Soundscreen Design Snapshot Status Update: 040511

General Sales / New Releases • Q2 Sales Overview o Q2f11 was a strong quarter, with our best January and February on record. Year over year, we are up 72% from f10. . WEA sales were up significantly, with February showing the highest month total to date at $7131. • Top Sellers - Vinyl is Forever 04 (custom for Urban Outfitters), various 2010 Collection designs, Touchable Sound, and Rock Paper Show. . Direct wholesale sales were steady, with new accounts opening regularly. • Top Sellers – Touchable Sound, various 2010 Collection designs, Musician as Designer Tʼs, AMJʼs, Vinyl is Forever 05. . d2c sales saw a drop-off from Q1 highs, but remain steady. • Top Sellers – AMJʼs, Messenger Bag, various 2010 Collection designs, Touchable Sound o We offered its first eBooks via iBooks / iTunes on March 16th. o For the month of March, Soundscreen Design had a store-within-a-store at Giant Robot 2 in Los Angeles. o Strong international orders from Japan, UK, , and New Zealand.

• WEA o Vinyl is Forever Edition 05 is now available via WEA. . Limited in quantity, and already with many cut-outs, this represents the final VIF installment.

o Soundscreen Design products were prominently featured in the Six Sounds exhibit in Austin, TX, for SXSW. o Priority products for April . VIF ED 05 (out now) • Designed by The Post Family (Chicago), and available in limited supply. . 2010 Collection (all parts and designs) • Specifically, due to new release activity, priority designs should be: o TV on the Radio (new album 4.12) o (touring through May) o , TV on the Radio and HEALTH confirmed for Fest 2011. . Touchable Sound / Rock Paper Show • Focus on Record Store Day tie-ins o Both Rock Paper Show and Touchable Sound were placed on deal for RSD2011.

• SSD Webstore o Various d2c exclusives were given priority on the site, including: . LP Messenger Bag • 150 made in first run • Holds 7-10 LPʼs in a fortified pocket for safe transport

. Artist Music Journal # 12 • From EYE (of Japanʼs Boredoms) • The final installment in Volume One of the small art book series

. Musician as Designer Series • New installments feature: o Lucky Dragons / Sadie Laska of Growing / Justin Pearson of Locust / All Leather / Tim Cohen of Fresh and Onlys (l-r)

. Steady sales on back catalog items such as ReFRAME, the Rockinʼ Alphabet Kids Books, and various 2009 Collection designs.

• SSD Direct Wholesale Highlights o New account highlights include: . Area Kids (kids books) . Concrete Hermit (AMJʼs / Rock Paper Show / Touchable Sound / kids books) . Lolllipop Shoppe (AMJʼs / Rock Paper Show / Touchable Sound / kids books) . Aquarius Records (AMJʼs / Touchable Sound) . Carrot Top Distribution (AMJʼs / Touchable Sound) o Prospect database updated with over 100 new entries, for outreach over the coming months. o Begun development of a bike-related retail database for LP Messenger Bag outreach.

Upcoming Releases • Road to Rock o Road to Rock is a hilarious childrenʼs colouring book, documenting the story of fictional 80ʼs hair metal band, Jet Vegas. Follow their meteoric rise to stardom, from the garage to the stage, the pizza parlor to the top of a volcano, the recording studio to the top of the rock & roll world. Watch your kidʼs imagination come to life as they color their way through the story, transforming Mike, Bud, Randall and Ella into the rock legends they are destined to become. Road to Rock is witty and exciting, fun for both parent and child. o The book will come in both physical form, as well as an iPad only coloring App. o Look for an early Summer release date (tbd)

• 2011 Collection o Background . On the heels of our 2010 Collection, which featured 5 up and coming designers and 10 exceptional bands (including Yeah Yeah Yeahs, TV on the Radio, Atlas Sound, Animal Collective, Band of Horses and more), and driven by the same desire for impeccably designed, quality band apparel, Soundscreen Design approached the insanely talented Gordon Harrison Hull, Founder and current NYC Creative Director of the international fashion house / creative agency Surface to Air to create the 2011 Collection. o Concept . Imagine the traveling music festival of your dreams, where time stops and bands of old and new share the stage at an all day event in your town. For the this collection, Gordon will create a fictitious music festival featuring 8 bands, creating both individualized apparel items for each as well as a line to commemorate the festival itself. For example, we will be doing posters, tʼs, and other items branded for the festival and featuring the roster of performing artists. We are also exploring the inclusion of a digital mix tape, to be made available for download with each item purchased. o Look for a late Summer release date (tbd)