- A Masked Branch of Masonic Judaism

Most Scientologists believe that Scientology is a route to full recovery of native abilities such as exteriorization with full perception, telepathy, ability to create MEST, Cause, etc.

Most of them, being very bright, had already correctly rejected the various Bibles as not being the truth and not presenting any valuable wisdom, with endless pages of who begat who.

Scientology, on the other hand, did present some factual and useful information such as the truth that you are a Being and what some of your capabilities are. The other religions said the highest level of spiritual attainment was for you to realize you are an inferior Being who was nothing more than a creation of God, and your role in existence was to worship and serve God, your creator. In other words, you are a Creation, not a Creator.

Thus, at long-last, a religion finally appeared to offer some hope for what Beings sought. The spiritual drought and stagnation offered by the other religions appeared to be over. Scientology was different! Or so it seemed…

No one in Scientology has attained these higher states described in Scientology materials, and no one in Scientology ever will. The reason for that will become abundantly herein. Those who reach the end of the Scientology bridge are in for a rude awakening. They were subjected to a bait and switch.

Bait and switch is a marketing technique used by unscrupulous salesmen. They advertise a decent car at a low price, but when the customer comes in they tell him that car was sold. But, since you’re here, we have this other car you could buy - that isn’t as good and costs a lot more money than the advertised bargain.

In the case of Scientology the bait was a fair amount of information that is factually based, but at the envisioned end you are left with – the highest spiritual attainment for you is to realize you are a creation of God and therefore you should worship and serve God and be “One” with the “All”.

You could have walked into any church, dropped a dollar in the collection plate, and have been told the same thing. There was no need to invest an enormous amount of time and hundreds of thousands of dollars in Scientology to find this out. Scientology is a masked branch of Judaism. Judaism is a tree trunk, and it has many masked branches. People that came into Scientology were correct that there was no answer to be found in the other religions, but due to the masked nature of Scientology, these people then formed an incorrect conclusion that Scientology did have the answers they were looking for. Based on this incorrect conclusion, people kept their faith that Scientology would deliver the goods, and overlooked what was there to be seen behind the mask - the whole time.

Hubbard lectures that discuss the capabilities of a Being and Scientology advertisements for the Bridge such as OT Wins stated in Advance! magazine, painted a picture that doing the OT levels would result in such things as the full abilities of a Being, immortality and Total Freedom.

David Ziff was from a wealthy Jewish family in New York, his father, William B. Ziff was the founder of the Ziff publishing empire. Ziff held top posts in Scientology such as Senior C/S and he also ran Publications Org. According to David Mayo, Ziff was writing a lot of the OT Wins found in Advance! mags.

Another important element was keeping the OT levels secret, so people did not know in advance what they were, they had to pay for them first to find out what was being delivered.

Scientologists have been subjected to a disinformation campaign about the OT levels.

Disinformation is deliberately misleading information for the purpose of influencing opinions or perceptions. It is Black Propaganda, the "big lie," which includes all types of creative deceit.

Unlike misinformation, which is also a form of wrong information, disinformation is produced by people who intend to deceive their audience.

A common disinformation tactic is to mix truth, half-truths, and lies. Disinformants sometimes seek to gain the confidence of their audience through emotional appeals or by using semi-neutral language interlaced with threads of disinformation.

"Disinformation is a fact of life in politics. Those who practice politics for a living call it "spin." Honest people call it lying through your teeth." Says Doug Thompson, quote from PR Source Watch.

Disinformation is combined with an absence of other information about Scientology, resulting in people not having a correct understanding of what Scientology actually is.

Scientology is Judaism in a different dress. I will present the evidence for that by taking quotes from Hubbard’s lectures, and other Scientology materials, and placing that beside the same belief or practice held by Judaism. Your knowingness that something is wrong with Scientology, is about to be validated.

There are some untruths within Scientology, as well. Make no mistake about that.They are also visible when you stop viewing Scientology through the rose-colored glasses created by Scientology advertising.

As an example of untruths, page 171 of DMSMH says – “A clear, for instance, has complete recall of everything which has ever happened to him or anything he has ever studied.” That is a false claim, as we all know, from having attained the state of Clear personally or from acqaintence with someone who is a Clear. That is an obvious one, there are more insidious ones that we will be addressing.

Scientology as a plan, was conceived and plotted out from a much larger world perspective. By knowing this larger world scenario, then you will understand what Scientology really is.

You have not lost what you sought. It just isn’t available through any of the religions or philosophies or psychotherapies, those all being branches of Judaism. All of those, and that includes Scientology, promote a lie - you are a creation. But the truth is – you are a Creator, you are not a creation. As such, you are Source. Understanding that, there are no limits.

Truth was openly shared in the past, but the slavemasters hid it, buried it in symbols, replaced it with false gods and religions, and the goobledy-gook of useless philosophies. This is the “knowledge” that they feed to the slaves, actual knowledge is kept from them.

What all these religions do, is try to hide from you that you are Source, by telling you that you are a creation of some other Being who is Source. It is an incredibly evil thing to do, and Scientology is no exception.

This article takes pertinent highlights of articles already written and combines them into this article. Then, it adds in some further data that Scientologists should know.

When you finish this article, your eyes will have been opened to this fact – Scientology is a masked branch of Masonic Judaism and the New World Order. That’s not an idle claim.

Hubbard Says - You Are A Creation of God

Technical Dictionary:

The eighth dynamic is the urge toward existence as infinity. This is also identified as the Supreme Being.

Science of Survival: The existence of God and spiritual manifestations could be classified as theta universe; contact with these would be considered a use of theta perceptics.

Theta perceptics – communication with the theta universe. Such perceptics may include …perception of the Supreme Being.

One might postulate two more realities. The first is that of the Supreme Being. No culture in the history of the world, save the thoroughly depraved and expiring ones, has failed to affirm the existence of a Supreme Being. It is an emperical observation that men without a strong and lasting faith in a Supreme Being are less capable, less ethical, and less valuable to themselves and society. A government wishing to deprave its people to the point where they will accept the most perfidious and rotten acts abolishes first the concept of God; and in the wake of that destroys the family, with free love; the intellectual, with police-enforced idiocies; and so reduces a whole population to an estate somewhat below that of dogs. A man without an abiding faith is, by observation alone, more of a thing than a man. Modern science, producing weapons for the annihilation of men, women, and children in wholesale lots, has solidly run itself aground on the reef of Godlessness. Modern science has gone so far as to advocate the rise of man from mud and clay alone; has denied to him even a semblance of a soul; and so has not only solved none of the problems of the humanities, but has aided and abetted Godless totalitarian governments which seek nothing less than the engulfment and enslavement of all men and the extinguishment of every spark of decency in the breast of every human being.

These two tracks which have led away from the affirmation of the existence of a Supreme Being – modern science and totalitarianism – are bringing Man in a machine-like state of being where the ideal has become a lump of muscle, greasy with sweat, or a grimy mechanic serving a howling monster of steel. The arts, the humanities, and the decencies are fallen away from, until they are like tiny stars shining across a great, black void. The abandonment of the admission of a Supreme Being as a reality, intimate to the life of man, makes prostitution the ideal conduct of a woman; perfidy and betrayal the highest ethic level attainable by a man; and obliteration by treachery, bomb, and gun the highest goal attainable by a culture. Thus, there is no great argument about the reality of a Supreme Being, since one sees, in the failure to countenance that reality, a slimy and loathsome trail, downward into the most vicious depths.

The theta universe is a postulated reality for which there exists much evidence. If one were going to draw a diagram of this, it would be a triangle with the Supreme Being at one corner, the MEST universe at another, and the theta universe at the third. Too much evidence is forthcoming in research to permit us to overlook this reality.

It could be postulated that there are actually several levels of mind function. The analytical mind would be that part of the being which perceives when the individual is awake or in normal sleep ( for sleep is not unconsciousness...). The standard memory banks, then, would be recordings of everything perceived throughout the lifetime up to present time by the individual except physical pain, which is not recorded in the analytical mind but is recorded in the . As has been stated, other levels of mind can be postulated. One could consider as many as eight or ten mind levels. Many more mind levels exist above the analytical level. There is, for instance, clear evidence that there is an aesthetic mind level, which is probably immediately above the analytical mind level.

There may be many levels of mind above the aesthetic mind. Somewhere, possibly on the fifth level, lies the functioning mind of the spiritual or religious man who has passed over the border of a consideration of MEST or of organisms and is turned toward an understanding of and a co-operation with both the theta universe and the Supreme Being.

What vast frontiers are opened by the scientific evidence which continues to accumulate in , what these frontiers and the knowledge they embrace will do to alter or enhance man’s culture cannot at this time be estimated. For example, even at this time in Dianetics one can prove, as science demands proof in terms of sensing, measuring, and experiencing, the immortality or near immortality of the individual. Oddly enough, or perhaps not so oddly, hardly any re-interpretation of scripture is necessary, save that the boldness and scope of past considerations about the human soul, God and the Devil, and Heaven and Hell are stabilized and made more contactable. The importance and value of organism death is enormously reduced, should dianetic investigations and conclusions continue to be corollary to or concordant with man’s great religions. Religions, fighting uphill against the oppressions of Godless ideologies, may gain new strength and meaning. The level of behaviour of the individual, whether good or evil, would appear to have new significance. For those people who overcomne the suppressors to their goodness, , and honour, an upward surge toward spiritual immortality seems to be indicated. Those who succumb to the Forces of Evil and are unable to live more than evil and destructive lives would seem, should these conclusions be borne out on further investigation of a scientific nature, to be entered not only upon a dwindling spiral in one generation but upon a decline toward a final end of pain or non-survival as personal identities.

As one examines these upper levels of mind, when one examines the evidence of the theta body, and when one himself experiences, incidental to processing, the evidence of his own continuation into yesterdays and an evident guarantee of his tomorrows past his death in the current generation, one’s orientation with regard to goals and purposes may undergo a considerable alteration. The biologist, revolting against churches which may or may not have considerably suppressed scientific research in the past, has sought to dream for man an origin out of mud and ammonia seas and a source for him independent of God, but springing only from material things.

Materialistic science, operating on the premise that man came from mud only, that the mind is a queerly erroneous stimulus-response mechanism, that the human soul is a delusion, that God was a myth of some aberrated Mesopotamian, has presented us at last with the immediate and real threat of man’s extinction as a species.

The materialist scientist has enormously advanced man’s control of MEST, even if he has by his doctrines considerably inhibited man’s understanding of what in Dianetics we call theta. Francis Bacon, Newton, and the rest developed ways of thinking about thinking and ways of reasoning about reason which have been of considerable value to Dianetics and without which, indeed, Dianetics could not have been formulated. But Bacon and Newton did not espouse the materialist cause. Their disciples developed the doctrine that man came from mud and that man’s destiny was mud.

If Dianetics does not come too late upon the scene, its investigation of higher mind levels, even at this low and undeveloped point, may be of assistance to a resurgence in man of something of his belief in a Divine Being and in himself as an entity partially divine. The basic principles of Dianetics demand that a fact, to be proven, must be sensed, measured, or experienced. When science thrust this onto the scene of thinking, man’s willingness to accept a fact merely upon faith was in itself reduced. Caught unprepared before this new doctrine without which, so its espousers claim, nothing could be valid, the religions still attempted to hold at high value what was actually a vitally necessary part of man’s social existence. But generation after generation of young men and women came off the assembly lines marked “educational courses” filled full of the doctrine that they must believe only what they could experience, and ground very fine in the mills of the materialist. These generations were wrecked by divorce, inhibitions, purposelessness, sophistication, insecurity and general hopelessness. No empire one has studied in any former day had ever become so depraved and Godless in its senility as the overall average of the societies of man in the world today.

The progress upward toward survival on higher levels is a progress as well toward God. The auditor will notice this in case after case. He will probably be struck by the fact that these atheists he processes soon cease to be atheistic in their inclinations and attain at least a tolerance for the idea that religion can exist and have a valid function in a social order. Scanning out some of the education of the individual simply as a step toward converting entheta along a very likely line, the auditor may be interested to note that the preclear begins to speculate on the possibility of a spiritual existence. Although he may embrace no doctrine, the preclear, when he is well up the tone scale, is apparently instinctively aware of some higher level of existence. He normally abandons his materialistic stand as he advances up the tone scale, since this stand happens to be compatible with individuals from 2.0 down.

When individuals are enturbulated below the level of 2.0, they tend, as a general rule, to consider all life, all organisms as MEST and will in their handling of life and organisms reduce them down toward MEST. Oddly enough, this happens to compare with past ideas of missions of minions of the Devil. The forces of Evil reduced life down into materialism and death.

4.0 is so far short of the altitude evidently obtainable by whatever means, according to tentative observations, that one cannot but feel that man so far in his evolution of existence has been but slightly graduated from his animal cousins in comparison to the distance he has yet to travel to attain anything thing like an ultimate. Faced with the insanities of the world today, man’s chances of reaching God are not that good. Ability Magazine June 1955 - The Hope of Man – a lecture given on June 3, 1955

…this Congress is here to honor the great spiritual leaders of the past … These great religious leaders… begin with a monk… Dharma. Some many thousands of years ago in the highlands of India he handed out or handed on information which was taken up and carried forward by ...Krishna.

Another one of these great leaders, Gautama Buddha… these people handed on a torch of wisdom, of information, generation to generation. ...one of the people who handed it on was a man named Moses. And again it was handed on to a man named Christ. And he handed it on, and even the Arab nations benefited from this through their own prophet, Muhammad. And these men I consider great spiritual leaders…

The Phoenix Lectures

Now the Hebrew definition of Messiah is One Who Brings Wisdom - a teacher. Messiah is from "messenger", but he is somebody with information and Moses was such a one. And then Christ became such a one. He was a bringer of information. Now here we have a great teacher in Moses.

Definition of Scientology = know God

Technical Dictionary, Definition of Scientology - it is formed from the Latin word scio, which means know… It is formed from the Greek word logos, which means THE WORD… scio + logos = know THE WORD

In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1)

Word of God - illuminating the narrow way that leads to the gates of eternal life. Without clear insight into the Word of God, people perish. (Proverbs 29:18)

Word of God - …one small ray from the Eternal Word …. unmistakably marks the way to the tree of life [wisdom and immortality]… (Isaiah 35:8) Here is the actual meaning of the word Logos -

Judaeus Philo (Latin for Philo the Jew) allegedly 20BC to 50AD

We are told, that Philo was an Alexandrian Jewish philosopher. Whoever the actual source of these writings was, the writings ascribed to Philo have had an enormous influence on both Jewish and Christian thought.

Philo emphasized the total transcendence and perfection of God, and, in order to account for creation and the relation between the infinite God and the finite world, he introduced the concept of the Logos. Logos is the intermediary through which God’s will acts and is thus the creative power that orders the world.

Along with the Logos, Philo posited a whole realm of beings or potencies that bridge the gap between the Creator and his creation. Philo’s doctrine of intermediary beings and the Logos has antecedents in Plato’s ideas and parallels certain New Testament writings. 1 (In regards Plato, see article Pythagoras, or Lord of the Rings Medieval Style)

Scio + logos = know THE WORD Scio + logos = know the Word of God (through intermediaries) & you shall know God.

And that is the foundation on which the word Scientology rests.

Scientology Bridge to God

Science of Survival -

The progress upward toward survival on higher levels is a progress as well toward God.

Jewish texts refer to the word of God as being Light. There are continual references to the sun being a symbol for the Jewish God.

Word of God - like a light that shines in a dark place, clearly pointing the way. It channels the path of the just toward the “Day Star” (2 Peter 1:19).

Such were some of his precepts: They were to get up before sunrise... They were to adore the rising sun. 2 (Pythagoras, Plato, Philo)

Ex oriente lux. From the East rises the golden light of the sun. The star of our own people also rose in the east where Israel's glorious history was enacted upon glorious fields. 3 (B’nai Brith)

The Kabalah alleges to reveal secret teachings in Hebrew Bible scriptures. Sefer Bahir (Book of Illumination) was a Kabalah book in 1176. The Kabalah explains how God created the universe.

First there is Ain – the absence of things, the Prime Cause. Then there is Ain Soph - the Infinite, The Limitless. It literally means - without end. Then there is the Ain Soph Aur. Aur means light. The Ain Soph Aur is Endless Light.

God's infinite light is emanated through 10 portals to create souls and the universe.

Kabalah Tree of Life - Portae Lucis means Portal of Light

The Kabalah concept is that the soul and the physical universe is made of Divine Light.

Jews refer to themselves as being “brothers of light”.

Kabalah Tree of Life

The Tree of Life is a guide for the soul's progress upward toward unity with the Creator.

The levels that constitute the Bridge in Scientology, is the exact same idea. It is the bridge to light (god), just like the Kabalah levels lead to the light – and unity with God. Scientology is Judaism in a different dress. The Scientology bridge is a path to God, a cloaked version of Kabalah.

Kabalah – god made souls and the universe Hubbard diagram – god made Science of Survival -

There may be many levels of mind above the aesthetic mind. Somewhere, possibly on the fifth level, lies the functioning mind of the spiritual or religious man who has passed over the border of a consideration of MEST or of organisms and is turned toward an understanding of and a co-operation with both the theta universe and the Supreme Being.

If Dianetics does not come too late upon the scene, its investigation of higher mind levels… may be of assistance to a resurgence in man of something of his belief in a Divine Being and in himself as an entity partially divine.

The progress upward toward survival on higher levels is a progress as well toward God.

Scientology pictures of the bridge always depict it as leading to the light at the other end.

Advance Magazine Issue 22 - 1973

Advance! magazine, Issue 18 1973 - THE BRIDGE is a term originating in Dianetics to symbolize travel from unknowingness to revelation. It itself is based on the mystics’ abyss allegory, wherein a wide, deep chasm is seen to separate a lower state of existence and a higher plateau of perfection; many attempting to attain the higher plateau do not but fall, instead, into the abyss.

Advance! mag, Issue 18 1973 - article showing the Bridge to the “light” - revelation.

The Bridge is referred to as “a bridge between the lower and higher (revelation) state.”

Revelation means God’s disclosure of his own nature and his purpose for mankind, especially through the words of human intermediaries.

Notice how the Scientology Bridge illustrations all go to the rising sun in the East.

The highest levels of the Scientology Bridge are called Operating or OT levels. When you reach the end, did you receive the advertised abilities of a thetan, such as exterior with full perception, telepathy, ability to create MEST, etc.? No, you did not.

The OT levels culminate in the light at the end of the Bridge. The illustrations of the Bridge, showing it ending in the light (God) are very correct. That is exactly where the OT levels end – you are left with the highest spiritual attainment for you is this concept : you are an inferior Being, a creation of God. Just like in Judaism.

In the article entitled Scientology – The OT Symbol and The T-O Map there is a table that shows how Mr. Hubbard aligns perfectly with one particular religion – Judaism.

There have been three versions of OT 8 released by the Church and each one has been a major disappointment. Some of the people who did it were so disappointed that they left Scientology, never to return. OT 8 has been advertised as “Truth Revealed”.

The idea that you are a creation of God and that is your highest spiritual state is false. In that sense a lie has been revealed, not truth. But, the fact the OT levels culminate in that idea, and that’s what Scientology is about – that truth was revealed to the OT 8.

Some say that the first OT 8 released contained a briefing about god and people were upset by it. So, it was pulled and a second version of OT 8 was released, followed by a third version. In all three versions, the advertised attainments were not attained. Apparently, the current version does indeed still deal with the “God” revelation – but I’ll let the words of a recent OT 8 completion demonstrate that for you. (image excerpts)

Freewinds Magazine Issue 70 Received by mail Jan 17, 2008

“…the main reason the Jewish people pray is for the hope that the Messiah will come and will save them. …now as a New OT VIII, I want to tell them that they can stop praying since he has already come! I want to thank LRH…”

Operating Thetan Symbol

Scientology Technical Dictionary -

Operating Thetan - willing and knowing cause over life, thought, matter, energy, space and time. SHSPEC 80, 6609C08

Earlier than the 1966 reference:

"If the definition of operating thetan is knowing and willing cause over all dynamics..." HCOB 23 December 1959 - RESPONSIBILITY

Compare that to the earlier named state of Cleared Theta Clear – in the book 8-8008:

"The state of cleared theta clear is, however, another thing, for it means a person who is able to create his own universe or, living in the MEST universe is able to create illusions perceivable by others at will, to handle MEST universe objects without mechanical means and to have and feel no need of bodies. "

And even earlier, Scientology 8-80 – Cleared Theta Clear - one who has full recall of everything and has full ability as a thetan.

Cleared Theta Clear is a higher state than Operating Thetan, and as a state it appears to have gone missing as to the Bridge actions of training and in Scientology. The only thing showing on any grade chart are levels of Operating Thetan – OT 1, 2, 3, etc.

PDC Tape 13 December 1952 Development of Scientology has this drawing:

In the tape itself, Mr. Hubbard says:

And up here….this now existing black 40.0 here with a whole series of crosses under it- we would have an Operating Thetan. And up here at the top of the grand cycle, God knows how far up….We’ve got Cleared Theta Clear.

Operating Thetan, or OT, starting around the time of the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, (1960’s) became the highest goal visible on the Grade Charts of Scientology.

The Scientology OT symbol relates to the OT, or T-O map of Judaism.

OT symbol - Advance! Issue 45 – 1977 OT map of the world

The T-O map, also referred to as the O-T map, is a diagram or map of the “world”. It originated in Medieval Times, with a religious perception added of Jerusalem being at the “center” of the world. The map is an O with a T inside it, the same as the OT symbol in Scientology. There are actually 2 types of this OT map. Here is one of them:

On the left is the map with North on top and East to the right. You see the Mediterranean Sea. Below the Sea is Africa, above the Sea is Europe. To the right of the Sea is Asia. The map shows Jerusalem, to the right of Jerusalem is Paradise, the Garden of Eden.

On the right is the OT map turned so that East is on top. OT maps show East on top.

More OT maps, one mentions the top of the map is Paradise, the Garden of Eden. The other map shows the 3 sons of Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth, and their domains.

This view was based on an interpretation of the verses in Ezekiel: " I set this Jerusalem in the midst of nations, with countries round about her" (5:5), and "living at the center of the earth" (38:12).

The T also represented the tau cross, a mystical Christian symbol placing Jerusalem, their center of the world, at the intersection of the T.

The OT map is also defined as the Old Testament map, or Orbis Terrarum.

The Tau Cross symbolises the Old Testament, it was shaped in the form of a "T," and is an ancient symbol of eternal life. It is so named from the Hebrew alphabet's last letter X, which was pronounced Taw. This same sound transliterates to the Greek letter T.

Tau or X has a meaning – it represents the fulfillment of the revealed word of God.

That is what the Scientology OT symbol represents, the person is on the Bridge to God, and at the end of that Bridge is - the fulfillment of the revealed word of God.

Hubbard put X’s under Operating Thetan – indicating OT levels culminate at revelation.

The Abyss The Scientology Bridge to light goes over an abyss. Dante Alighieri wrote a poem called the Divine Comedy. The below image is Dante’s OT map of Hell, also referred to as the Abyss, and the journey east to Paradise, Garden of Eden, God, Immortality symbolized at the top by Jerusalem with a Tau Cross.

Scientology Winged Disc

Another symbol used to represent people on the OT levels is the winged disc.

Ashur, the Assyrian god – in his winged disc

The Assyrian god Ashur, also appeared in Persia under the name Ahura Mazda. He is the God of the Persian religion, Zoroastrianism.

Ahura Mazda (God) in winged disc King Darius Seal – Ahura Mazda Rises In Midst

Hittite winged solar disc, symbol of the High Priest/King of the Hittite Empire – 1900 BC

Winged Sun-Disk Persia circa 500 BC

Since ancient times the winged disc has been associated with the Gods. In modern times it is in use by the Jewish Scottish Rite Freemasonry lodge, representing advanced degrees in Freemasonry. In Scottish-Rite freemasonry (it has some rosicrucian levels in its levels) the ascendancy to 33rd degree, is called the Bridge to Light.

There are two main branches of Freemasonry, York Rites and Scottish Rites. Each degree is a moral and ethical principle. Freemason practice leads to glorious immortality. 12

Here is where things really get ugly. These are the New World Order people (Jews) who have a grand plan to openly dominate and control humanity in the service of “God”.

These specific Jews and their ancestors have amassed great fortunes through some of the most despicable means, such as slave-trafficking, drug-trafficking, wars, self-serving banking practices and self-serving business practices.

Adolf Hitler was a small fry by comparison to the evil done by these “brothers of light”. For example, it’s been stated that Schiff funded Hitler. A whole book could be written listing out their vicious and cruel acts against humanity. Sinking Titanic Books 1, 2, & 3 talk about some of their atrocities if you have no familiarity with them. The books entitled History of International Banking will provide even more details. Scientology Bridge – Roots In Masonic Judaism

What is considered as “Modern Freemasonry”, began in London in 1717.

Allegedly, they were members of a secret society that was originally out of craftmen's associations or masons during the time of the building of the First Temple in Jerusalem. It is a social organization, but also had traditions of doctrines, passwords, and symbols. All deriving from the time of the First Temple.

The Grand Lodge formed in London in 1723.

The Grand Orient of France was organized in Paris in 1736. Its constitution was of the model of Anderson's original Constitution of 1723. Note that Orient in this sense means “East” as in the rising sun, Jerusalem, Garden of Eden, Judaism.


Concerning God and Religion.

A Mason is obliged by his tenure to obey the Moral Law, and if he rightly understands the Art he will never be a stupid atheist, nor an irreligious Libertine. But though in ancient times Masons were charged in every country to be of the religion of that country, or nation, whatever it was, yet it is now thought more expedient only to oblige them to that religion in which all men agree, leaving their peculiar opinions to themselves; that is to be good men and true men of Honour and Honesty by whatever Denominations or Persuasions they may be distinguished; whereby Masonry becomes the centre of union and the means of conciliating true friendship among persons that must have remained at a perpetual distance.

Rosicrucian is another religious fraternity with secret levels of advancement from lower to higher levels. At first Rosicrucians had only three steps to their spiritual path - philosophy, Kabalah, and divine magic.

In 1777, the Reform of the grades and rituals of the Rosy+Cross Order of the Old System had taken place in Frankfurt as well.

The Rosy plus Cross, Rosicrucian, has a rose on a cross, the rose represents the soul and the cross represents the body. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn used the Rosicrucian cross as the basis for their cross. The Golden Dawn cross has many symbols on it with meanings.

Golden Dawn Cross

The cross is based on the Golden Dawn cross which is based on the Rosicrucian cross.

The Admin Dictionary says the word "cross" derives from a basic root word meaning "light of the Great Fire." (We know that means: the light of the sun - the word of God.)

The Scientology cross is a symbol for; light of the Great Fire = the word of God. Scientology means scio + logos = know THE WORD

Francis Bacon is one of the men L. Ron Hubbard gives credit to in Science of Survival. Bacon was Imperator of the Rosicrucians in the 1600’s. Its said that L. Ron Hubbard was a member of the Rosicrucians.

Napoleon Bonaparte became Emperor of France in 1804 and he served as a Master of a Rosicrucian Order based in Paris - another example of a holy man mass murdering men. When Germany was occupied by Napoleon, French-initiated lodges were established.

The Fraternity of the Asiatic Brethren, (aka Fratres Lucis, Brothers of Light) as of 1785, was influenced by the Qabilistic School of Shabattai Zevi, and was also considered the only remaining branch of the Rosy Cross order which survived. Members of this fraternity joined the L’Aurore Naissante [the Rising Sun] lodge, in Frankfurt-Am- Main, Germany.

The L’Aurore Naissante, or “nascent dawn”, formed in 1807, in Frankfort-am-Main, chartered under the Scottish-rite lodge, the Grand Orient of France, in Paris.

Nascent definition: Coming into existence; emerging

French to English translation of L’Aurore Naissante is: the rising sun The choosing of the name of this lodge, is based on a 1682 book by a Dutch Jew named Jacob Boehme.

Jacob Behme/Boehme - Dutch sephardic Jew.

In the Dawn being born (Aurora consurgens - 1682), Jacob Boehme is another one of the Jewish “sons of light”.

Frontispiece of an edition of Aurora consurgens by Jacob Boehme - Amsterdam, 1682

The same year as L’Aurore Naissante is founded, the Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors-General of the Thirty-Third and Last Degree was formed in New York, under the aegis of the Grand Orient of France. 33rd degree Masons are Inspector-General.

(The top posts in Scientology organizations have the Masonic title Inspector-General. This seems to indicate they are 33rd degree Masons, they are adepts, part of the top level in-crowd of Masonic Judaism. Or at a minimum, they want to be perceived as such.) Solomon Rothschild, son of Amschel, became a member of L’Aurore Naissante prior to 1816. Amschel Mayer Rothschild, 1743-1812, had 5 sons. One of which was Solomon, another was Nathan Mayer.

Living at Frankfurt-Am-Main were the Schiffs, Adlers, Seligmans, Oppenheims, Sterns, Rothschilds, etc. Members of these families went to New York City and lived there.

Heinrich Jonas was a German Jew who moved to New York City in 1829. In 1842 Philip Bruckman and his wife emigrated to New York City. Philip, together with a group of other middle-class German immigrants, founded the Mendelssohnian Society. Moses Mendelssohn was a German Jew referred to as the father of Reform Judaism.

This group provided the impetus for establishing the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith. Heinrich Jonas was founder of B'nai B'rith in 1843. B’nai B’rith = Sons of the Covenant. These same people then formed Temple Emanu-El in 1845.

At that time America was referred to as the New World.

A quote taken from The Menorah, the monthly magazine of the IOBB:

"When the constellation of the Jewish nation had gone down, then arose from the ruins, out of the Western horizon, from America's new world, a new star for all our co- religionists, then sprang into being the Order B'ne B'rith."

Another name for the Independent Order of B’nai B’rith is the "New World Order."

The term "New World Order" is also used to describe said goals of the IOBB, such as: One World Government One World Bank One World Currency etc.

Another quote from the Menorah:

"The term Sons of the Covenant gets a wider meaning, for the covenant that the members of this Order agree to fulfill is to aid in the spread of the power of light, to wage constant warfare with the powers of darkness."

These same people established Temple Emanu-El in New York in 1845. Emanu-El means – God is with us. Some of the names involved are:

Rothschild Guggenheim Loeb Schiff Oppenheim Lehman Seligman Adler etc. Warburg Straus

Headquarters for the New World Order is the IOBB/Temple Emanu-El in New York. More currently, IOBB headquarters is now called “B’nai B’rith International”, based out of Washington, D.C. B’nai B’rith is the forerunner of today’s Anti-Defamation League.

They consider themselves leaders of a "Kingdom of Priests" and "brothers of light".

Felix Adler Emanuel and Mayer Lehman Jacob Schiff

Temple Emanu-El celebrated its 100th anniversary in 1945. One of the lectures given at the celebration was titled - The significance of Israel and Judaism for a new world order, by Samuel Schulman.

The New World Order people have taken steps to dominate and control not only banking, governments and religion, but also all of the other major areas of business and commerce, as well as entertainment, arts and literature. In these endeavors they have established many associated sub-organizations and made use of many people.

The current (as well as past) executives of the Church of Scientology are allied with several of the subgroups of these people, working together for “human rights” – like hell they are.

In fact, as you will see, the opposite is taking place with the Anti-Defamaton League trying to get legislation passed that takes away freedom of speech and religion and amounts to the forming up of a modern day Inquisition. They want to jail people who criticize their religious books such as the Kabalah, etc.

Again, these specific people and their ancestors have amassed great fortunes through some of the most despicable means, such as slave-trafficking, drug-trafficking, wars, self- serving banking practices and self-serving business practices. These specific people and their ancestors are slavemasters. Read Sinking Titanic book 3 for some of the details on them treating people like slaves. And when the slaves asked for better working conditions they were machine-gunned down. Judaism advocates slavery.

From the Torah - Book of Leviticus, Chapter 25 –

"Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids. Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession. And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your bondmen forever: but over your brethern the children of Israel, ye shall not rule one over another with rigour."

So, all heathens are candidates for the Jews to use as slaves. A heathen is anybody who is not an Israelite Jew - that means in the bloodline descended from their ancestor Isra-el.

People are not people to them, they are property – to be used as they see fit.

They are as black as coal. Like the Wizard of Oz hiding his true identity behind a curtain, they seek to hide their actual dark character behind such flowery words as "brothers of light" and insignificant philanthropy. That does not make up for the millions of people who have had their lives ruined or lost at the hands of these people.

The IOBB is a Jewish Scottish-Rite Freemason Lodge.

Have you ever heard the song The Devil Went Down To Georgia by Charlie Daniels? It has this line – Devil’s in the house of the rising sun.


Hubbard gave a recorded lecture in 1952, PDC tape 20. He said this:

“… if you ever do use any Black Dianetics, use it on the guy who pulled Scientology out of sight and made it so it wasn't available. Because he's the boy who would be electing himself "The New Order." And we don't need any more new Orders. All those Orders, as far as I am concerned, have been filled.”

Hubbard is indicating that he is satisfied with the existing Orders, IOBB would be one.

That was deleted from the tape when , Marty Rathbun, and Dan Koon were in charge of the Church, with Masonic post titles like Inspector General. By deleting that statement these adepts are trying to hide what Hubbard said. Future Org Trends, an LRH lecture given on 9 October 1962 -

“I had an uncle who was a thirty-third degree Mason and Scottish rite, and other odd things, and Dianetics and Scientology were never quite right with him, but he finally figured out that we were trying to do exactly what they were trying to do in the Scottish rite, and after that he's figured out it's all right. You couldn't now disabuse him of the fact that we'd do everything that is done in the Scottish rite. We don't. But that is his channel of understanding.”

Obviously the Scientology Bridge is not exactly the same as the Jewish Masonic levels. They are different ways to achieve the same ends. Scientology is a masked branch of Masonic Judaism, it has the same purpose and the same ends, but it is done covertly. Hubbard, and his top aides who also may have known, never told people up front that they are participating in a Masonic group. But he did say the higher levels led to God.

End of Course Lecture, an LRH lecture 1 May 1959 -

“Now, a wonderful piece of news burst today as we complete this course, wonderful piece of news. The byproducts of atomic energy plants which make electricity have been declared waste previous to this time, and now a clever nuclear physicist has found out how to make bombs out of the waste products from electrical energy.

…almost any nation- Panama, the Argentine, almost anybody- could dream himself up a few atom bombs.

Well, that's very, very happy. Because about this time somebody's going to have to get some good sense and say, "We'd better knock off this thing called international boundaries because it's not safe to have them anymore." ”

The elimination of international boundaries is a goal of the IOBB so they can establish their One World Government (run by them). Hubbard indicates his enthusiastic support.


L’Aurore Naissante is considered the forerunner of the Hermetic Order Of The Golden Dawn, which was founded in 1887. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was teaching in ritual magic practice, Jewish Kabalah, Rosicrucian initiation system, etc.

Golden Dawn was another one of the brothers-of-light organizations, closely associated with Helena Blavatsky and her Theosophy Society which spawned New Age religions. She was closely associated with the New World Order people in their mutual interests to manipulate people with their social engineering projects. Blavatsky was a covert intelligence agent for Russian intelligence. Aleister Crowley became a member of Golden Dawn.

Crowley Kabalah Tree Used by Golden Dawn

Jack Parsons was chosen by Crowley to lead an Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) lodge in California in 1942. Sarah Elizabeth Northrup was living with Parsons. In August 1945 Hubbard went to Jack Parson’s home and became involved with him. Sarah Northrup and Hubbard married. Hubbard allegedly participated in a ritual known as the Babalon Working, an attempt to summon a living goddess, in 1946.

The Tone Scale: Moving The PC Up The Scale, an LRH lecture 5 December 1952 -

A magician- the magic cults of the eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth centuries in the Middle East were fascinating. The only modern work that has anything to do with them is a trifle wild in spots, but it's fascinating work in itself, and that's work written by Aleister Crowley, the late Aleister Crowley, my very good friend. And he did himself a splendid piece of aesthetics built around those magic cults. It's very interesting reading to get a hold of a copy of a book, quite rare, but it can be obtained, The Master Therion, by Aleister Crowley. He signs himself "The Beast"; "The Mark of the Beast, 666." But anyway, Crowley exhumed a lot of the data from these old magic cults.

The DEI Scale, an LRH lecture 11 December 1952 -

If you started to worship Lucifer, if you started to worship any of the various gods . . . One fellow, Aleister Crowley, picked up a level of religious worship which is very interesting. Oh boy! The press played hockey with his head for his whole lifetime. The Great Beast-666. He just had another level of religious worship. Yes sir! You're free to worship everything under the Constitution, so long as it's Christian.

In 1859 Albert Pike became the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite’s Southern Jurisdiction. He authored the book - Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in 1871.

Quotes from Morals and Dogma -

Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion; and its teachings are instruction in religion.

Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, conceals its secrets from all except the Elect, and uses false explanations of its symbols to mislead, to conceal the truth.

Part of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. Their true explication is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry.

"Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darknesss! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, Doubt it not!"

Pike statements recorded in the library of the Scottish Rite in Washington D.C.:

The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine. Yes, Lucifer is God… Lucifer, God of Light and God of God is struggling for humanity against Adonai, the God of darkness and evil.

Since 1738, the Catholic Church does not condone Catholics becoming Freemasons. In 1873 Pope Pius IX condemned Freemasonry, calling it "the Synagogue of Satan". A Catholic Encyclopedia says the 30th degree in Scottish Rite Freemasonry is anti- Catholic. The 30th degree, written by Albert Pike, is a ritual in the Magnum Opus. The Catholics equate Lucifer with the Devil, Satan, the Prince of Darkness.

The Satanists/Luciferians say their religion is about the Magnum Opus (Great Work). The Magnum Opus is humanity reaching physical and spiritual perfection. There has been a war over humanity in which Satan wishes to give us the knowledge to elevate ourselves to physical and spiritual perfection.

Lucifer brings light – he is the bringer of knowledge. The morning sun brings men awake from the darkness of sleep. In order to be victimized, one must be unknowing. Lucifer is the liberator of humanity. Lucifer gives us the knowledge to become independent and free. He directs us to be masters of our own lives. He shows us that we are deserving of happiness and a better life.

Lucifer/Satan/Prince of Darkness is shown below, intervening to assist chained humans.

Illustration in Paradise Lost by Edward Burney Obviously, this is aligned with Masonic Judaism. Advance! magazine, Issue 18 1973 - The Bridge is a term originating in Dianetics to symbolize travel from unknowingness to revelation.

What Is to Be Done in Course, an LRH lecture 1 December 1952 -

I just got a wonderful wire... and it just came just now. They pick a pc off the street, you see, and they start running them, and this pc gets the idea that he is practically the Prince of Darkness or something of the sort and that it's all a big plot and they just start asking this person this. And they're the Prince of Darkness from Venus or someplace, you see... And so I'm going to send him back a letter, "So you say you have some connection with the Prince of Darkness out there and you're very worried about this. Who do you think I am?"

Here is revelation. Hubbard just said he is Lucifer, God of the Light, bringer of the light.

When you understand what the Scientology Bridge is really about, the actual hidden meaning of the various symbols becomes obvious and promotional magazines for the Bridge are also now understood.

From unknowingness to revelation is seen in this advertisement

Notice the Golden Dawn title Notice - golden dawn of a new civilization

These are recent advertisements with David Miscavige as the acting Front Man. I hear tell that Miscavige bought himself a 30 million dollar house. The job of Front Man must pay well.


The first Moses of Judaism was the Biblical law-giver of the Old Testament. The 2nd Moses was Maimonides. The 3rd Moses was Mendelssohn who studied Maimonides.

Moses Maimonides – 2nd Moses Moses Mendelssohn – 3rd Moses Mendelssohn, father of Reform Judaism, asserted ...that just as various nations need different constitutions - so individuals may need different religions. Mendelssohnian Society of New York established the Temple Emanu-El and it was conducting an experiment in religion and politics.

Samuel Adler was rabbi of Temple Emanu-El and his son was Felix Adler. In 1873 Felix Adler gave his first and only address to the Temple Eman-El members. His vision was for a religion for the modern world that would bring diverse people together in a unified spirit to accomplish good things. This lecture was the forerunner of what would later become today’s "humanism". This "religion for the modern world" came to assume many names but is still just Reformed Judaism.

Felix Adler

Felix Adler founded the New York Society for Ethical Culture on 15 May, 1876. This was the vehicle to bring about the religion for the modern world, that became humanism. One aim of the Society for Ethical Culture was - to advance the science and art of right living.

The Society for Ethical Culture began a maze of organizations which today we know as humanism. Every single organization directly, or indirectly calling itself humanist, or humanism, can be traced to this action started, and backed by Temple Emanu-El, which in turn had it’s origins in the Mendelssohnian Society, and the B’nai B’rith.

The symbol for Humanism, is the “happy human”, which also is exactly the end goal of Dianetics - a well and happy human being.

The Happy Human symbol of humanism

L’Aurore Naissante - the Rising Sun – the Golden Dawn. The sun rises in the East. So this is like the OT map with East on top. The road leads to light – God, just like Kabalah.

Theory of Processes, an LRH lecture 28 April 1959 -

When you do this, you have somebody who can confront... he is more social, he is more capable, he is a better asset of the society, he's somebody to know, he's somebody to talk to. Now, there are the exact end goals of processing. (Homo Novis – a happy human)

Dianetics and Scientology can be viewed as yet another “experiment in religion” of Reform Judaism. This particular experiment served many purposes. It served as a testing ground for whatever ideas someone wanted to test, anywhere from mind-control theories to super-human abilities.


Now we now what the lower levels are to produce - a happy human. What about those secret OT levels? There is no big secret about them, LRH talks about it in the Research and Discovery Series, especially in volume 10. Anybody can read about it, they are not confidential issues, such as Anatomy of the Theta Body 16 April 1952.

On the OT levels you audit other thetans who are hanging around your body. They are usually stuck in an , you audit them, and they leave. That’s the whole deal. Then you go on to OT 8 and you have revelation – you should believe in God, and then you have to audit some more thetans who are stuck in History of Man incidents. In the late 1960’s, OT levels were released up to OT 7. OT 3 dealt with the body thetans who were stuck to your body. OT 6 had an exteriorization drill. OT 7 dealt with intention, it was similar to the ashtray drill where you put a thought into the ashtray.

Then in 1978 these initial OT levels were replaced with new ones. All of these new OT levels dealt with the body thetans and nothing else. When finished handling the body thetans on OT 7, then you are ready for OT 8. We already talked about the three versions of OT 8 that were released and each one is a disappointment. The advertised attainments were not attained.

Neither the initial OT levels nor the later OT levels result in anything even vaguely close to the advertised abilities of a thetan, or immortality, or total freedom.

Well then, how exactly does this give you the advertised immortality? Because Moses Maimonides says so - “One who has attained a correct knowledge of God has reached a condition of existence, which renders him immune from all the accidents of fortune, from all the allurements of sin, and even from death itself. Man, therefore is in a position not only to work out his own salvation, but his own immortality.”

You say Bullshit? Well, we will then apply another Jewish practice to you called cherem.

That is where we expel you from the flock and everyone acts like you are dead. They act like you do not exist and refuse to communicate with you. That’s called expulsion and enforced disconnection in Scientology. We use that when someone tells the truth about us and to keep that hidden from the rest of the flock, we have them refuse to talk to you.

You must have been influenced by the “eye of Bilaam”, one of those dark brothers against whom the brothers of light have to wage constant warfare. That made you aberá be'ones (in english it is aberration, which means “forced transgression”). Our adepts Miscavige and Rathbun are very skilled at cherem, they will act like you don’t exist and get the other flock members to treat you likewise.

So, to sum up the secret OT levels – we arrive at the light and we have revelation!

The end product of the Scientology Bridge is - happy human + belief in God = a happy human who believes in god

Advance! mag 75 - 1982

Scottish-Rite freemasonry is the Bridge to Light. Scientology is the Bridge to Light.

The members of B’nai B’rith have acted to aid in the spread of the power of light.

Hubbard aligns with the IOBB and has acted to aid in the spread of the power of light.

Belief in God Is Not A High State

Science of Survival -

It is an empirical observation that men without a strong and lasting faith in a Supreme Being are less capable, less ethical, and less valuable to themselves and society. A government wishing to deprave its people to the point where they will accept the most perfidious and rotten acts abolishes first the concept of God; and in the wake of that destroys the family, with free love; the intellectual, with police-enforced idiocies; and so reduces a whole population to an estate somewhat below that of dogs. A man without an abiding faith is, by observation alone, more of a thing than a man. Modern science, producing weapons for the annihilation of men, women, and children in wholesale lots, has solidly run itself aground on the reef of Godlessness. The abandonment of the admission of a Supreme Being as a reality, intimate to the life of man, makes prostitution the ideal conduct of a woman; perfidy and betrayal the highest ethic level attainable by a man; and obliteration by treachery, bomb, and gun the highest goal attainable by a culture. Thus, there is no great argument about the reality of a Supreme Being, since one sees, in the failure to countenance that reality, a slimy and loathsome trail, downward into the most vicious depths.

There may be many levels of mind above the aesthetic mind. Somewhere, possibly on the fifth level, lies the functioning mind of the spiritual or religious man who has passed over the border of a consideration of MEST or of organisms and is turned toward an understanding of and a co-operation with both the theta universe and the Supreme Being.

Hubbard just fed us a bunch of religious tripe that ranks as extremely grotesque lies. Deliberate lies are manufactured and peddled for only one reason – to hide the truth.

1. Belief in god does not make people good. 2. Belief in God is not a higher state of mind.

Look at all the people who attend church on Sunday, then the rest of the week they beat their wife, abuse their kids, take and sell drugs, commit adultery, commit sexually confused acts, lie, steal, and even commit murder. The church leaders are far worse than those people.

Factions of Jews who wish to dominate and control the “world”, often fight over who should have this power. Truth, of any kind, is often the loser in these power-plays.

The Inquisition, is one such horrific example.

The Inquisition accelerated in 1184 AD when the Roman Catholic Church created the Holy Office of Inquisition into Heretical Wickedness. In 1199 Pope Innocent III declared "anyone who attempted to construe a personal view of god which conflicted with the church dogma must be burned without pity." You could say this was a more brutal Catholic version of Cherem, which instead of declaring someone Cherem, they declared a person to be “Anathema”, or accursed.

On May 15, 1252, Pope Innocent IV (his given name was Sinibaldo Fiesco) issued the papal bull ad exstirpanda, which authorized, with some limits, the torture of suspected heretics for the purpose of eliciting confessions. The limitations were as follows: * that the torture did not cause loss of life or limb * that it was used only once * that the Inquisitor deemed the evidence against the accused to be virtually certain

In practice, these limitations were meaningless – loss of life or limb could be deemed accidental, ‘only once’ was often interpreted to mean a series of tortures collectively defined as one, and Inquisitors were somewhat less objective than the bull appeared to assume. Subsequent Popes expanded the scope and powers of the various Inquisitions. In 1254, Pope Innocent IV decreed that accusers could remain anonymous. Churches had a chest where informants could slip written accusations against their neighbors. 4

The auto de fe was a religious ritual that took place in public squares or esplanades and lasted several hours with ecclesiastical and civil authorities in attendance. It involved a Catholic Mass; prayer; a public procession of those found guilty; and a reading of their sentences. Neither torture nor burning at the stake took place during an auto de fé. The executions took place after, and separately from the auto de fé, when the accused was released into the 'care' of the secular authorities, who “legally” carried out the executions.

The wealthy were prime targets for the Church. The Inquisition took over all of the heretics' possessions upon accusation. This is one way the Catholic Church grew wealthy. The bull conceded to the State a portion of the property to be confiscated from convicted heretics, so this is how the torturers and auto de fe personnel were paid. As you can see, all levels of the Roman Catholic Church had a vested interest in there being heretics to be “asked the question”, as they ever so mildly put it. In order to expand the coffers even further, hence the invention of heresy as being genetic, Pope Innocent stated that since "god" punished children for the sins of their parents, they had no right to be legal heirs to the property of their parents. Inquisitors accused the dead of heresy. They exhumed and burned the accused's bones and confiscated all property from their heirs, leaving them with nothing.

Of course, who are the prime targets for filling the coffers? The merchants, and remember, merchants is a British term meaning BANKER.

These were the Sephardic Jews.

The church also decided to forbid witchcraft. Between 1450 -1600, the Roman Catholic Church was responsible for the torture and burning alive of some 30,000 alleged witches.

Galileo, a crypto-Jew, was the famous Italian astronomer who was a victim of the Inquisition in 1633.

Galileo before the Inquisitors

Galileo wrote that the Sun is stationary and the earth's rotation gives the impression of the sun in motion across the sky. Galileo was called before the Inquisition for heresy. He was then imprisoned for making a statement that contradicted the Catholic Bible, their version of the “word of God”. But he told the truth, the Catholic crypto-Jew faction preferred the lie.

Ecclesiastes 1:5 states "the sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries back to where it rises." Psalm 93:1 states that "the world is firmly established, it cannot be moved."

In 1979, Pope John Paul II declared that the Roman Catholic Church "may have been mistaken in condemning him," and he established a commission to study the case.

In 1993, the Catholic Church "officially" pardoned Galileo.

Others suffered a worse fate of torture and then burning at the stake. Accused heretics were tortured until they confessed.

Judas Cradle - the heretic was lowerd by a rope onto the point

Such is the work of the high priests of sacred fabrication and falsity, called holy scripture. Their modus operandi is – accept the lies or be tortured and die.

Crushing legs with a mallet Wheel crushes the entire skeleton

Stripping off the skin Burning the feet

The Rack - Ropes were used to stretch the heretic until muscles tore and bones broke.

The Iron Torture Chair was studded with spikes - a fire was lit beneath the chair

Other torture devices were used that were equally cruel. After confessing, the accused heretic was taken before the Inquisitors, to be pronounced guilty and burned at the stake.

A Bible passage was used to justify burning heretics John 15:6 "If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned."

Jews who “converted” as a result of this process of being “asked the question”, were called Marranos or Conversos. In more recent times they have been called crypto-Jews. A lot of them still actually believed in the Jewish religion, but they hid that fact by outwardly espousing and practicing some other religion. See up-coming article within the series The History of International Banking for more background on types of Jews. The crypto-Jews were mortal enemies of the Catholics from there on out, particularly the Jesuits, or Society of Jesus. Both were constantly infiltrating the other.

Martin Luther was a German Catholic priest, and a crypto-Jew who had infiltrated the Catholic Church. His cover story for why he started the Protestant Reformation was that “he came to hate the angry condemning God of the Catholic religion”. He was supported by the Rosicrucians and Freemasons, naturally, since they were crypto-Jews too. Protestants were then advertised as an “alternative” to the Catholics.

Sir Francis Bacon was Imperator of the Rosicrucian Order in England. Bacon oversaw the writing of a Protestant English Bible, the King James version published in 1611.

The Catholics formed the Society of Jesus, better known as the Jesuits, in 1534. They were a militant Catholic secret society with initiation degrees (the oath for the 2nd degree demanded the death of all Freemasons and Protestants). The Jesuits were sent to England to fight the Protestants, where they instigated the persecution and death of Freemasons and Protestants.

The Freemasons worked in secrecy in England and Scotland, promoting Protestantism. The Masonic lodges were responsible for the Protestant movements in England and in Germany.

In 1717 the London Masonic Lodge felt it was safe enough and began to work in public.

After the phase of the Inquisition headed by Torquemada, Crypto-Jew Freemasons came under persecution by Roman-Catholic priests. (Jesuits) Lodge books recorded no living man's name, each man was required to take a nom-de-guerre (an assumed name, pseudonym). This way, when the priests finally did discover the Lodge and caused its destruction, there was not the name of a living man on any record.

The men and women who took up the pilgrim’s staff at the bidding of Torquemada could only go where Jews were tolerated, for they refused to bear false witness to their ancient religion. They left behind them in Spain and Portugal a less scrupulous contingent of their race- wealthy Jews who were disinclined to make sacrifices for the faith of their fathers, and who accepted the conditions of the Inquisition rather than abandon their rich plantations in Andalusia and their palaces in Saragossa, Toledo, and Seville. They embraced Christianity, but their conversion was only simulated, and for two centuries they preserved in secret their allegiance to Judaism. These Crypto-Jews, in their turn, gradually spread all over Europe, penetrating in their disguise into countries and towns and even guilds which the Church had jealously guarded against all heretical intrusion. It was chiefly through them that the modern Anglo-Jewish community was founded.

The Iberian Crypto-Jews, or Marranos, as they were called, represented one of the strangest and most romantic movements in the religious history of Europe. Marranism was an attempt by the Jews to outwit the Jesuits with their own weapons. Both sides acted on the principle that the end justified the means, and each employed the most unscrupulous guile to defend itself against the other. The Inquisition was ruthless in its methods to stamp out Judaism, the Marranos were equally unprincipled in preserving their allegiance to their proscribed religion. Abandoning their ceremonial, abandoning even the racial limitation on marriage, the Jewish tradition was maintained by secret conventicles chiefly composed of males, and thus Jewish blood and the Jewish heresy became distributed all over the peninsula, and crept into the highest ranks of the nation. The Court, the Church, the army, even the dread tribunals of the Holy Office itself were not free from taint.

.. Some idea of the social ramifications of the Marranos is afforded by the careers of the early members of the Amsterdam Jewish community. Many of them were men of high distinction who had escaped from Spain and Portugal in order to throw off the burden of their imposture. Such were….Don Francesco de Silva, Marquis of Montfort, who had fought against Marshal de Crequi under the Emperor Leopold….

It was by Jews of this class that the congregations of Amsterdam, Hamburg, and Antwerp were founded, and it was largely through them that those towns in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries were enabled to wrest from Spain her primacy in the colonial trade.

Amsterdam Jews and their Dutch East India Trading Company became a huge business with 50,000 employees and had its own private army. The dirty business and viciousness of these guys will be discussed elsewhere. In 1651, an Amsterdam Jew, Joao Ilhao, sails to Curacao and establishes a Jewish colony. Dutch West Indies Company administered to Dutch colonies. Part of the trade for these companies was slave trafficking. Hundreds of thousands of slaves were sold at the port in Curacao. In 1864 a Temple Emanu-el was formed in Curacao, sister of Temple Emanu-el in New York. …But it was the increasing Hebraism of English religious thought, as represented by the Puritan movement, which chiefly attracted the Jews. This movement sent not a few Englishmen and Englishwomen to the continental ghettos to seek instruction at the feet of Hebrew Rabbis, and even to obtain entrance to the synagogue as proselytes. When the Commonwealth, with its pronounced Judaical tendencies, emerged from this movement, the Jews could not fail to be impressed. The more mystical among them began to dream of the Golden Age. Indeed the doctrines of the Fifth Monarchy Men, carried to Smyrna by Puritan merchants, paved the way for the rise of the pseudo-messiah, Sabbethai Zevi. The more practical saw that the time had arrived when it might be reasonably hoped to obtain the revocation of Edward I’s edict of banishment.

Note- The Fraternity of the Asiatic Brethren, aka Fratres Lucis, Brothers of Light as of 1785, was influenced by the Qabilistic School of Shabattai Zevi. It was a Rosicrucian Order. Members of this fraternity joined the L’Aurore Naissante [the Rising Sun] lodge, in Frankfurt-Am-Main, Germany.

…story….One was to the effect that a Jew, named Antonio de Montezinos, or Aaron Levy, had, while travelling in South America, met a race of savages in the Cordilleras, who recited the Shema, practiced Jewish ceremonies, and were, in short, Israelites of the Tribe of Reuben….

The story was, if true, a proof of the increasing dispersion of Israel. Daniel had foretold that the scattering of the Holy People would be the forerunner of their Restoration, and a verse in Deuteronomy had explained that the scattering would be “from one end of the earth even to the other end of the earth.” It was clear from Montezinos and other travellers that they had already reached one end of the earth. Let them enter England and the other end would be attained. Thus the promises of the Almighty would be fulfilled, and the Golden Age would dawn. In this hope he wrote the famous…which in 1650 burst on the British public under the title of the “Hope of Israel.”. 5

Per Leon Hyneman, Freemasonry was essentially Jewish in heritage, and always had been, so this could shed some light on why the Roman Catholic Church was so “against” Freemasonry – it was started by the Marranos, or Crypto-Jews.

The following quote is from The Israelite, December 5, 1876. It is a publication by Isaac Wise, an I.O.B.B. member who headed up the Cincinnati Lodge in Ohio. In it, he quotes “Brother Leon Hyneman”, “Brother” being an honorific from one Freemason to another.

“The Object of the Law. Brother Leon Hyneman includes the following sentiments in his eminent article entitled “Origin of Freemasonry.” ““…teachings of the principles of Freemasonry are conveyed through symbols used by the operative. Our obligations to Deity and to our fellow-man are comprehended in the teachings of these symbols. Although Moses taught in public his sublime moral code, and its teachings were hid from none, yet a few of the people, like some of the present time who are conversant with the precepts contained in the Sacred Volume and do not practice them, did not appreciate or value the divine injunctions by living in conformity therewith, and such were not admitted into the secret organization. It will be understood that none but the upright and virtuous, the good and the true man, the benevolent and the industrious were considered privileged to be admitted into the fraternity.””

As you can see, Leon is referring to Moses having a “secret organization”, that obviously being the model for Freemasonry. You have to be a moral man to be allowed access to the secret rites of Freemasonry. In Scientology the same idea applies to be invited onto its secret levels.


Millions have had their lives ruined or lost at the hands of all factions of the “brothers of light” and their motto of “the end justifies the means”. The use and abuse of humans as slaves is a story in itself that is not limited to Curacao. And, look at all the religious wars in history and even today.

And their insignificant philanthropy, such as providing a few thousand dollars for school lunches, or donating some art to a museum, does not even come close to rectifying all the harm they have leveled at humanity. Their philanthropy is an attempt to distract humanity from the extant facts of their dark character.

The most evil, dirty, low-down, low-life, scum-sucking-bottom-feeders in history have been religious men of God.

And L. Ron Hubbard says these guys are in a high state of mind above the rest of us?

The decent members of any church, are decent people on their own account, that’s the way they choose to be. They do not need some false religion to make them be good.

A Modern Day Inquisition Freedom of Speech and Religion Under Jewish Attack Church of Scientology Allied With Human Rights Violators

In the same year as American Jewry reaches a milestone: the 350th anniversary of Jewish settlement in North America, an Act was signed into law by President Bush. On 16 October, 2004, President Bush signs “Global Anti-Semitism Review Act” into law. It establishes a special department within the U.S. State Department to monitor global anti-Semitism, reporting annually to Congress.

Excerpt: `(I) acts of physical violence against, or harassment of, Jewish people, acts of violence against, or vandalism of, Jewish community institutions, and instances of propaganda in government and nongovernment media that incite such acts;…11

This is another move towards “Hate Crimes” legislation, backed by the B’nai B’rith, and its Anti-Defamation League.

Earlier that same year, at a Paris meeting of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) the PR positioning accelerates with the aim of positioning writers of “hate speech” on the internet as being a causative agent of “terrorism” and “hate crimes”.

September 15, 2004 - Testifying before the Congressional Helsinki Commission in Washington, DC, Elizabeth Jones, Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs discusses this June meeting:

"The Paris Meeting on the Relationship between Hate Speech on the Internet and Hate Crime in June offered experts a chance to share views on hate speech. The U.S. delegation, under the leadership of two Assistant Attorneys General, advocated the need to continue to protect freedom of expression and information and, simultaneously, to confront and denounce the ideas of bigots in the marketplace of free ideas. While some delegations differed on government regulation, there were also broad areas of consensus about strengthening education on combating bias-motivated speech and increasing training for investigators and police to address bias-motivated crimes on the Internet."

"The Berlin and Brussels conferences and the Paris meeting have laid the foundation for an ambitious, long-term OSCE effort for dealing with the roots of intolerance. At the two conferences, fifty-five nations committed to collect hate crime statistics, share that information with the OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), strengthen education to combat intolerance and, consider increasing training for law enforcement and judicial officials on hate crimes legislation. ODIHR has been tasked to track incidents of intolerance and anti-Semitism, report on its findings, and to disseminate best practices for combating acts of intolerance. At the Paris meeting, the U.S. put forward a "Ten-Point Action Plan" that could serve as a basis for combating hate speech on the Internet while protecting freedom of expression and information. We strongly support each of these initiatives and will work to see that they are endorsed at the Sofia Ministerial.

The success of these tolerance initiatives, of course, will depend on their full implementation. There is much to be done: many OSCE participating states do not have hate crime legislation or systems for tracking hate crime, and ODIHR has had to start almost from scratch in developing its new tolerance program. The U.S. believes that ODIHR is the right institution within the OSCE for promoting tolerance. To ensure that anti-Semitism receives the attention that it merits, we are considering whether to support the establishment of a Special Representative for Anti-Semitism. This would be a senior person with a mandate to travel and make recommendations. Our view is that such a Special Representative should be modeled on the OSCE’s Special Representative for Central Asia with neither dedicated staff nor salary. "9

In his testimony before the Congressional Helsinki Commission, Michael G. Kozak, Acting Assistant Secretary for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, says:

"A crucial component in the fight against terrorism is the support and promotion of tolerance of all ethnic, racial and religious minorities. By protecting the rights of all minorities, we can work to ensure that the roots of terrorism are not fertilized by feelings of societal marginalization and fear. We applaud the OSCE's commitments to fighting racism, anti-Semitism, religious intolerance and other forms of xenophobia or discrimination. The U.S. and the OSCE share a common goal of fostering racial, ethnic and religious tolerance.

The Anti-Semitism Conference in Berlin in April (2004) resulted in a comprehensive OSCE plan to fight anti-Semitism, while the June Paris Meeting on the Relationship between Hate Speech on the Internet and Hate Crime addressed new forms of propagating hate speech and bigotry while still strongly supporting freedom of expression and ideas. At The Brussels Conference on Racism, Xenophobia and Discrimination, which just concluded, all 55 OSCE participating states joined together to reaffirm and strengthen the OSCE's commitment to combat intolerance in all forms.

But despite these commitments, serious problems remain for racial, ethnic and religious minorities throughout the OSCE region, and much remains to be done by both OSCE institutions and participating States to combat intolerance."10

More about the Paris OSCE meeting 2004:

An international assembly initiated by the OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) met in Paris this week to plan a strategy for banning "anti- Semitic and xenophobic propaganda" from the Internet. (xenophobic – fear of foreigners or strangers)

The two-day conference of 300 delegates from more than 60 states began with calls on OSCE members to take extreme measures to keep "racist" material off the Net.

Suzette Bronkhost, a Dutch official of the International Network Against Cyber Hate (www.inach.net), said the US Constitution should not allow extreme statements by "holocaust deniers," for example. French Foreign Minister Mihel Barnier told delegates that preventive action against spreading hate propaganda online were not enough, adding that "we must act directly against the perpetrators." Delegates told reporters they hope to find ways to "track down the authors of racist, xenophobic and anti-Semitic material on the web." Their plans for the "racists," once they've been tracked down, were not reported.

OSCE Chairman Solomon Passy, a Bulgarian Jew with close ties to the American Jewish Committee and Israel, summed up the problem by saying: "We must not leave the door open to abuse. Freedoms do not include a right to spread hatred, lies and abuse, which could destabilize our societies."

Passy is also quoted as saying: “…Anti-Semitism is equivalent to anti-globalism”.

Note: So, this new “Department of Global Anti-Semitism” (which is really anti-anyone-who- can-expose-us) is designed to make critics of Judaism, their New World Order, and people who expose the heinous acts against humanity that are hidden behind religious cloaking such as “Judaism”, be labelled with the racist label of “anti-Semites”, as well as ultimately into being labelled “domestic terrorists.”

According to its“Report on Global Anti-Semitism”6 and “Global Anti-Semitism Report,” 7 - Released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor January 5, 2005 in Switzerland - here is an excerpted list of beliefs or activities the U.S. government now considers anti-Semitic:

1) Any assertion “that the Jewish community controls government, the media, international business and the financial world” is anti-Semitic. 4) Criticism of the Jewish religion or its religious leaders or literature (especially the Talmud and Kabbalah) is anti-Semitic. (Modern day Inquisition here.)

5) Criticism of the U.S. government and Congress for being under undue influence by the Jewish-Zionist community (including AIPAC) is anti-Semitic.

6) Criticism of the Jewish-Zionist community for promoting globalism (the “New World Order”) is anti-Semitic.

Note: What they are really doing is trying to prevent anyone from exposing what they’re doing. Anyone who is exposing them for what they are doing, they wrongfully position them as being a racist. It isn’t racism – it is exposing their wrong actions.

I remember one case where some Jews found out about the documentation showing that American jewish bankers and businesses had funded Hitler. They strongly voiced their disapproval, as they should have. Is that “racist” or “hate-speech”, when one Jew criticizes the wrong actions of another Jew? No. It is also not “racist” or “hate-speech”, when a non-Jew criticizes the wrong actions of a Jew.

The Anti-Defamation League is starting a modern day Inquisition with the idea that no one can criticize their religious writings! They want to put people in jail who do not agree with their religion, and who state why.

Freedom of religion means the right to believe it – it is also the right to not believe it.

People have a right to say publically that they do not believe in Judaism, and to state why. To prevent them from doing so is a violation of freedom of religion and freedom of speech. The Anti-Defamation League is not working for human rights, they are working to take away human rights.

The ADL is showing us in advance what things would be like with them in charge of a One World government. They would not impartially represent every faction, they would be biased in favoring Jews and they’d trample all over other people’s rights and interests. They are showing us in advance why we do not want them heading up any government.

And the Church of Scientology is allied with these people.

The Jews have long been in need of some decent leadership, not these power-hungry international banker types. Scientology is a masked branch of Judaism, and since birds of a feather flock together - it comes as no surprise that Scientology leadership works well with criminal-minded organizations such as the ADL. If Scientology was not a masked branch of Judaism, it would be exposing what the ADL is doing.

To the many Jews out there who are not one of these “let’s rule the world” types – think about this. In the time of the Spanish Inquisition, you could not state publically that you disagreed with Catholic dogma, nor could you state why. If you did? You were tried, tortured and executed. Was that right?


And it isn’t right to try and do it to others.

A One World government that is run by what is essentially one faction only will not work and it will not bring about harmony and peace between humans. Forcing your ideas on others without their agreement, brings war. And that is what the ADL is up to, forcing their ideas on others.

An excerpt from the Report on Global Anti-Semitism shows the direction this is headed – same as the extant laws on this in Canada, an ADL stronghold. Which is essentially that if someone reads what you write, or hears what you say, and decides to “commit an act of violence or damage to property” towards a Jew or Jewish property, you are fined or even jailed, and are now a “criminal”.

There were few anti-Semitic incidents and, with one exception, they were of a purely verbal nature that resulted in no physical harm to any member of the Jewish community or any damage to Jewish property.8

Moving right along, the following year at the 2005 meeting of the International Network Against Cyber Hate (INACH) elects Anti-Defamation League official Christopher Wolf, a Jewish homosexual, to the position of Chairman. (September 29, 2005)

Moving right along, in 2006, 20 February, David Irving is convicted in an Austrian court for questioning the figure of Jews killed in the Holocaust Sentence: three years of prison. He then "recanted" his previous skepticism that the Nazis used gas chambers to kill millions of Jews. This is an obvious PR maneuver here, designed to: a: set a legal precedent b: scare off any would-be exposer of Jewish crimes against humanity c: an example of “proper behavior”, the penitent man.

Moving right along, in 2007, 5 January, the ADL/B’nai B’rith, pushes again for anti-hate crime legislation, (after having weathered six previous failures since 1998).

HR 254 is introduced to Congress by Ms. Jackson-Lee of TEXAS – uses Homosexual Lobby as part of big push behind it.

"H.R. 254: David Ray Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007 HR 254 IH 110th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 254 To enhance Federal enforcement of hate crimes, and for other purposes.


Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary..." http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=h110-254

Bill Status Jan 5, 2007 Introduced - Scheduled for Debate - Voted on in House - Voted on in Senate - Signed by President

This bill is in the first step in the legislative process. Introduced bills go first to committees that deliberate, investigate, and revise bills before they go to general debate. The majority of bills never make it out of committee. http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h110-254

This is a much shorter version of S 1145 which failed passage in the Senate last year. ADL, desperate to pass their hate bill, has deleted many items and is concentrating in this new streamlined version on getting what they want most: establishment of a bias-oriented justice system in America and union of federal and local police powers (creating a police state). With this foundation, ADL can then rely on federal and local judges to expand jurisdiction from violent physical crimes to verbal violence against protected groups.

The Constitution does not grant federal government the police state privilege of intervention in local law enforcement. Unless the government finds evidence of slavery in the states, jury tampering, voter fraud, or crimes involving interstate commerce (where jurisdiction is unclear), the Constitution’s message to the federal government is clear – Butt Out!!

But HR 254 gives the government the right to do what the Constitution forbids. Because five states do not have hate laws, this bill says the government has no choice but to “enhance federal enforcement of hate crimes” and “increase the number of [federal] personnel to prevent and respond to alleged violations [of hate crimes in the states]” (Introductory Statement of Purpose and Sec. 7).

HR 254 asserts hate crimes and lack of effective countermeasures on the state level is a “serious national problem” necessitating federal intervention (Sec. 2[1])

The hate bill strains to find any pretext whereby a federal hate crimes bureaucracy can take over local law enforcement. Its arguments toward this end are so absurd they insult the reader’s intelligence."

In order to evade the Constitution’s clear limitations on federal intervention in law enforcement, HR 254 alleges that hate crimes are actually slavery! “Violence motivated by bias is a relic of slavery that can constitute badges and incidents of slavery.” (Sec. 2, 8)"

Frighteningly, HR 254 says its goal is to “prevent and respond to alleged violations” of federal hate crimes laws. This means the government does not even have to wait until a hate crime has been committed but may act preemptively to “prevent” crime.

Further, penalties for violation of federal anti-hate law can be extremely severe, even tripling the normal penalties. It seeks to establish a different “bias motivation” justice system, which will be defined in courts by judges, as has happened in Canada over the past 36 years.

These federal and local judges (under pressure by the ADL) will establish legal precedents- precedents that protect groups such as homosexuals not only from physical bias-motivated violence but also from “verbal violence.” This will include the “hate speech” of Bible-believing evangelical Christians. This is exactly what has occurred in Canada and the many European nations who accepted hate laws’ Orwellian chains.

HR 254 thus does more than violate states’rights in law enforcement. It also leads inexorably to an end of free speech!"

"The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith has vowed it will never give up until a federal hate crimes bureaucracy, like it established in Canada, is in place in the United States. Their tenacity doesn’t come from concern for the emotions or safety of homosexuals. ADL is using the powerful homosexual lobby as a tool to pass a law that will ultimately make it a hate crime, punishable by prison or deportation to Israel, to criticize Zionism or matters Jewish.

1. This is mandated by ADL’s Violent Crime and Law Enforcement Act of 1994. 2. ADL obtained such a mandate through passage of their Hate Crimes Statistics Act of 1990. It gave them power to teach U.S. Justice Department, FBI, and local police their twisted definitions of hate crimes and how to report them. It is out of 25 years of such indoctrination that ADL intends to create its national hate laws gestapo and police state.

Following the ADL’s successful pushing through of the above legislation, in 1997, The Church of Scientology is heavily positioning itself in alignment against “Cyber Crimes”.

From the Church of Scientology’s Freedom Mag:

“The increasing crime rate on the internet, ranging from theft to copyright infringements, all in the name of free speech, is causing Americans grave concern. Free speech is abused when it is claimed as a shield to avoid responsibility for unlawful acts. "Father of the Internet," Vinton Cerf and co-founders of the Cyberspace Law Institute, among others, including members of the Church of Scientology, met to work out solutions to protect the rights of all on the Net.

Members of the Church of Scientology know better than many that the freedom to communicate is a vital liberty. And it is a freedom they have fought for tirelessly through the years. In fact, L. Ron Hubbard, founder of the Scientology religion, said, "Perhaps the most fundamental right of any being is the right to communicate. Without this freedom other rights deteriorate."

"A round table discussion by top cyberspace experts in Washington, D.C., produced a consensus that current laws should protect copyrights and intellectual property in cyberspace, and that on-line arbitration services could help to resolve disputes regarding these matters.

"Held on October 4 in the First Amendment room of the National Press Club, the roundtable featured Vinton Cerf, senior vice president of MCI, widely known as the “father of the Internet” and David Post and David Johnson, co-founders of the Cyberspace Law Institute of Georgetown University Law Center, among others.

Entitled “The Internet and Property Rights: What’s Mine Is Yours?,” discussion centered on the unique legal problems of intellectual property rights on the Net — compared by David Post to “a giant, worldwide copying machine” — where on-line theft of a book, article or manuscript can occur so rapidly that incalculable damage is done before the victim can take the matter to court. Even more insidious, violators then claim they cannot be singled out or held responsible for the theft as now “everyone has it.”

Sponsored by the Cyberspace Law Institute, the conference developed from conversations over the summer between Bill Burrington, assistant general counsel and director of government policy for America Online, and Janet Weiland, vice president of the Church of Scientology International, on the need to air views and ideas regarding intellectual properties on the Internet. It gained added impetus in light of a recent white paper on intellectual properties."

Helena Kobrin, counsel for the Church of Scientology and RTC

David Johnson, co-founder of the Cyberspace Law Institute of Georgetown University Law Center; at the roundtable discussion.

The Church of Scientology, in it’s role as an arm of Masonic Reformed Judaism, is right there with the ADL and later organizations to cut off speech that would reveal them and their true activities. The Church, to this day, is engaged in “Anti-Hate speech” actions with the OSCE, and other United Nations NGO organization. The ADL in Action

Examples of the ADL backed Canadian version of “Hate Crimes” U.S. Hate Crime Bill gets signed into law in 2009 Another bill on “Cyberbullying” moves into play

Examples of the ADL backed Canadian version of “Hate Crimes”

On Oct. 26, 2007 a 21-year-old Canadian woman, Jessica Beaumont, was fined $1500 for posting online two Bible verses critical of homosexuality. She was also required to pay $3000 to professional complainer Richard Warman who brought charges against her. Her crime? She derisively called him "a Jew."

Jessica posted these verses: "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable." (Lev.18:22) "If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their heads." (Lev. 20:13)

The court ruled:

"Ms. Beaumont claimed, during her testimony, that she based this comment on her interpretation of a passage in the Bible, adding that she did not care if Jews would be offended by her ideas. However, irrespective of whether she 'cares' or not, s.13 of the Act dictates that the repeated communication via the internet of matter that is likely to expose targeted groups to hatred or contempt constitutes a discriminatory practice. Whether the person communicating the matter was in fact its author is immaterial. The mere act of communicating the material or causing its communication attracts liability under this Act." 13

Beaumont was ordered to never again post Scripture critical of homosexuals or any other specially protected group, including Jews. She faces prison if she disobeys.

Jessica claims she has Nazi sympathies. However, this is an excellent example of a “public spectacle” that will hopefully be agreed with by the general public, who doesn’t normally like the pro-Nazi groups. But pay attention, because as the world moves toward hate crimes persecution and the coming of the second INQUISITION, our modern day inquisitors (hate law enforcers) will first select victims with extremist views. This is not an accident, they are counting on the idea that society will not want to stand up for these people. But the free speech rights of every person are diminished by the legal precedents handed out to “extremists”.

The B'nai B'rith Canada and the Canadian Jewish Congress, were the creators of Canada's federal hate crime law and persuaded Parliament to pass it in 1971. It was only a few years later, that a simple addition of a section, section 13.1, was then proposed and passed. Section 13.1 outlaws communications "likely" to incite hatred or contempt of members of a federally protected group. The same thing will happen in the United States – just watch.

As already covered, the B’nai B’rith/ADL has recently pushed through similar statutory tools banning "cyberhate" in most European countries, and established legal precedents as in the case of David Irving.

Further examples of the Canadian Hate Crime legislation in action, from 2009:

Last year a Catholic priest in Canada, Fr. Alphonse de Valk, who was investigated by the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) for the “crime” of teaching what the Bible says about homosexual behavior (that it is a sin) and marriage (that it is between a man and a woman).

The Ontario Human Rights Commission slapped Protestant printer Scott Brockie with a $5000 fine for refusing to print homosexual-themed stationary.

The Saskatchewan Human Rights Tribunal fined Hugh Owens several thousand dollars for quoting the Bible in a letter to the local newspaper.

Mayor Diane Haskett in London, Ontario, was fined $10,000 for refusing to proclaim a gay pride day.

Focus on the Family must cut out any portions of their broadcasts dealing with homosexuality for radio stations in that country.

Last year the Alberta Human Rights Tribunal ruled that youth pastor Stephen Boissoin was guilty of writing a letter to the editor of the Red Deer Advocate which might expose homosexuals to hate and contempt (Boissoin’s 2002 letter said homosexuality was immoral, physically dangerous and should not be promoted in schools).

Not content with their success in quashing open refusals to bow at the altar of political correctness, the Canadian pro-homosexual group EGALE (Equality for Gays and Lesbians Everywhere) is calling for the Canadian postal system to censor the mail for “hate mail”. 14

Examples in other parts of the world of the same legislation in action:

Swedish Pastor Ake Green in 2004 was sentenced to 30 days in jail for preaching a sermon in which he defined homosexual behavior as sinful and harmful to society.

A British couple were questioned by police on possible “hate crime” charges after they wrote a letter-to-the-editor of their local newspaper criticizing city officials for distributing brochures at city hall promoting homosexual behavior. 14 Already in 2007, the ADL was working to interfere with the First Amendment of the Constitution in other ways, such as:

1. Putting pressure on search engines like Google to filter out websites which criticize Zionism or homosexuality. In 2007, Google's Israeli representative, Meir Brand, flatly rejected ADL requests to ban internet criticism of Zionism.

2. Creating a link between "cyber-bullying" and hate speech. Through its new program against online bullying, ADL, Edward Bernays style – plays on emotion and feigns compassion for the poor young people. Hell, I wouldn’t put it past them to have incited online bullying situations just so they can point to it. Remember the “Den of Vipers and Thieves” article – they are definitely capable of this. In this cyberbullying PR positioning maneuver, what the ADL really wants is to link cyber-bullying with cyberhate and from there to any speech that criticises these monstrous people that have hidden their putridness behind the thin veneer of B’nai B’riths mottos of: “Brotherly Love”, “Benevolence” and “Harmony” .

3. The ADL wants to re-define internet free speech as "home-grown terrorism." In 2007, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R.1955, designed to set up a federal commission to eradicate the “cyber-terrorism” which this bill alleges “streams” from the internet. The federal commission, if approved by the Senate and the President, will construe politically incorrect speech on the internet as words that hurt, i.e., “verbal violence.” H.R. 1955 says this speech incites extremists to “radicalization,” i.e., acts of violence.

U.S. Hate Crime Bill gets signed into law in 2009

Things accelerated in 2008, and 2009, with the ADL pushing extremely hard to get this Bill through.

On June 25, 2009, I testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee in support of the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crime Prevention Act on behalf of a broad coalition of civil rights, religious, education, civic, professional, and law enforcement organizations. I noted then that it was quite unusual for these groups to advocate for expanded federal police powers—and that it was even more extraordinary that we were doing so alongside virtually every major law enforcement organization in the country. This important legislation, signed into law by President Obama on October 28, 2009, provides important new tools to combat violent hate crimes and encourages federal-state partnerships to investigate and prosecute them. Michael Lieberman is Washington Counsel for the Anti-Defamation League. 15 One of the more disgusting tactics to go on at the “hill”, is to put a bill on the back of another bill in order to a: get it to NOT be passed, or b: to get it to BE passed. For example, Hate Crimes Bill on the back of School lunches, negative PR for anyone who “votes against school lunches” – that kind of thing. In this case, the Hate Crimes Bill was added as an “amendment” to the FY 2010 Department of Defense authorization Bill.

Meanwhile, before the bill is even passed, look at some of what has been going on around the U.S.:

Catholic Charities in Boston was forced out of the adoption ministry because they refused to put children in homes of homosexual couples.

Boston school teachers have been threatened with termination if they fail to cast homosexuality in a positive light to students.

The University of Toledo fired a black administrator for writing a “letter to the editor” of a local newspaper about the inconsistency of comparing homosexuality to ethnicity. Christians in Philadelphia were arrested for reading Bible verses and praying out loud during a homosexual festival.

The state of New Mexico issued a fine of $6,600 to a Christian photographer (a private businessman) who didn’t want to photograph two lesbians make a commitment to each other.

A Colorado law passed last year to allow men to use women’s restrooms and shower rooms if they “felt like a woman” also contained provisions which prohibits the publication for public consumption any material which is “discriminatory” against homosexual behavior. So while churches can (for now) continue teaching within their own walls what the Bible says about homosexual behavior, they cannot publish anything in public which does. This includes any Christian book publishers or other ministries in Colorado. 16

The Hate Crime legislation passed the House October 8, 2009, then the Senate in late October, and President Obama signed it into law on October 28, 2009.

At the signing, Obama stated:

“No one in America should be forced to look over their shoulder because of who they are, or because they live with a disability.”

Except for now, it’s the Christians have to look over their shoulder don’t they… How about people that don’t think homosexuality is “cool” or “normal”? They aren’t allowed now, to have any view other than “homosexuality is ok” before the thought-and-speech police come knocking at their door?

How utterly arrogant. Let’s look at the bill itself now. http://www.rules.house.gov/111/LegText/111_hr2647cr_txt.pdf

The Hate Crime bill starts on page 1471, this is on 1473, 1474, and here is that twist of acting like “hate crimes” is the same as slavery, this was the ADL’s idea of how to get around the constitution on it’s being against the government interfering with law enforcement.

(7) For generations, the institutions of slavery and involuntary servitude were defined by the race, color, and ancestry of those held in bondage. Slavery and involuntary servitude were enforced, both prior to and after the adoption of the 13th amendment to the Constitution of the United States, through wide spread public and private violence directed at persons because of their race, color, or ancestry, or perceived race, color, or ancestry. Accordingly, eliminating racially motivated violence is an important means of eliminating, to the extent possible, the badges, incidents, and relics of slavery and involuntary servitude.

(8) Thus, in order to eliminate, to the extent possible, the badges, incidents, and relics of slavery, it is necessary to prohibit assaults on the basis of real or perceived religions or national origins, at least to the extent such religions or national origins were regarded as races at the time of the adoption of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the Constitution of the United States.

Page 1488 (3) CONSTRUCTION AND APPLICATION.—Nothing in this division, or an amendment made by this division, shall be construed or applied in a manner that infringes any rights under the first amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Nor shall anything in this division, or an amendment made by this division, be construed or applied in a manner that substantially burdens a person’s exercise of religion (regardless of whether compelled by, or central to, a system of religious belief), speech, expression, or association, unless the Government demonstrates that application of the burden to the person is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest

That is some Orwellian double-speak there. What the heck is “compelling governmental interest” – could it be any more broad of a term here? and is the least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental interest, if such exercise of religion, speech, expression, or association was not intended to— (A) plan or prepare for an act of physical violence; or (B) incite an imminent act of physical violence against another.

There’s that idea sneaking in there – first hint of it. “incite” And after all that Orwellian double-speak, attempts to distract from it are obvious in that the following was then added:

(4) FREE EXPRESSION.—Nothing in this division shall be construed to allow prosecution based solely upon an individual’s expression of racial, religious, political, or other beliefs or solely upon an individual’s membership in a group advocating or espousing such beliefs. (5) FIRST AMENDMENT.—Nothing in this division, or an amendment made by this division, shall be construed to diminish any rights under the first amendment to the Constitution of the United States. (6) CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTIONS.—Nothing in this division shall be construed to prohibit any constitutionally protected speech, expressive conduct or activities (regardless of whether compelled by, or central to, a system of religious belief), including the exercise of religion protected by the first amendment to the Constitution of the United States and peaceful picketing or demonstration. The Constitution of the United States does not protect speech, conduct or activities consisting of planning for, conspiring to commit, or committing an act of violence.

Jacob Sullum, in his article Could Politically Incorrect Speakers Be Charged With Aiding and Abetting Hate Crimes? of October 15, 2009, makes some excellent points about the above excerpts I highlighted.

“… contrary to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's assurances that the protections for First Amendment rights in the federal hate crime bill are stronger now than ever, the latest version (the one that will become law) omits language that the ACLU considered crucial.

…The bill now says that it's OK to impinge on people's First Amendment freedoms even if they are not conspiring to commit a violent crime or deliberately inciting one, as long as the burden "is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest and is the least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental interest." In light of this more permissive language, Bader argues, the new law could be combined with the federal "aiding and abetting" statute to justify prosecuting people whose speech allegedly influenced others to commit hate crimes, even when that result was unintended. For example, a minister who inveighs against homosexuality could be prosecuted if a member of his congregation assaults gay people.”

The new Hate Crime law, also violates the Double Jeopardy clause, Mr. Sullum gives a good example of this:

“If someone hits me in California with a baseball bat made in Kentucky, that is not a federal crime. But if he does exactly the same thing while calling me a “dirty kike,” it is. No doubt the prosecutor also would deem it relevant that my attacker owned a dog-eared copy of Mein Kampf and belonged to a neo-Nazi group. Consider the impact of federalizing this crime. In California the maximum sentence for assault with a deadly weapon is four years. The state’s hate crime statute could extend that sentence by up to three years, for a total of seven. By contrast, the maximum sentence under the new federal law is 10 years. Hence my assailant could serve more time for his anti-Semitism than he does for his violence.

Imagine my attacker is acquitted in state court because the jury accepts a self-defense claim. Or suppose he is convicted and gets a one-year sentence. He can still be prosecuted in federal court.

The law allows a do-over if the Justice Department decides “the verdict or sentence obtained pursuant to State charges left demonstratively unvindicated the Federal interest in eradicating bias-motivated violence.”

…Although such serial prosecutions are permitted under the doctrine of “dual sovereignty,” they look an awful lot like double jeopardy, prohibited by the Fifth Amendment. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) nevertheless claims the federal hate crime law upholds “the ideals of our founding fathers,” who evidently were big on punishing people for their beliefs, retrying defendants after they’re acquitted, and letting Congress make a federal case out of anything that attracts its attention.” 17

Another bill on “Cyberbullying” moves into play

Before the Hate Crime Bill was even passed, the ADL was backing the first sleight-of- hand move on free speech already. HR 1966, the Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act.

Sec. 881. Cyberbullying ‘(a) Whoever transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any communication, with the intent to coerce, intimidate, harass, or cause substantial emotional distress to a person, using electronic means to support severe, repeated, and hostile behavior, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.”

The status of the bill currently per thomas.loc.gov, is that it is still in the House, and Subcommittee Hearings were held September 30, 2009.

The blog Conservative Analysis points out that the bill is so loosely written that it could, as law, be very easily extended far beyond its already sweeping range.

Bob Ellis of the Dakota Voice described it well:

“We all understand the need to criminally punish assaults on persons and property. We also understand the need to restrict direct threats of violence against persons and property. But this bill is actually seeking to punish thoughts and opinions. Even without a threat of violence against persons or property, this type of regulation can be used to brand you a criminal and punish you for expressing a value statement about a particular issue or behavior.”

The First Amendment states: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

So move over Constitution, the slave-masters have guilty consciences and are terrified enough of being found out at this point that they are moving right to Spanish Inquisition meets 1984. And with 1 in a 100 Americans already behind bars, it doesn’t take higher math skills to see where this is going.


The IOBB aka New World Order has a Jewish belief in a Messianic Age, a Golden Age. Part of the idea is a changed world that is at peace. They wrongfully place blame for wars on the existence of these different countries, thus the need to eliminate boundaries and have a One World Government.

Different countries is not the cause for all these wars. The different Jewish factions are constantly battling each other over who will be in control, right up to modern times. The Jewish bankers who profit from wars are another prime instigator for wars.

Scientology is perfectly aligned with the New World Order people and is a vital element in ushering in their “new world” aka the Jewish Messianic Age.

Individuation, an LRH lecture 25 November 1959 -

…you're sharing in the building of a new knowledge and a new world.

Advance! magazine Issue 24 - 1975

For Scientologists who are not Jews - Those of you who would never knowingly join a Jewish Masonic group, gather up your family and friends and head for the nearest exit. As word of this spreads, I would not stand near an exit, you might get trampled in the stampede out the door.

Those of you who are in full agreement with Judaism, you can stop being crypto-Jews.

You can be a Jewish fraternity out in the open and put your emblem on Church of Scientology buildings.


Further details and sources for this material is given in the following laudatory articles:

Scientology – The OT Symbol and The T-O Map Scientology, The Blind Leading The Blind Scientology, The Blind Leading The Blind Part 2 Light of the Great Fire History of International Banking book 1 Torah Tales Sinking Titanic books 1, 2, 3

1. New Columbia Encyclopedia 2. Scientology – The OT Symbol and The T-O Map 3. Menorah, monthly magazine of Independent Order of B’nai B’rith 4. http://paulbuddehistory.com/europe/the-battle-between-religion-and-state/ 5. Source: 1901 book Menasseh ben Israel's mission to Oliver Cromwell http://www.archive.org/stream/cu31924028590028#page/n9/mode/2up 6. http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/40258.htm 7. http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/spbr/40347.htm 8. http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/40258.htm 9. http://www.state.gov/p/eur/rls/rm/36246.htm 10. Advancing U.S. Interests Through the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe – Michael G. Kozak http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/rm/36403.htm 11. http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c108:S.2292.ENR 12. National Geographic Channel aired a show on Freemasons in March 2010 13. CRHT Decision: Warman vs. Beaumont, October 26, 2007, Para.68, cited in "Free Speech Monitor" from Canadian Association for Free Expression Inc. 14. 1984 on the Horizon: Congress Moves to Regulate Thought Crime By Bob Ellis on July 9th, 2009 – Dakota Voice 15. Hate Crime Laws: Punishment to Fit the Crime By Michael Lieberman ADL Washington Counsel This article originally appeared in Dissent Magazine on July 8, 2010 16. 1984 on the Horizon: Congress Moves to Regulate Thought Crime By Bob Ellis on July 9th, 2009 – Dakota Voice 17. Bigot Bonus Under a new federal law, the wrong beliefs can trigger a second trial and

extra prison time. Jacob Sullum | October 14, 2009