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Moocs in Education © COMUNICAR, 44; XXII MEDIA EDUCATION RESEARCH JOURNAL ISSN: 1134-3478 / DL: H-189-93 / e-ISSN: 1988-3293 Andalucía (Spain), n. 44; vol. XXII 1st semester, 01 January 2015 INDEXED INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL DATABASES LIBRARY CATALOGUES • JOURNAL CITATION REPORTS (JCR) (Thomson Reuters)® •WORLDCAT • SOCIAL SCIENCES CITATION INDEX / SOCIAL SCISEARCH (Thomson Reuters) • REBIUN/CRUE •SCOPUS® • SUMARIS (CBUC) • ERIH+ (European Science Foundation) • NEW-JOUR • FRANCIS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique de Francia) • ELEKTRONISCHE ZEITSCHRIFTENBIBLIOTHEK (Electronic Journals Library) • SOCIOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS (ProQuest-CSA) • THE COLORADO ALLIANCE OF RESEARCH LIBRARIES • COMMUNICATION & MASS MEDIA COMPLETE • INTUTE (University of Manchester) • ERA (Educational Research Abstract) •ELECTRONICS RESOURCES HKU LIBRARIES (Hong Kong University, HKU) • IBZ (Internat. 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Ignacio Aguaded XXII, University of Huelva (Spain) 44 GUEST-EDITED SPECIAL ISSUE • Dr. Manuel Cebrián-de-la-Serna, University of Máaaga (Spain) • Philip Desenne, Harvard University (USA) EDITORIAL BOARD ASSISTANT EDITORS • Dr. Enrique Martínez-Salanova, Grupo Comunicar, Almeria • Dr. Joan Ferrés-i-Prats, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona • Dr. Mª Carmen Fonseca-Mora, University of Huelva • Dr. Agustín García-Matilla, University of Valladolid • Dr. Rafael Repiso, UNIR / EC3, University of Granada • Dr. Miguel de-Aguilera, University of Malaga • Dr. Rosa García-Ruiz, University of Cantabria • Dr. Manuel Ángel Vázquez-Medel, University of Sevilla • Dr. Mª Amor Pérez-Rodríguez, University of Huelva • Dr. Javier Marzal, Jaume I University, Castellón • Dr. Francisco García-García, Complutense University, Madrid INTERNATIONAL COEDITORS • Dr. Concepción Medrano, University of Pais Vasco • Ecuador: Dr. Diana Rivera, University of Loja (UTPL) • Dr. Manuel Cebrián-de-la-Serna, University of Malaga • United Kingdom: Dr. Mark Gant, University of Chester (UK) • Dr. Ana García-Valcárcel, University of Salamanca • Chile: Mgter. Andrés Scherman, Diego Portales University • Dr. Julio Cabero-Almenara, University of Sevilla • Dr. Manuel Lorenzo, University of Granada ADVISORY BOARD • Dr. Donaciano Bartolomé, Complutense University, Madrid • Dr. Ismar de-Oliveira, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil • Dr. Javier Tejedor-Tejedor, University of Salamanca • Dr. Guillermo Orozco, University of Guadalajara, Mexico • Dr. Gloria Camarero, University Carlos III, Madrid • Dr. Cecilia Von-Feilitzen, Nordicom, Suecia • Dr. Pere Marquès, Autonomous University, Barcelona • Dr. Geniève Jacquinot, University Paris VIII, Paris, France • Dr. Domingo Gallego, UNED, Madrid • Dr. Pier Cesare Rivoltella, Catholic University of Milano, Italia • Dr. Manuel Area, University of La Laguna, Tenerife • Dr. Alberto Parola, MED, University of Torino, Italia • Dr. Elea Giménez-Toledo, CSIC, Madrid • Dr. Teresa Quiroz, University of Lima, Perú • Dr. Ramón Reig, University of Sevilla • Dr. Claudio Avendaño, Diego Portales University, Chile • Dr. Xosé Soengas, University of Santiago • Dr. Mar Fontcuberta, Catholic University, Chile • Dr. J. Manuel Pérez-Tornero, Autonomous University, Barcelona • Dr. Jacques Piette, University of Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada • Dr. Vicent Gozálvez, University of Valencia • Dr. Jesús Arroyave, University of North, Colombia • Dr. Juan de Pablos-Pons, University of Sevilla • Dr. Samy Tayie, University of Cairo, Mentor Association, Egipto • Dr. Manuel Fandos-Igado, International University of La Rioja • Dr. Vítor Reia, University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal • Dr. Juan Antonio García-Galindo, University of Malaga • Dr. Sara Pereira, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal • Dr. Begoña Gutiérrez, University of Salamanca • Dr. Armanda Pinto, University of Coimbra, Portugal • Dr. Ramón Pérez-Pérez, University of Oviedo • Dr. Jorge Mora, University of Cuenca, Ecuador • Dr. Carmen Echazarreta, University of Girona • Dr. Patrick Verniers, IHECS, Belgium • Dr. Jesús Valverde, University of Extremadura • Dr. Graça Targino, University UESPI/UFPB, Brazil • Dr. Victoria Tur, University of Alicante • Dr. Tania Esperon, Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil • Dr. José-María Morillas, University of Huelva • Dr. Vania Quintão, University of Brasilia, Brazil • Dr. Felicísimo Valbuena, Complutense University, Madrid • Dr. Gustavo Hernández, ININCO, Central University, Venezuela BOARD OF MANAGEMENT • Dr. Gerardo Borroto, CUJAE, La Habana, Cuba • Dr. Ciro Novelli, University of Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina • Dr. Inmaculada Berlanga, International University of La Rioja • Dr. Jorge Cortés-Montalvo, UACH/REDECA, Mexico • Mr. Francisco Casado-Mestre, University of Huelva • Dr. Patricia Cortez, Catholic University of Cochabamba, Bolivia • Dr. Isidro Marín-Gutiérrez, University of Huelva /UTPL (Ecuador) • Dr. Silvia Contín, University of Patagonia, Argentina • Dr. Mar Rodríguez-Rosell, UCAM, Murcia • Dr. Karina P. Valarezo, University Téc. Part. Loja, Ecuador • Dr. Jacqueline Sánchez-Carrero, UNIA • Dr. Carlos Muñiz, Autonomous University of Nuevo León, Mexico • Ms. Águeda Delgado-Ponce, University of Huelva • Dr. Evgeny Pashentsev, Lomonosov Moscow University, Rusia • Ms. Patricia de Casas, University of Huelva • Dr. Fahriye Altinay, Near East University, Turkey • Dr. Paloma Contreras, University of Huelva • Mr. Paolo Celot, EAVI, Bruxelles, Belgium • Dr. Margarita García-Candeira, University of Huelva • Mr. Jordi Torrent, ONU, Alliance of Civilizations, NY, USA • Ms. Kathleen Tyner, University of Texas, Austin, USA • TRANSLATIONS: Mr. Noel Byde, Mr. Mario Fon • Ms. Marieli Rowe, National Telemedia Council, Madison, USA • DESIGNED BY (Cover): Mr. Enrique Martínez-Salanova • Ms. Yamile Sandoval, University of Santiago, Cali, Colombia • COMMERCIAL MANAGER: Mr. Alejandro Ruiz © ISSN: 1134-3478 • e-ISSN: 1988-3293 4 C O N T E N T S Comunicar, 44, XXII, 2015 MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses): Comunicar, 44, XXII,
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  • Archives of the Football Association of Ireland P137 UCD Archives
    Archives of the Football Association of Ireland P137 UCD Archives archives T + 353 1 716 7555 F + 353 1 716 1146 © 2010 University College Dublin and the Football Association of Ireland. All rights reserved ii CONTENTS CONTEXT Institutional History iv Archival History vii CONTENT AND STRUCTURE Scope and content viii System of arrangement viii CONDITIONS OF ACCESS AND USE Access ix Language ix Finding Aid ix DESCRIPTION CONTROL Archivist’s Note ix iii CONTEXT Institutional history Early years Although football was being played in Ireland since the 1860s, it was mainly based in Ulster and it was not until the 1880s that the game spread to other areas of the country. The first club outside Ulster was Dublin Association Football Club which was formed in 1883. At the time, the Irish Football Association (IFA) was the governing body. Based in Belfast, it found it difficult to promote football throughout the country. This led to the formation of the Leinster Football Association in 1892 as the game became more popular in the area. However, there was always a feeling among clubs from outside the Belfast area that the IFA favoured Ulster based clubs-especially when selecting sides for international matches. Despite this, it was not until after the 1916 Rising and the rise of Nationalism that southern affiliates, such as the Leinster FA, took an aggressive approach in their dealings with the IFA. The clubs often threatened to break away, and in early 1921, Bohemians, St. James's Gate and Shelbourne all withdrew from the Irish League, though all three sides decided to remain involved in Cup competitions.
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