Card# Mine Name Operator Year Month Day Surname First And

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Card# Mine Name Operator Year Month Day Surname First And Card# Mine Name Operator Year Month Day Surname First and Middle Name Age Fatal/Nonfatal In/Outside Occupation Nationality Citizen/Alien Single/Married #Children Mine Experience Occupation Exp. Accident Cause or Remarks Fault County Page# Mining Dist. Film# Anthracite 26 Dorrance Lehigh Valley Coal 1940 9 24 Rabatine George 62 nonfatal inside miner married bruised leg fall coal drililng chamber Luzerne 11th 3591 Anthracite 13 No.1 Pittson Co. 1934 3 26 Rabbitz Frank 43 nonfatal inside laborer Slavic married car door sprung back & caught finger Lackawanna 5th 3591 Anthracite 1 Alaska Phila Reading Coal Iron 1942 2 3 Raber Albert 55 fatal inside timberman American citizen single 30 5 squeezed between car & timber accidental Northumberland 23rd 3592 Anthracite 44 Hammond Hammond Coal 1939 10 19 Raber Ira F 35 nonfatal inside laborer American married 2 bruised foot fall roof dressing down Schuylkill 21st 3591 Anthracite 69 Potts Phila Reading Coal Iron 1940 10 23 Raber Thomas 73 nonfatal inside timberman American married sprained back lifting collar slope Columbia 23rd 3591 Anthracite 11 Potts Phila Reading Coal Iron 1933 2 13 Rabert Thomas 66 nonfatal inside timberman American citizen married flying chip struck him in eye Columbia 22nd 3591 Anthracite 13 Alaska Phila Reading Coal Iron 1939 5 16 Rabick Anthony 51 nonfatal inside miner American single broke finger struck with hammer Northumberland 23rd 3591 Anthracite 40 Olyphant Hudson Coal 1936 5 21 Rabrowski Julian 38 nonfatal inside miner Polish married struck by rolling coal from pile pillar Lackawanna 6th 3591 Anthracite 3 Dorrance Lehigh Valley Coal 1936 1 4 Rabusti Andrew 33 nonfatal inside laborer Austrian citizen married injured knee lifting coal into car Luzerne 11th 3591 Anthracite 9 Coaldale Lehigh Navigation Coal 1937 11 9 Racansky Joseph 42 fatal inside miner Austrian citizen single 24 13 head caught between bars & collar Schuylkill 17th 3591 Anthracite 25 Coaldale No.8 Lehigh Navigation Coal 1934 3 29 Racawsky Joseph 39 nonfatal inside miner Lithuanian citizen single fall of coal gangway Schuylkill 17th 3591 Anthracite 24 Eddy Creek Hudson Coal 1939 8 22 Race Clarence 50 nonfatal inside laborer American married 2 fall roof fractured pelvis gangway Lackawanna 3rd 3591 Anthracite 5 Loree Hudson Coal 1945 7 24 Race Edward 69 fatal outside night watchman American citizen married 40 2 heart disease walking yard Luzerne 12th 3592 Anthracite 1 Power Plant Glan Alden Corp 1957 3 20 Race George N 56 fatal outside ast foreman American citizen married 10 coronary occlusion Luzerne 7th 3592 Anthracite 24 Lance Glen Alden Coal 1940 10 28 Racengrandi Thomas 34 nonfatal inside laborer Italian married 5 sprained back lifting coal gangway Luzerne 12th 3591 Anthracite 12 Avondale Glen Alden Coal 1934 8 6 Rachinski John 32 fatal inside miner American citizen married 1 15 2 fall coal trimming face of chamber accidental Luzerne 13th 3591 Anthracite 44 Pyne Moffat Coal 1935 9 19 Rachka Rachka 23 nonfatal inside laborer Polish single coal burst pillar & struck head & leg Lackawanna 4th 3591 Anthracite 41 Spencer Spencer Coal 1935 8 24 Racht Frank 33 nonfatal inside laborer American citizen married fall of roof Lackawanna 6th 3591 Anthracite 8 Glen Lyon Susquehanna Collieries 1942 6 8 Rachunas Louis 43 fatal inside American citizen married 2 25 6mo jumped from moving car riding trip accidental Luzerne 14th 3592 Anthracite 56 Clear Spring Sullivan Trail Coal 1938 9 8 Rachus Anthony 44 nonfatal inside laborer single fall of rock in chamber Luzerne 9th 3591 Anthracite 1 First Drift No.14 Gap Anthracite 1963 1 29 Racilla Joseph F 49 fatal inside miner American citizen married 2 27 22 blast misfired methane filled ;d.Jan30 Northumberland 24th 3592 Anthracite 65 Maple Hill Phil'a Reading Coal Iron 1938 12 6 Rackauskes Frank 57 nonfatal inside miner Lithuanian married fell handling sheet iron it fell on him Schuylkill 20th 3591 Anthracite 28 Pine Hill (Oak Hill) Pind Hill Coal 1933 9 30 Raczkonski John 23 nonfatal inside laborer Polish single struck by timber dragged by a mule Schuylkill 19th 3591 Anthracite 50 West Shenandoah Phil Reading Coal Iron 1936 6 26 Raczkonski John 53 nonfatal inside miner Polish widower slipped & fell removing timber pillar Schuylkill 21st 3591 Anthracite 41 No.7 Susquehanna Collieries 1940 6 3 Raczkowski John 28 nonfatal inside laborer American married 2 caught between cars retracking car Luzerne 14th 3591 Anthracite 62 Hazleton Shaft Lehigh Valley Coal 1937 10 26 Radacovsky John 31 nonfatal inside miner American single struck by coal barring down gangway Luzerne 15th 3591 Anthracite 1 Williamstown Susquehanna Collieries 1935 1 19 Radel Hoyt "Henry" 40 fatal inside miner American citizen married 1 19 5 explosion dynamite heading accidental Dauphin 25th 3591 Anthracite 17 William A Kehoe Berge Coal 1936 9 30 Radezewicz Charles 46 fatal inside miner Polish citizen married 25 20 premature blast preparing powder Luzerne 7th 3591 Anthracite 33 Park No.1 Lehigh Valley Coal 1937 10 25 Radick Peter 52 nonfatal inside miner Greek citizen single struck by coal dressing off shot Schuylkill 18th 3591 Anthracite 1 Continental Hazle Brook Coal 1947 3 18 Radiewicz Frank 45 fatal inside jucker boss American citizen married 1 7 7 heart disease got off man trip slope Columbia 22nd 3592 Anthracite 4 Hazleton Shaft Lehigh Valley Coal 1937 5 4 Radishofski John 75 fatal outside jig attendant American citizen married 2 18 struck by lump fell off cum boat Luzerne 15th 3591 Anthracite 33 Bliss Glen Alden Coal 1939 4 25 Radkus Anthony 47 nonfatal inside laborer single fall roof walking gangway bruise toes Luzerne 14th 3591 Anthracite 49 No.9 No.9 Coal 1940 9 11 Radle George 25 nonfatal inside laborer single broke leg caught car & rib gangway Luzerne 8th 3591 Anthracite 3 Seneca Kehoe Berge Coal 1938 3 12 Rado John 45 fatal inside miner Austrian citizen married 3 17 7 fall roof safety retreating ;died Mar26 Luzerne 7th 3591 Anthracite 35 Hazleton Shaft Lehigh Valley Coal 1937 5 19 Radoulski Mike 48 nonfatal outside carpenter American married pulling timber seized with groin pain Luzerne 15th 3591 Anthracite 31 No.7 Susquehanna Collieries 1936 3 11 Radwick John 34 nonfatal inside laborer American citizen married coal broke in hand & cut wrist Luzerne 14th 3591 Anthracite 42 Jeddo No.7 Jeddo Highland Coal 1934 8 22 Radya Lucash 60 nonfatal inside laborer Polish citizen married strained back loading car pillar work Luzerne 15th 3591 Anthracite 74 Jeddo No.7 Jeddo Highland Coal 1934 11 13 Radya Luchas 61 nonfatal inside laborer Greek citizen married rock broke & fell on foot gangway Luzerne 15th 3591 Anthracite 42 Packer No.5 Lehigh Valley Coal 1934 5 26 Radzai Alex 44 nonfatal inside miner Polish citizen married fall of coal chamber Schuylkill 21st 3591 Anthracite 60 Maple Hill Phil'a Reading Coal Iron 1938 11 15 Radzavage John 38 nonfatal inside miner Lithuanian married burned about face & arms shot fired Schuylkill 20th 3591 Anthracite 87 Maple Hill Phila Reading Coal Iron 1940 9 27 Radzavage John 39 nonfatal inside miner American married 2 broke leg loco struck fan & it hit him Schuylkill 20th 3591 Anthracite 15 Packer No.5 Lehigh Valey Coal 1933 3 27 Radzia Alex 44 nonfatal inside laborer Polish married fall of coal gangway Schuylkill 21st 3591 Anthracite 23 Locust Gap Phila Reading Coal Iron 1937 4 17 Radzuma Joe 42 nonfatal inside loader American married thumb caught between wheel & rope Northumberland 23rd 3591 Anthracite 53 Clear Spring Sullivan Trail Coal 1938 8 28 Rafalko Alex 31 nonfatal inside miner single flying material flew in eye chamber Luzerne 9th 3591 Anthracite 18 Marvine Hudson Coal 1934 3 13 Rafalko Joseph 38 nonfatal inside laborer American citizen married jack pipe swung & struck his leg Lackawanna 3rd 3591 Anthracite 1 Buck Mountain Strip George Huss 1969 4 28 Rafalli Carman 54 fatal shovel oiler American citizen married 19 7mo coronary occlusion Luzerne 2nd 3592 Anthracite 7 Gaylord Kingston Coal 1934 3 14 Raffle George 56 nonfatal outside tracklayer American citizen married track spike bar fell & struck his foot Luzerne 12th 3591 Anthracite 50 Truesdale Glen Alden Coal 1937 10 15 Ragolowicz Michael 43 nonfatal inside miner Polish citizen married standing prop coal slid down chute Luzerne 13th 3591 Anthracite 10 South Wilkes Barre Glen Alden Coal 1947 9 26 Ragowski John 56 fatal inside laborer Polish citizen married 22 6 fall roof returning to bace after blast miner Luzerne 11th 3592 Anthracite 5 Williamstown Susquehanna Collieries 1936 3 4 Raho Sr Joseph 48 nonfatal inside mucker boss Hungarian married caught by rock taking down tunnel Dauphin 25th 3591 Anthracite 60 Coaldale Lehigh Navigation Coal 1933 10 27 Raider Wash 40 nonfatal inside miner Slavic citizen married hernia taking timber up chute Carbon 17th 3591 Anthracite 13 Glen Lyon Susquehanna Collieries 1939 8 31 Raiewski Francis 31 fatal inside laborer American citizen married 4 12 1 explosion gas cigar lighter;d.Sep13 Luzerne 14th 3591 Anthracite 10 Dorrance Lehigh Valley Coal 1937 6 7 Rainey James 47 nonfatal inside miner American citizen married fell while barring coal chamber Luzerne 11th 3591 Anthracite 54 Capouse Penn Anthracite Mining 1933 9 31 Rainey Martin 36 nonfatal inside laborer Polish married strained arm lifting stick timber pillar Lackawanna 4th 3591 Anthracite 2 South Wilkes Barre Glen Alden 1940 1 22 Rainis Vincent 22 fatal inside laborer American single 2 2 fall coal barring loose coal chamber miner Luzerne 11th 3591 Anthracite 12 Henry Lehigh Valley Coal 1939 2 18 Rajchal John 55 nonfatal inside timberman married 4 30 struck by fall timber bruised shoulder Luzerne 10th 3591 Anthracite 21 Coaldale Lehigh Navigation Coal 1938 3 8 Rajesnuts Ignatz 54 nonfatal inside miner married struck by bar barring rock chute Schuylkill 17th 3591 Anthracite 83 Harry E Harry E Coal 1940 12 16 rajewski Frank 24 nonfatal inside slope runner Polish married broke leg door fell opening door Luzerne 9th 3591 Anthracite 28 Locust Gap Phila.
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