Advances in Health Sciences Research, volume 27 Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Science, Health, Economics, Education and Technology (ICoSHEET 2019) Sexual Function in Women Who Experienced Domestic Violence 1st Lidia Hastuti 2nd Lilis Lestari 3rd Annisa Rahmawati Lecturer, Community Nursing Lecturer, Maternal and Pediatric Lecturer, Medical Surgical Nursing Departement Nursing Departement Departement STIK Muhammadiyah Pontianak STIK Muhammadiyah Pontianak STIK Muhammadiyah Pontianak Pontianak, Indonesia Pontianak, Indonesia Pontianak, Indonesia
[email protected] 4th Wuriani 5th Tisa Gusmiah 6th Ridha Mardiani Lecturer, Medical Surgical Nursing Lecturer, Medical Surgical Nursing Lecturer, Medical Surgical Nursing Departement Departement Departement STIK Muhammadiyah Pontianak STIK Muhammadiyah Pontianak STIK Muhammadiyah Pontianak Pontianak, Indonesia Pontianak, Indonesia Pontianak, Indonesia 7th Jaka Pradika 8th Yanieta Arbiastutie Lecturer, Medical Surgical Nursing Lecturer, Forestry Faculty of Departement Universitas Tanjung Pura Pontianak STIK Muhammadiyah Pontianak Pontianak, Indonesia Pontianak, Indonesia Abstract—Violence against women by partners is a I. INTRODUCTION serious problem of public health which contributes to injuries whether as short-term or long-term health Serious actions done by the government in handling cases consequences. Based on the annual records of the women's of domestic violence in Indonesia have been going on for national commission in 2017, there were 259,150 cases of a long time with the issuance of law number 23 of 2004 violence against women that being reported during 2016. concerning the abolishment of domestic violence. The law Domestic violence occupy as the most cases being reported is a guarantee by the government in taking steps to prevent position for 903 cases (88%) out of the total 1,022 cases being reported.