, s.l., s. n., 1337. *Arias, V. de., De bello et de ius justicia, Venice, s. n., 1584. *Arum, D. van, De salvo conducto et de represaliis, s. l., s. n., 1620. Ayala, B., De Jure et Officiis Bellicis et Disciplina Militari Libri III, Douai, J. Bogardi, 1582. [English translation: John Westlake (ed.), Pauweley Bate J. (Trans.), Three Books: On the Law of War, And on the Duties Connected with War; And on Military Discipline, Washington D.C., Carnegie Institution, 1912] *Banez, D., De fide, spe et charitat, Salamanca, s. n., 1584. *Banez, D., De iure et iusticia decisiones, Salamanca, s. n., 1594.
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