Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology Determination of Priority Regions As the Direction of Decision
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb E-ISSN : 2541-5794 P-ISSN : 2503-216X Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology Vol 04 No 03 2019 RESEARCH ARTICLE Determination of Priority Regions as The Direction of Decision- Making for Land Development of West Kalimantan Province Ratih Fitria Putri1*, Aryana Rachmad Sulistya2 1 Department of Environmental Geography, Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia 2 Master Program of Geography, Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia * Corresponding author : [email protected] Tel.: +62-274-6492340 Received: Mar 26, 2019; Accepted: June 21, 2019. DOI: 10.25299/jgeet.2019.4.3.2908 Abstract Indonesia is an archipelago country consisting of large and small islands with a large number of approximately 17,508. Some of the islands are among the border to neighboring countries. One of the islands is a border area of land that is found on the island of Borneo, especially West Kalimantan Province. West Kalimantan province is directly adjacent to Malaysia. The identic character of the Indonesian border area is largely a lagging region. Determination of priority areas is certainly needed as an effective way of developing these border areas. The objectives of the research include (1) identification of the distribution of lagging priority areas in West Kalimantan Province, (2) give recommendations related to development of lagging priority areas. Overlays of lagging region parameters and economic productivity are used to determine priority areas. The result of identification is known that Bengkayang Regency, Kayong Utara, and Melawi are the lagging priority areas. Recommendation given to the lagging priority regions are through regional development model and also based on determination of base sector. Keywords: Land Development, Priority Region, Economic Land Productivity. 1. Introduction The population in West Kalimantan Province is concentrated in urban areas than in rural areas, Indonesia is an archipelagic country which consists especially in Pontianak City and Kubu Raya Regency. of large and small islands with approximately reachs The background of the phenomenon is likely due to 17,508 islands. The existence of Indonesia as an economic stagnation and limited employment in rural archipelago country had been recognized in the world areas (Kinggundu, 2014). Existence of various and through the marine law convention of PBB, UNCLOS. uneven population in each regencies/cities results the Some of the islands are the border islands with the difference of condition of social, economy, resources neighboring countries. management, infrastructure, etc. Border areas of Indonesia with the neighboring countries consist of both land and sea boundaries. geographical condition, and potential of natural Land boundaries involve Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, resources in each regencies/cities of West Kalimantan and Timor Leste. Sea Boundaries involve Malaysia, Province are able to impact the inequality of economic Singapore, Philipine, Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste, and human development. This condition is strengthen India, Thailand, Australia and Palau. One of the islands by data that was released by central agency on which hasland boundary area is located in Kalimantan, statistic of West Kalimantan Province about gini especially West Kalimantan. coefficient of West Kalimantan Province based on the West Kalimantan is directly adjacent to Malaysia. expenditure data in 2016, its gini coefficient was Border areas of West Kalimantan Province involve amounted to 0.33 which means moderate inequality. Sambas Regency, Bengkayang Regency, Sanggau Development disparities among the regencies/cities of Regency, Sekadau Regency, and Kapuas Hulu West Kalimantan Province in period of 2011-2015 Regency.West Kalimantan Province is one of the relatively low, but it increases every year and 50% of province in Indonesia which consists of 14 West Kalimantan Province regions are included in the regencies/cities and traversed by equator, precisely in category of relatively underdeveloped regions, it Pontianak City. The population density of West counts 7 of total of 14 regencies/cities. Main factors of Kalimantan Province is always increasing in the period social and economic inequality are the distance and 2000-2017 (BPS, 2018) (Fig. 1). quality of health services, population, and limited Based on the newest data from West Kalimantan economic empowerment. Another problems which Barat Province in Figures 2017, the population of West also be a challenge for both central government and Kalimantan Province amounted to 4,861,738 people. West Kalimantan provincial government is the 186 Putri, R.F. et al./ JGEET Vol 04 No 03/2019 existence of region that directly adjacent to the other commonly exist in the underdeveloped regions countries. The identical character of the borden become the defining components that are neccessary regions in Indonesia is most of them are the in assessment of the regions. Disaster prone areas, underdeveloped regions. The social-economic facilities especially social disaster such as conflict prone areas and infrastructures in those regions commonly are and applicable development policies also contribute to more underdeveloped than the others in one region give the assessment of the regions. (province). Those conditions are reinforced by opinion Mapping on determination of priority regions of Nurdjaman and Rahardjo (2005) in Taena (2009) hopefully can be basic on decision-making, especially which the challenges of regional development in the related to the development of the underdeveloped regions that directly adjacent to the other countries, regions which prioritized to develope as soon as include geographical aspect, demography aspect, possible. Determination of priority regions in natural resource aspect, economic aspect, sosio- development seems like have been an effective effort culture aspect, etc. Effort is needed in order to able to fasten the development of the underdeveloped developing those border regions effectively. region because most of the government in some Concept about the underdeveloped region have not regions has limitation in many aspects such as finance, had the standard definition until now ( ). technologies, and quality of human resources. There are some sources which define and give the Furthermore, the determination of priority areas is indicators about the classification of a region is also expected to create synergism which can integrate categorized as a underdeveloped region. BPS defined between regions, thus obtaining better results than that the underdeveloped region as a region those obtained through the performance of each characterized by the low potential of its village, region (Yunus, 2008 in Giyarsih, 2017). housing and environmental condition, and the less Approach which can be used to determine the favorable demographic social position compared to underdeveloped regions is scoring method. This the other regio Putri mehod give the score value on each paramaters that (2013) defines the underdeveloped regions as the used in the determination of the underdeveloped regions with their development average are relatively regions. The value of scoring given in each parameters lower than the other regions. Based on those is based on the distribution of data. Three major definitions, it can be inferred that basically the aspects that have had significant influence to bridge concept of the underdeveloped region emphasizes on the gap are mainly investment in infrastructure, backwardness conditions of a region from physical, investment in human capital, and more exposed & social, and economic aspect as a result from a less vulnerable to natural hazard (Khondkerand Mazhab, optimal development target in that region. 2015). In line with that, the parameters which used in Various factors which are hipotized as the factors determination of underdeveloped regions are mostly causing the underdeveloped regions are geographic similar, according to PDT (2005), consist of (1) Aspect factors, natural resources, human resources, facilities and infrastructures, disaster prone areas, conflicts, and condition (3) Facilities and Infrastructures (4) the development policies that applied in such regions. ability of regional finance (5) Access and regional Geographic factors become the causing factor because characteristics (6) the underdeveloped region commonly the underdeveloped regions have a long characteristics. Those six parameters, further more, distance and access which is difficult to reach by the are not used overall in this research, but only transport and communication network, the existence parameter one, two and three which assumed have of barrier in the form of hills, the coastal area, and the been enough to represent a region to be classified as a other geomorphological factors.Natural resources underdeveloped region. have been a defining factor of the underdeveloped Those three parameters will be combined with the region because some regions do not have the potential economic productivity in each regencies/cities in West of natural resources or perhaps they have the Kalimantan Province. Overlay between the results of potential of natural resources, but it is only for weighting and calculation of economic productivity is conservation so they can not use it. Education level, done to know the priority regions. The overlaying knowledge, and skills which are relatively low in the process results the priority regions classification