Spellenverzameling Christine & Bart

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Spellenverzameling Christine & Bart Spellenverzameling Christine & Bart update 29/01/2009 Volgnummer Spel Min.# spelers spelers Max.# Min. leeftijd Uitgever Duur (minuten) Auteur Taal 1 6 Nimmt 2 10 10 Amigo 45 Kramer, Wolfgang D 2 6 nimmt! - Jubiläumsedition 2 10 10 Amigo 45 Kramer, Wolfgang D 3 6 nimmt! Plus 2 10 10 Amigo 45 Kramer, Wolfgang D 4 Abalone 2 10 Goliath 30 Lalet M. & Levi L. N 5 Abenteuer der Menscheit 3 4 10 Kosmos 75 Teuber, Klaus D 6 Acquire 2 6 12 Schmidt 90 N 7 Adel Verplicht 3 6 12 Jumbo 60 Teuber, Klaus N 8 Adel Verplichtet 2 5 12 FX Schmid 60 Teuber, Klaus D 9 Advertentiespel N 10 Age of Empires III 2 6 10 QWG 120 Drover, Glenn N 11 Agricola - Im Wandel des Jahreszeiten 1 5 10 Lookout Games 90 Rosenberg U. & Steindorfer J. D 12 Agricola - vegimeeples 1 5 10 Lookout Games 90 Rosenberg, Uwe 13 Al Cabone 1 2 12 Amigo 60 Rosenberg, Uwe D 14 Alfabet N 15 Amon-Ra 3 5 12 999 Games 90 Knizia, Reiner N 16 Architekton 2 / 8 Queen Games 45 Schacht, Michael D 17 Are You a Werewolf? 8 15 12 Looney Labs 15 E 18 Armada Battle Game 2 / E 19 Arne 2 4 7 Lauwers Games 20 Lauwers, Arne N 20 Atlantic Star 2 6 10 Queen Games 60 Henn, Dirk D 21 Attila 2 5 10 999 Games Schmiel, Karl-Heinz N 22 Ave Caesar 2 6 12 Ravensburger Riedesser, Wolfgang N 23 Axis & Allies 2 5 12 MB 100+ Harris, Larry N 24 Axis & Allies (revised edition) 2 5 12 Avalon Hill - Hasbro 100+ Harris L. & Selinker M. N 25 Babel 2 / 12 999 Games 60 Rosenberg U. & Dorgathen H. N 26 Ballonrace 2 / 8 999 Games 30 Glenn, Stephen N 27 Bang! 4 7 10 daVinci Games 30 Sciarra, Emiliano E 28 Bang! A fistful of cards daVinci Games Sciarra, Emiliano E Pagina 1 van 13 29 Bang! Dodge City 3 8 10 daVinci Games 30 Sciarra, Emiliano E 30 Bang! High Noon Abacus Spiele Sciarra, Emiliano D/N 31 Bedriegers Bedrogen 2 6 8 999 Games 30 Steppona, Lutz N 32 Belgische Spoorwegen NMBS 2 6 9 Athlon Creation 90 N 33 Beowulf 2 5 10 Kosmos 75 Knizia, Reiner D 34 Beursspel 2 Ravensburger N 35 Big City 2 5 10 Gold Sieber 60 Delonge, Franz-Benno D 36 Big Shot 2 4 10 Ravensburger 45 Randolph, Alex N 37 Block it! 1 4 6 The Game Master 15 van Tol, Hans N 38 Blokus 2 4 Winning Moves 20 N 39 Blood Royal 3 5 12 Games Workshop E 40 Blue Moon - Wassergeister + 2 Kosmos Knizia, Reiner D Feuergeister 41 Blue Moon City 2 4 10 Kosmos 60 Knizia, Reiner D 42 Blue Moon City - Erweiterung I 2 4 10 Spielbox 60 Knizia, Reiner D 43 Blue Moon City - Erweiterung II 2 4 10 Spielbox 60 Knizia, Reiner D 44 Boggle 2 8 8 Parker 10 E 45 Bohnanza 3 5 12 Amigo 45 Rosenberg, Uwe D 46 Bohnanza - Amigo Bohnentaler Amigo 47 Bohnanza - Erweiterungsset 3 7 12 Amigo 60 Rosenberg, Uwe 48 Bohnanza - High Bohn 2 5 12 Amigo 60 Girke, H & Rosenberg U D 49 Bohnanza - Jubiläumsedition 2 7 8 Amigo 45 Rosenberg, Uwe D 50 Bohnanza - La Isla Bohnitâ 2 7 12 Amigo 90 Rosenberg, Uwe D 51 Bohnanza - Rundenanzeiger Lookout Games 52 Bohnaparte 3 6 12 Rio Grande Games 90 Girke, H & Rosenberg U E 55 Borgia 3 5 12 Phalanx Games 90 Berg, Alexander S. N 53 Broadway Game 2 6 12 TSR E 54 Bushi 2 / 12 Clipper N 56 Caesar & Cleopatra 2 / 10 999 Games 30 Lüdtke, Wolfgang N 57 Café International 2 4 10 Mattel 45 N 58 Candidate 2 6 10 Avalon Hill E 59 Can't stop 2 4 9 Ravensburger 30 Sackoson, Sid N 60 Carcassonne 2 5 10 999 Games 30 Wrede, Klaus-Jürgen N 61 Carcassonne - Burgemeesters en abdijen 2 6 10 999 Games 45 Wrede, Klaus-Jürgen N 62 Carcassonne - De Catharen 2 5 8 Spielbox 45 Wrede, Klaus-Jürgen D Pagina 2 van 13 63 Carcassonne - De draak, de fee en de 2 6 8 999 Games 45 Wrede, Klaus-Jürgen N jonkvrouw 64 Carcassonne - De Graaf van 2 5 8 999 Games 45 Wrede, Klaus-Jürgen N Carcassonne 65 Carcassonne - De rivier 2 5 999 Games 30 Wrede, Klaus-Jürgen N 66 Carcassonne - De rivier II 2 5 8 999 Games 45 Wrede, Klaus-Jürgen N 67 Carcassonne - De Toren 2 5 10 999 Games 30 Wrede, Klaus-Jürgen N 68 Carcassonne - De uitbreiding 2 6 8 999 Games 45 Wrede, Klaus-Jürgen N 69 Carcassonne - Jagers en Verzamelaars 2 5 8 999 Games 30 Wrede, Klaus-Jürgen N 70 Carcassonne - Koning & Verkenner 2 5 8 999 Games 45 Wrede, Klaus-Jürgen N 71 Carriere 2 6 Clipper N 72 Cartagena 2 5 8 Winning Moves 30 Colovini, Leo N 73 Cash 3 6 9 Ravensburger 25 Kramer W. & Grunau J. D 74 Chapeau 2 10 10 5 - 75 Clans 2 4 10 Winning Moves 30 Colovini, Leo N 76 Cluedo 2 6 8 Parker 45 N 77 Colditz (Escape from) 2 6 Gibson Games 120 E 78 Coloretto 3 5 8 999 Games 30 Schacht, Michael N 79 Coloretto Amazonas 2 4 8 Abacus Spiele 20 Schacht, Michael D 80 Coloretto Amazonas - Erweiterung 2 2 10 Spiele aus Timbuktu 20 Schacht, Michael D 81 Condottiere 2 6 12 Euro Games 60 Erhard, Dominique 82 Connections 2 / 9 Zebra N 83 Da Vinci code 2 4 8 Winning Moves 15 Wakasugi, Eiji N 84 Dallas 2 Presto-Print N 85 Dampfross 2 6 10 Schmidt Spiele D 86 Damspel 2 / 7 King N 87 Danger 13 2 5 8 Ravensburger 30 Dorn, Rüdiger D 88 Das Zeitalter Napoleons 2 / 12 Phalanx Games 180 Verlaque, Renaud D 89 De beer is los 2 / 999 Games N 90 De betoverde doolhof 1 4 8 Ravensburger 20 Kobbert, Max N 91 De Kathedraal 2 4 12 999 Games 105 Follett, Ken N 92 De kolonisten van Catan 3 4 10 999 Games 75 Teuber, Klaus N 93 De kolonisten van Catan - Steden & 3 4 12 999 Games 75 Teuber, Klaus N Ridders 94 De kolonisten van Catan - Steden & 5 6 12 999 Games 90 Teuber, Klaus N Ridders - uitbreiding 5-6 Pagina 3 van 13 95 De kolonisten van Catan - uitbreiding 5-6 5 6 10 999 Games 75 Teuber, Klaus N 96 De kolonisten van Catan - Zeevaarders 3 4 10 999 Games 75 Teuber, Klaus N 97 De kolonisten van Catan - Zeevaarders - 5 6 10 999 Games 75 Teuber, Klaus N uitbreiding 5-6 98 De kolonisten van Catan (Kaartspel) 2 / 10 999 Games 75 Teuber, Klaus N 99 De Kolonisten van Catan (Kaartspel) - 2 / 10 999 Games 75 Teuber, Klaus N Barbaren & Handelsheren 100 De kolonisten van Catan (Kaartspel) - 2 / 10 999 Games 75 Teuber, Klaus N Goud & Piraten 101 De kolonisten van Catan (Kaartspel) - 2 / 10 999 Games 75 Teuber, Klaus N Handel & Wandel 102 De Kolonisten van Catan (Kaartspel) - 2 / 10 999 Games 75 Teuber, Klaus N Politiek & Intrige 103 De kolonisten van Catan (Kaartspel) - 2 / 10 999 Games 75 Teuber, Klaus N Ridders & Kooplieden 104 De Kolonisten van Catan (Kaartspel) - 2 / 10 999 Games 75 Teuber, Klaus N Tovenaars & Draken 105 De kolonisten van Catan (Kaartspel) - 2 / 10 999 Games 75 Teuber, Klaus N Wetenschap & Vooruitgang 106 De ontembare stad 2 5 10 The Game Master 75 van Tol, Hans N 107 De Veilingmeesters van Amsterdam 3 5 10 Jumbo 60 Knizia, Reiner N 108 De Weerwolven van Wakkerdam 8 16 10 999 Games 15 des Pallièrres P & Marly H N 109 De Weerwolven van Wakkerdam - Volle 8 18 10 999 Games 30 des Pallièrres P & Marly H N Maan in Wakkerdam 110 Der Grosse Dalmuti 4 8 8 Amigo 10 D 111 Der Turmbau zu Babel 3 5 10 Hans im Glück 45 Knizia, Reiner D 112 Diamant 3 8 8 Schmidt Moon A. & Faidutti B. D 113 Dice Run 2 6 10 KidultGame 45 Albertarelli, Spartaco N 114 Diceland 2 10 KidultGame 45 Albertarelli, Spartaco N 115 Die Pyramiden des Jaguar 2 / Kosmos 45 Burkhardt, Günter D 116 Die Säulen der Erde - die Erweiterung 2 6 12 Kosmos 100 Rieneck, M & Sadler, S D 117 Die Siedler von Catan - Burgbau auf 3 4 12 Österreichische Spielemuseum 90 Risthaus, Heike & Stefan D Chaffenberg & Renaissance in der Steiermark Pagina 4 van 13 118 Die Siedler von Catan - Catan Austria & 3 4 12 Österreichische Spielemuseum 60 Ditt B. & W. D Wien meets Catan 119 Die Siedler von Catan - Das Buch zum 2 6 Kosmos 60 Teuber, Klaus D Spielen 120 Die Siedler von Catan - Der Grosse Fluss 3 4 10 Kosmos Teuber K. & Teuber G. D 121 Die Siedler von Catan - Der grosse 3 4 Kosmos Teuber, Klaus D Karawane (scenario) 122 Die Siedler von Catan - Die Fischer von 3 4 10 Kosmos Teuber, Klaus D Catan 123 Die Siedler von Catan - Ereignisse auf 3 4 10 Kosmos Teuber, Klaus D Catan (eventcards) 124 Die Siedler von Catan - Travel-box 3 4 10 Kosmos 90 Teuber, Klaus D 125 Die Siedler von Hessen 2 4 10 Kosmos Teuber, Klaus D 126 Die Siedler von Nürnberg 3 4 10 Kosmos 90 Teuber, Klaus D 127 Dinosauriërs 1 4 4 Ravensburger N 128 Diplomacy 2 7 12 Avalon Hill - Hasbro 240 Calhamer, Alan E 129 Diplomatie 2 7 12 Ariel 240 Calhamer, Alan N 130 Domino 2 Dick Bruna N 131 Domino 2 Jumbo N 132 Don 3 6 10 Queen Games 30 Schacht, Michael D 133 Drachenfaust 3 6 8 Days of Wonder 30 Faidutti B.
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    FOR WHOM THE DIE ROLLS #148 h 1 h FOR WHOM THE DIE ROLLS November 2007 Published by Keith Thomasson Issue 148 This page has been added to the PDF copy so that reports that appear on facing pages in the paper copy are shown side-by-side. £2.00 h 2 h FOR WHOM THE DIE ROLLS #148 FOR WHOM THE DIE ROLLS #148 h 3 h Welcome to issue #148. A slight delay to this issue, but mostly due to INSIDE STORY START being busy both days of the normal deadline weekend than any other reason. The delay is particularly useful as the previous issue was ready to post the moment the postal strikes started, so it took a varying amount of time to get to you This is FOR WHOM THE DIE ROLLS #148, a game playing magazine for game players, all. I'm not even sure it got to everyone, but everyone has responded who needs to. published by Keith Thomasson, 14 Stepnells, Marsworth, Near Tring, Herts, HP23 4NQ. This issue costs £2.00 {including postage}. The 1837 game is held over, because Stephen Webb had very little time to order before going away, and while he did all his other games he asked for this one to hold so that he E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.fwtwr.com could study it properly. We'll find out next month whether that did him any good. Subscription payments can be sent via PayPal to [email protected] Please specify the currency for international payments as GBP My thanks to Jean Vanaise for sending me the picture on the cover - a heron posing as a lawyer - and additional thanks for allowing me to use it for the zine.
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