Akhand Path Dedications and Prayer List Requests The Gurdwara Committee of Hacienda de Guru Ram Das humbly submits a revised Akhand Path Dedication and Ongoing Prayers procedure for the Siri Singhasan e Khalsa Gurdwara, following a lengthy and comprehensive review. Purpose: To serve the Sadh Sangat through the special blessings of the ashram weekly Akhand Path and daily Sadhana Gurdwara through the power of prayer, with the correct protocol, grace and reverence taught to us by the Siri Singh Sahib Ji and the Bhai Sahiba Ji. 1. Akhand Path Dedications: One-time Email:
[email protected] e.g. “Please add the following name to the Akhand Path dedication for the week of _____(include a brief blessing or words of prayer).” After an Akhand Path, you are welcome to add the name to the Ongoing Prayers List. (Akhand Path dedications are a unique, powerful blessing; it is humbly suggested that Akhand Path dedications be a one-time or occasional event.) 2. Ongoing Prayers List Email:
[email protected] e.g. “Please add the following name to the Ongoing Prayers list for the upcoming month.” Names may be submitted at any time. The names on the Ongoing Prayer List will be cleared at the end of each month. Names may be resubmitted each month as many times as you wish. Please consider an energy exchange of some kind, such as service, money, or food. Cash or check donations can be placed in the marble box at the Gurdwara Alcove. Checks should be made out to “HGRD Gurdwara,” and can be marked “Akhand Path Dedication” on the memo line.