OUR COMMUNITY’S VOICE MAY 2015 CCommunityommunity CClean-Uplean-Up DDaysays MMayay 9 & 1100 TTuscanyuscany CCommunityommunity AAssociationssociation AAGMGM NNeighbourWoodseighbourWoods MMayay 2200 77:00:00 pp.m..m. In Our Community www.TuscanyCA.org TCA President’s Message Tuscany Community Association P.O. Box 27054 Tuscany RPO It’s a busy time in Tuscany as spring sports kick off and Calgary, Alberta T3L 2Y1 school begins to wind down. So many volunteers working President: Kelli Taylor
[email protected] to improve life in our community. Vice President: John Stone Treasurer: Lee Bardwell Save the date! You’re invited to the Tuscany Community Executive Administrator: Association’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) at Jamie Neufeld
[email protected] 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 20, at the Tuscany Club. We will celebrate the community association’s TCA Committees 15th anniversary with a special presentation by the Youth Council .......................................
[email protected] Federation of Calgary Communities. Complimentary Traffi c and Safety Committee .....................traffi
[email protected] wine and cheese will follow, and we hope you will join Elected Offi cials us. TCA memberships are $25 per household, for those Councillor: MLA: who wish to vote. If you are interested in hearing more Ward Sutherland Sandra Jansen about the TCA beforehand, please email me at president@ 403-268-2430 403-297-7104 TuscanyCA.org.
[email protected] [email protected] MP: This year we are unable to offer the annual book swap. Rob Anders 403-292-6666 This is a popular event that requires many hours of volunteer time and involves incredible strength to carry Tuscany Sun Newsletter the donated books to the storage area and then to the Editor & Article Submissions: display tables.