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[email protected]. American Geographical Society is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Geographical Review. This content downloaded from on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 13:41:45 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions VIETNAMESE AMERICAN PLACE MAKING IN NORTHERN VIRGINIA* JOSEPH WOOD ABSTRACT. Vietnamese Americans have made places for themselves in Northern Virginia by reconfiguringthe geography of the suburban places they inherited, including former high-order central-placenodes. VietnameseAmerican residences, churches, cemetery plots, and other distinctive ethnic markersare by and largedispersed and rarelynoticeable. Their retail districts,however, serve them in multiple materialand symbolic ways, not unlike sub- urban Chinatowns.Keywords: Northern Virginia, place making,retail districts, suburbs, Viet- nameseAmericans. Suburbs,where most Americans live, are rarely regarded as refugesof American pluralism,and the vastliterature on themis largelysilent about immigration and ethnicity(Li 1995,1996; Allen and Turner 1996). Conventional models of immigra- tion andurban geography cluster immigrants in centralcities, in responseto hous- ing and employment opportunities. William Burgess's1920s-era concentric-ring model of urban social morphology makesclear the geographythat immigrantsare said to haveshaped.