Annual Report of the Colonies, Nigeria, 1934
PRINTS IN. NIGERIA , . * PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY 0F7ICE To be wife!uned Erectly from H.M. STATIONERY omCE at the Mowing *44r**e* I Altst*! Home, K>way, London, W.Ca j tzo George Street, Edtntorgli * | YorkStiwlfc Umc)mm if t St. *******Cre«*rt*Ctnfift* So CUdMttet S*r«t, OeJfwt$ of tfrwgb *ay Boofedfcr 1435 ' ' ' fl - ' f '. .... V - >'V' M • etc., of Imperial and Interest 1 AH CCOIQ&C SUBVIY •A 2*. 6rf, (2#. 9i.) Part II—Eastern, Mediterranean, and Pudfiq. 3*. W. (8*. 9d.) Part in—Wert Indie*. 3*. 6d, (3*. 9&) COLONIAL REGULATIONS. , - Begotatione loir Hit Jtfajeftty'e Ck>JoafaI Service. Parti—Public Officer. , . LOaloal*!^ [Ooloriial No. m **- (to- to Ut S&tfon, lit Jami* 1834. 193*.; ;\ - - :*'V * ^< - ..7 BMPIRR SOU?Hr. Oonfoxerjoe of Empire Surray Officer*, 1931 [gonial N* tOJ #1 1 IMPERIAL ECONOMIC CONFERENCE, OTTAWA, 1933, Summary of Proceeding* and coruee or IVade Agreement*. Appendioee to the Sonuaery ol Proceedings 417*1.] fr.-(3t.*t4.). Import of foyirtCtauniai^ ; CLOSER UHIONIN EAST jurats ^I^^J^ §gWa«WS °^8er * *>» D9»~—te e in Batterv*r Vol, HI—Amwridice* ... ... ..4 4*. 6d\ (*>. a*). KBHYA LAHD OOltMI&SIOK, • Ro^^twWa^S. ^ [Cmd, 4666,] lie, (11* Uh Evider** w$ Memamnda, [Colonial No. 91.] • Vol. T . ... ... vara ... ... ... w%..'yfWPL . Summary oi Oonolueione mohed by Hie Mejeety>e ^^^j ^ ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE IN BAST AFRICA. , ,V V ' 1 iWrtTftbe Commieeioo of inquiry into the admkfctotion of Ju,W in genya, Uganda, and the Tanganyika Territory ^nm^l ^tt^; . gvi&noe andHetn<^d». (Colonial No. 96.] faffrfyW AU prices ore *eL .^*<N« w> postage.
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