Submarine Warfare in the North Atlantic, 1942-44 Convoy Battles During the Most Decisive Stages of Influence Game Play Have Been Indicated on the Map

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Submarine Warfare in the North Atlantic, 1942-44 Convoy Battles During the Most Decisive Stages of Influence Game Play Have Been Indicated on the Map strictly a solitaire game in which a single Player [3.0] GAME EQUIPMENT controls both of the opposing forces. During the game, the Player, representing the U·boat [3.1) THE GAME MAP Command, maintains complete control over the The 22" x 34" mapsheet portrays the expanse of U·boat force while the Allied convoy and anti· the North Atlantic Ocean between the Canadian submarine forces are operated according to a coast on the western ext~mity, and the European strictly defined set of rules. These rules prescribe coastline (primarily the British Isles) near the exactly how the Allied units move and engage in eastern mapedge. Various land formations anti· submarine combat. A total of four scenarios, includlng parts of Greenland and Iceland as well I: each a separate game, allow the Player to simulate as a number of graphic distinctions which Submarine Warfare in the North Atlantic, 1942-44 convoy battles during the most decisive stages of influence game play have been indicated on the map. These will be explained in the appropriate Copyright © 1974, Simulations Publications, Inc., New York, NY the Battle of the Atlantic. Various optional rules are included by whIch the Player may examine the rules sections. A numbered hexagon grid is 1.0 INTRODUCfION 13.0 U·BOAT PACKS effects of the increasing technology implemented superimposed on the mapsheet to regularize the 2.0 GENERAL COURSE OF PLAY 13.1 How U·boat Packs are Formed and Organized or being developed by both sides during the course movement and position of the Playing pieces and 3.0 GAME EQUIPMENT 14.0 COMBAT of the war. to delineate the various terrain features located on 3.1 The Game Map 14.1 U·boat Combat the map. 3.2 The Playing Pieces 14.2 U·boat Combat Results Table [3.2) THE PLAYING PIECES 3.3 Definition of Terms 14.3 Straggling of Convoys Two differently colored sets of playing pieces 3.4 Game Charts and Tables 14.4 Anti·Submarine Combat (henceforth known as units) are supplied. The 3.5 Game Equipment Inventory 14.5 Pinning of U·boats units represent the various individual U·boats and 3.6 Game Scale 14.6 How To Use [2.0] GENERAL COURSE U·Boat "packs", convoys, and naval and air The Victory Points/Tonnage Sunk Track 4.0 SEQUENCE OF PLAY OF PLAY anti·submarine forces which contested the North 4.1 The Game·Turn· 15.0 THE SCENARIOS Atlantic convoy battles. The opposing forces for 4.2 Sequence Outline 15.1 How To Set·Up and Play the Game Wolfpack is a solitaire game in which the single each scenario are composed by selecting units from 15.2 How To Use the Table of Initial Forces 5.0 WEATHER Player controls both of the opposing forces within those provided on the unit sheet. It is ,suggested 15.3 Initial Deployment of Allied Air Groups 5.1 Fog and Storm Formation the restrictions of the appropriate rul,es. At the that the Player sort and store these units by type 5.2 Storm Movement 15.4 Initial Deployment of U·boat Units proper time each force's units are moved and used and color. This greatly facilitates setting up the 15.5 Initial Preparation of Allieli Convoys 5.3 Fog in combat so as to enhance that force's chance of game. The playing pieces are distinguished by SA Fog and Storm Effects 15.6 Use of Dummy Units fulfilling its Victory Conditions and therby type, strength, and mobility or range, as 6.0 GENERAL MOVEMENT 15.7 Use of Randomizer Chits winning the game. In general, the Player's represented by various numbers and symbols 6.1 How To Move 'Units 15.8 Special First Game·Tum Rules objective (as the German U·boat Command) is to printed on their faces. German units are gray. 6.2 Movement Inhibitions and Prohibitions 16.0 VlCfORY CONDmONS disrupt the Allied sea communications by sinking Allied units are green. Note: Because the 6.3 Y·Boat Movement 16.1 How To Determine Victory the largest possible volume of Allied merchant distinguishing characteristics printed on the unit 7.0 CONVOY MOVEMENT 16.2 Level of Victory Table tonnage while conserving the U·boat force to the faces are not universally used, the Player should 7.1 Convoy Composition 17.0 OPTIONAL RULES greatest possible degree. Hindering the Player, the carefully study the Summary of Unit Types (3.22) 7.2 Convoy Types 17.1 Early Introduction Of Allied anti·submarine forces operate so as to The German "Schnorkel" Device to familiarize himself with the various symbols 7.3 Initial Placement and Destinations of Convoys reduce the U·boat force and thereby diminish the 17.2 Early Introduction Of The used and the context of a given symbol on a 7.4 How To Move Convoys Revolutionary Type XXI U·boat Player's chance for achieving a German Victory. particular unit type. 7.5 Convoy Movement Inhibitions and Prohibitions 17.3 Free Deployment of Allied Air Groups 7.6 Convoy Movement and Searches During the game, in the appropriate Phases, the [3.21) SAMPLE UNITS 17.4 Strengthened Allied Air Commitment moves the units of the Phasing Force 8.0 ZONES OF CONTROL To The U·Boat War Player attempting to. Jiight and execute attacks against 9.0 STACKING 17.5 Increased U·boat ·Production German U-Boa~Unit Identity 9.1 Effect on Movement 18.0 GAME NOTES Enemy units, To move from one hex to another 9.2 Effect on Facing 18,1 Player's Notes each unit expends a portion of its Movement Unit Symbol ~ 9.3 Effect on Searches 18.2 Developer's Notes Allowance. Two different types of combat arise 9A Effect on ' Combat 19.0 DESIGN CREDITS during the game. U·boat attacks against merchant Combat Strength Movement Allowance 9.5 Stacking Position and Unit Types convoys are resolved by ' comparing the total attacking U·boat Combat Strength to the attacked 10.0 FACING German Pack Facing 10.1 Units Without Facing convoy's escorting Combat Strength and express· U·Boat Pack (each arrow ing the comparison as a difference' between 11.0 AIR GROUPS represents attacker and defender which is termed the Combat 11.1 How Air Groups are Deployed [1.0] INTRODUCTION Pack Name six U·Boats) Differential. Anti·submarine attacks are resolved 11.2 Ranges of Air Groups Wolfpack is an historical simulation ofthe decisive by totalling the number of Combat Strength points 11.3 How Air Groups Conduct Air Searches North Atlantic conflict of World War II in which Combat Strengtli Movement Allowance attacking a particular group of U·boats. In, both 11A How Air Groups Escort Convoys the German U·Boat "packs" preyed on. Allied types of combat a Randomizer Chit is drawn and 12.0 SEARCH . merchant convoys and almost succeeded in AllIed Convoy JljNS-6 Convoy Identity 12.1 Picket Seach (U·boats Searching for Convoys) the Chit Number is cross· indexed 'on the severing Britain's vital sea communications with appropriate column of either the U·boat or 12.2 Submarine Search . North America . "democracy's arsenal". Unit Symbol ... (Naval Escort Units Searching for U·boats) Anti·submarine Combat Results Table. The .·4 12.3 Submarine Search Table As the convoy system functioned defensively indicated outcome is then immediately applied to 12.4 How To Use the U·boat Sighting Markers against offensive U·boat operations, Wolfpack is the defending unit(s). Facing Symbol Movement Allowance 2 identical and follow one another until the game is AllIed Escort $EG-3 Unit Identity ended. (Exception: see Special First Game-Turn Unit Symbol ~ 1-. ~ [§ rules. ~ [4.2) SEQUENCE OUTLINE Combat Strength Facing Symbol Eastbound Support Group lB Game-Turn Indicator Randomizero Chit As Wolfpack is a solitaire game there is only one Westbound Support Group Player who is referred to as "the Player". A [3.3) DEFINITION OF TERMS Air Point Unit Symbol complete game of Wolfpac:k lasts fifteen ~ COMBAT STRENGTH is the basic offensive and Game·Turns. Each Game·Turn is composed of the ~ defensive power of a unit quantified in Combat following Phases and Segments. Range~ ICVj;'1 Strength Points. ~ 3-. A. CONVOY INITIAL PLACEMENT PHASE. Eastbound Escort Carrier MOVEMENT ALLOWANCE is the basic The Player places the convoy with the lowest Westbound Escort Carrier movement ability of a unit quantified in Movement identity number which is not already on the map [3.22) SUMMARY OF UNITS Points. In most cases a unit expends one onto the appropriate Initial Placement Hex. The German Units Movement Point of its total Movement Allowance Initial Placement Hex for all HX and SC convoys is for each hex it enters. hex 110701. The Initial Placement Hex for all ONS A B RANGE ALLOWANCE is the maximum number and ON convoys is hex /I 1237. W Vorhut East or Westbound Dummy !:scort of hexagons from a given airbase at which an Air 7-6 Group may search for. or attack sighted U-boats. B. WEATHER PHASE. The Weather Phase is L!!J AllIed Air Units composed of three segments. Single U-Boat Six Boat Pack FACING SYMBOL indicates the front of a unit I. Storm Movement Segment. The Player for search and movement purposes. draws one Randomizer Chit and compares the AA u PACK SYMBOL indicates the size of a particular Chit Number to the Storm and Convoy Move­ Dranger Hai [1J [!] U-boat pack. Each "pip" in the Pack Symbol ment Table to determine the direction in which 15-6 24-6 indicates the presence of six individual U-boats.
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