Ministerial responsibilities & changes to note for CIHT Membership

Department for Transport

Secretary of State: The Rt Hon Patrick McLoughlin MP Overall responsibility for the policies of the Department for Transport. Responsibilities include:  transport strategy, including economic growth and climate change  spending review  transport security  high speed rail

Minister of State: The Rt Hon John Hayes MP (New to post) The minister is responsible for:  national roads  Highways Agency reform  Infrastructure Bill  maritime  Commons spokesman on bus policy

Minister of State for Transport: Baroness Kramer The minister is responsible for:  HS2 – Phase Two  rail – funding and futures (including RIS, SOFA, ORR, stations policy)  cities and urban renewal (including growth deals and Heseltine Review)  localism and devolution  local connectivity (including smart ticketing, buses, taxis, light rail and trams)  accessibility and equalities  future transport (including OLEV)  natural environment (including biofuels)  SMEs  international

Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Transport: Robert Goodwill MP The minister is responsible for:  aviation  local roads  traffic  road safety  cycling  London  Europe  HS2 Phase 1  Commons spokesman on ULEV and environment issues

Parliamentary Under Secretary of State: Claire Perry MP (New to post) The minister is responsible for:  rail franchising  rail commercial  rail fares  rail major projects (including Crossrail)  freight and logistics  transport agencies  corporate and better regulation Department for Communities and Local Government

Secretary of State: The Rt Hon Eric Pickles MP The Secretary of State is responsible for the overall strategic direction of the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG). Main areas of responsibility include:  supporting local government  communities and neighbourhoods  local economic growth  housing  planning and building  fire

Minister of State for Communities and Local Government: MP (New to post) The Minister has responsibility for:  housing  planning and development  Ebbsfleet development  Traveller policy

Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government: Stephen Williams MP The Minister has responsibility for:  integration and race equality  localism, decentralisation and community rights  Building Regulations and standards  empty homes  climate change and sustainable development

Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government: Kris Hopkins MP The minister has responsibility for:  local government  adult social care  planning policy and casework in relation to wind farms and solar  community pubs

Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government: Penny Mordaunt MP (New to post) The minister is responsible for:  coastal communities  local growth  high streets, town centres and markets  enterprise zones  planning casework (supporting Brandon Lewis, Minister of State for Housing and Planning)  fire, resilience and emergencies Department for Business Innovation and Skills

Secretary of State: The Rt Hon Dr MP The Secretary of State is responsible for strategy and policy across the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS). The department’s main policy areas are:  business law  consumer issues  employment relations  enterprise and business support  trade policy  higher education  further education and skills  science  innovation

The Secretary of State also has the title of President of the Board of Trade, and:  has overall responsibility for the BIS budget  focuses on business and banking issues  is the lead minister for reducing regulatory burdens across government

Minister of State for Skills Enterprise and Equalities: Nick Boles MP (New to post) The minister is responsible for skills, enterprise and equalities. This role is shared between the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and the Department for Education. Responsibilities include:  further education  adult skills, Skills Funding Agency and skills strategy  lifelong learning and informal adult learning  apprenticeships  UK Commission for Employment and Skills and the Sector Skills Councils  workplace training reforms  qualifications reform programme  small business, enterprise and access to finance  business support  equal marriage implementation

Minister of State for (Cities and Constitution) and Minister of State for Universities and Science: Rt Hon MP (New posts) The Cities and Constitution minister is responsible for:  cities policy  local growth  political and constitutional reform

The Universities and Science minister is responsible for:  higher education (including the Higher Education Funding Council for England and Student Loans Company)  science and research (including research councils)  life sciences  innovation  technology and the arts - National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA)  UK Space Agency Minister of State for Business and Enterprise: Matthew Hancock MP (He is also Minister of State for Energy) The minister is responsible for:  business sectors, including low carbon economy, low emission vehicles, electronics  competitiveness and economic growth  deregulation and better regulation  regional and local economic development (including grants for business investment)  Olympic legacy

Minister of State for Trade and Investment: Lord Livingston The minister is responsible for trade and investment. This role is shared between the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS). Responsibilities include:  Commercial and Economic Diplomacy Department  Economics Unit  UK Trade & Investment (UKTI)  UK Export Finance (UKEF) - formal name: Export Credits Guarantee Department (ECGD)  spokesman for the government on trade and investment issues in the  core member of the FCO and BIS Ministerial teams providing advice on business policy  Chair of the Council of Business Ambassadors

Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Secretary of State: (Rt Hon) Elizabeth Truss MP (New to post)  EU and international relations  emergencies  climate change  Common Agricultural Policy reform  biodiversity

Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Water, Forestry, Rural Affairs and Resource Management: Dan Rogerson MP  Water resource management and quality (including Ofwat)  Water Bill  Flooding, coastal erosion and flood insurance  Inland waterways  Resource and Environment Management  Climate change adaptation  Environmental impacts of climate change mitigation (including biofuels)  Environmental regulation  Sustainable development including sustainable consumption and production  Waste management  Air quality, noise and litter  Localism and civil society  Deputising for the Secretary of State at EU Environment Council Department for Energy and Climate Change

Secretary of State: Rt Hon MP  department strategy and budgets  energy market reform  carbon price  Annual Energy Statement  energy security  National Security Council  Carbon Plan  Renewable Energy Strategy  2050 Pathways

Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Climate Change: MP (New to post)  Energy consumers  The Green Deal  Renewable Heat Incentive  Energy efficiency and energy demand reduction  Fuel poverty  Decentralised energy (solar, marine, anaerobic digestion)  Planning reform and consents  Green Investment Bank  Green jobs and skills  Carbon budgets  International climate change (including UNFCCC negotiations)  Climate science  Innovation