The Oxford Democrat
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The Oxford Democrat. VOLUME 64. SOUTH PARIS. MAINE, TUESDAY, MARCH 2. 1897. NUMBER 9. TO (ire*m and think and never for· JOHN'S LETTER. renin down as « EOKt.K π. KMBkk. WHY I LIKE THE AYRSHIRE. FROM PARIS, MAINE, PARIS, of, of, I ^nif a nom to «up oar, wacn Λ·Ι7 *U· Night quiet and peaoe- FRANCE. Κren the weird mastc ol ever «aw. If AMONG THE FARMERS. The following article. bearing title us (et. simple, JlaiDH riodgi <1 |iatt m·' and wa* beck iu a ful a* any ui.tht you No the ha· a charm that all th< IIE HAS HERN FASCINATED HT A TALI nor at above, it communicated to a Canadian bagpipe· minute with and axe*. She would lightM were placed in tho rigging, Counsellor Law, never In· gun· o*." Mr. R. G. the well- No. 15. band· In Christendom could DAKINO. exchange by Steacy, OF AUDACIOUS have returned for «ome of Ibe wicked vu there a man nn d»-ck from r>nd to KI Mr»»RD PALLS. MAINS. known and breeder of ■pire. A· they disappear from sight Importer Maple RALPH DAVIB. knivea which had from end of tli·* «hip. There was a cheeping Correal*>ι*lent» as Oat. : VARIOUS THINGS ABOUT KNG LAND. we recall these lloea : By Captain lookiUR dr«»ppe<l practical i*«rtouttnr»l toptoi Grove Farm, Brockvllle, blocks and s aruM% U «oOche·! A'I'Jrr*· all < ..mmiinteatlon» I» ad our nation'· his- the hand· of the«ailora a* but and from yards q "A* a cow the has "Oh whore! and oh. where! Is your fllfrhUml There Is event in th<-y fell, chirping U-n.l«-l for dairy Ayrshire thin irj'artmenl to Hmi D. llU Laddie faded from [Copyright, twe. by tb· Author.l ariu and her aloft a* the Hindu row* and fell on the come to She it the rent lifter in (From oar Spcrltl fortlj· CortMpowlwl.) (rone? tory which had entirely mj 1 aei»d hex pulled iuto the Attorney A Counselor, nos υ. Afrtcultanl K-Mor Oifoiil Utwcnl stay." lit· lion net'· Saxon jrrcen, and hla waistcoat ol If indeed, I ever heard of it— waa a con- heave of the «ea. hut never tin? sound of Parla, Me. Scotland. In milktng and producing London, England. the plaid, memory, cabin. It hi(fh time, too, for NORWAY. MAIMS. which it seemt I must at the tim< a nor the echo of a foot· cheese and batter she cannot be excelled, We cinnot leave England without tell- And H'e oh! In my heart that I lore my nijrhlan.1 have, CHAPTER Xtt Tict anned with a uiuiket had hoieted hnman voice lad." of its occurrence—known as Andrewi Like a »a\ ng* Hank Bulbils*. and when her usefulness as Is ex- about the the iKCinwrre or aw αγγεμοο*. himself oui of the forehatch and flred fail outside the cabin. «ρ<Όίβτ ANOTHER SIDE OF BEE CULTURE. >uch ing you something "nawsty, a 1 havi Is into beef. And we can understand as never be- raid, or capturing locomotive. she went to the Kev. M. hausted she easily converted London weather," though really •At high noon some sort of a decirtoo at ber, and the ball «truck the caaing of ■hip drifting «lowly S H A SLOW, C. Herring spoke mont truly beattly how 8co* land's Immortal bard read an exhaustive account of It bj For years she has been to Aus- it has not been to bad after all, notwith- fore, ju«t to Ι*ο»·η a* door boaide her head. north, and in the cabin we in in the Mnine Farmer when hie exported one of the raider*, teemed have reached, the spoke j.»HN recently Canada, and could say, "My heart's In the HtgbUml* William Plttenger, «aid that in trali't, Sweden. England, standing the fact that fall In I/>ndon le canto u truce and The now wiw a curioua one. and wondered what the night st Law, 4'The gumption haudllng wherever I ! in the form of a large book of 4K4 pages nfk with flag of aaked position whispers Attorney lately large exportations h <ve been made the worst on earth since the fall of go" We had to bees i« mostly in the determination and thing we see (treat Ixhouio· to to the When toJd to We held the cabin and by means of the would bring forth. plenty to South Africt and Ireland. not Another strange object In the be.irlng the title: "The Rpoak captain. MAIMS. love we have for the work." man. November, In paradise, would and ami oat l>l\FI*LD, ♦ or of ixindon Is the live AT.ileof and Suf- ahoad, ho «aid : old ewi-ep the d»*ka cl»*an eat drink, the lamp·* gave In as to outline an but we landscape rtrrttmpf Chase; During go porthole* There are some who should general appearance be Ideal climate, have enjoyed one for- persons fire If can call it that! for It has all the fa«ciuatloo of κ we have lo the ey< »>t the fhip, ami yet we wen? A cb't-rftil light, bat no could l>. PAKK. and style «he fairly surpas«es all dairy It, nevertheless. company, you fering." "Captain, given you plenty not keep bee*. The tickle, the careles* to with the virtue of beeu a m-u for an instant that a hundred to her me· In the we can s«e pertaining novel added belnfl of timo to consider oar offer, and I have If we lmd few get nearly tod the nun as fail breads'. Returning general What U known a· the "season only object prisoner*. γΙ.ΒΚΚΓ negligent Hill «urely a tall on tru«\ If have an ν necessary work overcome mutinous «ai lorn and hardened crimi- fulness, the most considera- l*ond»n about June and last» It, Is tall, ladder, painted red, you come for y oar anawer. You can have stronger, we could bave them Auctioneer. I·» b«e iu'ture in he important begins to st- Licensed any occupation stationed in the middle of the to be will do well a and tion l« her and, when three or four mouth·, when the theatres wheels, performed you the boata all ntted ont, and the doctor while wen» el ill in their panic, but nals were only few yard* away may pursue. So many people read or productiveness; or they Γ Λ Μ AINK street. We see no horses, and only a tend to it before taking up the booV, the of SOUTH KM, hear the ha* had f»*ed Is estimated the Ayrshire fairly are all full blast, and the social anil Roberta «hall go with yon. We are «Ten to have «tood guard over that wickedly plotting destruction of success some person going we will be to It until vuu lead·*. You often hear about milk are also bole in the ground where suppose you likely neglect ono us. chil- Term· M -1 « rale in hive an idea that large circles of the great metropolis bonnd to hare tliia and her of villain* l««ae between every of When the el»«py keeping bees, they It seems curious that hive read to the list word «·η ahip carry gang running and butter records, but never of the at the same rate of In they keep them. through all have got W» do Is to buy » col- going speed. where we will, and if refuao oar derke would have demanded the service* dren were put to bod, Mary Williams' k H«»LT, they amount of food to such the Are in this biggest city pjge 484. you and required produce Amcrica at that time of year evervthlng no th·· old he would ask God to be pH\tLC« ony of bee«. s·" tfem out of door·, department so a« mon selected for the offer tho résulte be own of a down men. It waa doubt father «aid * in the world h actually not good The perlloui upon your or record. With limited feed such records is at a standstill, old General In the fall gather in the honey. One except but don't tn were from three Ohio head." wiaer to be content with our ad- merciful t<> n< in oar distress, and Attorney & Counselor, are far below what extra will and the cocktail but in a little Country town, they Icrtaking policy two seasons will CO·vine·' them of their feeding Huuiiditv trade, tiwli down he MAINS. and thia is where the h ive many flres the same, which is r.giraents, twenty in all besides "Harkee, yon traitor and til- vantage, though no man could predict while wo all knelt prayed with NOKWAT. mistake. We ar*» more to produce, Ayrshire England Is in her most mood. just bloody much apt Jovial J. The tl m cb« ·■ka. takes the lead. in the summer at- the main consideration. leader, James Andrews. o»J lain!" shouted the in how the affair would terminate. For an ttara fallut? down h wrinkled ΗΧΜητ Block. M Mb ««tree». λ rite of our success th*n of our trouble* Feeding ordinary They s»y this U became the captain reply, half an hour's ride in the of the wits the of η a mu- BB ΟΙΝΤ1ΜΊΦ.Ι way she excels them all. Ayrshlres are Is the of that After about expedition cipturing "We not only refuee yoar offer, but are hour everything wa« quiet and not [TO so I thought this tim 1 would give you mosphere only variety the the bri ljfi> Κ KICK Κ Jl PARK.