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Controversy Atuofc Page 4 Meliorist Student Newspaper of The University of Lethbridge • Volume 38 Issue 24 • • Thursday, 24 March, 2005 Nude photo causes controversy atUofC Page 4 NEWS 3 CLASSIFIEDS io COMICS 12 ENTERTAINMENT 15 SPORTS 23 Mcllorlsl Informatl, The Meliorist I Thursday. 24 March. 2(K)5 I Page 02 Lance Semak - Production Manager Chris Hibbard - Copy Editor ([email protected]) ([email protected]) Meet the staff of I'm Chris. I'm trained as a journalist (thanks LCC!) but aftei Hi, I'm Lance. I'm a second doing it for a year or so I am now a first year English major year Masters student studying with grandiose dreams of warping young minds as an English English. I do the layout of the newspaper and many other excit teacher someday. I'm a glorified Ing operations in the office. proofreader for the Meliorist and The Meliorist so if there are spelling and gram­ After 1 quit baggin' glue back in '98, the blur in my brain dissi­ mar mistakes in the paper they're David Green - Editor-in-Chief pated, and my destiny became all my fault. When I'm not doing ([email protected]) clear: I must stop the man who this I'm usually listening to tunes, Welcome to the talks inside my head! watching movies, playing Frisbee, University, I hope you enjoy belting out semi-decent karaoke or your time here. Be sure to let just hanging around with the buds. us know what you think ahout the paper. Don Nguyen - Local Ad Representative Amber Herbison- Creative Designer ( [email protected] ) ([email protected] ) Hi my name is Don and I am Hi, my name is Amber. I'm an art student who is interested in the Advertising Manager. If you design. I get lots of practice because I'm the Creative Designer would like to promote your busi­ for the Meliorist. That means that I ness to over 7000 students, get to create ads and mastheads for please give me "holla". If you our beloved school newspaper. In have a sense of humour please my spare time I try to sleep and eat Joseph Brunton - Business Manager read my Weekly Top 5 in the fea­ something, and I've recently been ([email protected] ) tures section. If you lack a sense deemed "hostile". But I don't like Hello my name is Joe. I'm a or humour, please skip over it bananas. 3rd-year management student and don't read it. Peace Out! lost in a sea of newspapermak- ers. I like cake and want to be a racecar when I grow up. Nathan Sharpe - News Editor Vikramjit Gill- Webmaster ( [email protected] ) ([email protected] ) Hey, I am your news editor, back for another year.I do the Hey, I am Vikram, a final year new media student. I love first section and if you like my working on computers and tech­ writing, great.Otherwise, just nology; that's why I'm here at think, your levy pays my salary. the Meliorist as Webmaster. An autonomous body, separate from the U of L Students' Union SU-166,4401 University Drive West, Lethbridge, AB T1K 3M4 Student Newspaper of the University of l.ethhrid|;e Craig Hamilton - Sports Editor Jaime Tremblay- Office Assistant mel*io*rism (meel'ye riz'm, me'le e-), n. the doctrine ([email protected]) ([email protected] ) that the world tends to become better or may be made Greatest sporting achieve­ Hey everyone. My name is Jaime, and I am a fourth year better by human effort ment? A hole-in-one on a 117- mammmmmimmwmmmm history major. I am back for one yard par three.Forget ability, this more year at the Meliorist as the a PH Office Assistant. My duties include The Meforist is the student newspaper of the University of Lethbridge, pubfehed most was the most horrible shot of my round. Hitting a seven iron, I W filling the Features section in the Thursdays throughout the academic year by The Meiorist Publshing Society, an skulled it, and sent a screaming w paper and assisting the Business autonomous incorporated body. Please address all correspondence to The Meiorist, WJKmKB 4401 University Drive, Lethbridge, Alberta, T1K 3M4, or drop it off at room SU-166. shot flat and straight. Ithought it Manager and Editor-in-Chief. I am IK j£*™* Deadine for submissions is Sunday at noon. The phone number is (403) 329-2334 or had rolled off the back of the not feeling very witty this morning, fax us at 329-2333. The Meiorist appreciates and encourages the writing of thought­ green, but when I walked up so this is the best you are getting ful, concise, timet/ letters. However, The Meiorist will only consider for pubication those tothe cup, there I found it. No I out of me. ther than that, I hope letters which are signed by the author (special arrangements may be made for those skill, pure luck. mmW^ml *** that you continue to enjoy the wishing anonymity, but absolutely no pseudonyms), contain the authors legible name, paper. Giddy up! address, telephone number and student identification number (address, I.D. and phone number not fa pubication). Letters may be edited for brevity, clarity and legal­ ity. Ihe Meliorist reserves the right to edit submissions and wil not print ibebus material. Jared McKenzie - Entertainment Editor And. ([email protected] ) Editor-in-Chief | David Green Hey , I'm Jared. You may think that I hate all U of L the­ The Meliorist Publishing Society Board of Directors [email protected] atre productions and love only Heather Logan - Chair hipster music, but those are only Business Manager | Joseph Brunton David Green - Ex-officio [email protected] half-truths. I also like world music. Anyway, the Joseph Brunton - Ex-officio Advertising Manager | Don Nguyen Entertainment Section has Lance Semak - Staff Representative [email protected] moved this week. Don't worry, I know it's your favourite part of Gene Lublinkhof - Union Representative Copy Editor | Chris Hibbard this weekly paper, so you'll be Clay Campbell - SU Representative [email protected] able to find it on pages 11-14. Craig Monk - GFC Representative Production Manager | Lance Semak Fortunately, the awesomeness Andrew Keller - Student at Large [email protected] has remained. Distribution Manager | Byron Dovichuk [email protected] News Editor | Nathan Sharpe Notice of Meeting #5 [email protected] Meliorist Publishing Society Entertainment Editor | Jared McKenzie [email protected] The Meliorist Publishing Society's Board Meeting #5. Sports Editor | Craig Hamilton s.editor (u January 17. at s:<*o pm in SU Conference Room Photo Editor | Niki Standing [email protected] Creative Designer | Amber Herbison c.designer(& AGENDA Office Assistant | Jaime 'tremblay jaime.tremblaytg - Approval of the minutes from WebMaster | Vikramjit Singh Gill - Job Descriptions Committee webmaster^ meeting #4, held on December 13 - Policy Review Committee Printing | Southern Alberta Newspaper Group - Approval of the Agenda - Beefs and Bouquets Contributors - Items for Discussion: Vince Chew, Dubb Jay, Angus Sutherland, Ainsley Doty, - Other Business Natalie Neufeld, Jinous Mirzaagha, Erin Bodman, Bailey - Editor-in-Chiefs Report Thalheimer and last but certainly not least, Stephanie - Adjournment Keeling. Thanks guys! - Business Manager's Report Quote of the week "We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start - Committee Updates a tiling. Action always generates inspiration, inspiration seldom generates action." - Frank Tibolt News The Meliorist Thursday, 24 March, 2005 I Page 03 News Democracy at work Candidates talk politics in SU elections by "organizing ways to raise stu­ dent spirit." "We need a really good pub... we can make the Union the place to be and not just on Thursday night... but every night." said the next can­ didate. The hot topic surrounding the bistros not doing well, was brought up again by Jason Blades, a candidate running for Vice President of Administration. Blades plans on improving the lack of healthy food available on cam­ pus, namely provided by C-Jays, "We're educated so let's make edu­ cated choices instead of eating greasy fries." He also feels that "we can have better bus service... it would make all our lives a lot bet­ ter." Optimistic about future changes, Blades adds, "I look for­ ward to representing all of you." Tyler Johnson is running for VP of administration and is taking a much more relaxed approach to his campaign. He said, "I just want you all to go out and vote." He assures voters that he "worked at the Union and I know what needs to be changed." Above all Johnson wants to see democracy put to use and encourages everyone to "go out and vote and have a good time." herself to be a hardworking advo­ could implement "television of L has ever had," and also having cate for students." Her ongoing screens with scrolling numbers of "better and more convenient bus International Student Gaurav By Jinous Mirzaagha projects include creating a fur­ exactly how student money is being transit" advocated by the school. Singh who is also running for VP of News Contributor nished culture center as a place for spent." Andrew Lunn who is running for admin feels it is important that the students to hang out, and also an on Tanner doesn't feel students VP of internal affairs agrees with students are "more engaged with campus day care. should hear about financial issues points made by Fuller adding, "I the Students Union." He hopes to Presidential candidate Tyler after they become a problem.
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