Journal of SCIENTOLOGY SCIENTOLOGY Journal of the Hubbard Association of Scientologists, Inc
Published by the Hubbard Association of Scientoiogists, Inc., Phoenix, Ariozna Issue 4-G ASSOCIATION ACQUIRES TITLE TO ALL L. RON HUBBARD COPYRIGHTS more than fifty books included in blanket transfer; organization assured financial security the time track L. Ron Hubbard, owner of all copyrights and source books on Dianetics and Scientology, has presented to the Hubbard Association of Scientologists Volney Mathison writes that one of the all his copyrights. girls in his assembly department, when Acquisition of these copyrights and processes assures ample financing for placed temporarily on the order desk, described an Electropsychom eter as a Association programs. “Gladometer.” She hadn’t caught the cor Several of the volumes, whose copyrights of the H. A. S. has ac rect name over the telephone . “De quired under this blanket transfer, tective” Dick Halpern of Stamford, Conn., been utilized in paying for research and in is trying to link the “D Folgere,” who have been, or are, best sellers. DI- the forwarding of the subject for the gen ANETICS, THE MODERN SCIENCE writes the Professional Course booklets, eral public. He has arranged and paid for to Signor Andiamo Esposito DiVulgere, a OF MENTAL HEALTH, sold more the work on an uncounted number of than 100,000 copies, and still continues philosopher (b. 1972-d. 1327?) who, Hal charity cases and has maintained from pern says, is “the discoverer of reversalism, at a high level. SELF-ANALYSIS has time to time a considerable staff to cor whose chief tenet is that the world is back sold several times the number of relate the test information he has dis wards.
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