Osborne is Voted “Top Tory Totty” by Sugardaddie.com Hotties Submitted by: Sugardaddie.com Thursday, 11 October 2012

Never mind the policies, women on a leading UK dating website have been eyeing up the line-up for the Tory Party Conference which starts this weekend for their more personal assets. In Sugardaddie.com’s exclusive poll to find the ‘Top Tory Totty’, Chancellor was the clear winner with 20% of the votes from female members. Health Secretary took second place (18%) proving dark and handsome is still a strong staple for catching a woman’s eye. Despite being caught out using expenses to pay for a second home that didn’t qualify, , The Defence Secretary, still landed third with 17% of the votes. Maybe all that talk about his second home in central was part of the appeal? Environment Secretary , who is also no stranger to wealth, with wealth estimated at £1.5m came in fourth (15%) The survey was carried out by the dating website Sugardaddie.com (http://sugardaddie.com), billed as where ‘the affluent and the attractive meet.’ It asked 200 of its female members to vote on which serving Conservative MP they would most like to date. Spokesperson for the site Steve Pasternack said: “Women traditionally use the site because they are naturally attracted to older, intelligent and more charismatic men. It’s no secret that power is usually the hook when it comes to younger women being drawn to older high-status figures and politicians have no shortage of power (or so they like everyone to think).” It’s obviously not just power though. Despite his leadership status, only came joint 5th, sharing his accolade with , who was recently made Leader of the House of Commons. Their ranking means 8.5% of the women taking part in the survey gave them the thumbs up. only secured 7% of the votes in seventh place suggesting his outburst at a policeman has turned off women looking for more genteel chrematistics. Right behind him came Education Secretary . just scraped by with 1% of the nods (a total of 2 votes!), suggesting modern women still prefer hair. , who was the tenth politician included in the list presented to voters, alas, didn’t get one vote. We can only conclude that the size of a man’s belly still outweighs the size of his wallet. Politicians have never wanted for amorous attention from younger and more attractive women, despite their straight and preppy image. Cheeky Girl Gabriela Irimia obviously thought Lib Dem MP Lembit Opik had enough going for him to date, and then get engaged to. Monika Lewinsky presumably didn’t go for Bill Clinton for his boyish looks. And need we even mention Silvio Berlusconi! Even the most unlikely candidates often get a fair share of action. John Prescott with Tracy Temple and with Edwina Currie. Pasternack added that the girls on Sugardaddie.com will be following the conference closely: “It is

Page 1 often female politicians who come up for scrutiny over their looks, facing puerile jokes about their attractiveness. But as the blue-tied male Tories take their turn at the podium at the EEC in from Sunday, you can be certain that they’ll find themselves scrutinised for far more than their policies.” For more info on the research email: Ministers included on the list presented to 200 female members of sugardaddie.com. Number in brackets refers to percentages of votes. George Osborne (20%) Jeremy Hunt (18%) Philip Hammond (17%) Owen Paterson (15%) Andrew Lansley (8.5%) David Cameron (8.5%) Andrew Mitchell (7%) Michael Gove (6%) William Hague (1%) Eric Pickles (0%) Contact info: Derek Stanton 0845 634 2265 [email protected]

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