f. c CITIZI Vol BO. No. 42 SOUTH AMBOY, N J Thur.doy. October 18 '96? 5c (Ovt «f T«wn 7c) Henry Asks Greater Letter Draws Criticism A letter from school board $400 it needs In November Federal Aid president Joseph Wojcie- to complete its project. Councilman Fred Henry an- chowskl pursuant to an in- Councilman J. Peter Rush n-. jnced at the council meet- formal joint meeting of the asked that this be taken up ing this week that South Am- board and governing body at the next meeting and re- boy ought to file a number last Wednesday was attacked quested that the money be of other municipal projects by Councilman Fred Henry made available before bills under the recently-passed because Information con- are incurred In the future. Public Assistance Accelera- tained in the letter about Both he and Henry com- tion Act by the federal gov- classroom space need which mended the commission's ernment. So far only the was not brought out at the work. Board of Puhlic Works had meeting, A letter from Poet No. applied for financial aid Wojclechowskl listed im- 2448, v.F.w., informed the toward the construction of mediate space requirement msyor and council of a testi- another above-ground water for a minimum of four class- monial dinner to be given reservoir. rooms to eliminate double October 27th at the Mechan- There are a number of session,s a room for 7 A, Itcsvllle Hose Co. flrehouse other currently-proposed described once as a honoring past quartermas- projects which might qualify "floating" classroom meet- ter Carmen J. Fazio. All of- under the act, such as the ing in various rooms and ficials who could attend were school expansion program, not having a home room, a asked to do so. the new city hall, drainage music room and space for Schultz announced that be- and sewerage especially In guidance functions, health cause of Election Day, the Mechanicsvllle and Parker classes, visual aid equip- next counclf meeting has Avenue and resurfacing of ment room and lunchroom been moved up to Wednes- roads, he declared. facilities. day, November 7th, at 8:00 " We are far ahead of other "All of us here heard state- P. M. with the business meet- towns in these programs,*' ments made limiting the ing preceding. A special Henry said, mentioning the needs to Just four rooms. meeting for tine purpose of fact that the school admin- Now we hear differently preparing a brochur on the again. The board has to be city hall question will be istration probably still re- FIRST MAIL DELIVERY — Ma a« a*4 tains a report on school 7 laofca •*. TV specific In Its requests and held Friday st City Hall* be Mm. John rfcillipa accept nail fraw car- Wy tto aayar'a not change them from time said. space needs made by the rier hmA WillU«*M MI finrt lay •< «W- r school architect last year, to-aWr Mil ft>Ur*ry in Lauvar* Hariwr aa* •/ to time, ' he said. Relating to road Improve- plans and prints for a new en Saturday. Henry revealed that, at one ments, Henry said mat this city hall and library and point in the informal pro- program for the year has sewer and drainage work in- ceedings Wednesday, one not yet been completed and formation gathered from re- person reported the need of that Campbell Street and up- cent conferences. Vandalism Rampant Railroad as many as eight classrooms per Augusta Street paving "We should take advantage Vandalism of public play- playgrounds to keep after- but that this was later modi- still remains. He revealed of these estimates and sub- grounds continues unabated dark vandals out. Explosives Issue fied. that these streets will only mit our bids as soon as In the city and strong voices He informed that the po- } A recurring railroad tie Board members did men- take a day or two to pave possible," he recommended. to do something about it lice department had been in- i pile fire and the fear of tion the need of the other and that resurfacing la He also brought to mind the were echoed Tuesday at the structed by the mayor and ' explosives being handled In rooms mentioned shove per- scheduled to begin either land fill area which stands City Council meeting. council to make hourly the city **re the subjects iodically but not at the joint this week or early next eek. idle as well as recreation meeting. In his remarks, Councilman Eugene Szes- Recreation chairman, checks at the playgrounds to : of a letter frnm the I'ennsyl- playground facilities and Councilman J. Peter Rush, disperse loiterers. . vanla Railroad to the gov- Henry said classrooms cost zko reported that he Is still grounds the city could use disclosed that a sliding board The police, he added, have '• erning body read at Tues- much money and that re- receiving complaints from or Improve upon. at the Conlogue Avenue play- been following these instruc- day's meeting. ports on needs have to be residents about heavy truck Henry proposed that the ground was Inverted and that tions excepting at times when Assistant Freight Train specific, not dubious. use of Stevens Avenue and governing body meet with chains on swings were they have other calls such as Master W. G. Willett wrote The matter was referred Fourt Street. At the same city engineer Edward C. rwiated Into knots recently. accidents, fires and Investi- In the tetter that the track to the msyor and council for dme he thanked responsible Reilly in order to compile The councilman further gations to conduct. | supervisor will cover old further study on s motion officials for die Installation specifications on hand re- disclosed that a quarter- Violation of the curfew, at piles of ties to prevent fu- made by Councilman John of lights on Grade Drive In garding these projects so Inch cable hqlding up a ten- the playgrounds, he said, , ture fires and that the re- Howley. Amboy Gardens. that proper requests on them nis court net at the Sixth would result In a warning the port of a fireman spotting TWO RESOLUTIONS Mayor Joseph Charmello could be filed. Street playground had been first time with a fine to be box cars with tags marked APPROVED revealed that some com. Mayor Joseph Charmello cut. The tennis courts given the second time. , "explosives" came as a sur- A pair of resolutions, one plaints have been made to suggested that Reilly be con- there have been Installed In his protests. Rush malrv- prise to railroad officials. dealing with the closing of a him about the street light tacted Immediately and put recently. tained that playground equlp- A check has been made of bridge during the night In conversion to mercury- to work on this program. "These acts of vandalism mem Is expensive. Council- the cars referred to and they Morgan and the other re- vapor light fixtures. He said "These will have a defi- were not committed by child- man Eugene Szeszko avidly were found to be empty at lating to Interest on curb that residents who had ample nite effect on the city and ren, but by older persona, supported having the play- the time, the letter dis- paving bills passed unani- lighting by their homes had it Is Important that we make since they required some grounds secured after dark closed. When unloaded, mously. objected to the re-spotting our bids promptly." strength," Rush declared. immediately for "the pro- someone forgot to take the The council objected to the of lights In their teu, "When President Kennedy "Wilfull destruction of pub- tectlon of the taxpayers' Labels from the cars, it said. closing of the bridge belong- Board of Public Works released the $90 mill ion dol- lic property Is a serious of- money." "To allow this to All yard masters in the South ing to the New York and president Thomas Vail re- lars for this work, our area fense, and the full penalty be continued Is like throw- Amboy district know of the L-ong Branch Railroad plied from the gallery, at was already carried as a should be handed out to those ing money down the sewers," ordinance forbidding the crossing Cheesequake Creek the invitation of the mayor distress area because of un- responsible for It," he said. he exclaimed. handling of explosives here from 10:30 P. M. to 6:00 A. M. and council, that a profee- employment and requests -ft -Bt 1st iu Feb- oioiiejiy«pnnineu {MU^i^m Is It was brought out by Cpun- —eapluaUes—" being carried out for the b by tha tirmatiTretf Henry that goal mended that additional su- presently being handled, the ruary 21st on the grounds end of this year to meet thhe that many local residents program and that for the posts at Coluccl Field were pervised activities for letter assured. few objections voiced there deadline," the mayor In- knocked down Sunday, Oc- youthsTn die 15- year- old age Council President Richard use this waterway during formed. Councilman J. Peter that period. Objections were must be many satisfied peo- tober 7th. "Small children ! bracket be promoted to keep J. Schultz appealed to par- ple who have not expressed Rush asked that all the in- don't have that kind of the youths out of trouble. ents to Instruct their small sent to the U.S. Army En- formation on what can and gineering District of New themselves on the matter. strength," he stated. "Give them this Incentive children not to cross or Vail said that after the pro- cannot be done be solicited "A certain few, I would for other activities," she run along railroad tracks on York. from Washington as soon as The second resolution gram Is completed, he Is say ]ust two per cent, of the , implored. As a suggestion, lower Conover Street as they confident that all residents possible. youths- are to blame for this she asked that Instructions axe In the habit of doing. called for a refund to be made on Interest in the sum1 will be satisfied. destruction that U being • be given them on playing ten- He recommended that the The new lighting will cost done," Council President , nis. She also asked that more railroad be asked to erect of |6.S0 to a Sixth Street 1 about $2,600 more annually CAKE SALE Richard J. Schultz disclosed. recreational equipment be a fence barrier there to resident on an unpaid curb Installation assessment and and Is designed to give more The eolith Amboy Hospital "The ninety-eight per cent I made available to the youths - prevent a possible "tra- Illumination over a wider of'the youths use the facili- ' to occupy them. to waive the interest charge Auxiliary will hold a cake for a second resident of that area. The mayor stated that sale in the Sacred Heart ties properly," he said. : In reply Rush stated that Pupils In all three schools ; he hoped some people will not Compallnts on vandalism I the Recreation Commission have executed fire drills | street If the bill owed Is Halt on Saturday and Sun- paid by December 31st. Both be made unhappy over it es- day. were also voiced by Mrs. advocated the construction ; conducted recently with | pecially since more money Andrew Peterson and Mrs. of the tennis courts for just great efficiency, Schultz dls- I residents were given to un- On the Board of Directors derstand that when the as- will be paid for the lighting. of the South Amboy Hospital Charles Gawenus from the that purpose and that It had ' closed. He thanked school of- The complaints, he said, audience who remarked that under consideration the hir- ficials for giving their co- sessment was made In Sep- Auxiliary are: Mrs. Alex tember, 1960, they were were from upper Feltus Baranowski, Chairman; cars filled with boys and ing of Instructors In the operation to city firemen Street. girls can be seen loitering spring. He disclosed also during die drills. given a period of years to Mrs. J. R. Wojciechowski, pay the money and nothing In his comments Council- Mrs. Alex Helm, Mrs. Don- In the vicinity of the play- that a basketball league \ I PROMISE man J. Peter Rush requested grounds after dark nightly. would soon get underway and was mentioned then about ald Zeh, and Mrs. F?ank Interest. that property acquired re- Point. They proposed that a curfew that some of the youths could NOT TO PlAY cently on Gordon Street be similar to that being con- engage In this sport. In other matters, the Shade * WITH MATCHES Tree Commission requested put on the list for resur- sidered In Keyport be en- facing' next year as It will Grow with JUKTKO forced. serve as a through street. PENALTIES SUGGESTED IMKKASK SALES Raffle applications were Schultz responded that THROUGH AIM approved for both St. Mary's playgrounds ought to be High School and St. Mary's closed after a certain hour Grammar School. A letter and chains with locks be in- of thanks was received from serted on the gates to the the Matawan Huskies foot- J. J. Harripi Ct., be. ball team for use of Coluccl - B*»l Ea**U * iMwun - Field October 14th. a copy MKY'S PHARMACY RAVEL of which Rush asked to be IS OUR pi*« Gmx*r\ •eat to the Recreation Com- Tel. PArkwoy 1-9723 TBUSINESS 1-»SS mlMion. Ale • Sail • f*~-rHy • Taw « Crvat* feaarvat Open This Smday woat.0 T.I VA1W, «-atfi Pctanon'i and Madura'* Csipt Trard dmtm - Wl DJtUVB* — fa* Hw Day »M MAPLKSMAPLKKT r PERTH AMBOY. N. j. MAIN 8Tftl!T In C*i* •! t*«ff*«cy Call Travrf PAifcwey 1-1*44 Saalfc A«|*r M*m«fi«l Sfam Ifti suppon roucE IEFEKENDU QUSDON Tlie SOI Til AMIOY « ITIZK* Thunday, Oetobv IS. New

1 otters to the I dltnr are .IIW.\VR welcome! I ,T h communication must < irTV both the signature and address n( the writer. But we will withhold both If you so request it. Anonymous letters will not he considered for publica- tion. All letters will be kept on file and cannot be returned. Deadline for Letters to the I dltor Is Wednesday noon. 115 Amherst Avenue Colonla, New Jersey October 8, 1962 Dear Sir: There is a great need for a Community of Junior Col- lege in Middlesex County and legislation enabling the establishment of this college exists. The Community or Junior College makes a two year college program available to the college interested per- Bon. Tuition la nominal with SEASONS REVERSED? Not urtdustiwi. but in indtmir Invmliturp ceremony brought nut r«p« «nd (own* for fmh- course credits received K«n ntudrnU •< Naurtth College in LonitTillt, Kjr. The an- transfer rable to colleges and deMir rontiime is first donned early in the fall •eMtater by universities throughout the freshmen is • symbol of th« obligations and privilege* of stu- country. dent life. Preparing for the f*re»»ny with Stater Mary Chsr- Under existing law, State fette, S.C.N.. Naia/eta preaMent, are Miaa BJUwi M. galMvan. and county funds sustain the lift, daaghter of Mr. and Mr*. Pmlllp J. SalliTtn, 147 Henry college and at the present 8U Boot* Amboy, and Him Cell* Laaper of Anderson, lad. time federal legislation has Nanretn College, Uw otefeat senior college for women in Kea- been introduced to provide Uc*>. in operated fcy (he 8lst*ra of Charity of Nacareth. matching fundB to states thereby augmenting county and state funds now avail- i able. Hecently, a group of county Police Action Prevents Rumble j residents, former students South Amboy police, act- The building was quickly and interested parties, met ing on a tip, prevented a evacuated but not before sev- to discuss and to take the major street fight of high eral organizations, meeting . steps necessary to establish school students last Thurs- there, had their meetings in- It was <>nr hundrMl years i Alrr;ulv ;i painting crow, un move upstairs to allow for i Middlesex Junior College day which supposedly was terrupted and their agendas tier the chairmanship <>f Knh the Installation of heat In under the provisions of ago this year, In January of the basement. I he Kt. Kev. scheduled to be staged at distrubed. lfWi2, that MiflH Cariiilm- ert Smith, has completed existing state laws. a parking lot between Wash- The bomb call to police painting (if the hall and class Alfred 1 . Hanyard, Olfihup Today with so many of our (.'.onover, a sister of Rich- of Now Jersey, will dedi- ington Avenue and Main may have had some connec- ard S. Conover, Chief Kn- rooms downstairs. Other high school graduates (and Street. tion with the street battle committees and their chair- cate the structure on Feb-high school graduates of glneer of the Camden and ruary 4th, 1963. The parking lot was choaen that was to take place. Po- Amboy Railroad and Im-men are as follows-. Base- former years) interested in by ,the antagonists as the lice think It was a divert- porter of the "John Bull" ment Lighting Installation - Present plans call for the pursuing college work but arena for settling dif- ing tactic on the part of some locomotive, contributed the Harold Hartman, Basement dividing up of the old Parish unable to do so for economic, Heating Installation - Jerry Hall Into classrooms. The ferences that could have re- of the principals In the fight money to erect the Christ travel, or other reasons, sulted In a major disaster attempt. Church Pariah Hall, (top Uhler, Kitchen Moving and outside trim of this building establishment of this col- Installation - Donald Mas- has recently been painted by for some of them, had not Calls to police were made photo) for Chapel, Sunday lege makes its need all the the police entered into the Thursday at 4 l5, 4:30 and School, and Pariah School terson and Ira Sturgis, Base- a committee under the chair- more apparent. : ment Floor Tile Installa- manship of Caspar Poetsch. picture. 7:15 P.M. alerting them to purposes. It replaced an old The temporary committee Friction Is believed to have the action that was to follow wood building that had been tion - James McArthur, and now formed will meet in mid- Landscaping - Lea been fomented over the at the parking lot. The po- used for church services un- j October. There is no need for annual scrub football game lice began breaking up til the present Church was Batchelor. "solicitation of funds. We between students of Hoffman groups that were seen con- completed In 1858. This old The downstairs classrooms merely seek an expression and St. Mary's High Schools. gregating In various areas. building, which had been built of the new building have from our neighbors to be The game was called off As many as ISO youths were by the Camden and Amboy, been used since the open- assured our objective is on Friday after the Thurs- dispersed by them. was then taken down, . ing of Church School on Sep- ^BIRTHS shared by them. day evening episode. tember 16th to house ten The police vigil was con- Interestingly enough, this Son, to Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Anyone interested In at- Preceding the planned tinued the following days and year atse marks the comple- classes, from Nursery j liam Slendron, 717 Uorden- tending our next meeting through Second Grade. When , street fracas was a mys-a watchful eye on groups tion of the new Christ Church town Avenue, South Amboy. should write to Mr. Harold terious call to police, de- was kept over the weekend Parish Hall on Fourth Street the upstairs hall is com- laughter to Mr. and MrsAugustine. , City Hall, Perth pleted, these classes will scribed as a voice In a and into part of this week. (bottom photo). At the John Wagner, 333 Vineyard Amboy, New Jersey. forieng dialect, notifying present time, the con- Avenue, Morgan, N, J. The October meeting will them that a bomb was tractors are completing Daughter to Mr. and Mrsb. e held In Edison, and the planted at St. Mary's School. their jobs and the men of Patrick Russell, 241 Augusta meeting after that is planned Kurtz Named the parish are readying Firemen Have Street, South Amboy. for New Brunswick, with themselves to move In and Son to Mr. and Mrs. James subsequent meetings to be Fund Chairman apply the finishing touches. Busy Weekend Hermes, 334 Henry Street, held In Woodbridge and other Second Bomb communities in the county. William Kurtz, ot D|2 Al- A brush fire to the rear South Amboy. pine Street, South Amboy, N. "_A bachelor ia man who Son tn Mr. and Kira L pn- May we hear your voice of Scare Reported tji JUTT \ fit t^\ \, njw-c r nuguuitr J,, has been named class on from lnleTefll and approval; ~ run pull his soc Street, was extinguished by ter Bartley, 17 Elm Terrace Police report that another chairman in the 1963 annual either end."— Parlin. city firemen Friday at 12-.2O (Signed) John J. Fay call had been made to St. Alumni Giving Campaign, of I'.M. Another alarm, turned Son to Mr. and Mrs. John Mary's School informing Rider College. Kurtz will UAftM in at 9-.15 P.M., brought Jensen, 236 Bordentown Ave. school officials that a bomb be chairman of the class of South Amboy. Committee for the '31 during the drive. firemen to 280 Conover Establishment of a had been concealed in the Df UMTS Street to extinguish a porch Daughter to MR, AND Mrs., building. Disclosure of the Donations secured In the Lawrence Mills, 44 Gar- ! Community (or Ju- call was made to police annual alumni campaign will fire. Slight damage was sus- ' nior) College in I SCHOOL Or IIJUJTY tained, police report. field, Place, Parlin. Tuesday at 8:20 A.M. bygo Into the Rider Library , At 11:57 P.M. Friday, fire- Middlesex County Sister Mary Cleophas, prin- Building Fund. The college CLAIMS BtGIN aVCBT 1 I* fAwntY O» Ml MONTH men were called out once' cipal of the grammar school, hopes to begin construction again to put out a fire that' Police Chief John T. Glea- on its new library in early rats was started in a studio aon revealed. 1963. t College Night couch set out for trash pickup The informer stated that The campaign goal is to on Catherine Street, between the bomb was set to go offraise over $50,000 and ob- Bordentown and Stevens At Edison at 9 A.M. that day. Fire tain 30 percent alumni par- Avenues. The parents of Hoffman Chief Kenneth Mundy, police ticipation. The drive begins Firemen also extinguished High School students have officers and members of the on November 15. Mail CUm O«L I a brush fire Sunday afternoon been Invited to attend Col- South Amboy First Aid Squad INftOU NOW in Mechanicsville on Raritan lege Nlght on Wednesday, conducted a search of the Street. The alarm was turned October 24 1962 at Edison building but found no bomb, «V«144 in at 5:16 P.M. and the all- High School at Fdison, New police report. IM ALBANY STRUT. clear signal was sounded at Jersey. This is sponsored A previous bomb call.was I Ctvwr OKMtei CTftlfT 5:27 P.M, by the Middlesex County Gui- made to police last Thurs- ! VlGRAN N.J. 1«VIM1«MT IIUvll I IMS dance Association to which day evening at a time when I Hoffman High School belongs several organizations were j now available in and is represented by our preparing t to meet. The : 6-month supply guidance counselor, Mrs. hullding was evacuated then. | Miriam W. Hollfelder. i The program will Include 40 admission officers from ! around the country. It will be divided Into three aes- I RARITAN SUPPORT POLICE REFERENDUM QUESTION HOLDEN i sions; 7:40 to 8:2O p.m., | 8:30 to 9:00 p.m. 9:10 to 9: | DINER Jewelers 40 p.m. Ifftyou expect to take advan- I Dotty S a.m. - 10 p.m.. AND GIFT SHOP tage of this opportunity, f B. J. EXCAVATING LAKGf GIFT SfiiCTIONS please notify Mrt, Hollfel- i — MIDAY SPECIAL — — r1n« Rcpoirs — der, guidance counselor, by FISH PLATTER 90c GRADING & CELLARS DUG way of your children*. Mrs. I New Apothecary Jar 10«N BROADWAY Hollfelder will be at Edison SHRIMP PIATTER TOP SOIL — SAND — FILL DIKT SOUTH AMBOY High School to welcome you on Wednesday night, Octo- SCALLOP PUTTM $4.98 |O*|N MHDAr TU « P. M | * DAYTON STREET SOUTH AMBOY, N. ber 24th. I Ts^bfsih ^BTAsMA%ftrfkLWM^ftA LVtffiAssjjisisiSBlti. \ P Ark way 1-2030 Credit E Dinner* to ao out at oil tim«i) MADURA PHARMACY Th#> fiOI'TH AMIOV < ITIf.tC* — 3 — ___ _"V ^_ Thvridoy. Octobf 111 961_ Gent-Smith Mob-Psychology Talk Scheduled An address on hearing in San Francisco Wedding Held tactlca, which are employed conducted by the House Vn- during peaceful demonstra- Amerfcan Activities Com- tion in rum them lntorlota, mit U-P. It reveals how It U will he the principal subject possible for a few eommunift Ctrr i>- be discussed tomorrow agitators, using mob ,it thr Washington School au- psychology, can turn See The Strasberg • lUi'iUim In Sayrevllle begin- demonstration Into a riot. ning ar ft P.M. J. Edgar Hoover, F.B.I, I tie program, the first of a director, stated that "Their Railroad In Action scrlrft, 18 being sponsored by success there mutt serve the rtfwly-formed Sayreville as a warning that their In- One of the East's oldest but most recently promoted ( wu Association of which t raC 1 lon8 l8 the s raflbur filtration efforts are aimed ^1 £ . , i J « ^road In Pennsyl- Mrs. Mnry Matthews is the not only at youths and stu- i«. This line, America's oldest whortllne railroad, pri'sMoin. The organization dent group*, but also at our oeen running through the Pennsylvania Dutch country- tnvlten the public to attend C 832 OnIy the Balt mor abor unions, churches, pro- r*n^iU V ,'J i e and Ohio, a Class I and no admission fee will be fessional groups, artists, railroad, Is older than the Strasburg. Several year* charged. newspapers, government, !™.« ,en H"e, line was about to ce"e operations, a The npeaker of the evening ind the like, and can create group of rail-fans purchased it lock, stock, and barrel will ho Frank A. Capell, an chaos and shatter our and have been operating it to the eager delight of visitor* authority on communism and internal security." ever since. All of the 'employees7 are volunteers who tiR operation in the metro- Members of the Civic As- serve as conductors, brakemen, and engineers, Just for politan area. Mr. Capell will the 'love of railroading'. sociation call the program substantiate his observa- a "must" for all parents tions with the showing of the and grown students. Pro- film "Operation Abolition." gram chairman Is Vincent Hie sneaker Is chairman Mndzelewskl, the director (if the Kafttern Zone of the of art it Sayreville War Kiwanln-for-Youth pro- Memorial High School. grams as well as chairman of the F reedom-Is-Up-To- You committee of the Dem Headquarters Klwanlfl Club of Richmond County, N. Y. He Is also the Open Each Night director of the American Ed- It has been announced oy ucation Council. Mr. Fred l>e«Ue, Demo- The film is a 45-minute cratic Municipal Chairman documentary portraying that the Democratic head- events that took place May quarters at 147 North Broad- 12 - 14, 1960, at a court way will be open each week- day evening from 7:30 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. Democratic candidates The Strasburg Railroad Is a two and a half to three Frederic Reese, Richard hour drive from South Amboy. Cross the Edison Bridge Schultz, John Howley and and gain access to the New Jersey Turnpike. Go south to Fred Henry will be avail- the Interchange with the Pennsylvania Turnpike con- able to answer any ques- nection (Toll - 70{i). Cross the Delaware River and Eugene A. Morris tions. "All citizens, regard- travel west on the Pennsylvania Turnpike to the Down- MlsS Mary Jane Gent and Kennth Crosby was best j less of party affiliation are lngtown Interchange (90(J Toll). Follow the signs to Down- Ronald Jackson Smith were man. Ushers were Robert V«tm». OtU am* Invited to visit with the can- lngtown and there get on Route 30 (the old Lincoln High- united In marriage In the Cole of South Amboy, F-ugene Brush**. CIIIM, Bros.*** didates." Mr. Leslie said, way) going west. Turn left on the Hartman Bridge Road Tabernacle Baptist Church, Peppl of Newark; Richard GoW \*mt, Staku. Etc. "Stickers, buttons, and elec- tion literature are avallabh where a sign will direct you to Strasburg. In the center South River with the Rev. Tempalski of Edison; Karl WALL PAPER of Strasburg turn left again onto Route 741 and go Just Donald K. Balfour officiat- Smith, cousin of the bride, for the asking," he further a short distance to the station which Is on the left ing. of Sayrevllle and the bride's 233 Firit Str*»t. South Amboy stated. brother, George Gent of Monday, October 15th * Way back In 1832 when the B & O was only four years The bride, daughter of Mr. Dial PArkway 10436 l old and was still using horse-drawn equipment, a group and Mrs. James Henry Gent, South Amboy. be the first meeting If i of far sighted Strasburg men organized the line to 149 Second Street, South Am- A reception was held In the consultation program. connect the Btate owned Philadelphia and Columbia Rail- boy, was given in marriage Masonic Temple In South road with the Pennsy mainline. In 1851 regular passenger by her father. Amboy before the couple left GET THIS GOLDEN JUBILEE SPECIAL! service wae added and continued until 1908 when the She wore a dress of Im- for their honeymoon In streetcar line was extended to Strasburg, eliminating ported lace and satin, falling Florida. They will live in the need. Freight was hauled until 1958 when the present Into a train. A crown head- 14-A Rhode Hall Road in BRIGGS CHEVROLET group took over. Today you can ride in an open gondola piece held her veil and she Jamesburg. car or an ancient coach behind steam locomotive No. 31, carried a Bible with Illy of The bridegroom, son of Mr. built in 1908. The round-trip ride to Paradise, Pa., Is the valley streamers. and Mrs. Jack Smith, 2505 FALL CHANGEOVER about ten miles. There Is a fine picnic ground and also Mrs. Robert Cole of South Woodbrldge Avenue, Nixon, a display of old locomotives and cars. Tickets are $1,00 Amboy, matron of honor, attended Bessemer High for adults and 50(J for children. Trains run at 1P.M., wore a rose colored dress School In Alabama as well SPECIAL 2 P.M., 3 P.M., and 4 P.M. on Saturdays and Sundays of velvet and satin and car- as well as Alabama Univer- until the end of October. ried white carnations and sity. He Is a foreman for snapdragons in a basket. Phelps Dodge, South Bruns- Similarly dressed, but with wick. FA Answers | j #95 pink carnations In their bou- The bride attended Hoffman quets, were the bride- High School In South Amboy, THIS Hold$ Meetlffll groom's sister, Mrs. Vin-Newark Preparatory School, 106 Calls cent Collettl of Cranburg; and Newark School of Busi- COUPON At the flcat meeting held Mrs. Andrew Horvath and ness Machines and is an in- Captain Thomas Downs re- by Boy Scout Cub Pack #95, Mrs. Edward Urbanski, cou- spector for the Weatinghnuse WORTH ported that for the month of Father W. Urbanlk of Sacred sins of the bride, of Perth Corp. in Edison. September the squad ans- Heart Church gave his bless- Amboy; Mrs. Leo O'Brien wered a total of 106 calls. ing and welcomed the group. of South Amboy; Miss Ger- BRAKE ADJUSTMENT Of these 55 were- emer- The meeting was held In the aldlne Cavanaugh of Eliza- Morgan Youths Gel out regultrf 1 7$tuK« idjustnttnt f R£( of cost wilh gcgencies, . 23 were e ttransports. chop!.. audiW.rlu,m. pn....Man-. beth and _Misg.._JMa.iy., Ann oar f>H Chingwnrw Spgcnt firing rhfc coupon 8 firfi e alarml s and 20 miscel- ay night. Tontecorvo" of Perth Am- fined $140 Good until (dit«) laneous. 627 man hours were The newly formed or- boy, and other bridal at- needed to accomplish this. ganization is being spon- tendants. The three emergency . ve- sored by the Sacred Heart Issuance of a traffic vio- YOURS FREE hicles travelled a total of Parish. Mr. Walter Wesson, I lation ticket to a Morgan 2,184 miles and 10 tanks of of CUffwood Beach, the new i youth by Sayreville police, MS AM 8 oxygen were used. Cub Master, but old timer in { which was disputed by the High- men for the month scouting, led the Initiation youth and which resulted are T. Downs with 30 calls, ceremony for 21 happy bob- in an altercation afterwards, J. Gloffre with 40, J. Holo- cats. Zf JULIE'S brought costly fines to the FALL CHANGEOVER INCLUDES: vacko with 33, E. Kilcomens Mr. Ambrose Nebus Is as- youth and to an accomplice PLRMANtNT TYPE ANTI FRtEZL - Your cooling sys 30, R. Laurltsen 30, and sistant Cub Master. who came to his aid. R, Peterson with 37 calls. Mr. Frank Uston, Rarltan The principals in the tern drained and ch«ck«d for leaks, then Ethyl«nff The squad participated in Council, B.S.A. spoke Beauty Parlor case, brought before Magis- Glycol (permanent-type antifreeze) installed to tht two parades druing the briefly. Mr. Harry Peterson EXPERT HAIR CUTTING trate John R, E-veritt Mon- degree of protection you want. month. One was in Sauter- of South Amboy, the chair- day evening In municipal town, Pennsylvania and theman of the Cub Committee, Speclallting- in court, were Thomas E. LUBRICATION-Complet*. lubrication of all required other In Atlantic City. served as Master of Cere- TINTING and 1 MINUTE Chullli, Jr., 240 Tenth fittings by Chevrolet-trained service technicians. monies and Introduced the Street, and Robert W. Spen- PERMANENT WAVING TRANSMISSION, REAR AXLE AND STEERING GEAR fathers who will serve as (No Chemical*) cer, 410 South Pine Ave- committeemen for the group. nue, both of Morgan. —Checked and filled if needed, drained and refilled The pack will hold its regu- 118 So. Stav«ns Av«. In court Chuilli pleaded if required. TMTSBCITIZEM lar monthly meeting on the guilty to the charge made South Amboy, N«w Jersey FRONT WHEELS-Repacked to factory specifications. Publlihvd l'*'r Thuridpy 3rd Monday of each month. ' against him by Sgt. Joseph PIWNM PArkway 1-0W7 by th* Szatkowski of the Sayreville BRAKE FLUID-Chacked and filled if ne«d*d. So. Amboy Publishing Co., Inc. (Over 25 Yean Experience) police and was assessed $100 CRANKCASE-Drsined and refilled with the best 433 *»««'•• *.. JO"«»» Ambor, N. J. and $10 costs. Spencer, who CloMd WEDNESDAYS came to Chullli'fi assistance winter grade oil. 1112 pnd disregarded an order JULIE DOWNS, Prop. from Patrolman Richard W« know your Chevrolet best and can give it th« best J. R. Woici«how«ki GUS ] Lltz to leave, pleaded not of care . .. through complete facilities, «xp*rt Mrvtc« Managing Hllw guilty. He was fined $25 technicians and dependable parts when nwltd. Phont P Ark way 1 -0004 POTTS' i and $5 costs. Symptom* of DUtrM* Arising from Also appearing before the KEEPYOURCHEVYTHECHEVYE8T1 •» Ucond Clou Matter al tk« STOMACH ULCERS magistrate was William STOPINTOOAY... t*vth A«fc«y fgil Olllc* Under lfc« •of TO EXCESS ACID Scully, 27 Kearny Road, wh© Ad •» March 3, 117V QUICK RELIEF OR NO COST was fined $20 and (5 codts fur speeding 35 miles per TODAY Qt&afotift 1! A:k M>oui 15 Day Trial Offi- hour in a 25- mile zone; Ralph AT... »J.OO pt yaw - 7t ••< t«»» Ov«r Avi nuUiun p«ck«|c« at tU* Van Alstyne, 311 Oak Street, Ti •0 T&KAT&MT have b««n «uld Woodbridge, who paid $15 relief of lytnptomi of dlttre** anting from aMhw •' N#w J.r.ty Pr«n Aim.) and $5 coats for careless >•!• Dt#»tl*«. driving; and rjarold Jenkins, t f Arkway 14781 f 'm£ li. >ni lN an. »« •*•.. due to Ca*MTA«M. Aak lot 2796 Vauxhaul Road, Union, Briggs Chevrolet f -s DENTOWN AVENUB11,; pS, • •>•«••(•" *bic)> tally f SOUTH AMBOY, N J. « Ikto fcomi iwunat-tw »t who was charged with driv- orrart MM*''"! •» '*•• ing on the wrong side of a South Amboy PA. I 1400 divided highway, fined $10 •y •«•». and $5 costs. Tfc# AOI'TH AMHV < ITIZRW — 4 Thuri(Joy, Oetob* IS. tfoJ Insurance Companies Sheila Coward Wed P.T.A. Delegates Property Deed Slant Sponsor Scholarship James T. Roberta, son of Applications for fifteen full Meet In Trenton Info Sought Mr. and Mrs. James T. Ro- tuition scholarships for the parent Teachers Aasocla- Councilman John Howley, berts, of 140 Feltus Street study of fire protection en- Ion Delegates and Sisters city tax chairman, informs South Amboy completed re- gineering at the University jf Mercy from St. Mary's residents that a bona fide cruit training on September of Maryland are now being irammar and High School representative of Municipal 28, at the Naval Training accepted for the September -epresented their associa- Revaluations, Inc., the firm Center, Great Lakes, HI. term. • tion at the Annual Trenton that JLs conducting the During the nine-week Ttw gi auts, which also Diocesan Council of Parent property valuations in the Irtaoctrimttion, recruits are cover room and board ex- eachers Association. city. Is requesting to see trained in physical fitness, penses, are awarded an- Guest speakers were Rt. deeds of property owners in basic military law, military nually by the Inter-Regional Rev. Monsignor D* Amour, drill, customs and etiquette conjunction with the survey. of the naval service, swim- Insurance Conference on be- Associate Secretary of The chairman said that the half of eastern fire Insurance School Superintendents of the ming and survival, first aid National Catholic Education representative has an of- and basic shipboard routine. rating organizations and by ficial letter of introduction the National Board of Fire Association In Washington During the training, re- Underwriters. and Mrs. Charles O'Neill, signed by the mayor cruits receive teats and in- Male high school graduates Executive Secretary of the authorizing this work so mat terviews which determine and present seniors from National Home and School certain Information may be future training and assign- eleven eastern states and Service. authenticated. He said that ments. the District of Columbia, as many deeds as were pos- Monsignor spoke on "The sible were found for this who have maintained at least Status of Catholic Education Eugene F. Dennen, son of a "B" average, are eligible. purpose at the county record in the Nation". He expressed office and that deeds which Mr. tnd Mrs. Eugene F. Den- The four-year course at the the fact that the modern trend nen. of 149 David Street, So. college of engineering leads could not be located there are Ambov and James A. Nemeth in education Is toward the being sought from local to a bachelor of science de- monolithic. Parents and son of Mr. and Mrs. James gree In fire protection. The property owners for perusal. Nemeth of 161 Main Street, church will no longer have He asked that residents be student spends summers In the right and privilege to South Amboy are undergoing the employ of a fire Insur- cooperative so that the sur- nine weeks of basic training Influence education as peda- vey could be expedited. ance rating organization, at gogy will be taken over by at the naval Training Cen- a regular salary. After com- professional educators. Some residents who have ter Great Lakes, HI. pleting the course, gradu- already been approached Monsignor suggested that all The Indoctrination to Navv ates must spend at least concerning deed requests by life began In September, ft four consecutive years in religions unite to combat the representative have In- this secularism In education consists of physical fltneaa the employ of a rating or- quired about it. Howley drills, military drills, basic ganization. by alerting and Informing stated. the apathetic layity. military law, customs and Fire protection engineers Mrs. O'Neill recommended Dia»lay A* Uj W etiquette. inspect and rate business that a variety of programs lm Waat To fey establishments, examine In- be used by Parent Teacher XET0N dustrial hazards, grade mu- Association groups. Cec- nicipal fire-fighting de- tures, panels, forums, ques- fenses and Investigate other tion and answer groups factors involved In insurance should be Included through- underwriting. out the year in addition to The U.S. produces Residents of Connecticut, _ _ella Theresa Coward, Amboy was best man. Jehers die regular fund raising pro- almost '/feof the Deleware, Massachusetts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. were Robert Creed, John Jects. She reminds us H World's Maryland, Maine, New R, Coward, 135 Augusta Brennan, brother of the only .one member benefits Hampshire, New Jersey, Street, South Amboy and jrroom, of South Amboy, and wheat. William Coward of Laurence mentfcy or socially from New York, Pennsylvania, Michael Francis Brennan, any well organized project, Rhode Island, Vermont and were wed Aaturday. October Harbor. the program will prove suc- the District of Columbia may 6th at St. Mary's R. C. After a reception at tne cessful. obtain applications by writ- Church. Monsignor Francis Magnolia Inn in Matawan. The Cathedral High School ing to the Inter- Regional In- Sullivan officiated in the dou- the couple left for a honey- Glee Club entertained with surance Conference, 125 ble ring ceremony. moon trip to Bermuda. Given in marriage by her vocal selections conducted Maiden Lane, New York 38, For traveling, the bride by Sister Mary Cabrini, New York. father, the bride wore a chose a balck suit, trimmed slim sheath gown of R-S.M. with black fox. Rt. Rev. Msgr. John J. imported Italian silk satin, The bride is a graudate of Missionaries Heard emboridered with pearls and Endebrock, M.A. Superin- St. Mary's High School and tendent of Schools gave the crystal beads on the bateau Is employed by the Traffic At Special Service neck, bodice and skirt. Her Department of the N. J. Beu school report. The meeting veil of illusion was attached was adjourned by Mrs. Her- "Missions in the Ameri- Telephone Co. as a toll op- bert Haletead, President of "Lady, you caa profit to a cluster of pearls, and from your vacation by carrying cas" is the theme for Thurs- e the Diocesan Council. day's special missionary she carried white orchids. The groom, also a graduate ka overhead." service at the First Baptist Miss Joan Me Carthy of of St. Mary's High School, Church. Mr. and Mrs. Ken- South Amboy was maid of is employed by Hercules honor. Bridesmaids were HELP WANTED neth Slifer, who toured the Powder Company in Parlln. BUSINESS OPPORTUNTY Dry Claaalag Plaat fietp various fields of the Ameri- Ann Brennan, Dorothy Rodd Sunoco Service Station avail- Counter girla, manager, clean- can Baptist Convention In the and Jean Trzoniec, all of able for Immediate leate In er-apoter, ymiwi, ate. Mai* Americas, will bring the South Amboy. Their dresses South Amboy area location or female. Plant in Boutb Am- were alim-line sheaths, all TtnkS.KaboskiAgencj OIL now averaging in excess of evening message. Mr. Slifer BURNKK SAllO A SMVirt boy. Phone PArkway 10004 Is an executive with the Ayer the color of ruby red, with *EAL ESTATE - INSURANCE tllK COAI 28,000 gallon per month. between 10 a. m. and noon, short sleeves and square For Information call Sun CHI Advertising Agency In Phila- 149 N. BROADWAY Mwm CL 7-132? and between 8:80 and 4:80 delphia and Mrs. Slifer, a necks,. They carried bou- Company, PArkway 1-2300. p. m. housewife, is a past presi- quets of pink gernalumS. — Dial PArkway 1-0620 dent of the Women's Mis- Francis Brennan of South sionary Society of the N. J. Baptist Convention. The time of the meeting Is 7:30 P.M. Nat'l Lead Mgr. CHARMELLO ACCEPTS DEBATE OFFER 1 On Friday evening at the 7.30 hour the Rev. Paul Ep- Elected Y.P. Mayor Joseph Charmello plnger, who served as a Conologue Avenue missionary in Japan, will At a meeting of the Board South Amboy, N.J. speak on the subject of' Mis- of Directors of the Middlesex sions around the World.' The County Safety Council held Mr« Frederic L. Reese .. week. JQI....special, .mission on October 10 in Edison, N. U07 Bordentown Avenue meetings will be concluded ..._.... Eai.y H; ScTiwarTzFoTSr,- South Amboy, N.J. on Saturday night with a cov- plant manager of the Nation- ered dish supper and a mes- al Lead Col, Titanium Divi- sage by the Rev. Joseph sion, was elected vice-pre- Dear Mr. Reese: Burnett. Mr. Burnett Berves sident of the New Jersey as area Director of the World State Safety Council. It is with great pleasure and anticipation Mission Service of the Franklin N. Bent, plant ma- that I invite my opponent to an open and public debate of American Baptist Conven- nager, Hercules Powder Co. any and all issues pertaining to the administration of the tion. and John M. Huftler, plant City of South Amboy and the forthcoming election. manager, Du Pont Photo "Grandfather: A grand- Products, were newly elec- ted members of the Board It is, of course, obvious that the motives child's press agent."— of Directors. of the Democratic candidate for Mayor axe manifestly in bad faith, devoid of sincerity and a complete sham. , This is demonstrated by the fact that he has avoided (Barb a! dhauka public debate until the eve of the election in spite of the fact that he has purported to be my opponent for the fh» South Amboy Junior yVomen'i Club would past eight months. 6fc« to thank all tho«« who contributed to g«ne- rotttly to their r«c*nt Tag Day drive. A total of Therefore, take notice that on behalf of $117 was collected which will b« used in tftt my running mates Adam Kierst, John McCloud and Phil Purcell flrovp'f charity proiects. Chairman we further extend this challenge of public debate to include Mr*. Harold each and every Democratic candidate. We demand that each of the three Democratic candidate* for city council expose themselves to the citizens of South Amboy and attempt to publically defend their performance and their abysmal records. A BtAUTICiAN I herewith appoint Karl R. Meyertons as Chair- NO ACE man of the Republican Debate Committee to meet and consult MOW! CUmi l.mit«J. N.il CUu with his Democratic counterpart to arrange a time and place 1 UajUfih*" in A«v<»». and to promulgate the rules and procedures to be followed at STANDARD ACADEMY the debate. OF BEAUTY CULTURE Very truly yours, |thirl «l Svuiufvl Of•*!•••» >i*M If 47 5 Railre*4 Plata OPP. PENN STATION Joseph J, Charmello KE»" BRUNSWICK, .\. J. < Hanrr T-O49I Mayor •f WriM If nU CATALOG f. Paid for by Mejror OharMllo, HVI IXMRT INIHUCtOtll l»**>**«l KUrat, Puroell and MoCloud. — D*f. ImuMf * Fart lm>* Mil UACIMtNT IUI|AV ft/JJC M - IASY TltMl AalANOI* ••ITS AMMY It 194* Duns Wovnsn Baptists End Police Need Elks Co-Sponsor Mflt Statement Plan Work Public Support Football Program At • recent meeting of the Anniversary John Me Cloud. In s local Democratic party at Members of the South Am- statement Issued recently, [n a statement Issued by the 1 the Party Headquarters on boy Junior Women's Club Celebration Madison Township and mi' " the following points: ocal P.B.A. the following Sourh Amboy area grade "The Democrat controlled Broadway, the Democratic have planned a work night polnst were made: ••*• candidate* Issued the follow- for their meeting on Mon- The Rev. William Blackley school boys, aged seven council has on many occa- will return to his former "The discouraging fact to through eleven can pit their sion* In the past year shown ing Joint statement. day evening (October 22nd). ocal police Is that they are The group meets at 8:15pastorate this Sunday at the football skills against thou- an uter disregard for ate ' The police department and 11:00 A.M. worship service. next to the bottom of the sands of other boys, through- it* understaffed complement P.M. In the Y.M.C.A. on taxpayers of thla dry by Mr. Blackley, who presently list of average pay rates for out the nation in the second their excessive expenditures of men still occupies the Broadway. serves the First Baptist police In Middlesex County annual Punt, Paaa and Kick spotlight as one of the prime This week's work session without ude consideration of Church of Berlin, New Jer- was pointed out at a meet- competition which will cul- the problems Involved. How issues of this campaign. will be for the Braille and sey, was pastor of the First ng of department mem- minate with a White House Nearly a month ago, theBlind Work. Junior Clubs have they done rhia? For the Baptist Church of South Am- bers." reception and an appearance answer, let's look at the people of South Amboy were throughout the state this year boy from 1950 - 1954. He at rhe National Football are stressing the American 'Accompanying a plea for way my opponent haa con- informed by Frederic Reese, returns to the church as asupport of the local referen- League Championship game candidate for Mayor, of the Foundation for the Overseas ducted some of this busi- part of the 90th anniversary dum for a police pay raise for the top ten winners. ness during the year 1961/' situation created by Mayor Blind. Expected to be made celebration. The closing Sponsored nationally by the at Monday's meeting will be at the November 6th elec- "His accounts were neces- Charmello with his "phan- service of the anniversary tion, Sgt. Taralloand Patrol- Ford Division of Ford Mo- sitating an adjustment In the tom" appointments and with handyman boards, match-It program will be held on Oc- tor Company and the Na- books, touch-and-see books, man Frank Norek have re- budget. Thla waa caused by the fact that an appointment tober 28th At the 11:00 A.M. ported on the results of a tional Football league, the his attitude which was ex- still had to be made to bring multi-pocket aprons, and service with the present pas- Punt, Pass and Kick Pro- number books. The projects recent survey they conducted pressed in public, at a coun- the police department up to tor, the Rev. Maynard Hatch, as members of a special gram -- or PP I K - cil meeting, that you can't its full force of men." will be continued at next bringing the Anniversary will be staged In Madison budget Items such as light. month's work night on No- P.B.A. committee." "The delaying tactics, so Sermon. 'Of the IS police depart- Township by Sayre Wood heat and snow removal. On long-employed by the Mayor vember 26th. Ford, with Sayre Wood another occasion, when he Another project to aid the Special mention will be ments in Middlesex County and so well-known to moat made during the 11:00 A.M. that were checked," the po- B.P.O. Flks #2229 as local waa chairman of building and voters In this community by blind which will be spon- service this Sunday at the co-sponsor. grounds, the consented sored by the local club will liceman reported, "South now, are still being used. No First Baptist Church of those Amboy police *rt next to the Area youths will be tested amount of $12,000 on the action has been taken and it be the collection of used members who have belonged budget was changed to 13,000 Hallowe'en costumes. These lowest In pay rate. The pa- for their ability to punt, Is our guess that Mr. Char- to the church for 40 years. trolman's maximum pay pass and kick (using a kick- budget was changed to mello will take no action be- will be repaired by theThere are 19 people who $13,000 on the basis that he members and sent to a camp here after three years of ing tee) footballs on rhe same fore Election Dav." Joined the church between service is $5,785, whlel is day as thousands of other told the auditor to make the which is sponsored by the the years of 1913 and 1921 chance without seeking con- New Jersey Commission for shout $600 below the aver- boys all over rhe country, who are sdll active In the age In the County. Even if with warm-up Jackets, foot- sent. the Blind. Blind children will membership today. The use them In their parties the referendum is success- ball helmets and autographed "His fellow Democrats on Hillowten Party church will honor them by ful other police depart- footballs to be given as first, and play-acting sessions. means of a Declaration the council, after the fact, ments will pull away from second and rhlrd prizes for voted that the additional HeW Thursday Anyone having old costumes of Appreciation. each age group, or five top is asked to call P Ark way South Amboy In 1963.'' $1,000 should remain In the Court Sancta Maria #382 Norek said, "We of rhe po- Madison Township, and South budget. Thla Ishowtheybave 1-0191 and they will Amboy area winners In alL held a Hallowe'en Party In be picked up. lice department must neces- been running the dry on the sarily compare our sallies Scores throughout the state conjunction wit the regu- Chairman of the South Am- se Sponsor taxpayers money - e*ch one lar meeting on Thurs- p received In other depart- rhen will be compared to In rum backing the o «er and day evening. Prizes were boy club's blind work pro- ments, and thus we rank determine the five top New jects is Mrs. Lynn Paul. Con not one of them ever as mudb won by Mrs. Sarah Blood- ssay Contest fourteen out of fifteen de- Jersey winners, and these aa offering a question on a scores compared to de- good for the funniest, Mrs. Loyal Order of Moose Perth partments checked. One bill. Have tney ever tried Dorothy Banfleld, the pret- must bear in mind we do termine the most skillful to economize? My opponent Amboy Lodge #1360 are seven, eight, nine, ten and tiest, and Mrs. Agnes Arm- Polrtians Swap sponsoring the annual "Es- not get overtime pay, no on one of his ventures stated strong, the most original. shift differential pay, and eleven year old fledgling that to repair the fence at say Contest" which Is open football stars In each of rhe Mrs. Emma McCoy was COMMENTS to all children, except child- must work all holidays with- Veteran's Field would cost chairman. out any extra pay for them. areas covered by rhe tele- $290. However, when the bill It looked like an explosive ren of Moose members. casts of the 14 National Foot- The Grand Regent an- The theme will be "WhyThe Job decrtptlon of Po- was presented. It waa for nounced a reception of newsituation was about to liceman are of such magni- ball League Teams. $1,150. Thla showed lack of develop at the Council meet- I Think This Child Deserves members will be held on A Bicycle For Christmas." tude that it would be Im- William Weyman, Compe- foresight. Taxpayers, thla November 11th, at 2:00 P.M. ing Tuesday when First Ward possible to completely de- all costs you money and your Democratic commltteeman The contest Is limited to tition Director, from The In the Knights of Columbus children up to the age ofscribe the experiences we Sayre Wood Elks, pointed taxes will continually In- Hall on Tourth Street, Also Frank O'Brien and Vouncll- crease with thla type of *nan- man Eugene Szeszko tangled twelve. The child writing have, the probabilities and out that there Is no body a food shower for the White the winning essay will possibilities that exist in the contact necessary in rheagemem unless you dec. eon Sisters of Africa at the No-over certain problems ex- Election Day to make it your tant In the Mechanlcsville receive a camera, and life of a policeman, or better competition, no charge for vember 8th meeting. the deserving child will re- put, Skilled pay for Skilled entering, and no special business to get out and vote region, principally drain- for die party dedicated to Grand Regent, Reglna Rac- age erosion. ceive the bicycle. Three help." equipment needed. Registra- tion for the program, will be economy In taxation," zkowskl, and Vice Grand Re- O'Brien accused Szeszko clergymen shall be the gent, Dorothy Banfleld wil Judges, and their decision open from 10*00 A.M. Sat- at one point that he had made How To Get Free urday, October 20th through attend a banquet honoring the political hay via the press will be flnaL State Regent on November Winners of the contest wlU Qt. Of Bleach ; the end of the month, at Cart faity on these problems during th registration heaoquarters, 18 th In the Robert Trea last election campaign. One be announced at the annual Housewives in the Jersey Hotel, Newark. Christmas Party for Moose Central Power 4 Light Com- at the Sayre Wood Ford on S*: remark led to another until Rt. 9, south of the Sayre Cancer Dressing Unit ff\ Szeszko retroted that "More under privileged children on pany - New Jersey Power The St, Helc will meet at the home of Mrs December 16th. Deadline tt Light Company service j Wood Shopping Center. All slonary Guild of Christ was accomplished during my entrants should be accom- Emma McLaughlln, Stevens first nine months on th P.M. in die Pariah Hall. Fol- throughout JCPL-NJPL's more tips on bow to start a fir* lowing a business meeting at service territories. and the world will *tuL For the which Mrs. Reinhoid Dex- ANOTHER WEEK HAS COME AND GONE, AND THE MAYOR JCPL-NJPL announced mat present, however, both go wr- beimer, Directress, pre- a recent national survey in- riljr on. Thia one encourages co- sided. "Symbols of the dicated that less than one operation with * gas station Cross", the second in a HAS FAILED TO APPOINT A PATROLMAN TO THE POLICE FORCL out of five homes are buddy. Ha»e him iave ehaacaa series of color filmstrips on equipped with automatic oil filters. symbolism, waa shown. electric dryers. Power com- Aiter draining, BATC hia»staw The second card party of HOW ARE YOU CITIZENS AFFECTED BY THIS? DO YOU pany officials say the co- in boxes new filters came out of. the season, sponsored by operative . merchandising Now, next time you have • heavy die St. Marha's parish Guild campaign will help promote | firing- job to do, put these babies of Christ Church, will be held THINK THE MAYOR CARE ABOUT YOU? DO YOU THINK HE IS the benefits of electric on Monday evening, October dryers to a wider home- into action. Burn like crazy with tremendous lonf-UurtJaf heat. 22nd, in rhe Palish Hall. CONCERNED WITH HIS POLITICAL CAREER OR WITH YOUR maker audience. The affair will get under way at ft P.M. and Miss Total care included 744 op- Sophie HUlman will serve PROTECTION? erations, 1,614 x-ray pro- as chairman. The public Is P.A. Hospital cedures, 16,353 laboratory tests and 1,376 patients 'cordially invited to attend. Treats 198 Auto treated in the Emergency THINK ABOUT THIS WHEN YOU VOTE ON ELECTION DAY, I Room. Accident Cases i On -an average, SO patients NOVEMBER 6tk were admitted dally. Pa- tients stayed an average 7.4 A total of 198 patients were days and there was a dally treated at Perth Amboy Cen- average of 370 patients In eral Hospital during Septem- the hospital during the per- VOTE DEMOCRATIC ber for Injuries from auto- mobile accidents, the hos- pital's director reported this VOTE LINE A week. In his monthly state- ment of services rendered, Robert S. Hoyt pointed out that the number of motor REESE, SCHULTZ, HOWLEY, HENRY vehicle victims at the Perth Amboy Hospital had been this. high only once before. In August 1961 when 209 THE CITIZENS' CANDIDATES and THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE were recorded. During September the hos- Itarilan Printing pital provided a total 11,099 433 AUGUST* STBffT SOOTH AMBOY. M, J Paid for by U» D«mocr»ti« Orfaniaatloa days of care to 1,502 patients, Including 221 babies born there. •*•

The MM TB AMHV flTIIRW Thunday, October !8

I.1RT OF RILLS TO BF PAID BY THK CITY RAIL LINES OF THE GARDEN STATE Man Rescued ROVTH AM BOY Public Service Eleotvir nrvl Episode 23 - The Uam TrusportiliM Compu? From Bay Ha* Company $60-83. Arrt No RtO -IWI R<"« ; Miller. Police, responding xn a call uymtttmt rni> u- «- vm 'itf1 IWB •••' rVrr*n * Welsh 1:11.37. Arrl. made by Joseph Conroy at No JHO; Miller. Bertrcn nnd the City Garage, contacted WeUh $4.98. Ar<-t. No. Wfi, Hir>*'« P«rm FiniptrKTit Co. the South Amboy First Aid ittMO, Aret. N«. MK; MSTU^ Squad ro launch Its rescue Contrartinn Co. IS200. Arrt. boat to retrieve a man who So 305; Ronnie Shell Rer was trying to stay afloat vire |.1fl.4fi, AcH. No. flflft. afrer his boat capatzed Sun- Ronnir's Shell Service $W).o:i, d.iv at 11:22 A.M. Ar<-t No. Mfi; Wally's FMH Pulled out of the water by fVrvirr $73.22. Arct. No. :W>: H.-irivld Warner of John Reiner* Hardware 117.74, A«- Street, was Herbert Oppel, ,-«unt Ntv 10R: Kenneth Mun- }(-, <>f 78 Underwood Street, d> tlSOOO. Fire Chief Fxp : \>wark, who was rowing a l'niv*>r<»l Fire E*r5. Acct. N AcM. No 205; John R pital for treatment. Capt. CAMMON MITCHfll "M ccn-Of* r Is almost unbelievable, llcupidor $R.r»fl, Acct. No. 20 ; F.dward O'Leary and Officer comes to Loew's Route 35 CANDY CANE .Inhn R. Hosptrfor iflOfl, Acrt. Manvllle Kurtz were de- Drive-In Theatre for four PLAYGROUND N'<> RIO; Anthony Charmed tailed to Investigate for the MIOGi T RAH ROAD KOOO. Acrt. No. 206. Edward days starting Wednesday, police. Filmed in color the picture C Rrilly flRG.ftO. Ouarnnter KMCM account for about H*V. Amnhore; N. J. Roll Tel- co-Starrs Jeffrey Hunter, M. half the value of all cut flow .-phone Co. $34010, Vnri.m "Poise in the ability to talk Thompson, Barbara Perez ers sold in the I'.S. . Ac'rnuntn; Jcmey Central fluriitly xvhile the other fel- and Ronald Remey. Pnwn and l.idht Co. $Tin. Inw i* paying the check."— Kenty Taylor, Lisa Mon- Traffic Uftht: N. .1. Poll Jrlr tell and Valentin DeVargas phone Company $7.*»R. A. •" are co-featured In the "The IAVE fit) TIME \r> 710; John R Evrrilt. MM Columbus Day Program Firebrand" the second fea- ri.tratr $50.00, Acct No. 4V»; Boyle Tn-c SurKery Co. S341 ture. SO. Shad* Trcr Commission: At Public School Two mighty adventure - CLASSIFIED thrill hits, "Son of Samson" Albert Ziohro $.13.12. Arrt children in grades 1 LOST No RIO; John ReUly $24 00. and "The Last of the Vikings' fliPHinh b of the South Am- Passbook No. 2,1181 Cull Acct. No. H!0; Walty's r>«<> both in color, form the dou- bny Public F.lemeptary First National Bank. Service $247, Acrt. No. «10. School were, on Columbus ble feature show for three Madsen and T,e*lie $30.00 I Day, entertained by a pro- days starting Sunday, Octo- Acct No. RIO; Bamnowfkl ber 14th. Mark Forest and FOR SALE Market $.10.74, Acct. No. 810; I uram In which each claafi ' participated. Chelo Alonso are co-starred Lar«« Pool Table MO. Reiner* Hardware $19.99. Ac in the former picture with Call PA 1 0347 afUr 5 P. M. rount No. 810; James Tedesco I The program opened with $\7.«0. Acct. No. 405; Ron "The Star Spangled Ban- Cameron Mitchell and Ed- mund Purdom in the latter. SPARE TIME INCOME nit'* Shell Service $17.45, Ar ner/' and the Salute to the Refill in* and collecting money count No. 40K; Wally's Esso Mag by the assemblage. from NEW TYPE hifh qual Service $S23.1O, Acct. No. 406; The announcer was Unda ity coin operated dtmpenaers Brier* Chevrolet $171.47, Ac l.arsen. Brownies, Scouts in thta are*. No •ellinr Tp count No. 406; Trmnucopy. Inc The entertainment began qualify you must hare car, re- I1S.40. Acct. No. 106; Al Pa with "A Columbus Day Tour Waterworks ferences, $600 to flftOO ca,th. vich $30.00. Acct. No. 910; Greeting" by the Grade 1-A Seven to twelve hour* weekly Dorothy Flaga $10.00. Acct Troop #76 of the Brownies can net excellent monthly in- No. 900; John J- Zdanewici pupils, and was followed by, "Columbus Said" by the pu- and Girl Scout Troop #34 come. More full time. For per $160.00, Acct. No. 900; Royal toured the South Amboy Wa- tonal interview write P. O. Stationers $7.78. Arrt. No. pils of Grade 1-B. The rest of the program Is ter Works Friday with the Box 4185, Pittaburgh 2, Pa. 406; Reiners Hardware $29 4ft, permission of Mr. Nagle. Include phone number. Ac<-t. No. 2OB. aa follows: "The Columbus Story" by Grade 2-A pupils; Mr. Frank Brennan direc- Wayne Applegate, Reginald ted the tour and lumbus Discovered Amerl- allegedly rap*d *h« ll-ytor-eld pfo- shown in the center above, which ca "given by pupils of 4-B, UitioAal eft«r cMiring her r Mtidtfttt an Hit pr«»«it of offering h«r is the headquarters of the U. a choral reading, "Columbus e job and threatening to ttronfl* htr T. Co. i Asks Permission" was given rf ike r««httd. H« hat o)w b«*n For many years the hulk of j by the 5-B students; the cast charged witn a viciom MI attack on a Penniiy open platform coach j Included: King, Bob M#rria; It-yeor-old Houtton bay. AIR No. 3804, which had been used \ CoTumb>'8 Sammy Morris; A F«d«r«l woifan*, ittucd of Houiton i when thv Union Transportation • Maid, Kathryn Bonchard; on Septtmfagi 2. IW. eha 35» Ki nry ft PIMM PArkway 1-0IM — Phone* ~ OIL BURNERS VACUUM CLEANED * BEBVICBD SOUTH Al» Hllkreat J-44M Vi mile past S, Amboy HoapiUl Tel. PArkway PArKVay MW HIGHWAY 35 MORGAN ••••••••••••»••••••••••••••••» .r_ i 140 HENRY STREET PArkway 1-0140 SOUTH AMBOY ftOl'TH AMIOY < — 7 — Thursday, October 11. 1962 EAGLE MILE-SQUARE TALK ECHO OECHANICSVILLE HOSE CO. On Tuesday evening, Octo- Another brush fire Tuesday ber 23rd, Fred Henry Nite at 5:27 p.m. was discovered The entire student body of will be held at the Bottle o the rear of Lefferts St. St. Mary's High School par- Stop. All local and county Tuesday. City firemen have ticipated in the Holy Sacri- candidates will be on hand been given a good workout fice of the Mass, celebrated naturally, refreshments will during the past week ans- by Rt. Rev. Msgr. Francis be served. wering fire alarm calls. J. Sullivan, on Thursday, Oc- tober 11th. This Mass was Mayor Cntrmello'a accep- Harold Warner, who pulled offered for the success of tance of Fred Reese's chal- a capsized boat victim out of the Ecumenical Council In- lange to debate campaign the Raritan Bay Sunday, was voked on that day. All prayed issues off a platform has soundly praised at the that the Holy Spirit might placed the campaign on an council meeting Tuesday by supplant doubt and disunity Interesting and Intelligent the mayor and coundlmen. with wisdom and uni- level - It should draw In- All officials agreed that such versality. teresting group of spectators an act is deserving of the Junior and senior being there Is no chance of it highest recognition and SMHers took the Pre- being televised. praise, liminary Scholastic Aptitude Test Issued by the College Since the word got about that A letter of thanks from Entrance Board on Tues- Dem's challenge was picked the South Amboy Memorial day, October 16th. The two up by the Republicans Fred Hospital to the mayor and divisions of these tests -- Henry stated that he would council gave thanks for the both verbal and mathe- like to elaborate on the Re- $7,500 donation made to the matical -- will enable the publicans suggestion to make hospital by the city. students to gain knowledge the debate Including all eight of their capabilities in or- candidates - Henry thinks What councilman recently der to complete their college that by having all candidates revealed that he would strike plans wisely. PLAN RETURN VISIT TO THE DUTCH are heading to F.mmeous, Pa. on a on the platform at one time another person, a political The annual Christmas card COUNTRY--Two years ago the firemen return visit. ^Chester Melnzer, John would make it a "circus and adversary, off his Christ- drive sponsored by St. and their ladles from Emmeous, Penn- Hospldor and William Hawes are in a free-for-all". He suggests mas mailing list because of Mary's High School com- sylvania pictured above visited at the charge of arrangements. Buses will that the four candidates that a dispute the two recently menced on Tuesday, Octo- Mechanics ville Hose Company as leave the Mechanlcsvllle and Pro- are running city-wide take had? ber 9th. From a selection of guests of the South Amboy Fire De- gressive Fire houses at 12 noon. A the platform together, while Religious and Assorted partment, and a grand time was had limited number of seats are avail- the candidates from the se- Police often meet with su- cards, and Christmas wrap- by all. able for the public cond and third wards should preme opposition when they ping paper, each student has On November 10th, the local firemen localize their debates to order Juveniles to disperse been asked to solicit sales. their respective wards. from favorite loitering On Thursday, October 11th, areas. One officer stated Rev. George Brembos, Sis- Thinks So Much testimonial Dinner Church School informally that he was in- ter Mary Nora, and Mrs. A storekeeper in a small Mrs. Julia K rut ell and solently told by a youth to Arthur O'Donnell selected town was standing in front of For Carmen Fazio daughter, Julia Ann, and stop shining patrol car head- the new junior-varsity his shop one afternoon when teachers To Meet Irene and Agnes Czores lights In his eyes, while cheerleading squad from a he saw a car rolling slowly spent the weekend with Bro- the youth continued pounding total of 26 girls. After a down the street. He noticed Carmen J. Fazio, past ther Joseph Czores in Mi- a basketball on a court after series of difficult practices with horror that there was Quartermaster of V. F.W. The teachers of Christ chigan. dark, to the great aggrava- and try outs, the pepsrers nobody in the drivers seat. Post 12448 will be honored Church School will meet on tion of residents who were were named: Karen Creagh, He ran to the car, Jumped at a testimonial dinner at Tuesday evening at 7:30 P.M. Hundreds of pieces of pas- Helen Dowllng, Barbara in and pulled back the die Mechanlcavllle Fire- 4n the Parish Hall. Follow- trying to sleep. emergency brake. ing a business meeting, a try went uneaten at St. Another time a youth had Dwyer, Donna Kibbler, Mary house on Saturday, October Mary's School last Thursday Kurtz, Frances Lenhahan, As he stepped out, feelings 27th at 8 p.m. flJLmstrlp entitled "Success- the audacity to ask police ful Teaching - The Lan- following a report that by what authority they were Lorraine Mac Donald, little proud, a man walked up For tickets to the affair, bomb was planted in the Phyllis Molteg, Maureen to him. "Well." said the guage" will be shown and being ordered to leave an contact Christian Sullivan, discussed. This is the third building. Most of the people area. Some of these youths O'Brien, and Karen Sles- storekeeper. "I stopped it." Fritz Lukle, or Eddie Erick- at organization meetings putowskL "Yeah, I know," said the son, co-Chairmen. In a series of teacher-train- are members of respectable man "I was pushing It." ing programs designed to aid there did not return after the families and an occasional St. Mary's C.Y.O. will the. teachers in meir work. edifice was evacuated. Wor- trip to the woodshed might sponsor a Fall Dance In St. kers returned the next day prove to be a good charac- Mary's cafeteria on Friday to wash up the dishes and to ter-building experience. evening, October 19th, from dispose of the foodstuff. 8 o'clock through midnight. A certain councilman at The "Deltones" will provide A stone thrown from the city hall this week (Tuesday) the music, while C.Y.O. Catherine Street area, It Is was pounding die devil out members will generously VOTE DEMOCRATIC believed, was responsible of gnats who were recon- furnish refreshments. Tick- for the breaking of a storm noiterlng about him. With ets may be obtained from window at the home of Mr each smash he would say classroom representatives, Dlsbrow, 431 Lefferts Stree "Another Giant bites the or may be purchased on the FOR GOOD GOVERNMENT Friday at 6 p.m. police re- dust I" in referring to the night of the dance. port. Yankee World Series clin- cher that day in San Francis- ELECT MEN OF INTEGRITY, The ticket at me local rail co. Mild objections were road station Informed the po- raised by Giant fans among lice that a freight train pass city officials. K of C Plans ing under the Bordentow EXPERIENCE and FORESIGHT Avenue bridge was being1 Members of the governing bonbarded with stones Sun-, body, who have made hot Halloween Party day at 8:25 p.m. campaign speeches recent- South Amboy Council #426, ly at political party func- Knights of Columbus will Mrs. Brown, 262 Conover tions, called a truce during hold their annual Hallowe'en Street, notified police Mon- council meetings promising Party Saturday evening, Oc- day at 4:25 p.m. that a light not to use the dais for poli- tober 27th at Columbian Hall. green panel truck, drivei tical purposes. It worked Bernard O'Connor, council unknown, backed into her well this week, but will the activity chairman, Is chair- tnsfl t»f *rrtngeTftenEs"Tor the affair. Even vehicles in garages O'Connor has announced are not safe from pilferage that prizes will be swarded these days, it appears; Jack for the best costumes In Wilson of 241 Bordentown Sayre-Wood Ford various categories. Re- Avenue told police Tuesday Sole* - Ports and Service freshments and dancing will that a wheel and a tire were A-l Utfd Car* follow the grand march. taken off a 1960 Impala which IT. 9, MADISON TOWNSHIP Approximately 200 persons was parked In a garage on |I00 ft. J. of Sayr«w««4 Sh«*pin« Cl. attended the past grand Catherine Street. PArhwoY 1-4600 knight's dinner-dance last Saturday evening, honoring George Candy, Immediate past grand knight. Joseph Pittel was toastmaster, and speakers Included Charles W. Gardner, state deputy MATS 6f the K. of C, and Charles PRIME MEATS t GROCERIES Langmaack, district deputy. George Mochen was chair- Specializing In man of arrangements. HOT SAUSAGE — POUSH KIEUASY A social will follow the next regular meeting of the council scheduled for Thurs- day evening. At the meeting, WE DELIVER final plans will be made for Baranowski Market the football excursion to Philadelphia on Saturday, 11» S, Pin* Ave., Sovrtt Amboy, N i. PA 10650 November 3rd. Members and their guests will make the trip by bus to witness the Notre Dame - Navy foot- ball game. Approximately ROOFING ' 100 persons are expected to — MCOVEItED REPA1IED — , make the trip. Last Friday evening^ ap- il«t« . tl«« • Asphalt --TIL - Aife«it*i proximately fifty children of W«i*rpi«»flng - SkyllgHll - l*«4«fi A OutUll members of the Knights of (All Hindi ol Sh««i Metal Wo.fc) Columbus witnessed another VOTE LINE A Aii H«*»l Air in a series of motion plc- j ture films shown at the club- rooms on Fourth Street. R. F. STACK, INC. i Jerry O'Connor was chair. Oftic*: Hitler*** 2-2445 (24-Hour Antwerin*Service) I man of the committee, which REESE, SCHULTZ, HOWLEY, HENRY JOSIfM VlCltANTC KATHItlNI STACK NAROID PfTlltON served refreshment! to the PArkway I 139f Htllcml M44S VAIlay 4-U4I {children after the perform- Paid for by tke Democratic OrgMhstts* 94 JEMtSON ST., PEITM AMSOY, NEW JHSIY 'ance. Tlir SOI TH AMROY 4 ITIT.KN Thurjdoy. October 18 1962 Hurricanes Trip Sabres 13 0 Si>uth Amboy Sabres^ p ,it DonaldBon Park MIDDLESEX 8OT'Tn AMPOY Sunday against the Highland HOLY NAMF (SO TMV.) Park Hurricanes, tried to BOWLING LFAGl'F a* of 17, crash into the win column Standing* «* r>f *Vt. 7 W \. with a victory only to he W I, Tom A Ifi r» set hack by a 13 to 0 score. Heart ($ A > 8 t l,ajroda'« Tavrrn IS X It waft the third successive St. M. Choir (S.R.) fl S Air Electric 12 11 reversal for the local grid St M. No. 2 (S.R.) fi 4 Kozy Ijnr* 1KA team, which won its opening Gundrum Service ] i 10 encounter against St. Mary's St. M. No. 1 (SR) 4 B Ernie.'* Lodjre 11 10 St. Stern (PA > 4 S Clpo Electric 11 10 of New Brunswick for Its St Stani»l»uf> (Sayr«> 2 4 A them's R«a Food toy, >oy only triumph this season. Corpm Chriwti (S.R> 0 « Elite Plbff Supply 10 11 It was a scoreless nip- Honor roll: John Ramnowski Atandow«ki Fuels 10 11 and-tuck struggle during the 242. m.T. 2CB—, 22-1 the Sabres and gave a 6 - 0 over flt. Mary'n Nn. 1; St. fi!2; Frank 7#hrr>. 20S. 207, 192 r>v*r St. Mary's Choir 602; Hark Siesiko, 22«. 1B4.lead to the Hurricanes. 190 600; Rill EidridjfV, 201 200; The Sabres continued rn S. A KNIGHTS Of C. No. 42« R. Kurowsky, 221; P. Fine, 215; be blanked during the fourth ROWLING I.EAC.UK R. Rufus, R. Rzaro. I,. Nnwicki. period while Highland Park, Standing" a» of Oct. 9 214; J Stanley, 2)1; J. Maying, netting 50 yards on a pltch- W L 207; R. Ktandow*ki, 200. out-pass, crossed the Sabre Ijttrncta'ii Tavern U 4 Result*. Th?••••• fume Winnor*: goal line for a second touch- SABRI'.S < 111•:i-:HI.I \I»KHS, IS in all. ('••KIT* CiUdorf, Kileen I .oft us, Mary Anh Jackin A Cross 10 K Elite PI»>K Supply over Top down. Collaborating on rhls Sisrflrr. Kileen Kluan. I.inda Martin, ant proudU shiiH off lhi-ir new hlark and J J. Harrtgan, Tne 10 K Amuwnvnt: Knirlish Sunoco Lana Srully. Co-Coach; (Wittow) A»jr play were Rosenberg, Jim nrniiKi uniform*- The JTr'Ulp di>es a SUJ>er- Hay City Liquor* over Albrrrt'* Sea Food. Vary, kiihlrtn Doolinir. Joan Hardeti. Calantoni and Jeff Rahin- dunrr j">*> »f rhecrjnir at each Sabre game. f'romnlka. Auto Two game Winners: owjtz. The extra-point at- Judy Mr Andrew.. »nd Kathleen Kelly. Heirloom fi'A *V Koiy Lanes over Lajrodn's In (he phut«> ahoir »r<-: L to r. (lop roi^ tempt succeeded to give the I'M I n^odn. Jeanne Norek. Kathleen Ku- Ahaent from the picture, but part of AU Seaman's Insurance 7 R T«vern; Ernip's Lodgi* ovrr Hurricanes their 13-0 lead binnk, Donna Smith and Margie Zreblee; group, wan Laura Scully. Rulman'i Ka»o ? ft Oundrum Service; Tom and which the Sabres could not (renter) Sand) ItaranownkV Co-Coach! Crern'* Mfrn'n Shop 7 ft Bf>xr» over (Jrern's Men's Shop; Re*d> 1n»uran2. opposing teams indicating $2.64 Honor roll: G Kardm 213. J W I. Boy Beaten r that there 1B much spirit By Hit-Run McAndr*w» 2l2> F. Bulman 204 . remaining In the Sabres. Three hard working child- J. J. 12 Ii ren from David Street held J. Jackin, P. Gm, D. Steke 165. R. Harvey Insurance; Roman's Ksso nvei 164, H. Borbley 163. E. Wahler mike's Tavern; Aitarita Florist 162, J. O'Leary ISO, A. Wtaton over Grpen'* Mi'n's Shop. 160. MIODLESKX COI'NTY HOLY NAMK (So. Div.) Three-game winner*: Bddie A Standings as of (Vt. 14. I'.MiL'. G«orr« Service. W I. Two-game winners: Murphy'e v •>*»•>. Service, Julian's Auto Body. Siu-red Heart ( S.A ) 11 I •-•'•iT. St. Mary's Choir, S.R. H St. Mary"* No. y, S.R. 7 Clergy « St. Mary's So. I, S.R. fi it RABJTAN BAT CHXJUCH 8 BOWLING LBAGUB St. Stephen's, PA. 4 Standing *» of Oct. 11 St. StanislRU*. Say re. 4 W Corpus Christi. S.R. :! !> firmnr Bnli- ^ T 3 Ray Nebus, COC. 224. 2U f>HT; Chriit Epis. "A" 15 Al Wanson. 2H, 194. *-»2-M0; 5 Chriat Epia. "B" 13 S. D4. T. SUunan 223, R LetU Jr. 216. Nova It-Door Station C Bla«t« 215, D. Masterson 214. 1ht Old W. PhHUpa 204, A. Clack 201. i. Grund 200. SPUNKY NEW WAGONS THAT LEAD LONGER.HAPPIER UVES Tb/*e-fime winners: Christ What a new kick you'll ^ct out of ^oin^ plact-s in ihis y lasts longer, loo; air pushes rain and wash Epi*. "A," First Presb. "A." St. out1! And what a solvent fn'linn yim'l! j^'i-t as tht'Siiviti^s water down through the rooker panels iwheit' most Peter *n& Paul, First Meth. B' on upktH'p mount! There's a full line of models, includ- IWo-ffun* winners: First rust begins!) in a clever new flush-and-dry system. The Meth. "C," Conklin Meth. "B, ing thrve wajcons. Hasically, we've kept Chevy Us ride is smoother and quieter because of a larpe number Firat Praab. "C," Conklin Meth. »K advantage. They there). Th'. changes we've made weren't for change's read this far, haven't you? Isn't always live lung." sake, you sot?—but for yours. Just for a sample: the that good evidence that Chevy brakes are self-adjustiiig. The new Delcotron generator II is made for you? The clincher ftives you more electrical reserve power and helps your will come when you take the NEBUS MARKET battery reach a vigorous old age. The Body by Fisher wheel at your Chevrolet dealer's, tu ma* •*• •*•»!« **»,* *• SOUTH AMBOY'S four entirely different kinds of cam «( your Chevrolet dealer's.., Chevrolet, Chtvu 11, Corvair * Corvette. OUTSTANDING MARKET Authorized Chevrolet Dealer In South Amboy, N. J. in Perth Amboy, N. J. CarryInf A Full Line of QUALITY MEATS & GROCERIES BRIGGS CHEVROLET TODD CHEVROLET. INC. 160 New Brunswick Ave. VAlley. 8-4018 Fraah VegatabUa — Ice Cream — Frozen Fooda Main Street PArkway 1-14(0 In Metuchen, N. J. ItSO N. FELTUS STREET SOUTH AMBOY. N. J. Authorised Chevrolet Dealer in Carte ret, N. J. For Fra« Delivery Dial PArkway 1-022?'' mm CHEVROLET, INC. ' JUNE CHEVROLET, INC. 30 Roosevelt Avenue Klmbalf 1-51Z3 Highway 27 Liberty 9-4700