f. c CITIZI Vol BO. No. 42 SOUTH AMBOY, N J Thur.doy. October 18 '96? 5c (Ovt «f T«wn 7c) Henry Asks Greater Letter Draws Criticism A letter from school board $400 it needs In November Federal Aid president Joseph Wojcie- to complete its project. Councilman Fred Henry an- chowskl pursuant to an in- Councilman J. Peter Rush n-. jnced at the council meet- formal joint meeting of the asked that this be taken up ing this week that South Am- board and governing body at the next meeting and re- boy ought to file a number last Wednesday was attacked quested that the money be of other municipal projects by Councilman Fred Henry made available before bills under the recently-passed because Information con- are incurred In the future. Public Assistance Accelera- tained in the letter about Both he and Henry com- tion Act by the federal gov- classroom space need which mended the commission's ernment. So far only the was not brought out at the work. Board of Puhlic Works had meeting, A letter from Poet No. applied for financial aid Wojclechowskl listed im- 2448, v.F.w., informed the toward the construction of mediate space requirement msyor and council of a testi- another above-ground water for a minimum of four class- monial dinner to be given reservoir. rooms to eliminate double October 27th at the Mechan- There are a number of session,s a room for 7 A, Itcsvllle Hose Co. flrehouse other currently-proposed described once as a honoring past quartermas- projects which might qualify "floating" classroom meet- ter Carmen J. Fazio. All of- under the act, such as the ing in various rooms and ficials who could attend were school expansion program, not having a home room, a asked to do so. the new city hall, drainage music room and space for Schultz announced that be- and sewerage especially In guidance functions, health cause of Election Day, the Mechanicsvllle and Parker classes, visual aid equip- next counclf meeting has Avenue and resurfacing of ment room and lunchroom been moved up to Wednes- roads, he declared. facilities. day, November 7th, at 8:00 " We are far ahead of other "All of us here heard state- P. M. with the business meet- towns in these programs,*' ments made limiting the ing preceding. A special Henry said, mentioning the needs to Just four rooms. meeting for tine purpose of fact that the school admin- Now we hear differently preparing a brochur on the again. The board has to be city hall question will be istration probably still re- FIRST MAIL DELIVERY — Ma a« a*4 tains a report on school 7 laofca •*. TV specific In Its requests and held Friday st City Hall* be Mm. John rfcillipa accept nail fraw car- Wy tto aayar'a not change them from time said. space needs made by the rier hmA WillU«*M MI finrt lay •< «W- r school architect last year, to-aWr Mil ft>Ur*ry in Lauvar* Hariwr aa* •/ to time, ' he said. Relating to road Improve- plans and prints for a new en Saturday. Henry revealed that, at one ments, Henry said mat this city hall and library and point in the informal pro- program for the year has sewer and drainage work in- ceedings Wednesday, one not yet been completed and formation gathered from re- person reported the need of that Campbell Street and up- cent conferences. Vandalism Rampant Railroad as many as eight classrooms per Augusta Street paving "We should take advantage Vandalism of public play- playgrounds to keep after- but that this was later modi- still remains. He revealed of these estimates and sub- grounds continues unabated dark vandals out. Explosives Issue fied. that these streets will only mit our bids as soon as In the city and strong voices He informed that the po- } A recurring railroad tie Board members did men- take a day or two to pave possible," he recommended. to do something about it lice department had been in- i pile fire and the fear of tion the need of the other and that resurfacing la He also brought to mind the were echoed Tuesday at the structed by the mayor and ' explosives being handled In rooms mentioned shove per- scheduled to begin either land fill area which stands City Council meeting. council to make hourly the city **re the subjects iodically but not at the joint this week or early next eek. idle as well as recreation meeting. In his remarks, Councilman Eugene Szes- Recreation chairman, checks at the playgrounds to : of a letter frnm the I'ennsyl- playground facilities and Councilman J. Peter Rush, disperse loiterers. vanla Railroad to the gov- Henry said classrooms cost zko reported that he Is still grounds the city could use disclosed that a sliding board The police, he added, have '• erning body read at Tues- much money and that re- receiving complaints from or Improve upon. at the Conlogue Avenue play- been following these instruc- day's meeting. ports on needs have to be residents about heavy truck Henry proposed that the ground was Inverted and that tions excepting at times when Assistant Freight Train specific, not dubious. use of Stevens Avenue and governing body meet with chains on swings were they have other calls such as Master W. G. Willett wrote The matter was referred Fourt Street. At the same city engineer Edward C. rwiated Into knots recently. accidents, fires and Investi- In the tetter that the track to the msyor and council for dme he thanked responsible Reilly in order to compile The councilman further gations to conduct. | supervisor will cover old further study on s motion officials for die Installation specifications on hand re- disclosed that a quarter- Violation of the curfew, at piles of ties to prevent fu- made by Councilman John of lights on Grade Drive In garding these projects so Inch cable hqlding up a ten- the playgrounds, he said, , ture fires and that the re- Howley. Amboy Gardens. that proper requests on them nis court net at the Sixth would result In a warning the port of a fireman spotting TWO RESOLUTIONS Mayor Joseph Charmello could be filed. Street playground had been first time with a fine to be box cars with tags marked APPROVED revealed that some com. Mayor Joseph Charmello cut. The tennis courts given the second time. , "explosives" came as a sur- A pair of resolutions, one plaints have been made to suggested that Reilly be con- there have been Installed In his protests. Rush malrv- prise to railroad officials. dealing with the closing of a him about the street light tacted Immediately and put recently. tained that playground equlp- A check has been made of bridge during the night In conversion to mercury- to work on this program. "These acts of vandalism mem Is expensive. Council- the cars referred to and they Morgan and the other re- vapor light fixtures. He said "These will have a defi- were not committed by child- man Eugene Szeszko avidly were found to be empty at lating to Interest on curb that residents who had ample nite effect on the city and ren, but by older persona, supported having the play- the time, the letter dis- paving bills passed unani- lighting by their homes had it Is Important that we make since they required some grounds secured after dark closed. When unloaded, mously. objected to the re-spotting our bids promptly." strength," Rush declared. immediately for "the pro- someone forgot to take the The council objected to the of lights In their teu, "When President Kennedy "Wilfull destruction of pub- tectlon of the taxpayers' Labels from the cars, it said. closing of the bridge belong- Board of Public Works released the $90 mill ion dol- lic property Is a serious of- money." "To allow this to All yard masters in the South ing to the New York and president Thomas Vail re- lars for this work, our area fense, and the full penalty be continued Is like throw- Amboy district know of the L-ong Branch Railroad plied from the gallery, at was already carried as a should be handed out to those ing money down the sewers," ordinance forbidding the crossing Cheesequake Creek the invitation of the mayor distress area because of un- responsible for It," he said. he exclaimed. handling of explosives here from 10:30 P. M. to 6:00 A. M. and council, that a profee- employment and requests -ft -Bt 1st iu Feb- oioiiejiy«pnnineu {MU^i^m Is It was brought out by Cpun- —eapluaUes—" being carried out for the b by tha tirmatiTretf Henry that goal mended that additional su- presently being handled, the ruary 21st on the grounds end of this year to meet thhe that many local residents program and that for the posts at Coluccl Field were pervised activities for letter assured. few objections voiced there deadline," the mayor In- knocked down Sunday, Oc- youthsTn die 15- year- old age Council President Richard use this waterway during formed. Councilman J. Peter that period. Objections were must be many satisfied peo- tober 7th. "Small children ! bracket be promoted to keep J. Schultz appealed to par- ple who have not expressed Rush asked that all the in- don't have that kind of the youths out of trouble. ents to Instruct their small sent to the U.S. Army En- formation on what can and gineering District of New themselves on the matter. strength," he stated. "Give them this Incentive children not to cross or Vail said that after the pro- cannot be done be solicited "A certain few, I would for other activities," she run along railroad tracks on York.
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