Current Affairs April 2020

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Current Affairs April 2020 CURRENT AFFAIRS ORGANIC AND ORGANISED APRIL 2020 A LETTER FROM MY HEART Dear IAS Aspirant Friends, It gives me immense pleasure to present to you the 360º Current Affairs Magazine for the month of April 2020. The dedicated team that compiles and edits Current Affairs at IAS WINNISHERS has made sincere efforts to provide to you the most relevant and important news from the point of view of Interview, Mains and especially the soon approaching Prelims. Our mission is to facilitate the current affairs knowledge that is ORGANIC and ORGANISED. Due to the ongoing unfortunate situation, we fully empathize your anxiety related to the exam. This exam requires complete focus and dedication, and it becomes all the more relevant in times like the one we are facing now. This compilation gives you the right direction and aids you in your preparation for the exam. Wishing You Success Vinay Kumar R Founder & CEO, IAS WINNISHERS © Winnishers Educational Services Pvt Ltd Contents 1.POLITY& CONSTITUTION .......................................................................................................................... 8 1.1.DOMICILE RULES FOR J&K ...................................................................................................................... 8 1.2.CASH LESS INDIANS, THE NEW NORMAL, AND SURVIVAL ........................................................................ 9 1.3.RESTRICTIONS ON COURT HEARINGS LAWFUL ...................................................................................... 11 HEALTH &COVID-RELATED NEWS ........................................................................................................... 12 1.4.MAKING THE PRIVATE SECTOR CARE FOR PUBLIC HEALTH .................................................................... 12 1.5.QUARANTINE AND LAW ....................................................................................................................... 13 1.6.DATA DRIVE: A BURDEN ON HEALTH .................................................................................................... 14 1.7.ON KERALA-KARNATAKA BORDER ROW ................................................................................................ 15 1.8.A KEY ARSENAL IN RURAL INDIA’S PANDEMIC FIGHT ............................................................................ 16 1.9.MPLADS FUNDS .................................................................................................................................... 17 1.10.SINGLE EDUCATION PLATFORM .......................................................................................................... 19 1.11.A COLLECTIVE NATIONAL ENDEAVOR ................................................................................................. 20 1.12.FREE COVID-19 TESTS ONLY FOR THE POOR ........................................................................................ 21 1.13.GETTING THE CONTAINMENT STRATEGY IN INDIA RIGHT.................................................................... 22 1.14.IN INDIA’S RESPONSE, A COMMUNICATIONS FAILURE ........................................................................ 22 1.15.AHEAD OF COVID CURVE .................................................................................................................... 23 1.16.NEED OF AN AD-HOC RESPONSE ......................................................................................................... 24 1.17.STATUS OF PDS................................................................................................................................... 25 1.18.MOVING HOUSE ONLINE .................................................................................................................... 26 1.19.AAROGYA SETU APP ........................................................................................................................... 27 1.20.COVIDINDIASEVA................................................................................................................................ 29 1.21.NO 100% QUOTA FOR TRIBAL TEACHERS ............................................................................................ 30 1.22.NOMINATION TO COUNCIL ................................................................................................................. 31 2. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS .................................................................................................................. 34 2.1.EXTRAORDINARY G20 TRADE AND INVESTMENT MINISTERIAL MEETING .............................................. 34 2.2.PROTECTING PEACEKEEPERS ................................................................................................................ 34 2.3.UN RESOLUTION ON CORONA VIRUS .................................................................................................... 35 2.4.INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION (IOM) ..................................................................... 36 2.5.SPECIAL SESSION OF THE U.N. SECURITY COUNCIL ................................................................................ 38 2.6. U.N. PEACE KEEPING FORCE ................................................................................................................ 39 Copyright © by Winnishers Educational Services Pvt Ltd All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of Winnishers Educational Services Pvt Ltd. © Winnishers Educational Services Pvt Ltd 1 2.7.INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND (IMF) ............................................................................................. 41 2.8.IMF-WORLD BANK DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING ................................................................... 44 2.9.CATASTROPHE CONTAINMENT AND RELIEF TRUST (CCRT) .................................................................... 45 2.10.IMF PROJECTS 1.9% GROWTH FOR INDIA IN 2020............................................................................... 46 2.11.SAARC COVID-19 EMERGENCY FUND .................................................................................................. 47 2.12.VIRTUAL G20 ENERGY MINISTERS MEETING ....................................................................................... 48 2.13.FUNDING OF WHO ............................................................................................................................. 50 2.14.VIRTUAL G20 FINANCE MINISTERS MEETING ...................................................................................... 51 2.15.ORGANISATION OF ISLAMIC COOPERATION ....................................................................................... 53 2.16.NEW DEVELOPMENT BANK MEET ....................................................................................................... 55 2.17. INDIAN OCEAN COMMISSION (IOC) ................................................................................................... 56 2.18.LOCKDOWN LEARNERS ....................................................................................................................... 57 2.19.SAARC HEALTH MINISTERS CONFERENCE ........................................................................................... 58 2.20.UN CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT .............................................................................. 59 2.21.USCIRF REPORT .................................................................................................................................. 61 2.22.ACCESS TO COVID-19 TOOLS (ACT) ACCELERATOR .............................................................................. 62 3. ECONOMY .............................................................................................................................................. 64 AGRICULTURE ........................................................................................................................................ 64 3.1.INDIAN RICE EXPORTS SUSPENDED ....................................................................................................... 64 3.2.e-NAM ................................................................................................................................................. 64 3.3.INDIA USES PEACE CLAUSE OF WTO ..................................................................................................... 66 3.4.FARMERS ARE AT THEIR WITS END ....................................................................................................... 68 3.5.JAPAN LIFTS INSPECTION ORDER FOR INDIAN SHRIMP ......................................................................... 70 3.6.RECORD FOOD PRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 71 3.7.SUBSIDY FOR NON-UREA FERTILISERS................................................................................................... 72 3.8.PRICES OF SUGARCANE ........................................................................................................................ 73 3.9.FOODGRAIN STOCK WILL LAST TILL NEXT YEAR MARCH ........................................................................ 74 3.10.HOARDING GOVERNMENT, STARVING PEOPLE ................................................................................... 75 ECONOMIC GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................................
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