Meeting on TUESDAY, 26 FEBRUARY 2019 at 2.00 pm **Committee Room 2 - Town House, Aberdeen** B U S I N E S S APOLOGIES AND INTRODUCTIONS DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 1.1 Partners are requested to intimate any declarations of interest MINUTES AND FORWARD BUSINESS PLANNER 2.1 Minute of Previous Meeting of 3 December 2018 - for approval (Pages 3 - 12) 2.2 CPA Board Forward Business Planner (Pages 13 - 14) 2.3 National Update, Scottish Government (verbal update from Neil Rennick) LOCAL OUTCOME IMPROVEMENT PLAN/LOCALITY PLANNING 3.1 Refreshed Aberdeen City Local Outcome Improvement Plan 2016-26 (Pages 15 - 90) 3.2 Update on Leadership of Outcome Improvement Groups (Pages 91 - 92) 3.3 Innovate and Improve Programme (Pages 93 - 122) GENERAL BUSINESS 4.1 Fairer Aberdeen Fund Annual Report (Pages 123 - 142) 4.2 Child Friendly Cities (Pages 143 - 198) FOR YOUR INFORMATION 4.3 Aberdeen Health and Social Care Partnership and Aberdeen City Council Autism Strategy (Pages 199 - 234) 4.4 Date of Next Meeting - 1 May 2019 at 2pm Should you require any further information about this agenda, please contact Allison Swanson, tel. 01224 522822 or email
[email protected] COMMUNITY PLANNING ABERDEEN BOARD 3 DECEMBER 2018 Present:- Councillor Laing, Chair, Campbell Thomson, Vice Chair (Police Scotland), Councillor Wheeler, Jillian Evans (as a substitute for Susan Webb) (Public Health), Gordon MacDougall (Skills Development Scotland), Ken Milroy (North East College), Neil Rennick (Scottish Government) via conference call, Darren Riddell (as a substitute for Bruce Farquharson) (Scottish Fire and Rescue Service), Angela Scott (Aberdeen City Council (ACC), Jonathan Smith (Civic Forum).