Federal Register 1961-09: Vol 26 Index
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OCT 311961 readingMA,N room INDEX JULY-SEPTEMBER 1961 ] UTT«*\ r/u^ Jsr SCRIPTA | /C ^ "mi l ^sz? & FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 26 /V/,'934 c,^ NUMBERS 126-189 ' ONlTtO * Accidents: age Agriculture Department—Continued p 8 AIRCRAFT ACCIDENTS, investigation. See Civil AUTHORITY DELEGATIONS—Continued Aeronautics Board. By Deputy Administrator for Price and Production, MOTOR CARRIERS, accident reports; where filed. 6028, 7132 Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Serv¬ RAIL-HIGHWAY grade-crossing accidents involving ice, to Director, Milk Marketing Orders Division; motor vehicles transporting dangerous cargoes, in¬ functions of Deputy Administrator_ 8820 vestigation -...- 9148 By Director, Packers and Stockyards Division, to VESSELS, casualty and accident reports_ 5996 Chief, Rates and Registration Branch- 7812 By Executive Vice President, Commodity Credit Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Corporation, to Director, New Orleans Agricul¬ Relations: tural Stabilization and Conservation Service Inspection of tax returns: Commodity Office; certificates of interest_ 8119 Executive Order 10962- 8001 By Farmer Cooperative Service Administrator to cer¬ Internal Revenue Service regulation- 8009 tain officials to serve as Acting Administrator_ 8468 By Secretary to various officials: Agricultural Commodities, Surplus: Heads of Agencies; supervision of employee ac¬ EXPORT ON CREDIT, financing_ 7754 tivities_ 8374 PRICE SUPPORT OPERATIONS, sale of commodities Under Secretary, Assistant Secretaries, et al.; func¬ acquired through- 6311, tions of Secretary_ 8402 6876, 7112, 7560, 7888, 8423, 8680, 9140 By Under Secretary to Administrator, Cooperative Agricultural Conservation Programs: State Experiment Station Service; general au¬ thority and assignment of functions_ 8605 See Agriculture Department. From Secretary of Commerce; designation of redevel¬ Agriculture Department: opment and rural redevelopment areas, prepara¬ ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS; Heads of Agen¬ tion of overall economic development programs, cies, supervision of employee activities_ 8374 loans and grants, etc., pursuant to Area Re¬ ALMONDS; marketing, California_ 7282, 7809, 8151, 8591 development Act___ 7974 ANIMALS: AVOCADOS: Breeds and books of record; certification and recog¬ Import restrictions_ 6326, 7695, 8665 nition_:_ 6071 Marketing, Florida_ 6325, 6428, 7694, 8662 Diseases: BARLEY: African swine fever_ 6696 Loan and purchase agreement program, 1961_ 7007, Brucellosis (Bang’s Disease)_ 6762, 8097 7319,7572, 8097, 8559 Payment to owners, proposed rule_ 8419 Reseal loan program, 1960_ 7863 Pullorum disease and fowl typhoid of poultry; pro¬ BROCCOLI, frozen; standards, proposed rule_ 7967 posed rule_ 6247 BUTTERFAT; price support program, April 1961- Scabies in sheep_ 5956, 5958, 6071, 7872 March 1962_ 7255 Proposed rules_ 8256, 9173 CENTENNIAL, United States Department of Agricul¬ Screwworms; designation of inspection station_ 8666 ture Centennial Year (Proclamation 3425)_ 8149 Texas (Splenetic) fever in cattle, Florida and New CHERRIES; storage in brine in licensed warehouses, York_ 8830 revocation_ 6760 Tuberculosis in cattle_ 6013, 6583, 6831, 9069 CIVIL DEFENSE FUNCTIONS_ 7806 Humane slaughter of livestock; identification of car¬ CIVIL DEFENSE STOCKPILES of food, functions casses- 6277, 6819, 7712, 8259, 8571 (Executive Order 10958)_ 7571 Overtime services, imports and exports; travel time COMMODITY CREDIT CORPORATION: allowances_ 6833 Authority delegation by Executive Vice President to Stockyards for livestock. See Packers and Stock- Director, New Orleans Agricultural Stabilization yards Division. and Conservation Service Commodity Office; cer¬ Viruses, serums, toxins, etc., production, handling, tificates of interest_ 8119 etc. See Viruses, serums, toxins, etc., below. Feed; emergency livestock feed program_ 8271 APRICOTS; marketing, Washington_ 6582,7809,8663 Loan program, upland cotton, 1961_ 5945, 8878, 9013 AREA REDEVELOPMENT, authority delegation from Loan and purchase agreement programs: Secretary of Commerce_ 7974 1960 crops: Barley_ 7863 AUTHORITY DELEGATIONS: Com_ 6121, 7863 By Administrator, Agricultural Stabilization and Grain sorghums_ 7863 Conservation Service, to Deputy Administrator Oats_ 7863 for Price and Production; exercise duties vested Rye_ 7863 in Administrator_ 7812 Wheat_ 7863 73000—61-1 2 INDEX, JULY-SEPTEMBER 1961 Agriculture Department—Continued g Agriculture Department—Continued fag» COMMODITY CREDIT CORPORATION—Continued DISASTER AREAS; need for agricultural credit—Con. Loan and purchase agreement programs—Continued Washington_l ^ 1961 crops: Wisconsin_“ Barley_ 7007,7319, 7572,8097,8559 Corn_ 7248,7795 EXPORTS: ,7742 Flaxseed_ 8413 Animals and animal products; overtime services, Grain sorghums_ 7252, 8413 travel time allowances_J 68?, Oats_ 7007, 7008, 8559 Financing of comirfercial exports, credit under long- w Rice__ 6582, 7542 term supply contracts_ i»k. Rye_ 6703, 9121 Grapefruit, from Florida; restrictions on export_13 8624 Soybeans_ 7252,7317, 7795, 8097 Rice; payment in kind (GR-369), terms and con- ' Wheat_ 6697, 7078, 7247, 7824, 8963 ditions_ w Organization and functions_ 8321 Tangelos and tangerines, Florida grown; export * Payment program; shorn wool and unshorn lambs restrictions_ d62, (pulled wool)_ 9121 FARMER COOPERATIVE SERVICE, authority delega- Price support programs. See Price support programs, tion by Administrator to certain officials to serve below. as Acting Administrator_ 04c. CONSERVATION PROGRAMS: FARMERS HOME ADMINISTRATION. See main Agricultural; 1962: heading Farmers Home Administration. National_ 6881 FARMS, allotments, farm history and soil bank base Naval stores_ 7319 acreages; reconstitution_7259 7321 Soil Bank program, conservation reserve: FEDERAL CROP INSURANCE CORPORATION. See ' 1956 through 1959_ 6194, 7825 main heading Federal Crop Insurance Corporation. 1960 __ 6194,7825 FEED GRAINS: CORN: Emergency livestock feed program_ 8271 Loan and purchase agreement program: Price support program, 1961_ 6263 1960 crop_ 6121 Special program, 1961_ 6761,7573,6014 1961 crop_ 7248,7795 FILBERTS: Reseal loan program, 1960_ 7863 Marketing, Oregon and Washington_ 8950 COTTON: Standards for filberts in shell, proposed rule_ 7778 Loan program, upland cotton, 1961- 5945, 8878, 9013 FLAXSEED; loan and purchase agreement program, Marketing quotas, farm acreage allotments, etc.: 1961- 8413 Extra long staple cotton: FOOD STAMP PROJECT: 1961 crop_ 7758, 8069 Bank participation; provisions_ 8967 1962 crop_ 7967 Methods of distributing and accounting for coupons Upland cotton: and cash receipts_ 5945 1961 crop._ 6892, 7755, 8069 FRUIT, dried; storage in licensed warehouses, revoca¬ 1962 crop_I_ 7968 tion- 6760 Price support programs; participation of commercial GRAIN, storage in licensed warehouses_ 6760 banks in pools of CCC price support loans on GRAIN SORGHUMS: cotton_ 6192 Loan and purchase agreement program, 1961 crop.— 7252 Standards: 8413 Classing and testing; Board of Cotton Linters Ex¬ Reseal loan program, 1960_ 7863 aminers, transfer to Memphis, Term_ 8002 GRAPEFRUIT: Cotton classing regulations; mixed packed cotton, Export restrictions, Florida grapefruit_ 8624 testing and standards_ 5945 Import restrictions_ 6274, 7077, 8505,8880 Price quotations and differences, cotton futures; Marketing: proposed rule_ 7967 Arizona and California_ 90 73,9205 COTTONSEED OIL; purchase program, 1961_ 7256 Florida- 7077, 7347, 7778, 8482,8880 CRANBERRIES: Texas- 5955, 6807, 8248, 8665,9039 Payment program AMM 181a_ 6013 GRAPES: Purchase program CMP 96a_ 8819 Export; Emperor variety grapes_ 7834,8934 DAIRY PRODUCTS: Marketing; California: See also Milk. Crushing grapes_ 6085, Price support program, for milk and butterfat, April 6367, 6984, 7797, 8491, 8492, 9067,9068 1961-March 1962_ 7255 Table (Tokay) grapes_ 7573,7872 DATES! Standards, table grapes (European or Vinifera type) _ 6936, Import restrictions- 8397, 8455 8002 Marketing, California_ 7779, 7780, 8374, 8414 HUMANE SLAUGHTER. See under Livestock. DEFINITIONS, marketing orders_ 7796 IMPORTS: DISASTER AREAS; need for agricultural credit:, Animals and animal products; overtime services, Alabama_ 6397 travel time allowances_ 6833 Arizona_ 7019 Avocados, import restrictions_ 6326,7695,8665 Arkansas_ 7742, 8080,8222, 8405 Biological products, import permits_ 7726 California_ 6397, 6609 Dates, import restrictions_ 83 97,8455 Colorado _ 6037 Grapefruit, import restrictions_ 6274, 7077,8505,8880 Idaho _ 5976,8222,8423 Limes, import restrictions_ 6808 Kansas_ 6532, 7362 Meats. See under Meat and Meat Products. Kentucky_6532, 7786 Onions, import restrictions_ 8674 Louisiana_ 8993 Oranges, import restrictions_ 8565 Michigan_ 6397 Sugar or liquid sugar; requirements: Minnesota_ 6037, 6314, 6532, 7019, 7227 Cuba, restrictions_ 8660 Montana _ 6218 Definitions, proposed rules_ 8420 Nevada_ 6397 Walnuts; grade, size, quality, maturity, etc., proposed New Mexico_ 7742,8423 rule,,_ 9050 North Carolina_ 6397,6876,6944,7227 INDEMNITY FUND, claims against; Agricultural Sta¬ North Dakota_ 6003, 6250 bilization and Conservation County Committees—_ 8659 Oklahoma_ 6037, 6484 INSECTICIDES, PESTICIDES, etc., enforcement of Oregon_ 7362 Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Pennsylvania_ 6004 Act; proposed rules: South Dakota_ 6314, 7227, 8914 Economic poisons, highly toxic_ 6625,8256 Texas.... 6484, 8222.8650 Labels; warning, and antidote statements_ 6625,8256 INDEX, JULY-SEPTEMBER 1961 Aqrjcu|ture Department—Continued Page Agriculture Department—Continued Page r aNDS’ interchange