DIANETICS the Hubbard Dianetic Foundation, Inc
VOLUME J:II, NUMBER 6 DECEMBER, 1952 Editorial ... _.............. _.. _......... _. ______ .... ___ .. _.... 379 The Auditor's Notebook from Grace Krausy .. ______ ... ____ ... ___ .. _381 Backdoor Into Emotion Don Schuster, H.D.A ......... ___ ........_.~8::: Four Efforts to Provoke Discussion CUfton Amsbury ________ ..... __ ........ _..... _.. 39ll With the Sen~ of Justice Hal Annas' _______ ....... _______ .__________ .. _______ A03 The Mail Box __________ .. ___ ._ .. ____________________ .. _.. .41 0 It's in the Book Waldo T. Boyd, H.D.A. _, __ ,___ " .. __ ,_ .. 422 N eWIi Item ......... _. ___ . ______ .. __ ......... _._ ... "._. __ ............ 426 Official Publication DIANETICS The Hubbard Dianetic Foundation, Inc. The Foundation has been chartered in the State of Kansas with these grants: "To study and conduct research in the field of the human mind and of human thought in action; and the application of ,the principles discovered therein for the re lief and cure of all human ills which may"be found to originate in the mind of man; and in connection therewith to further study, explore, develop and do research in the science of Dia netics, as discovered and founded by L. Ron Hubbard; and in furtherance and not in limitation thereof to teach, educate, demonstrate, explain, show, publish and declare, by any means, the facts, findings, results, principles and axioms ascertained in dianetic research of the human mind for the cure, relief, and release from all human ills,' and ailments which are derivative from engrams and psychosomatic con trol and command of the human mind and body. To have and exercise all powers conferred upon a corporation by the laws of the State of Kansas." THE DIANETIC AUDITOR'S BULLETIN, Copyright 1953, .in the United States by The Hubbard Dla'netic Foundation, Incorporated, All rights reserved.
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