Lord Conqueror of the Realm Written by WarriorJudge (2012) OWNERSHIP DISCLAIMER: The characters of Xena and Gabrielle and some others belong in their entirety to Universal/MCA, Renaissance Pictures, and all the other powers that be. No copyright infringement is intended. I wrote this story at the urging of my muse; it should never be used for profit. This story was inspired by one of the best writers out there, DarkAngel. Hers is my favorite Conqueror story. It is simply brilliant. I passionately recommend you read it. Here is where you can find it: http://www.angelfire.com/id/DarkAngel/stories.html LOVE/SEX WARNING/DISCLAIMER: This story involves both love and sex between two adult women. If you're under 18 or if this type of story is illegal in the state or country in which you live, please do not read it. VIOLENT/NON-CONSENSUAL SEX WARNING/DISCLAIMER: It is a story portraying a Conqueror/slave relationship, so it would appear non-consensual at first. As for sexual violence, there are scenes (in parts 3 and 4) which are detailed and graphic, and may not suit some readers. SPECIAL THANKS: My humble most ardent gratitude to the excellent, most brilliant Beta reader nancyjean, whom I can't thank enough. Comments & Feedback: MOST WELCOMED:
[email protected] Part 1 It was on the day of the festive military parade that marked the 6th anniversary of the Conqueror's reign. The streets of Corinth were colored red and black with the great Destroyer of Nations' banners, which billowed in the warm wind.