The Oxford Democrat.

NUMBER 47. you mk 62. SOUTH PARIS, MAINE, TUESDAY. 19,189».

NOVEMBER offorta to advance the it* l,u0 tho linn in their HAIR SOAP. .,ΕΟΚι.Κ 1> ΚΙ^ΒΚ*. POTATOES IN THE UNITED STATES OVER THE SEA TO SKYE. field te kvard opponentV g·"»! HaadtV· Obotlnvj. CHINESE AMONG THE F ARMEES. the bull. He two outstretched hand*, The crop is not but fai THE BACK. The F Lirficld tI I ί brjng Ki'. ll. iit Kffwt. was increased out of all Sav, whoso were filled Mibstitutw, self forward in tbe effort to grasp him. suddenly pro Merrv of he *alle«l on a wo how wo are to win l.laces by case with the great musician. mains. μ soul, i—ixteii· «- t>rw>a1rai atftVultura. to demands for it going Ho feels rather than hears the ruah of In the empire yon Κι ι»|Ία portion consumption, over the «a to Skye. seemed unable to «top the onward rush, an a to wQctUnl. A'Mrvw *11 ruMauitMUumli with the team in it* state—Fred Him resoluteness boy writ·* response to ill-advised from present feet behind bin own men extraordinary acr<*s some very odd things, lenie-l fur ihU b> Hkohi I). IIam suggestions Mull wan on the On he 1ft yard line the Fairfield bim, blocking success which κ a *τκakn\ >l«'|>*niurni Mtcra, K« |»rt, doubtless led totiiat «put On»* of these *·'■■«i·. tara I :n..r high oilicial sources, with ι on bow sick with a fever, Phil called away by an can. Arlina Hatnm. \rv of v.«nth In Me «oui. crowned the later year» of hie life. m and id replace wheat in th« *Ιο\*ο<1 illness in his and now George it all is the roar of tho in w hat «ο might call hair up jjKxk. A Counselors, W here l« that now family, hold îl U util they mmred U* crowd, sounding Attorueya northwest with some i'h* «lory enemy When ho wa* nom·· 7 yenrs of ago, hi* it paving crop. a to of ooine us·*! fi r purpose*. IIow MAIM. has sprained ankle—and the game hull ou downs. <>n two trials fail- in hit* ears like tho rush huge thumpixiiuK WHERE ARE WE AT? rwult is what havebeeu me a Minn of a la·! that le *one. they occasion to visit a eon a sogvvvY, might expected Sin* father had by norer could tind out. but from ooukl Inlt U«l be 11 bo within a week. I toll »«d to and the foil back f' r muss of water over a falL it· mad*· I Vwir·! S. ·* learn· WInter is approaching, and dairymen a crop furuisliing a abovt SaVt played yon, χ jkin, captain who wan valet to the Dnkr Bcarc*. heavy surplus of *oul, he *alle«l «n a be- former wife, the im-re of tho article I H M have their herd* to care fur Merry al w IS for the time ont of captain bj an Attorney» me the la·! practice just to lie with the care of cowl must be In some sections. In in lilve that's gone! danger, a bat at last he sire delayed world like some uf the oil cakes which erally accepted, pro- fact, many th·· had in a little Hat for a time, for the blocking off tackier, MAINE. sided Uiys gathered group only again "infant" a which the bethel, with warm quarters, and *tuili<>u»- districts, in the northwest Sin* me a song of a laerature. year's work, and will not their i»ver the «·» to would p >k« w. shingles cheaper crop country #»>ΐ;β· think necessary hurry struggle, rati the roud after the un- «RoIlKXT l'Ol 1* along vehicle, to 2 f< t in and from S to farmer can aff«>rd to warm hl< cattle cessive, hut the here rooms. were a fino look- bull w carried over the line for η hind, but, with superhuman exertion, inches length j· k. Main MPW*. surplus pressing dressing They til the tender of the doctor with and the f«»r slides feeling» in width. It must two hay grain:" "keep cows market is felt by growers all over A YARN. even in their touchd l.wn. A was kicked, ho burin himself forward and là inches weigh BILLY SPINS in;· lot of fellows, ungain- goal easily could refuse no In an evil mo- -· in th·· barn fn»m the outside the This was the first two of tho longer. ir |N (I \ li 1 protected country. journal its and thi Nf<.n· st'*>d: Hawn institute, β, over tho goal lino with op- three pound*. William K. Mason ha« a Parisian story ly fi*>tlia 11 dress, with heavy pad for hi» scheme he *ero t« mpi rature time to the increase him. ment jurisprudence it maid break* off a J "every you authority poiutout heavy which he to go a* It The finest of them all Fairfie Id 0. posing team upon In using yotir j turn th«· cow* out into ttie outbid·· air for in guarantee* says ding. listking academy, took tho child with him. at Law, acreage this year. Its July estimate of him at but it in too about n« a* an cake Attorney The I* » shorthand report was the tall and for his Who the ball was taken »wck for They have last, piece largo ordinary water discount* their milk, and call* for of area wits· following captain, largo No sooner did the little fellow reach subsequently confirmed by run in made and under hid of When to the MAIM. and well th· kit· -♦T. it was secured by tlie Ha late. Tho toilet soap. applied DIXriEl.n. ju-t that more fe«*d to keep up the all other and reports. yeats. proportioned. the ducal residence than he gave rein to j public private There is » man who lives lu t« ■ it iuc< a fair lather, and the t!e*burg. "Wo must win the this Xt'JJ in> te.uu, who y tna< breast the football reata upon the ground hair, pr uatural heat of the animal "can't Trained lucil ob e \ers have now game year," ptQte began hi» on the of insfru- 111., who went to Paris while he whs the lino. There is fancy key» every and hn.-k and w.irk their r« r »2.1 bush- that Πι* fellow student* do uot snub him object r:> s η nil th· ingredients v·* dairymen- place crop are no other hotel* In Pari*. When he substitutes to of his tel m. He hojsnl «gainst hope way vegetable » speak the and all this was .I.I1HI· of vir«ir \ |ourtul«. No one lu* I els. a conservative estimate of the hnt the Fairfield acad- throughout palace, and li aven the hair and m b«anti very λ eut to his room an attendant went to The word "sulwtituto" soemed sud it \ν<·π Hd Stop the Steady aitvanco of now, whenever scalp ss when he secured an yet arisen to pronounce them improper average rate of beiug bushels, will mv him where intensified opportu- f rmern ft and yield «IV If he had orders. The (.alesburg to direct the attention of the the There seeuie « »Mrx-l» the theme for and we hear ! rather than a rate of sphinx expression. near to hear what said. a timo stood firm, altogether yet * "ttr. I discusnion, phenomenal yield. to his euongh they [hey when little Handel's tondriled li,-. nun undertook make 1 organ it once are charm· d and we read discourses on sterilization The variation in in difl»*rent state* tialesburg suit looked new with the mage Tge (treeii. who was playing OUT. Use you «imply yield bv Hits His compared DIDN'T HOLD chose the and the soul of meaning known linger» key», with new and * |· Ιι >Ν » α !*θΝ. and on of milk for the : is more marked than u*uai. New Eng- pantomime. well and stained hack for the hurt his your acquisition employ Pasteurizing pro- added to the riddle-like look on th* worn, soiled garment* quarter academy, the was touched as it never had only Wim Not Hnfflrlrot In duke thereafter. 11 tection of the from resulting dis- land returns only a fair average, while at otic»» that weak a ikle mi that he conlil play HI· OimiliirM ynm- it regularly people face of the attendant. The <.ale*burg of his comiKUiions. showing badly been touched a momen- e.iM· death. And the New \ ork α In tlty for Ui«« Orrvlnn. before—truly od I and useful are the Dentists, aiii con»et|uent shows g«x»d yield spite and the was a liesides this he ν as no vr. Equally tongue man made another effort, he beginner. lonj tous since but for it Han- thi* condition of of local to the from occurrence, are made of tin for the \Τ MAINE remedy *g»in«l thin** damage early crop on a that ThiK was bad for there was On the Third avtune cable cartho oth- scraper*. They ν Κ* tendant wrote something remarkably small—so small he indeed, music never have i», "ventilation." "More ventilation of drouth. In the Ohio the seasou del's sacred might of silver for r ι» u.s. valley handed the card to the and went on the font ball no < >110 to in his two er α looked at me long and very poor, the pr<*q>erons r ». ιι t..dc«. guest soemed out of place put place. Already day stranger *·». «table- i- wanted:" the cows pure for was ma iked sever»· been written. are "give early potatoes by nut. The guest looked lit the card. Slltfetit t wt re on th.· team, and when I got otT at Four- and of gold for the very rich. They air to live air is a which lasted late to field. playing steadily, attention been ar- in;" "pure preventive drouth, enough were but onlv The duke's having of a K*I WOODIll'KT, A.M., M-D^ The words French, that one see a and th» re was no one left but little John teenth ttreot he likewise d*«cended and about tho general dimensions of air is a curative the first of late Looking closer, could sharp, con- disease;" "pure damage growth planting-. s retted, he of Dr. Handel added to the guest discomfiture, lie been to inquired whalebone, ar·· much |J "letter ventilation must be I'his condition cut the nervous, resolute face that denoted Ah), (. r the football material had said me:( exrvpting they ;" short early crop, pow- " the child's and eventu- A agency took the card to the explain- cerning future, r. shortest are f.»ur inches iu Physician Suryreon, proprietor, a win· VerV SCl ire»· in the that "Sir, I beg your short· The provided" these are the expressions aud robbed late fields of the vigot of er, well knit muscle* and build. academy year, pardon. in him for three ing that he did not know any French; ally succeeded placing run to a » »· MAINE I ami from that Tli VK!\ uow heard ou every hand. All this is a vine necessary to a full yield. The re- There was silence for a few moment*, Wha should th« y do? The captain "For what?" queried. length, they up wleui» the said, as well a* a French under Zachau, the organ* l·· w-'Boc* one re- is a *ntall proprietor The I or hurt years' study fi*)t. One end <>f the metal ribbon in ϋ ,Ji*û rational theory, and no rises to sult comparatively yield. that he would be then the small figure knit hi brows in nuxious thought. "If have annoyed you your !»r 1><ιηι adolh case*. No other \roostook. Maine, the world-famous the l*»ys could suppoee I The of London hotwee aro en sort of made of sacre. majority is is an that will not -· nr'V narh!n*nr. «tea» composite up muttered to himself, "and The other I went to brush What wanted edge t n w is known in ventilation thau to a to l«»»s in this direction ha·» him," lie wrong. dny i»l InvU. j ay (κ·ΐ county, Mon and-be- surprise. unfit to live in, apart from their remove < » ■·'!. «Ι*·*»' nierhlarry l>icu, get-out-of-my-house is same as a off a hat and knocked quite cut on the on·· η de, but will an·; air aud it* heen but is «till on in a the re· it the giving the game I horsefly man's * 4tM an«l tîrlli» n»1t draw the fou! supply serious, yield large "Try yon game?" captain yet of t. i- up·. away ouick-about-it. The Illinois man could " defective drainuge. Abjut questions Ift rraliing m» the side linen his hat off. I at once in the from the tongue upon the ■ ν .·· »!n* mm! with air area J»» cent than lust as if ho uot believe his Be apologized any coating ^ place fresh, uucontainiuated |>er larger year, not the so he went to peated, conld away. approached mere nonsense has à!a I·, fui)·, pi» pacify landlord, foundation» much the it a v-rr-·«>·. free outside. l*his and starch factories are in and in a voice most effusive manner, bnt he turned on other. Besides cleansing tongue re from the circulation working up his his and kick- ears. wo should l«*e you th*. abruptl surly called, V (*r M»1 *η·! (>rv>n>|.!T room, up traps, "Why. 1 b»*«'n written and all the while fc, 4 and if at 14 to 2<> cents packed " me a u recently, is also to that us·· Ion· U> url«r. outside air is cold in winter, Urge quantities per a and went to another "John lAhL" me and called galoot and dodo. supposed strengthen ,-;· waM*rU'!M ed over chair first scrimmage. death is allowed to be ac- I bushel. ouo of continually and to it free from any draw n into the cow «tables, must hotel across the 1 he landlord met The of follows deri- "We are lort now, Was he a fair specimen of your New ful member keep freely way. group laughed oertaiuly tive in the roofs. Houses are m< well as tbe In the southern states the crop of »tly blade is \ «Tt refrigerate as purify quarters him w it h the manner and ex- A flush mounted to John the ten |m remarked, and the faces of ! York gentlemen, Mr?" eruption. The usually plain white ha* been furnish- joyful sively. dusky built with some of the outer walls ^ of 'lie »t«H*k so as the potatoes good, he ο was part but in the more long temperature pression of a foreign landlord when Ahl's face, but he said nothing. He had IlKWt them wore a discontented and "Well, hardly, but ho probably and burnished, exjs-n- radiation of a full for domestic wants, " but one brick—of nine inched—thick,and is governed only by the ing supply a guest from the states. I he lu look. taken sive it is chas«-d in pattern* that Civil;neer and Surveyor. In excess for beeu treated with this g»s*l natured îjwlt-îs by surprise. styles heat from their own tOdles. l*hus the and limited quantities he had been insulted " workmen's houses, "self contained," and man -aid Ahl iw the side in an Down here on Ninth are almost Oie»·k in their beauty of sweet tialesburg from the first he put on by captain's Yes, perhaps. I.«». k Boa 171, extent to whk-h this of the shipment. The yield potatoes rival acro«s the and cutitempt day are built with nine inch purification bv the hotel way instant. street I ran against a wom- wholly merely con- in both south and north, while In his football suit to with them accidentally so «race. Mais» in which the stock 1» large No. who *** practice " work. Yet bricks are seldom made V**a1. •juarters kept that tickled Frenchman 2, an recover the j the i« uneven and not to be a foot- Υοι will at quarter back," the an. As sooii I could from of ll.-»iUfhi·. fined is carried. is dependent on the aggregate, e»pe- at the that he had He bad a great ambition play that moisture cannot a Th« Treatment » ■ tine*. thought pulled dens»· penetrate ; lh«· rrtra. !ιι* ol okl ciallr well distributed. A happy in view said. recoil I took off Jny hat and bent low I volume of air removal on the one hand, promising the roof of the man ball and with this end captain are ν» cause# for bead S-; *i m l -οΓΤΜΐ-ua'icocc mOcSt some shingle* from player, nine inch wall, and 11 inch is the "There many the of air outlook in late summer has been follow- »! ι th· H a zen institute men prepur and tendered regret* in tho most «4. aud suppii' I by lnti'»w frigid over the The tialesburg nun was ho being in the Ag my 1»· so condition* that lead a way. practiced constantly, least that should used for the main ache# an.l many one who has ed bv considerable in for ■ but this time did mann< r. Did she them? on th«· other. Every impairment given *n and proceeded to uu- tield at every He had al- ed plunge, they ! heartfelt accept that it in to of ralu apartment opportunity. walls of houses. This slight up to this di.-tn -ηΐυχ malady that It a number of states, owing lack t. a as their half back mo a dwelling handled stock knows require# his to mak- wavs admired the and bad not 111 al yard, for No, sir! She culled jay and punch el>s pack belongings preparatory captain, extra ss and the <>f mortar often difficult to diognosticate the of air in order to when most needed. The New Jersey a thick» joint very Catarrh free movement keep ing au Indefinite stay. for chance to take in a dashed th- line Ahl sprung forward od lue with her parasoL Was .she to wished the part |f,,r at a little extra cost tend case aaida medical man of 'heir and uncontamiuated. has been called uj»on supply on and be- corresponding properly," C«:.v ijuarter* pure j crop Then he called the landlord but he had to meet hiru. where, judging from the ! of the feminine culture and V| »>f the western markets, where game under him, always specimen to obstruct both heat and cold, both wide "Of course, if the root I « «I U t< k ! beth warm and pure air many to that he had been 1 experience. Hence, quarters gan explaining him lit- hi had seen a moment or two be- refinement of your great a he «I. on the scrub t«N· '*·« to animals stock, sending the j»oorer grades no him make had but did little to quick low tackle. "Yen, I will, Broadway yes- is a u«e unnatural domestic ing the French? had soont plays, a nine iu.-h, one brick wall, and iu the certain, and that is that conation llrâU ih» ^«rr· area and punie. Out» more teums lined and I a handkerchief which Hence, to '-e con«istent in the rational market. The iucreased yield it then went Into aid him in ones. the up, terday found of head- Pmltf I· the read *he making g>**l winter freezing outer walls condense very frequent accompaniment <»f the in Colorado and on the Pacific coast has he Haien men tried to break some one had lost. I could have it, ^IrUiKiEUt Ilot» care of our sunk, something His sacres w ere fiercer than th· ris a on the team!" exclaimed Joe again kept on the brain be- a sur- "Play the moisture in the risjuis, which thu- ache, and the pressure %«4«ilt»··■%» 1 « lectures the Mountain states their half back : not that kind of a man. 1 went theories and platform given Itocky and he was for kicking the tialesburg Anderson, a tall, stalwart fellow, who*· thr· >uk) but again hut I'm 1· ad K'*l«r»« · hf popular Homestead. become uuwholesome. Hoofs are con- comes extremely painful aiid may to farm, r* mu-t b·· What plus New Englaud and would have met who warned to be to η man a cane and %'»·%«« «» I given up. man Into the boulevard, was at and who bv Ahl. every- up young carrying T·1»!* ]switioii right guard, structed with extreme an inch todaugerou* conwquence#. It if· evi- Hi»»» ! 1. shall it be Maine Farmer. so the man s tenuity; an·I done but for tialesburg twen a remarkable whore. ι wearing a ping hat. and assuming my would have player of elate and plaster in the wholly insuf dent, therefore, that any coureeof treat- THE GRANGE ON TARIFF. celerity. He went to his room, packed Tbê < cheered at the last tackle, ui>>->t demeanor I asked him to HAVE TIME FOR STUOY. bad be if you jrowd engaging of an the blood FARMERS the side entrance. practical properly. "Why. ticient covering and protection ment that relieved overfull We notice that some of the subordi- his traps and left by as it st< what the Hawn institute tako of the article till an owner «orne of claim thev some one would mistake you for pped charge b·· desirable. Fariner*, them, resolution·» walked down the strange an did, average London house. The attic», low- retire 1« of the brain must a I nate granges are-till He team t to be a sure on a was Did ho do so? Far from it ! It it Cure, for and for passing and aenws tho line lought gain found. >·■ HÂYFEVÉ have no tin*· -Tudy reading; ] crowded of a strange the kill carry you and hot or cold, are It h al way* beat to consult me relia- Ul on the relation of Urifl" to agriculture, thoroughfare city to a mo pitched extremely t I ^nt»· rirh n- Mrl1 am! labor commands their full at- a with I t« 11 trick J av This tackle, owing He called mo names and threatened that hard on mat- In hi- he.rt «r to »·' aud make touchdown jou. I rooms. ble if one in witliiu r»*ach, < at of bv last state to act the tooth* unfit for servants' sleeping r^· t« t>rujcrt-4* bu: l'he grange Mtrun .l the ball for the Fair- struck mo with his cane. quite physician, tention. True, fanner* must work, lark K. * arr. vou what can the ball for fumble, and ului<»t are averse EES *»tr*o MnrOfW ter wa- that of Missouri, this grange and a glimpse of ho^J you do—carry I No wonder that no m uiy of these girls but thiti a groat many L while work. Since team. it that the people can rhi: they so mean y thus the We will let ti. Id an idemv C'un I take he represents they th»t an did it While ruminating. us on and off field. yesl protective ers, John Ahl and the football througl them opjK*- Tako another yon, harm vohcd in h.s bu»ine*s, r.-«J Kreovh. Th. !« ·· leaving to thes.· cold attics an applied ami so absolutely movement began for equalizing agri- ! «de was for a time checked, for instance. I remove hat—so. I they experience easily SURGEON-:-DENTIST, are born while his hands are i sole of the tield. irig yen my thoughts so far as he had done Paris long enough to have occupant* immediate fall of ·Ίΐ5 degree# or even 4"> leas that it is well worth knowing: culture with other industries, in his the I this. And now Plaint·. in his work. It is a common tnan a moment or two John st «avance the ball. As a degrees. beating, with hiiu to carry aud as the word* pared t| they I ask you if you could spare hungry practice pencil and evidence of an showed the card and await there, his heart heavy lead, the winter's lion in the head, tak·· equal to grown given being thereupon η to have it they lie throughout night, begiiui in hi» and from time of a man who ha» a in his ears A leaned •ver, ady «napped and man"— : «-xtracted without p&m paj«er pocket, earne-t one. since the national grange with the anxiety of his comrades burning penniless while in the sommer the excessive heat uf pure cayenne p< pper and time to note down ideas a.· occur, hack. h· Ahl on the shoulder, and I couldn't." quantities they j to meet It will not be lottery ticket for result·. Hie friend sadness came over him as he real patted "No, sir, water to form Ν about inapprt»- great — is lie- flour. Mix them up with by ·> ! Odontunder. s ion· a« rmoced out. old man painfully exhausting.—Quarterly and couclu the resolutions from the state* read the card and threw he was and with Kuid, iood work, good "Couldn't sjiare mo 10 cents?" to quote passed i», reading, last as we have not laid it into the face of tialesburg he was treated. The "No, sir." with work. Head- year, formerly what contempt Ilk* a ealve. Put thin ujx.u a piece <«f nr-v mouth. in*, may not interfer. j ! that he was no U r»*d to fit the them before our readers. The resolu- with the remark g'*»1* never looked more "And as a of the bloat- Tli*· Knjtsl Staff. be done in snatche» of tim·· school building·» representative m ift aud it to the back of ing may were as follow s ; I and that he never wanted hint to η as tho was for paper apply A. -1 >t work warranted. tions in man, tho heart, signal given ed class of this wicked uud u« at not taken and which oc- question massive in the gathering twilight, jml bondholding The hiiπ was shining brilliantly the n>»*k below the of the hair. otherwise up farmer» will iusist on and de- recognize him ativwhere. No explana- half back to between tackle just edge ••That and the left try cold hearted city vou rebuff me?" kuew snow t ι »n «τι % OT. ni. cur with every one. however bu»y work- be obtained. The ballground never looked larger, midsummer, ami I the In warm weather it is l>--t to wash the mand the same measure of protection I tion could acquaint- and tin held like a rock » I* almost a» a never more gue Ird y except "I do." off the hills. s I'k Vt II ers may be, every day. therefrom as are the states walked on and his chance* player hope· would disappear neck with a cloth wet with ap and they and t>euctUs derived ing fSm hole wiis to be made, ami bco speedily Toilrt Art! read ;u these lei»ure moment*, 1 « « here he He 1« ked ut mo for SO aeoonds to his ir.riEtcjù», l"hey can other industries of this The .alesburg man plck- less. Punctually at 8 o'clock John made water, as the may in- accorded country. disappear^. ea five Ahl saw : oily perspiration over its teach- <·* uuαη·! ••We Insist that up appearance, terfere with the action plaster. rt; wur*Url> a emphatically : a in his j while at work. We have iu mind darker and soou came thii* wi weak place oppo- "I'll remember that mug of yours, ings to the best interests of agriculture the very atmosphere growing ever. The resolute look back Aft« r three quar One of une ι*· ρ per our on just oat hopeful anticipation. great advantage cay· ΙΙ·»Ι·ι hr IV»»«l*r·. well-known writer of time agri- of our thicker with He resohed ι IJOIlts' and again he shouted and if I run across it aome night. I'll anv agricultural product perplexities. to his face. He stooped and picked up |mi·, ters of un h·tar's climbing We (spied the over mustard is that, while the Ν : > >r W« K**k. iu ur»i ind an acknowledged to He acted on this. the sun. in different numbers, nose with planter topic», should be on the free list, while ,«uit Pari*. the ball. Then, instead of it signal break your profnsire gentili- with his of hind» the former \1N»· it was «aid a ; country ^ carrying eight pointer seraglio latter blisters, M lUthority. of whom by article made therefrom another hour he was en route to Slow hot the Fairfield aciid- Free Pre-ss. frequently ! the manufactured li toward the Imihe rolled it slow- ly surely ty!"—Detroit on the lee side of a small no how it i in the "Well may he his was lying ridge. never d<»es so, matter strong m.-tic family, and which is and con- Havre Soon after arrival he nu to the hall tip the IOU ul>:. largely purchased the aft· r it emy |n l»*gan push low down to avoid disturbing use of if the fcn«·* for he never sits down for New York on one of the ly along ground, leaping Thf Watch Keeping is In the mnstard, something, sumed by the farmer· who produce the ticketed field an from their own goal. The Ai|Jii*t«r. applied. "t κ lot m Karia. a book then it •way we round and continued must ceaae I haitgr « moment in the hoe se without and the conso- aud falling ujm.ii it, «'hoping them, circled skin is broken, all treatment said agricultural product, is protected I French steamers sought who hail l»eeu directing the sig- Perhaps tho most highly skilled and a fartn. to hie breast. and captain our the summit. Careful- when » tvan,rr ior n*nvallonal bttnt individual is in for the walking ly, swiftly. it came in sight, discovered bo without of operation protection as îu a rent used to receive applied unpleasant rai.rxc.·'. » de»ire* a knowledge a but a fellow that oui no a result of Ahl's judgment, juster g factory ■*' -t ·» au 1 k-t Dear Lb* I f.rin-r really of industries, we de- old friend, not onlv friend As it Inter nome of the boys hinds in a small correi about half a South benefit American grew quences. '—New York Ledger. v*« («ifunttvi of his httsjotfts he can e«»ilv tind the time did all of those of Sudd uly Ahl gave the signal for a 410,000 a year. mand an equal measure of protection townsman. They thing» happened to look out in the direction nulc distant. Expecting to hud a stag for H and aud that, too, two cronies do who un *" run rou id tho end, the half back The work in one of the im- •1 .tr» (-all at the h(>UK or ading »tudy, »ud beuetit therefrom for all which using adjuster'β we in with agricultural the held. with them, advanced cautiously AaU Talk? » of ooet DM the 4 ifc Pari*, Maine. without in auy decree interfering iK-ctedlv under a foreign n,^Πι who ha to this time done but little portant element* in tho making sky. "What is that?" the «aid aa a up their direction. \ 1 HK'N BK&SKT Iu fact labor is is products. ! In and then captain |l a Irish nat- his woik. pleasauter. everv Eng- changed Pari», work, Like a flash the team fell into of a ilue watch, and #10,000 adjuster t»ir James Boyle, the great ••N'earlv county, except experiences Mitull like a shadow in the gloom The nature of the fa ·?'·!« i«ier with the uiiud of this told of his woes. figure grouud being ants had lighter engaged land. an on staple I the hero story tht» con The institute team, should be competent to perfect any uralist. contended that <. imposes Import duty and IhinatioTL no in alway- tl'»IIM»HUTOH *11.»;. in »tud\ ir the «ecret» otherwise thought would suddenly appear disappear, vorable, we had difficulty crawling g in-j We, therefore, ! The newly found acquaintance «lid not whatever its aud c< >st. a of their own, winch at agricultural products. and return. having dock·*! easily, expect it, watch, delicacy was languor by they <.n-t V ; an.I "«tore. in he w« rk carried ou. So, too, ! and asked to see th» riM) uiid deeceud, vanish within 150 of the herd. John volved that trade treaties be it passing strange It is the of the to take yards their wants and ft;u> to Ix ·η. !b* ate ,»t th* line time That to i hesitated. He said to the other time or himself falling on the of 20 yi parte, lilting together cover in countered colony of investigating. j low the of American farms the card kill by the stock sticking out yf the * :<·· i»* rltchl uf flows.·* products tho 1st to new All firnor i!s> succeeds he»t who kuotvs or at I man vou are friend, and 1 Agaii the academy team plowed watch may regulated keep moving to quarters. appeared lain *J< thoroughly rr enter those countries free of duty, "No, my ball." order to be for any emergency. Mm time to the fraction of 11 ready l*vt and when- ! «'Biîltloll. It mo«t al'out hi» t»u»in*·»» Farmer. other com- don t want to take any chances of losing the ceuter for steady gains, accurately in the very of spirits, In <·»« h less dut ν than that paid by It was late when John Ahl, weary through As we over u rocky bowlder th«-r<· «t· «toi·* m (w>l hu»l IT. other was called for the minute a month. is a very peered the naturalist noted that nations ; and for said concessions, your friendship." the ball clone and, jii t before time Regulating ever two BMl wll! U- at a iald b·* was a one—the of though Kverxthig po»§i*>|e a hoarse. The day perfect reason. Still hold the riHe, rwta· a»1 t«a*e»»*e hold of bit of was and the crowd, as a knows that keeping " _< nine work of tlm··. Any It is good to get He |pluying superbly, constitution physician in the beaten path.—.St. Louis forward the »priug and Dr. J. Π. Watt», druggist a ni physi- cloudless, the air crisp and cooL be "It is the reserved stag. directly ,»γι1»λ bou«e. hf® boue* an·ι from the however small it may be, eky his remarkable tackles, cheered of an He can what the whispered, now will di»count ground, who sulTwed with noticing old patient. say Republic. «»*«* neglfc* of encum- cian. Humboldt. Nob., A wild shout came from the Hazen —Blackwood's lu-l. A f*w apple The -«ucceas- own it free from any sort him at attempt. watch needs after an accident, and can Magazine. another year, heart dbraM for four year*, trying ο very team kick- ^jvery «..«»! w«·' witrr an l Norway operations his VVe don't know whv it is, but institute as their ltegan is on time with brance. tohim- boys The game was evenly fought, the advise as to whether it is worth fulfartmr always of and all treatments known Then an- adjust- of Mm. -, la ftrrt« la»e "•[•air in the remedy and on the ball. Μη·! Fortunate Won th· Uuifctla*» there is something ownership believes that ing falling near the center of tho Cap. work.—Fanner. to man- self and fellow-practitioner·: as playing being ing. a «>kl ai a t that seems to add dignity other and shout went up the not much for mo to irjcaln. l.tnd He writes: greater lm jst of the now and can bo Dolor—There's "What are these for?" asked a are of which we heart disease Is curable. field time, though No now watch depended upon cups >r atklrr**. of California hood. In the universe Fairfield team, headed by their have a friend The fruit growers wish to tell what valuable inedI· academy it toward one or hauds of live for; I don't suppose I man of a ow n we know of so MI your then pronld sway goal until it has passed through the well dressed jeweler, pointing Mil·». l!»A W ri'LLCK. to handle their products form a part, nothing had handsome entered from the oth- the organising we Cine has done for me. For four years! captain, tljo of h< for however admirable the in all world. sorno bilvur on the coun- Sou! Part*. M al nr. of reaching the markets as the earth upon which the adjuster, to elegant cups for th»· substantial of the worst klt.d. Sev- er end of the field. Ad ti went on tho excitcmcnt grew much to live for? Non- purpose method. and are all heart disease rery |ne individual of the works, their Philo—Not ter. more than by the present walk. Change uncertainly was a parts per- directly enl I consulted, said It isn't ho fine lookingI" pret- and greater until it almost If have no friend, have us. Above us the heavens are ; physicians "My, greater fect balance is to bo obtained tense. you you 'The»*· are race cups, to bo given a* around as she only by dollars to s said to her neighbor spied reached fever heat. of " It costs of sixty or dark, as the day follow night of the Heart. ty girl such and as it is the fiobody to borrow money yon, nobody upwards bright, j Rheumatism meu study experiment prize*. Il'ivre to Antwerp. and anon tossed was un- the For ι while the Hazen institute to ν are in the middle of a horse from th» great sea i» calm, It almost captain. business of tho to make. The call hen you "If that's so, suppose you and I race ship among cute little fel- adjuster .-ill cost*, insurance But the land is at rest endurable; with "Yes, but look at that seemed to be getting the best of it; by an to tell stor- J. A. LAMBE, This includes with tempests. is a highly skilled mechanic, interesting book, nobody for one?" And the stranger, with the above noes of friend combination adjuster other thing-, the latter averaging from to age. short low," her replied. short, lone rushes, by ies about toother after age with wido of his trado and you people; nobody, cup in hand, started, the own because we one of the team ; knowledge jeweler M.c< TW three cent. It is to land, breath, palpita· Sure the last runs rouud tho end, they in to bore before face per good enough, plays, hy the utmost deftness in its prosecution. short, you your him. The «ranger won the cup. —Pick a home, and come thereby tious, severe was build thereon was John Ahl, who, taking advantage stead! 1) advanced the ball. Time and to nbnse behind your back. of the to —New York dun. you Me h. î. Beurre·, into the natural heritage man, pains, unable to tho hod it as the score was Up. of his privilege carry ball, to a close, and And say have nothing to live and fruits of the earth. It is sleep, especially drawinil you yrm dowers under one arm. As his Ft ill a t ME.. to reflect clasped tightly they played desperately. They for!—Boston Trauacript. M *■: SOUTH PARIS, to see thii gs grow and od the left side. [e Lost—Λ Point. Won» Than a Kavaf·. V;.. m*)d team toward the center of the hud ad a need some distance into tho us. We a tree, No can do· advanced that thev belong to plant pen foot Historic are the instances of points Tatterden Torno—I call* do mugw'at has stretched suffcr- field Ahl dropped the ball, his of the Fairfiold academy team a fui: '.ne of and before we are aware it scribe rr,y territor, The Verdict. Keep* it sailed in the air. missed in tho retelling of a good story. don't a bloke 23 cents a barbarian. aims, forth a flood of touched it, and high when tl iey lost tho balL give t ut brawny put winps, particularly the find the a are a for a little fel- once made Who has not heard of Charles Lamb'· "Did jury prisoner Willie dude aud λ few days later we Idurln? the lost "My, what kick The icademy captain at (the tramp>—Wherefo' blossoms, twisted into "bad- a man a is our own tree. of those one said. with but was "badly tired" wheel guilty?" inquired concerning barbawiau, deah Groceries, Goods, Paper invited to a banquet. It "months low !" some an attei jpt to advance it, boy? Dry its shade with a loss of be no childreti beneath four weary years. Then the teams began to fall upou, unsucce ->ful, and ho back for a ly wearied," consequent burglar. Tatterden Torne—tiecuz "give* The play dropped " are conscious ol tried the And here is one that was the !—New York partake of its fruit, and DR. J. H. WATTS. I finally kick and pass the ball. No one among kick. 1 lie ball was soon flying through point? "No, sir," responded policeman. quarter. See Ledger. Hangings, Carpets, laud, youug overheard at one of the little French didn't hud him at alL He got ♦ ioiut ownership. Buy them seemed to do it better than Ahl. the air •ward tho opponents' goal. "They λ«ΙΙ*«' ■>!>·! «.rat·' Γniltrwtar, aud build !-Orange County Dr. Miles* New Heart Cure, restaurants. "—Detroit Free Press. Thoee who attain t any excellenoe man, Several people remarked it, and great The t|pa me lined up quickly, for there iway. and was surprised at the result. It put new One of tho habitues of the had life in some single Farmer. was when, on the was no iiue to lose. The Hazen institute place commonly sjiend man of me. 1 surprise expressed life iuto and made a new returned with a coat of tan that Only Skin Deep. for excellvnoo is not often gain- 3i "*s, 0 's. H air and Cement· teams up for the game, Ahl was meu at to advance just pursuit, Lime, not had a of trouble slnco lining prepared again FARM FAGOTS. have symptom |unce even louder for a vaca- "Villain !" she hissed. on easier terms.—Johnson. seen to retiro to the side lines. bain on their combination sjxjke glorious "Deep dyed ed I am satisfied your medicine has cured the quick CALL AND S Κ F. US. not deal with traveling photo- and The man looked hurt. I)o It with the Fairfield 18-7 was the and tion than any words. rillain !" tattooed distinction me for 1 have now enjoyed, since taking The game began plays ; signal given, more of cook- who would confer been around "I hasten to Ill# Chinese have ways graphers the ball at the kickoff. the hall back, head down, rushed for· "I've roaming through 14Indeed, ma'am," said he, vou you a free photo- academy having " "— than we, with all our cu- upou by giving Health. tho of the state, he said, assure that it is skin ing a chicken to the four Three Years of Splendid The teams lined up; the captain of the ward at the ball was to him. A upper parts you only deep. Mrt. J· O. Clark. because you belong passed ever dreamed of. graph that I am a druggist and have his and it "and many and curious things Catholic Mirror. linary philosophy, hundred of ?our town. 1 might add Fairfield academy raised foot, swung momeii later lie struck the line, quaint E. W. CHANDLER, havt recommended your Heart Cure, for to- bave I seen. One of them was an Healers of milk in Philadelphia ■old and his leg forward, and the ball shot became k pushing, struggling mass of inn, A what It has done for mo and only as It's been boraclc acid into it. 1 know ward the Hazen institute goal, only to bodies the bull shot out of old tho bills, I guess. name, too, of all in Power.—Latest U. S. Gov't Report Spells putting more suffer- Suddenly Highest Leavening Fainting: the use of thia acid wish I could state clearly my was fora ho- and thai recent law forbids be caught by a player who made ten the hea »; it had been fumbled. Now particularly appropriate ! heart failure, sleeplessness one ol then and the health I now enjoy. " Builders' Finish Caused by use of water with it formed ing good 'Dow Inn. and piles, made mj The also before ho was downed by tho was th time for Ahl. Now was the tel, Drop ■* of rtr»J feeliag, Your Nervine and other remedies yards |χ*·Κ* «>·' WINDOWS H»y 4re*4fal me to take tli«- chief His hearers commented on the ■ objections. of the Fairfield This use he bud apt- NUe r strie « Uiu (. lark urged ol satisfaction." J. Π. Watts. end rush academy. tirno to the dexterity gained reaaoaabla prive·. lilt* misery. C*» wholi is some signs give excellent It has built up my The grauge showing a of five as a ness, and later in the evening, when a and in the West. There Humboldt, NeU, May fl, *M. was followed by gain yards by cous ant, lonely practice. C^uiok Hood's Sarafan:la I am able tc increased activity one are and five more it stranger joined the party, of the The piles gone a addition to tbt Dr. Miles Heart Care te «old on a positive through the center, yards flash ht has seized the ball, hugging Also Window & Door Frames. system. I shaU bas been large benefit soundly at night quite uarantee that the first bottle will three more between number tried to tell about this hotel work hard and steep U. of tliat have -*—-ι—~.ιι».ι« thnttlM for&or around the end, tightly Ito his chest. If ta or Mae. J. number granges organized w*nt of Ut kl»1 Of nal-h f·* Ιι»·Μ· Saraapariii*. more and oould not understand the late ever Hood's in Indiana. tackle and aud two through His linall size, hie bis why ■■ ·γΙ, *»l ti ,o«f enlif» PI·* Le» praise Remembet «>r will orgauixe guard quickness, ■*r l Point, Maine. of th< ie 00ruer did not see the when he "*aa*:,·* oa h-jt.1 Cheap for C'aah- Claii, Ash E. W. Bull, the originator the center. agility, all help him now, and be aptness who was told that on the were the famous Concord grape, recent!3 The Hasen institute team work- through the line like a dart of light, a signboard and Work. noticed Waning, Job died, has been very widely bj Heart Cure like a machine in perfect unison, clear fit Id before biu, for the backs of word*, "Please Walk In."—New York Sawing tribut» Dr. Miles' ing Cures the of the nation. Kindly ball down the close to Herald. PURE E. Hood's?» and * press Restores Health and carrying the rapidly the Hasljen institute are playing ABMWREV W. CHANDLER, Ml are purely MflUbH bave been to his memory. Hood'· a tax. »* paid «r Try ^"ΊΊκιμι, Mat»· net faim ImUb frlyc PERSONAL. ANDOVER. WEST PARIS. DENMARK. K*TAlli.lSltM» KO. BETHEL. L. Melcher and l'erclral Mr. Aumiatlne Ingalle is nuking ex- THE OXFORD BEARS. ttev. F. Κ. Barton officiated at the Mr. Κ. Harry CHVBCnEI. At will be teen the announcement on his saw mill under the by who was started last on a hunting tour tensive redklr* the well-known | fanerai of Mrs. Daniel Holt, Tuesday «entre at 10:30 A. H-, fol- of elsewhere, J. K. Chase, ! Skates Φχΐοχϋ Metbodlit.-Sunday of Mr. Albert ! Democrat, not to Skates If Berry has taken burled fro· her late home lait Tuesday through the Aroostdok, hoping, lowed liy Hahtath School; Young People'* meet supervision newspaper correspondent, a moose. followed and social meeting 1SSI KD Tl KSl>A Y3. THE DOINGS OF THE WEEK IN ALL An h a* band, tire sons expecting, to capture big by prayer every Brldgton. | himself a Accept our coogratu· morning. i|ed mate evening at 7 o'clock. Silver No. is», partner. A LINE the lose of a Work ha» on this end of the a Sunday By invl-ution, I/odge, WE HAVE FINE OF and lire daughter*, mourn begun Free School at 1:30 P. M·, latlons. SECTIONS OF THE COUNTY. road. to the Baptist—Sabbath D. of |{., visited Eudora I-odge of Brldg- faithful wife and mother. Swain Notch Subscriptions followed at 2:30 liy preaching with Young the 1S»3. November 12th, and after The term of Coombs of SOI' ru PARIS, ΜΛΙΧΚ, NOV. 1», afternoon the W. C. T. U. amount of 9130 or so, were subscribed People'· and other eorvlre* a· nlwve. ton, partaking Judge Tuesday School 10:30 a. m. were en- Court will soon Mr*. T. to fix this end of the Unlversallst.—Sunday at of a hot jrster supper highly Balh Municipnl expire, met with Mr*. F. S. Chandler. by private parties The Y. L. L. A. meet* decline PARIS HILL· road every Monday evening. tertiined u itll a late hour, and It Is understood that he will LONC REACH SKATES ! was elected and road. The road leaves the county evening on or H. Chapman president, LodfM.—Masonic.--Wednesday is able to be One of the candidates AT WOOD A Κ Ο Κ Β Ε S, : Sun and crosses before full moon each month. Odd Fellow».— Mr. ( ha ι. II. Mclntlre a Baptist Church t're*chln« every the several departments were supplied near Lincoln Dresser's house, re-appointment. a. school al li11. Sald>ath Rvenr Hehekah·.—The lut out oil jhes. for the is Sanford L. Fogg, lay at 11 M. Sunday with for the the Kills some mile or so above Chap- Saturday evening. crut| position 40 conts l'«ltt*r« iail Proprleter·. Servie· at ? mr. M. Μινίΐη* superintendents coming and 3rd Tuwdav evening· cacli month. I'. <>. at the and well Prices from Kvenlnx Prayer with man's mills. The road is as There w a large attendance Esq., formerly of South Paris, up. at 7 M) P. M. Nov. 24 will be observed ap- swamped iiolden «.'rose.—'The 2n>l and 4tli Friday In each |is UVOtfOK M. A Τ WOOD. Α. Κ ΓΟΚΚΕ» Thursday ΚTentug year. union conf irence held here the 13th and In Oxford Sanford has C h un·h School every far as the river. Some by month. known County. Sunday propriate exercises. opposition when he starts ■•un·lay at U a. M. from the those in Hollow," but as W«| I'aH· Grange.—The 2nd and 4th Satur- 14th inst a way of "getting there" representatives living -'Happy Isn't «trtctlT tn *tv*»ce. Wednesday to be the day. Mr. Fran k Bennett and wife of Harri- and we shall be if he Γκκημ —#1..V» a year If paM η in an ice house. attended the Sabbath Κ u in ford Falls U destined out, surprised 4 otsto. Alon/o Brow building three churches Mr in Bath. Otherwise fcî.ou a year Single copW Andover a road Is or As tome been son an» their the next judge I>r. J. II. Rawsou hu returned from a School Convention at South Paris. "tradiug post" for questions have asked, \jfsiting parents, municipal ADvaaTiitkvVKT* -All advertisement» are of inestimable value. ami manifested in relation to Bei and wife. fcp«a! ou the road, treated himself afternoon the ladles of the will be curiosity Joseph Bowdoin's oldest living Rev. RICHARDSON consecutive Insertion* for #l-3t> per trip having Wednesday now for of graduate. &KENNEYS, iitr«e are work on lu iu The boo ; is signers a handsome Raw- L'nlversallst church met In their Workmen the what I said my last week's report open Stone of ch tn :enlv«rda sou's Scratch Ointment would be as good and organized the Γnlvenal 1st literary diphtheria village. Inett Mass., 0.*» years old, died Wednesday. Leading will of- W. Suter's. I will I stated what I heard celve all corn or acres you sign. twelve of as anything for the tramp who calls af- Club (Γ. L. C.), with the following say, simply tlij He was tins last of a class of COUNTY. Cabot has to Β rook- an absence two or- OXFORD ter sunset. rtcers : Stephen gone from the people after of and a native of Maine. He was Maj. ITEMS OF INTEREST. 1S20, llo** to the winter. or three Our do not STATE - - «HULK fOPlK#. of the boarders Pre#, Mr». F. K. Bart·»». spend day·. physicians dained at Maine, in 1**20, taught Two jail completed Andover, 1 Boutb. Parle, Mnino. were !»ec., Mr·. Park. The railroad men of Humford Falls in to the caiise. Last week in the four i*ntt their seutence« but im- Kltery agree regard iu ·'< lbr IHriuoerM are Thursday, Mm. K. C. Ko we. Bridgton Academy, preached Single Copie* Trea*. and Bvron Rave a ball at the hall last I saw two who are on the at secured at East Machias each. Thev will be malle»! on receipt of price by mediately arretted on another ohiirge, physicians Burglars Kennebunkport Congregational church c«»BTenlence of This club will meet two weeks, About board of who informed me that toe t.uWUher- or for the patron· and «till remain in jail, as they wen' un- every Friday uight. forty couples health, $."»0 in a pr |vate house. fourteen years, and then for six years lor of earfc I woe have be*-n on a of the time for the «•In# ,e >o|>lr* of placet an to the and it is to make study believed the cause attribute! was of Mass. 3nce the making preparation»* In the County : *Me to furnish bonds ou appeal proposed joined. they have been at Blch- served the Hrst church Salem, again •ale at the following via.·** authors. I.a*t the of Chns. In the talk not h Burglars operating ·ι l»ru* >tore Court. Wednesday Longfellow Horn, Nov. 7, to wife unfounded. all made, to Bolton in and has re- South I'arU. irterant'· Supreme Judicial tnond. Τ >4 v blew one safe but secured He came 1ΜΛ2, >hurt!ffr* l»ru« store Wed- »>> the author taken up. In the after- Hodsdon, a son. fault has been found with I)r*. Packard of Kllsworth Thayer had a hunting of sided there with the exception eight Svrwav, Nov·»' I*ru« su»re. noon were from his The Methodist Circle was entertained and care In uotliiiig lvalue. 1' >«tiua.<«r. quotations given Woodbury (whose sanitary in Brooklyn, Conn. RucklU M, AlfTeU Cole. nesday evening. a of his a years spent Insurance Οβ«. friends were sad- work*; Mrs. Howe gave sketch Mrs. Wo. Milton last Wednesday affairs Is for they had not The is nigh when per- frytbat*. A f Lewi·, Many of her young by unquestioned) time| drawing Dinner ! In the a been informed the condition of the woods without dened by the death of Miss Mildred life. evening very tempting evening. of things. «on nny v« Inture into INDUSTRIAL NOTES. not un- was followed the fol- Jordan has the The cases so far as heard at risk of shut. ThanksgivingWe have the beat terminent of i'holce it wa« *upj»er served, by engaged diphtheria ri being il here. got proclamation. Willi* on Friday, though Supervisor running κ thanksgiving foreseeu : Sketch of Ixmgfellow'g teachers for the next term : from are some of The K uni ford Falls Trust Co. has («rocerlee we have ever had. The and in fact had been lowing program following Improving, although on the Penob- The annual harvest ha- l*eto*e»l Mat··, a lived on the «.race read "The I, Mrs. T. C. Cushman awav last Falls. for and 7e. and Ln-'ijht ||>V «a* born and had at way· Hastings Mr. Κ. K. Morw. passed some Penobscot horsemen. Raisins, puddings, iïc., pound. of I'eare. *>»«l children fmm Miss Kim- 2, and the attended by ]the pies lance measure yruepertty. Sbe was a of I'arU llill He«|)iru»the " Mr*. Trunk. Thursday, funeral, by of| new ι»η·1 prevail with I Hill. graduate S, Amy The Oxford Advertiser's Table Citron, Currant*, J. onler, contentment happlee»* ws« a hall's room in the school " IJev. Abbott, occurred on Satur- in a meadow County Iiaii*ins, Figs, Datée, Hie-., l.o·! ha* er»>wne«t the year V in the i'U" of '"At She public repeated 4, Mi*» Annie Cutting. Henry Six deer together Fancy Id uur tvt >l«in»lr ademy " (feeding (1res» of is a one, and makes over which so Mia* Annie Learned. of a ! type good an I favor·, an·! with the aud will be much S they gave pleas- Λ, was the s it which made the eyes M with ht- Me*»lap* general favorite, indalphon. day. I* much in the looks of that Jams, Pickles, Ketchup, Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, jia^a .< a»>l Tbere French re- is improvement "rf ricbe* of hi· ,:race merry j ingly Friday afternoon ; Alice The grading of the schools is proving Î!. 11. Houghton of Auburn visiting iji/en glisten a few mornings i»<-t>tv eighth ta> --f V>»etn unssed. Prospectc &c. f<»rr, Thurwiav. th* Children's as lessens the relatives in the enterprising paper. Table Nuts, -ne rt*ht a success- cited "The* Hour;" Ague» a great success, it number village. since. Grapes, l*r, In the \car ..four l.orl thou*aa*l , 1'he primary school doNd : Barton recited "The ChUdten:" Mi** of more time to each Mr. Κ. K. Tuell has finished his school talk is of a branch hunirel awl ninety rt\e. U hereby •W-Unate-i. ful term under th«- instruction of classes, giving of The latent railroad a· a Friday A the name Charles The Best Grades of Tea, Coffee and Cocoa. with thr ar. Barnes has been confined II. G. Brown has been making Likes road and Andover, Call and see whit a line of eatable* have got, and what from >r>llnar\ vucaltoM. may trs attending school A·. Average repairs Into stores at South Kangeiev good 6efr»:ning In was a success. The is for bl reaklng our t hn-tian C»m»o»we*Hh. not absent a whole affair decided the house some time sickness, but on the inside of bis house. day ''beautiful of the Thia ae can nell the ι-eop e »f ber The scholars day by White Ruck. village plain." you. In 'leOW-»te«l to public In the »A d their h· we- *η·Ι place- term were: club will meet next Wednesday l'ev. W. W. of Peering will Bridgton road would be ten miles in length, and vu·! «(ratitu le luring the slowly gaining. Hooper Worship. "*!)' 1er |ril>ute*of j-rat«*· of in the I'niversalUt church Sun- are en- what all towus P. t The goods and property preach would Andover OHAS. HIDLON, for the luany manlfe-tuti<«r· of lto>l'· trt*»lne*». timer un»mlii»r·. chapel. personal Raiigor'sltemperancn people give let our thank The closed a very Chas. K. Marston were sold auction November Jlth, at 3 JO p. m. obtain the deal red railroad communication. %··Ι amM'oar •on#* of j-rai»e. N.-»t.■ of mpatny May The teacher* and pupils held a reception Our new doctor, llaselton, is liked de- evening with Miss Fannie Dunham. All is there. For a abort time longer <|U*lity ply -u[ht in·I alWtrlrd llarold ok·. Murphy open to be on the of the at the Bethel House. ]o congratulated prospect for 60c. «.iven at the Kve· utlve < bauitier at Au I aura Cole in e\euing cidedly. are invited. L'arpet per yard. In the John f Novemlier. Κ Idle KaicllfTc Bethel hi* received a val- So- ly. boy years, having factory occupied, *u*ta. 'lay J The library The Oxford North Agricultural a one tt>ou«an 1 fUM hun Kal· llffe. BUCKFIELD. at Holmes was found dead with is now assured. The citizen* have earô# our Lort. Toma> uable addition the kinlnes* of elected their officer* as follows: |Uv, anl of tne lalei*»·! through ciety and a re· and the in"' «ι·! uiiMl· ive, The follow were al»->cut one Dr. Kills Russeil, on account of sickness bullet bole hrough his temple raised the amount neceasary, •tate- of % mettra the iug day I»r. Augustus Hauilin of Bangor. lieo. A. Hum*. enee of the t'nite·! I'rc·., one soon be a tirm : «old hi- market stock to Mert War- volver clenihed In hand. will occupied by one tiun Γ. t l.K A V K· vc't, John K. Tall** ren. from '20Ί to 40·) hand*. FOU WU1 \twoo>l. work upon Mt. Mica, and it is generous- The «ext« ii at Brook* has a box con- employing HEADQUARTERS 1-ewN Aker* Bv the wovernor. Berute TwHchell. TnM·.. Arthur Harri« and Isaac W. Shaw j "»· Illustrated with colored show- W. J. it. C. A. nil «Ηθη that Ni* m«»i. v· »·».··► M·» ν iHirv itfSialr. ly plates, Tru»lw«, lit». \!iMt, ΛΙιΙκΑΙ, taining 11- ttMfeMOt A BIG Lester Tolk'hell. a store at lllttl·· ADVERTISEMENT^ taken from thi* famous K. S. Smith. I.. K. .lone·. have opened grain and feed one at th·· ! W tllie Chase. ing specimens Proctor, were found1 in ne«t graveyard. The largest contract of the sea«on wa* The book will be iuvaluable the vacated A. Damon. I COMING EVENTS. ladies of the Indies' Sew- mountain. The is free from debt. shop by were >f the \ ι·πΙ Γ.'πι··ηα oraiii», four o'clock out h is a meat at Main and K»r Infirmary lb··, ough. The advertising S. afternoon th·· I.idies' Club skunk farm. Mrs. John Keed wont Dr. C. 8. Child# opened the Kye m> ka»t t»*r.>r>l Local I'alon. ^ Ρ t Κ, Thursday were as notice#, coming year. with and found one close to market at the stand vacated year as There ten*ive|y reading occupying IW-rlln »ail- will held a wry inter· sting meeting the other evening just by pa*t no A meeting of the Baptist parish 310 aural many line*, but. sad to say. there i* IV»· « -late l>airvtn* %·«ο*-1η1)οα iceetln*. Jordan. Mr*. l»r. True the hou«e. She made an and her Rills Itussell, and employa .loslih |u:'.j o|ihtb> limit· patients. pa-1 N·· .if after- Mr*. Israel gave outcry it for and held the vestry. Thursday the and ι clinics. commission in agents, pul>- Norway. Mate * most sketch of the hnsband rushed out to see what trouble llutchln«on to attend business. tlents )|μ adjunct !>«■<· 17 lit, \nnual ■ desired, as there is busiues* impor- J rates line for this class of h >*h*«»l j and tired at tin· church regular per An«a^uMlcwk >un«lay l>efore th·* twelve war the «kunk he got hi* rille point preached Baptist Sunday, has not de« to himself up, the Wet VlUv't. tance. beginning years* |ded give business. From a standpoint frre»» president of the Anasagunticook Sunday Bangor pounds •Iiata·- and selection· the perance given banking. Jumping wolf in fare* bad ognition party by the skunk School Music, saunage di The three night lunch The sheep's clothing ThauMvIni l»t incr. and llall Mr. James Dunn, the reformed blundered Into another, giving Conference, presided. ly. fél- little Mi*» Mrxtie French by carts t.ike of this amount, in the M nine woods. At least the t kiihlnK. peopl·. Mr. Dunn ha* hi* of time to m.ike hi« escape. exercises th«· children and several good part ly are lor Ilea*y t are to a*- drunkard. given plenty by himself with the skin These Garments K.»r >ak· >1 harlie lirant of Norway out the but are also boiled in the in*· who covers! l«*\ ture in the cities of Maine Mr. l.ebroke ha« moved hU wife and short nddre«ses rounded pro- frankfurter- unsurpassed Porte ltmure. -i*t in the exercises. All are principal of a «leer for the of \otteeof cordially hi* in the homes of s of th·· best people. purpose stalking \.itk-eof FimrkwuiT. and other parts of New Kngland. The two children into log camp gram. |mc invited- Mrs. wife deer was mistaken by another hunt- 1 lie oueen of Ka-hlon. Press and I-ewUton Journal wood*. will board a number of the 11th, Herney, has a W of will Portland They Monday, The Hid· leford Record $.*>,000 a and if number one had not Ju-t K*>ie!ve't Rev. W. Hooper I»eering «». underwent a er for deer, Warmth and iu terms of him uot birch cutters. of Hon. 11. Ilersey, >n so has a Durability. H a« it I niversalist church n»xt -peak highest only libel suit its hands, and he was at I, Ika.iljf the for the removal of a fired at the deer «talking just M preach a* a but a Mr. l»re«*er. who has the of operation who Itlxliel'l ν ν school w ill lecturer pleasing hauling surgical of Itlddeford, number who "sundav at 11 Sunday powerful of Dr. Oakes of Au- prominent [citl/en the moment he did, two, Ttual«*1\ lui; orator. been a wreck the birch, i* building hi* camps. He will tumor, in charge il th»· a com- close of the services. Having physical Record a on b«· tel I after the assisted Drs. Donovan published signed had "bead" him. would have tired he from a run twelve horses and take the birch out burn, by Sturgi·, munie ition another all through iutemi>erance speaks Dr*. calling prominent nnd the result would have been another $10.00 Overcoat, wool, black, LETTER. his word* to L 11. Heed'* mill. and Wedgrwood of Ictober 11, recover· ·! even- They of ihU where he has b«—η at work afternoon Sheriff Wortnell health. patient, Friday the store of ^ «·ιι will-«e !·\ the heading Frveburg Saturday jwas It was in railroad station and grain Wins low h»s finished hi* on Bear trained nuree. is doing well. ing the of grapnels. -amt* as *hm summer. arretted in tiorham, Ν. Η Kd Ness lor, job by |use started to enter lhat we art iu the plac*· the pa«t The was for- Hall A Dresser. They trim- Mountain «chool hou«e. Wednesday. lh«· l:fth. Dr. Blanchard, 110 feet of water. body htvtril from last. We art; a· imuh in love l»tvid >retrns is gaining slowly. who is accused of stealing carriage the office, but were frightened Amos I'urkis i* nn ice houne. a«»i*t«*d Dr. Andrews of Wttt Sam· warded to !' oston. post I Stat»·»* Wood i» a meat cart. from the of Krank Bartlett. building by bv the who in- J. εκ. «»f tht* nilt'd Clinton P. Plum.μ ith thi·» driving ming* «hop away postmaster, lodged part l.ot Keene ha* lately built a nice ner, a surgical operation *ui»ttM*rs hfr»· are a«»t «m» in- Saw ver his moted into his new Ne*slor w.*« placed in lockup to await performed ight at Otont l.< igh- side. The total amount secured was ever. I'hv Irving t|»e around the South Hartford is with Tuesday Perry, board fence upon Mrs. America Benson, who he viw a trD-elr hot as tn<>»t of the eastern |»·ο- house on I'arker Strwet. trial on Monday. ton. while running, thought about $.1). It is thought it was the her sister, Mrs. Gilbert Tllton. Also have been iel to thiuk. i'o f>e suie cemetery. the ne doesn't mind the M.trni weather \my leg, nuking painful dangerous her in «tram drill at work sinking the well on house. Tlirrr arr do χηοΊ rough*. Κ ν cry rough I* where ι· warnu so much !>s visit Freeport. good writing. wound fron which he died. e\ery day « Κ 'ith It i* a a l'a-1 roujrh. Hut some arr wor»c than other·. from * cold Mr·. Clara urtis and dsughter their grounds deeper. through South Maine. he doe· the sudden chaujje LOVELL. NORWAY LAKE. Ittle Maine whose father Millie «ame tliejr Μ up thrlr ho M on jrou un. on a visit to her si-rer, Mrs. have one of the best plant* canning El recently, County, .am. The New an 1 M «-sa- with the best a Urge artery, sick this week, and the children afte the long drought, very were over, which was ·ι»αΐι' r»i»ti\es iii Hampshire well titled up improv- heart, cutting cently •aid rains After '>"1 J. ItliMTKR. two wefks. before ed farmers have real- the side of the body. have the whooping couch. x'r iv el reafurkad tint she lUHTINUI liKAJf, we not had · chu»«tts for about machinery. Many opjM>site j "gSMMd : \ ni nths ,£\. have ii'>u^h down lltll and sou Kldeo are and left the faucet Λ l-lt 1Ν Y. a sum for this the deer he the body Mr*. Winnie had COM party FALL & WINTER GOODS to the dust ; and going farther. i/»tl g«H*i year's product dressing split toja raiu at any our tiiue lay of the at h«*r Mr·». Johaaon t.. I.. J. Τι») >f sweet corn, and it is a* dry » Harlow of Turner was in «boulder and came to the neck bullet Mr·». VV. S. Partridge If. K. Dunn Mary Wa't« m a or two last work- out and returned Wednesday. ever in- rx i; .i.mThirtT Ye*rs Λ*°· "''Χ the place day week, dropped being dislodged by Saturday to a boulder on hi* J M Jxhn*oii t<> I.. \V, Smith, -*< fruit better than any maehine Mr*. Κ. was taking large \ Τ life insurance. *aw. It was flattened some by coming daughter. K. l'ottle, very |»ury J. to France* I vented. Then. to»», water when Ww'.rn#mvr.»lHin«r*M..*'«w, ing up (arm. and l| ad dug a hole nearly large Dortty iHirlty, applied for "winter's in contact with the neck bone, and must sick, but U now. i· of value co:.uin* the Ii-llo*»·* People are getting ready Improving the earth gave ΜΚΧΚΌ. :tnd where nee-led 's1"' * a·»1""'hinting Ua' blast." have «truck the deer last year. McKay Portland wli|n W. to II. B. 330 ! show- uKf chilling Mary c boulder cruahed down c. Doit FoMr, SHOE STORE concerning th»* the OXFORD COUNTY to ranchman than weight Um spasmodic . than the oue carried Mr. to work for F. K. Pottle. » harles r. Browne, who .· .In ry Wood is and smaller size by day killed. nvRi. ers. plenty cheap. upon him. lie was in-tautly v. as f*r *·th< Andrews' rifle. If to J. I « »ne think that afted his pseudonym * BETHEL L. L. Ma.«on K. Stearns, would naturally every- are WEST Ladies and Gentlemen foi Fall ami OXFUKU. Β Κ. Brown and family visiting Au instanl i*e of well pre- XORWAT. looking au I after li,h si*echcouldcarrv l*«*kter, has heen a remarkably thii woulti l>ng ο the cam of Sons of Veterans McAllister collects and car- very I. ike where a that had lain the where ranehe» h.bit of talking to the "V^'VîiMaine spected ρ Zaocheus log OXFORD. but siu'h i· not the case 11 West !.ovell to hand, but is better now. the lake for «tore for we a lino of thr best he so fccam. evening. ries the cream from bottom of seventy-five Urtn-U Bun>tm« to C. R. I carry complète are for. The is thinking, and h%hU^ Saturday Grover are Butnpua, cared probhm (•eorge and Aille cutting was and found to In· H'. t«i s .l"5 properly 1 a sort than The drama, the of for the Portlaud creamery. b ought up II. (or rrifl Waterman, to found in the ·»*-. streams of r.niuct of rarer and stranger? J* San Spy Gettysburg, Krveburg years footwear be •ol\ed when one the at tlmt>er on their so the Jen· II. Wlnalow to Nathan I.eUnmii). MO country. kuu*"· * ill be the S. of V. on Mrs. Andrews is visiting spruce lately purchased h»sound as μ»· day it was cut, r iu the can.tls; our literature h*s otherwise presented by Cyrus wal> constat tly ruuuioK lot. find It more abundant than Ρ A HIS. Our line of Ladies' warm for «a from « leveland to '-,»ndon· evening. They report stati goods but the various methods in ir- He h «one Thanksgiving Bridgtou. employed on Street were en- has been sick but Is they Β Κ. Il irk* to Helen M. CtalH, JOOD »Uh intervals, of New York and the Four house* Fore Arthur Mason anticipated. are winter are the best there is in the market. the »oil I will not attempt to de- Grover ha« a at Berlin The Bar lllarbor saloon keeper· ritcatiujt and now better. I»ana got job Hl'WOID. ture four or the ve»™ h«fore tered by burglar* Sundiy night, to si ut for the but scribe at this time. platform, £t- for the winter, and left for that a willing up winter, Mau W. f. Vo iras tu* R537TTT»c*T shortly CANTON POINT. few days ago. being get any Ptnjrree U'lthain, there. We had met in Ohio and he had The \iil*gc schools, dosed Friday. In· to sell in the sutn- I*. S. i.oirto T. II. ItarthU. ΊΟυ are water Don't until m t»ellî* at Canton Point to Public exercises were held Wednesday, WeddioK dl®cour- C. A. Kimball to D. A. K&atman, I " KnifUrd** ιιοοη M· Walteof wood on his own land. mer season (I feeling utterly seen our ££nally explataji nud Fridar. An entertain- l^'J."». At high K1U pulp W. IV .uj t.^ ck*r from Sû oil Vanity i«WtjW Canton and l>r. M. Nlcker- I'nderthe of M. M. Mason, aged. Of they pro- ment was at Kast Otistield with l'oint Harry supervision |ourse 8. W. ICoWeto I>. A. *w 1 ork ; but m « η r men had since shakeiit given a farce and a sham. Mary Coflln, We have a first-class connected s-ddleback" Muastala tfce won* united in A. S. Bean moved a iteam boiler and en- bibitory law repairer Wjfc·* Ward before 1 talked bean ; the to be son of Portland marriage An* foot hilN and contin- *earvh*ndof Artetnu· *upi>er proceeds *t the residence of the bride's from West Bethel to Masou this r in hur- with our store. olth^n* one in front of I reniont devoted to the library. parents, gine Λ tiardint man doesn't believe ued t« course *r asped it day Canton horses the boiler, JUST riECBIVBD ! uninterrupted is atid hiul- Mr. an.l Mrs. 11. C. Waite, of week. Four hauled ried second A tearful hus- and Teni le. He did not reconnue me. hu John Ordway furnishing uarriages. A I.*rj(e klock of cloud crowing its pathway, Kev. K. ('. Smith officiating which four tons. A good load t his wife's once a of brick from his for the shoe Point, weighed band brougl in 0000 plate ae-teru horuou uke a he gave me at greeting great it:g brickyard ne· th Un? >***£huge After the a bountiful dinner the soft condition of the The was but the Robes r».»»l «10. ·!«»« to be built at Norwsy. wedding considering for job don··, Harnesses, re. in." cordiality. factory and the afternoon w»« framing.] OXFORD COUNTY SHOE STOKI). ïïlul* Nov. 12. to the wife of < harles was furnished, road. tearful hu«t nd got married again soon and Horse Blankets ! the heat lhe duv When did you ooeer and otter Born, jrrov.. *ud durin*Wehad^k^ronuj*· in a social reunion and inter- A. K. Scribuer and wife are in town and never returned for Price· Low. no concern M Andrews, a daughter. «pent after the funeral ol th. tr«. Ul,.l· that had re- F. W. FAI Clerk. ,ke 4*· questions course. The left Thurs- for a few days' stop. They will then of his first wife's demise. A. .\«'!■:, dKy till I to dawn him |° " happy couple the souvenir W. Frothlufham, *e *ei'e V'· SQUARE. Norway, ami Γ. There Ifiere wa* t of wedding tim··. Kennebec compare end * It aJ Mr. Ed win Pendexter work iu profusion gifts, a- î i» ^hkI Γ hen he -ei/-*d hind rung begau A time some would· brv, ,e ail day « tli^r nearly my some of which we name below : Mrs. W. A. Farwell availed herself of limites. ago and his de- his co.»t this week. [>hort d:.V. :»l»d »> on the hO"eSt over again, repeated friendly 'hop to Im· author!' ••••timated that 50,<)00 gun- day-. ever^ is in Mr an·! Mr». Carr, »llver lan Ικ»η friends In and around Boston, and re- ners were 'ukhe Maine woods. Spool \\ A- w are irr ou for me the The of the American and -et woula have been d*rk,bV' bui furt hv you how ) I>urgin neighboroood. I»r. an·! Ml*» Mnilth, rilwr cake lad of it. estimated nearly lu» A Mr*, of Cornish i· for of M atervMc. «liver iflle. port» very enjoyable Λ Bobbin Co. deeire to sell alone It was a bit of which («uptill caring I»r Abbott t out M-uun. How of the spool a full moon, ahkb wa» up before, .U comedy. tloaen Μ>11·1 tllttr It is that Mr». Bean of this be iken this many relief of his •■(irnndma" Giles this wiuter. Mr anixliHne. has received a widow's pen-ion. the allowing simply say you largt this was Mr. W. I. llod^don is repairing an·! place and G. L. Merrill. For no here, as there ι» it-C doom: «tamped Mr». Τ rua an·! but well t A O deer to < .ich Y pied operated by war iong tailight already to The delay has been long, '-all's the best assortment and the best selected stock of foot upon hi' wasted face, and ht» gayeyts Peary house, preparatory moving kln». term* and particular* apply or addrena Waltt». «Ilk an·! afghan. that ends well." c Board de.,h-IOOk Hi- there. Mrs. It. C. «jullt Members f the Mechanic Falls IIEHKK H * PARK, Bethel, M*. we ever had. Do not we have the st" k »i*< nk\\t» instead of ffi.h, Mr. II. C. *11 ver knlvc* an·! fork- an«t. a. your #.i' jcuM. I saw au 1100 ox which he to f;ul. which he owne l: his which on his mill. M U*e* Alice an.l Kate W l»iruo·»« Say ward, l'ortlaml. |ire»erve men's good' and will employ in Oxford and that the mind- mth those ol oirted. did agaiu."J"*** Mrs. Olive County prices compart favorably Mrs. John Perkins has been ill, fi>rk. The 77th anniversary of from 1 to (00 hands. heard of him till I heard of hi* quite »llver way Man 'r l« IChlldw «nil adult· hare wn a warm lined in a 1 M aiue in « ork, of Nature. » here are a Scarcely M r«. Albert Ko*ter, Canton, loxlnjtcui· was observed at her est. We make of flannel goods («rover's t ga\ (not tongue; <>lfrn«ire breath. hard Rubbers, made beautiful artificial mena». Walton. and "Ob acre at I'etit M man has been petit··, styles by 3ROWNFIELD. MN» Nellie Portland,picture. ance of children, grandchildren part nu l fall b< lit, with ii< u >iul *'»·! * a taste of the humor whuh itripmga the mountains. we find the urld A'lei be rt l'ratt, Portland, oil rfsm -n and tri narel. tiul an 1 Wool also a assortment of Trunks and i;ur turning to This forenoon it snowed a lialntln#. valuable raided by sj> (ao-mlscalled,) μι ti»About itchingaenaa· Boots, good Thursday elate great-grandchildren, presents, ti' ii in reitnm *t>. th<< an.I nature enthroned in her and a tint some, il many ·-■ ·ι grandeur. little. Now it is raining hard. Mr». A. 8. Hat lia way, Canton, table «-art. heart ν congratulations, happy perhaps b»at «κ.! lull;H> line of »hna< ·!ι ι,dry Valises. can to dead deer teeth We carry you expect Wu -ee snow-capped m mui-.-uui- P*~ of the V. J*. S. C. E. Mr*. Al. Uoj al H on >-ur deer have b-en killed. Four couK»<. grinding uf tb<· (tartina during everything possibly peak- The local union »!<·< fr»»r. an. alow children, mtr. lu the cauvons are live oak va*e. were found η the In one dav la find in a first-class Boot and Shoe and also do SUMNER. is to be held in the Congregational park »uNiona. The bc»t worm remedy mad· Store, repair- gunj Ml»» I.U'blen. l»lxtlcl in cseh. tint the hunters or m<»immn «««. Thomas aud his ibier, Miss church this week. The society of this ». S. H alle, North ♦·'> to ca*h. NORTH PARIS. cently, shoving see us. Yours the l^ewis Jay, hec«u*e deer are PIN WORM Call and tin "f «W fewtl·. Near•"SSSjSST foot-hil.s in the town Mrs. I>. S. Saw ver, In ca»h. rather slaugl terers, the ing. truly, Mav I'h iu is, of Whitman, Mass.. are place gave an entertainment llmksport. Eugene Hammond and wife were at on uncultivated land, «row > "f the with Mr an>l Mr*. Κ. II. John*un, κ!*»» "el- almost tame, must have been frightened their father and other relatives hill Wednesday evening, 13th, water let. F. K. Go well's Nov. 7. ELIXIR wild mustard, -uch as the Bible visiting Mr*. Charte» Waite, farmlngton, oft'. TRUES speak? success. two cake Harrison visited hi? aae '« good Will Walu.·. Portland. plate*. George Young of It ha* hNn In 14 yr» purely »»getable, Shoe Of in Matthew 13::U. Ιο*" Eastman has a Mr ami Mr». Wni Colby,coffee net. banal. ·· and ell^taa! Wber· oo worm· ar« Store, a deer Miss Harriet T. closed Nov. S. at the Cove Smiley Robinson shot sister, Mrs. F.irris, The Long m a tke- and -treaius are to be ^Asa Mr. ami Mr*. A. s. Html*, bronze va»e. big explosion it ua« Tonic and •.•ifTectiithecon- louudquan-«J»**· nee.r >u inner Hill. successful term of school in Hiram, relatives and a few davs aeo is ittou of the raucou· ui'tnbrau* of tb« «torn- Ε. IV. SWETT, NORWAY, JMIM. moruing in the wood* Mon.^y very Mr. and Mr* Merrill, chlua clock. Rev. Seth Benson visited quarry, M. Jeorge. Sr.-»^ot fflanaifrr. tilir- <>f beauties. llarry ach an t bowela A |.·>»<»<»·· cur· for Coaatipa- speckled «eut to and will re-umeber lessons in shorthind ala-* l |»«t in all grange entertainment at hast acd typewriting Gray's College, Mrs. Carrie Page of Lewlston is visit- men worked a year digging the valuable rvmedj tliej mile? fro» chlua .nearly common complaint* uf rbil-1 hills, twenty '-'Γ*0**· eat land. She will the course in plate*. to co*t Mondaν uight to up the pies complete an«·. nl All l>ru«iti»U. a or an Three coal mines are located uear help Steward Greeley lloepital, ing In Piano and themselves It was a about two months. Β. K. Dow has had two or three tons of rock were im.j.K.nuKAto., Buying Organ goo plate. sh(ep etc. Aliout to examine the lat.-m Muun Λ, Hamlin moki·. Π»··'* here, but one is much burt- enjoy [{(Λ),οικ) .Me. do not fat] only doing Mr*. J. A. Andrew s of Fryeburg is Mr*.Francis llolan. jelly *i*>on. a» he a bear th'n fall. is as much as has been Auburn, time. eaten, thinks, by removed. Til ils norma we hare: with time UnU-tl of rrodrr i>ess at this writing. All kinds ol Irui. A. Mi»* Anοη. ter, Mr». called on Mrs. Farrls careful exam nition of the work of the come at started the Smith, inatrumn.t* aoid for ca»b or ea»y payment*. imagine. Hiflerent kind» The rain Saturday up at Town people ing Hall. Nicker s cousin of the Nov. 12. blast shows tat the was suc- dilt· rent -rn. thus us a Mr. P. E. on, t!| explosion Catalogues and full information sent free. Mr. Fred Bean from the West is visit- a of West JSAm.·**· was Itest man, aud Miss Minnie There was special meeting cessful 1 the m »st sanguine hopes t ν of come kind the year round. I hose to* ard raising the r * intera groom, beyou varij- ponds ίίί,^ΐ'Χ ing friends in this was brides- Paris < Nov. 16. tors. are h»» place. a cousin of the bride, .range of the proprit rim- now ar·· t* rsiuiuions. «uavas and most us. and still at was at J. Frink V Waite, upon they Sheriff Shirley L. w as dressed in w hite Frank W saw a bear near the vvv W*u»>us *uJ the maid. The bride liirney a little if the ,,L have oratijC*·* otlice on oilicial business. It would s«iTm strange Wednesday silk and wore a bountiful of Suckles place this week. Whole Teat, but th·· proper »ea»on tor the it seems that snow enough bouquet new woman reduce sporUmau- iflason&ljaralmio. "Tnd'now and white >jhouid Boston, .Mass. Later i'u this valley is from fell in -oine of the back town* the 1— HEBRON. pink chrysanthemums. to the of physical endurance, 146 Boy'«ton Street, (opp. Common;, HIRAM. ship le<|el lu'.v « »ur W sk-hiugtou navelJ'nuir>^ orange has dav of i Ktober, to make «leighiug. Here Prof. J. F. was at his mother'* Lur that I* what a Brookllne, Mass., Moody an no «ere t»oor three inches, and Mr. Thomas S. is building normal. this tao-etory oraofe to there but Sunday. RUMFORO. Sargent woman prop* pes to do. She is recoguiz ell to his house. never 1..V. :tv. \ book on horticulture, pub- that was soon turned Into water by the Miss' Jennie Packard is visiting friends Mrs. Hose Delauo has gone to Gilead. ed as an ex|>e t hunter, but has ΓΙΝΕ Francis Virtue of Boston is visit- lished in M4-'. gives * picture of the following rain. in Auburn. Mrs. Sarah Godwin i« preparing to Mrs. been ;ible to a moose. In a few a„H.1 Mr. Madison [ipture on or,»*. « V letter from 1>· "· l'avis, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sturtevant an close her house at the Corner and go ing her brother, Tripp. weeks she wll start with a guide on the U.Ï3 Hon. Almon has to Port- 4*1» Vd»mi 1.1-tum. lhis is tne"IWJ5 eariie.i, Minn., it forms us that they have hadI no visiting his brother. Dr. Sturtevaut of away for the winter. Young gone trail of a moo>e with a view of walking Jackets ! r+-t* re nee known. Ihe blo-soius rarely rai:s there since harvest, and it wi g lHxdeld. and other friends. Irving Eastman is taking a two weeks' land. the animal do «ru. Miss Uipley will wear were so Mrs. Charles E. Hubbard of Glen SHORT have any pollen, and the fruit i* usually. ting fearfully drv. The crops Mrs. C. E. Harden came this week vacation. He will work for Susan bloomers an 1 moccasins, with four is her though not always seedless. 1 he variety £reat they could not secure them all, and Their goods are expected soon. Walker this winter. Elder, Kansa», visiting mother, or rive pairs ο stockings and will ha\e « Mrs. Lvdia B. Manstleld. u reproduced by buddiu*. here it ••vited the public to help themselves. Mr. Vane Bearce has been quite sick to travel rlgh along, but after three tem- 'Hie wild animal still in Hiram Fur ! of ranges can it easier. originated is not known with cH»rUlnt\. n,e price of all kinds produce, for a few days, but at present writing is WILSON'S MILLS. days she nDd 1 ter guide take down to zero and Brown field from the fact that two but it wa# in .southern Asia, ..eraturelv speaking, wai owner as the dav the moose's feet will Capes Άη" probably Mr. for K. S. Coe, [Garments! improving. agent by ! Sewell, Ml**- not to advanced on him thlrf to Ladies, riience it Ukeu to the regiou o! th· Kev Seth Benson did Rev. S. l>. Richardson is having the was in town on busi- Republicans recently to and lie will be obliged of the township, woods begin bleeoj :neaii. an l diffused call on %our scribe while about here a»t with clubs, and he started for the until Mediterr eventually trees thiuned out arouud bis buildings, ness slower, hey will travel dark, Stationery recently. He is go Children. over the world. 1 he fim week We never had an Interview some other with his tail pendent. supposed on the trail of the moose, Cloth and then ! >eC making improvements. Kev. S. S. York held services at the camp to the I nited with that without home to to be the Tiger." on move tree known have reached ιorauje personage Mrs. Hannah Kobinson went school house last Sabbath afternoon and "Tammany then be up an the by daylight Capes one Mrs. Lusanna W. Hubbard is to sûtes came in « though we had gone Oti-tield this week. C. labors here for the improv- After three the moose is*obliged 1.3. It reatjno Jacob** ladder. Brother ^PBenson ^h^°n is hav ing in health. rest oftener ai id is easily tracked by the We opened larger present. Herman S. Eastman of East lead in our ..,g great succcss in his nresent fleld of STOW. Mr. hi •j feet. In the where takes the orauge groves. The circle met w ith Mrs. S. S. Bennett. blood from spots AT line of outside garments than we have ever the store of The walnut has been market- of which is due to the Mrs. S*die is her Parsonsfleld is clerking in he has lain of blood are al- crop just XSTpert Osgood Mrs. H. E. Ellingwood, Frank Elling- gr ψ«ι pools are at f s« his * ife. He A. & P. B. of Ave carried in stock and the ed at good prices. If the American peo- ti'lifula· oï spoke very parents. Mr. aud Mrs. Walker. wood and Will Hamlin of Milan wen- Young. ways found, By the end days before, prices ν l»emocrat. and left some- worn out and ple were more for taste than U»oks. they highl of the Mrs. Ο. K. Barrows entertains the at the exercises our the feet of the* moose are the lowest notch. We do not have to order of the eilitor- present evening by «Mid ««lout» lotM' »»'»«' "»l« thli'g here for the l*ne»it ladies* social circle next Tuesday, Nov. EAST BETHEL he can travel more. Then, when the buy •lyoung folks." i|o we a in r alter the shell ha» been Bennett'» health is with him there is a because full line of sizes rath· than Marv 19. The term of school closed Friday, J. M. and Z. W. Bartlett and II. H. hunters come (up specials carry and it she will si»n »mi>rt'vlI1<;^be able to have soon killed. The new bleav hod by sulphuring. "is hoped Mr. Barrows aud Mr. Anderson November 8th. Jennie Hart accom- Hutching have taken a large lumbering fight and he is stock. raisins aud house for her husband in for ki't intend to take Some of the tue*t thtoeoentry keep tiuished their work at the cemetery panied Miss York to her home In Wilton. job at Lake I'mbagog, and are hiring woman does any has ever were raised this year, the warm on treed. SHURTLEFF'S produced present. The weather has been very the men, getting supplies, etc. chances being one of the things about a seems thus far to Mrs. Martha Barrows is visiting her while at home surprising '"Sioie past week. Violets and strawberry Miss Elsie Bartlett, NT FREE, is the small sue ol ite Nimrod of the town. He has k lledX at North A FIFTY-CI CALENDAR raisin vineyard granddaughter Fryeburg. blossoms were not rarities. from Gould Academy over Saturday, We have also all kinds of -» The re of The Youth'· Com- vines, which, cut back ? -kunks, 1 coon, 1 fox and about par- Fred has a new stone in at set in a and went out and a being Guptill put Friday night a heavy rain ; took her rifle shot* publUhf the or cy«ry are s« free to aubscrib- are rarely more than two three Teet the door of his stable. until morning. panion ■fdlng Ida steady downpour Sunday partridge. trs to the a haudsome four-ρ ge high, and the great size of the Sunday eveuiug was_ The streams are and still Charles and Miss I*na Young papér Winter Underwear & lr(hSr*uest Brooks. very high Yonng 7xl(« .in., lithographed in uiue These, when lully ripe, are cut andI li Swan accompanied by Frank have to Massachusetts. calendar, Hosiery bunc^J OICKVALE. rapidly rising. gone It U made of four charming ! out in shallow between of V stock man has again turned Lillian Kimball baa closed ber colors. up For Sale trays the."»·» nur^rv O. O. has sold his Black ltolfe Miss in un 1er vines, where, without the addition ol ud and alsb Andrew Moore, getting sub- Tracy each design, ! a NEWRY. school at South Bethel and returned to pictures, pleasing an mare to W. S. Walker, and bought of which re the caleuders for Ladies and Children anv sugar, are allowed to scribers for an illustrated Bible and normal school Nov. 11. each monthly they ί Canadian mare at the auction at Miss î.iona Willard returned from the Gorhatn 'lite retail of iuu until become raisins, li£ historical work. large for the year jtMi. price they , been for Brown haa to Providence l>| and ..ii u. liumford Fall··. West last where she has Foye gone 50 Carriages I Hicks and I. W. swan week, this I cents. Horse, Harness, rh^re is to the procee», exceptwh^bj* turn- nele John to work in the machine caleutfar ALSO Mrs. J. C. is ill at this the last two months with Ijer brother shop. to 'lite ".II TU - went to Norway last Tuesday on busl- Wyman quite Madison Bartlett has closed ber New subscri |xr· Companion C ÏÏL .£»> dry. and other relatives. She has been quite Mrs. calendar free One Machiniat'e Lath· ol »" .—M.EW THE SAFE THREE TIME! Pastor. Preaching service on Sunday, ft! 10 4 1 I CO. A. Sabbath School, li :4Sr. M. BÛT DID NOT GET INTO IT. SE> F.I Ν. (Ml Bol» γα*!· ρ«>*τ oma Julia Harlow ii*.·» Ut-a t,ut w**«tan»n Gammon' 8 ^ τη I risiiiui Second Cburrh. H«v· ». S * Ικ,,μ Congregational V W *- * ·*> A. M. .·. I her mother in bu.let*V,»!>i7 had not the AL OTHEK Bl'KOURIM IN NOHW » Τ Boston. I "winged" bird». tU.lcout, hutor. Preaching »ervlce Sun.lay o«t«Hour» 10 JO A. M. ; Sabbath School, 11 *5 a. M. ; Sod* I AND OXFORD· « ΙΛ a»! * Th·· The chief °f the Β 7 «0 »«Γ: *·,<·! Κ.·Γ night watchman will 1* continu* mogul Cuspador Meeting, r. *. ; regular weekly Prayer Meet Malta**·* S « f,»r Gorha» Ac » I? A- *.. m for l'ihof I ortlsnd wvs in town «ver Sun Ii|, w«lDt«U]r Λοηηκ OUR CARPET ROOM *-· busine-s. the present at least. evening; I iwv, Meeting Friday evening. >Λ« Fro· Cortlan M et bo· list About 2 o'clock > *mvr α ΙΚ»4 I he is done at Church, Rev, Γ. Uroevenor, I'Mtor Tuesday morning, '«ill» « pU»tering the count) 4.. au l î a» P· » froe Uorhw·, Preaching sen 1er. 10 JO A. Sabbath School i D. Bolster, who lives In the next hou* BLUE STORE. on the second has in its th,. Night Watchman Gammon deserve • floor, ■uiuiing*. windows are liui M.; Social Meeting, <*» *· *· ». goinj tin· Evening to the South ParU ollice, was a* al t hanks and the praise of this com prayer meeting, Tue*lay evening; cUm meet po«t rum* *Aitw*T. I ened from a m>und what Iv FULL FALL STOCK. ».*λμ· munit \ for hi« conduct on Sunday murr In*.'Frtdav evening. sleep by WE ARE OFFERING BARGAINS .. Κ 1**. irmiae I**»*· S»u J Mertie Maxim and Church. J. L. P*rtor was an Mls« Oertl inrV'i llwie Hutchlnaoi were against Pttichiikf tenlce, 140 r. M; Hibbith School —Η ,, t '·»-*. I at home from over who is at Mr. Ulster should attract the attention and cauee the I.ewiston Sun ne acted and It' i S p. M. Allen, employed that w. -ι c v. * liswiT Wr. κ. Judiciously bravely. M I'rayer Meeting, evening. Saturday and who a chamber in the "tor- fîtms M»y· I *aay to tell how to act after It's ail ο vet occupies at our store of one in cnracn·. stat*i> warnsos. was a noise lik appearance every Union ■>ut what have done vo· 1 above. awakened by personal Carpets. -I. S* Surbird attended th« would you had -..^««οβΑΐ « harvh. R- liaojrhto J r. A A. M—Union R. A. C-, So. SR. aeeemblei followed an of p-«* Μι k' atuvial beeu there at the time? pounding, by explosloi D6C(i >: -aaη··τΗ!ΐί* *πΙιτ», I Grange In Worcester last Wedneedav on or before full moon, a came ·* Kvenlng, and dres«od and do* C. C. » r. » -v .ah iwx.i υ ν • M atonic hastily Carpets. M I week. flail. Regular of Oxforv » The B. S. II. » meeting She was to out he τΐ.:ι. V»e·Iim··»Ut * fcrt I primary department. I/O·Ire. No. Is, In M atonic llall. Even stairs. cautioned put c!o*ed r Monday ... ^ our Fridav, Nov. 13. Whole numk' Injt on or before full moon. Oxford Council, Il and then the lookers from Μ All Extra Car- ,yti «*·!■«rp.Uyjr«M·*. ► ic« light, wool, Super fcun-h. »e»-ν ν* Τ I lupmait, Ρλ enterprising » IS. .«I I ·"' ha» the .it .*>2. attendanc SI.. Friday evening, on or after full moon Bolster's windows saw the form of i.mver i-.wtln*. ». 1er, frame up for κ new ie* tending Average ;·'**■, 'riling J »·· Norway l>lvl*lon,Son»ofTen»|>erance,ln Rycr MADE .MO. Inoée not abs.nt one : end of READY half the OR -> A S. ho. >1 hou»e. dav man down CUSTOM pets. ,!·> ii * I ion Hall by ρ, every Saturday evening. walking * .. Mtvi: t, » r. *., ev»·! BrrUul 1.0.0. Is the , > Merrill. meeting Γη «»·1«1 Fellow· Fellow»' Block, In which po * » F.—Regular : r ».. prayer ινμίΙβ I harl« Kd ward* was at Worcester I ■^|lî.*eiSÎi,V,*h α.«χΊ-..Λ. VrVLay ν»m t ù-Jï.M ortie Holder rraakte IJt.hy. ment. No. 'il. meet* In Odd VwUow·' llall, second week.wherehe attended the National a dim flash of ·.-■ Κ«·τ Τ -l7K*m*U"i. fwtu H«war>l Maxim. Mauri»·. « hit*. ami fourth I each lowed the and llgh Κ- |la»' rirtay Evening* of month. first, Brussels « vi I ! 100 1-2 > .■ i'i* «en Ιο* ΙΛ 4Λ 4. ; Grange. i'U Ji nn*· Nettle J»» k«ou. K. of In In the ollice windows indicated It CLOTHING (1 yard) P.—Regular meeting Hathaway Block, post Τ Jtt p. « everv .. *.. frayer tneetlnjc I'erlejr Cote. Thurwlav Evening. C. R., A. O. location H. Kverett Farnum of I.ovell and K. K«l « W Noyej with to vil'it Tie-Uy eventa*. _ rt heeler. » he.wr Merrill. IMvUlon.N'o. li. meets tlilrvl of eack positively. Remnants Friday W. the live» ι Fringe >niii 11\ W oodbury of ^wedeu were in town ( ·"* ««lid. month. I«. Karrar, postmaster, ·τ«ηι> «trrwoe. I Β Tf* I fuesday. L*r'U»bim*eu. I.ut* Merrill. ti. Λ R— Harry Ru-t Port, No. M, meeu to the house next to Mr. Bolster s, th match. Just the thin^ for K. «rente U-wie Marnon. Mamoo. Hall on the thlnl A \ M ;,jr weCnf rue*Uy Arttar Kyenon Friday Evening ol second house from tho ollice. lm and f i>ost ,*'u" each month. Hats, >» I Franklin Maxim ha* a good collection on the second Mi Furnishings. M in Mkr» I nrutar m«- KLM HILL. 8. of Ilobh· meet* the mediately explosion, Caps .ι r V.—Wellington Camp Rugs. I k ·>* confederate biiK- but won't t we will show them to and tell 'f Γ*» »«V-Aura* they tevond and fourth of each Bolster went to his window and " you you τ I I.i//ie Friday Evening· spoke Ill QTPRQ* » I i»>t outer has been hei trie· .11 οΚιιιι» lliam mil 1# ·ην niu< in MnitlO »' U M η ! %r crealB* I bread. «pending month. a" about then» and if one in Maine iwy Mr. Farrar. Mr. Karrar immediately an .τ, any vacation at W R. λ ·. v '11 with Mrs. F. A. Tavlor Soutl C.—Meets In Grange Hall thlrl h rleze I liters we it. ét ··£** Frl«lay and while he was ther Our 810 all wool Irish g|yC yOU Λ good trade, can do «r..e l c : I H. Jones arrived home arts. tn each month. swered, dressing f SiturUy Joseph Friday i evening are water and win I are in Juvenile -l··!* U fur f. O U. 2·! whs a proof. They All the latest thing* i.rm >«"·· .^»b Irv: night from an exteiided in Vermont C.—Meet» the and 4th Thureday third explosion. -.itur ΙΛ* >ru r»<»>o· trip of each month In Hall. be deflers of the blast*. ( with collar* for the «mall Call and See Them. ■f., r| Mr». \. J. Foster, who has been sick evening* Ryernon There wa« a consultation wintry ompare Infers sailor l and New \ ork. p. of hasty >, » K*.r»t *η«Ι thlrU Thur»lar·. meeu othci it 812 and is for M veral is able to sit a H.—Norway Urangn every tween Mr. am them with thoae others tell aged tto 7. Of special value -- No. πι««Ί week», up pan Satitrlav at Mr. Farmr and Bolster, boys, ,, Part» L--!*r. I1L Grange llall. rhe I democrat a and will find them our all wool, Frieze '-ι. In U»· t». A. Κ Hal establishment out of the Ν. Ε. i). P.—Lakeside No. meet* In they that it would be 81.1 you equal. Bov's (»ray Check, ΡΑΚΙ*. MAINE. ,„r· M «-renlnf put day. Lodge. 177. agreed hardly pos SOUTH S *. m ! Vk Ij hand«ome new last Hall, on the «rrt and thlrl I latere for worth 810. Reefer at worth 80. I to 12. \ W k l'ont, Ji*. «igr. Tuesday, the Ryerton Wedne*lay sihle at that stage to capture the burg $8, 81. age r* tua IP ».η. ta ii. A. b « >everal of our are evening* of each month. a warm work of harles Λ. \ ouug. people employing that they must them 1 8·» buvs good heavy ulster. the Ε F. Smith, Esq.. New Grange Block, Il the lars, but stop Ha I-rench physician at Norway Witt Doubt if can match them in the ν Dirrto dm *i> authorixed IucaI and of the from with an; you s κ t. orp· l>r. i L. Buck think» that he has a results. aicent corrc»pondent possible getting away in/» of cmrfc noeih. la u satisfactory Democrat for Norway and favor· ihown him *111 bootv. No kind of a -shooting iron sut* <.hh1 opening for a hair dresser In con- be appreciated by the publishers. FUR COATS. A Κ H We are Informed our was available, and a lim< Mt ΛηΓ* v*n»p m*··» «·τοΐ*. 11 cection with his dental rooms. by supervises immediately Fur Coats of us and *ave that our house is to receive nec- James who has for a time was In elti/ens am Huy your y ο Β!η*» ·ί Otx tk mo*Lb a school Nutting, loug speut rousing LINE OF I>r Κ. A. White and Mi- W hite from time worked for M. when Mr. F ar AND OUR OVERCOATS. money. FULL x a essary repairs at once. J. Cummings, hae looking for firearms ; but >!. ni Κη~·1 Le·!». No. 1«·Ι \ κ I'oronto have been the pwsu of their hired out with Wm. .lone» as hostler. rarand others arrived at the post ofllct Well, if need one and will look at —ι— flf·» wxt lAiro H «ltx—U: J ' he recent rains have not been heavv you brother. Station Frank White. Dr. Fred E. Crockett and m<»re after the thin we we will sell _ .. Agent wife of not than tive minutes ours, know you. !j la oath. to remove all embarrassment I -:*e. No. 31. meet» »*er enough West Newton were in town the there was no one there. I n« for a fine tailor made Walter I.. Λ. a during explosion, 81·*» Kersey UNDERWEAR. I ι- ! i«ray. B.. of this and fear because of the lack of water in At Vui>iknV Hull. place, week. marauders had a watch Reaver Coat. sell in the city for I of U our and have evidently posted They Goods! graduate more Colby l'Diversity, principal springs wells, yet they A. Simons manv coats the We arc showing kinds than any k -< K. of Ν. \ ., ha« and he had the alarm. 820. Don't find such in rh« d Friday. of the school at Centre. out Syracuse, given » hijth Bridfttoo materially heated the"situation. at were left a man two β to re* in the ouuty. \Ne know Sporting been stopping the Elm House several (Julte a number of tools country. Such a coat will last »»' lo thk ofln win «"<1 B· printing Wm. J. Wheeler has had the Hillside Mel I U from an acci- davs. some of which were for year», will look well. 3"ou Durgin suffering afterwards,found alwaya worth if » water into Mrs. W. E. has a Bennett s black-tj for our all blue and black >"ou Κ·'* >'°«Γ money's you ·■' » anil so f*r"— I (ucduct put the hou*e he dent which befell him last week. While Knight opened fancy have been taken from 810 wool, Guns, Shells, &c. Ιΐ yet of u*. Ih.t* built near the at the b irn chorea he on a goods store in Block. She smith on IMea^ntMreet. Tw Melton Overcoat#. would be purchase tkr ίκΐΓ^ϊ» recently Baptist doing stepped Hathaway shop They church. ten-penny cut nail, driving it nearly will also do dressmaking. Mrs. Knight thm· explosions had spoiled th· saft, cheap at 812, and that U what you 1— v. at wb* t {hi Briiigton ; through the foot, causing a bad wound has one-half of the store occupied by F. but hadn't It. would have to pay almost anywhere else. ai »<>τλμ ΤΔΙΙ ΠΟΙλΙΛ Maxim gave a opened I vlTI I ftlLUnlliU Jw ;b» ·;«?ρΫ Harry birthday party that him to work for W. Hunt, agent for the White the knew, and per- If \ou wîtnt a overcoat we've wUO y J to his compels suspend sewing Perhaps burglar- cheaper about twenty of schoolmates « was in the machine. The store hereafter will t>e they didn't, how near they came gut t)iem down to &!.<<»· is our and careful tj« ι; *>ί.»5>ί···* <>f <or, and broke their drill. Then they SUITS OF ALL KINDS. city prices either. No one in the State Pom And. Hill. She showed us sixteen, braided Kumford Falls several dial. and Non I ri*. hardware dealer*. are mak- days last week. smashed off the combination Fmm a to a man 10·». Wo make* better Custom Pants than we do. h l'a -nterprui:·* and drawn ones, that she has made, and boy years I :n»» a handsome of hou··η we are « » MturAiy. Uev. Joseph E. Cross of Plttsfield, handle wouldn't turn the boltt. is the town in the and a Norway leading County cle Crawford formerly merchant at Paris Hill, where work and considerable sewing. lecture at η side- and grade '·> Mass., will tin· Haptlst church the safe was afterward dow tt τ, will tiwvr into he a tipped Clothiers. Wc sell more we the beet conducted successful bu-iness. November the bolts back of their Leading goods, give to Ix? sold at a for ν Wednesday evening, 20, ways, in· ·,. ·.» Tu< 'day. OXFORD COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOLS dropped bargain Thursdav Nov. even- own and the safe was values. should'nt trade with us? There is no h. Kimball Post, G. Α. II., and The Oxford Sunday School "evening, 21, Friday weight, oj«-n. Why you caah. V !' liartlfU of !'>rTaat> »·* ·■ < an County November 22, and the left in the ollice *** !l V ϊ ·Γιhave had invitation < onvention convened at the M. E. ing, Sunday evening. Among tools reason. ρ : Λ ! a: 1'urAday. f' H Bust l'o-t and Belief « November J4. on the Bible from "Eden wire hook, which it was found could be »rry orp- church, South l'aris, Wednesday, Nov. Oomo and. Soo Us 2 \ -·τ th< at next Wedne*- to Eden." Mr. Cross Isa brother of out through where the handle came out, H· s to working At thv j· N<»rw*y 1 !'h. and was devoted principally to pa- lav \ Sheriff Cross and is an Interest- and would turn the bolts back, Ν 'Tway. night. l*T* and addresses on Sundav School Deputy easily i ing lecturer. the hook was Intended for that purpose, I»· \ Ν V» thtin h.»« decided to lo- work. » V \ ; ni w ;f«- attended th«· I>r. Nettle Bennett, who graduated as very it was. the visitors were ATLANTIC ha* to The morning session was opened with 1 likely cate at Westbrook and moved from a medical school on the of Into Vit iT· Worcwttf. a service Kev. Chicago, 111., just ragged edge getting .nr. W mauv devotional couducted by BLUE "hii l>r. ilhaoi ha- made |i about three vears ago ;tnd has since been the safe when were scared away. store, V Win. K. «'urti- of North j T. J. Bauisdell. An excellent paper on 1 they M f .· id* .it;: :.g h.» -..t\ here who will In the of will in the had had a few minute* j was read practicing city Chicago, If burglar* * H»ar*dar. Teacher's Preparation" by 1 NOYES 4 Next to Beat's ρ pUc· I regret his departure. a few weeks an ollice lu this more they would have ANDREWS, Hotel, Kev. Israel Jordan of Bethel,— after open village undoubtedly Proprietors, over store. a wa« ν _ ·*>«·' Λ W. C. Leavltt's made a* then· In the prouiirMnt \unt Bet**·)· Gray, who i* '.«2 years which Kev. A. Hamilton of Bethel con- g«*id thing, Norway, Malno. r.hmt h«»r*oe. i* a* F. S. Packard, M. !>.. of Waterford, safe. In cash and eight rav^i{ I old, doc» her ow η houaework. and ducted a and interesting sumps, nearly Un- lengthy was in town on business. it was. «ecured Buy your Dreee Goods, Ladies' and Children's Garments, tfid as m<>*t women of *»0 which Tuesday hundnd dollars. As they ^ M. »»f Wwt Γαπ- v*aiD*> in *{>rv "teachers' conference" in many derwear and at our and Goods next J■ |·ιβι1 A. was at a from the Hosiery Dry Fancy Store, i* a drr»* lieorge Cole auctioneer A. few dollars' worth of stamp* tin» IVnj'xrat *»he making her nice black of the teachers and pastors participated. j to Store. k· Tur«day. j F. Andrew- Λ Sons' sale of work horses drawers, and a dollar or two In Noyes'Orue w ithout the help of any dressmaker. Be*. T. F. Milieu. field secretary, then stamp ~ \\ r'^ht wi< ral>«*ti to j at Burn ford Falls C h 1 Υ) ίΓ ρ # gave an earnest and Interesting address Wednesday. Mr*. Alaav > Shaw of t oncord. Ν. II.. At present the only to The seems to be well found- Wt^lij«**d.iy. on work, crayon and scissors. Improvements | suspicion tn.ide a brief visit to her father. William primary be made at the dam will be to re-. ed that it wa« the same gang which ·· for lunch in the upper • v\ i family of Ka.*t j and other relatives in thU Before dosing vestry. j B. Koyal. Wheeler build the bulkheads. 1'he datn w ill not operated at Bridgton Tuesday night. <■ : .:h Bex. Messrs. Λ. Hamilton,Z. J. l'ari* Tueiday. 1»*; week. Mr«. >haw has not be rebuilt this season. It has been ! a series of j place J. were a very Sunday and Monday nights for two and B. Haughton appointed M \ "Τ·Κ Κ ··! ° :! th k» of an arc been at her old home before examined and Is to be were carried on, on tore Κ ν adding committee to report on the organization carefully reported depredations THE NAME OF THE NEXT -nt-or of incand^«- I years. safe except the bulkheads. Street in Oxford, In Norway village and of a local Sunday School convention, to h f ·*·«Γ. i* Servllla A. Bennett, M. !>., has been at Uke. which more like W. irujj li^ht· Mi*s la'Dt Abbott of Bangor, who is include the neighboring towns on the Norway appear U Douglas appointed of the peace. the work of tramp' tlnn the South I arl- li teaching school in Andover. has been Grand Trunk Bail way. justice Porter is In a On Street Sunday Celebrated Shoes Mi-- Julia Γ. Morton at her afternoon session was well at- Seavey puttlug found*-, break. Fore night PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES TV *»rr iuto th«· vi-itin^ The I· All ·ml I put tlon for a new house on I'earl Street ad-, the house* of J. (*· Howe, Ira lltr- roI «tjrlr· |>rlr*«. IN Abbott and a con- WILL IS Κ ΛΝΝΌΙ'Ν» El) > ..t lh«- I home in this Mi** tended. After devotional service W^ltt-iiT. place. his residence. riman and two or three others wen· en- -* Satur- J. of West joining V\/ L. Frothlncham, -· « I M Morton returned to Vndover ducted Be*. Wheeler 'Viet R-andeaceul ighu Ι by Vita. O. Morse of Woburn. Mass., was tered. Food wa* stolen, but o( tplilr. to resume tbi- week. S. Bideout vet con- nothing I? ΜΛΚΜΚΤ *t|lABK. m : ·. day teaching Taris, liev. B. y ably H ?r· called to town this week by the death of value. a School great ,. w ducted Sunday symposium, „ Contractor W. Cook met ith hi* mother, Mrs. Morse. Monday the houses of Mrs. h. \ ·.»·.· t a -1 granit»· curhioi: George which included the general exercises of Margaret night au last week while at work on Mr* I.. B. Weed of West Duinmers- \V. Howe. P. and < A. 1 t •••t in thf o'utrr of I accident of F. Stone ride, back- the Sunday School, the plan grading » the I». ^ Ku»*ell stor«·. He ton. U her sister, Mrs. J. I1. In were entered. No- >(»*« *aterinjc place for -;ep|>ed and Great interest was Yt·, visiting Norway village, ward the scuttle and fell to the discipline, Bolster. food ν WAK t RC ΐΜΓ£- RANGES à--. ■h edge of U. j through manifested in all these subjects. Then Tim he Jit cellar botutra. OtU has moved from the tene- lar* «eem to have made themselves Nil M escaped Fortunately a most excellent Bev. Morgan very \ i\1 lall and followed paper by Writ J^ujchtt-r with no worse than scratches. ment over U-avitt's hardware store U> much at home. Mrs. Howe lost a OF NOVEMBER 1896. injury Francis Groveanor of Norway on "The gold 4th, Ν II have In< o vl(i:in( at J. rent on Water Street. was valuable not School Work." II. Bangs' watch, which very ALWAYS PLEASE*! » I / of The following South l'art» gentlemen in Sunday j ami of th men whose J 1! M Stuart Holy Spirit Penwsseewassee No. K. of of itself but a* a and Public Intereit will steadily Increaae, the disappointment »erve as at at the for·- I-odge. Is, only keepsake, V* -, ,.■· have been draw η to 1'he committee appointed adminlstra- ,t J.r, ». jurymen will their twelfth annual or four dollars In votes tamed th»· scale at the la«t eioction. with the results under the ( o«l Monet, j on on P., give three money. Nothing Tlicy «g :he 1'nited states Tourt in (Ortland noon session rejtorted the advisability in the most in the his- ball and concert at the of value was takeu at of the other tion they elected, will ike the campaign intensely exciting ί V »'o. recel veil Ixs : (.rand School con- thanksgiving any 'urifi^ the fir* Tuesday of I»ec«'mber of org ini/ing a local Sunday of the dollar»' opera House on Thursday tory country. .ire \ot Cheap. rive thouMnd uror* Frank P. Burbauk and Frank A. vention. to be known as the l.ittle Ati- evening. places. Tliey ; Nov. -Kth. Millie Stearns Λ » Ml Friday. Over f'J.MIU Petit Franklin Maxim School Association, by >hurtieff. jurors. droscoggin Sunday orchestra. BodkinNorse-j s. MORE BURGLARS. a .. fn>ai Jordan. Mar*h (.i. Burnell. to cover the towns on the G. 'Γ. B. from worthy's Supi^-rat The New York W and >wasey M. Smith has to eekly Tribune, BUT j Berlin and to Edith gone Cam-; Mechanic Falls to Falls, the l^ of Hie I'nlte·! suie». will pul.llnh all (he |>olltl<-aI new* Β. Λ. Ku**ei. Λΐ:ΐ*ι<«!ΐ ni- new *>"- where she will visit her auut for <»N *Ol Til PARI* leftiÛDjf |>u!.ll<-an family rx>w«paper meet the -econd in bridge ANOTHIR CAM. THE of th·· InU T' -ltn»' to \ inert· an cltl/cn rejjanlle·· of party affiliation·. V rar lu» in the safe Street Wednesday» May, «luy, rvrry will wear until are put c-rv -ton· at the corner of tiothic « few weeks. Dew* In attractive covering the now» «if the worM, and November, and that the nc«T om< Ε St ΝI · A V MOKNIN·.. Tills Ak>|tnrnl fonn, foreign eoiTMpon,·-t comic fashion plat·*» an··π- of M or not. Pre·.. l>tilr*a picture·, ^•d by night** want to will it himself and rent chambers a lnterc»t. The "New York onday whether you punhx* Ν ii-e I'rrs.. J ν ciapp, S«>utti Pari·. occupy OPHTHALMOMETERTh s is the most of woman'» attire, with varie·! ωΊ attractive department of hoaaeboM price range made, positive tliat caikrv Ht will hii\·· an opeeiug Wedneida} Mr>. Z. J. W heeler, West l'art». to lodgers. A(t«'r the of night, Weekly ΤrlImite" In an Meal family pj|le in It- to which all are imittil· Trvas Horace Norway. Mr. and Mrs. Ε. E. O'Brion of 1 houus- m<*ti all teste of vision pulill· country a'lally. ι. of Huckrield was evening last wrek, some of our business objective to II life an>l any up-to- town A constitution Bickford at the Beals House. for the of a witch- tu» a oflkt» in hi* hou», it »»uth Paris The Sunwishes cepted. employment night that thus was formed The l.ittle M P. Stiles feels of his in the don't make any \ < ouulv in Androscog- Capt. proud the Invetment would date large They i *>xf>>rd the thi* aud "be*r *11 man, i>elieving jpticians Λ SPECIAL t'OHTUAt'T enables us to offer this genial nterprlsing School Association. four all have a* splendid better. Jl. new office. gin >unday company. Excepting a against tire work success and In it* for the prove good protection cities happlnea* A audience assembled In rifle lhe -eason < l>aniel journal and "THE OlIOBD DEnot'KAT" for continue to be a- large qualified practice, well as burglars. 'on-· ui other f«»r and newsy led Bev. W. T. : your prominent votional service by Chap- results and went on Fri- a I ««'III beeu in tl»*- —L*wlaton business section duty Inr4 I»ut for «hort fiuir and we have p**t. Milieu of frrr. One Year For -tabllahmeot they Γ. F. Gorham, * tant I man. Kev. Me., day night for th<· first time. all nation· Only $1.75, th.»t h»· 'iun. and instructive \pt-rieace tn.-de a very intere«ting Kîr>t >-U«e mark-UH-ιι, ί < »u Saturday night. Mr. Gammon wan WM. C. LEAVITT, AGT., a γ1»μ «mon, Cawli in advance. t .» il «huuld be. address on "The chaiacterUtics of Seni la $2 JO.) -, ûr made tlx· grade Sunday morning, photographer, latching grammar | then taken for state her ^uthto tion was Sunday Toui, ! the sidewalk, when in front NO. PLEASANT ST.. SUBSCRIITIONS MAT Π RUIN AT ANT TIMK. , !. ·:ι gr of Billing- Pari* *ch.»u. ha-* resigued place patrolling ίβ »ph* work, and the convention was τ School Much credit is due F. T. Knrt- of he discovered three Mr. M^rri* i* turning ,k ,.,t «Μι ion in the WW Sergt. Bowker'e store, A>lιτ,1' to close. of riile one than the κ fr-'tu hi* *tudi<» and coo- Ή-bot»! in Boston. Ml« Hooper taught brought lett, company Inspector practice, men, larger other», tip-toe- com- in front of (Kid Fellow·' a it th. Kutland Street School r^fore for the results. ing down £ *i"od patronage. THAT WEST PARIS SCHOOL HOUSE. THE OXFORD South Maine. South and hi* beeu oflered f*he remnins of Mrs. Jennie ({.Simons, coming from the direction of the Bottle of DEMOCRAT, Paris, ing to Paris Nov. 185Λ. Block, ·-. »f llolyoke, Nui., Paki>. 1<ί, of Χ. were here Mr. <>ammon along into Every m Increase of salary to return. Syracuse, V., brought depot. stepped ^ 1 ·τ the l'art* Manufac- Kt/iU'T Itr immit: Tuesday fur interment in Pine Grove W. A. Porter's stairway so as to conceal Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. w »* in town several lu to what was said by your a Work ou the sewef from Billings reply C emetery. Mrs. Simons was the daugh- himself from them some*Int nul await- Best, Room 2, Tribune Buildmar. New York City, and sample • » i* a hustler iu your Mr ll>-idner Block to the river has Nest Paris correspondent ter of the late WiUurd C. George, M. D., ed results. The men came down as far copy of THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will be mailed be with last week the un- DR WORTZEL'S .1 *ell he may .•on-i,leri»g the character*'n'*?7he of the wvrK. columns regarding who for many years practio-d in Nor-1 as the post ofliee, peered In at the win- to you. f condition of the West Paris £"Oda manufactured by hygienic way. dows and then tried the door, at tirst ^"uit.-lowjob. the cause of ·., laid mo*t of the way rhetilehaj^ten °r ι**1τ* school house being diphthe- L. Γ. Sr.ett, J. W. Carter, M. W. 1 it locked they Hoard of easily. Finding securely κι DNEY dt LIVER CURE aud the ear.h ria Id that place, the Paris Merritt Welch and W. H. ! to force when the watch- \ llebrou made The flMt below the —ltW> Sampson. commenced it, of be that in- a that it hasto Health would say they carefully are \\ ild Kiver d«*er ! man on them with his re- -t Mr. f »uch character Hooker up hunting. fire t til Tar^iay. and found its opeued is to relieve all to th.· NH...,u .·! h the school house and I..Cook returned from one bullet tak- gl ^'Uth l'itrU .«nd η,,Πν spected .Vlr. Swett A. volver. He fired twice, Jarantecd Now is the Time Norway W !» It I most to aiiwi cavmg hi. h« sanitary condition satisfactory, that a short time ago with three effect in the corner of the block very kid ne or bladder troubles. ! tfrow. lie says the busi- trench At the vicinity ing (v .I„.uïh, it -UI I* -•""«'''J1 l he vault was well disinfected. deer. nearly In the direction they were, the TO GET YOUR 1·-· i- already drawing iioUbeJ. the term the .SOLD BV done. commencement of janitor Smith was mark of the other cannot be found. The < Hebron. II»· notice* gixij Timothy greatlv surprised had beeu instructed the board of in here to by Sunday morning by steam issuing from burglars immediately fled the direction F. A So. Paris. 't J eople cvme up of the vault SHURTLEFF, lîev T. F. Millett. tleld secretary health to disinfect every day, the doors and windows of F. P. Stone's from which they had come and as they School us he had done so. The the'M aine "*tate Sunday and he told that drug store. l'j»on investigation a started ofl° the watchman heard one of re- earneil *ud faith- both rooms informed us that Krnocrat mark* its tiou i> doing much teachers in broken steam pipe was discovered. them #ay, "Tom, are you hurt?'' line Indicated his never detected ·> I'ari* f-orn it* historic ful work in 'he by they had any unpleasant \ ery little damage was done. Mr. Gammon called out W. A. Porter, at lithe natural room or around it ! in Such len*l odors in the school HEAVY au i tl Bolster CLOTHING Hi ortie title. The hardware stores have sold all the W. L. Farrar. Ν. I). by improvtmeut >ui:- postmaster λ it h it» » r ..f -h·.-.·»·" wh.· attended the could have come from the vault. a .-it verdict Of ». that bolts and locks have on hand. Frank made Of. ; comporting μ· they aud Taylor. They OF < at the M. r. I» a house in the vil- new and larger life. Uv School ouventioti We doubt if there There Is a great demand for such articles thorough seaii'h of several available hid- I QUEENIHfc FASHION PAPESFASH!0N| OF THE OAT. in as con- is a concentrated prep- ρ οτ ine wmiier v»r w** »u a* it i« hurch K-t week. Hi* evening lage that has been kept good now. not have a few watch- but were unable to discover highly coming. Paie" l>« good addre**|and just Why ing places, Su[«rb. Strictly "l'p-T·· ^ns vt of to -. for-uotll, »juite acorn- t* full helpful suggestions dition. men? their birds. aration and is guaranteed liliulratioiu aud Noie». started in the family our we m iki r».- Lewi-ton Jour- rousing inspirations. ***** The diphtheria Mrs. Margaret Morse, after a long sick- j a Call at Store and will show of Rer. W. The first case, cure caused by Reliable, Lrlplit ami Clean. he was the guest l.thap- of Samuel Filingwood. ness. died at her home ou Cottage Street, |ny cough a and he weut to Beware of Ointment for Catarrh that New Line of all kinds of a was not very sick, lier remains you A year's »ub^. ri; tloti the rnan. boy, in this village l'uesdav. j cold. 1 "'h j'iuiî:. pastor of two after his throat school one or days were taken to A η dorer, Mass., where contains < h in thi* is a man who sends to the one else Mercury, 50 'ents, place, Mr- H. T. Cutniuing* commenced to be sore. No she lived. Only hi» «nsies formerly a* will destroy the sense of ·.>· tr iv«·! ha* a .ut iful of ρ was sick until mercury surely etc. fret y« >r ■. o of ar.y one improved ι κ Bi.KTat be bouquet from the school taken at about nine o'clock etnell and the whole Underwear, Shirts, include·'. 0 derange system ; Win. a-k for Monday evening completely Hosiery, oi t..ο ti a Informât wi'h it a note "\ou he and it the mucous surfaces. nuire 'η l saying: three days after stopped going, a crew of three or four men were dis- when entering through 1 lot of Wool Underclothes, I>ouhlc Front and Back, for 30c.. Ο *t «t·** " from article# should never be use.1 on special twenty-* ight ,i. me from every school were sick afterwards were in Nor- Such except .ill who covered their supper the from a» the never sold for less than 7.*»e. before. Ο : ». : a tt I'niver- the fruit oij cooking prescription rei»utal>le physician*. Celebrated McCil.l Bazar Patterns, c tfiirrn 1 have none but » bouquet, room as this same the same boy. way I.ike school house. The damage they will mercury, and taken Onlj ο t itiv -late that I TUited." and was conveyed a Strnuel Ellingwood, entered. Food, a gold watch and internally, acting directly upon the blood and Store ! λ too. to Jewelry hi·· (aitb. locating other In Hall'n Pierce's by this mucou* the by members of family small of money was Uken. F. surface» of lyatrm. buying New Suits of Seuil a 2-ct fori Mflt c-j; y t«. il. school, quantity Catarrh Cure l>e iture you *et the It 1» every J~ *4'holars the same Stone's residence across the road genuine. description, attending 1*. taken Internally and in made In Toledo, Uhlo, tue Me» \ll cotiruv, been false SOUTH PARIS. Cut in all shaj>cs. Suits for Men, Youths and Boys. Xeat and Nobby. K> of Pond. t here have reports regarding from Mrs. Howe's was entered. Charles F. J. Λ Co. Testimonial* In** ill· V» Λ j.. Bryan*'* been by Cheney 40 La·! i ΑΙ., torli. of cases. There have 75c. t>ottle. » I · I · I ** In·-- vnd a vi*lt the number A. lYide's house, opposite the depot, ««-Sold l»y Druggist·, price |*.r • · · I · · I I · I lay paid one of which has 1 x- The following pupiU been severe. taken the eateu and ULSTERS, \ *iu· 1 friend of the g pantry by intruders, BORN. one-halt day from tfct grammar Woodbi ky, l Members of Paris can NOTICE OF FOHKCLOlKK. r*t. II·* prtwnw a ή le of | Horatio carried away. Nothing of any great: SEASONABLE Come to us for your Hats and Caps, we save you money. Wa»«r (ha** i Board of Health. entered. -loulhu U Cook of lu the h and has the only F. H. Packard, value was secured in any place In Rumfonl Falls, Nov. s, t<> the wife of Geo. Wbi'iTi·, Porter, yar ΗοΙ·*Γ« Γ- slSeForter* of Oxford and State oi Maint·, ht» be of Teft«. were seen at Pride's citizens Jr., a daughter. SPECIALTIES : We have a Stock of County l>y xi.-tence. It will |W,^ GRANGE. Lights by Under, Large deed of of dale March 7th, Α. I». 1*70, lH*taW Wean. POMONA been In Amlover, Nov. «, to the wife of Charte· mortgage value from an historical Ur~* Î>rj!?u.r in at 4 a. si. No arrests have made Ladies' Shirt Waist Sets. reropled lu the OlftfH K> of Dee·!*, A » a llrru < Pomona Grange met Hodmlon, a eon. 'gtrtry (.rat-v ^H· Oxford County few left I wwtcrn book ·;» i>;»gv r£i, fn Mr. < hase served the Mav IM »4<>r. at and so far as known clews by In Oxford, Nov. 12, to the wife of Charles M. licit Pi H*. FUR ΟΟΔΤ8, dl.-trirt, conιeyed ,irt*i a ItaMrT. Hall. West Paris, Nov. 5, fee an·! In mortgage to Cote· «pi of wiMe Man>i<>n. OhHMW the can be traced. Andrews, a daughter. vt'.*.h!iigt<>n of at which visitors Belt B-trklcs.ickl an·! >uie of ttfMal jwm RagUttr M. members were In Nov. to the wife of Solon II. Cornish, In the County of V>rk ·" «i«* Thayer 10 a. 150 present oxford, 9, which we are to sell for a small for and most com Audrews and Frank Andrews Paria I ill Pins. willing profit. Investigate yourself you a rertaln of land» t In l'or wa* one of the pe- 8BSSSf of the and the 5th Eugene Downing, a daughter. (KuthA.) Academy Maine, parrel absent one the meeting, the court will filial this so. Remember the biiUDilni nul ΊμγΙΙ«<Ι v follow». tlx. : on * tint ever the ofloa Vlhert was only opeuing 22. of Auburn, in municipal j In Rumford rail*, Nov. 1, to the wife of Wm. place. ter, titled Murphy was on a class of the nortii land of »lme«in on th· eut bv «"arrie | conferred were fouud of assault \ a daughter. l>y l>ay; κ ι» dnv Vita Walker. Gray. degree Thursday, guilty Toupaln, an·! f at In Peru, Nov. 2, to the wife of William Hersey, MUSICAL tin· Mill Pond land Wa*hlngt<>n ColmPl; ! y ·vening. Nov. 24th, wb~ter were on Mrs. Emerv Elliott of on ^ κ»"? and battery — on the South land of Km J. Towle and J· j! a daughter. by i'· ir iial church l»ev. It. Woodstock, and were sentenced to sixty the wt-t liy Un·! of >tnic»n l»ay. with tlx· hulk! * -* ouuiuvi, vm···»^, ; GOODS: wtth mill the »amc to fc' ve another illustrate t-d» I Uion UI in The assault occurred last, Η. B. Ing» thereon an<1 privilege, Al- days jail. FOSTER. acre* mop.· or k·*». wlierea· of contain And Π time it will be Johc of Woodstock. Kound Mountain MARRIED. thirty December. They appealed. The boys Violins. the condition» of »alii,l iv the selectmen laid bany, Bear Newry, a sentence FURNISHER, nod»· I* herebv given that I, the »al«t ι West Pari*. II had just completed imposed ( fcy Phonoharp. CLOTHIER, HATTER, broken, r-'~ Λ to tine. Tb* »bie of Otiefield and In Weat l'art», Nov. C. II. I.ane, Ks«|., Washington I okonl, rial m a fi>rv< Ίο «un- of «aid l be very I «m* thit ... H at the last term of court, and were taken 16, by Zithers. Mr. John W. Willi· and lire. Mary F. 1'crliain, $|y mortgage by reason of -aid breach of cundittoii* ·* «>' ■><» d«-liijhted M. i all. court room. >|·.·ιί»··>η lower from j*il directly to the I>oth of West Paris. Banjos 133 Jlain Norway, Jlaiae. a® by the statute* In sucli <·*·*.·* made an·! pro- *"·'■ "ui " *·"' 275 took dinner in the Street, ;botugraphic slides froa' ?r£ About They were unable to furnish bouds on In West Paris, Nov. 10, by Rev. llenry Abliott, Guitars. ▼Ided. » hall. .Joeie T. Itacon. Α. I». Ujçhr: pictures that he c*!le*i V Sk route from Market Square Odd Fellows' their and were returned to jail Mr. Alfred C. I'crham and Miss CornUb, Me., Oct., 1;-. U0». shoe afternoou was devoted to literary appeal, In Bethel, Nov. 14, hr Kev. A. K. Bryant, Mr. WASHINGTON COLCOKU. of and declar- h«°* w V. Krothiughain's The after the Flora tapk ingenuity i «*7,ust : the with music hearing. «I. D. ElUngwood of West I'arl· an>I Mi»· -· > beside as follows: ! »-r :i better picture* to.; Il* rn shopΤ exercises Songs afternoon Sheriff! Richardson of Bethel. BARGAIN: store nearly β Etta Bob- Thursday Deputy t,v* bet I |# Annie Bryant and 1 In Canton. Nov, 10. Rev. H. M. Purrington, notice: or fokecloki re. y thought it probable that «J by Sisters Cross assisted Chas Boober, arrested hy A wich and W. F. Dun- by Mr. J. O. Adam* of Turner and M re. Anieiia B. tijood Phonoharp I." l'h***e wordi cohered pine, bins of Franklin Grange E. kuseeU of Waterford. teach 1 Whereas, Samuel Stanley an Coleopl of CnM In ÛM of Ίι· ν· events of th« of West Paris ; and Deputy County ry pleasant D. Andrews and after a short and exciting contest way. York and state of Maine, a <-crtaln pap'el of of West Paris In Nov. at the residence of the the 28th of November, -1895. » ice at the reaUcMW of Mr tions Sister Cushman store on Bethel, 10, Thursday, Day with the building·» thereon, bounded an<] de- ι by near Horace Cole's jewelry bride'· Rev. R. A. Rich, Charles W. ! M·. at 11 of the inter- Cox of Norway. father, by John Pierce, We want to help make it memorable you some of the scribed a* follow*, vbe. : on the north by land of >wctt on l'ues«lay The following pupil* and Sister Kuseell was handcuffed of North Paris and Hattte M. Foster of by offering big- '' Keuj. was much Main Street, Wyman Simeon Day; on the cast tlie Cok-opl mill 'h-ir Mis- Βοκι It was a flue and enjoy- Bethel. trades ever went out of thU section. We are called because by diiiijhter, day and taken to the lockup where he pas- gest cutters, and land of Washington Colcord; on the A '· 4 I. O. O. P. Block, pond«-d in atarriaice with Mr. A 1 CUM ed by all. sed the night. Friday he had we make low prices, but whom does it benefit? *outh by land of K/ra J. Towle an·! on the went ^ Ko·net. is to be with Paris morning br land of Simeon ; a I «ο the mill w 1th all f Λα burn. I.'ev. W. Γ. 1'hap Frank The next meeting sobered off and was arraigned In the DIED. Day Al SyaiW^· Dec. 3, the fore- Good Raisins, :< l-2c. a Shredded Cocoa nut. a fresh of the machinery belonging thereto wltb tlie privi- V Κ thur. h. th< Attee Hoi»· Grange at South Paris, court on a of assault- Maine. Large pouud.—Dunham's performed tluwarl *!««· and con- municipal charge sibuTH Paris, lege, the land to contain thirty acre» more or ,f'V m hi* mauner KA< Kt»*al. to be a business meeting lot 10c. a eau.—A idee 10c. a can.—5 cans also the tuost felicitous HcArUic. noon Cross. He pleaded guilty and was In Norway, Nov. 12, Mrs. Margaret Morae, just opened only 7c.—Lobsters, IVach, te»*; machine that the *aii· w t»-t M of officers and literary In Canton, Oct. 12, Alice, daughter of Mr. ami man. ami Miss Eva AlSf Mar·*"·· Tufl-·»· election on a of Intoxication, to mw and Rt.urrt raigned charge Mr·. Cyru· T. Bonner,aged 2 year· and 12 day·. Coffee 72c.—French Sovine and a nice Tumbler ou'.y 10c.—(> cakes of machinery Ix-longing thereto. This !*<·:ι u The Μλγ-u»· Dingman a bridesmaid. parlo stantey Wlteeter- which he pleaded guilty and paid a fine In East Frycburg, Nov. 5, Sarah P. Bennett mortgage l« given subject to mortgage given to Car·» BUSINESS NOTES. Soap for aud all klods of cert) ils.—If want a Waelilngti >n CoIcopI Jonathan W. utifully decorated with tlower **"»£MarWft. of and costs, amounting in all to t*2S. and 82 year·. 25c.—Maple Syrup you fancy layer by Cook, *"1 W»««-r ·3 wife ol date·! March 11, A. D. 1»76, for tlx hundred i "••d numen'us CLASS· In Greenwood, Nov. 8, Mrs. Alible, 1 ta Is in in clusters or a nice white meated Walnut or Mixed Nuts we have them. plants, l'he fcift π Rather ao expensive spree. WANTED. recopie· 1 tn the We·tern Oxforl DU hare cast Daniel G. Holt, aged 79 years. dollar», rïl*,i'ii>e and beautiful. Afte Hamlin A Bicknell, Norway, At the of the board of man- Nov. MlHlred F. X to the "Sew Premium C**h trlct, April β, 16-77. book 62, page 323. And IWrtie Ua*i" Oamiuo·» meeting In Paris. fi, Willie, aged [Leo represent Yours Uto*** wa t^-Ua Look In tbeii 3 2J ThU of » caab trade la Respectfully, whereas the condition· of said have ^rvDBooy an elegant lunch k.i>Ue BwWer. ^utee. an anchor in low prices. of the Pa bile Saturday yean, months, daya. System .[' plan securing mortgage ^r" see then agers Library, ail ed by wide awake merchaota every been broken, notice U given tW I tlie 'f" vhu-h the bridal I slth Chapman. window and call in and It was voted to beat the being hereby c«>uple Κ«!βΒ«·Τ- show forenoon library where wonderful momm. •aid Washington Colnord claim a foreclosure of 1 ■ ■ » Krnest a r of rkf and its accom have lots of bargains. hot water instead of coal. WASTED. men want to make from S to 5 sakl reason of »ald breach of iii cuvaa. as they room with who HAMLIN & BICKNELL. mortgage by °f fou: addraee with condition* a· tlie · ta lute· In »uch ease· made *l*rted on a carriage driv — Minute Klwt*»«i have been made with Mr. By a live man, a good job logging wtth dollar· ber day, stamp by th Una woman Arrangements H. F. ami towns re) t Jlljihijjd ilarza^ JyU<^· An East Machine frequently out PRAT, provlde>l. visiting ι Crooker who owm the building to «°0SkOT-· Cor Oct. A. 1*6. iiing «ila*!?· ^ne9w««l. breakfast and abooti Ν. Β. FICKKIT. OoMfil HâUMr KalM, CornUh, Mo., U, I). I*. and ou Monda ν ne ι ont before Me. Pltohar*· I*a lla«C|CeU Wallte cttforU. goes In the heater at once. North PoWaal, Malae. Pryeburg Ceatre, Children Oryfor Castoria. WASHINGTON COLCOKD. '»· uj· :h» ir residence at Parke Lura thaae ; three or fear partridge·. Auburn. No cards. HANDY AS A SIDE ISSUE. «ton-port Harbor, Laft· Ofc. ΟΜλ. If U don 't cure torn, cask tkr l'krt k. HOMEMAKERS' COLUMN. >'■ DWPtm* tir Medical Aaaoct ano·, A LIFE SAVED. "COTOT* l»AN" HAD A SOU EM Κ THAT Qentkmm — I cannot Ml you bow my wife HKOUOHT HIM a rORTI'NK IN A baa Mow she AKI1NENT PHYSICIAN Comm.. Ox fori Improved I*mocSiM?ϊι"^ MONTH. began the uee of your A Return to and Healtk "Favorite Preacrlp- Happiness with "O. After of Pain- Tou can consult on All dis- ttoo," coupled rionths Weary FOR THE CAKE BASKET. Il.o." She baa no more hew People Realize Whet eases free of charge. "Coyote Dan" was the first fly poker trouble with hllinf of the Panics of "•harp" In Montana to think of the the womb, and «be Dyspep- ORAMOE CAKK. never feela any pain sia scheme of out an advance signify. wa» (treat sending unk*! she stand· too If want to well, this On*· kiuqr, golden dar lu October 1 two of mnr you really get cupful» agent. He did this with a degree of suc- lot*. She baa no bear- •ut and met a party οf children ***** is your opportunity. walking *'7>"ra W* >dd ">« cess that renders it to visit ing- down pain· sine· basket* and on lb«lr ariu». Ho· ι , Impossible the uae of few of the thousand» d With pâli· rindd and* ηrf°i of one orange th»>n a •be began TVre ft re rery gratedïnitedr fn juice certain localities at present. Dan made remedies. She the eoo*l»*i«»n Ing a «tnuvptics ««1er; m big »take faro dot* nearly all of ber Marble or Granite Moou· Ther pain, who it or «boat to wax at oiKXt amuwd m to the nature ol buy a of thotr systems. experience Everybody taking, '* of flour with two own boueitwork now, of '' ϋϋί-ϊ?*·^cupful# teaspoonfuls gambling jointe and then got mixed up nient or Cemetery Work any low of He.h, extreme «rrituhtl Swan's their Pur, nurvly, I thought, but before abo oom- uw"nnn't 1 sle*ple*sqie»s take that wonderful remedy. Dr. expedition. *°d ono of piK,a ; ,eet- lu a of stud with a kind until you INVESTIGATE to an»th:n< that mil jrivt berrle* mo lat« game poker traveling menecd taking your and rv»<>rt "they uannot he looking for ν ity, dar what and Blood Tome, for all Nervous, 1»?ar 'W° b™,« man who was cards. At remedlea. ebe oould them temporary relief uulU the Nerve In the*«tt>n iiHthla." Aa they selling playing «itk tk· 0f approached I. acroaa tbo room. akawmtiaa of Cbhwu ρ·«η·*(, comes when they surumYi to thu can con- .tiV eXTn the end of the game Dan had all of the invariably Stomach, and Blood Disorders me 1 stopped and «poke with theiu. and ^'er0, know how to thank you for all the ρ··»* divad la ca»e of dvsp«p»ia, Uh ('AK>-The whites of drummer's his horse and of it without malady. •ne tot held her liaitk·* fot moucy, wagon remedlea bave done ber, for tbe α· «ο*. to wrforni sider themselves under the personal Utile idiyly up ■UU··! of parait ipeak »touiAch hr< imng irritated beaten tod made stiff with aud two trunks full of cards. Dan dis- bad given ber case up aa In- White Bronze. ptnoai, ten and i« not aiv-c^te^ me to nee, naylng, "1 g»-t hunch," i .ffP awl Km6nr· its a*tnml function &. the food care of Dr Swan, and can consult him. for a or two and when he Κ la Mark mar· Artiatir Thirty tk· beat for Infuti ud Ckildr*· t* the content* of her haaket tb# "IJ "« Julce «"J ri»a of appeared day It ia rwaudf ami thus the nourishment «huh should when I saw aiarh Ltaa moi»Haatbly either or mail, free of ou the scene he went into LEWIS. iBf. aad KiptaaU·. that which *o e*t fails to he dis- personally by of their wa* known. ap|*eared again '•"'AA ia hkrmlMi. Children like it It taken front »hjec< journey ku rv»r knows. It our interest to have 10 »«k« l« vtrr caucus with a tin-horn gambler and fk· world tr.: uted throughout the N-dv, fv.r the pur- charge. It is to t-«uv. The blood and ,u,wlit a little then sent him out the state with Guar CRACKING. eare their li»oa. la it Motkrr* hav». p..·*? uf crr.u:··! ne* well. We know this remedy No. A7S.—rtaal Arrwlle, J'JIirTlarge juicy, may require through Κ|Λ tk— k—Hk. It will and the con- you get flour. It is to bake a tin ν bit the cards. jh— tvoxne· impoverished patent weli antees IlU CRUMBLING. tl state So confident are we that ■*/» â«d p«rf«*-t % tinually Wimr soon lettihrs the will cure you. Ijopt· ln a Mnitl1 llu before "Uo into every store in every one ■CURE whir h U nbvilntc!)· practically «Met I OB MONET HETUBNED. MBftklag where ■ η re»i:.t fr tn a »t*t»· ol every bottle. If it you, enough IlU CLEANING. death a I 'em if you can't a long bit pack, War»·. due to an inability to obtain n· >un»h- c*sA the cktdt and vour money back. KMON CAKK. git ι CMterU dntroji coil»(eam together two cupfuls of sugar in IhMH a Imunant fniwtit. wIktp. Write for de»lirn« ann.l one of Never tlon. t'ont» nothing to lnve»tlj(ale. « : cupful two-thirti Hair |« it· Toothful Colon the u vr> 1'ut there i r: > need fr>r any oik Read what he says butter/add every that I say, even if you Soar Curd. remedy. lhtn thw beat- place Out*» «■*φ difw ibili UÛ·* reaitiaf an end. or in fait, to suf- mllk' CutoriAjnwfMt· to experience such little , *tHBjr have to 'em 'n that goes. o.and »ic niOwnNi A little over two years ago my ,'n IVu four give away, M. MANN & SON, fer at all the of Inritfwtliin kickanm ''***' *a,i ^vel cup- LEWIS Agents, and Wind Colle. paniM « Now Main·. Cos tori· nrM Diarrhau» ai! η ·. <·· to lie afflicted ΓπΙβ ηίof Γflour in two git!" >Veat Parla, !.. tn Xt.·» ι. t. create*t of girl, Ethel May, began iuh which teaspoonfuls Dan had ■ the few that λ hi Duriug days Trouhlea. ft>r : So \cr, k dnet ·. »t« and to »f are mixed; flavor · M. MiN «klàiag m«y. 1Mb M tlnalM rellerea TMtkiog with fits, which continued grow baking powder been in retirement he had marked every JJ«lWsSB5?ti Till·. «tibM-rllx-r hereby irtven putillc noticethat CutorU teu IipiiM£3S the tru«t of Executrix of the K«Ut<' or said there hope ed of oarhonio acid e»· poiaonona air, Then he stalked the tin horn gambler 61 Ν. Y. (.KOROK W. WAMIIU RV, late of I'arl*. Caitoriâ aentrnllaoa the affect· wanted her io Dr. Swan's Broadway, )>oii — ""· stiltlr a or nf ,\fw York Ntork Klrhmi(r, In nald dtceaned, t»y (.Mvtnif and gave him list of the villages Ntinirr· County, In· α πι. or other narcotic property. Blood Tonic. I law «llrert»; »he then'forere«|Ue>«ta»ll |>enton· doea not contain morphine, opt Vitalized Nerve and -hlte ot made thick with stations which he wanted Hooded with Aerount» ami >Ic|n-li« i»f Mra>*, Indl to make Caatoria led to Um ctat·· "f «ηΙΊ i|ecea«rd ami , addopt'KK t,,,, of one vidual et»· and allow Interval on l>al who have the atomach and bnwal«, obtained a bottle ami she took that vo,k «'Kir the cards. Immediate payment, and th<»e any the food, rcg'tlaf·^ *\'*ΗΓ' an«T» the name to Caatoria aaainillatea a [λ al demand* thereon to exhibit more, has never had a of Fl"" Dan waited until his advance agent Il in for «-««h or carry on inaririn « four and sign )ιηΊ-oil Oct. tfJi. ΛII III Κ Κ. Λ8ΙΙΙΙΙ ΙΝ. and then of on tlie New V>>rli. l'hlla I*>, and natural aleep. wonders with 5iff££ had returned with his report, Iîiw.-I nli·» lntere»t |ifiig kealtky tit since. It has worked t Stork he started out. He knew bar llo.ton and hiratfu Kti-liaiijreu, It ia not aold in bnlk. VAMU.A CAKK. every et·· FOR BALK. In ono-aica kottlna only. and 1 am well with it.*' Stork* Rond*, «train, Cotton, Caatoria ia put np lier, pleased room and gambling place which had his convenient, on .•necupfulof ,ugHr% one-half cupful >■ Ofltir 35 ( oiifrfu Ni., Roila·. One two «tory honne, very el>· on the or prnmi·* Mills, Me. lirait ni-ai lit rner ..f at)erland nf bu.ter, and the of four cards. Oothlc ■«feci. Don't allow any yon anything yolks walk to the three rhnrrhe* iuto a he would IlikkMtrr'· r.a(lltk IH··—Λ RnuwL lllifh, n·>t il\ minute* " will jniwif all iiKjuirie* regarding beaten add Drooping gante play "flic®. A " M anawor wary Dr Swan one-half anil near the rleetrte rant ami l'ont aa and will parpoae." fr« of cupfuff.f for a little and then with the nlr of that it ia jnat good *οβτ c»w chit|( nd k in together,which one-half of while, *···.-! with *lx apple tree*. Emiulre i« a hank chnk. our guar- teaspoonful yanl Vk : h rvrrv bottle of a man who wants an honest deal he NNYROYAL PILLS Β. V. 8T« »N K, w« claim lot H. 0,10 Hn(l tw°-ti»lrd§ hJ O· ran C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. antee that thi* rtatjy will iloall Orlf1»,l South I'ari*. M«. Baa tkat gat would order a new As the new- • tri. k*i<■ r-.i»t l'int Sold everywhere. flour ,n"1 wh,ch one pack. Rnll J: L-linfulVifrt.' teaipoon- ml* kr een the Judge We.stbrook, ."le. w ith one of vanilla, suspicion ■1 krr. ».\Μ 0— nitM» he ai>|Hilûted hy Scste* Medksl Co.. teaspoonfui duly Oxford ami a*«um· rest on aud he went on his m««4 .l.t-.i «I Pr«(fl.ii «r M*4 4*. of Pntbate for the ( ounty of »f wrapper. If this cake is baked lu a sciu*re pan him, of aiçnatnra f/tâJ&U possibly tl MW)^4 %·> MltkllMf tnllMUU ftb-l e«l the truxt of AdinlnMrator of the e»Ute M n""-k« 'i i» merry way. KWirf IWr Ι.·4Ιμ," m Uurr. %j Mini AS late of llucktleld. ίΓΟ*,ίηβ· T~umi.i. KM MiiNK, the «even in the above il- MbIL I «.ou· bond a» the When objects V*Mi|l,H ornamented In one month he cleaned up £W7,000, *-*■—*—'*■—*— In *ald deeeaaed, hy riving loua™ 5 "1"»™ county, all lustration have heen nnd and a Northern Pacific train east, 3«MW law dlreeta; he tlierrfon· miiieat* peraon· rightly gueiwd, J.lhwith an £ ,Λ walnut it is nice. taking make English very Indebted to the estate of «alo iliii'**»··! to lor Pitcher1· Caetoriaa the mum·*—which are of equal length— he arrived in New \ ork, where he took who have Children Cry makhlk cuooolatk CAKK. Immediate payment, and thoae any one below the other, the final let sed WASTKI». *ame written the next boat to Kurope. He brow deman I· thereon to exhibit the to • Α. V. MASON. L.L_I_I_I ter*· will «pell the name of η famous Kng ream one-half cupful of butter and about a while and then struck .Monte Î5 8a .mon to aell the standard Hotary shut· Oet. 15, 1*Λ. Ij wart 17W one of two tie Hew nit Machine In Maine, New Hampshire, ll»h poet who horn ln August, cupful sugar together, add ( arlo. This game w as too much for him. notice Verm- t and Ma**a< hn»eU«. Salan I'al'l. THE aobarilber nervhy irlve· public | and beat next one-half He the Hon —St. Nicholas. eeii onful of creaia of tar- seen was dealing fun» at Cripple Creek. In *ald County, deceased, by giving notne voiinir ladv who <11 reel* *he thervfon· all |>er»on» το account*. 7. A ,w^h'rds t.f . of — a »lder!y law ; raquent* the lee side. i. Krah cupful New York Recorder. My couple, of «aid deceaacd to « houI< like the privilege of attending l'ari* Util Indebted to tiie entate trial. th.·»if· J*kV°utand add a tablcv an work her Uiard and K<> to school, make I in me< I late payment, of THE FOLDING BLD. to the name to Pianos and •Poonful of cocoa. put omshalf Λ <|iile4 iroud home to the right i>er»on. any demand* there·»» exhibit 1 K. STL'RTE VA NT. «an.!« M ~t*. am·*»* whom i» Mr. Organs, No. 8T.V Doabl· Arrixtk. he batter in a cake tin. then put The sea is not w ithout its ha/ards, but, Addmaa l»KM'K.UAT »KH< K. Oct. )J, l«H*>. BERTHA yeilow l'art», Maine. h. I·. V .. u 1 h· writes kind of in he chocolate batter and the remainder after all, an ocean steamer is a safer WEEKLY A To rvnovato. A trm. NEW YORK PRESS, notice THE clique. THF. oubarrtber herrby give* public u state. A mo- Kr"« l'"· In which to one's self th-ui c···:.. -ι A town in New York rapid lo«·· pince repose that he lia* Iwen appointe·! by the Honora An KEPl'BLKAN NATIONAL NEWSPAPER, t \ » · duly up-to-date ΚΐΓΚΛΓΟ I\»' Mv.;cim· fjH Piano «ΛWith chocolateΓ hrtter.0D t car» λ<ο I Script the mutter, with the following 0*ht;< ».—"Son*- seA at least a and aaalimed the tru*t of Adm!nl«trator of columns of excellent reading epetul Household goilk. KIHHON CAKK. the mighty is dignified had a se ν ore atta· .1. and for e«tate of mo«t I.KTTEKS on economit -ui ft*, the name* of fate which great and good have " KET KEPOltT. the complete published; 1 < * with dis- Primal* and final* give a people ^ η tOU WEBBER ROW E, Ute of Browufleld, ο«τ a year co orrat One-half cupful of butter and cupful ;r- z;3 ML γ SKKM<>N American author*. One met in all ages, hut there is no dignity In Mild I tleceaaed, giving l>ond a» the Président «·ί the School of Social Economie»; tress. À friend mdnivd ta to tr··· year In- tw<4 distinguish·*! creamed add one- ounty, by (icorg·' Gunton, Covers of sugar together, he re«e who Itave any G. A. li. NEWS: Funn v I*(« i'l ■ > white· of three next payment, Beard* contribute*; .j -.i thev eggs, cupful» a is a :o 1. 7." to which Dan t*»ttle». and tLmV 1 ii'-i rjjf Nik «7·.—A Mountain. smothered in folding-bed. There •lemamU thereon to exhibit the «ame to PAGE, AND of flour in w hich one teasiK)on- Xexl&mt: tin· Kail Ί.· w.»rked a rte cure, f τ 1 hate l**n rounding of in one's very Oet. 1Λ, 1ΗΛ. JAY L. PHINK. and NEWS from Washington and abroad. Inuring Campaign • In tinge contemptuousuess "-3 —X. ^ e Vi -t fulI of is mixed. Bake 1 *'k. ... it Cl" without baking powder of a disaster. Ο ο # ο ο ο for the victims such 5 attention to NATIONAL ΙΌΙ.ΙΤΚ AL NEW>. trou* whatever." cake tin*. pity «ub*.-r1lN-r notice will pay particular le — two TIIK hereby (five·· public .-x|eneaoB£ ω> ο υ ο ο ο ο ο jelly There is an excuse tor being in the upper -Λ"Τ..Ρ»il. t rerv φ : that »h·· ha« Ιιμίι duly the Hon. Toast truîr. — ai>|H>tnt«<<| by ο ο ο ο ο ο φ ο ο ο 1>\κκ Part.—One-half of of a car; the of Oxfonl and Ί.Ι.Νπ «οχ. cupful berth sleeping exigencies •lu'lite of Probate for the 1 ounty u r nre able I» m ihI thin paper — οοοοο e* a ngrerinrnt Instruction Books. ο ο ο ο ο ο φ sugar, scant one-half cupful of molasses, of tra\el that ; but is there any : mi a "1.7." » a*oumed the tru»t of AdmlnUtratrlx of the By spcrinl If otfyr« troc 1 hut * Vr Ν 'ι explain #οοοοοο one (a a little and valid excuse for at home * •Ca Life of k.t.--· Ir. 1 vcm t: mixing spoonful spoon good being V't K. late of l'art». AND *xan ; and Uk-· Κ ο ο ο ο ο # ο ^ WILLIAM IIOWE. a rounding full or own hired in a bon ·: η. < :;ic d*s- — tablespoon In one's fiat) folding- In >atd I deceaae·!, the f-r»t «■ of —AT- ο ο φ ο ο ο οοοοο 'V*"1"*0 ounty, by κίνΐηβ a» w, a- manv of butter, of two eg**, three table- 1* the a «ι r.e L. the law 'llrret* »he therefore n'<|ue»tn all per»on* {*·}.» a wi>i. t< unknown, J oo#ooooooo-*-oooo yolk* bed? folding-bed legitimate Suîiani: % THE OXFORD DEMOCRAT, a Indebted to the e«tate of *ald deeeaee·! to make diii-ases of the if real — — of sour milk, small cot the i»f the other MlM ο ο ο « οο οοο spoonfuls teaspoon- Λ is " # (contrivance? respectable; : IIU III lull >tu and tho«e who have any de- t.'i.iL ·γ. : ucath to *« ful of soil a, oue and one-third of de- W;·: »: u:o L. 7. payment, FOB ; uat.uiely οοοφυοοοο cupfuls simplest Iron bedstead Is ·{ XV mand* thereon to exhibit the name to — perfectly via&v eieri ; ear. οοοοο one-half each of cloves it not a : «ht. I-.»■». CHARLOTTE Ε IloWE. #ουο flour, teaspoonfui cent; but the folding-bed—is 2 s:siSis* ■s aso "L. I.Hh, ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο Reasonable Prices. ο # and cinnamon, and a little nutmeg, one- subterfuge, a an unairable One Year for $1.75. ht|>ocrisy, " 1 Only one table- «η a held at »«>»* SALE. The central vertical—one of the attrl naif cupful of chopped raisins, pretence which honest people «houid ihs L. ?: OXKOUD, At Court of Probate |cn '<^?A within for the ΓοΐιηΙτ of Oxfonl, order* lo WAITED. to of flour this is not of the scorn to he in? Par!·, and Addrm» nil Tfcre·· W.>rk Hur^ea. but»·* of Uod The Psalmist likens It spoonful part blush to look upon, and " of A. 6. l.iryt at Beal'» s:o L. 7.' on tin· third Tuwln* IM., me < H«4*l. H· one of flour mix- Per- t I'atr Ken. MMN^aUMtM|lW trn*at mountains. 1. A consonant. 2. and one-third cupfuls it is not all these λ-φ % Jame· V Smith, Administrator of the entatc wav. V Alne. Perhaps thpigs. V>. Thrtr* ». ow*. connected ed With the raisins; bake in one laver. it. !Kt». (six) A intimately haps cramped quarters justify ^ : Vita»* Ifsc* iitw. haUnir hl« areounl The Oxford Democrat. ui the dark one in a pre-4'iite'l t. he-ter aa-1 VoïWJrf with of the great» st event» of the l the cakes together, month it killed the mother of family ounty,-le<'ea«<'d, of admlnlotratlon of the estate of «aid deeea«ed (it art an ! liar Ka· k. the with or as one on : be IT CURES, 5 h Story of the Old and th»· New Testa- middle, jelly frosting in Brooklyn : it shuts up folks often «^«l. for allowance ΡΛΠΙβ, MAINE. Will eolw s » lu.I u«l. Il .ι to all Intere·!*·!, by cauatnir ropy name and to NKW YORK WKKKI.V PRfAS, Ι'ΛΚΚ No. 4 "viuth l*ari«. Maine. littr of the 4 (ten» One of the higlnst SPOXilK CAKK. item one of the most f miliar in the *»»· r .«it ·***·?**·*♦-·***♦ |»«·η»οη« Vnd your Addm«* Hi ι. -*·■. ι-..>!■ Alp*. EXCK1.UCXT t«· 1»· three week» tureen Kabber »mj- n.| thl< onler publl»lie·! !<♦· ■ who a <· will mAlled to !» II..· (>*rk· mountains lu b. (twelve) I'ntil but it have friends at VOItK CITY,And Ample ropy you. 4l« r*. Β"κ1«·Γ». U> Kurope. four well beaten, two cupful· newspaper, may Ively 1» the Oxfonl Democrat, printed I'arln, » »·· lUltl eggs Im' Trut». tr., iliat recently called tl»e highest mountain in have invented money in it, and like it, that they may appear at a Pmbate Court to o'« aitU λ iiuudr>-l of sugar two a little more on ttie flr»t H.M«, En. t>a>< cupfuls as held at In *ald lb« m <-»« hi ·Ι» » N*»l \ rt.'i America ·"·. («even) The highest and are to th »t there Is rryeliurir, ('ounty, » two and one- ready explain stÎeel roofing Ttic-flar of I»»··· next, at nine o'cWk In the fore «ι (»bout 4 50 CENTS a» uiitatn In the (erven) |ul1 much difference folding-bed» iiiMin, aiid η how raun·, If any they have, wny the lAiauivnt Out >· ·.·!»·· >'·ι. ρ· ar- third level, of flour, two M-a- ο ». A mountain In- cupful*) in and not lie allowed. T· Intriidarf llimi in Com rj IW ..»·!,.» il,i. α Paient it:*·. (eleven) ^ is in the «ho sleep them, SIDING. name «hould Orl^!i», Ustlv, add people and I.KOICOK A. WILAON, .liel;fe. \<· t· .π...... 'iffrn nt Maa»p* imatelv < .ni:«vted with and KlUha. lewder; deserve to be con- Patent.) Klijah that not all of them — of on. Ν I as (pi*«rn.larpb'e Hual b« full |ΜΓ·υ·. 1-.Γ.1 Γ .;·. T. $ ^Î,Uf\Ρ Λ"Β*ot m',k· Flavor you A truueoiiy—AUtv>t » irtcM In 10. ~ « A range Australia demned with II tllffrrrt»' :■· 1 Γ»Ί wUh Htrpct'i Weekly. ALBERT I». PARK, Kc*l*ter. r, ·» Fir· and Storm Prool f'ape? Tablet. Su rt» No I »lth».hir< nt >un I» t. > Λ l: .m· >iii> tliit· ;tpplied to If<>ivb. o)S CIIASE, et·. thr t>m Ufhtflrg, Ink l'»l TaMrt. 9 Λητ ah»«r Kit vjrr Hiiu un. nnd I orrm* l*a|>rr 2 <:.ι· The of the «o LAY CAKK. Srml The I'enn Iron ΙΙβββΜ at Bol wi'.l Ih «ni t">tm|.l i.u rrrrlMol highest |«v»k Canary f«»ij I OXKoUl), m -At a Court of Prolate held of Mala Mr*«l up In a Neal "β«Λ'·*ΟΙ (iiimi C·. I'liili»., V W ΙΗ'ΚΜΛΝ Ui., is'.imU 5£ The most famous "ne of and one Λ not··»! for hi* success on I4rtj. within an) cupful sugar mixing lawyer il prit Hole Jlfr»· Pari», Vhlv.mvtx. *J.. V. S. A. in η ou the thlnl Tueadar of "rt. Α. I». Ι*Λ. •n ui t >:n m h Story. 13. (Ilft«vti) A full of butter, cross-examination found his match •poonful rounding John I" Kttrh, Execubir on the estab· ι. .ii t w !ι«·η· << urn«l one of the nioet tv- ouo milk irUI. when he asked » Orodep's °f rwent ('*e' cuPful long-suf- of GEORGE KITCII, lab· of lllram, π1"' 'Τ he hud work·· 1 his lii.i.i. vents in the New Testament. !nu w fuch dissolve one of *: "I have worked Ht It off and ce, teaspoonfuls of of tartar mix- 10* and Cu t the οκΐ·ΚΚ»1>. That the «aid Executor kIvc The following «ho*- th«· of all at it for the 25e. a .l!»po»itlon I a h .i-iirv ni tiuioand loavo u ♦•d. Heat and bake in two on, but have worked steady pation notice b> all |«·η>«η« Interested, by causing copy il> ·· t.·'·, ΙΜκίμΙ thoroughly srrvp tn at Ibf ■fMMlMllMi tirent» twelve of thin >·ρ1«·γ b> be publiai»··! three weeks »uc Tenu. !>·*"·. of t!ie Mil'rrn·*· Ju«!i> ta) Court. f»r (λ.· toning. layers. past year·»." booll at and I>eniocrmt at work- your druggist's In the Oxfon! printed of tlx- U·· lh< u*c anl uk « "How off and on have you ••«•sslvely \lulallo· regulating 2. In*··» and lonrt· fnUtohoud*. AX" Fiu»3TINij.—Boil one long Pari», tiiat they may at a Prolate Court »f appear ^EATS.I-λΈ Masks! intoxuattng H<|U>>n> S IVtoitioii anil I«bv« wovoii thrvad*. ed at it?" ) M r to lie held at Krveburg, In said Countv, on the bv r*. Thorna- VUJ ru] of sugar and f«>ur it. COPYRIGHTS. SUM of Maine. nimplalDl, tablespoonful* & llr«t of I>ec. next, at nine o'clock In the 4 hand ami lonve η Tuesday A For 1K»>W. applt •v-an-b an! «elturr. Sentenced Λ rJUTia^rr woaj>on of hot water until the mixture "Sixty-five yean»." If CA% I ORTUX P%Tr>Tt I together nuttalml η>·τ than «.JlUMl boiML forenoon, and «how rmw, any they have, why ta -neat .r. on. writ· U k) a dne u( ♦ Κ·> au) coal* lui··! at •'How old are ?" HEADACHE Ιίι·τ an·! b o; ta; #15.10. 5. l-»nd nml 1< *vo cltvular. froni th<* ; you umo ihouM not tie allow·»·!. SICK the » » Whe»dWPH Sunn*I W Λ I ·».. »bo bare >iad η-·*.· 1ft ««-art l'a: ! ao»er mûri atirrnol l>i»mtssei on yw aud >'onn*e. birth!" *ain :betn sent free. Ai*> a 'ΐ'.νχ-ω ul tuev bait |»avroetil and the beaten white of of one egg! Stir -t- taxed at M' «*>· cour·*· of Inaolvcnrv. I η tin1 ra>r tan an·* aciert.fl\ »« -.-'Jt ·Γ>·ν Jn»t when ι ho cuffwj think- it h.w it between "Xn, sir, of I haven't." OXKOH Court STATE OK M (UNE. Li U' of Ιιτ «·. η v«. pood ; this until it coo's, then put Patenta taken tbr<*m:n Muoa A Co. wwlw Nl.i'mr, plaint. Intoxii aime do snv that have of V I IIKKTT. «iKKBNK. ln*olirent IH>l>tor. ■». t tho iu "Then you you **■ •Be*-.*, notice lb tb· IraliBc iMrririi. ao«1 I >r> au John Κ III. !a"l- lainiant .lu'tg immntN for complaint »·κκ drop· the lajcrs and on top. Very nice. why ΌΤΙ» Κ l« hereby jtlven thai a petition ha», on oxkohd. w lei» &ef«>retb«" with· at vesrs?" < Α. I». Ifli. tan· are bnxatbt public tneut of k'Wrr court altinue>i. l>UmUa«il on and N«'tt Um the whole bu»iii«*»i. worked your trade sixty-live this tth of Oi l Λ. I». i».A. heen pre I'rntMlc ourt. Oct. Term. out >»t to tbe λ»·ί ···' Tkit spJ-nJul Ν 'lay I we*. -I- Uxxe·! at #1'· <«' " aeked how off and M'nlf'i ti-l Court fur aahl Where»", a |ietlllou h»; •••••η iluly flle· I, pray taaueU «eekl*. e.eeaB' * u«trat«*l ba> ay far iba Because you long County, hy state of Maine τ» *'· Burk C"mmon A man who will take uinbntge without ; t.iH M v that the lialancν remaining in the hands of larw*t nrru;atu«τ. San*ι cot· .·» jent free. •riier »enieure·! t<> pay a tinr of #!'» an I <-o»t» oauM· would take munt anything • >f »x fur I. praying In· may Ιη· ·Ι«ν rwl a full JOHN probably off and on lab* of BuL,d a· K»l t. o,»ootbtT. (Ulia r%^r. > ne>· taxe·! at f* I "aid an·! rtnpon '«nt 1Uncharge 1 it sixty-five years—twenty ItsrharK fnnii all hi*-leM*. provable under tin· will of <f Main··. 1»τ p"iiiplaliit. *♦ Our C. l.nHàTKIt CHOI'S. on am! off." I ·1<>ί nf Chapter seventy uf the Statut»*·» of •Ι^'ιμίΙ, ou settlement account, tirul in eolur*. an J of Dew ye*rs forty-live [inn of ·ηΙ·Ι Α. I» pia-'aa. tograpfc* Hu< It, Coeinu· xlltr. ϋνΙ ProaeM- Wh»>n the harncxa inak»-r .1 » I *al, lloDVNE i|'ult got* a Si lue, U|«»n petition, fe ·«** » tb pia&v enar·. iw bu. <î«r» u< »h. » um· strapped, Here there was roar in the court- by the heir» >utr of MaltK* »». Wtnta· II liall. medium-sized well boil- ft Ι«· had l>e ordered to lie dl*trthub»d among lat.··»· leaurn· aao «ecure c«n'r%.tA, ΑΛ1π·*« Single ht< t>u· kliw down to bu*ltuut not at the of the wit- of-aI·I ite· eased the share of esu h iletermlne·!. New J61 BkoAL· WAT. tu|'.n ♦'·' ; half h of butter the si/·; expense the »am Ικ-fon· *al·! Court at Pari*. In »ald .and ML'SMâëOu YOKC. ed pint cream, irlve notice taxed at »'>. Klne atti >o»ta paid. Ke»(>ondent It U luiJi h o&dor t·· tho liurking of and hit stor liiiishei « f on the i ih Ordenwl, Tliat said petitioner stop an one !l··υr. Pick ness, in<|U hurriedly County oxford, Wednesday, 'lay of egg, teas|w>ouful of of ι»»·· «ntue to all Interested therein, l»y discharged ii than the of a in ..f SoV.. Λ l». I "À, at nine uVkni In tin' fori·· person» dog singing im»«|uito. his examination great confusion.— on week* sue -ut»· of v*. Andrew*. out the the black vein a I»· In a of tills 1er titre»· Λ Maine KugrM Illegal u>ent, removing η »·η; ι·| that notice thereof pulilMied pulill-hlng copy a LINIMENT of sentenced to a One saw uii«n« busln»·»* when Editor's Drawer," < a new In the Oxford Democrat. newspaper tran-portation lUjuor pay A R»*n·· rally w hich is found In tin· center, nnd the Harper's Magazine. tin· ·\ fn ■>l jtftn.H rat, «paper i>ubll*hed In ••cs-ively Cures Evory Form of Inflammation. ot #.'«> and eoet» lave·! at f.V Committed to »a! ! «ou of one<■ ·ι «rivk for three *u<· at l'art*. In -aid County, that tl.ey may jail itf. tooth an· M-t. ity Oxford. prinb··! iti η '< of the lobster considered In- to Ικ· liul-len at Κ It trsi originated iHtt, by the l.itr Pr Λ Joljn«no an rsld fn«hi<"tied le Jefa .it of pa)inent ouly part BUSINESS AND SENTIMENT. (-«•aire k'. tin· la·! publication to lie live appear nt a Probate Court, rye on the first Phvaiciati. to cure all ailment· that arr thr rr»er ·< smooth. tablrspoonful w or a rich woman prove·! cbilblaiaa. colic, crainp. cbolera-moihua. and all lortn* of τ· ι!, Une of #.*' and o.-t- Luc 1 at #.'· I oinmltted to hom I love, •<>n« at *ahl an>l noon, an·! shew cause, If any they have, again»! diphtheria — poor girl η-Ιι-Ί, may ap|>ear |>Uii' No *»;;} Pi: milk. Il**Ht thei crram until boiling, then |llt<| fracture*, sont, headache, influenza, la iirippr, lame back, aide. neck. mum;, jail In default <>f payment. whom I do not love. What would you tintr an •how eau*e, If any have, why a the name. they •orene**. nervou* headache pimple». pain anywhere, rheumatism. Ming* >tAh ol Malnct· llenry Holland. Common Πι. hush of nIuiuU r r»*t- upon th<· «arth; stiain in the dour ; cook until it thick· rhouM not I*' itahl ilehtor ac- GEORiiE A. WII-SON, Judge. «prairi- advi*e'?" •tl«'l>anc| jrn»iite«l tooth.tchc. tonailitii. wiud colli' aud whooping cou«h. The κη it vital an·, n. ·«*·! t·· > dee of #'.<·. ml oat* vluuiis uiv :n if in uliont turning: i set aside to then mix well with I the of hi* ih Utlun. Th«· «till. eos, cool, is the salt of pniver taxed at ii' Committed to jail In default ot thv lieorge—"I.ove life, ray Atte«l Λl.ilKllT I». Krrleter Au it is of Court for mU'I Countv of 0\K<»KI>, "Best Liver Pill Made." u*ed your John«on'* pavment 11. id· friend. Without all else naught. Oxfonl. the of Ox· | Attest CIIAKI.KSP WHITS! Clerk. if a little «arm. the Farte, within an·! for County | A rr,»r-.~ fh Ur.'-Npapb !" *· C"lcr» b» \N. : manage Spread makes |·| «r.perb iiuVf m tb«ir r sont· thing of carv*·- liOve. love, wealth, fonl, on the thlnl Tuesday of Oct., Λ. D. ItU _ _ 7 Have uaed it (or eld-, ο··ι»; artut. M·· iJ Hoi' phr»». It I· whi»;» a ou to pure poverty \otick. M j- n lue mixture on pan and the ice nninol Executrix In a ||l *tor » ■ t*· tent put a earth a heaven." Kmma I. Washburn. VINO atintfa. cramp* aore Î fn-t 1·»η< an ! '» IwbM de anl 111 tng. pain joy, it·I Q ΓΟΠΠν «i stiff. < Instrument tol«e the last Will .'lie t.-thaih· u· tf y ou tell friend·. It U calieC M>HlM«TK\T(tit ULÎ. tb< lord··!"* of tin du»tv road (jet tiik SuKKirr of >x.kokh Couimr. certain purporting ΠI III lament*·. j««r A-'tin I w ill the poor girl ■ OUIw ■ ■IΟ ™I τ ! »h *· a beautiful, dlmplr,! "Enough. marry an·! Testament of M ABi" M. WASHBURN, late Bd vamw." Tb« «ilv. thl-ti·· down ι» ! When for use, the lobster warm Π I'ticd cloak. The Kea! Κ ■«late to the ry lightly 0rifting. ready shape OK MAINE. P_cur* and Sick il. »4a< he ll*< r .· tarl'ntf cla-i lb a fur following Iwlonglng whom I love." 8TATK Of In mM County, dMCNMd, luivlnir PoaltlTirty HIIl<>a*nc»« Tuo»«.v>4Ci.u.AKr».'> ith Κ l.ia»' «he tt" Ν thu in the form of in a whole (MM) j ull » *"i---·' ar ;m(vt»lla in fcan<1 |. 1«*V>. from the blood Itrlleat* »··ιιι*ΐι rtti.l r.-ll.-f front ir ft.--k "Treatim ι.ι for l>:·· «.-«* co*e-.'i latcb The Pen to· Κ arm. *o a'led, situated three l.ik·· Rittglc pictures >·η the shifting. beaten then in cracker Ohukbki·, That the sal·' petitioner (five :i^r <-N»k» t iu*b «·»«ιι egg, powdered ιη<· to the > on 'lav of flvt Sold ιwr: w lieie. A.i I > .l.-lum-ul l;·-·'■ gner* in tbe «ue*:r-t«·. l· from l'arl» tttf a< re» more Introducing This Is tflve notice, that the iind a ; theru. i*rtc«) S6c; HI. ·- mi Svulh Village. you—er—mind notice b· all Interested, causing bealto ami >r t hrr rotculab »·.·«·» »i«ra *Vi3. and frv in lard until a wm penion» hy *i*· or act 3» »*'W>n» of The build No. —A Kiddle: File. fine, boiling gold- K-t A ». Ι'-Λ, a warrant In Innolvency 1 '·· '*· ; le»» rut» u· hay. rich woman whom you do not love?" of thin order b> U» published three week* &erriiy. *>«re t· ilrlliihi ?·■■ ·;»« over a U*ued it of the Court of for copy * V' are In condition. Thé farm I· well Ml 1. Caroline. 8. en then drain colan- Insolvency «eat free. p'-atpAM. if υ J.'r· trll T"ur I in*» good No. —Anagrams: browti; successively In the Ox fonl Democrat prinb··! at » said Cou ItV of Ox fori, asraln*t the estate of frw-c l« as if *·η·1 : 't* .u «tac ;* >r »U»*r fnr I with tool» and farm machinery which 5. der uutil free from Λ Baliies should never a horse at a Probate Court »uppUee ·μ·.·! »uh the If le»tre«l. Tbl» farni John l'art*. on the tbxer atha' i»uhecr«ptK>n place 8. claw of the lobster at the end of to lie held at Paris In said County, 1 at a Catharine. β. lUrtha. 7 Charlotte. placed in the mouth. to l>e an Insolvent Ilehtor, on |>etl t-in tlr»t ela»· condition and will be *old adjudireil third Tulv KKcoMMKND >r:i- (lied »n the twenty *econd «lay of Octol>er n-.a**' » ·!. »· rtra Λ aire» of !an«l known βΟδ.—Nuuioriiol Plato. ance and makes a dish ALL ϊτΓ | thecal·! Instrument should not he proved, ap aa Uluatrate-l m No. Enigma: showy garnished t»> whl' h la*t tmnied «late In· why *—* nthtj A. D [ή, it**-*· fa»b Ιοβ» an.J ail a*l r* rt»t bj i-ot.- Acrœstio: with Ask prove·! an6.—Douille iWijamlu parsley. your your druggist terc»t on rlalms I* to In- ; that th·· pay· Firo Proof and Burglar Mat *uthor« an.1 caah .1U··«»)· a ^thl* Also. 'j3a>-re»of tan·! known a» the "J. Clark physician, compute·! ment of «aid deceased, and that Emma L. «. 2. for "f an>niiiier< la! M cupful eggs 'lellvery | A true M-tlal 7. leeuL S. Nlsau. Sold F. A. South Pari*. rt· liiin are forbidden Il at copy—Attest Portland, Me and beaten by Shurtleff, any prw|wl bl hy law, ALBERT D. l'A UK, (whites yolks >. UegUter. Hon A. So. Me. No. 067.—Letter Kobu*: Continue. separately) meeting the ( realtors of *ald Itektor, t»> prove I <»r. li Wllaon. Parle, a Bank Safes ! House Safes ! two of sugar, THE ILLS OF WOMEN. one more of No. cupfuls powdeml cupful their itehll •it)· 1 i-h'N··»· or A^l^neet | Triangle* Opposed: of hi* e*lah will I*· heM at a Court of OXFORD, »·.—At a Court of Prolate held at of milk, two and one-h:tlf cupfuls causes more than half the In-olvency, Constipation to he 1m îen at l'arls lu *ahl on the Parts, within and for the County of Oxford, Over of Our Safes in Use G tlour, a of b iking county, 150,000 Today. heaping teaspoonful ills of women. Karl's Clover Root Tea ."th Ίβν of November, A. D. at nine on the thlnl Tuesday of Oct, Α. D. IMS. ELECTRIC TUEPHONE Μ Ε and half a cake of French choco- .lame·· V Smith, Admr. on the estate of m SoM outright, no r»nt. no A J·; 'ad powder is a cure for Sold o'clock (n |lhe forenn. pleasant constipation. late of In «al l W> Hi. Vilm»·» ·ί lountrj Ni«d«l is »»«r» late; cream butter and well, add Given 1er my han& 1 ottc* Unatait coniw by Shurtleff, deceased, hi· ahop. l>eaten and next whites beaten to written. County, having presented mums ι·η<* anal bet on aarth MEAT yolks CIIA IM.KK tiAi:i.ANI>. Depiitv -herlff, count of administration of the estab· of said pro°f bank Makr Π-··» |31» |M per 4u. a stitl" froth. Place the chocolate in a was Chart a for tyrau "Where Magna signed?" a* Messe jter of the Court of luaolvency, for deceased IUMÛM RE"" BURC'fAR O»· in a raai-ianr· maana a «a.» lo all ta· GKKTLEMA Ν « Mti>kuki>. That Mild Adnir. notice to n«r> Fin· ;a«n>niw)U. no tor·, work» small saucepan on top of the teakettle, asked a teacher in a south of London ■al l Coun y of Oxfonl. give ia all Interetlel, causing a copy of thl« anjaher·, an «ii-ta-u». (Vompi·*·. raady for Ε Α Κ Χ the lid. Heat the of board school. "Please, sir. at the l>ot- persons liy »ab>acmocrat, printed at Parts, that tn· M «rriui'Mvl Λ m»k«r M rit· OPENING auiM) hot. it on the chocolate and stir GRAND inav appear at a Court of Probate to lie Hamton A A pour they M. P. Ce.. Clerk 10. CoiumtoM. A Χ held at hryeliurjr. on the iln»t Tuesday of Dec with a spoon until dissolved; then in and show Χ next, nt ·.· o'clock the forenoon, A See, t. to, -train in a and set aside until cool, cause, If tiie name should cup any they liave, why s· «. «5 3 suotsufirTûsferêf st. RO MASS. Χο. rtrtW—Kiddle Me Roe: Bismarck. when add gradually with the flour uud not Ite allowed. BOSTON. of Smitten GEORGE A. WILSON, Judge. Xo. rt70.—A Tale Courtship: baking last. When wu jrav*· her CwrtoHa. — powder Raby rick, and Summer A true copy—attest mit ton. It ten With a white this make* a ALIiKHT I>. PA UK. icing showy- When ah· wu a Child, she criml for Cacti tria. Keglster. No. 671.—Hidden Inland··: li/vhaam, looking cake, and is very delicate in Sprijig CIIAJIPIOX RKCOKD sKl^-BOSîOK the became she to Ooctoria. When Mta, clung .\0\-ltK*ll»K.\T TAXES, Porto Kim, Culm, Niwmiu. Hebrides. flavor. The manufacture may be facili- ! In b>wn of In the of Ox y»"» tated the inilk and choco- When the had Children, tho gave them Ca«U>rla. the Dlxlleld, County In the Chicago, Boston ("72 Haverhill, Lynn, Eastport, Camden, by preparing fonl and state of Maine, for the year 1"Ο·. late first and it to cool. It is of For Preserving »n me as remaining unpaid day Formerly MORRIS & IRELAND SAFK. uow ( omplete. We are offering A A. D. hie certificate of that date, and 5berppp's or "Portland" saw the |{atee, the towers of tion. take drank some blue vitriol instead of UK·, Ικι'ι, by State" pearly now remain* unpaid, and notice U hereby given Address all to Will"Bay ieave KrankUn Wharf. Portland, ami India Enthusiast life. some < f the ever correspondence gold— Bicycling (inter- HOMINY GRII'DLK CAKES. Jersey whiskey and thus saved his greatest Bargains that If the said taxe». Interest and charges are Wharf, Boston, at Τ r. M. daily, Sundays Rose Crear*) rupting eagerly)—How were the roads ? shown in Norway. We will not not paid Into the treasury of Mid tnwti within US. ο.. tu«|)lc4. These cakes are tender and delicate in eighteen months from the date of the commit George Poster cfc Ο Ν >ne anl«» ticket» ran be obtained at all FOlt DYSPEPSIA if will jjçnuine î^arr.g my signature, Through prlnci aud so made that it re- quote J rices here but you call ment of said bllla, so much of tbc real e-t-b· ral!roa-l stations tn the State of Maine, texture, easily SI and .13 Sudbury SI., Boston, .tin*». pal and liver have a taxe·! an will lie sufficient b> pay the amount due street tan from I'nlon Station run IT SAVES LIVES EVERY DAY. a few minutes to complaint you print- at oar we will show the Paaeen^vr I quires only prepare }tore you thereon, Including intercut and charge», will Steamer dock. ed ou bottle of Shiloh's to them if the has been guarantee every without further notice lie »ol>l at auction Thousands of cases of hominy previously goods nd make you lower prices public nil—At ft Court of l'r» »u· J. B. COY LE. J r. L19COMB. Consumption, Vltallzer. It never fails to cure. Sold office said on Satur OXFORD, .Ooked. Two a of at the Treasurer's In town, "■ 'v General and are eggs, half teacupful Pari*, within and for the County :* Manager. A^cnt. Asthma, Coughs, Colds Croup F. A. Parii. than u ever saw before on good lav the t«th dar of A. D. 1*«, at two HORSES I HORSES! HORSES! well three of by Shurtleff, South j May, on the third < Α I» 1* Cure Co t« A«ent* PORTLAND. MAI5IK. Shiloh'e Cure. Sold tiominy boiled, teacupfuls Tuesday of Ht. rite Groder Dyspepsia cured every day by us j'clock In the aftenimin. < sour one clothin When of If on ih« of I. I"' • :hick, milk, flat of you buy U (KtJtion „· Waterrttl·, Ma., U.S.A. Vt. 1st, ISM. by F. A. Shurtieft, South Paris. teaspoonful CATARRH CURED, (iuanllan of the cute of ΙΙ··ΙΛΙ\Ν '· two kitchen of flour n't the best trade soda, large cupfuls health and sweet breath secured, you dc] get you MONK i*t ftl. of Hueklleld, In Ml ! count For *ak> hj all tlrmnri^t*. prk*. Or. LOMT. A NATURAL BEACTIFIER. a by V In for ind pinch of salt. Warm the ever ha 1 is not IT license to nell ·'>·! hominy Shiloh's Catarrh Price 50 and everything just -«t·· ,π l(el«r«en tbe douth Paria railroad station and Remedy. U n Katl h-t.»u· U-lontdn^ u> «aid <·ί For Sal* by Root the ind rub well with the beaten eggs, then u a down The Karl"s Clover Tea purifies cents. Na«al free*. Sold F. as can have S described In hi* on flit' In th< Kcixlali Ripley's house, pillow. dft the flour and add milk Iujector by repr «ented, you your petition C. A. S1HRTLEFF, Under will leave tt wtth Mr». S. E. blood and a clear and beautiful alternately, A. South Paris. office. please gives S.S ■ a Shurtleff, monev for the !?» '■· 1 Parla iillL little in which the soda must again goods. "Ci « Ο OKPKKKI). That th« uld petitioner /t< South Parte. M«. I Newell. Sold by F. A. Shurtletf, «serving ]back * complexion. X S "2 to all pernone Interfiled therein, > >e well dissolved, and added the last U ! ■ >·' South Paris. i-l ië is publishing a of thl* orler three wtvk> This makes a and sa i copy hing. quantity, they Bryce—Algernon Fitz Sappy is one of Ils Ce >5 HS h ceealvely in the Olfonl lieuiocnit, .» ne» -M"1 vill bake a beautiful brown if the "m In said that tlx- ni*f grid- those fellows who has more than mill printed l'art·. County, Are frozen al- money Jamiiliell, Nelson II., grUt I'»: '· " Young Lady—w people lie is hot and a of beef fat ap|>ear at a Probate Court to I*· piece corned brains, isn't he? Knowso—Yes, and he and land connecte·!. East ;·> a| rubbed with snow"'" Doctor—"In . Parle, In wild on tin· thirl Tu» "! ways 00 00 County, ised to grease it. This I have found is too. J. Ml SWAN & Village, |20t) «« Nov. at nine In the fonn.»·η, >"■' we use poor, CO., next, o'clock the winter, In the summer Samuel land from Ml"° All yes. to or and it is cer- MTalker, S., show cause, If the luperior pork lard, the A «a Towntend farm near any they have, why different methods." should not he more economical. No Chas. 7Λ jfrant<»d. ainly [way Clothing House, Dean'», UKoIUiK A. WILSON. Ju licf· "I was almost helpless from rheuma- Samuel «team mill COKN Ml" Κ KIN 3. Λ'alker, S., A true :— but this disease has been cured and land at Ea»t copy—attest tism, by WOBW MAINE, connected, D. PA ft "You seem attentive to Miss kY, j 600 ALIiKItT Κ, B«fl»t«r. is very Two one of Hood's Wm. II. Village, I That eggs, butter, wUh to call Best tablespooniul the attention Do to Sarsaparilla."—Mrs. >Valker, Samuel S., the old mill of homemcn to the Willoughby. you propose marry me of sugar, a of milk, one Richmond Maine. «et that I have on liaml η in an experience of over year» nearly glass Allakd, Comer, privilege, near the bridge on constantly choice ·' fifty her?" Eh? Yes—I did tiing of horse* suitable for buslne-s from OXFORD, ** ·—At a Court of l'n>bafc combinai witli propose." ;lassful of flour, one-half glassful of the road leading from Eoat auy «iifori modern invention Ight >lrlvng to I Pari», within an·! for tin· County of ndian meal and one Village to Seavey Hill, Ά do 00 21 On heavy teaming. guarantee and makes the heaping teaspoon- Little do very horse nokl to be as If on the thlnl Tuesday of 0<-t., Α. I». I**·'·· improvement (Jeorgy—Papa, why say fork, Henry, or unknown, just represcutcl, not, lmrx- A ul of baking llub the butter you eturn him and on the of Charlotte K. Ilowe, A FEW DAYS' USE powder, [hat the pen is'more than the liouee and land connected at get your mon*y. |*etltlon of uext powerful CHATTERBOX nf the estate of \V11,1,1 A 11 R IIOWK, laU· nd sugar, add yolks, beaten whites, York'· corner, no called, on Π. C. POIL BROOK, Mai·*. of Pineola Balsam and the Is word? Papa—Because you cannot sign Bethel, I'ftrit, In *ald County, deceased, praying danger hen flour and meal OF rirer road, 300 If 00 S itt near c-t it· milk, gradually, with a sword. THE KING JUVENILES.which Stable Grand Trunk I>e|M)t. license to «telI an·! convoy certain Γ··.ηί It is the for .-hecks been made lor yuung people comparais C. L. *"-"r right thing coughs, lake in in a oven. The DILLINGHAM, Treasurer. to mil·! c-late ami de-crll>ed In GOLD ter than home mixtures. Better gem paus quick «aloe, or hfca had oac-teoitenththe tale of tUa gTMt lielonjrtnjt CLARION any on Ct. rhite meal is These have annual. 1 ma of have mm |>etiUon Hie In thc}pn>liaie office preferred. ooplM nctl' than any other medicine whatever for •old. Tb. voinae for b )HIO OKDfcREU, That the wild |*-tlUoner irlvc lever made to dlrec- A FACT WORTH KNOWING. ιη^-ό just ready, •AOBNDOftPM'· FATE*Τ MOTIONAL IMPROVED CHESTERS i a o'l1) failed, according and has trrlr too and new to all Interested, by causing Portable that cotigh—that tearing, sleep-killing, large entirely pictm·. pensons three Cooking Range ions. La Pneumonia, a book tat itaeU), ud »f this «pier to l>e published For 1895 Consomption, Grippe, ttnrie·, (each FOR SALE ! anxiety-breeding, dangerous cough. ind all Throat and diseases are hundred· t «hort (tories, anecdotes, ale. The week· ftMMMively In tlie Oxfonl J»ein Pineola Balsam cores sore Lung Steel an4 a at I'·** best *n the market. Ely's throat, beat Xmas ; reseat poeible for boys aad girl· ο< Ceilings 1 x-rat, neWHpa|ter printed the Made in :ured Shiloh's Cure. Sold F. ▲. Thoroughbred Boar 1» moc. old. a Pn>i»*»e sure TRY AGAIN. by by all Ivdsr froa bookaettar er at H* in Mod thatthev may appear at even· or our and is and in all bronchial TRY, sfea your County, ? sty'e for wood coal or with .Fa/nous movable I)ockash quick South Paris. Sow IMga four week» old. Jourt, to be held at on the thlnl Tue»d»v affections. It makes much Shurtleff, l'arln, (irate. If not for «^de iri do not a on in- breathing etc., before Side Wall Pinish. For term· it Nor. at nine o'clock In the forenoon. your locality, pay larger prurit Washing kettles, they ESTES < 'or Churches and fbetdeooMk Ac. enquire of next, »houli··>'[ easier and the less severe in cues KARL'S CLOVER ROOT TEA UUBUT, ΜΜη,Μ* CataJocne, prfcwaaad ihow cause If have tl»e *amc ferior makes as as but ask us where to the spasm* ool. MlmatM, on to UmSol· any they why represented "just good." get applksattoo HMDÛMHuwa CAKKOLL K. KING, Sooth Part·. ao< be 1 of aathma. Price 35 cent·. and nerv- granted. best. M ule and warranted by is a sure cure for Headache «ΆΒΜ TO LIT. ■I Kl! IMI IMVlie * Mt> Ik, (1M.J Ο SO RUE A. WILSON, Judge. Varnish, for all bouse buga. of Established 839 >us relieves so to or Ltghtnlnc, VU· «ad A ·— ! MlfftAfl % lit Mill Μ liMMI MAWC diseues. Nothing quick· A good faim hire, will be lei on abare·. I NEURALGIA cured Dr. true copy—atuwt _ » Mile·' Pais Be*l«ter· Incorporated fc>£>4. WWW V llMVP Mh| WUWif lAHRt over charcoal. ] South Parte, at tbe DBMOCBAT orriCB. \>ne cant a by AbUKRT D. PARK, flood's Pilla cure biliousness. Broiling y. Sold by F. A. Shurtleff, j Apbly (Ian,'' At all druggist»