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3 Welcome to , City of Inspiration by the Baltic Sea

6 Icons of Riga Riga’s skyline 10 Riga’s Architecture – Splendid in its Diversity

14 Thriving Arts and Culture Scene

16 Riga – European Capital of Culture 2014

18 Annual Events Welcome to Riga, City of Inspiration by the Baltic Sea

21 Accommodation to Suit All Budgets and Tastes The first unforgettable impression that Deco, from Romanesque to National most visitors get of the Latvian capital is Romanticism. Furthermore, Riga’s wealth 22 Riga – Delightfully Delicious Destination its majestic skyline, as viewed from the of Jugendstil or Art Nouveau buildings, left bank of the River. The slender complete with their fantastically ornate 24 Shopping in Riga Gothic spires of the Old Town’s numerous flourishes, stands out as unparalleled churches attest to the city’s long history anywhere in the world. Yet equally unique 27 Health, Wellness and SPA and beauty services that dates back to the 13th century. The are the many 19th century wooden buildings panorama’s pleasing harmony is just that have proudly withstood the pressures 28 Business Tourism Opportunities the most visible indication of the superb of commercialization and gentrification, aesthetic sense that has shaped much of retaining their place in Riga’s architectural 30 Active Leisure for the Whole Family the city’s architecture up to the present cornucopia and currently undergoing state- day. of-the-art facelifts. 32 Jurmala and its White, Sandy Beaches Nowhere is that aesthetic more pronounced But Riga is much more than just its history. 34 Sigulda Thrills than in Centrs, the central part of Riga, Proud of its heritage, it is a thoroughly which is the city’s economic, financial, modern city with a highly developed 36 How to Weather Seasons in Riga and cultural core, as well as a UNESCO infrastructure and opportunities for a designated World Heritage Site. One will variety of activities and entertainment. A find a breathtaking range of architectural city with rich musical traditions, today it styles in the historic centre – from Baroque boasts an excellent opera, several world- to Classicism, from Renaissance to Art class choirs and outstanding classical

2 3 orchestras, not to forget jazz, rock, and Among its more than 700 000 inhabitants blues ensembles, plus a variety of other there are Latvians, Russians, Belarusians, popular music bands performing both in Ukrainians, Poles, Jews, and other ethnic concert halls and clubs. groups. All have left and are still leaving their mark on the customs, cuisine, and At the vanguard of dramatic art not only the very appearance of Riga. While the locally but on the European scale, the New city’s relatively compact, urban space is Riga Theatre has much to offer to locals ethnically mixed, it features many distinct and visitors alike. Riga’s museums are neighborhoods, each with its own unique definitely not dusty repositories of the past, history and landmarks. but are instead putting an increasing emphasis Among Riga’s many treasures are its on interactive displays and modern beautiful, well-tended gardens and parks, technologies, while the many art galleries which occupy a substantial part of the compete with each other in trying to city’s territory. In fact, there are several predict the trends of the future. Add to that good-sized forests within the city limits, the varied shopping venues and myriad where the locals love to take Sunday strolls, cafés, restaurants, bars, and nightclubs, jog, watch birds, pick mushrooms in the and you get Riga in all its lively variety. autumn, and go skiing in the winter. In the spring, when the city’s many orchards are What has always been central to the in bloom, white petals can be seen drifting energy of the city, however, is its people. through the air; then come the purples Located by an important waterway - the and pinks of lilacs, which are particularly Daugava River - connecting the city to spectacular along the crooked, dreamy the Gulf of Riga and the Baltic Sea and side-streets of Pārdaugava, on the left bank thus to far-off lands, Riga has always been of the river, to be followed in late June by a transportation hub and a crossroads, the pale honey of blossoming lindens that where different cultures meet and intersect. line Riga’s stately boulevards.

Having endured many changes and economic upheavals, Riga remains a lively, spirited, and future-oriented city with its own distinct aura, charm and style.

Jāņa iela

4 5 icons OF RIGA

Like any metropolis with a long and illustrious history, Riga has its share of icons – landmarks, symbols and legends. This brief list will help you to familiarize yourself with some of them and to acquire a feel of the city’s timeless spirit.

House of the Blackheads This spectacular building is one of the most photographed in Riga. Located in the Townhall square, opposite to the City Council. The original building was erected in the 14th century for the Brotherhood of Blackheads – single German merchants. The house was bombed during the II World War and completely destroyed. Even the most cynical Latvians retain some Reconstruction of the House of Blackheads reverence for the Freedom Monument, started only in 1995 and was completed one of Riga’s central landmarks. Unveiled four years later. Since 2012 this is the in 1935 and financed entirely from public primary workplace for the president of donations, the stone and metal structure during the rennovation works in the was originally built in memory of those who . fell during Latvia’s War of Independence, which lasted from 1918-1920. The Dome Cathedral monument rapidly became the main In terms of age, size, and overall majesty, symbol of Latvia’s statehood, national unity nothing in Riga can equal the Dome and independence. Cathedral, the largest medieval church in The motto “For the Fatherland and the Baltic States. The Dome’s interior holds Freedom” is inscribed upon the base. many unique treasures that offer insights

6 7 into the art history of the Baltic region. The most popular local confectioner, Laima, Dome’s famous organ – once the largest in appeared on the clock during the 1930s. the world – was constructed in 1884 and has more than 6700 pipes. Sakta flower market Latvians often present flowers as gifts when Wörmann Garden (Vērmanes dārzs) visiting their friends and family members. public park This national, floral cult amazes tourists This central park was created by the widow of a wealthy merchant in 1817. It is and reflects a Northern weakness for these Pumpurs penned the classic and legendary known affectionately as Vērmanītis – the living embodiments of the sun and its Bearslayer epos, based on popular Latvian diminutive of Anna Wörmann’s surname warmth. folktales that he himself had once heard. that has since been Latvianized and turned into a toponym. Guarded by two lions, a Mangaļsala Jetty Brethren Cemetery monument to Anna now stands in a circular Mangaļsala is the first part of Riga that The Brethren Cemetery, with its powerful rose bed. On the Merķeļa street side, visiting ships reach as they enter the city artistic expression of Latvia’s national posing like the dandy he sometimes was, from the Baltic Sea. The jetty on Mangaļsala struggle for self-determination, is a sacred is a bronze of Kārlis Padegs, one of Riga’s is located right where Latvia’s “river of fate,” place for many Latvians. On the last Sunday most fascinating, early 20th-century artists. the Daugava, flows into the Gulf of Riga. in November, when people light candles The best place to experience the wonder of at the fog-shrouded graves of their loved Cobblestone streets the place where these two great bodies of ones, hundreds bring candles to the statue Cobblestones have covered Riga’s water meet is by standing right on the jetty. of Mother Latvia at the Brethren Cemetery, streets for more than five centuries. They At sunset, if you walk along the concrete between the Forest (Meža kapi) and Rainis are simultaneously loved (real Rigans “tongue” that stretches into the sea for (Raiņa kapi) cemeteries in Riga. sometimes call themselves cobblestone several hundred meters, it feels like you’re kids) and lamented – like when the heel of walking on water. The remains of more than 2000 of fallen a woman’s shoe catches in a narrow gap soldiers of the First World War (1915-1918) between the stones. Bearslayer and the War of Independence (1918-1920) Bearslayer (Lācplēsis) is Latvia’s have been buried here. Between 1924 mythological superman, whose and 1936, the sculptor Kārlis Zāle – who The Laima Clock, erected in 1924 and superhuman exploits have been recounted also designed the Freedom Monument – located close to the Freedom Monument, to practically all Latvian children for as far developed this remarkable cemetery, may very well be the most popular back as anyone can remember. During together with other artists and architects. rendezvous point in Riga. The logo of the the late 19th century, Latvian poet Andrejs

8 9 Riga’s architecture – splendid in its diversity The National Library Riga’s diverse architectural heritage spans almost the entire range of the city’s 800-year history, from the 13th century to the present. With over 4000 magnificent buildings representing a variety of artistic styles, Riga’s historic centre was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 19 97.

As you stroll through the Old Town’s see sites in Riga. winding cobblestone streets, you will discover numerous other elegant buildings Old Town is enclosed on one side by the – including the Three Brother’s Building Daugava River, and on the other by the Complex on M. Pils iela, the Neiburgs Hotel city canal, with its ring of parks and green on Jauniela and the recently rebuilt House boulevards. Beyond the vanal various, of Blackheads on Rātslaukums – reflecting eclectically-built neighbourhoods dating traces of Baroque, Renaissance, Classicist, from the 19th century to the present lie. Art Nouveau, and other architectural styles. Art Nouveau pearls The building of the Art Museum “Riga Riga stands out as one of the most Old Town’s classic skyline The stately, church steeples of these Bourse” is an architectural monument of prominent Art Nouveau (Jugendstil) Old Town lies at the heart of the city and is landmark buildings are the most prominent national importance. It was built from 1852 centres in the world, with over 800 the best place to see how every historical features of Riga’s classic skyline, along with to 1855, following Venetian renaissance buildings erected in that style at the turn era has left its mark. The oldest surviving the stalwart Riga Castle by the riverfront. palaco forms symbolising wealth and of the 20th century. It would probably not buildings were built as houses of worship You can catch a breathtaking, bird’s-eye abundance. The building was completely be an exaggeration to say that one can in the Gothic and Romanesque traditions, view of the city’s rooftops from the spire restored and now houses the Art Museum. spot at least three noteworthy Art Nouveau with subsequent renovations conducted in of St Peter’s Church, which for nearly two Splendid interior with plenty of gilded buildings from any place in the city’s Baroque and other styles. centuries was the tallest wooden structure surfaces and artificial marble makes the Art historic centre. in Europe. Museum “Riga Bourse“ one of the must

10 11 Here one can see shining examples of busy Central Market complex is housed different branches of this architectural in former zeppelin hangars dating from style, starting with the splendidly ornate the First World War. Nearby, a group of building facades on Alberta iela and ending formerly neglected warehouses by the with unique, National Romanticism pearls riverfront was recently turned into the designed by the first generation of Latvian Spīķeri creative quarter, which has now architects. become a vibrant business and cultural centre. Riga is also known for its eclectically- constructed buildings, many of them During the 1920’s and 1930’s, modern are residential apartment houses, which functionalist architecture made its lasting encompass elements from several mark upon the city. It was during this architectural styles. Among the prominent period that such nationally significant edifices built in a single style are the sculptural complexes as the Freedom Latvian National Museum of Art (built Monument and the Brethren Cemetery in Neo-Baroque style) and the red-brick came into being. Latvian Academy of Arts right beside it (built in Neo-Gothic style). The buildings that were constructed in Latvia’s capital city after the Second World Wooden architecture gems War were of varying quality and artistic Wood is a plentiful resource in Latvia and merit. Nevertheless, some of these edifices other Northern European countries, which have been skilfully refurbished, generating is why a considerable number of buildings a renewed interest in the city’s Soviet-era in Riga were built of this material during architecture. Among the most illustrious the late 19th and early 20th centuries. examples are the Daile Theatre, the Although many wooden structures Museum of the Occupation of Latvia and have not withstood the ravages of time the Latvian Academy of Sciences building. and have since been torn down, some neighbourhoods outside of the historic The National Library building designed city centre (notably in Pārdaugava, on by the renowned architect Gunnar Birkerts the left bank of the Daugava River) have is an excellent example of contemporary retained the unique atmosphere conveyed architecture. The distinctive 68 meters high by thoughtfully constructed wooden pyramidal construction creates impressive residences. 21st century skyline on the left bank of the river. The total area of the building is A number of wooden buildings in 44 000 m2 where 6,5 million printed works Ķīpsala and on Kalnciema iela have been will be stored. After the opening at the end painstakingly restored to their former of 2013, the National Library will become splendour, as a shining indication that the one of the most important cultural centres simple, wooden houses of yesteryear can in Riga. still be put to practical use in the current era.

The modern era Riga has retained certain vestiges of its turn-of-the-century industrial heritage. The

12 13 A thriving arts and culture scene

For centuries, Riga has been a city with an undying, creative spirit. The arts have always found means to flourish in one form or another. Currently Riga is experiencing an artistic and cultural revival of particular intensity.

Latvian National Opera

museum wants to be a point of contact be- tween East and West, as well as for dialogue Other museums in Riga also host fascinat- between the classical and the contemporary ing exhibitions, such as the Natural History in the sense of both exhibits and form of per- Museum of Latvia (Dabas muzejs), which is ception. Another aspect of the new museum a genuine oasis of nature in the middle of is harmony between the acquisition of knowl- civilisation - in the centre of Riga. Human edge and recreation, as well as the breaking evolution, stuffed animals and birds from all Riga Bourse down of barriers between various forms of over the world, collections of insects, plants culture. The permanent exposition features and minerals, a journey into the history of Western European paintings from 16th - 19 th Earth, recreation of volcanic eruption, studies century and Western European porcelain. of the sky, multiple exhibitions, modern and Opera lovers will be enthralled by the electri- Mikhail Barishnikov, master conductor Mariss interactive displays, quizzes and stories - a fying performances at the Latvian National Jansons, opera divas Elīna Garanča and Kris- Art Noveau lovers should definitely visit the visit to the museum will be fondly remem- Opera (Latvijas Nacionālā opera), which tine Opolais, virtuoso violinist Gidon Kremer Riga Art Noveau Museum situated in the bered both by children and adults. have gained wide acclaim both in Latvia and and producer highly-acclaimed in Europe Alvis apartment of the renowned Latvian architect abroad. An average of six new productions Hermanis. Whenever these world-famous stars Konstantins Peksens in his designed building The Latvian Ethnographic Open-Air is presented each year, retaining a balance hold a performance in their native city, it is on 12 Alberta Street. The apartment – from Museum (Latvijas Etnogrāfiskais brīvdabas between opera and ballet. In total, the opera always a special and emotional event. the stairway resting-place to the dishes in muzejs), for its part, is located in a beauti- sees over 200 performances and several the living room – is a perfect example of Art ful pine forest on the shores of Lake Jugla. symphonic and chamber music concerts a Classical music aficionados will not be Noveau. Here you can study the expression The authentic, wooden 18th and 19th-century season. The best moments of the previous disappointed by the programme and concerts of Art Noveau in Riga and learn a lot of sur- homesteads of Latvian farmers, fishermen season can be enjoyed every summer at the of the Latvian National Symphony Orchestra, prising facts. The museum will make you feel and craftsmen will take you back to another Riga Opera Festival. the Sinfonietta Riga chamber orchestra and that you are traveling through time. era when all food was local and motor traffic Kremerata Baltica, which will please even the did not yet exist. Riga has been a city of inspiration for many most discriminating listeners. Latvian and European 20th and 2st century art artists, including composer Richard Wagner, exhibitions regularly take place at the muse- History buffs will gain a valuable insight into who drew insights for the construction of Since it’s opening on 20th of August 2011 um’s Arsenāls exhibition hall and at the Riga Riga’s 810-year history at the Riga Museum the Bayreuth Festspielhaus, while working the Art Museum “Riga Bourse” (Mākslas Art Space (Rīgas Mākslas telpa). Numerous of History and Navigation (Rīgas Vēstures as a conductor at the Riga German Theatre. muzejs “Rīgas Birža”) is positioned as a art galleries will introduce you to the latest un kuģniecības muzejs) and the Latvian Na- Among Riga’s most illustrious native sons and point of cultural exchange, where excellence currents in Latvian painting, photography, tional History Museum (Latvijas Nacionālais daughters one might mention the ballet star is more important than national origin. The design and multimedia art. vēstures muzejs).

14 15 Welcome to Riga 2014! 1914 was a year that changed the history of Europe, with the outbreak of the First The Latvian National Library during the Staro Rīga light Offering a new understanding of culture World War. An exhibition entitled 1914 will festival. Photo: Delfi. as a trigger for positive change, Riga be on view at the Arsenāls exhibition hall introduces itself as European Capital from 17 January. It will pull together art, of Culture for 2014 with its programme culture and history, bringing to life personal Force Majeure. stories through the eyes of both World War I and contemporary artists. There will be almost 200 events for Rigans and city visitors to enjoy during 2014. From the end of April until June, a The inauguration of the Force Majeure retrospective of works by Latvian-American programme will take place from 17-19 Abstract Realism artist Vija Celmiņš will January. Its central event will be a human be held at the Riga Bourse (Rīgas Birža), chain extending from the old National followed by a showing of more than 200 and opera stars from Latvia will perform In 2009, the Survival Kit festival of Library building in downtown Riga to the works by Soviet-Latvian Constructivist together on one stage at a gala concert contemporary art led to the establishment library’s sparkling new quarters on the artist Gustav Klucis – 22 August - Born in Riga on the 6th of July at the foot of various new creative initiatives and opposite bank of the Daugava River. 23 November. of the . creative quarters. This year, from 1-15 September, the event will feature art Among the major events inaugurating Also, in July, the National Library of exhibitions in unusual places, objects Riga’s year-long role as European Capital Latvia will organise a unique book placed in urban environments and creative of Culture is a multimedia concert exhibition entitled The Book 1514-2014, projects involving the public. presentation of Rienzi, an opera that covering the past 500 years of book- Richard Wagner began writing during printing history. The largest light festival in Northern the time that he lived in Riga Europe, Staro Rīga, takes place this year (1837-1839). An ancient amber trade route once linked from 14-18 November, offering an exciting the Baltic Sea with the Mediterranean and international programme of light and multi- Black Seas. Throughout the year, Riga’s media installations. inhabitants and their visitors will be able to follow the new Amber Way among the Whichever of the events you choose to Latvian capital’s museums and galleries. attend, be open-minded and prepared to experience the unexpected!

In addition, two completely new Latvian In 2014, Latvian festivals marking the operas will be presented. On 9 March, summer solstice and Midsummer’s Eve listeners will be treated to the premiere will be among the largest in all of Europe, performance of the opera Chess by with the main festivities taking place in Kristaps Pētersons. It is based on the life Riga and its partner city of Sigulda. story of one of Riga’s most famous sons, Mikhail Tal, who became the world chess July will host the largest number of champion in 1960. The life story of theatre musical performances in 2014. Among and film critic Valentīna Freimane inspired the highlights are the World Choir composer Arturs Maskats to write the Games from 9 to 19 July, up to 20,000 opera Valentīna, which will premiere on participants are expected, representing 30 September. 90 nations. Several world-class music

16 17 Annual events

Riga hosts a number of exciting, annual cultural events. Whatever the season, there is always something to see, hear or do on the Riga’s lively culture scene.

Nordea Riga Marathon Sinfonietta Riga

of the festival expand on what is a truly tend Riga’s annual Forest of Sound (Skaņu splendid cultural programme. Concerts mežs) untamed music festival. This inter- are staged by the most outstanding artists national event combines the latest develop- from Latvia and other countries. There are ments in contemporary culture with the theatrical performances, art exhibitions, most recent technological advances – in multimedia events, open-air performances, the form of experimental music and sound. as well as events for children. www.Rigasfestivals.lv A number of world class musical dreamers and dissidents have performed at the fes- Nordea Riga Marathon place once every five years and lasts an Riga Opera Festival tival over the years, to considerable critical Riga’s annual marathon has become an entire week. The Riga Opera Festival was one of the acclaim. increasingly popular sports event, drawing first large-scale opera festivals to be held www.skanumezs.lv thousands of participants from numerous Among the highlights of this monumen- in Northern Europe and has become an ea- countries. Runners of all ages course past tal event is a colourful procession of the gerly awaited, annual event by both Latvian White Night (Baltā nakts) cultural festival some of Riga’s most beautiful tourist spots celebration’s participants. Dressed in folk audience and opera-lovers from abroad. Partly because it is free and accessible to filling the atmosphere along the 42-kilome- costumes, some 30 000 performers file all the White Night (Baltā nakts) is one of tre race with a thrilling sense of exhilara- past thousands of more cheering onlookers Every summer, the festival marks the end the most popular annual cultural events tion. through the streets of the city. of the Latvian National Opera’s perfor- in Riga. Concentrating on contemporary mance season with an overview of the best forms of art it unites cultural enthusiasts of The majority of the participants actually The culmination of the celebration is the moments of the previous year, offering fans all ages, from children to senior citizens. choose to run much shorter distances – gala concert in Mežaparks. The electrify- a chance to relive their favourite scenes or either the mini marathon (5 km), the half ing atmosphere generated by thousands of see what they’ve missed. On this particular night – usually at the marathon (21 km), or the relay race (with singers and dancers on a single open-air beginning of September – exhibitions and four participants per team). This thrilling stage is a powerful, emotional experience The high quality of the opera’s productions performances to suit all tastes take place sports venue has taken place every year on that is not soon forgotten. The next Na- (including its innovative stage design) has in the strangest variety of places, includ- the third Sunday in May since 1991. tionwide Song and Dance Celebrations are been noted outside of the country, and has ing empty stores and abandoned factories, www.nordearigasmaratons.lv scheduled to take place in 2013 and 2018. helped the opera to attract brilliant guest as well as at more conventional exhibition www.dziesmusvetki.lv conductors and soloists to Riga. halls and clubs. Latvia’s Nationwide Song and Dance www.opera.lv Celebration Riga Festival Latvia’s White Night is part of the European The largest and most impressive cultural The Riga Festival is a major event that is Forest of Sound (Skaņu mežs) White Nights (Eiropas Baltās naktis) inter- festival in Latvia is the Nationwide Song organised in the Latvian capital city in June If you wish to get a taste of the latest in national cultural project. and Dance Celebration, which usually takes each year. Year after year, the organisers musical experimentation, make sure to at- www.baltanakts.lv

18 19 Latvian National Opera

Accommodation to suit all budgets and tastes

It is no secret that the hotel in which one stays leaves a lasting impression about the city that one is visiting. Sometimes an exploration of the hotel itself can turn out to be a voyage within a voyage.

Riga has a wide selection of look down on the peaceful serenity of the accommodations to suit all budgets and Esplanāde and Bastejkalns parks from the tastes – from luxury, royal class suites Radisson Blu Rīdzene Hotel. for demanding travellers, to charming, mid-range hotels for families with children, Dome Hotel & Spa in the very heart of Old Autumn Chamber Music Festival troacoustic compositions to large format to low-budget hostels for students and Riga boasts of the first green wall in the When the leaves begin to change colour in symphony and vocal symphony works. backpackers. city, as well as a rooftop terrace with one Latvia, music lovers can experience the au- World class performers and composers of the finest views of the Dome Cathedral. tumn spirit at the Autumn Chamber Music from other countries have also performed High-class Hotel Bergs is nestled within Nearby, Neiburgs Hotel operates from one Festival. The festival’s slogan, tête-à-tête, is at this unconventional event. the Berga Bazārs, a village-like enclave with of the most lavish Art Nouveau buildings in a nod towards the intimacy of the relation- www.arenafest.lv boutiques and restaurants built during the the city. ships between performers and the audi- 19 thcentury. Located on the site of a former ence. The Autumn Chamber Music Festival Staro Riga Light Festival cabbage-patch, it is now the best-known, Budget travellers have given consistently offers stunning performances of the world’s With the help of modern light and video five-star hotel in Riga, as well as a member favourable reviews to Riga’s hostels. most beloved chamber music compositions. technology the annual festival Staro Rīga of the Small Luxury Hotels of the World www.latvijaskoncerti.lv will present around one hundred outdoor alliance. Whatever your budget and tastes, you are installations - building lights, multimedia sure to find the accommodation that will Baltijas Pērle (Baltic Pearl) film festival projections in parks, on high-rise buildings Riga is one of the few European capital suit your needs in Riga. The strength of Baltijas Pērle is in its pro- and monuments. The play of light makes cities where one can enjoy magnificent gramme, especially its classic movies and the autumn drabness disappear and opens views of lush, green parks from the hotel retrospectives. However, it also features up a completely different view of the city. window during the summer months. “digests” of films that have recently tri- www.staro.lv You can opt for a bird’s-eye panorama of umphed in the great European film festivals the city’s rooftops and boulevards from at Cannes, Berlin and Venice. The festival “Christmas Tree Trail” Radisson Blu Hotel Latvija, or a close-up This original and artistic festival in an urban view of chess players honing their skills on The festival is the perfect venue for those environment is an exhibition of traditional the park benches of the Vērmanes Garden who wish to see the greatest treasures or completely avant-garde visions of the from Radisson Blu Elizabete Hotel, or discovered on the European festival circuit. Christmas tree. More than 20 outdoor in- Baltijas Pērle takes place every autumn stallations are copyright works by students www.balticpearl.lv of the Latvian Academy of Art or works by authors selected during the festival’s Arēna New Music Festival annual competition. The “Christmas Tree The annual Arēna New Music Festival seeks Trail” is a way to celebrate the legend of to provide live venues for musical works Riga as the capital of the first decorated that have been penned during the past few Christmas Tree. years, mainly by composers from Latvia. www.eglufestivals.lv The range of music performed at this Hotel Bergs Dome Hotel & SPA festival is very wide, ranging from elec-


Since its foundation more than 800 years ago, Riga has stood at a crossroads, as a meeting point for various nations and cultures. This is reflected in the diverse cuisine of Riga’s fine restaurants and makes Riga the gastronomic capital of the Baltics.

Kaļķu vārti

Bibliotēka No1 is one of the best no difficulty finding an eating establishment restaurants in Riga and the chef Māris that operates there. Jansons is a true maestro of contemporary Latvian cuisine. Wine lovers will enjoy the great selection of wines from Europe and New World in the Riga is also a place, where one can still very popular wine bars in Riga – Garage, encounter the authentic cuisine of the Vīna Studija and Tinto. former Soviet era. One first-rate, Soviet- Such local, Latvian food as herring, flounder obtained products, and blending the best style Armenian restaurant is located in a The restaurants with the best postcard and trout, pearl-barley and chanterelles, Latvian traditions with an inspiration that former residential flat. One of the very best panorama of Riga’s skyline are located seasonal fruits, vegetables and berries are knows no borders. Many prominent guests shashlik eateries in Riga offers superb, across the river in Ķīpsala. Fabrikas served under the inspiration of recipes have savoured his outstanding cuisine in skewered meat under the friendly eye of restorāns and restaurant Ostas skati both introduced from other countries, both near the restaurant Vincents, including Akihito, the Georgian proprietor and his family. offer a great, riverside view of the Old and far. the Emperor of Japan, Prince Charles and Town and port, with the scene changing singer Elton John. Clearly, the ambience that surrounds you continually, depending on the weather, Naturally, the real stars in the domain of while you enjoy your meal is almost as lighting and time of day. Further towards fine dining are the city’s master chefs. In the restaurant Kaļķu Vārti gourmet important as the food itself. In this regard, the end of the island, boats, yachts and One of the best-known virtuosos on Riga’s chef Raimonds Zommers is forging a bold, Riga also offers a wide array of venues to ships share the horizon with the majestic, gastronomic scene is Mārtiņš Rītiņš. new path for modern Latvian cooking, choose from. old Andrejsala power plant. Ducks, seagulls A passionate pioneer of the Slow Food combining time-honoured traditions with and other waterfowl add to the charm. movement in Latvia, Rītiņš makes a point worldly innovation and healthy eating. You may choose to dine on the shortest of using wholesome, seasonal and locally street in the Old Town, where you will have

22 23 Shopping in Riga

Shopping is an integral part of any voyage abroad, as well as a wonderful way to acquaint oneself with the place that one is visiting. Riga has a wealth of small, distinctive shops that offer first-rate souvenirs and gifts, many of them made right here in Latvia by local artists.



Look out for tastefully designed clothing becoming an increasingly popular event. among the best places to obtain such local, doors, offering French and Italian fashion and accessories, stylish jewellery, naturally gastronomic souvenirs as dark, rye bread, brand clothing and accessories, as well as made eco-cosmetics and contemporary, Riga’s vintage stores and antique shops hemp butter, homemade cottage cheese, more alternative brands for discriminate interior design items such as light fixtures offer a treasure trove of items from a smoked fish, natural honey and various consumers, at very affordable prices. The and decorative objects. bygone age, including religious icons and herbal teas, whose healing properties are city’s largest shopping centers carry a Soviet-era relics dating from the 1950’s to held in high regard by the local population. wide choice of wares for those in search Berga Bazārs is a great place to shop, a the 1980’s. of clothing, household or interior design city within a city in the very centre of Riga. As a leading European metropolis, Riga has items. Here you will find various, fine boutiques, One of the best ways to get the feel of the a large number of boutiques that offer a Latvian design traditions, like those in galleries, arcades, cafés and restaurants – place that you are visiting is by taking a wide selection of clothing and accessories Scandinavia, have an extended history. each with its own, special character. A trip to the local market. While a trip to the to suit all tastes and price ranges – from The renewal of Latvia’s independence in colorful farmers’ market, where only legendary Central Market is an experience the most popular, low - and mid - range 1991 was accompanied by an explosion of naturally grown, ecological food products by itself, there are also other, smaller designer brands to higher end, luxury creative activity in many areas, including are sold, takes place here on the second markets in the city where you can take in brands. During the past few years, factory fashion and design. and fourth Saturday of each month and is the lively atmosphere. The markets are outlet stores have also opened their

24 25 During the past few years, the rest of the that is natural. The shop sells all natural Health, wellness, spa and beauty services world has also begun to notice Latvia’s cosmetics produced in Latvia as well talented designers and innovative brands, as paper design items, pottery from Along with its traditional tourist attractions, Riga offers a full range which stand out with their originality and Latgale and porcelain from Piebalga; it is of health, wellness, spa and beauty services for the visitor. This is a high quality. characterized by pleasant atmosphere and city where you can experience chakra rebalancing with amber crystals, tasteful interior design. relaxing massages and water therapy sessions. RIIJA Also on offer: dishware made of glass A place not to be missed is the Latvian bottles, ecological toys (Oltes Toys, Patte), design and lifestyle barn RIIJA, a boutique linen textiles, ecological bedding products store in the heart of Riga with an eclectic from “Orgamint”, buckwheat pillows, and offering of products by Latvian designers much more. ESPA Riga ranging from refined washed linen bedding, Kungu street 7/9. towels and freestyle clothing to original furniture, tableware and lighting fixtures. A AMORALLE visit to RIIJA is an opportunity to discover AMORALLE turns a woman into a products crafted by Latvian designers that queen – high quality materials, lace and are elegant examples of the local lifestyle silk transform into luxurious stockings, and will leave you yearning to take them underwear and silk nightwear. All home as authentic gems unique to Latvia. accessories are made in Latvia and Tērbatas street 6/8. handcrafted. AMORALLE emphasizes the quality and modernity of its accessories – KLASE each model is made very carefully and Shop KLASE offers Latvian designer every year AMORALLE presents several leg clothing, shoes, bags and accessories wear and nightwear collections. for ladies, gentlemen and children, Brīvības street 71. (SockBox) distinguished by high quality. Collections are small, most things the shop offers ELĪNA DOBELE are unique, created in just one copy from Footwear idea cherished by Latvian natural materials such as linen, silk, cotton, designers – a design footwear atelier, where Some spas offer a unique mask treatment In the sphere of health tourism, many mohair, wool. original women and men shoes are made with naturally occurring mud that is foreign travelers are opting to have elective Elizabetes street 85a, in Bergs Bazaar. in limited edition. The footwear design is well known in the Baltic region for its procedures conducted in Riga, which is not based on endeavors to keep up with cleansing and revitalizing properties. These known for its highly qualified specialists HOBBYWOOL the mass fashion trends, but to experiment restorative and effective spa procedures and physicians, who routinely perform Latvia takes pride in long craftsmanship with the form and color not forgetting for the face and the body are tailored to complex, specialized surgeries such as joint traditions, including knitting and crochet. comfort of wearing. ELĪNA DOBELE is the the individual client and provide for a truly replacement, dental surgery and cosmetic Hobbywool offers qualitative wool and first design footwear atelier and label in the enjoyable experience, from which you will surgery, at affordable rates. Those who are hand-made woolen garments and shows Baltic States. feel pleasantly rejuvenated and ready to tired of wearing glasses or contact lenses that self-made woolen clothing can be Store ZoFa, Antonijas street 22 return to the frenzied pace of everyday life. often turn to Riga’s critically acclaimed stylish and visually attractive and that ESPA Riga and Taka SPA are an excellent eye clinics, which are among the best in knitting and crochet are an interesting choice to enjoy a SPA day in Riga. Northern Europe. The medical staff at hobby. Riga’s private practices is professional and Mazā Pils street 6. Riga also has some of the best hair attentive, as becomes high-quality clinics stylists and beauticians in Eastern Europe, that offer advanced services. Numerous Green studio PIENENE as an increasing number of visitors are appreciative clients from Scandinavia and Green studio “Pienene” (dandelion) discovering. elsewhere have returned home happy and symbolizes the beauty of Latvia and all satisfied.

26 27 Business tourism opportunities in Riga Finding the Right Place the planner and delegates an added sense Every meeting planner knows that finding of comfort and security. A PCO takes on the a talented and dependable Destination role of coordinator and consultant, and is Why choose the Latvian capital to host your next meeting? Quite simply, Management Company (DMC) or Professional responsible for logistics and administration in Riga is the perfect fit. The city is the right size for either small board Conference Organiser (PCO) is a critical the organisation and preparation of meetings. meetings, with only a handful of colleagues, or large conferences with component in the success of an international over a thousand participants – anyone can be easily accommodated. event. An excellent DMC or PCO must not only There are undoubtedly many advantages to offer a full–service operation, but must also working with a local DMC or Riga is compact enough to be traversed concert featuring a star musician. Conference have a complete understanding and passion PCO. But how do you go about finding a on foot, minimising travel times, and large facilities in Riga are fully equipped with for the destination. A DMC or PCO needs professional organisation with the expertise, enough to offer a variety of options for the latest high–tech equipment, including to provide imagination, expertise, creativity, adequate infrastructure, and staffing to venues and accommodations. These include broadband internet access and first–class and sometimes influence in order to carry provide you with exceptional service? Several not only a wide range of hotels – from catering services. And if you choose, you can out distinctive and exclusive programmes for research options are available to you, such classical masterpieces to boutique design even take your conference outside to one of meetings, congresses, and conferences. as professional association directories. Most hotels – but also many different types of the city’s verdant parks and gardens, which truly professional DMCs or PCOs belong conference facilities, with services available feature ample WiFi connections from outdoor But what exactly does a DMC do, and how to one of the associations mentioned in for competitive prices that are far lower than access points. In fact, sustainable conferences can you find the right onsite partner to act the section Service Suppliers – such as other cities in the region. are Riga’s specialty, as it is possible to walk as your “right arm” in Riga, Latvia? Most MEET RIGA, MPI, ICCA, SITE, and Euromic to and from almost all the venues in the city, DMCs provide a wide array of products and – or belong to a globally recognised travel This sheer variety is an essential aspect minimising your carbon footprint, or to stay in services that will meet and, ideally, exceed management company like American Express of Riga, and draws thousands of travellers an eco–friendly Green–Key hotel, protecting your delegates’ needs. Services cover Travel, Carlson Wagonlit, HRG, and BCD. from around the globe every month. These the planet’s resources. You can even cater logistical roles ranging from meet and greet, According to Latvian legislation, DMCs and visitors take advantage of the quick and your events with fresh, organic products from transportation services, local tours, and PCOs must have a license that is equal to full easy connections to Riga, with direct flights the city’s farmers’ markets, enjoying the full day trips to booking of hotels, conference travel agency services. When searching for from almost a hundred international cities bounty of the Latvian nature. venues, catering companies, AV, florists, a DMC or PCO, check the list of suppliers on and daily ferry service from Stockholm. customised programmes, theme events, our website. In Riga, visitors appreciate the stunning Of course, you can also appreciate Latvian and entertainment. Acting as a cultural range of architectural styles and the rich, nature up close, by hosting your meetings or liaison, a good DMC can also provide its local For more information see multicultural heritage bestowed by the city’s conferences in a rustic settings during any knowledge at the registration desk, giving www.MeetRiga.com eight– hundred–year history. This has helped of the region’s four distinct seasons. Latvia turn the modern–day city into a vibrant is filled with glittering blue lakes and swiftly cosmopolitan capital, home to a variety of flowing rivers, and has more than five hundred residents and a wealth of different features. kilometres of pristine coastline. Meetings or Your meeting can also benefit from this conferences can be organised at any of these diversity, as it is possible to organise your countryside locations, in any season. And after board meeting, conference, kick–off event, a long day of meetings, you can take your and gala dinner in settings from various employees for a seaside picnic to sample local historical periods – from medieval castles culinary delicacies, or offer a day of fishing or in the countryside, to opulent Baroque boating in the gulf as a much–deserved break ballrooms in Old Riga, to Soviet–themed from their everyday routine. These events can events in historic Communist–era spaces. then be followed up with a short ride back to Riga and a sumptuous dinner at one of the Whatever kind of event you choose, Riga’s city’s fine gourmet restaurants – a contrast in experienced conference experts will help settings that perfectly exemplifies the diversity Radisson Blue Hotel Latvija youHotel plan Bergsit down to the last detail, be it a of milieusDome Hotel and the& SPA variety of offerings that gourmet dinner in a country manor or a gala define this fascinating, ever–changing city.

28 29 Active leisure for the whole family

One of Riga’s most attractive features is its proximity to scenic, unspoiled, natural landscapes. Refreshingly green parks and gardens, lush, pine forests and white, sandy beaches can all be reached within a half-hour from the city centre.

Riga Boats

plans to celebrate its 100th anniversary Old Town, in the Mārupe suburb of Riga, in 2012. Home to some 2500 different here a genuinely rural setting is entered, animals, the zoo is particularly proud of its which one can enjoy either on horseback, four, graceful Rothschild giraffes, which live by sleigh or by carriage. in one of the most modern giraffe houses in Europe. Zirgzandales offers horseback riding excursions to the swamps and peat bogs of Not far away, Lake Ķīšezers beckons to Mārupe and Olaine, which are home to the those who are fond of swimming and other largest colony of migrating cranes in the water sports. You can also explore the Riga area. Chances are that you may also shoreline by rowboat. spot some of the local wildlife such as deer, fox, rabbit and wild boar along the way. The Latvian Open-Air Ethnographic Museum on the shores of Lake Jugla is During the summer months, you have a one of the oldest in Europe. Open year- unique opportunity to see Riga from an There are also plenty of opportunities for The massive, forest park named round, it offers the visitor a fascinating unusual point of view by taking a canoe active leisure during the winter months, Mežaparks, with its fragrant pine trees glimpse of Latvia’s cultural and architectural trip along the Riga Canal or Daugava River. with outdoor skating rinks and cross- and numerous footpaths, is a popular history, as well as a unique trip through The canoe rental facility Riga Boats is country ski trails located right in the city recreational destination for pedestrians, centuries past. As you amble through located in Andrejsala where anyone can itself. One can even go on horseback riding cyclists and roller skaters, as well as dozens of traditional, farming and fishing hire two-person canoes for a trip on Riga’s excursions across the snow-covered fields families with children. Its rural feel can homesteads, you can visit a number waterways. of Mārupe. make one easily forget that Riga’s city of craftsmen’s workshops and try your centre is just a few kilometres away. If you hand at weaving or pottery. No trip to the You can also take a scenic boat trip on the One of the best ways to get a feel of don’t feel like walking, then you can breeze museum is complete without a short ride Darling, which travels beneath 15 bridges. Latvia’s capital city is by bicycle. Baltic through the park grounds on a ride vehicle on the ground’s traditional, Latvian wooden The trip begins at Bastejkalns, a park at the Bike’s bicycle rental centres are located that serves the park’s visitors. swing. edge of Old Riga near the Powder Tower. in various parts of the city, which makes Behind the Newlyweds’ Bridge is Riga’s cycling excursions particularly convenient. A playground, amusement rides, The Zirgzandales Horseback Riding largest waterfall (not very large, in fact, You can start your bicycle trip in one part trampolines and toy cars are sure to Centre provides a radical change of scene but pretty all the same), followed by the of the city and drop off your rented bike in provide hours of fun for the park’s younger for those who have spent the day working Freedom Monument, the National Opera another. visitors, as will the nearby , which in the city. Located only 14 km from the and one’s first glimpse of the Daugava River

30 31 Jūrmala and its white, sandy beaches during the winter months, the city’s beach, Jūrmala has long been a favourite vacation sand dunes and forests remain a favourite spot for those with a creative bent. Many Jūrmala is one of the finest resort towns in Northern Europe and can destination for cross-country skiers. Ice famous authors, poets, painters and be reached in only 20 to 40 minutes by road or by rail from the centre of sculpture festivals are also occasionally composers have spent their summers here, Riga. Its white, sandy beaches, pine-covered forests, mineral springs and held, and one of the favourite sights at the providing an additional impetus to the city’s naturally occurring, medicinal mud has made it a favourite tourist and end of winter, if it has been cold enough, is active, cultural scene. Exhibitions of all spa destination since the late 1700’s. the huge mounds of ice formations driven kinds regularly take place at the Jūrmala to shore by the wind from the sea. In the City Museum. The Dzintaru outdoor springtime, the budding willow catkins in concert hall hosts musical performances all the dunes along the beach are suretime summer long. The New Wave music festival harbingers of Easter and the upcoming, is a major event that draws pop stars summer season. from all over the world. The Summertime international music festival is organised Jūrmala is well-known for its sanatoriums by Latvia’s most famous opera diva Inese and spa centres, which offer a number of Galante, bringing together an entire pleiade wellness and health procedures, including of opera and jazz virtuosos, chamber music hot baths in mud that is locally obtained singers and instrument soloists. Academic and said to have healing, medicinal music concerts are regularly held at the properties. Lutheran church in Dubulti, while literature buffs can visit the memorial museum Architecturally, Jūrmala is home to a great devoted to Latvia’s most famous literary number of beautiful villas built at the couple, the poets Rainis and Aspazija. turn of the 20th century. Many of these residences were built of wood in the Art The pedestrian walkway on Jomas iela is Nouveau (Jugendstil) style, including its lined with stores, restaurants and cafes, National Romanticism branch. Various and is a popular summer destination. The centrepiece of Jūrmala is its legendary or within close walking distance. Kite and elements of Classicism, Historicism, Forest park of Dzintari Dzintaru Mežaparks beach, a 26-kilometre stretch of pristine, wind surfers usually gather further west Functionalism and other architectural is an ideal location for family trips, with white sand that is bordered by numerous from the city centre at the beach section in styles are also evident. The itineraries for various facilities, that are particularly suited cafes, restaurants, hotels, health spas and Pumpuri. nine, different walking tours of this resort for children. private villas. The sandy relief also extends town can be accessed in the Jūrmala city around the city’s southern border along the The Jūrmala beach and its dunes are a website: www.tourism.jurmala.lv, as well as As a sports, vacation, recreation, tourism shores of the Lielupe River, where boating, great place to relax and sunbathe. The wet, at the city’s Tourism Information Centre on and cultural centre, Jūrmala is a seaside sailing, fishing and other water sports stretch of sand along the waterfront is firm Lienes iela 5. resort that is well worth the visit. activities take place. and hard, making it suitable for extended walks and bicycle rides along the seashore. The portion of the beach running through the Jaunķemeri and Majori sections of During the windy spring and autumn the city is Blue Flag certified, meaning seasons, the impressive sight of white- that it conforms to strict water and safety capped waves crashing into the shoreline standards. It is staffed by lifeguards during recalls the untamed forces of nature at work. the summer season and is equipped with Once the storms have subsided, amber playgrounds, benches, football fields, seekers scour the beachfront in the hopes volleyball courts, pedal boat rental centres of finding pieces of this unique, yellowish and changing stalls. A number of cafes and stone washed up along the coastline. restaurants are located right by the beach Although there are less visitors to Jūrmala

32 33 SIGULDA THRILLS in Latvia - Turaida Museum Reserve is elsewhere, however a wide range of musical located with exhibitions, which tell of the performance can be enjoyed in Sigulda. Sigulda offers breathtaking mountain slopes for those seeking events in Latvia and in the Baltic States, th adrenaline. Sigulda pleases with long exciting journeys into the past. starting from the 11 century. Capital of adventures Hosting a wide range of different unique Sigulda plays emotionally exciting musical events for different tastes. Go explore the nature! attractions, Sigulda is a capital of A great part of Sigulda area includes adventures. Whether it would be mankind’s the Gauja National Park – biggest and age-old dream of flying or devotion to the oldest in Latvia. It was established in 1973 true joys of winter, Sigulda has made every in order to protect the flora and fauna effort to provide exhilarating activities for biodiversity. If you want to get closer to every traveller. Are you ready for it? Vertical nature, the Gauja National Park offers wind tunnel “Aerodium”, bungee jumping exciting routes with a variety of travelling from the cable car, adventure parks, modes. You can go walking, you can ride a bobsleigh and luge track that are open for bike, and you can choose the boat or go for tourists and a lot more adventures – only a Nordic walk and discover the best sights. one hour drive from Riga!

Sigulda - a partner of Riga in the status of www.tourism.sigulda.lv the European Capital of Culture of 2014 Music likes to revisit here. It is not known whether it is the proximity of the Gauja, intoxicating blossoming of the bird- cherry or all of it together including the time itself that has a calmer pace than

Turaida Castle

Situated on both banks of the ancient when the tribes of Balts and Livs fought valley of the Gauja River, Sigulda is one of with the German crusaders, Sigulda has the most beautiful cities in Latvia. It has boasted of exciting legends and mighty enticed visitors from all over the world castles, which are situated in the distance to see the breathtaking view across the of a cannon shot from each other. Related valley with their own eyes and discover the events unfold the story of the 13th century, unique attractions that are situated in large when as a result of the collision of interests numbers at close range all over Sigulda and of the Bishop of Riga and the Order of the its surroundings for centuries. Brothers of the Sword, each of the banks of the river Gauja became the possession of Exciting legends and mighty castles a different party. Nowadays Sigulda castle If you wish to be carried away by history, tells the story of Livonian Order, but in Sigulda is the right place. Since the time Turaida Castle the most popular museum

34 35 How to Weather the Seasons in Riga at the foot of Bastejkalns, which once was these two occasions. A visit to the “flower part of the city’s fortification system, to row” at the beginning of Tērbatas iela, a One of the myths about Latvia is that it is extremely cold in watch fireworks being shot from its highest place the locals call Saktas puķu tirdziņš, winter; too damp and windy in spring and autumn, rainy and point. will leave you amazed at the sheer number cool in summer. All that may be the case, but certainly not and variety of flowers sold, not to mention every year. Seeing how there is a substantial gap the fact that buying and selling is going on between the winter holiday season and the twenty-four hours a day, year round. Rigans one that comes in spring, our ancestors in need their flowers to be always available: their wisdom devised Meteņi, a carnival-like flowers are used to complement birthday festival that celebrates the end of winter and and house-warming presents, to express is remotely related to Mardi Gras, Fasching, love and condolences, to thank someone, Christmas market in Livu Square and other such festivals elsewhere in the to make a statement, or for no reason at all. world, albeit much smaller in its scale. In Riga these days, Meteņi is primarily As the high point of the Latvian year, when celebrated at the Open-Air Museum, where Jāņi, or Midsummer’s Night, rolls around, the local folk music bands lead the singing the flower row is supplemented by a busy and dancing in an environment that offers a market in Dome Square. In addition to window to the past. wildflowers, which are abundant in late June in Latvian fields and meadows, one can also Many Rigans, especially those with small taste the traditional Jāņi foods: the round children, return to the Open-Air Museum caraway cheese, home baked bread, and at Easter time when there is more beer. Men (especially if their name happens music, singing and dancing as well as to be Jānis, the Latvian equivalent to John) the traditional egg rolling competitions, can purchase oak leaf wreaths and women swinging on large wooden swings (to those made of daisies, bluebells, and clover. prevent mosquitoes from biting in the Wearing these gifts of nature on your head summer – an important precaution to take), will make you fit right in with Jāņi revellers. and the opportunity to peruse local crafts In Riga the festival is celebrated in various and sample local foods. parks, especially those with some elevation (the better to greet the rising sun around Of all the Soviet-era holidays, only one four in the morning) or by a body of water really survives (though unofficially), and that can beautifully reflect your Jāņi bonfire that is the International Women’s Day on and allow you to take a refreshing dip in the the 8th of March, a holiday that Mother’s water at dawn, all part of the ritual. Day, observed a couple of months later, has not quite replaced. On this day, one If not before Jāņi, then as a rule after, the can observe worried-looking men scurrying water is warm enough for swimming in We also get mild winters and sweltering season, any weather, and our festivities about with flowers, cakes, and bottles of the Gulf of Riga as well. Many Rigans exit summers, long sunny autumns and warm – both traditional and recently developed – sparkling wine all purchased in hopes to the city for the summer, some moving springs. Since we never know what to are of great help throughout the year. woo or placate some female being or other. just a few kilometres west to Jūrmala, expect, our life is never dull. It is true that The other time associated with streets Latvia’s prime seaside resort, which is about half of each year is quite dark here, We start the year as people who follow virtually blooming with flowers is 1st of easily accessible by train, taxi, or car. This with precious few daylight hours, but then the Gregorian calendar do all over the September, the traditional beginning of the is the season for picnics and those without there is summer when the sun hardly goes world: rushing in the New Year with a lot school year, when schoolchildren present summer cottages can find places to make down at all. Be that as it may, we have of merriment and noise. In recent years, flowers to their teachers. This, however, a bonfire and grill some meat practically learned to adjust and make the best of any Rigans gather near the Freedom Monument does not mean that flowers appear only on within city limits.

36 37 Address List Concept and design As the summer draws to a close and with imaginative displays, many of them Arsenāls Exhibition Hall, Torņa iela 1 Riga Tourism Development Bureau schoolchildren and university students the work of professional artists placed Berga Bazārs, the quarter between Marijas iela, Dzirnavu iela and Kungu iela 3, LV - 1050, Rīga Elizabetes iela E-mail: [email protected] start drifting back to the city, Riga throughout the city and illuminating it Bibliotēka No1, Tērbatas iela 2 www.LiveRiga.com celebrates , a festival that was throughout and New Year’s. Blachead’s House, Rātslaukums 7 (Town Hall Square) Text: www.anothetravelguide.com City Days Christmas Brethren Cemetery, Aizsaules iela 1b th launched at Riga’s 800 anniversary in Central Market, Nēģu iela 7 Latvian Tourism Development Agency 2001 and has gained in popularity ever As elsewhere in the world, the holiday City Hall, Rātslaukums 1 (Town Hall Square) Brivibas iela 55, LV-1519 Riga, Latvia Daile Theatre, Brīvības iela 75 Tel: +371 67 22 99 45 since. One of the highlights of the festival season really begins in late November as Dome Hotel & SPA, Miesnieku iela 4 Fax: +371 67 35 81 28 is the competition among companies Christmas markets are being set up and ESPA Riga, Baznīcas iela 4a E-mail: [email protected] Etnographic Open Air Museum, Brīvības gatve 440 www.tava.gov.lv in the fireworks business: the prize for large Christmas trees lit throughout the city. Fabrika restaurant, Balasta dambis 70 www.latvia.travel the lucky winner is the opportunity to Garage, Elizabetes iela 83/85 Berga Bazārs www.greetingsfromlatvia.lv Hotel Bergs, Elizabetes iela 83/85 Bergs Bazaar www.vimeo.com/channels/latviatravel th provide fireworks on 18 of November This yearly calendar of seasonal holidays, Hotel Neiburgs, Jauniela 25/27 when Latvia celebrates its independence festivals and celebrations shows how Kaļķu vārti, Kaļķu iela 11 Photography credits: Kalnciema iela quarter, Kalnciema iela 35 Cover photo Aleksandrs Kendenkovs and statehood, both established in 1918. nimbly Rigans accommodate and adjust kim?, Maskavas iela 12/1 Pages 5, 8 (Laima Clock, Sakta Flower Market), 15, 19, 21, Prior to this national holiday, Rigans mark to the burdens and pleasures of a year Latvian Academy of Arts, Kalpaka bulvāris 13 www.anothetravelguide.com Latvian Academy of Sciences, Akadēmijas laukums 1 Pages 3, 6, 8 (Vērmanes Garden), 10, 13, 20, 36, 38 Romualds the anniversary of the Latvian armed that ranges from those dark, inclement Latvian National History Museum, Pils laukums 3 Salcevičs . This dark November night is less so conditions of winter to the luscious, bright Latvian National Museum of Art, K.Valdemāra iela 10a Page 7 Ilmārs Znotiņš forces Latvian National Opera, Aspazijas bulvāris 3 Page 9 Kristaps Kalns because of the hundreds and thousands of bounty of spring and summer. With every Museum of Occupation of Latvia, Strēlnieku laukums 1 (Raiņa Page 11 Jānis Dripe candles lit alongside the Riga Castle wall season marked off by one or more holidays bulvāris 7 during renovation) Page 11 Jānis Dripe Museum of Art “Riga Bourse”, Doma laukums 6 Page 14 Riga Bourse and floated down the river. A week later and festivals, a visit any time of year is well Ostas skati restaurant, Matrožu iela 15 Page 17 Delfi.lv the annual festival of lights is launched rewarded. Radisson Blu Hotel Elizabete, Elizabetes iela 73 Page 18 Nords Event Communications Radisson Blu hotel Latvija, Elizabetes iela 55 Page 22 Riga Tourism Developmentu Bureau Riga Art Space, Kungu iela 3 Page 23 Kaļķu vārti Riga Castle, Pils laukums 3 Page 24 RIIJA Riga Motor Museum, Eizenšteina iela 6 Page 25 Pienene Riga Museum of History and Navigation, Palasta iela 4 Page 29 “Viesnīca Latvija” Riga Zoo, Meža prospekts 1 Page 30 www.rigaslaivas.lv RIIJA, Tērbatas iela 6/8 Pages 31, 32, 33 Jūrmala City Council St.Peter’s Church, Skārņu iela 19 Pages 34-35 Sigulda Tourism Development Agency Taka SPA, Kronvalda bulvāris 3a Tinto, Elizabetes iela 61 The Dome Hotel & SPA, Miesnieku iela 4 Three Brothers Complex, Mazā Pils iela 19 Vincents restaurant, Elizabetes iela 19 Vīna Studija, Elizabetes iela 10 and Stabu 30

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Midsummer market in Dome Square

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38 39 www.LiveRiga.com www.latvia.travel