Lamberg, Juha-Antti, University of Jyväskylä, FINLAND,
[email protected] Lubinaitė, Sandra, TELIA Corporation,
[email protected] Ojala, Jari, University of Jyväskylä, FINLAND,
[email protected] Tikkanen, Henrikki, Aalto School of Business,
[email protected] (forthcoming in Business History) The Curse of Agility: The Nokia Corporation and the Loss of Market Dominance in Mobile Phones, 2003– 2013 Author biographies: Dr. Juha-Antti Lamberg is a Professor of Strategy and Economic History at the University of Jyväskylä. His research focuses on strategy, the history of strategy, and industry evolution. He has published research in the Academy of Management Review, the Strategic Management Journal, the Journal of Management Studies, Industrial and Corporate Change, the Academy of Management Learning & Education, and other leading journals of the field. In recognition of the quality of his research, Prof. Lamberg won the Sloan Foundation’s Industry Studies Best Paper Prize in 2008, the Carolyn Dexter Award in 2009 at the Academy of Management Conference, and the Outstanding Article of the Year at the Academy of Management Learning & Education in 2015. Sandra Lubinaite is a former student in the Master’s Degree Program in International Business and Entrepreneurship at the University of Jyväskylä. Currently, she works at the Telia Corporation. Her research focuses on Nokia’s technology management from 2000–2013. Dr. Jari Ojala is a Professor of History and a Chair of the Department of History and Ethnology. Prof. Ojala specializes in comparative business history. His research has been published in journals such as the European Review of Economic History, Business History, Industry and Innovation, Management & Organizational History, the International Journal of Maritime History, and the Journal of Management History.