/fighting for your business/

AmCham Annual Report 2008 The American Chamber of Commerce in

OnOn behalfbehalf ofof allall AmChamAmCham members,members, wewe wouldwould likelike toto thankthank 20082008 AmChamAmCham GeneralGeneral Sponsors Sponsors for for the the provided provided support. support. The The support support and and possibilities possibilities they gavethey to gave AmCham to AmCham Moldova Moldova were more were than more just than financial just financial and we and want we towant share tothe share great the positive great positiveimpact that impact their that contributions their contributions had on our had ability on our to ability serve /Content/ our members, advance our projects, and realize our goals. to serve our members, advance our projects, and realize our goals. Message from the President 4 Board of Directors 5 AmCham Moldova Profile 6-9 AmCham General Sponsors 2008 Membership Benefits & Services 10-25 AmCham Events / Year 2008 in Review 26-39 Financials 40-43 Membership Directory 44-53 AmCham Network 54-63

Editors: Design Layout: Advertising Letters Mila Malairau Visual Design Inquiries: to the editor: Elena Buzu [email protected] [email protected] Olga Zolotco Publisher: www.vid.md Message from the President Board of Directors

Dear Members of American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova, Board of Directors: I am happy to present to you the 2008 Annual Report of the Ameri- can Chamber of Commerce in Moldova. As AmCham Moldova clos- es its third year of activity, we look back on a year full of changes, developments and challenges and the ways in which AmCham has David Brodsky Alexander Turcan grown and developed to meet the growing needs of our members. Brodsky Looper Reed Turcan & Turcan law firm As our membership passed 60 small, medium and large compa- and Partners nies from widely varying sectors, AmCham has shown itself to be a multi-faceted association capable of providing a combination of personalized services where needed while constantly pursuing the global needs of the entire business community. We hope that our pursuit of our 4 directions of activity: Member Networking & Ser- Conrad Fritsch Ludmila Costin vices, Advocacy & Lobbying, Information Exchange, and Company CNFA PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS Promotion has represented a well-balanced mix of the short and long-term interests of all members.

During 2008, AmCham Moldova organized numerous member events of varying sizes and themes. We strive to provide a forum in which our members can meet and discuss the pressing issues of our times and the challenges and opportunities that we all share. Cristina Harea Vladimir Didilica Creating a sense of community for our members is among our HORIZON CAPITAL ADVISORS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE highest priorities and one of the cornerstones of creating and de- & INDUSTRY veloping a healthy business climate. AmCham Moldova also rec- ognizes the great need for improved private sector representation in the longer-term development of a vibrant and business-friendly climate in Moldova. AmCham has lobbied for legislative and tax incentives for progressive business practices and tried to place a higher priority on the interests of the private sector in the legislative agenda. We are represented on the Guillotine 2 Working Group and other legislative review groups, presenting always the interests of our members and the private sector. AmCham considers its role Silvia Radu Pavel Bodarev of ensuring private sector representation in Moldova’s development process as among its highest priorities. RED UNION FENOSA MoldAuditing Finally, AmCham’s committees are actively engaged in projects to improve our social, educational and envi- ronmental surroundings. Through our independent activities, joint collaborations and participation in related associations, AmCham is working to improve our community. During the past year, AmCham Moldova has developed into an organized, professional business association working in multiple directions to support the varying needs of our diverse membership. Boris Efimov Aurel Cepoi These positive developments in AmCham Moldova come at a time when they are most needed. At the end DIONYSOS-MERENI XEROX of our third year, we find ourselves in the middle of one of the most difficult business situations of our times. We are all struggling with the effects of the worsening world economic crisis. More than ever, the business community needs an association such as AmCham to support and promote their needs and concerns. As always, AmCham Moldova is here and working for your businesses.

AmCham Moldova Lifetime Honorary Presidents:

John Maxemchuk • 2006 - Ambassador Heather M. Hodges President of the Board • 2006 - Ambassador Michael D. Kirby American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova • 2008 - Ambassador Asif J. Chaudhry

6 7 Our Mission

To promote American trade and in- vestment in Moldova and to work with the Moldovan Government and busi- ness leaders to foster a more favorable business climate in Moldova for foreign trade and investment.

/ AmCham Moldova Profile / AmCham Moldova Profile AmCham Moldova Profile

American Chamber What we do of Commerce in Moldova 1. Advocacy & Lobbying sector specific issues of concern and value to the AmCham Members; • Promote a favorable image of Moldova in- fighting for your business ternationally, thus attracting foreign trade • Offer access to business organizations and and investments; governmental agencies in more than 100 coun- tries through AmCham’s global network; • Maintain a sustainable and open dialogue between our members and Moldovan Govern- 3. Information Exchange ment; The American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova (AmCham Moldova) • Provide our members with a timely informa- is a non-government non-profit organization, founded on September 4, • Represent our members business interests by tion about most important events from the busi- 2006. As a member of the international network of 112 AmChams from communicating their important concerns to the ness and economic environment in the country, 99 countries worldwide, AmCham Moldova connects businesses and busi- highest levels of the authority; through a variety of publications; ness leaders to share the common goal of bringing the entrepreneurial spirit and the cultures of Moldova and the closer together. • Advocate on behalf of our members in order • Collect and distribute useful business infor- to facilitate the resolution of legal issues im- mation to our members; pacting our members; AmCham Moldova’s membership, currently encountering 63 members, is • Provide opportunities for information ex- composed of a diverse spectrum of businesses, from large foreign inves- • Develop and implement projects to create a change and learning between members; tors to small goods and service providers that operate within Moldova, more favorable business climate in Moldova; as well as Moldovan companies of all sizes that are pursuing trade with • Constantly keep our members informed and the United States. • Cooperate with the U.S. Embassy, key inter- updated about AmCham activities, events, national and national organizations; initiatives, opportunities, projects and com- mittee meetings; 2. Business Networking 4. Company Promotion • Connect prominent business leaders of the lo- cal community, as well as with Government and • Promote our members by sharing their ba- Contact U.S. Embassy officials; sic description and contact information on our website and in our publications; • Provide a welcoming atmosphere for open dis- 202, Stefan cel Mare Street, Chisinau MD-2004, cussions, experience sharing and information • Place our members advertising in our publica- Republic of Moldova exchange among business peers, participants of tions that are being delivered to key businesses Telephone: +373 22 211 781 our business networking events and activities; and organizations in Moldova and AmChams Fax: +373 22 211 782 abroad; [email protected] • Create opportunities for our members to www.amcham.md develop their business network, establish • Offer an opportunity for the members to pro- new strategic contacts and enhance cross- mote their products and services among them- company cooperation; selves through Member Discount Program; • Through Committees and Working Groups • Promote our members interests locally and provides a forum for the member companies’ abroad. staff to discuss and resolve some industry or

10 11 /Membership Benefits & Services/ Membership Benefits & Services Membership Benefits & Services

2008 Membership Satisfaction Survey

After the second year of our activity, we’ve asked By joining AmCham Moldova, you join an association of businesses and busi- our members, in a survey, about how we are do- ness leaders operating in the Republic of Moldova, all dedicated to improv- ing as an organization. The survey’s main objec- ing the climate for foreign trade and investment in Moldova. You will be- tive was to gather relevant information that will come a member of the network of more than 112 AmChams worldwide, all assist the American Chamber of Commerce in dedicated to advancing the interests of American business and investments Moldova to serve the Membership more efficiently overseas and of foreign companies pursuing trade and commerce with the and effectively. United States. You become affiliated with the United States Chamber of The information obtained through the Survey was Commerce, the world’s largest business federation, representing more than analyzed by AmCham Office to ensure that Am- 3 million businesses of all sizes, sectors and regions. You will gain a network Cham’s strategic planning process and strategic of like-minded businesses worldwide, all dedicated to improving the condi- direction correlate with the needs and expecta- tions necessary for your business to grow and expand. tions of AmCham members. The participation rate of more than 20% repre- AmCham membership major benefits include Advocacy and Lobbying ac- sents a statistically relevant sample size that al- tivities which imply active involvement in AmCham Working Groups and lows AmCham team interpret the received infor- Committees; valuable Business and Social Networking, continuous knowl- mation and make necessary conclusions. edge sharing and information exchange, and a large spectrum of promotion Overall, our members consider that AmCham per- Committee (62%), Import/Export Committee opportunities for member companies, such as Member Discount Program, formed well during 2008. Some of the figures from (54%), Banking and Financial Services (38%), promotion in AmCham Publications or on AmCham web-site, etc. the survey reveal the following results: Legal Committee (31%), Environment Com- • over 70% of the participants in the Survey mittee (31%); stated that their expectations from Membership • Members specified that AmCham publica- “The founding of AmCham comes at an important time as the Government were mostly met and they remained happy with tions and events are important and well received of Moldova continues to implement regulatory reforms aimed at combating the business services provided by AmCham. products and services of AmCham; corruption, modernizing the economy and improving the business climate. • Members believe that AmCham effectively As a young organization AmCham is actively striv- AmCham has already overcome many obstacles and built a strong founda- provides member companies with business net- ing to represent its members to best of its ability. tion for future accomplishments. We expect AmCham to engage with the working opportunities, supporting their business Areas that the members specified for continued government, providing policy-makers with practical recommendations” activities through the dissemination of relevant development and strengthening in 2009 include: information; strengthening business advocacy and lobbying ac- Daria Fane • 85% of members would recommend Am- tivities, organization of various social events, fo- Political-Economic Chief Cham as a reliable business partner; 85% of cusing more attention on export promotion, legal U.S. Embassy members believe that AmCham manages to con- and CSR related issues. Chisinau Moldova tribute to business reforms in Moldova; and 23% stated that AmCham is able to fully represent We would like to thank all members who par- their interests. ticipated at the Survey. We highly appreciate • Committees that members believe should your involvement because this way you help us be organized in 2009 by AmCham are Tax become better!

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Advocacy & Lobbying

As the voice of private business, AmCham main goal is to develop a more favorable business and investment climate that will allow businesses to grow and prosper. While this is a difficult and long-term effort, in 2008 AmCham has taken several concrete steps in this direction.

We have strengthened our position as a representative of the private sector and contributor to the Moldovan government on economic issues. From the beginning of its activity AmCham was highly encouraging Government’s initiative “Guillotine Law” for revising all normative acts regulating business activ- ity in Moldova. Finally, at the end of 2008, AmCham has officially become mem- ber of National Working Group which is meeting on weekly basis to review the respective normative acts. We see AmCham membership in Guillotine Working Group for the regulation of business activity as a very important step in the dialogue with the government as it opens the possibility to have a direct contact with the policymakers, facilitating the two way communication and ensuring the collection and transmission of the feedback from the private sector and civil society to the Executive bodies.

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We also aim to set a part of the development agenda by introducing interests and initiatives that In addition to developing its projects, throughout AmCham provides a valuable assistance by present- are important to our members. In 2008, we developed two big projects. 2008, AmCham directed its efforts towards launch- ing local legal and business environment particulari- ing several sector specific Committees and Work- ties to the investors interested in opening business “Home Computing Initiative” was “AmCham Labor Survey” was developed ing Groups. Taking an active participation in one in Moldova. proposed by AmCham to increase the comput- to assess the shortage of qualified employees in a of the AmCham Committees, member companies may work together to identify some industry specific Finally, AmCham Moldova provides its members with er penetration in Moldova, thus improving the growing and developing economy. The study was the opportunities for an open dialogue and closer computer literacy of our population and devel- conducted based on a national representative survey problems and then address the policymakers with relevant recommendations. working relationship with the Moldovan Government oping a better educated and better trained work covering all regions of the country, with the excep- with the purpose of working jointly towards improv- force. tion of the territory on the left side of Nistru River. Committees’ structure is designed to bring together ing the climate for developing foreign investment The target group of the study was various Moldovan not only senior level decision makers of the member and trade with Moldova. The first step in the implementation of this proj- companies. A total number of 424 economic units ect was the development of a research aimed to companies but also other staff members - experts have been interviewed. in different domains - thus providing an invaluable In this regards, during 2008, AmCham has orga- showcase the experience of different countries nized a series of events to bring together AmCham in the implementation of subsidized computer The study focused on three important issues such source of practical knowledge and support for its membership. members and policymakers. Among these can be initiatives. It was crucial to elaborate a “Home as job vacancies (volume, specialization required, re- mentioned Meeting of AmCham Board of Directors Computing Mechanism” relevant to Moldovan cruitment practices, and requirements), difficulties in AmCham will continue establishing Committees ac- with Mrs. Zinaida Greceanîi, the Prime – Minister of economic environment. vacancy filling and measures that should be taken in cording to the identified membership needs. RM, Round Table Discussion on Labor Market in Mol- order to address labour shortage and fluctuation. At this stage AmCham worked closely with dova with Mr. Sergiu Sainciuc, the Deputy Minister The first and very productive AmCham Commit- of Economy and Trade of RM, General Membership “Business Intelligent Services” Company and The results of the survey were presented within a tee was Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) the UNDP Project “Building e-Governance in Round Table Discussion with Mr. Sergiu Sainciuc, the Meeting with Mr. Igor Dodon, Minister of Economy Committee. During the year 2008 it has successful- and Trade of RM and Natalia Catrinescu, Head of Moldova”. Deputy Minister of Economy and Trade of RM, Am- ly developed and implemented several CSR related Cham members and special guests. the General Department for Macroeconomic Policies The second stage was the identification of stra- projects and activities. the same year, we’ve also put and Development Programmes under the Ministry tegic partners within Moldovan Government that Labor Survey put the basis for the establishment of the basis for a Human Resource Committee and of Economy and Trade of RM, CSR Conference with would support and promote the initiative further the AmCham Human Resource Committee which aim Tax Committee within AmCham. keynote speakers from the Parliament and Govern- ment, etc. to the legislators and the whole community. would be to consolidate the efforts to get and keep Pursuing the goal to facilitate the resolution of issues the labor force inside the country. By the end of 2008, “Home Computing Initiative” with a negative impact on members’ operations, Am- research was finalized and successfully presented HR specialists of AmCham member companies would Cham addresses directly the key decision makers. to the Minister and Vice–Minister of Information also work together to elaborate a set of recommen- In its attempt to assist members resolving disputes Development, Mr. Pavel Buceatchi and Mr. Oleg dations for public and private sector in order to solve with public and government agencies, as well as Rotaru respectively. “Hand in hand” with the Min- the issue of labor shortage in Moldova. raise general awareness of Moldovan authorities on istry of Information Development, AmCham pre- the problems affecting businesses, during the whole sented the project to the President’s Counselor for year, AmCham addressed numerous letters to the Culture, Education and Science issues, Mrs Vior- Government. elia Moldovan-Batrinac. The Counselor has highly One of the valuable services provided by AmCham to welcomed the idea and expressed her thanks to foreign entrepreneurs interested to invest in Moldo- AmCham for the continuous effort to improve the van market is to introduce them to the local business investment climate. community. Most often, foreign investors eager to In the next year AmCham will continue working invest in Moldova’s economy are not acquainted with on the implementation of the project. the local laws and regulations, as well. At this point

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Collaboration with AmCham Moldova joins Global Compact the Millennium Challenge Corporation In 2008, American Chamber of Commerce in Mol- dova joined the Local Global Compact Network, During the year 2007 and 2008, AmCham worked to put together an official paper and present it to thus committing to promoting in its day–to-day closely with the Millennium Challenge Corporation the Team. Many of AmCham’s members partici- operations those 10 universal principles in the ar- (MCC) in Moldova. MCC is a United States govern- pated in the economic constraints analysis by out- eas of human rights, labor, the environment and ment organization which aim is to offer support lining the most prevalent obstacles to economic anti-corruption. and financial assistance for those countries, which growth in their respective sectors of the economy. have proved in practice special devotion to devel- The most binding constraints to the economy as opment based on democratic principles and good identified by AmCham members were:1) the sta- Human Rights governance. tus of infrastructure components, such as irriga- Businesses should: By the end of 2006, Moldova became eligible to tion network 2) a shortage of qualified employ- Principle 1: Support and respect the protection benefit from the full funds on behalf of the MCC ees; 3) high cost of finances; 4) the conflict with of internationally proclaimed human rights; and and a Development Team of the Full Plan of As- Transnistria. Principle 2: Make sure that they are not com- sistance Compact (Team)was formed to elaborate AmCham then took the replies from its members plicit in human rights abuses. the country proposal. and compressed them into the official paper that Labor Standards The first step in achieving this major task was the was presented to the Team, which has since made Businesses should uphold: identification of the most critical impediments, its final country proposal. Principle 3: the freedom of association and the which slow down economic growth and develop- effective recognition of the right to collective Global Compact is a United Nations initiative to ment of the country and then propose for approval Collaboration with MCC helped AmCham making bargaining; encourage businesses worldwide to adopt sustain- the investment components of the COMPACT pro- a comprehensive analysis of the constraints that Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced able and socially responsible policies, and to re- gram, the implementation of which would remove affect its members. It was a starting point for Am- and compulsory labor; port on their implementation. the identified obstacles to growth and would en- Cham to establish its priorities and figure out its Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labor; In Moldova, the Local Global Compact Network sure for the country a way to sustainable develop- major development directions. and was launched on November 28, 2006 as a result ment in medium term. Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in of growing awareness among businesses of their AmCham, as the voice of private sector, has ac- In the future AmCham will continue to collaborate employment and occupation. social role in the development of Moldovan soci- tively participated in the economic constraints with the MCC team as a representative of the pri- Environment ety. It started with 14 national and multinational analysis. We lead the joint efforts of our members vate sector in the Republic of Moldova. Businesses should: enterprises of different size, but it rapidly grew Principle 7: support a precautionary approach to into a large network of almost 39 members. environmental challenges; Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote en- AmCham Moldova highly encourages its members vironmental responsibility; and to join the Global Compact Network and thus be- Principle 9: encourage the development and dif- come part of valuable corporate social responsibil- fusion of environmentally friendly technologies. ity related initiatives, trainings and projects. Anti-Corruption Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

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Business Networking Publications & Information Exchange

Networking has always been one of the most important services that we provide our members with. To make it more efficient and help our members develop their business network, we organize a wide variety of profession- ally organized events that provide opportunities for both business and social networking. Throughout 2008, AmCham has organized numerous successful events. Among these can be mentioned General Membership Meetings, Net- working Cocktails, Business Luncheons, Round Table Discussions, Social and CSR related events, such as Independence Day Picnic, Thanksgiving Day, CSR Conference, etc.

Business Networking Cocktails are organized at average once per month. The participants of these events are representatives of AmCham member – One area where we are pushing development is our publications. In 2008 we companies - most often head executives of the largest businesses in Moldova. created a new format of our bi-monthly newsletter: Business Review. The informal and friendly atmosphere of these events is welcoming business discussions and sharing concerns about the business community of the country. Business Review represents an important communication tool and information This is an outstanding opportunity for everyone to establish necessary contacts, source for our members. be introduced to the future partners or clients, get informed about the recent Every issue of Business Review is dedicated to a different topic. We have includ- events, share the opinion, or, taking advantage of the informal character of the ed a section dedicated to legislation & reforms, comentary on relevant issues, event, solve some business issues in an efficient way. interesting interviews, and general content of higher quality and more relevance Business Luncheons are the networking events organized by AmCham to our members. Moldova to bring together highest representatives of member companies We welcome any initiative from any AmCham member company that would like from different industries to discuss the issues that are affecting their busi- to present its professional skills and experiences through our articles. We are ness operations and look together for possible solutions. Business Luncheons open to publishing any articles which we believe can improve the quality of Busi- may also serve to reconnect AmCham members with government officials ness Review and help us fulfill our obligations to our members. or other prominent leaders in order to engage country officials into an open dialogue with AmCham members. All AmCham members are provided the opportunity to promote their company, its actual business activity, and contact information. Thus, we offer you the pos- Another business networking opportunity is being offered by the Annual sibility to increase your company’s visibility within the AmCham network and to General Meeting. It brings together all AmCham members to participate in highlight your activities by placing your advertising in our magazine. the elections in the Board of Directors and establish the development strat- egy and course of activities of AmCham for the upcoming year.

Social Events are another networking opportunity for experience exchange and learning. There are some traditional celebrations that we organize on a regular basis, such as Independence Day or Thanksgiving Day.

Besides, there are various Corporate Social Responsibility related activities organized by our CSR Committee and implemented with the participation of other members as well.

22 23 Membership Benefits & Services Membership Benefits & Services

Company Promotion The Business Review is dis- tributed to:

• All members of the American Chamber of Commerce; • Every foreign Embassy in Moldo- va; • International Organizations in Moldova; • Various Moldovan Government agencies; • Private businesses in Moldova; AmCham Moldova strives to provide the value-added services to all mem- • All Chambers of Commerce in Mol- ber companies. Our priority is to offer to our members the opportunity to dova; be visible. Being a member of AmCham is a great way to promote your business and activities. All AmCham members are displayed on our web- • All American Chambers of Com- site with detailed description of the business activities, logo, link to their merce in . website, and contact information.

Members are welcome to share important news, announcements, and special offers that are posted in our special section on AmCham’s web- site: Members News. The AmCham’s website also contains wide informa- tion about AmCham’s lobbying and advocacy activities, events, Commit- tees, etc.

We placed among our top priorities the creation of the Committees. In this way we hope to promote the interests of our members, offering them the possibility to share their views and ideas on some important common issues, as well as to achieve the main goals. We invite every interested member to join the efforts of the Committees, thus promoting the inter- ests of the company.

AmCham members are invited to every event organized by the organiza- tion throughout the year and all members have as well the possibility to sponsor AmCham events.

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Member Discount Program

We at the American Chamber of Commerce in Mol- Not only this is a great way to support AmCham dova are continuously searching for new ways to and work directly with your fellow members, work and interact with our members. We accom- it is also a great way for any company to pro- plished many great things during 2008 and we mote itself at relatively low costs. Each Am- now have a very solid foundation from which to Cham member that participates in the Member expand our activities. Discount Program is featured on the AmCham website along with the product or service that One area that was improved in 2008 is mem- they are offering to the Program. Additionally, ber benefits. A new program that we launched each AmCham member that participates in the in 2008 is a Member Discount Program. The Member Discount Program is free to choose ex- purpose of this program is to allow our mem- actly what discount they offer to other AmCham bers the possibility to offer a product/service to members. No discount is too large or too small; AmCham members at a discount. We offered to the most important aspect of this Program is each participating AmCham member an Enter- that it really benefits all of our members. prise Card (a specially designed card the same size as a credit card) to show other members The quantity and variety of the discounts are grow- that they are in fact part of the new program. ing steadily. We encourage you to visit our website frequently to check the updated list of participat- Only AmCham members are eligible to receive the ing companies and their offers. The main goal of benefits of the Member DiscountP rogram. However, the Member Discount Program is to provide sav- we may look outside the AmCham membership to ings on a wide variety of high quality goods and other companies that would like to offer our members services for the benefit of all AmCham members. special discounts on their products and services.

26 27 / AmCham Events / Year 2008 in Review AmCham Events / Year 2008 in Review AmCham Events / Year 2008 in Review

Annual General Member Meeting

AmCham hosts at least one general member meet- cially opportune as at the end of February,2008, ing per calendar year. In 2008 the meeting was the Republic of Moldova finalized and submitted held on March 7th. The annual member meeting to Millennium Challenge Corporation the Compact is a great opportunity for all the members to get Program proposal. It included four projects relat- together to discuss the organization recent news, ed to roads rehabilitation, energy sector efficiency upcoming events, and generally have a nice time growth, transition to high value-added agriculture socializing with their fellow members. and development of primary rural health care.

The event was of a great success. A large num- Another presentation was made by two of Am- ber of AmCham members, partners and guests Cham members: Lucia Candu, Eurasia Foun- were attending the meeting. dation, and Rodica Verbeniuc, Moldcell SA, re- ferring to creation within AmCham of a CSR Mr. Michael D. Kirby, the U.S. Ambassador to Committee. This presentation was an appeal to the Republic of Moldova was the guest of honor all AmCham members, interested in develop- at this Meeting. ing some CSR-related activities and fighting for CSR principles, to join the existing CSR Working Mr. Igor Dodon, the Minister of Economy and Group within AmCham. Trade and Mrs. Natalia Catrinescu, Head of the General Department for Macroeconomic Poli- There were, also, presented by John Maxem- cies and Development Programmes under the chuk, AmCham President, and AmCham Team Ministry of Economy and Trade, were the guest activities developed by AmCham in 2007, as speakers presenting the National Development well as its plans for 2008. Strategy of Moldova for 2008-2011. Following the presentations, AmCham members Another guest speaker was Mrs. Valentina Badra- voted for some amendments to AmCham Char- jan, the Team Leader for Developing the COMPACT ter. Program, accompanied by Mr. Valentin Bozu, Lead Economist. Mrs. Badrajan made a presentation We take this chance to thank you, once again, on the Republic of Moldova’s country proposal for for your collaboration and remain always open Compact assistance. The presentation was espe- for your ideas and suggestions.

30 31 AmCham Events / Year 2008 in Review AmCham Events / Year 2008 in Review

Review was completely redesigned and has much more relevant content, including independent ar- ticles on transparency and a review of recent leg- Social Networking Event islation in the Republic of Moldova. AmCham hosted a social member event on Thurs- Following the interactive discussion, a surprise raffle/ day, May 29. The event took place at the Family lottery was hosted by AmCham Moldova. Three Am- Golf Center in Chisinau. Cham members provided prizes for the surprise raf- The event was focused around playing miniature fle/lottery. The prizes and winners were as follows: golf and many of members and special guests Prize 1: Five Classic Visa Debit Cards with spe- joined us on the links. cial conditions (no annual fee, no administrative fees, and no minimum balance requirement) were offered by Moldova Agroindbank.

Prize 1 winners: Marina Ponetovski, Conrad Fritsch, Andrei Suruceanu, Yusuf Baykan, and Oxana Jantoan.

Prize 2: One bottle of Carlevana Merlot offered Business Networking by Dionysos-Mereni. Event Prize 2 winner: Alexander Fridman Prize 3: Free of charge connection to a corpo- AmCham organized a Business and Networking rate package plus 1 year free of charge com- event on Thursday, April 10. The event was held munication in the company closed users group, at Casa Vinului and the theme of the event was offered by Moldcell. Education and Human Resources in Moldova. Prize 3 winners: Dorin Recean, Sergiu Matei, Two organizations with much experience in the areas Catalin Giosan of Education and Human Resources were invited to speak to AmCham members at the event. AIESEC Following the raffle/lottery Dionysos-Mere- Moldova and Newport International University each ni provided a wine tasting event to AmCham made very interesting presentations. The presenta- Members and guests. Dionysos-Mereni brought tions were followed by an interactive discussion of a great variety of wines to the tasting and con- Education and Human Resources among the Am- ducted a professional tasting. Cham members and guests in attendance. Thank you to all who attended the party, the The newest AmCham Moldova publication Business raffle lottery sponsors, and to Dionysos-Mereni Review was also introduced at the event. Business for providing the wine tasting.

32 33 AmCham Events / Year 2008 in Review AmCham Events / Year 2008 in Review

“Welcome Back” Cocktail

On September 30th, AmCham had an exceptional Networking Event dedicated to the inauguration of the Member Discount Program.

The event was held at the “La Popasul Dacilor” Restaurant. This restaurant served us a wide va- riety of tasty food and provided a very rustic and authentic atmosphere on this special occasion for AmCham Moldova and its members. AmCham 4th of July Party We were happy to provide this opportunity to showcase the special offers from participating The American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova “The Snails”. On the premises of Niagara, Land Rov- companies as well as for members to benefit from celebrated 232 years of American Independence at er organized a display with a brand new Land Rover some unique offers. the Niagara Orange Fitness Center on Saturday, July Discovery III right off the top shelf. 5th. Taking part were around 600 guests made up The AmCham Discount Card was distributed to all Thanks to all the Independence Day 2008 sponsors: of AmCham Moldova Members, Alumni from the US AmCham members in attendance. Embassy Alumni Association, US Embassy employ- Event Sponsors : Château Vartely, Coca-Cola, ees, Peace Corp Volunteers, friends from the inter- Bere Chisinau, Dionysos-Mereni national business community, and many other US citizens visiting Moldova. Highlights included various Lottery Sponsors : Caravan, La Taifas, Déjà vu, activities for kids with prizes, a raffle with about 40 XO Gallery, Xenon, Nokia, Mary Kay, Nissan, great prizes whose ticket sales benefited the group Landrover, Dionysos Mereni, Spicul de Aur, Ex- from University of North Carolina “Engineers Without plore.md, Austrian Airlines, Purcari, Info Hub. Borders”, pony rides, face-painting and live music by

34 35 AmCham Events / Year 2008 in Review AmCham Events / Year 2008 in Review

The American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova is honored to present Christmas Cocktail Party H.E. Asif J. Chaudhry with an honorary lifetime membership to AmCham hosted its second annual Christmas Cock- the American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova based on his exceptional efforts in developing and tail Party in the mysterious world of Chateau Vartely promoting a positive business and investment climate in the Winery in Orhei, on December 18, 2008. Republic of Moldova The event was a great success and a wonderful oc- November 12, 2008 Date John Maxemchuk casion for AmCham to thank its members for a great President year. It was the last AmCham event for 2008 and we are looking forward to an even more successful and productive year than the previous one. Luncheon with the Ambassador Asif Chaudhry

On November 12, AmCham Moldova hosted a Lun- He recognized that the organization has come a long cheon with the US Ambasssador, Mr. Asif J. Chaudhry. way in such a short time as a result of a lot hard The event was opened by Mr. John Maxemchuk, who work. He assured the business representatives that outlined AmCham`s achievements and plans for the the American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova en- future. Both speakers, H.E. Mr. Asif J.Chaudhry and joys his full support, while also commenting on some Mr. John Maxemchuk noted AmCham’s two-years an- of the economic realities in Moldova. niversary and the strong ties between AmCham and the Embassy. The American Chamber of Commerce The event was attended by AmCham members honored U.S. Ambassador Asif Chaudhry, designating and other business associations acting in Mol- him as the Honorary President of AmCham Moldova. dova. Everyone in attendance thought that the In his remarks at the luncheon, the Ambassador con- event was a success and we look forward to gratulated John Maxemchuk and all the members of working closely with the U.S. Embassy and its AmCham on their second anniversary in Moldova. staff in the future.

36 37 AmCham Events / Year 2008 in Review AmCham Events / Year 2008 in Review

During 2008 AmCham Moldova continued to be very active within Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee, as we feel that CSR is a very important international conference on CSR chapter in any company’s activity. The goal of the project remains to support charitable activities and aid underserved communities with more corporate in- American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova, Global volvement, and to provide a consistent Corporate Social Responsibility partici- Compact Network Moldova, United Nations De- pation scheme for companies. AmCham Moldova organized several CSR related velopment Programme, and Eurasia Foundation events with the support of its members in 2008. Moldova Representative Office organized on the 31 of October 2008 an international conference “Government and Business for a Better Social Re- American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova sponsibility”. The event pointed out the need of collaboration be- raises funds for flood victims tween state authorities and business in corporate social responsibility area and reflected the current The most important thing is that some big compa- practices from Central and Eastern Europe coun- nies have contributed substantial funds to AmCham tries in the field. Representatives of national and initiative alongside with its individual very generous international companies, Parliament and Govern- contributions. At the same time, it was a great op- ment, diplomatic and donors’ communities, as well portunity for some small companies to join their ef- as mass-media attended the conference. forts for a common goal. We are glad that due to our initiative a family from Purcari got its warm home. “Private companies play a very important role in country’s social-economic development. It is nec- AmCham donated to Grati family a roomy, conve- essary to harmonize the national legislation in nient house, provided with necessary utilities (gas, compliance with the European standards that pro- water), all equipped inside (furniture, dishes) and mote and regulate corporate social responsibility with a big yard, where children can play. activities”, mentioned Marian Lupu, the President In pursuance of flooding that affected many families of the Republic of Moldova Parliament, within the from Moldova, the AmCham CSR Committee came conference session. American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova (Am- with a proposal for its members eager to help the concept that encourages businesses to take into Cham) successfully closed the fundraising campaign victims. The member companies made their contri- The American Chamber of Commerce granted consideration society’s interests by assuming re- initiated in August to assist victims of the flooding butions to a bank account that AmCham established awards to most socially responsible companies: sponsibility for the impact their activities have on which affected Moldova this summer. Totally, Am- for the CSR Committee specifically for the purpose Moldcell with the CSR General Award, Avon Cos- communities, clients, employees, shareholders and Cham members contributed almost 175 000 MDL, of pursuing social projects. The AmCham adminis- metics received the Small & Medium Enterprise environment. This commitment goes beyond the making it possible to buy a new big, comfortable tration and members of the CSR Committee worked Award, Red Union Fenosa and Sun Communica- statute obligations to observe the legislation and is house for a 4-children family from Purcari village, directly with the mayors and aid groups in the hard- tions having been awarded the Partnership Award, expressed by volunteer actions meant to improve Stefan-Voda. est hit localities to find suitable homes and identify and Rompetrol getting the Philanthropy Award. life quality for employees and their families, as well as for communities and entire society. Among the donators can be listed both small Moldo- the families that have lost their homes. As well, the conference framed in a special session van companies and big international companies such organized for mass-media representatives, which fo- The conference was financially supported by Mold- as British American Tobacco, Coca-Cola HBC, Ecovit, cused on supporting corporate social responsibility cell (general sponsor), BioProtect Ltd., Avon Cos- Horizon Capital Advisor LLC, Imunotehnomed, Mold- campaigns and their coverage in the media. metics, Mobiasbanca, British American Tabacco, cell, Red Union Fenosa, Sun Communications, Tur- Orange Moldova, Philip Morris International, Prime Corporate Social responsibility (CSR) represents a can & Turcan law firm. Capital and RED UNION FENOSA.

38 39 AmCham Events / Year 2008 in Review AmCham Events / Year 2008 in Review

Thanksgiving Day Christmas Collection Project

AmCham Moldova celebrated Thanksgiving Day to- AmCham, in cooperation with DHL Moldova, and Touche, Elenic-Lux, Eurasia Foundation, Fincom- gether with Grati family from Antonesti, Stefan-Vo- the United States Peace Corps, organized the bank, Foto Rapid, Investprivatbank, Moldcell, da region. AmCham representatives surprised Grati second annual “Christmas Collection Project”. Moldova Agroindbank, PricewaterhouseCoopers, family offering them a lot of gifts (a washing ma- The main goal of the project was to brighten the RED Union Fenosa, Sun Communications, Target chine, a vacuum cleaner, an iron, health care and holidays for children of the Boarding School for Advertising, Turcan & Turcan Law Firm. food products. The four children were very interested Children with physical disabilities in Hînceşti. in finding out about history of Thanksgiving Day, and There are more than 150 children with physical tradition to celebrate it. The Grati family is living now With their generous contributions AmCham disabilities at the Boarding School in Hînceşti. in a very roomy house that was donated to them by members has offered to the children from the AmCham members have offered to them many AmCham. It was possible to buy this house thanks to Boarding School in Hînceşti the opportunity to gifts, such as computers, photo cameras, toys, the contributions of AmCham members. enjoy the magic of winter holidays. These kids books, clothes, sweets, sport equipment, office are a part of our society and it’s the responsibil- equipment, etc. Among the donators can be listed both small Mol- ity of each of us to contribute to the formation dovan companies and big international companies of their present and a brighter future. The Charitable Act for Christmas Holidays launched such as British American Tobacco, Coca-Cola HBC, by AmCham in 2007, have been enjoying a high Ecovit, Horizon Capital Advisors, Immunoteh- Among the companies taking part in this chari- degree of receptivity from its members. nomed, Moldcell, Sun Communications, Turcan & table act to be mentioned are British American Turcan Law Firm, Red Union Fenosa. Tobacco, Corporate Office Solutions, Deloitte &

40 41 /Financials/ Financials Financials

INCOME - EXPENSES Report as of December 31st, 2008


To the members of the American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova

1. We have audited the financial statements of the American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova (Am- Year 2008 Cham), which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2008, and the income statement, the statement of changes in equity and the statement of cash flow for the financial year then ended. The responsibilities of the AmCham management for the financial statements Opening Balance 15406 2. AmCham management is responsible for keeping and presenting accurately the financial statements in accordance with the current National Standards on Accounting. The responsibility implies establish- Income ing, implementing and keeping the necessary level of internal control which is important in drawing up and presenting the financial statements completely, without any material misstatements caused by frauds, errors or omissions, selecting and applying an appropriate accounting policy, making estimations From Membership 79750 of accounting data adequate to the circumstances. From Sponsorship 33766 Auditor’s responsibility From Advertising in Publications 723 3. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements, based on our audit. We con- From Donations 20174 ducted our audit in accordance with the National Standards on Auditing. These standards require that we respect the ethic requirements, plan and perform the audit to obtain a reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatements. Total Income 134413 4. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the

financial statements. The selected procedures depend on the auditor’s professional judgment, includ- ing evaluation of the risk of significant misstatements in the financial reports, caused by frauds, errors Expenses or omissions. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates

made by AmCham management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statements presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. Offices, Administrative & Personnel 65577,41 Auditor’s Opinion Projects 35938 5. In our opinion, the financial statements of the Association present fairly, in all material respects, Events 31601,5 the financial position of the American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova as of December 31, 2008, in Publications 9885 compliance with the National Standards on Accounting, current legislative, governmental and normative documents, as well as statutory regulations. The presented financial statements are meant to disclose the financial position and the results of the Total Expenses 143001,91 Association’s operations and, in our opinion, do not contain significant errors. Other aspects

6. This report is made solely for the AmCham members as a body. In the same time, the present report Closing Balance 6817,09 is not restricted to be sent to other recipients, periodicals and other mass-media bodies, with the agree- ment of the Association.

„First Audit International” Chişinău, Republic of Moldova

March 16, 2009

44 45 The greatest asset of the American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova is its unique and diverse spectrum of members.

AmCham experienced tremendous growth in its membership during 2008, and AmCham now represents members from virtually every sector of the economy in Moldova. / Membership Directory / Membership Directory Membership Directory

Autoframe-FM British American Coca-Cola Dionysos-Mereni Tobacco Moldova Bottlers Chisinau Type: Automotive&Suppliers Type: Food/Beverages Tel: (+373 22) 460 782 Type: Food/Beverages Type: Soft Drinks Tel: (+373 22) 234 950 Fax: (+373 22) 460 782 Tel: (+373 22) 279 900 Tel: (+373 22) 471 040 / 471 701 Fax: (+373 22) 234 960 Web: www.chevroletmd.com Fax: (+373 22) 279 919 Fax: (+373 22) 472 489 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Web: www.dionysos-mereni.com Address: 18, Socoleni str., MD-2020, Web: www.bat.com Web: www.cocacolahbc.com Address: 22/2, Ion Creanga str., MD-2064, Chisinau, Moldova Address: 65, Stefan cel Mare blvd., 4th floor, Address: 5, Industriala str., Chisinau, Moldova office 416, MD-2001, Chisinau, Moldova MD-2023, Chisinau, Moldova

Ecovit Canning Factory Avon Cosmetics Brodsky Looper Reed & Partners Corporate Office Solutions Type: Food/Beverages Type: Cosmetics Consultants and Legal Advisers Tel: (+373 22) 226 600 Type: Office Interiors Tel: (+373 22) 270 030 / 200 325 Tel: (+373) 696 687 28 Fax: (+373 22) 226 764 Fax: (+373 22) 270 142 Type: Consulting Email: [email protected] Tel: (+373 22) 271 327 Fax: (+40 21) 317 12 41 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Web: www.ecovit.ru Web: www.avon.md Fax: (+373 22) 270 590 Address: 19, Ion Neculce str., MD-2064, Email: [email protected] Web: www.cos.ro Address: 65, Stefan cel Mare blvd., office 500, Address: 25, Banulescu-Bodoni str., office 32, Chisinau, Moldova MD-2001, Chisinau, Moldova Web: www.brodskylaw.md Address: 65, Stefan cel Mare blvd., office 400 MD-2012, Chisinau, Moldova MD-2001, Chisinau, Moldova Elenic-Lux BDR Associates Danube Logistics, Type: Foodservice/Restaurant Communication Group Chateau Vartely Giurgiulesti International Tel: +373 22 21 28 04 Type: Consulting Free Port Fax: +373 22 21 28 04 Type: Food/Beverages Email: [email protected] Tel: (+373 22) 214 156 Tel: (+373 22) 885 060 Fax: (+373 22) 854 605 Type: Logistics and Transport Address: 64, Mihai Eminescu str., MD-2001, Fax: (+373 22) 885 070 / 885 080 Tel: +373 22 293 491/882 734 Chisinau, Moldova Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Email: [email protected], [email protected] Web: www.bdr.ro Fax: +373 22 292 855 Web: www.vartely.md Email: [email protected] Address: 57/1, Banulescu Bodoni str., Address: 65, Stefan cel Mare blvd., office 800, office 411, MD-2001, Chisinau, Moldova Web: www.gifp.md Ernst & Young MD-2001, Chisinau, Moldova Address: 2/2, Mihai Viteazul str., MD-2004,

Chisinau, Moldova Type: Audit Tel: (+373 22) 214 040 CNFA Moldova Bostavan Winery Fax: (+373 22) 214 044 Deloitte Email: [email protected] Type: Agribusiness Development Type: Food/Beverages Web: www.ey.com Tel: (373 22) 577 930 Type: Audit, consulting Address: 51, Alexandru cel Bun str., Tel: (+373 22) 745 838 / 743 269 Fax: (373 22) 577 931 Fax: (+373 22) 754 451 / 747 680 Tel: (+373 22) 270 310 MD-2012, Chisinau, Moldova Email: [email protected] Fax: (+373 22) 270 311 Email: [email protected] Link: www.cnfa.md Web: www.bostavan.md Email: [email protected] Address: 33/1, Bulgara str., MD-2001, Web: www.deloitte.com Address: 17, Calea Iesilor str., 2nd floor, Chisinau, Moldova MD-2069, Chisinau, Moldova Address: 65, Stefan cel Mare blvd., office 300, MD-2001, Chisinau, Moldova

48 49 Membership Directory Membership Directory

Eurasia Foundation, Moldova Fors-Computer Horizon Capital Advisors, InvestPrivatBank Representative Office Representative Office in Moldova Type: Computer Services Type: Banking Type: Non-Profit Tel: (+373 22) 234 748 Type: Investment Tel: (+373 22) 267 803 / 267 809 Tel: (+373 22) 235 343/548 102 Fax: (+373 22) 232 742 Tel: (+373 22) 887 200; 887 201 Fax: (+373 22) 540510 Fax: (+373 22) 542 338 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Fax: (+373 22) 887202 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Web: www.fors.md Email: [email protected] Web: www.ipb.md Web: www.eurasia.md Address: 18, Sfatul Tarii str., office 19, 2nd floor, Web: www.horizoncapital.com.ua Address: 34, Sciusev str. MD-2001, Address: 49/4, Tighina str., 3rd Floor, MD-2001, MD-2012, Chisinau, Moldova Address: 12, Petru Movila str., office 4, Chisinau, Moldova Chisinau, Moldova MD-2004, Chisinau, Moldova

Foto Rapid ISEPS-FARMA Euro Credit Bank Imunotehnomed Type: Photo Services Type: Medical Type: Banking Tel: (+373 22) 430 892 Type: Medical Tel: +373 22 421 546; 421 547 Tel: (+373 22) 500 101 Fax: (+373 22) 430 893 Tel: (+373 22) 738 355 / 287 164 Fax: +373 22 421 541 Fax: (+373 22) 548 827 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+373 22) 727 570 / 287 164 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Web: www.foto-rapid.md Email: [email protected]; Address: 10, Uzinelor str., MD-2023, Web: www.eurocreditbank.md Address: 7, Miron Costin str., office 311, MD- [email protected] Chisinau, Moldova Address: 33, Ismail str., MD-2001, 2068, Chisinau, Moldova Web www.imunotehnomed.md Chisinau, Moldova Address: 20, N. Testemitanu str., 4th floor, Italian-Moldovan office 402, MD-2012, Chisinau, Moldova Chamber

of Commerce FinComBank Glass Container Company Type: Non-Profit Type: Banking InfoHub Tel: (+373 22) 855 600 Tel: (+373 22) 227 435 Type: Glass Container Manufacturing Fax: (+373 22) 855 666 Fax: (+373 22) 237 308 Tel: (+373 22) 472 482 Type: Tourism Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Fax: (+373 22) 472 432 Tel: (+373 22) 224 209 / 202 628 Web: http:www.ccimd.eu Web: www.fincombank.com Email: [email protected] Fax: (+373 22) 224 209 Address: 63, Vlaicu Pircalab str., floor 5, office Address: 26, Puskin str. MD-2012, Web: www.gcc.md Email: [email protected] A2, MD-2012, Chisinau, Moldova Chisinau, Moldova Address: 21, Uzinelor str. MD-2023, Web: www.infohub.com Chisinau, Moldova Address: 97, Alexandru Cel Bun str., office 20 – 21, MD-2012, Chisinau, Moldova KPMG Hewlett-Packard Moldova First Audit International Insight Advertising Type: Computer Services Type: Audit, consulting Type: Audit, Accounting, Tax Tel: (+373) 693 259 38 Tel: +373 22 213 452 Type: Advertising Tel: (+373 22) 580 580 Fax: (+373 22) 211 819 Fax: (+373 22) 540 499 Fax: +373 22 241 942 Email: [email protected] Tel: (+373 22) 242 366 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+373 22) 210 913 Email: [email protected] Web: www.hp.com Web: www.kpmg.md Web: www.fai.md Address: 57/1, Banulescu-Bodoni str., Email: [email protected] Address: 61, M.Kogalniceanu, office 7, MD-2001, Web: www.insight.md Address: 202, Stefan cel Mare blvd., 9th floor, Chisinau, Moldova MD-2004, Chisinau, Moldova Chisinau, Moldova Address: 38A, Anton Crihan str., MD-2009, Chisinau, Moldova

50 51 Membership Directory Membership Directory

Mary Kay MOLDCELL Natur Bravo P.A.A. Tax, Legal, (Moldova) Limited Type: Food/Beverages Accounting Type: Telecommunications Type: Cosmetics Tel: (+373 22) 206 206 / 206 010 Tel: (+373 22) 212 928 Fax: (+373 22) 233 989 Type: Tax, Legal, Accounting Tel: (+373 22) 259 810 / 259 806 Fax: (+373 22) 206 207 / 206 090 Tel: (+373 22) 582 106 Fax: (+373 22) 259 811/ 259 801 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Web: www.naturbravo.md Fax: (+373 22) 754 454 Email: [email protected] Web: www.moldcell.md Email: [email protected] Web: www.marykay.com Address: 3, Belgrad str., MD-2001, Address: 103/1, V. Alexandri str., MD-2012, Chisinau, Moldova Web: www.paa.md Address: 62, Sciusev str., MD-2012, Chisinau, Moldova Address: 202, Stefan cel Mare blvd., 2nd Floor, Chisinau, Moldova MD-2004, Chisinau, Moldova NCH Advisors INC Moldindconbank Representation McDonalds Philip Morris Type: Banking in Moldova Restaurants Tel: +373 22 57 67 82 Management Services Type: Investment Fax: +373 22 57 67 32 Type: Foodservice/Restaurant Tel: +373 22 234 771 / 243 111 Email: [email protected] Type: Consumer Goods Tel: (+373 22) 228 740 Fax: +373 22 234 771/ 243 681 Web: www.micb.md Tel: (+373 22) 835 640 / (+373) 69506070 Fax: (+373 22) 228 745 Email: [email protected] Address: 38, Armeneasca str., MD-2012, Fax: (+373 22) 835 641 Email: [email protected] Web: www.nchadvisors.com Chisinau, Moldova Email: [email protected] Web: www.mcdonalds.com Address: 63, Vlaicu Parcalab str., MD-2012, Address: 21/3, N. Dimo str., MD-2001, Address: 134/1, Stefan cel Mare blvd., Chisinau, Moldova Chisinau, Moldova MD-2012, Chisinau, Moldova Moldova Agroindbank PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS MEDIAPRO Nokia Corporation

Type: Financial Institutions Type: Insurance, Advisory Type: Telecommunications Type: Telecommunications Tel: (+373 22) 222 770 / 216 685 and legal services Tel: (+373 22) 213 646 / 213 645 Tel: (+373 22) 270 109 / (+373) 69978777 Fax: (+373 22) 208 058 / 242 781 Tel: (+373 22) 238 122 Fax: (+373 22) 213 645 Fax: (+373 22) 279 339 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+373 22) 238 120 Email: [email protected] ; [email protected] Email: [email protected] Web: www.maib.md Email: [email protected] Web: www.protv.md Web: www.nokia.md Address: 9, Cosmonautilor str., MD-2005, Web: www.pwc.com/md Address: 162, Stefan cel Mare blvd., 17th floor, Address: 65, Stefan cel Mare blvd., MD-2001, Chisinau, Moldova Address: 37, Maria Cibotari str., MD-2012, MD-2004, Chisinau, Moldova Chisinau,Moldova Chisinau, Moldova

Moldauditing Moldovan Chamber Orange Prime Capital Type: Audit, consulting of Commerce Tel: (373 22) 232 550 / 232 551 and Industry Type: Telecommunications Type: Financial Institutions Fax: (373 22) 232 554 Tel: (+373 22) 575 010 Tel: (+373) 22 21 42 46 Email: [email protected]; Tel: (+373 22) 221 552 Fax: (+373 22) 575 026 Fax: (+373) 22 27 87 42 Web: www.moldauditing.md Fax: (+373 22) 234 425 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Address: 84/1, Mateevici str., MD-2009, Email: [email protected] Web: www.orange.md Web: www.primecapital.md Chisinau, Moldova Web: www.chamber.md Address: 75, Alba-Iulia str., MD-2071, Address: 7, Banulescu-Bodoni str., MD-2009, Address: 151, Stefan cel Mare blvd., MD-2004, Chisinau, Moldova Chisinau, Moldova Chisinau, Moldova

52 53 Membership Directory Membership Directory

Rilvan Group Sun Translation Bureau Victoriabank Communications Corcimaru Type: Moving and Relocations Type: Banking Tel: (+373) 22 260 596 Type: Internet, Television, Type: Translation Services Tel: (+373 22) 576 100 / 576 101 (+373) 694 76 333 Communication Services Tel: (+373 22) 438 390 / 498 126 Fax: (+373 22) 234 533 / 233 561 Fax: (+373) 22 260 597 Tel: (+373 22) 737 007 Fax: (+373 22) 438 390 / 498 126 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]; Fax: (+373 22) 737 129 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Web: www.victoriabank.md [email protected] Email: [email protected] Web: www.corcimaru.md Address: 141, 31 August 1989 str., MD-2004, Web: www.rilvan.eu Web: www.suncommunications.md Address: 2, Bogdan Voievod str., office 219, MD- Chisinau, Moldova Address: 7, Alexandru cel Bun str., office 204, Address: 38B, Hincesti str., 2068, Chisinau, Moldova MD-2001, Chisinau, Moldova Chisinau, Moldova Vinaria Purcari

Rompetrol Moldova Supraten Type: Food/Beverages Trimetrica Tel: (+373 22) 595 050 / 743 269 Type: Energy Tel: (+373) 22 268 020 / 293 965 Fax: (+373 22) 295 911 / 747 680 Tel: (+373) 22 233 959 / 233 907 Fax: (+373) 22 29 38 69 Type: GIS Solutions Email: [email protected] Fax: (+373) 22 233 950 Email: [email protected] ; Tel: (+373 22) 271 662 Web: www.purcari.md Email: [email protected] [email protected] Fax: (+373 22) 271 739 Address: 17, Calea Iesilor str., 2nd Floor, Web: www.rompetrol.md Web: www.supraten.com Email: [email protected] MD-2069, Chisinau, Moldova Address: 64, Sciusev str. MD-2012, Address: 84, Petricani str., MD-2059, Chisinau, Web: www.trimetrica.com Chisinau, Moldova Moldova Address: 33, Izmail str., ECB, office 514, MD- Xerox Moldova 2001, Chisinau, Moldova Type: Office Interiors S&T - IT Solutions Target Advertising Turcan & Turcan Law Firm Tel: (+373 22) 210 490 & Services Fax: (+373 22) 210 492 Type: Advertising Type: Legal services for business Email: [email protected] Type: Computer Services Tel: (+373 22) 286 902 / 185 862 Tel: (+373 22) 212 031 / Web: www.xerox.md Tel: (+373 22) 218 600 / 218 606 Fax: (+373 22) 286 902 / 733 342 226 113 / 211 844 / 211 846 Address: 202, Stefan cel Mare blvd., MD-2004, Fax: (+373 22) 221 012 Email: [email protected] Fax: (+373 22) 223 806 Chisinau, Moldova Email: [email protected] ; [email protected]; Web: www.target.md Email: Web: www.snt.md Address: 16, Tadeus Malinovski str., MD-2001, [email protected] Address: 40, S. Lazo str., office 31, MD-2004, Chisinau, Moldova Web: www.TurcanLaw.md Chisinau, Moldova Address: 47/1-5, Puskin str., MD-2005, Mobias Banca Trans Oil Chisinau, Moldova

Sudzucker Moldova Group of Companies Type: Banking Union Fenosa Tel: (+373 22) 541 974 Type: Agriculture Type: Agriculture Fax: (+373 22) 541 974 Tel: (+373) 22 202 333 Tel: (+373 22) 229 991 / 223 174 Type: Energy Email: [email protected] Fax: (+373) 22 240 707 Fax: (+373 22) 295 420 / 592 393 Tel: (+373 22) 431 669 / 431 069 Web: www.mobiasbank.com Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Fax: (+373 22) 431 069 / 431 259 Address: 81a, Stefan cel Mare blvd., MD-2012, Web: www.suedzucker.md Web: www.transoilcorp.com Email: [email protected] Chisinau, Moldova Address: 13A, Anton Crihan str., MD-2009, Address: 1, Veronica Micle str., MD-2004, Web: www.ufmoldova.md Chisinau, Moldova Chisinau, Moldova Address: 4, A. Doga str., MD-2024, Chisinau, Moldova

54 55 /AmCham Network/ AmCham Network AmCham Network

Accreditation with the U.S Chamber of Commerce

In February of 2008, AmCham was officially accred- top policy experts, lobbyists, lawyers, and commu- ited by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The ac- nicators. The Washington staff is supported by eight creditation was a milestone for our organization and regional offices around the U.S., an office in Brussels, means that AmCham Moldova is now officially recog- an on-the-ground presence in China; and a network nized by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and linked of business activists. into the global network of more than 100 American Chambers of Commerce worldwide. The U.S. Cham- Its members include businesses of all sizes and ber of Commerce is the world’s largest business fed- sectors—from large Fortune 500 companies to eration representing more than 3 million businesses sole proprietorships run out of the home. In of all sizes, sectors, and regions. It includes hundreds fact, 96% of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s of associations, thousands of local chambers, and membership includes businesses with fewer than more than 100 American Chambers of Commerce in 100 employees and its leadership is equally di- 91 countries. From its headquarters near the White verse, with more than 100 corporate and small House, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce maintains business leaders from all sectors serving on the a professional staff of more than 300 of the nation’s board of directors.

Accreditation with the European Council of American Chamber of Commerce AmCham Moldova received word of its accredi- nized both in Europe and the United States as tation with the European Council of American an influential opinion-forming body actively en- Chambers of Commerce (ECACC) on March 11. gaged in fostering better trade and investment ECACC is a network of 39 American Chambers of relations between its chambers’ host countries Commerce across Europe. Its major objectives and the United States. are to: 1) promote commercial, financial and Today ECACC represents the corporate interests industrial relations between the United States of more than 17,000 American and European and European countries; 2) present the views of companies, based in more than 35 countries the business community operating in the areas and employing more than 20 million people. of the member Chambers to agencies and or- ECACC works closely with the U.S. Department ganizations in the United States; 3) represent, of Commerce and the U.S. Chamber of Com- when appropriate, the views and aims of the merce in Washington D.C., especially at the an- members’ interests to representatives of host nual ECACC conference held in Washington D.C., country governments and other regional inter- where senior representatives of the administra- governmental organizations. tion, U.S. Congress and key U.S. organizations Working since 1963, ECACC is a leading voice are invited to give their views on current politi- of international business in Europe. It is recog- cal and economic trends.

58 59 AmCham Network AmCham Network

Albania Belgium Croatia Denmark France Greece American Chamber American Chamber American Chamber American Chamber American Chamber American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce in Albania of Commerce in Belgium of Commerce of Commerce of Commerce in France of Commerce Rr. Deshmoret 4 Shkurtit, Pall.1, Avenue des Arts 50, Bte. 5 in Croatia in Denmark 156 boulevard Haussmann 109-111 Messoghion Avenue Kati 2 Tirana Albania B-1000 Brussels Belgium Radnicka 43 Christians Brygge 26 F-75008 France GR-115 26 Athens Greece ATel: (+355) 4 259779 BTel: (+32) 25 13 67 70 CHR-10000 Zagreb Croatia D1559 Copenhagen V Denmark FTel: (+33) (1) 56 43 45 67 GTel: (+30) 210 699 3559 Fax: (+355) 4 235350 Fax: (+32) 25 13 35 90 Tel: (+385) 1 48 36 777 Tel: (+45) 33 93 29 32 Fax: (+33) (1) 56 43 45 60 Fax: (+30) 201 698 5686 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (+385) 1 48 36 776 Fax: (+45) 33 93 29 38 E-mail: amchamfrance@am- E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.amcham.com.al Website: www.amcham.be E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] chamfrance.org Website: www.amcham.gr Jeffrey Griffin, President Scott Beardsley, President Website: www.amcham.hr Website: www.amcham.dk Website: Yanos Gramatidis, President www.amchamfrance.org Floreta Luli-Faber, Marcel Claes, Chief Executive Mr. Arn Willems, President Mark A. Luscombe, Chairman Alexander Lamnidis, Executive Director Damir Vucic, Executive Director Stephen Brugger, Jean-Claude Gruffat, President Executive Director Bosnia & Executive Director Oliver Griffith, Managing Director Austria Herzegovina Cyprus Hungary EU Georgia American Chamber American Chamber Cyprus-American Business American Chamber of Commerce in Austria of Commerce in Bosnia and Association AmCham EU American Chamber of Commerce in Hungary Porzellangasse 35 Herzegovina Zmaja od Bosne 4 P.O. Box 21455 Avenue des Arts 53 of Commerce in Georgia V. Deák Ferenc u. 10, 5th Floor A-1090 Vienna Austria B71000 Sarajevo Bosnia CY-1509 Nicosia Cyprus B-1000 Brussels Belgium 1 Nutsubidze St., H-1052 Budapest Hungary and Herzegovina ATel: (+43) 1 319 57 51 Tel: (+357) 22 889830 Tel: (+32) 2 513 68 92 0177 Tbilisi Georgia Tel: (+36) 1 266 9880 Tel: (+387) 33 269 230/231 H Fax: (+43) 1 319 51 51 C Fax: (+357) 22 668630 Fax: (+32) 2 513 79 28 Tel: +(995) 32 312 110 Fax: (+36) 1 266 9888 Fax: (+387) 33 269 232 E G E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: Fax: +(995) 32 312 105 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.amcham.at Website: www.cyaba.com.cy [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.amcham.hu Website: www.amcham.ba Helmut F. Meier, President Mr. Chris Christodoulou, President Website: www.amchameu.be Website: www.amcham.ge Gustáv Biernerth, President Haris Pinjo, President Patricia A. Helletzgruber, Mr. Christos Petsides, Director John Vassallo, Chair David Lee, President PÉTER DÁVID, Executive Director Violeta Cibukcic, Susan Danger, Managing Director Betsy Haskell, Executive Director Executive Director Executive Director Azerbaijan Czech Republic Finland Germany Ireland Bulgaria American Chamber American Chamber American Chamber American Chamber American Chamber of Commerce in Azerbaijan American Chamber of Commerce of Commerce of Commerce in Germany of Commerce in Ireland of Commerce in Bulgaria The Landmark, 96 Nizami Street in Czech Republic in Finland Boersenplatz 7 6 Wilton Place Business Park Sofia, Mladost 4 AZ-1010 Baku Azerbaijan Dusni 10 CZ-110 00 Prague 1 Vilhonkatu 6 A D-60313 Frankfurt am Main Dublin 2 Ireland Area, Building 2, fl 6 Czech Republic Tel: (+99) 412 4 971 333 SF-00100 Helsinki Finland Germany ITel: (+353) 1 661 6201 A BG-1715 Sofia Bulgaria Tel: (+420) 2 2232 9430 F G Fax: (+99) 412 4 971 091 C B Tel: (+358) 45 136 6303 Tel: (+49) 69 92 91 04 - 0 Fax: (+353) 1 661 6217 Tel: (+359) 2 9-742-743/4/5/7 Fax: (+420) 2 2232 9433 E-mail: Fax: (+358) 9 675 387 Fax: (+49) 69 92 91 04 - 11 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Fax: (+359) 2 9-742-741769 569 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.amcham.ie Website: www.amchamaz.org E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.amcham.cz Website: www.amcham.fi Website: www.amcham.de Dr. Paul Duffy, President Daniel Mathews, President Website: www.amcham.bg Aleš Bartůněk, President Petteri Kilpinen, Chairman Fred B. Irwin, President Joanne Richardson, Nargiz Nasrullayeva-Muduroglu, Mr. Anthony Hassiotis, President Weston Stacey, Executive Director Valentin Georgiev, Risto Ojantakanen, Dierk Mueller, General Manager Chief Executive Executive Director Managing Director Executive Director

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Israel Luxembourg Norway Serbia Spain Israel-America Chamber American Chamber American Chamber American Chamber American Chamber American Chamber of Commerce of Commerce in Luxembourg of Commerce in Norway of Commerce in Romania of Commerce in Serbia of Commerce in Spain 35 Shaul Hamelech Blvd. 6, rue Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Lille Grensen 5 Union International Center, 11 Vlajkoviceva 30/111/10 Tuset 8, entlo. 3a E-08006 IL-Tel Aviv 61333 Israel L-1432 Luxembourg Luxembourg N-0159 Oslo Norway Ion Campineanu , 5.05-5.06 YU-11000 Belgrade, Serbia Barcelona Spain ITel: (+972) 3 695 23 41 LTel: (+352) 43 17 56 NTel: (+47) 22 41 50 10 R10031 Bucharest-1 Romania STel: (+381) 11 334 5961 STel: (+34) 93 415 99 63 Fax: (+972) 3 695 12 72 Fax: (+352) 26 09 47 04 Fax: (+47) 22 41 50 11 Tel: (+40) 21 312 4834 Fax: (+381) 11 324 7771 Fax: (+34) 93 415 11 98 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (+40) 21 312 4851 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.amcham.co.il Website: www.amcham.lu Website: www.amcham.no E-mail: Website: www.amcham.yu [email protected] Website: Nechemia (Chemi) Peres, Paul M. Schonenberg, Mr. Gunnar Rødal, Chairman Dejan Cvetkovic, President Website: www.amcham.ro www.amchamspain.com President Chairman & CEO Jason Turflinger, Bojana Ristic Vuka_inovi_, Jaime Malet, Chairman Tamar Guy, Executive Director Margot Parra, Marketing Director Managing Director Alexandra Gatej, President Executive Director Anca Harasim, Executive Director Glynis Andrews, Executive Director Italy Macedonia Poland Slovak Republic Russia American Chamber American Chamber American Chamber American Chamber Sweden of Commerce in Italy of Commerce in Macedonia of Commerce in Poland AmeCham in Russia of Commerce American Chamber of Com- Via Cantù, 1I-20123 Dimitrija Cupovski #2, Floor IV, Warsaw Financial Center, ul. Ul. Dolgorukovskaya 7, in Slovak Republic merce in Sweden Jakobs torg Milano Italy Pelagonija Building Emilii Plater 53, 14th floor 14th Floor Hotel Crowne Plaza Bratislava 3, P.O. Box 16050 SE-103 21 RU-127006 Moscow Hod_ovo námestie 2 Tel: (+39) 02 8690661 Fax: MMK-1000 Skopje Macedonia PL-00-113 Warsaw Poland Stockholm Sweden I P Russian Federation (+39) 02 8057737 816 25 Bratislava Tel: (+389) 2 3216 714 Tel: (+48) 22 520-5999 R Tel: (+46) 8 506 126 10 Fax: Tel: (+7) 495 961 2141 Slovak Republic E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (+389) 2 3135 441 Fax: (+48) 22 520-5998 S (+46) 8 506 126 13 Fax: (+7) 495 961 2142 S Tel: (+421) 2 5464 0534 Website: www.amcham.it E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (+421) 2 5464 0535 Umberto Paolucci, President Website: www.amcham.com.mk Website: www.amcham.com.pl Website: www.amchamswe.se Website: www.amcham.ru E-mail: [email protected] Paolo Catalfamo, Ilijanco Gagovski, President Roman Rewald, Chairman Bengt Sjögren, Chairman Managing Director Ron Pollett, Chairman Website: www.amcham.sk Bozidar Jankovski, Dorothy Dabrowski, Berit Salheim, Andrew B. Somers, President Robert Simoncic, President Executive Director Executive Director Managing Director St. Petersburg Jake C. Slegers, Latvia “Na Novo-Isaakievskoy” Executive Director American Chamber of Com- Malta Portugal business center Switzerland merce in Latvia Maltese – American American Chamber Ulitsa Yakubovicha 24, left wing, 3rd floor Slovenia Swiss-American Chamber of Torna iela4, IIA,301 Chamber of Commerce of Commerce in Portugal Commerce 190000 St. Petersburg American Chamber of Com- LV-1050 Riga Latvia Exchange Buildings, Republic Rua D. Estefania 155, 5 Esq. Talacker 41 CH-8001 Zurich Russian Federation merce in Slovenia LTel: (+371) 6721-2204 Fax: Street P-1000-154 Lisboa Portugal Switzerland Tel: (+7) 812 448 1646 Pod Hribom 55 SLO-1000 Lju- (+371) 6721-2204 MVLT 1117 Valletta Malta Tel: (+351) 213 572 561 Tel: (+41) 43 443 72 00 Fax: P Fax: (+7) 812 448 1645 bljana Slovenia E-mail: [email protected] Tel: (+356) 21245223 Fax: (+351) 213 572 580 (+41) 43 497 22 70 E-mail: [email protected] Tel: (+386) 1 581 62 85 Website: www.amcham.lv Fax: (+356) 2124 5223 E-mail: amchamportugal@mail. S SE-mail: [email protected] telepac.pt Website: www.amcham.ru/spb Fax: (+386) 1 581 61 11 Jerry Wirth, President E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.amcham.ch Website: www.amcham.org.pt Lawrence E. Booker, Chairman E-mail: [email protected] Liga Bertulsone, Website: Christoph Franz, Chairman & Website: www.amcham.si Executive Director www.amcham-malta.org José Joaquim Oliveira, President Maria Chernobrovkina, President Executive Director Tomaz Tovse, President Anton Tabone, President Graça Didier, Executive Director Martin Naville, Kevin J. Borg, Executive Director Janez Moder, Executive Director Chief Executive Officer

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The Netherlands United Kingdom Kazakhstan Lithuania American Chamber British American Business 75 American Chamber American Chamber of Com- of Commerce in Netherlands Brook Street of Commerce in Kazakhstan merce in Lithuania WTC D-Tower, 6th Floor W1K 4AD London United Kingdom Hyatt Hotel Office Tower, 10th Lukiskiu 5-204 Schiphol Boulevard 171 Tel: (+44) 207 290 9888 Floor 29/6 Satpaev Street LT-01108 Vilnius Lithuania TNL-1118 BG Schiphol Airport UFax: (+44) 207 491 9172 K50040 Almaty Kazakhstan LTel: (+370) 5 261 11 81 The Netherlands E-mail: [email protected] Tel: (+772) 72 58 79 38 E-mail: [email protected] Tel: (+31) 20 795 18 40 Fax: (+772) 72 58 79 42 Website: www.babinc.org Website: www.acc.lt Fax: (+31) 20 795 18 50 E-mail: [email protected] Peter Hunt, Managing Director Aistė Andziulevičiūtė, E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.amcham.kz Executive Director Website: www.amcham.nl Doris Bradbury, Raoul F.M.L. Oberman, President Other AmChams Executive Director Moldova Riette Blacquiere, Exec. Officer in Europe Kenneth Mack, president American Chamber of Com- Turkey Kosovo merce in Moldova Armenia 202 Stefal cel Mare Street American Chamber American Chamber American Chamber KENTFORD Building, of Commerce Turkey / TABA of Commerce in Kosovo of Commerce in Armenia MMD-2005 Chisinau Republic of Büyükdere Caddesi 18, Tankaya Gustav Majer #6 Marriott Armenia Hotel Moldova Apt. Kat 7, D 20 Sisli Room 315 10000 Prishtina Kosovo Tel: (+373) 22 211 781 TR-34360 Istanbul Turkey T A1 Amiryan Street KTel: (+381) 38 246 012 Fax: (+373) 22 211 782 Tel: (+90) 212 291 09 16-17 Fax: (+381) 38 248 012 0010 Yerevan Armenia E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (+90) 212 291 06 47 E-mail: [email protected] Tel: (+347) 599 187 Website: www.amcham.md E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (+347) 599 256 Website: www.amchamksv.org Mila Malairău Executive Director Website: www.amcham.org E-mail: [email protected] Mimoza Kusari – Lila, John Maxemchuk, President Ugur Terzioglu, Chairman Website: www.amcham.am Executive Director Asude Yesilbas, Elen Ghazarian, Operation Executive Uzbekistan Executive Director Kyrgyz Republic American Chamber of Com- American Chamber merce in Uzbekistan Ukraine Estonia of Commerce in Kyrgyz 2 Afrosiab Street American Chamber Republic American Chamber 100031 Tashkent Uzbekistan of Commerce in Ukraine 191 Sovetskaya, Office #123 of Commerce in Estonia Tel: (+998) 71 140 0877 42-44 Shovkovychna Vul., U Tallinn Business Center, Harju 6 720011 Bishkek Kyrgyz Republic Fax: (+998) 71 140 0977 LL1 Floor K 10130 Tallinn Estonia Tel: (+996) 312 68 09 07 E-mail: 01601 Kyiv Ukraine Fax: (+996) 312 68 11 72 U ETel: (+372) 6 310 522 [email protected] Tel: (+380) 44 490 58 00 Fax: (+372) 6 310 521 E-mail: Website: www.amcham.uz Fax: (+380) 44 490 58 01 [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Tatiana Bystrushkina, E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.amcham.kg Website: Executive Director Website: www.chamber.ua www.amcham.ee Ainura Cholponkulova, Mr. Boris Krasnyansky, Chairman Executive Director Daria Sivovol, Executive Director Jorge Zukoski, President

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/fighting for your business/

American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova 2008 Annual Report