UTU News. June2008
Volume 4 0 June 2008 N u m b e r 6 www.utuia.org www.utu.org The Official Publication of the United Transportation Union News and Notes U.S. rail members ratify Accidents take members Three UTU members – Eli A. Locklear, James Wilson, and David C. Goolsby – have U T U national agre e m e n t been killed in separate incidents. By overwhelming margins within each craft, “ A d d i t i o n a l l y,” said Futhey, “the UTU was L o c k l e a r, 46, a CSX conductor and member of Local 1011 at Hamlet, N.C., was killed May members of the United Transportation Union the only union to gain continuation of a COLA, 26 when he was crushed by tons of coal while have ratified a new national rail agreement beginning in 2010, while a new agreement is unloading a train. He was part of a two-person covering wages, rules and being negotiated. The COLA put crew that was unloading a 97-car train at working conditions. some $7 more per day in members’ Progress Energ y ’s Weatherspoon Plant when he The ratified agreement is pockets while we were at the nego- either fell or was pulled down into the coal. retroactive to Jan. 1, 2005, tiating table this round. Wilson, 35, a UP conductor and member and remains in force through “ We also retained, undis- of Local 923 in Dalhart, Texas, was riding on Dec. 31, 2009. turbed, our locally negotiat- top of a train car that was being pushed in an Amarillo, Texas, yard when he fell and was “In the face of recurring ed crew-consist agreements, hit by the train.
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