
u 1/­ ,oo REPO i{T CL/ ,A.S­ \.9'G(;~9






,, . , . ... , ••: ...... tt .. :' , ' •' .

<.!."ttani.1: J>IUXT ED HY IIU.NTEil, 1WSI~ • CO., SAi.LY ~ l'HEET. 1 GG. AD.JUTA~T GE~ERAL'R Ol"FICE,

OrTAWA, .June, I 66.

The underi;igned has the honor t-0 forward t-0 Your Excellency the accompanying

Report relating to the Militin of the Province of Canada for I 65-613, which j,; rei;pi>ct­ • fully submitted for Your Excellency's consideration .

P. L. MACDOUGALL, Colonel,

.Adjt.-Gcn. ~lilitia, Canada. His Excellency the Right Honorable The Governor () cneral, &c.! &c., &c., .. . REPORT .


On his first arrival in Cann continued up to the time when the Order of Ilis Excellency the Uo\Oruor General plnccd I0,000 Y uluntcrr;; on actual c:crvict!. ~\t many otlwr pbc.. , "llCh as Gormnill, Prc--cott, Brock ville, Clit'ton (Su"pcn

•Tho.M1htia. Oen rn\ Or1lcr I su d ly llie Excellrocy the Commander iG Chief will be found t page 7 of thi~ Report. -•1 7

'.. I \.S as )·ou think most CSlrtl 0 to the smartness and soldier-like appearance of which reflected the hi~hc t credit on the be in rculJ ma.:in,.,.,_. u c o f the Po·t~ Offic"" v·w' ' the .\.nd of their birth at their respecth·~ head-quarters, awaiting further orders. . .. or adoption. But the benefits conferred by the "Brotherhood '' do noc ;:top here. fly 'Phis force wa~ placed by His Ex.::ellency the Governor General at the d1spos1t10n. of uniting all classes, and by the opportunity afforded of tc.... ting its :'tlilitnry or"nniz:ition, Ilis Mxc 0 1leucy the J,ieutenant-Geaeral Commanding, and the Adjutant-General .ha~rng they have given to the Province a proud consciousne;:s of 'trcn!!th, and have b~cn the been directed to take the Orders of the LiQutenant-Gcnera.1 as to the d1stnbu­ means of obtaining for it, in England in particular and before the world at lar!!c, thnt tio11-hy the afternoon of Saturday, the 10th, that distribution was effected without status and consideration as a great people, to which by the mn~nituervicc w:ui the Volunteers who were actually employed in clefcnding the different approachc.; to t be executed, and the entire ab~cncc of c:i.aualty, speak volumes for the efficient management city, except such as bclon~cd to the ;'\Iontre:i.l J,ocal Force. or the lines. Xow the sy:;tem of po ts which was established in front of l'f~nt1~al Ii. ti priucip.:illy It is quite certain that in place of the 10,000 men called for, 30,000 could have been for its oLject the protection of thnt city, which i · on acc&unt of its s1tu11tlon both ID n umstcred within 48 hours; and indeed when the Returns were received a few days after ,,li!itary and Commercial point of view, anti for its wealth, tho \'cry lum~t of L ~wer Unnadn .. of the tren~th of the Uompauies on service, it was founu that the number called for liy If in the distribution of Military prize money, tho:;e t1oop.; lcfc Ill n•ar rn charge of the Governor General had been exceeded hy 4,000 men; and that in place of 10,000 men, tho baggage of an army, but which strike no blow iu a battle, au.11 even tlJo,c ~t n greater there were actually 1-i,000 doing duty with the Service Force. distance from the field, if only within hearing ol' the guns, arc entitled to hnrn 111 the :,:unc 'J'his excess was occasioned by the fact that the St..'lff Officers, in view of tho limited 11roportion a!' the troops actually engaged-then, a .fortiori, tho o Yoluutcer 1omp:iuics time allowed for the muster of the force, were ohliged to call out the different Companies furnished by poor localities who were employed in coveriu~ tho frout of ~lontrcnl1 nu(I at their a.ctual strength i but the e:igerocss to ahnro in the defence of the country was such who would have boruo the first hrunt o f :m enemy:;· a tt ac k·, OU"' I1 t ·" nr-h·c,, not to ha,·e Leen that the Companies were increased to tho full strength by men eo1ning to join from distan­ overlooked in the di:;tribution of the libor:ility of its citizen». ces which could not be anticipated. Thore were runny instances of Volunteers coming in On the ::? .. th l\farch the Voluutccr 'l<'orco of l ·1,000 men on nctu J i;cn·ice \\"II rec.Inc d from dUant parts of the United ..:tat.cs, having given up lucrative employment nt the cnll to tho originally prcscril.Jcd number of 10,000. On the 3bt ;)J:irch .tho Volunteer. 'ow· of tho duty which they owned to Canada. Ono young gentleman, a. first-class graduate of panics then on actual scrvico wctc relieve(! from pcru111ucnt 1luty. with the o ·cept1ou of , the advanced frontier 11o:;tq, and required to parade and drill ou two dtl) in cnch ' eek. Tb ) \\ere furtltcr requircil to furnh•h snch ni 0htl) gu.ml a might I.Jo thought nece. ary Tho Grand 1'ruuk Hailro:id has supplied thirty-two (:1'.!) compaui , forming in the t y the lllnjors-Gcucrnl Commanding Ili~trirt . . . . aggregate 2,0 0 men, which have :ilready been Gazetted, and \Vill shortl) be equipped. On the 12th ~\pril nll the remaining r.omp:rnie in l':111ada, l.Jc11'.g efficwut; tha~ 1s to _ It is intended to form them into six Battalions; viz., two llntt.nlion of Garri on \rtil­ :I) those which haJ not been plncc1l 011 actual servil'c, antnnt Adjutanb General of Militia, for tho energy and ability with which they hnve performed their arduous duties. Their services have been most valuable and ~IAGAZINB S. iudi p!?nEablc, n.~ have been al~o tho:;o of tho Brigade-~I:tjors of the different district~. The events of the Ja.,t few months have subjected the Volunteer system to a i;overe Tho sudden call lately fo r tho fir o-t time made on the Y uluutcer:., on n large calc, ha t -t. The continuous service of a Volunteer Militia for any length of time is not applica­ rcyeale


The experience ac<1uired during tho pa t wiutcr line been i:o encoura~ing that the 'l'hc equipment of Cavalry <'orps generally, :mtl of tho Field Bnttcrie 1 i iu a Ycry Adjutant-General ha, been authorized to incrc:isc tho or1li11ary Volunteer F orce to 25,000 un::.ali!;factory state. lf corps of th ~sc two arrus of tho Service arc to be continued, they mcu. ought to be properly nrmcd nnd cq11ippc1l. ~lany of the troops of Cavalry hayc at present no arm:; lrnL nntiquntctl nbrc'; 1111tl arc SPECIAL C10RP8 l.N' .AllDI'l'ION. unpruYidcd with military i:addlcs nml bridles.

'l'he oflicers and servants of the railway cou1pa11ics ha,·c been hithNto liable 10 lie 'fhe harness of the Ficltl Batteries, except in one iust:mcc, is foiling to 11icc from o llc•l out for Militia l!erviec, with tho l?XCcption of engi11c.1lrivcr , co11d11ctors and switl'h­ age and r o ttcnn c s ~ , and it would be quite impo siblc to more the guns nt nll ou :my but the smoothest roadq, nnd even ou smooth roads, they could uot bo wovcd ten wiles from men, to tho great detriment of the interest and convcuicnce nf the public ; a11 d :1 i11 time of .war, it woul.d be of the most vital importnucc thnt thP rnilruads of' the t'ouutry i;honl

•. h · t I "ncr tho 0 \ oluntecrs heretofore supplied with uniform clothing DRILL SIIEDS. '· '\ 1t a '1cw o p ac1 0 . . r • J:' otin"' of cqualih· llS regnr

uniform 1 may be so furnished by paying, out of their first year's drill pay, the excess iu In the event of war it would be ofvitnl importance to Canada to h:we a rorce of Gar­ rnluc of each uniform rci1uircd (including the great coat) above ten dollars and fifty cents. :l. Ju addition to the yearly drill pay, n. yearly allow:rnce of three dollars per man, rison Artillery, well instructed in all the detnils of heavy artillery. The tir~t operation of for the current financial year and thenceforward, will be credited to the Yoluntcers entitled the Canadian army must, in all human probability, be defensive. 'l'he Adjntnnt-General to receiv-c ,uoh allowance. respectfully and urgently recommends that a suitable provi ion Le made for this mo t im­ portant object, viz., the thorough of the batteries of Gnrri<:on Artillery to the 4. I~or the purpo:-e of such clothiog allowance, the Volunteeri! will be considered in in~truction service of great guns. three cln--c.s: 1st Clais.-Oorp prov-ided with uniform heretofore at their own expense will be credited with the allowance of three dollars per man in lieu of clothing for the current RIFI,E ~lATCHE •. fionncinl ycnr ending :30th June, 1 ~66. The Returns of Rifle l\Iatches forwarded to this Department, for the pa·t year, are ~nd Olas .-Corps which have been heretofore clothed a.t the public expense, and satisfactory, as indicating the continued interest felt by the Volunteer5 them~clv-es in these who .ioec such clothing was issued to them have been on Frontier Service long enough, frien

l'or the repair. of ll1e valuable arms issued to the Volunteers it is much tu lie dc~ircd, The aggregate sum thus collected nmounts to $:!5;";9. 50, to which e_·teut the Yolun­ ns n measur~ of ult1w;tc _economy, that the l'ro\·ince ehl)uld employ permanent armourer:;, teers have willingly tnxed thcm~elvc.; 1 rccci\·ing in n limitc1l degree, 1mch extr:mcou aid nt lea tone 10 each 1 rovmcc, who would be coust~ntly occupied in repairing nr\ns which as n few liberal and public spirited indh·idunls haye been willing to nfford th m, iu fur. mny l1avo suffered damage. them.nee of the objects contemplated by thc~e matehe.;. 1'hc total number of competitors Ill 12 13 who a ·embled to compete for the prizes thu offered, were lGH>. At the Ilcmmingforeason to the l>cpartmcut. In Lower ii1olnted llurnl Compauie-<1 sc:ittercd 01er the whole of that .Frontier, from tho llichclicu Canada, 23 Uorps failed in thb re pcct. In l' pper Canada no 1 than !.!.? Corps to the Chatc:mguay River;,. ?ilnny of them coming distnnccs varying from ten to thirty have been guilty of this direliction of duty. If Registers are uot duly kept, nod peri· miles, to tnkc pnrt in proceedings which lnstcd three dap, and their orderly conduct while odically transmitted by the Officers coucerned, it is quite impo ible that ju ti c.: cao be present, was the subject of general remark, and worthy of commendation. • the order ns follows:- instructions on this head, transmitted to each Commanding Officer when the annual 1 ~'ue is made, the numbers should have been 5,536. The ammunition i :sued for the l. Yolunteers, Carleton l'lacc, ~lay 21th, 1SG5 ...... $ 30 00 year~ 2. ...... 35 00 app:ication for it, or having made it, it has not beeu recommended to owing to incffi· 8. do Seaforth, do Gth, 1 G5 ...... 20 H i~sue 9. fa. Lawrcnce)tiflc A ~ocintion,~Prescott, .Tnly-!th to 10th, 1865 805 00 eiency or some other valid reason. . D t t fi eticc during the past 1ear, 13 10. Volunteer., Fitzroy and l'akcnham, July ...... 75 00 The ammunition purcha<:cu from t h e epar men or pra . • considerably under the previous year's purchases, being nearly two third" le:.!, or only 11. ith M. D. Hifle ~\ -oeiation, llnmilton, August J Hh, 18u5 ... . 531 00 l '' do ...... During the past year o5 uon Targets were receive r , ,... , 33~ 00 · d · tl ural part-< \n eu- 14 Volunteer , Kingston, October J th, rnG:> ...... 50 00 of September these were distributed 1~here most reqmre 1u ie r · - . .1 · 11 1ako them rno~t u.;;eful 15. ilo Alton,

fen against the attack ro ·inc , CAm .. .. ~ t r • 16 17

. d I 'ric the results of which nre summc·l up io the following The Cadets, a large proportion of them from the best families in the con t 1i · w:i. ,a 11 of In truct1on for me at prai ' . . f -:\l T tia ·- the usua~ ioutiuc of cnmp life with surprisio .... readio=s Th . 1· n ry,_ e into Hcport nddrc cd by tho Adjutant.Geoornl to the ~hoister o • I I . ~ '"' · e1r 1ves were prec15eJy the i;amc as thc.se led by soldier. of the regular armv in camp and I t h Mo:-;T&EAr,, Oct. 20, 1865. ,, ' mus stiy t at the demcanor o f a II throughout was beyond pra;ae. t th t io obedicocc to the iostructioos of His Bx:oel- m I ha~c the honor to repor n d b 16tl lt . The second day after their asF.cmbly, the fir~t beiog n •• unday, I ordered a brigade i rn "1 '-:-'lonck the C.1dcts of the )lilitnry Schools were 'lssemblc on t c u . parade for the purpose of addres:,iog the Cadets· I was

J,t-Col. commanding Right Balt'n.1 Co.pt. Shephard, 25th Regt. Sergeant of a company ID battalion; and it was surprising to ob er\"e the aptitude nod Adjt. Right Batt'n, Capt. Carter, lGth Rcgt. . ,. . kn·o·wledge they generally displayed. It affords a gratifying testimony to the value of the Lt-Col. commanding Centre Bntt'n, Lt-Col. Smith,\ ictor1a V. R. ~Iilita? Schools \vhich bnve been established in the I>rovince; and I am thereby con­ Adjt. Centre Batt'o, J,ieut. Nagle, 30th Ret;t. firmed rn the .convict'.on that so soon as we shall ha"e obtained, through the agency of fa-Col. commanding Left Batt'o, Lt.-Col. Suzor, Volunteer Force. ,, ~h~~e. schools, a suffi.cient number of officers and non-com mis ioned officen for tho Service

Adjt. Left Batt'n1 Capt. Barnard, Volunteer Force. i:~ihtia, th~ assembling of. them yearly in camps of instruction \Viii render it possible to Quarter-masters and Sergeant-Majors were also appointed permanently to Batt~li~ns dispense with a. large portion of the time during which the whole of the ervice Militia from among the discharged non-commissioned officers resideut in Canada. The remarnmg Force ought otherwise to be called out yearly for training. battalion officers a'l.d non.commissioned officers were furnished by the Cadets themselves During the three last days of re6idence the Cadet Brigndo wru. encamped with a bri­ 10 rotation, except that two Cadets were named permanently as Sergeants, and two as Cor­ ~ade formed of the Montreal regular garriwo. This force went through two di,·bioual poral~ to each company. field days, commanded by Major-General the Hon. Jame· Liod:;ay, the la.st bein,., in the The force was formed in three battalions, and to avoid all possible jealousy as to posts p~esence of the Licut.-Gcoeral Commandio,.,, and I fully corroborate Col. Wobe~y's opi­ of honor, they were disposed in the order they would naturally assume facing the frontier mon th.at the Cadets compared most fa;orably with the regulnr troop:i, an opinion thet wu of Canada to repel an iova~ion. Thus the Cadets of the Toronto School and of those shared in and expressed by both Sir John ~Iichcl and lhc ~Iajor-Gcoeral. f'chooh; West of Toronto, were formed into the right battalion; the Cndcts of the Kings­ To give the Uadets their just credit, it should be stated that while they executed all ton School, and the English-speaking Cadets of the Montreal and Quebec Schools, com­ the movements of a sham fight with the t:ame prcci~ion and quicko~ as rqgular troop.s; po ed the centre battalion; the Cadets of French Canadian origin composed the left they suffered under the great disad\"antage that the Captning and Co"ering-Sergeauts were battalion. Cadets taken out of the ranks to act as such in rotation. 13y utilizing the small barrack nt Laprairie, I was enabled to place each battnlion .Among th(> Cadets who attended the camp were three French Canadian .Members of under camp during two weeks; nod in quarters one week. P~rliament, and one Upper Canadian :Lifomber, and I cannot speak too highly of the patri­ Uwiog to the distance of faprairie from Montreal, nnd the impossibility of obtaining otic example exhibited by those gen tlcmcn of cheerful submission to uonccustomcd incon­ tl1e service of more than one small steamer, a large number of Cadets did not reach camp venience, and of ready a::id willing obedience to authority. 011 the fiut day until after dark; nnd before they could be told off to their several com­ Lord Aylmer was al~o present in the rank:::, with several gentlemen holdin"' the rank panies it began to rain heavily. The rain continued all oigbt nod nil next day, and ou of Lt.-Coloncl in tho Sedentary )lilitia, bc:;idcs many officers who hud served in ~he regular the second night, although fine overhead, the weather was cold and it blew hard from the nrmy; nnd the same acknowledgment is due to all these, a!> to the J1'reucb Canadian i\Iem­ North. Thus the spirit of these young soldiers was rather severely tested at the outset, bers. and I nm happj· to 11ny that nothing could exceed their cheerfulness and good humor under One very gratifying feature and consequence of the Camp of Instruction wa the e11tc11tc cordi rl h. h d b . . . theso rather trying circumstances. The first rntions were served out to them on tho < c w tc was create ctween the French Canadian and En"'h:>h battalion . morning after their arrival, noel these they had \o cook for tliem11elvea at thr. usu!\l r.iunr h 1'he French nnd Engli h were in the habit of s~rcnadiog each other by turn~, and kitchens, und r heavl raiu t e greatest good fcllow!'lhip prevailed throu~hout, without nnx, ioterruntion. ' geotle- 18 19

h l ened to travel by the train which took some 200 French Canadians back to man w o iapp d · · d · · · " God savo from tho .Montreal G~rrison. I took with me camp equipment for two b:ilt.. 'llions. and I . home-< ioicrmed me that at all the stations they ha J010e in s10g10g t 1e1r ., . ffi h h d ma.oded thom blankets for three battalions. Upon the 15th the Camp Wll! pitched by this detachment, the Qoeca,·• ending always with three cheers for their.o oers, w o a com latrines dug, field kitchens constructed, and every arrangement ru:11lc for the reception of nt C3n)p nod three cheers for the l,; ppcr Canada battahon. . h the Cadets, who arrived by the afternoon boats on the day following-99i having reported ' h bTt1 1 d er"y wit I de iro to record as strongly as possible my i;eose of t e a Y an en o themselves before IO p.m. that night. hich th~ immediate command of the camp was exercised by Colonel "\Volseley, and to According as each mau gave in his name, and decided whether he wiehP.il l.O beloug wv; hich is attributable a larrre .,hare in the success of the ex penmen· t · It was a charge. to the French or English battalion11, he was attached lo a company; the companies were rcquiriug ~uusually delicat: mnnngcment; but in Colonel Wolseley'~ .qualificati.ons ~ct 18 composed of 40 men each. As you desired, I formed them into three b11tt.alioo5, formin~ combined with firmne,~, nod both with an intimate knowledge of his profession 10 nn those from the Schools of Western Canada into the right battalion, tho e from Kiog"t-00 llDCOlllDlOD degree. . d t and the men of the English race from Montreal and Quebec into the centre, :ind tho~e of l de:-irc nlso to exprc:-s my great obligation to the J.Jieut.-Gcneral commanding, an . 0 French origin from the same districts into the left battalion. Io order to omewhat Major-General the Hoo. James Lindsay, for tho kind and ready aid they afforded me 10 equalize their rP.spective strengths, I was subsequently obliged to attach the <'adets from the every particular in which aid was requirecl from the regular troops and stores. Right Eat., 3&6 men. London School to the centre battalion, when their respective. treogth Without their a~istance it would have been impossible to carry out, satisfactorily, tho Centre Eat., 334 do. · W h d h Le n Bat ..... 4 05 do. v wishe" of His Excelle:icy the Governor Ceneral. was as per margtn. e a a eavy rainstorm on the niL?ht of the I have the honor to be, Sir, Total. .... 1105 do. 16th, and as it was very dark there was some difficulty in supplying the Cadets with bedding, particularly rui they kept arriving in :.mall Your very obedient servant, parties until near midnight. P. L. .MACDOUGALL, Each Cadet, upon joining, was supplied with two blankets, n p:illia~~e and bol~terca~e; Col,mel, Adjutant General Militia. The Hoo. the Minister of )Jilitia, I a liberal allowance of straw to fill these was also given to them. In adclition to the large &c., &c. amount of camp equipment, kc., &c., lent by tho Imperial Government, wooden flooring:i I ha"\"e omitted to make that special mention of the French Canadian Cadet.I! which is were supplied for all the ten ta by order of the Lieutenant-General commanding. The bell their just due. Laboring as they have done, both whilst under instruotion at the Military tents used in camp were of several patterns, but all arc adapted for the accommodation of ~chools and during their exercises at the camp, under the disadvantage of, in many cases, 12 soldiers. In order to make the Cadets as comfortable as possible, 10 only were put into each tent. a total ignorance of English, and as a general rule, a very imperfect k.nowledge of the language, it i~ most creditable to them that their proficiency in drill and manoouvres was Ii lbs. of bread. Free rations on a most liberal scale (as per ruargin) wero supplied, of not inferior to that of the Engli'!h battalions. It is only to be explained by the fact that the ~ ~~: ~~~~7oes. excellent quality, by Mr. Dunn, of Laprairie, who fulfilled his contract with ·French Canadians have retained thoae military in11tinets, and that ~pecialit~ for military Tea, au,;ar, ult. credit to himself and to the ntisfaction of all. or.;aoizatioo, which sent their countrymen of Old France conquerors over the whole of The routine of duties was almost the same as that generally adhered to in H.M. Europe with the exception of two &mall islands in the North Sea. Regiments in this country. The hours of reveille and t:tttoo, for meals and parades, corre::­ ponded with those of tho Montreal Garrison: the Cadets had five hours drill d:iily, ._:itur­ P. L. MA.cDouOALL. days and Sundays excepted. Roman Catholics and Protestants attended divine ::ervice on the latter day. The cooking was done by compnnies, the Cadets taking it day about; (ENCLOSURE.) tliey also carried out themselves all the usual camp nod barrack fatigues, &c., &c. Two (Cop9.) MONTREAL, October 10, 1865. Sm,-In compliance with your instructions, I have the honor to make tho following and sometimes three laborers were employed daily upon meoi:il dutie.", which I did not brief report with reference to tho Camp of Instruction, established by your ordere at consider the Cadets should be subjected to. With this exception they were employed iu Laprairie, which you did me the honor of placing under my immediate command. turns upon nil military duties, from that of regimental field officl!ril dowu to that of prirate was At Laprairie there is an old wooden barrack that affords accommodation for 400 iuen J sentinels. One guard was furnished daily by each regiment, nod ooo company alway:. upon in-lying picket. fo each battalion two Cadets mro named to net ns Regirucotul in front of it is a level s<1uarc, large enough for drilling a battalion. .A.round the barracks is nn extensive common, where a largo force might encamp. it is admirably adapted for Majors for two days at a time; they reported themselves daily to the regular Field Officer military instruction and the mano::uvring of troops. ' of the day, nod accompanied him on his rounds by day and night. Two OadcL were named permanently as sergeants, and two as corporals for each company. .At every drill , . Enclosed is ~ Ii.st of 11taff and other officers appointed to do duty with tho camp. 1 hirty non'.co~mw1oned officers from the various corps of Infantry in Canada were lent different Cadets were called out of the ranks to act u captaiol! and subaltern officero:, 50 io act as dnll 1nstructors, by the Lieutenant.General commanding. that opportunity was afforded to nil to learn the dutie:; of nil regimental grade . For the first few days they were exerciacd without arms, and during tho whole period of their Pn he 15th ~It., I procf'eued to Laprairi~ l'i~h ~ f•ti e par~ Qf 160 ~OQ~ furni~hr.(\ • •tay in ca.mp the early morning parades wcrewithouc arms. .Aftera few day;,' ~pericncc 20 21

· l 1.. l d 0 f drill was much greater tbnn I hacuuis, Brigade M:ijor of Militia, dis­ a: l n e"""L 1'hcir eonduct was bevoud nll prai e: their cbcerful obcd1enec owcers on y ca u..... " . . · · II played great zeal and much ability iu assi:oling Licut.-Colonc\ Atcherly in the discharge of aud the r pect they paid their officers, evinced n de.-ire to learn a soldiers duties in a his numerous duties. the vnriou grades of our profession, nod the quickness with wl1ich they learned ho.W:e~ an aptitude for Ihilitary pu~uits that augur well for the future prosperity of the )!ih·ti·a. of l have tlic honor to Le, Sir, thi country. The difficulties one always bas to encounter in tran!"fon~ing tl1~ c1t.1ien Your obedient Ecrvant, into the oldier in l.e3chin<> him habit> of order, precision and . martness 10 bear10g, were (~igued,) fl. J. WOLSELEY, con quently e::sily overco~e. It seemed to be the deJre of nll to identify thcm:,c)~·es w_ith Colonel, Asst. Qu:irtcr-mn ler

At one of these field days Lieut.-General Sir James )Iiche\1 K.C.ll., was pre:fent ; In consequence of events whicn have taken place since the both he and Major-General Lindsay expresse l themselves highly pleased with tho manner in which the Cadets manoouvred, and with their i:tcadines." under arms. foregoing was printed, it has been found nccc ary to make ome 'l'he camp was broken up on the evening of the Gth instant, and all the Cadets bad left for their homes by the following evening. additional remarks, which 'vill be found in following page~. To the officers who commanded the three battalions, Captain Shephard, 25th llcgt., (K.O.B.,) Lient.-Colonel Smith of the Volunteer Militia, and Licut.-Colonel Suzor, .Brigade Major of .Militia, and to their respective Adjutnnts, Captain Carter, lGth Regt. Lieuteunnt 1 Nagle, 30th Regt., and Captain Bernard, of the Militia, all who took an interc~t in the camp are deeply indebted for theit· zeal nnd energy. The services of Lieut.-Col. Atcherly, late of the 30th Regt., who acted as Assist.nut Quarter-master Geueral, were invalunl>le. The comfort of each individual recruit depended greatly upon the manner in which tl1e duties of that officer were carried out, nod I do not. think: that any one could have been more succesafal in discharging them thnn he wn . • ~ajor Drowne (late of the SStb and 69tb Regts.,) di played great tact iu the manner lll which Le carried on hie duties; he wu peculiarly happy in dealing with the Cadets, • 23

l,t..C'ol. Armstrong, of Brockton, al o sent five of his son to the front n vo1nntec . '.l'hc ubove are only particular and remarkable iusta11c of n d YOf n which h heen tnernl. When the \' oluutccrs were lately sent to the front to m ct n c ml in th 1 ADDE~DA TO THE ADJUT1L T GENERAL'S REPORT. fi Id, a11"rs with undercl Jthing. or with boot . In the 1t ~ii 1r • er\"icc, the B I lier out uot only \Villiogly but eagerly, although tho sacrifice inrnlved nt the prc~ent. cason on 1•rovide the c uut of his ra/. fro111 the Qa1rh:r·ma.sccr'" re or l~ ~irncnt I nee 'ari • nil merchant:, nud other men of bu ... iuc-s, as well as on tradc:;ruen, mechanics auil farmer~, is J!ut a without boot n soldier i::. 11 clc -, au I :b m 11y o the\'o!unt crs were ur.nb'e lo pur· cnormon . In c~timating the co::t to the count1y of the Fenian operations, the Govern­ chase, the c;overnment authoriz d the j, ue of boot~ to nil Yolnnt r r quiring th ru, who ment expenditure form- only a secondary con~i daily twice a,, much as he costs the fn order to render tho Yolunteer force cfiicient for sen ice, it is indiapens:ible :- l•O'Crnment. • sit never cau be the de .. iro of the country that 11uch ~acrilices should be 1:-t. That kuap acks and hwer.,.acks should be nt once upplie 1 to cvcr; rn11n i exelu i,·cl) borne by Volanteers1 the Adjutant General takes the present occa!'iou ugain Zud. That a rescn·c :-upply of knap:;nck::. and lrn.ver·ack:. should be con tautly kept up rc~1 ectfully to ~ng.!est the ju,tice and expediency of levying a certain yearly tax on every in the I rovincial i-torcs ; . rnule i•.habitant of Canada, within certain limits of agc, who is not enrolled either in a 3r rn· J'~og )an d , o f ex c~lleutc material J nnd at a far cheaper iu dcfcnrling their country, uud have sacrificed their situn.tions to do oo. It is especially rate than that at which tho men coultl supp Iy t h emse Ire', · · ti1 c nrticlc of boots• ' ,however, worthy to be recorded that GU yourw Canadians hastened from Chicarru to 'l'oron to to offer cxccpted as th y can he furn1shed· c1 ieapcr JD· Cnnaua .1 a u ' I of as tirroo l mnterml. rhc :) •ar- their i;cn·icc, nod ure now doing duty in that city as a Yoluntcer C~rps. tiele-: to be' i!',ucd to the Volunteer•, whether on aetua 1service · or no t 1 ° n rcpa\·went.1 ' wh1c 11 It would be impo -ible to detail the many individual instance:-! of de,•otiou to Unuadu would be a grcnt boon to the men. whicli hnvo been afforded by her Eon i but the Lcha,·ior of n stran"cr not Jon' arri\·cd in the country from .England, sho1ild not be left without Mtice :.:'...)Ir. Lockie, n young gcutleman or the ''Loudon Scottish (Lord Elcho's) Ile"iment" who haCrv1a iu t e Hawke bury b:ittnlion. . ... ts d wnq crcclttcd to 1w m t • wenty-tive cents ·1 d 'ins pny and fiaty con a 11~ • l f the Commnndmg an d lo lging. The lntt<>r nllownncc· wou Id f'Ol'lll a f un d nt the d1-po~:i. o 21 25

Offic r. l'tbich he would employ to the bc.;t ndrnutngc for the comfort of the meu, in all c where they nre not pcrm:iocntly billit l and supplied by househol1le•s. store houses, .ehoulnt 11tat13 of' nff.iirs, bcco very gootl, and they li:wc improved Y<' ry much in tlrni r drill duriug the few weeks they were on active i;crvicr. the Province woultl have no means of utilizing the stroag 1111 d willing :mus of' the pupu la­ tion at lnrgc. .At present the 1~cpb t s of arms nncl other warlike material arc fixed. recei\'cd very favorable reports of their conduct from their command in.; office.rs. Owin!! to the reports about movcmeut'l of J.'cninn , the \ -olunt er on tl1c J.'°roa ticr 1t follow , therefore, that large depots of nrn:s nnd munitions should be formed nt the were con:;tantly obliged to patrol, night nfter uigl1t, nud the dutic were \Cry rcro, but o ntrcs of distriots-J,,ondon, 'l'orQntn, Kin to11. For sucl• a purpos prop r )111il1 l iu~ , " both officers and rueu performed them in a mo t cheerful 11.nd ffcctivc :iy, nod de erl"c very credit for their condu.ct 1ui· o •inion, 1 i1 27 I be p rt1cu• Jar Jy t o b ring· t o Hi Fxccllcucv's'· • · f.ivornhlc• • notice the zealous .nod =-:.:::======~======- ~======::=--=~======-c:::======ctiv rvic ~ of I,ieutonnut-Colonol Jan·is nn

'1 ront-0 1 11 milton aurl London, for the zcn l t 1icy Itn\'C :;1 1ewo rn· gc'tti 11 "..,. thci r liattaltons iug Companies, OliO strong, were billeted at their nearest Hailway St:nious that night, into nn efficient 'tnte of drill and discipline. . making n total of l,2.J;; meu rcacly at their ncare:it Railway. 'tatio:.is by eight p.111., on tbc 3th ~larch. I glndly nrnil mvseli' ot' thi< opportunit) of hrin~ing to the n.ost Jarnrahll' not'.ce of On the 9th March I l1ad lli l~xce!lcnc) the c}ovcruor General, the 'ulnablc nsqistnnce l liavc rel'ci reel from Lir~i t · Colonel Durie \•,i,tant. i\djutaut-Gcncral of \lilitia. Thi-.: otliccr, hy l1i s unwcaryin~ 14 companies in Londou, ex rtiono, ha ~ceu ol' thr grcate~t u-e to Hic, nnrivatc ,Y. Walls and )lcKenzic of the Wiudsor corupany, who gave up 1>ituntions in tho United Late and 2 29

• • • ' OU S"r\ .ICC. [ mu t ..ndd the oblioontioni;0 which I am_ underd p tol ======::-:::==:-:-:=-:====--=====~ came to jorn their compaa1c. l 'T k Grnnt 'Yc:itcrn anil Looort the ab::.eucc of any ncc1dcnts. \ I t and with such care that I nm tappy o o un C<'r 1 '- c-· 1 have the honor to uc, u1r, It i3 a most gr:itif'ying fact, and one which peak volu111es for tho nob'e feeling ani­ \ our most obedient servant, mating the whole VoluntP.cr Militia Force of the country, aud which, nl o, rcflcrrs thr. highest crcnrolle1l and concentrated nt the points required, in citie~ and town in a few houra, AtiSISTA~T AnJUTAXl' GEXERAL's OFFICE, from the rural districts in 12 and 21 hours, according to the di"t.'.ln"c rerruired to ho travel­ Toronto, 1st l\Iay, 1866. led by land and rail. . th" ~tato of the Yoluotecl' ::_\lilitia Force in the distr~ct ... m,-In layrng .before yo~ c l f tho 4th 5th ith and 10th Military D13· I beg herewith to transmit a return of the Volunteer Force called on for Active Ser­ over which my functions cxtcn ' COm!JO)CI. o. . '. "', the middle area, or if one vice, bhewing the relati\'e btrcngth of each corps (at that time), their ~tation1': and com­ tricts, 1 ha\'o the honor to report that iny district, e~le~d~~::i o~cr 't tho chief Cities of To- manding officers. t 't the very heart of ·w c;tern Unnada, me u mg lD i . ,.,~ so n~·~.:.:ilton ,,.,1kr towns ,, well ns n l><~c well cul tiv,tctl ngricuUurnl. scctw: It is doubtless true, that the force placed on service was larger than that rcr1uired, which can only he accounted for by the great desire, on the part of the mco, joining un­ 'country cmb;nce< two tlie cnm munity' tho" who h vc rn {. • ·~~l~c ~u expectedly, their rei;pectivc corps called out, from di:;tanccs ne\'cr anticipated. Iu~t.ance, ow h o nrc uppor'ted by the commerce and trndc of large cities and towns, and those i vino have occurred where men have been known to have come from distant parts in the United urc\y by anricultural pursuits. f, ·\C· States-giving up i;ituations in order to take their part in the defence of their Flug and p T -b~ '1efiv state that the force iu this district, when suddenly called upon or • may r J • d l • Country, which they consial Company, :;tendioc&> a nil obedience, rcflcctin~ much credit on the staff officer:-, ufliccr-. co1urnnndiog llt1111ilton. corp:;, nut! the lllcn thcm-elH•s. That when placed !>y His Excellency lhc Uommonclcr in­ uudcr the order:-; ot' .Major <:.::ocral G. Xapicr, C.H., Coruw.1ndioz J,t Military Di.;. 1 l ield lhttcry, l Battalion Infantry. CJ1icl~ l Naval Company, trict, C. W., well knowing that they were under the Article l'lf \rnr and Mutiny \ct, were 'l'ow11s anrl Villo!JCS. perfectly satisficJ aod gratified to servo under a General Officer, who ha .. over taken l'uch a 'l'roops of Cavalry, 21 Comp:mies of Infantry, a deep interest in their tfociplioo and welfare. A general desire appearing, that it wru 1 Oarrii:un Battery of Artillery, 15 Companies of Rifles. felt to be necessary thnt clic;cipliuc and implicit obedience to onlcr~ lTa,.; 11b,.olutely nrcc•-nry to lie upheld for their well-being nod credit, as 11 military force callt'rl out in defence of R11ral Distrirts. their Queen, their h<>11rths nnd homes. 2 1rroops of On.valry, 18 Companies of Infantry, 1 1'icl l Battery, Xot a •ingle in of insubordination reported to the co1111n1wd. 10 Companies of Rifles. t~wce w~ ilI:1jor-<~cnrr11I iug, during tho time the force was under arms, from the to the :Jlst of l\Iarcl1 fosr, 7'otal. ~th !) Troop of Ca miry, I Battalion of llifle::1, when the for~e \\'rt-: partially relieved from pcrman-?nt duty, perwittcd-lvith the uception 2 I ield Jfatteric , 2 Hattnlions of Infantry, of n. ~uiall force ut Xi11~11r.L 11nil .Dunnville-t.> return to their re-occth·o. hom , ; there to 2 Gnrri on l3atteriL or Artillery, SU Companies of Tnfantry, drill, 11 •rccarle to tho General Orders i"sued on that occ:i-.ion, 11vo daj, iu each l"Cck, 2 .1:nval Companies, 2G Companies of Rifles. theroby including the whole Vc.luntt•cr illilitia Porco in the entire Di,..trict, which ,-till Say n force of 5,000 men of nil nnns, iuclutliog nil ranks. continues, nod, jutlging:by the W ookly i:::L1ta Returns, make, Yery sati:;factory progre in further efficiency and wellbeing of the force, f)~effecting th~ 80 81

. . he nble to r<'cortl, thnt not o. i,inglo cnsualty or accident required, they will not fail to rally under their colours for the clefcoco of their Queen and his sat1sfnctory .to f • • h }' f f the foJC() 11 t nnn xed i~:>ued by order of illnjor.Gcneral Napier, C.B., on t e. re ~e 0 from nerm •u;nt duty thu'l shewing the opinion entertained by the ~lnJor-Gcoern1 cum m:iudio;,• ofu tho conduct' and good behaviour• of t h e "{,.~ o1 un t eers durin,..o the time they were No. 5 o 1 active dnty in Toronto. REPOR'r BY LIETJTEN'AXT COI.ONEJ,, SHAW. I have the honor to be, Sir, Your most obedient serv:in t, BnrnADE Il:£AO QUARTER~, W. S DURIE, Lt.-Col., Kingston, 12th .\lay. l81)G. Colonel )JacDougall, Asst. Adjutant Geuernl Militia. Srn,-I hnvc the bouor, for the information of Hi~ Excellency the Co\·crnor General ..\ajt1tnnt General of .Militia, Ottawa. :u:id Commander-in-Chief~ with reference to tho ordering out for active service of a part of the Volunteer Force of this Division, to report as follow:.:- L In the first place it may be proper to ... tale that Kingston is situated where L:ihe Ontario aml the Ri,·cr St. Lawrence may b:l said t-0 unite, aurl i:i dist nt io n direct line A!'SISTAXT ADJUTA:\T-GEXERAL't; OFFICE, across the ri\·er, ten wile. ., to Cape Yinccnt a town on the 'United Stlltes frontier, wirh (llrig'lde Orders, No. l.] Toronto, 28th l\Iarch, 1866. Wolfe hland, Gnrdcn lslnu"inter iR always frozen O>er for months, aud a thoroughfare cstaL. permit tho officer.-, non-corurui-,,ioucd officers and men of the Volunteer Militia, ~ust re­ li~hed on tho icP lo all parts of the United States, East, South and West; therefore whc!l lieved from active service, to return to their homes without expressing to them lus '·ery thc:n:n·igation clo~cs, this vast ice hrid!!c reutoo, 1:!th January, 1 6G. By Order, Brigade Order=> (Signed,) \\'. S. Duurn, Lt.-Col., I. The Brig:'lde Ordcr3 1 under date of the 27th January, 1 65, with reference to no .\sst. Adjt..<1rn. of .Militia. apprehended rnitl, arc hereby eancellf)d and the following l'lubstitutcrl in lieu thcrecf. ~. Ou the firing of three guns from the Fort or i\lnrket B.ittcry, the ·e\"ernl corpi named iu the margin \\ill :1sse1ublc as follows :- 14th 1·0!11ntecr Nijles.-'l'hree Companies in the drill shed. Th1co Gorupaoics in the AssrSTA!'i1' AnJ11TANT-Gi;:-;mtA1.'.s '>rnm:, City Hall. [Brigade After-order, No. I.] Toronto, ~0tl1 ~larch, 18G6. TLc Yoluntecr .Militia l'orce lat.cly embodied for nctive service, being auuut to re· Buttuy of .lrtillcr9. I\. nt~~ton l•'ield Battery of .Art!llery in the Artillery Uarracl:. Square. torn to their homes, Mnjor-Gcueral Napier, O.B, Commanding the 1st .Military District, O.W., avails himsf'lf of tendering his thanks to the eon1man ordered elsewhere. ond time of the co-:nmunication left ao doubt, so first ordering to be tn rcad.. neu~ T~ess~~ "Cr and COU\ eyaaces to notify outside comp:iuic1:1, I \\"en t to the '.I.'own-!'IIaJor, an wi , 5th. The summons to arms having been uohesitatiugly obeyed, the11 came the work­ ohim to the l'ommand:u::t of the G:irr1soa,., . Co 1 . Gl 'bb on, CB... , R .~\ .. , '.and ~ h. ewed them themy ing out practically of military details, the Commander-in-Chief of the Hcgular Troop had ti. . ud tbou"h the Yoluntecr Force at this time was actrng rndcpcndently of become the Cornmaoder-ia-Chief of all, and the Yoluutcur now found himself in reality n or.:rs,:iKe!!ular J\lilit:1ry Authoritie'=' -:, under the circumstances I coast'd ere d"t1 my d1tytoadoptd soldier, the question then lVas how would his zeal and determination to :ivengc threatened 1 thi course nn~l place tn)•clf under the nd vice of theqe officers. The alarm gu11s were ord~re insult to his country icear? llow would it stand the te,t of parades, guard .• , drill", aod all to Le tired nnd whi le the Yoluntecr1> were assembling, the Commandan t who had ~otified the details of a ~oldier's duty? I am huppy to ha'l'c to report that the l.e;,t ha~ resulted the Hccordcr oftl1e City, James O'Reilly, Esq., nod the Police :'.\Iagistratc John Creighton, very favorably both to the servic.J and the maa, the general behaviour wa; very good, 1 "sr1 tl1e-e "eatlemeu together with Town :'llajor Geraghty and myself, had a couference crimes and punishments not on the record, nod efficiency daily became more marked. The nt· ihc·· City H~ all, as to' what was best to be done otherwise'. At. the 13.riga· d c Offi cc the order to disband was received with mixed. feelings at once of regret and gladue,<:, and at Corumandaut ao1l Culoael )foffatt, commanding Royal Canadian H1flcs, with othe~ offi~ers, a momunt's notice C\'Cry one is rcarly to resume his place in line. llere o--embled and e>ery a-sistance offered me acccs.;ary. Col. Gibbon ~upply10g frot~ The effect of cnllia~ out the force has been sood from C\'ery poiot cf Yiew; and it i­ the Iruperial ~bi:raziae all the ammunition required to fulfil your order, nnd remaining until adruitted both by officers and men that the short time they were on active 11en·ice it did wy whole nrraug;emeat:s were completed. . them more good and wade them more efficient than all the years previously spent in drill. The sure on the Brigade Office from the receipt of your telegram of th l\Iarch onward:: lfollcville.-The 15th do rnfantry, 5 do 55 " = 275 has been very great, constant attention nearly all the time being necessary, by night a:. do Belleville Rifle Company, 1 do U5 ::x Millburn.-lst Storrington " t)[j well as by day, during tho whole period the Commandant aud the Town.Major barn Rifles, 1 do 55 c: I u vcrary .-~ntl - 55 given me every assistanco io their power. The force also at nil times hns hnd their ser­ do do ] tlo 55 " - 55 vices and advice, nnd Col. i\Iotfatt, Commanding Royal Canadian niffos, most generously 14 placed his quarter-master's stores at tho disp:>snl of the Volunteerc., oo tho s:une terms a 840 men. to his own men, n \'Cry g t·cnt boon nt any time, but more especially with tho expectation .\t twn p.111., ou the t>th, I was enabled to telegraph to yon that the f'or.:o required wa complete an

.No. G. and the fact of the \' olunteers being sent o numerously and so Rt;:;corr, 14th :May, 1866. attack to the fact of there being troors nell nrmc1l, \veil equipped, nncl no10 well in tructed in gun drill in Fort Wellington, and for this l cannot speak too highly of Major Forrest sm -ln obedience to your instruction , I haYo now tho honor to i:ubmit th'.s ~y 1 Uepo~t ~f tho Voluutt'cr Militia on f;cn·ico in this.my di~trict, (.N"~. 1.) Tho d1str1c~ Captain Gallwcy aud the ofliccr , and the whole dotnchmeut of Yoluutccrs under them, ~tend~ from Kingston (but docs not include that city) East, as far a.<1 the boun \Vhosc steady pcrl'le,•crance in die performance of their dutic ho hn

nctun II y necessary, prevcn tc1 l my be1'ng oftener nt Cornwnll, but• I feel s1folfied that this town bas been a forwnrd a~ tl1c other~ in rtintlering nil the ass1:>L1nce to the GovernruP.ot All these companies, witl1 the exception of those stationed at Ottawa, (which were nod Volaotcers thnt wns pci;:-iblc. It afford:. me great pica ure to be able to testify to the undl'r the commantl of' Lieut. ('ol. Wily,) were removed to Lt. Colonel ~mith ' Di trict, aml l1avc J,ecn rcportcJ 011 by him. r.xccllcnt conduct and behaviour of all the Yoluntecrs in this dbtrict, and the almost total nbsrnce of crime. They haYc wontlerfolly improved in drill, and have shewn the greatcllt 1 am ho\vevcr happy to J,c aJ,le to state that, with one solitary c.1.ccptiou, (n c e tri<>d by lJctachmeot Court iHurtial,) there was a total absence of criwe am ong the corn J•a nie nnxictv nntl wish to irnproni. The two weekly drill~ have had n mo .. t lJcncficiul effect. 'T'hc w.holc of the Yoluntccr-. in the 1li trict ha' t! ~hown the very best spirit, nnd the little above referred to, and in onl) one case, (that of the Torrcbonue Hifle Compauy,) wn any trouLlc experienced in obtaining the required nuruLcr of men for duty. anuoynncr ... and di .. comfort to which mnn~ of them hwe been subject since they cnmo on serdce, have all been borne with the utmo~t contcutrnent an1l good nature, antl an Hy the order of ~fojor.Ucncral Lindsay, commanding 2nd ~Iilitary J>i trict, I pro­ auxiou, wi,h to leun their drill and du their duty, ha!\ been shown by all ranks of both ceeded to 8ht'rbrooke on tl1c 2Gth of March last, for the purpose of i1111pt:ctiu g the fore, officers and men. at that Station, Stan~tea 1 l , ·'lcll.rnurn<', and Richmond, on which I had the l1ou or <• f rcr ort I have the honor to be, Sir, ing 111 0 L favorably to the Major General on the '.!!.Ith March which Your obedient bumble servant, report I have now the honor to enclose for your inforwation. F. T. ATCHERLEY, Lt.-Col., I abu pcr:;11 ually impected all the companies in my Di:.trict proceeding to, nnd rd urn­ Coloot'l MacDougal!, Dcp. Ai

-0. I. Your mo::;t obedient serv:int, REPORT BY J,fETJTENAX1'-COLONEL BROWNE. GEORGE BROWNE, Lieut.·Cul., .Dep. A~ t. Adjut:int Ueneml of Mi Ii tin. Mo~TREAr,, .May 7, 1866. Srn.,-l haYc the honor to rcp::irt for your in form ation, tliat the following companies ~lo:STREAL , March ~9th, 1... GG. of Volunleer Jilitia in my District were called out f, r actual service on the 8th March Sm,-I haYc the honor, iur the information of the )lajor-Ucnernl commandin!! lite lat, 'iz.: 11th Battalion, "A.rgcoteuil Hangers," ceosisting of eight companies; the 2nu Milit:iry llistrict, to :; tatc that, in compliance with in,.tructions rcccivcJ from tbc 13uckingham Infantry Company; tho Como Hillo ('ompaoy; aotl the St. Eusta~hc Rifle !? Companies a t Rtantcaurpo;.e of inspectiu••o the cowp:mies of the Jth·ere, the Ste. Th6rese Company, and the '1\·rreboone Company, from I~rigade .Mnjor l Cowpnny 11~ Hichmond. , . oluntcer Force named in the mugiu. Afatillon's District. These companies were distribute l as follows :- I arrivetl nt Stan,tcad about:! p.m., on Tuesday the !!Ith, aud the companic ... turned out for inspection shortly after my arriv:il. .\.fter waking a mogt wiuutc iu. pcctiou of the 2 Companies" .\rgcntcuil Hnw•crs'' at Ottawa. 11 arms anJ nccoulrcmeut~, which l am ahle to report fayornbly upon, I put them thro11°li n 1 " Le.cc lie. "., ,, few movclllcnts of drill, and h:we cv,..ry rca.,on to bdieve that they hn\"C made tlie b c ~t of ., " St. Andrc"s. the opportunity a!Tunlcd them for increasing their efficiency. " ·west Gore. I t IH'n proccNlc

" ll , . 'Inc maiu gun.rd, con::iisting of un officer t f duty o.re o.s w O\\S • " • 'l'hc nrrnngemen s or _ t ,_.. men . ·rnd ono dctnchetl gunrd nt the soldicrlike body of men, and Captain Irvine a ures me they arc all mo c. willing and 1 1 its two corporn1 Q' nnu wen "' ' • d (subaltern) ' t\"\'O sercrr:u ' ' iornl unJ eight men; the runiu gunr anxious to_acquirc a perfect lrnowled,i?e of their dutie:s. The nwlrrial i all that. ooulri be k . tin" uf one :;ergcant, one c1lff S11111 tcncl B i\11 • l'Oll~IS t" •

twenty mun which furui:.he~ double sentries ou each ol' the two bankH. A piquet, com· .l\fo.'.'1TREAL1 ~fay ith1 1 66. po~cJ of on~ ,.ubaltcru, one sergeant, one cc1rporal and ten mr.n patrol~ near the Railway Srn,-To nccordo.nce with your instruction", T have the honor re.-;pcctfully to "-t1hmit ~tntiuu nightly, and inspects the night train,,. . the following report coneernin~ the Volunteer Militia. Forc-e lately called out for service, 'l'bc l'urcc at :-5herlirooke i,.. under the command of' l\Iajor Ibbotson, commandrng ht which was placed under my charge, iu the tli:;trict cornpri~in!! the Rc~iwcntnl di\·i~ioo .. Rifle company. This ollicer bu,, takcu no certificate, either from the Military School or i;outh of the St. l~awr~ucc, from 8tan:-tcaanvill e Hitle ~ompany, under the cowllland of Capt. Hanning. Y nrcnucs Tn fan try Company, the ht and ~ntl Granhy Companil'~, I ho I sL a111l 2n1l W atcr­ This c•mq.auy is >cry weak, only haviug forty.two on parade; the cause of this. Captain loo Companies, the Ste. 'l'h61~·,c Company. the 14 allll 2nd Thn·c Hivcr:-- owpnnic, NQ. Ilaooiu;; :i ~ures me, i,, the 1'.ict of their having received no auppl i ~::i of tunics or trousers 2 Company, 11th Battalion ".Argcuteuil Rnngcr,," the Lacollc 'ompany, :.! ( 'omp:111ic,.. for the last six years,* which prevents recruits joining the company, who would otherwise 6th Battalion "Hochelagn Light Infantry,'' the Athe\,.:tnn Company, tlio llurhnm Com­ do -o. Of the state ot' this company's arm~ anP.rfcctly satisfied with their billets and rations, both of' which I tncho Company. the DanYille 'ompnny. the i'lcgnntic Infantry 'ompiny, 'nptnin Do\Vkcr.:: wiuutcly inspected, and 11111 alJlc tu report favourably upon. 'l'his company furnishes one Company of GarriEon Artillery, :\lu11trcal, one Company of ht or " Prince onYalcs" Hcgi­ guard at. the bridge-head wl1icb connects l\lelbourne with ltichmond. rut•ot, l\Joutrcal, Company Gnrri«on .Artillery ~hcrbrookc, and ht nod 2nd llillc comprnic.

l then 11rocceded to Richmond, and inspected the Megan tic Infantry Company, under Sherhrooke, making in nil a ~trcngth of 1Ofl officer:;, :m

I b · I , l !er the immc1liate com111:tn1l of ;\l:rj11r-<:e11cr.il tho lion un Ion. the who e cing P ace• uni . . No. fl. Jnmc Lind ay. commnnlling the :-cconcl ~lili~1ry lh:-tnct.. 1· f' ·1 l I 'l'I lC d lltlCS· con ·I~ l",1 l ...' J1irtlv• in y1iqul'tit1JY0 and gmml111g the. mes . . o ra1 w:1y • a111 t 1c Quu.i;c, 'ith • f 1y, I Gu. r ad ~ Ica Jinc:. .tu t o ('11 nn1Jn.. .. f1·01u thl.l l nitccl :tall'. )lilitary d1sc1phue• was i;t11clly lll· .. rn,-I have the hono1 w suu111it the following Nport, in connection \~ ith the Volun­ fire d from the time <1f crnhodimeut, nnd drill wns a~sitluou~ly earned on. . tc•ers of this clivi3io11 called out for active service. ) >y' re ( Cf('UCe 10 the raturnI: of the for.:\! • it will lie seen th it• :i very large• propnrt10u' On receipt of )Our midnight telegram, dated 'oruwall, 8th i\Iarcli, I

coo 1 t d of the Iornl frootia and ue1~hboring eorpi; between Frlllh~bbur!; rn the b:i t, a11 1I tlrnt J should call out, for i1111ncdi.1tc scn·icc, the Quebec aud Lo'vis fo1ct , th men 10 b J>e, u I11ruo1,. · 10· ti 1e ,,,,.... ,,. t , .·111

notice 1 were 11ccc -arily unprovided with many of the ordinary comforts of regular sol1licr~. fn connection with this night para1lc 1 wU1 to make nn honorable meutiou of. 'o. I J c11111ot rqort too hidily to you of the companies who were thus employed; either Company, Eighth Hattalion, 'tadacona Hifle:<, Captain Uhnrlcs Alleyn, \\hich corps was fir t a-. n,..ard tire alncrity with which they complied 'vith tho ord'rs for their embodim~nt, or a~ the rendcz\·ou-:, fifty-two men strong, one hour after tho alar1J1 liad been given. tire 111:u111a iu \\hicb, by night and day, pcr:-onal experience pro\·ecl t•> me they performed .\.t four in the morning the men were ordered to return to tl1eir home , a111J to p... radc th ir dnttcs. again at 10 a.111., fully e11uippe under my charge, each company appeared to vie with the uther:s iu as:siduity both on duly .,\. cL for pnui~hing mutiny and dl''ertion. There wns al~o read to the 111en n Ii t of the :mil at drill, and the whole have ruet with the high co1nmcndation of the Major-G cueral personal uu1ler-clothing they rcquircci to procure before leaving. ~'wcuty round of I all ( 'ommanding. an1111uuition were .::cn·ecl out to each m:in. Officer::. of the for.:o were nl o cn·ed out, by 1t is gratifying to be able to inform you that, with a few rare inst:i.nccs, crime or e\'CO my order, with re\'olvcr!I anti twenty round,.; of ammunition. Cnruiuc, were also i ~ucd to ruilitnry irrc0ularity was entirely absent; whibt notwithstanding the liCasun of' the )Car, the men of the Unvalry, aucl to a portion of tho o of the l'icld Httttcry, with n certain au.} the uonvoidably iornfficieot billet accorumoOrp, to prneti c cnrbiae drill. health wns remarknblJ good. Indeed, at. noun of the i;amo day (twelve hour· after the fir.st nlar111 lrnd bccu giveu), the Quebec an

Your most obedient servant, Ill t.l,'ETI :\0 01' Tll E TROOl'~ . In l Colonel MacDougall, W. OsnoRN}: ,' ~111•n, Licul.-Uoloncl, co11 e11uenec of' ) onr ~uu~c'111c11t order ti C • • • • . 1 10 interest was also evinced by tho Rev. Mr. Edmond L:tngcvin and fir. Sewell in the orgnu­ c ·• t . Durmg the night of the 8th DRILL A.'.\D DISCII'LJNE. ration nod th ks . '~ cps were tnkcn to provide the men with the nccc~~ary ' ' an to our 1Ddcfnt1rrablc0 ]> " • 1 ~to k The progrcq~ mnde iu drill wns generally satisfactory, but no doubt if the sca~on had tion were served out ti • r?v incia "' re ccpcr, Major ra. Lnment:i~nc, permitted out of door drills the efficiency of the force might luwc bccu >cry materially Meat or fish IC s:iruc niornrng at D111e o'clock. 'l'he article. provided were- increased...... l lb, 44

The behnvionr of the men has been up to the present very good. \!though the gnll:mt Commnndcrs of Corps were all equally uttenth·e with more or I uccc to the instruction of the troops under their rc.-;pcctive command, I ncvcrthclc wi h to mnke n :-pecinl mention of Captains ~colt :mu 'l'urnbull of the QuclJcc Cavalry, who hnve been untiring in their cndravours to increase the efficiency of their respective command , nnd whose zenl :md acthity 'rcrc only equnllcd by their muuificencc.

l'IIOOES OF r.oY.\J.TY TO OUR QUE};!\. It would he difficult to enumerate nil the proofa of fidelity lo our bclovctl (Jucl'n evincctl on thb occasion by all cln''l':-. 'l'o speak of the Voluu teers alone, rnauy pou1· fathers nbnutloucJ their familic:; to n•i;poud to the call of their Govcrnmcnt, lcavi n'.! numerous chilt!reu iusuflicicntly provided for. .i\lany young mcu left lucrative :;ituation:­ lo follow the colors of their regiment, antl that with an apparent joy and satisfaction. i\Inny of our fellow country.men at the time in a foreign laud, rushed to the succour ol their native country thrcateue1l 'vith inrnsion. Among others I may be permitted to men· tion the name of .Mr. Albert Humphrey, who at the time happened to be employed iu South Cnrolina. A pntriotic fund, amounting to seYl.!ral t hou~auu tance of the families of those who were engaged in the defence of their country, nnd this unlooked-for :;uccour brought comfort to many fire.side~. I regret exceedingly not to be able frou1 want of time and :;vice, to give the names of' those gen· crous men who thus spontaneously came to the nssistance of those of our Volun tccrs who APPENDICES. were needy. Were I to mention all thr. offers of' services received I could scarcely tcr· minnte thi already too long report. l wish to express my ncknowledgmeuts to the gentlemen of the Seminary of Quebec, who ngnin on this occasion placed at my dispos,1! a portion of their Univcr:;ity for drill puq o s, aucl that gratuitou ly. Before terminating this report, l beg to a. nre you that iu all I have done I acted to the I t of my ahilitie , nncl that I sp:md 110 persounl sacrifices to carry out what I thought to Le )Our \iew, and inccrcly hope that 1uy conduct will he approved.

l 1111\ e the houor to be , ir ' ' \' onr 1110 t obedient :;en ant ' Colonel Mnc] lougull, I.. 'I'. SuzoR, Lt.-Uul., l. i\djutant <1encrnl djuta11t l..reneral i'Iilitin, ~lontrcal. ~\ Militia. ...n

No. 1. L 0 WER CANADA. ~1 EETIXO 01' TIU: :lRI> BATTALIO~ VICTORIA Vor,UNTEf:it Ha•u:s. flclcl at ,Jfu11trcal, 01l tl1e J 8th .Au9ust, 18G1. At ~00 ynr< C: I / "-"" 'e ;: Itiflo u•cd Ly Description. " - =' - c.. ~ Q s Yn'ur. l'iamc. Hauk and Corps. :-1 !:: 2 I .;; a I Score. .. ·=.. tC • - I 01o-1 OJ ...Q.., moc I ,,.. 0 inner. -,._, !""~~,. :.="t~ s-tcBt ;: .. • ------·----- 1 ...... , . ~ $ t'ls. Annual l:ifio M:i.tch of the Yictoria -;:- -,-1,:.ra:- - ,.--,--- \'"olunletr Rifles...... •...... Open to Members of tho Victoria Riflll!, Moolro•I ooly . • •• • . .. .•.. ...•. .•...... , .•. •...•.. , ••. ••. .• Match No. 1. / I r·· ...... l'rizc• prcsente I by tho Officers. I .. . . ht Prue...... JO OD J. Dnrnjuru ...... Col. Sgt.' 1ctor1n Rifles ...... 2nd " ...... ! 5 00 W. llcnder&Gn ...... Corp!. " do ~rts...... '' '' do do 600 ~ ~ :?6 ; ~~ ~ oo do Mntch xf). 4. I 1 I . ht Prizo ...... 20 00 .J. Charnley ...... Private Yictorin. llifl c~ ...... do 110 ·ICO :!n I " ...... 10 00 'J', Corrnn...... " " ...... do 3rd " ...... 5 00 1W. Dcnnllcek ...... Duglcr '' ...... do ,(; 1 m;u:;o:-., Lt. Col., Brigade Mnjor. Xo. ~- ---======<1L' 'l'tri: .\J u.n:rn finr HATT. ltOY \T, J;IOJIT h°FANTRY . fftl.f II/ 1J/r,11/1•r•1tf 111/ At11/ . (if/ti(• JSf/i, ' . 1'1'1pt. litl1, ~1tlt c!; Kui·. 5th lSG-L .At :WO yards Sizo of 'l'nr •r.l , 8h:1p!' of' Bnll' 1~,F, <1cntr• ;;;, &c., " 100 to GUO y:mh I f'cC't X (3 foct ) { Ci " x G 11 ~ llull's Eyes ao

>20 oo I I N • 'T Com1 my, Hoy I J.ight Fivo Cowpelitora from ench C.:>mpanyl Infantry ...... { ~~ 0.~ I ~ lh-o rounds at cnd1 ran go...... , 4 GOO I\ ,., I.,, I .C t.00 Long Enfiel I. l :io 00 S 1 C11pl11in •

PRIZES. WI~N.EltS. ' .; ~ .. .11 ~ I ~ ~ rDc1criptlon of ------" 0 - \\inner al o ~ ._ .... Terms of Co1Dpctitiou. l ~ I % ; I % ·~ _:- ~ I 0 ~ I HiOc U!ecl l J' Description. 1 ______!_:_1 !'1 IHI '®" IHI fii I w.. ,... $ cu. ( Compctccl for by fi vomen from each Bat, ,., j I IM ..... , fa.lion Voluntcors in l\Iontronl, vir.: I Royal~, Garri~ on Artilt~r.v, lot CQrp rntion Ch:illcn~o \'a,e,pre~cnt ) I 1 Princo of Wales Hcgim<'nt, Montreal 1200, j 1 I 11 y th Corpcrntion cof .\l ntr l, ~ '.!.10 00 !loyal Light Infantry )[on trcal. Lt. Clll. Houtb, Commanding l Light Infantry, Victorin Hine•, Chas. f 400 l.'i I ~ l nt t 10 HiOo l'onrnawent, in J:, :;. ) I scur ~, to he won two, yenrt in enc. JI liOOk /'J I ce!si•rn. before bocowini; tho property I Qf tho lfattallion. r:,·o rounds at l each rongc ...... :io I 38.GO I.on~ EnfidJ. 1'3 Datt.alion .-\rtil· <'01111 lition between Xo. 5 Company} I '" I I lcry, ebort En­ Queen·~ Own I:iflt•, Toronto, anrl ...... Sn. 'l C1•wpuny Royal L ight fielr! RiOe. So. i C mpany l:<>yal•, Montreal. Iufnntry ...... Cnpt. Grnnt, Comm~ntling .. . I (Competed for by Eix won fro111 each/ pt•O, I I I I I Co1Dpany, the firing to t.Jtke placti re- J :JOO I I ll ~pcctin~ly at Toronto nu•l ~Ioutreal.I .t } I ' C mp tui u bctwct;n \"oluntc~rs of} I l Hange.• fi\·e rounds at each raogo.... 400 ' 15 I~ I 2:!5 :rno I 3i.50 Lor:i; Enfichl. erer I Corps in :\!ontrenl. A I 15 00 Duncan ...... , Privnto, R oyal Light Infantry F1 Id Gln•s ...... •__ Five rounds at each rango ...... , { ~ 5 .t!~ ~'--~'~ ~~~ 0 0 Jo Totll valuo ...... 315 110 I1 1 Total number of Competitors.... ·-1- .. ······1 ······.. SO , ...... , ...... ----~.Yot<".-Transmittoll -~ too------late for l:ut year'a :\1iliti:i. ltcp11rt. -----

JonN .M.ACPII.cR:-:QN", Lt. 'ol., Bri.~a1lc Major. No. 3 l'IEETINO OF SEVEHAL Cotu1s VOLUNTEER IIJHdTI.\. lhld at Jlontreol, on Jlfarch lllh .Noi" :ll"Cl, IOt!t, lltli, ISth tl• 21tlt, l'-U5. At ~00 yarilH, ~ fort x G feet ) ~izc of Tllrgcts, Shope of Bull'~ Eye~, Centres, &c., " 100 to GOO yd~. G '' x G " ~ Bull's Eyes anu Ucutre.s S11uare. { '' iOO to 1000 yd'. l'-l"x6")

A I:iOo gl.-ca by Capt. For•ytb, Yol-1 I I Open to No. 1 Compnny Eni:iuccr•, nm! ) 200, UDtC<.."1" f:ngh teu...... s f I 25 00 ~lcWillhms ...... Sergl.Vulun~l'r Engim·or• .. . thomcmber~ofothcrYuluuterrVom. J400 I I l.'i { pnnie~ Montreal. Fi,·o r ou111 J, each .l 110 31.22 ILoug 1-:ofielJ. .Maleh...... I : l rnn~c...... 500 l ...... l\'oluntecr~, ;\l•111lr1•al...... Fin'. edcde1l frnm ~c 1 cra l ~Open t-0 fi.-o Yoluntccu nnol live Non. } Corp11 ...... I commi~sioncJ Oflicl•rs of JI.:\[. :10th iOO Ill ltl 111 IO Ahtch for a Turner Rifle...... :l' Hcgimunt...... 2 .~n dil 00 I ~ • ~ Whilo ...... l'icri:t. \'olnnlcor Mililiti ... .. Open only to 111eu1h1·r~ uf \"ohrn tC<' r } 2, t I ;lli!iti1\ ~Ion trcal. J.'ini rn1111•ls 1•ach ~­ I .t 15 _, 611 ;{ l.S I Match for I\ Turner Riffe...... 1!0 25 ~ ran~c...... tiOO I 00 Quinn ...... l'n. l'rinco of Wal~s R ~gl. .. ) Opl'11 nnly to V11lunt1•1-rs uf tho City of /'.!,I.~ l Montreal. l'iro runn ls each r.111g11 S600 15 15 60 I :lO.GO do Match i r a GoH Watch...... \' r" I' I' . ~Q 00 I a ID, •· fl\' •t<• ...... Xn. 7 Cn111p:1ny Hoyal I.i ~hl ~ (lp~n to \'olnl!lccrs nf tho 6c\ er 1 ~ 2. 4 AIBtch for tho Comraoy Medal, \',,J .I l nf.111try ...... 15 uatecr F.n ..1ne1lrr ~ ;.;:~:.j.~.~~'.'.I'.'.~.~~~: ...~:l.'.~~~~•l•I.''.~. ~·~ ~ • 15 ~Q 60 I !?!Ull do ., ••••• ...... CO no T11.)lor ...... • ,.. \Open ro <'hlllpctitlon hy mcml era } 2. l • Total value...... - ·•••·• ...... ""Tl' r.d. Eni;inccr~ ...... ) G.1)'l. l:'or~.\th" s <.'omp1t1), \'oluntccrl .t 15 12 ...... ,$185 00 32 GO 15.5, do ( 1:11gint1•rF, ;, n111111ls each rnngo ...... ~ ____1 _I l Total numhrr of Cc> n1pctitor8 .• ., ...... 1 93 I 4Ci=awww 0 ,,,.,...__.._....,..~,...... ,.-...,...... ,,...,,.,,.....,..._,,.I So.t I..,.T OR PnrNcE or WALE~ H£onrENT. l!dcl at .Jl!untrral, 011 .i.llarcli 301!1, a111l April _\t ~OoJ y:11

PRIZE S. WIN:-ll~RS. I J - .0 ... '1 0 I .. .. DClcrlptlon of --·------'o0 /;;'o~ \Vinncr's ==~ =~ ------Terms of Compctitic.n. t! ,~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ De cription. &: \'aluc. Xame. Rnnk nn

Jou:-1 l\JACl'IJF.R:;O~, Lt. noJ., Brigade 1\J :ijor. ~o. 5. ======:..:::======~ Tmnu A~NUAL MEETr:so OF THE FRONTIER RIFLE ASSOCIA'TIO~.

Ilcld at llemmil.g/urd, 011 tl1c 21 tit, 28th and '!. do .• Open to nil member~ of tho Associn- d; 15.00 Long J nflf'I 5 Private Wm. Wi11on ...... Uinohiobrooko Rifle ...... lion. Entrance 25 cents...... 300 6 Private A. Stewart...... do d!> ...... ~ j !!od. All C rnera Sw ep •ak?'ll i:Pl.:l.in LucnL••• .•.•• , ...... ltoxham Infantry t:owpany. Tbr prixes, '.!2.20, 14.SD, i.4o i 44 r.;cant J.ocn1...... do do do ... I ' 1 total Taloe ...... ~ ..... ~ 40 ; Private J.P. Fletcher ...... So. 4 Comp:rny ~t. John~ ... S Any Rine, nil ecmcr•, tbrco~hot• atc ~ l mngo. J:ntr:rnco 50 ccntP...... l ' l f,ri,.nto lt. Cownn ...... No 2 it11 l!uutingloa !rd. Cb111leni;o ll! t h. 1 2 rlvnto .J. Harrigan...... •0 • 2 •lo • 1fo i~ pizu, $.O, $lb, $1 , ts, $5, 3 Captain ltei !...... Athelaton Infantry Co:npaa1 I , , tc.tnl Yalue ········-········· •.••. I Gl 00 4 l;r?vnte r:, Wright ...... !Jurham do t!o 1:nfiol1l RiOo!,opcn to nil Yoluntoors nn1l { !!00, lt. Strik 1 ...... do do 5 l'r;''ato Hoxham { Hcgulnre, 3 shot! at each range. Hn- ..100& J 6 P r. rate .John Stuut...... do cl, do trauco LO centB...... GOO nrato C r ver•0 •r· b. b k "'fl 4th. C mpany Match. l Il A h • • • •••••••• ...... me rn roo o i.1 u ...... 2 1/ ts;on znfantry Comp:rny ...... Enflclol RiOe . ,·o:loy firing, 10 men \ Fn-~r:1~:· 2,$la,$10, 7, 5,t 5 I • 00 I mm ng ord 1lo do ...... from each Companv. 5 ri>nnds each, ) 400 , o Yalu ...... 1 • 3 Uoxbam d do ·:::::.:: ::::::::: ::·.::...... ~ to fi<0 io dooblo mk .•...•. ·•••••••·••· < J 4 Havel ck n ft do ...... ···- 1 do litb. l l 5 No. 2 Huntington Infantry... • ...... Col. Wlly'a Ohnmpion lfcdal, to be fir l ~ "\VO,.:'.~.'.~.'.~.. '. . .•:. ..~~'..'.: .'.'.. '· j 10 00 for by the JO men lTho fired in t crgc nt Bbik ...... Atl>ebton ...... ~ match, 5 roun•Js nt

ToW value ...... j2!i!! 00 ------_____ ..;.______;______~ '''"' ""'"';''" ·······················/=/=/""'

.JonN Fr.i:Tcru c, l\lnjor, Brigade .Major. ------= ------=-====- ~o. G. OR ROYAL LI

No. 1 lfatclt. $ cte. l ( Open to ~ix mombera of tho Hoyal Light/ 2110 Jl Pri10 , Infantry nnJ ~i:t Non-Cnmmi••ionedl 300 1 ...... 20 00 Royal Lii;ht Tnf.1ntry...... ,Lt.-Col. Routh Comman•lio~ Officers of ll.:\f. 25th Regt, I\.O.D. & / 15 1 40.16 Long Enfield. . Fi>o rounds :it each rnn~c...... 4A.tcgogo No.!! Match. I (Six members of Rt>y11l Light Iofuntry ., Ii I and 8ix Non-Commissioned Prize c '" OO!ccr~...... ~O oo , •'on-Com1niseione1l Officers, Il 1 11.M. 25th Regimont. IJ'i,..c rounds 3 l5 / i 11.)(. 25th Hegt.ILO.n ...... 5:\fontrcnl...... <10 33 do Xo, 3 .Mntch. I ~ Si;\:~~hb;~n~~ n~.r~·l ..Llgl;·t"i'~r~~;~~ !gg I' I I Pr:ze...... I I 1 nn1l &ix Noo-Commi ..ione1l Officers orl aoo 20 11.M. 25th Regiment. 1\.0.U l'iTcl ,\: ~ 15 I!! j •.:?s; :ltiD N ~-~·~;~·:~;:~...... OO IRO)nl Light Inf.mtry ...... ,Lt.-C.11. Ronth Cumman,Jiog. t I .i2.G3 I d "C rporatioo Challenge y :i e"t wo ~ 11 Co::::: 4011 J j by the It yals la t year, lo 1, .;; : ::rc::~f::11:~:~·~·;;~~·~·~;:~~1 I I l the following \'iz :-Rt>\'nls 200 } l'omp le~ ~ora;;ain thiayear,unJ r ·1.;,, ., ~ • Corp~. 1 I Long F.ofidd 1 11 En~inoer$, lst l'rinco of Wale•, ·Yio'.I 4oo 1 1:1 ::o 11:'2 !!10 the cond itaon• of tbe l!iOo 'l'our-J 1:: .,.:; ')~] I.!gbt Inf,ntry ...... Lt .. Cul. Ttou th Comm1111ding. I I llCl.IO uccpt.Artrtl Q 1 1 { tona~, Onrrir Com1•ctition, now l>c-omcs th prop rty • .Jorrx .i\lAcJ>m;nso:".'. J,t -Col., Urigndc • Jnjor

Q 10 11

o. 7. i\h:ETINO OP SE\'EltAJ, CORPS OF THE Vor,UNTEJ.tL III,ITIA. I/eld at Jl/011/rwl, on ,July :...Dtlt, .l1t,7Ult 7th,r Scptcmbrr 91/t a11d Ortnl.,u 18tlt. l SG:,, At ~00 yar

I a:; P 1' I Z ES. WIN~BHS...... · .. ~ ... u:., l>escrlplion or . 2 l\'icncr'a "..>1 ------~ ·;: I ..... ------'l'crw~ of GompctitiJ11. c::. .. "- Rifle use 1 liy Descriptioi::. \'uluc. :Name. Ilnnk and Corps. Q a I:) ·ore. .. :: I .. s I r -o .. Cl gi • ~Q .C'" t .... i::: Wlnorr. ------EttJO ~ I !"'e ~e • ------I------• o 1 .Match. Yd. l'ompany ld:il, pi-co l•y LI. Mason_ .,O 00 :::me t ...... Curpornl, Artillery...... Open only t·J :\!embers or tho l1nrrison !!Oil ' Mnrka. ! I Battery ,\rtillc ry, Mon:rcnl, fh·o ,!; I No. 2 .!.1Rtc!i. JO ,.;s Ar llcry Car· rountl• cnch nw:;c ...... 200 ~ 181 24 40 : A C mpaoy M~al, pr • nt d by t o l ~ IJ UC. 30 L ..: ...... John Young...... PrinLtl!, I:o;inccr~ ...... ~ Open to ;\fcmhcu of tl1c I:n.;aoccr Cum- !!,oo" 10 I ~~~~ .:..~.:· ~ ~~·~·l·~·~ ~~- ~ ~ 20 ? pnuy, Xo. !!, a roun Is cnch range..... '100 30 ~o I .15 ILo g rnfiel •• X. 3 Match. A C mpany 0 ld hled:il...... 40 00 john Yuung...... (rirntc, Engineer! ...... S Open to )[erulicr• r f tho J:nginecr Con O 1 o 2G !!!) ~ I ~ I( 40 H 0 I do ~o. 4 Match. ~ pnuy, Xo. ", 5 ry1111

Jou:; HACPHEn ·ox, Lt. Col., B.~L No ...... L 1'1nu 1'IEETnw OP TllE QU"Em:c .ACX· ILB.RY RIFT.'E :I3RA:\Cl1[ ...\SSOCIATfO

llclrl at Q11cb,.c, 011 tlu 'ii.th A11y11~1, 1$G5 . S 01 '1' 5At ~0() ynrtls, 4 feet x Ci fret • IZC nrgcts, ~h1po of' Bull's J:~1s, Centre:-, &c., "·100 to noo yJ~., 1 (i feet x G foct Bull's Eyrs nu

F1n11 l\1n:ru.;o OF TUE QuEuEc Auxn.1An1 H1ru: l3nA:-.c11 Assoc1ATJON.-Co11tirwc

I' H I Z I!~. WINNBilS.

~ I ~.; I I :3~ I ~~ Description of ...: ~ ,. , ~ ~ \\'lnner'al ·;; !i ~_: fl> .; ;? ~ ~ g_:;J '- H ------Terms of Competition. ,, - • o o a Itillo u cd by ~ r; 5 c; §' Scorc. : .S I g , ----D crip::____ J::: ____Nnmc. __ __/__ ::_::orps~ I 0 ~ I~~ I~8 2~ I ]~~ 1_ Win-ner. ------____1 _:_:_,_ $ cts.1 rE·l" Doudict ...... •....•...... } Yds. G h Pn , a "•her \Oup ...... 1 lll11rk!. 50 00/ 1~: t~~l~~·D~~·~i'd:::::::::::·· Fire men from lho :;111 llatt .. Open to live men from each Datlnliun aoo rr. Cotton...... I of Gnnndian V

J,, 11'. Suzon, J,t.-Uol. ----- Brigndc ~1njor. No !I MEET!~C OF TUE STll B\T· TALION "STAU.\COX-\ H1pr,r.s."

lfcld at f2ue!Jcr, 01~ tl1c 20tlt .Au911st1 l"G5. Size of Target., Shapn of Bull's Fye~ Uentrcs &c { At 300 yard~, , , "l I •) (( 400 to £i01J yiJ 'I ci ~::~ ~ ~ ~:~:} Bnll's Eyes nnd 'cntrcs ~quare. ======::======~======~-- 60 00 Alcxnnder Frc" ...... Cor1•orol, i;o. l Goml':•ny.. ) ( 151 'JO II. Ale:oconiler ...... ··•·••··• ·•····•·• l'riY11tc, C. 8. R ...... •... ··• 1 80 10 1 1 flO, W. J. Barrett •.....••...... i-;cr"cnnt, No. 1 Cot011nu1 .. 2 .o 182 00 .r. Wllhh ...... l'ri~ntc, v. s. u ...... : .. Open to Oniccrs, ~on.Ca111mi•sio11c1l Offi­ 2.. 40 I OIJ \~ m. IJ' N ~•ll H 'f · • 00 I I :?!? 40 5 o ...... ergcanl, 11 r•JOr ...... cer~ nnol men of lhu ~th Bnttnlion. Sf 400 I ll 0 Mo;l(nn ...... l'rin1tJ, Xo. 4 Cn111pnn) ... , rounds nt ••ach ot tho!! tir•t r inge•, ntul 2~ 40 I f'nfid I RiOo I J I 1 C . ,. j .t l'I j Ii 00o .rI!. .•. Cut o~~u ton····· ...... jc· ,"!1."' r.i •, ~"fl. , omp.!11, ·· four nl Iha last ...... •10 ...... , Goi-t. isauo. GOO I 1 ti\ Q pl • C?, I •• ,, ••••• 5 00 J )' • ••••• ''' ••• •• •••• ''''''' ''•• 1 1 1 0 00 00 5 00 1·r· :

S. J. HEEYi;, Lt.-Col. Comd'g. th B ttalion.