Anthropology: Earth and The Universe Time Track - according to L. Ron Hubbard

By Mike and Virginia McClaughry

This is an organization of various references arranged in time order, as to an alleged “factual history as beings” according to L. Ron Hubbard of the Church of . We first put this together in 2007/2008.

Many of these references totally contradict each other.

The term time track, is borrowed from L. Ron Hubbard:

…It is a time track. It is the continuous record of time of the individual since the first moment he began to experience, straight on through till now; an uninterrupted 3D, fifty- two perception movie. And things happen to that movie, and it gets grouped and becomes unavailable to the pc. Becomes unavailable to the pe for various reasons: his inability to confront and the fact that the track itself can get grouped. Like you took a can of motion-picture film and it's all stretched out there, and so you just start taking it and crumpling it up in your hand in big wads, and so forth. And various things can happen to this consecutive record of experience. Various things happen to it. And all that ever does is straighten it out and make it available and as-is it. Now I think that gives you a simplification of outlook. THE TIME TRACK A lecture given on 16 May 1963

Mr. Hubbard primarily uses “Implants” as his basis for dating things in his fictional account of history.

An “”, is a supposedly a point in time where an invisible, all-powerful, unkillable, and eternal being suddenly, by some sort of inexplicable mystical event, loses all his power and becomes the “victim” of the evil MEST beings who attack him with energy, particles and what have you – while installing “command” which he then has to follow from there on out.

The second entry below, gives an impossibly distant date of 390 trillion trillion. This reference is from 1963, and it (and all of the other greater than 70 trillion dates included) directly contradicts this 1952 reference:

The whole track seems to begin about seventy trillion years ago. What to Audit/History of Man The format being used is first a date and brief description in bold, followed by the excerpted reference(s). Some side or related refs may also be filed under the bolded data as well. The source for each reference is listed at the bottom of the reference. There are also other sources of references added in for comparison as to similarity or difference to Hubbard’s teachings, depending on the reference.

A few select newer references have been added as of this publishing. The Inclusion of any item in this “Time Track” is not to be taken as a statement of the item's validity.


No date but is prior to First Implanting at 390 trillion trillion – How the , mechanically got to where beams could influence him [see planet builder also] … Now, in view of the fact that an OT can kick out more megatrons than little boy Jack or Khrushki's legions could, this is very funny that charge would bother him till we figure out the basic overt of the thetan. Any overt a thetan commits is also mixed up with the energy a thetan is emitting. So all of his overts have particles connected with the overt. So the only way to really get him is to hit him with particles. See, it's the path of his overts. So naturally, you find these implants are mostly connected with particles. Particle flow of various types. PROGRAMING CASES, PART 11 30 MAY 1963

110,000 trillion trillion B.C. to 390 trillion trillion – Invisible Picture Goals – Most difficult GPMS on the track…Wake/Never Wake…SLEEP/Never Sleep…the invisible first picture creates a vacuum for the rest, and groups the bank – the rest are pictures of cave, a railway, an airplane, and a view of a sun and planets THE INVISIBLE PICTURE GOALS From somewhere around 110,000 trillion trillion years ago or earlier to 390 trillion trillion years ago, the most difficult GPMs on the track were given. These contain four RIs per set, positive-negative in dichotomy, (example: Wake, Never Wake, Sleep, Never Sleep), the four given five times for every one picture shown. This makes 20 firings per picture. But the first picture is invisible and the thetan afterwards is not expected to find then the first twenty firings of RIs (four in a row, repeated five times). This makes a "vacuum" for a picture and groups the bank. This type of implant is probably the source of vacuums in the . The remaining pictures vary during different periods of the sequence, but consist usually of a scene of a cave, a railway, an airplane, a view of a sun and planets. The first "picture" making the total number of five is invisible and is no picture. The pictures have a moving object in each (except the invisible one) which backs up halfway through the series. The trick is to get the RIs out of the invisible picture, particularly the basic first four. The RIs also fire right left, then left right so that the "Never" RI the next time has swapped sides. They go positive, negative, then, with swapped sides, positive negative. They are simple aberrative words. Start, Never Start, End, Never End are always the first firings, followed by Begin, Never Begin, Stop, Never Stop for the second whole series of firings. The same four run through all five pictures. Then the next four go through all five, etc. There are many words used. Early in the series 3-dimensional sets were used, late in the series only 2-dimensional pictures were employed. There may be earlier GPM-type implants but the Goal idea does not go back earlier evidently than 390 trillion trillion years -- in the "Black Thetan" Implants. Earlier material is only positive, negative and dichotomies according to present data. But the earlier ones are more aberrative to the pc. HCO BULLETIN OF 14 JULY 1963 ROUTINE 3N LINE PLOTS

…it really never moves off the basis of something you look into or something you look at, attended by electronic blasts. And that's the common denominator of all such equipment. In other words, you can have a room, and the person is put on a bed, and the screen and so on, is at a diagonal up in front of them or at the other end of the room, and it shows a three-dimensional view of events or something like that. Meantime the person is being hit with this and that. …It could also be-it could also be a full set which is lugubriously and this is earlier track when they didn't mind mass so much. If you find any back there they probably have full sets connected with them. They move them like a stage set. One of the trick ways of building these things, you take these two crayons here, you notice that it-that they are not a consecutive line if I hold them like this. And if you pull them down like this, they look like they're a consecutive line, don't you see? But there's a hole between the two of them. So the set moves up and then goes this way around the person. You understand? If a person is anchored there on a stake, or something like this, you see, when they-when the set moves then, why, they just jog the set. And he passes through this slit, which he can't see. Looks very mysterious to him. He's in one environment, total 3-D environment, he's in the next environment, total 3-D environment. After his sonic and visio picks up a little bit, however, he can hear the scene shift. They really make a lot of noise. And that type of thing, by the way, is used in some very early implant series types of pictures of this kind. Errors in Time – 18 July 1963

…THE OBSESSION: This is the incident which gives one the feeling he HAS to have facsimiles in order to know. Actually one doesn't need facsimiles. One thinks in concepts, approximations, pervasions. A fine control trick is to make one think he has to have facsimiles. This aberrates him and makes him easy to handle. Educational systems are locks on this. The incident is an electronic incident, very strong, and sometimes includes a great many source points of energy directed against one's back. Just before it, one KNOWS. The force of the waves themselves, depressing one of the CHART OF ATTITUDES stops one from knowing. This incident gives one an obsession to have facsimiles, to steal facsimiles, to do anything to get facsimiles. One is actually trying to find what one lost in the incident and that was lost by force alone.

WARNING:Don't ever try to run words or other perceptions out of any electronic incidents. Words are seldom included in them. Communication in such an era was usually by thought transfer, not by words. This is very important What to Audit/History of Man

390 trillion trillion B.C. to 370 trillion trillion – The Black Thetan Goals Implants - To End, To be Dead, to be Asleep etc. – stone heads of “black ” [probably meaning there was an illusion of a being there, but wasn’t] who spat white energy at a trapped and motionless thetan THE BLACK THETAN GOALS From about 390 trillion trillion years to 370 trillion trillion years ago, the Black Thetan goals were given. These were given in a glade surrounded by the stone heads of "black thetans" who spat white energy at the trapped thetan. The trapped thetan was motionless. The pattern is the earliest "To" form of GPM now known. There were six RIs per goal, consisting of: Accomplished Not Accomplished Action (ing) Never Action (ing) Goal Not Goal There were from 15 to 18 goals in the series, all of a simple nature such as To End, To be Dead, To be Asleep, etc. The full series will be published at a later date but is easily reconstructed, always following the same pattern of six. HCO BULLETIN OF 14 JULY 1963 ROUTINE 3N LINE PLOTS

The , the Bear and Gorilla and Glade Implants, none of them use pictures. Errors in Time – 18 July 1963

WARNING:Don't ever try to run words or other perceptions out of any electronic incidents. Words are seldom included in them. Communication in such an era was usually by thought transfer, not by words. This is very important What to Audit/History of Man

370 trillion trillion B.C. to 256 trillion trillion – The Bear Goals – Same pattern, similar amusement park arrangements, same type goals as the Gorilla Goals… different is mechanical or live bear instead of Gorilla…two RI’s added though – done by “The Brothers of the Bear”…meat-body society ancestors of the Hoipolloi …Early theta beings saw MEST bodies acting and being as though they were self- motivated. This was a curiosity. The early theta being did not know that these MEST bodies depended wholly for their wits under the guidance of a decayed theta being. The bodies looked like entities of considerable force and skill. The theta beingness in them was hidden and unapparent. …MEST beings, trying to inhabit an area of THETANS are commonly balked and fought by the thetans and the MEST beings then begin to trap and harass the thetans and will use them to motivate new bodies when the thetans have been reduced to little or nothing in power. The THEY which you will discover in incidents are MEST beings. … Thetans can kill MEST bodies by throwing a charge at them. Thus a war develops between thetans and MEST beings. Given electronics and hitherto unconquered thetans, MEST beings can and have won. What to Audit/History of Man

THE BEAR GOALS From about 256 trillion trillion years ago to about 370 trillion trillion years ago the GPMs are the Bear Goals. These use the same pattern, similar amusement park arrangements, the same type of goals as the Gorilla Goals. The only real difference is that instead of a mechanical gorilla a mechanical or live bear was used, and the motion was even more violent. There is, however, a change of pattern in the Bear Goals in that TWO RIs were added. These come as a pair just below "The Vast Value of Goaling." They are oppterm "Any worries about being ______or goaling" opposed by terminal "A worried goaler." Aside from this addition, the pattern is the same as the Gorilla Goals. Mostly raw electric sprays are used in the Bear Goals to drive in the items. The Bear Goals were handled by a group called, I think, "The Brothers of the Bear" and were the ancestors of the Hoipolloi. HCO BULLETIN OF 14 JULY 1963 ROUTINE 3N LINE PLOTS

The Helatrobus, the Bear and Gorilla and Glade Implants, none of them use pictures. …In the Gorilla and Bear GPMS, and so on, they do put a figure on the cart with the thetan. They've-there's a guy in a pink shirt with a monkey peeking out from behind him, put on the ride carts. A guy in a pink-striped shirt-very, very interesting. That's their-that was their badge, the hoi polloi. And you'll see this bird with a pink-striped shirt. Sometimes you have a gorilla in front of you. Sometimes it's the gorilla who is spitting things at you, and that sort of thing. They use figures. Errors in Time – 18 July 1963

WARNING:Don't ever try to run words or other perceptions out of any electronic incidents. Words are seldom included in them. Communication in such an era was usually by thought transfer, not by words. This is very important What to Audit/History of Man

Examples of this same sort of story “brothers of the bear” being extant prior to L. Ron Hubbard: For example, in Russian Karelia as late as in the early 20th century people didn't eat bear because of the common belief that bears were relatives of man. …In many countries there are stories about a bear's and a woman's relationships and their offspring together. As an adult this offspring usually became a hero. Knuut II the Great, the king of Denmark is said to be a descendant of a bear. Skolts in Lappland call themselves brothers of the bear. Also hunter Indians in North America believe that the most skilled hunter families are a result of such a union. [Germany – probable origin of Beauty and the Beast story…sounds like the Marcabians are using the symbology to get things they want done] The terms of the pact were quickly stated: For seven years the soldier was to wear only a bearskin robe, both day and night. He was to say no prayers. Neither comb nor shears were to touch his hair and beard. He was not to wash, nor cut his nails, nor blow his nose, nor even wipe his behind. In return, the spirit would provide him with tobacco, food, drink, and an endless supply of money. …There's a Roman statue of Artio, now housed in the Historisches Museum, in Bern. The statue depicts the goddess seated, facing a bear. Unless of course the bear is the goddess and the woman a supplicant. …In Greek myth Boötes is said to be Arcas, whose mother Callisto was transformed into a bear by the jealous Juno/Hera. Arcas, whilst out hunting one day, discovered his mother in her bear form and pursued her into the temple of Jupiter/Zeus. Jupiter, to prevent Arcas from unwittingly killing his mother, took them both into the skies where Boötes is now seen following the bear - in fact the two bears, around the heavens. In this we see an interesting reversal in his role as he passes from the land to the heavens. Upon the land he was as Arcas the huntsman pursuing the bear into the forest, or the Land, and on into sacred space, the temple. At the point where he would have killed his Mother who gave him life, he is rescued by the Father God, and in a spectacular exchange of energies his role as hunter is changed into that of Guardian or Keeper as he enters the realm of stars. In another version of this story Jupiter also transforms Arcas into a bear, and places them both in the heavens as the Great and Little Bear. So the Great Bear of the Northern skies may be regarded as a she-bear, the Earth-Bear Mother. [Ireland…200AD] …There was in Ireland in the 2nd Century a high king named Art Oenfer “Art the Lonely,” or Lonely Bear. In 825 according to one chronicle, and 827 according to another, Art, son of the Irish king Diarmait, was beheaded. From the name of this man Art comes the name Ua hAirt, who we encounter in the Chronicon Scotorum under the dates 1012, 1083, and 1095. Today one says O’Hart, which means “grandson of the bear.” One finds also Mac Airt, “son of the bear,” that is to say, son of the bear god. [Japan…the Ainu cult] ….The Ainu, a distinctly different people, to the north of Japan practised an elaborate bear cult into the 1920s that immediately calls to mind the Palaeolithic bear cult. Part Three MAGIC Symbolism "The Bear being the keeper of Great Medicine" …Our childhood’s are littered with Teddy Bears, Pooh Bears and many others. To our children the Bear represents a strong, stabilising and comforting force to the darkness and chaos (factors outside their control) within their world. In the Tao of Pooh he is recognised as our natural way of being. In Russia, California, Bern in Switzerland and many other places they are proud of their symbolic relationship with the Bear. In the night sky the Great Bear and the Little Bear point us to Polaris - the pillar of the night sky. …Name Meaning Language Arthur Bear-man / Bear-son Welsh …This is what the Bear Sark (Bear Shirts) Viking warriors did before battle. They would then invoke the spirit of the Bear and become incredibly strong and so hungry for battle that they would bite their shields. [Trance States] …The Bear can often appear as the guardian in trance work. The bear is the gatekeeper that only allows the traveller through when they are ready to go.

Indian – The Bear is the symbol of strength and greatness on Earth. Known as “Elder Kinsman” maintained great powers as well as many human characteristics and is an important family crest. It is also the symbol of strength and possessing many human qualities is a high-ranking figure.

256 trillion trillion B.C. to 319 trillion – The Gorilla Goals - same pattern as the Aircraft Door Goals but done in an amusement park by The Hoipolloi [descendants of The Brothers of the Bear], a group of operators in meat-body societies – laid in with blasts of raw electricity and explosions …Early theta beings saw MEST bodies acting and being as though they were self- motivated. This was a curiosity. The early theta being did not know that these MEST bodies depended wholly for their wits under the guidance of a decayed theta being. The bodies looked like entities of considerable force and skill. The theta beingness in them was hidden and unapparent. …MEST beings, trying to inhabit an area of THETANS are commonly balked and fought by the thetans and the MEST beings then begin to trap and harass the thetans and will use them to motivate new bodies when the thetans have been reduced to little or nothing in power. The THEY which you will discover in incidents are MEST beings. … Thetans can kill MEST bodies by throwing a charge at them. Thus a war develops between thetans and MEST beings. Given electronics and hitherto unconquered thetans, MEST beings can and have won. What to Audit/History of Man

THE GORILLA GOALS This same pattern, but given in an amusement park with a single tunnel, a roller coaster and a Ferris wheel, was used between about 319 trillion years ago to about 256 trillion trillion years ago, a long span. The symbol of a Gorilla was always present in the place the goal was given. Sometimes a large gorilla, black, was seen elsewhere than the park. A mechanical or a live gorilla was always seen in the park.

This activity was conducted by the Hoipolloi, a group of operators in meat body societies. They were typical carnival people. They let out concessions for these implant “Amusement Parks." A pink-striped white shirt with sleeve garters was the uniform of the Hoipolloi. Such a figure often rode on the roller coaster cars. Monkeys were also used on the cars. Elephants sometimes formed part of the equipment. The Hoipolloi or Gorilla goals were laid in with fantastic motion. Blasts of raw electricity and explosions were both used to lay the items in. The series is always five goals. These are very simple goals, no long words. To End, To be Dead, To be Asleep, To be Solid, To Create, To Find, To be Visible, To be Sexual (not To have Sex as some pcs give it), To be Invisible, To Postulate and a very few more were used, always five goals in a series. The series usually started with To be Dead, but To End, To Sleep and To be Asleep must also be investigated as the first goal of each series. The pattern in HCOB 17 Apr. AD 13 is correct for all of these goals, as changed in this HCO Bulletin. HCO BULLETIN OF 14 JULY 1963 ROUTINE 3N LINE PLOTS

The Helatrobus, the Bear and Gorilla and Glade Implants, none of them use pictures. …In the Gorilla and Bear GPMS, and so on, they do put a figure on the cart with the thetan. They've-there's a guy in a pink shirt with a monkey peeking out from behind him, put on the ride carts. A guy in a pink-striped shirt-very, very interesting. That's their-that was their badge, the hoi polloi. And you'll see this bird with a pink-striped shirt. Sometimes you have a gorilla in front of you. Sometimes it's the gorilla who is spitting things at you, and that sort of thing. They use figures. Errors in Time – 18 July 1963

Roaring 20’s Carnival Barker costume trained monkey

WARNING:Don't ever try to run words or other perceptions out of any electronic incidents. Words are seldom included in them. Communication in such an era was usually by thought transfer, not by words. This is very important What to Audit/History of Man

315 trillion B.C. to 216 trillion and less – The Aircraft Door Goals done in an aircraft-type set as opposed to amusement part, same pattern otherwise as The Gorilla Goals…pushing TO CREATE …Early theta beings saw MEST bodies acting and being as though they were self- motivated. This was a curiosity. The early theta being did not know that these MEST bodies depended wholly for their wits under the guidance of a decayed theta being. The bodies looked like entities of considerable force and skill. The theta beingness in them was hidden and unapparent. …MEST beings, trying to inhabit an area of THETANS are commonly balked and fought by the thetans and the MEST beings then begin to trap and harass the thetans and will use them to motivate new bodies when the thetans have been reduced to little or nothing in power. The THEY which you will discover in incidents are MEST beings. … Thetans can kill MEST bodies by throwing a charge at them. Thus a war develops between thetans and MEST beings. Given electronics and hitherto unconquered thetans, MEST beings can and have won. What to Audit/History of Man

Correct HCOB 17 April 1963 as follows: Omit introductory paragraphs and Points of Interest. Substitute the text of this HCO Bulletin…. TEXT FOR HCO BULLETIN THE AIRCRAFT DOOR GOALS This goal pattern (HCO Bulletin of 17 April 1963 as changed) was in use in an aircraft-type set between 315 trillion years ago and 216 trillion years ago and less, and is the pattern which precedes the Helatrobus Implants in this galaxy. It remains to be seen if all preclears have it. The goals were given with one or more goals in a series, usually one, and that goal was To Create. The preclear possibly has this goal several times during this period. It was given in the mocked-up fuselage of an aircraft with the thetan fixed before an aircraft door. HCO BULLETIN OF 14 JULY 1963 ROUTINE 3N LINE PLOTS

WARNING:Don't ever try to run words or other perceptions out of any electronic incidents. Words are seldom included in them. Communication in such an era was usually by thought transfer, not by words. This is very important What to Audit/History of Man

80 trillion B.C. – Galactic Confederacy/Confederation? begins – Helatrobe is the Galactic Confederation – big on electronics. …there is a civilization a few galaxies over here that-it’s got spaceships and backpacks and infantry zerp guns, and it’s got this, and it’s got certain types of motorcycles, and it’s got that, and so forth. (Probably a lot of you are from there because every time it loses a battle they ship the people over here-the enemy does. They know what-they know how to get even.) So, anyway, this old civilization-this old civilization is just about the meanest area to try to put an idea into it you ever had. You see, they worked it out for years and eons and eons-been going for billions and trillions and trillions of years with an uninterrupted flow-which is pretty unusual in civilizations anyhow, see, and is on a complete, perfect no-change. And so you say, “We got an idea for spaceships.” Their spaceships aren’t all that good. They’re as good as spaceships can be, but you could undoubtedly make a better spaceship, you see. But they blow up on occasion and they do this on occasion, and they do that on occasion. They mess up one way or the other. And yet to try and get any idea across to them fills the hierarchy of that particular activity with absolute horror. Because they’ve lived with and through all of the areas of innovation, and innovation to them is dangerous on a departure from the highly workable. Well, the- what got them into this frame of mind was, is the degree of workability which they demanded was fairly flexible, wide-open degree of workability, you see. It’d take you a thousand years to go from A to B. Well, naturally that’s unworkable. “Well, could you get there in a month or two, you know, from one galaxy to another galaxy or something like that?” “Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh, easy.” “All right. Well, that’s workable.” Now when you try to vary off of this level of workability you run into undesirable factors. In other words, you can get a greater (quote) “workability” which is much harder to work, you see. They’ve been through this so often that finally-I mean trying to give them any new weapon, tool or anything else would be absolutely-you just might as well bash your head against a concrete wall. I swear, you couldn’t even change the design of a trigger guard. They’ve seen it all, and so on. SHSBC Auditing By Lists 16 April 1964

… Helatrobus -- not to be confused with Helatrobe. Helatrobe is the Galactic Confederation. … Oh, recording devices, and detective devices and thisas and thatas and the other thing all exist on the whole track. And there are all kinds of things and my old pals in certain sections of this universe -- well, in the Galactic Confederacy particularly -- would be absolutely horrified if I said, "Well, we developed a meter we don't have here," because their pride is that they have all the equipment that was all -- has ever existed or that will ever be developed, and they know every electronic activity that has ever existed or will ever exist anywhere. SHSBC The Helatrobus Implants 21 May 1963

“The highest level of treatment known to exist in the universe was Pictureology wherein, at a signal from the therapist, the thetan crunched up the . This is currently in use (and has been for many trillions of years) in the Galactic Confederation. There are few further complications to it except putting the thetan under control with sleep lights) HCOB 28 September 1963

This is how they communicate the beginning and end of things. …The beginning of things, of course, troops marching to you. The end of things, troops marching away from you. …This was the common action-I mean, that set of pictures was therapy, at one time, and is used consistently in therapy, so they copied this therapy device in this other action. [Darwin Implant – except they reversed it] Errors in Time – 18 July 1963

60 trillion B.C. – What to Audit/History of Man earliest incident coverage FOREWORD This is a cold-blooded and factual account of your last sixty trillion years.

52 trillion 300 billion B.C. – Someone is practicing the False-Track type incidents They're usually a derogatory or unhappy state of affairs of some kind or another. And they're often quite-they're not well plotted. There isn’t anything very good about it. It's messy. …Anyway, the somatics being wrong, and the scenery being wrong, and the character of the scenery being wrong, the whole thing is therefore a lie. This is a lie about time. It tells him where he has been, when. When he wasn't there. …Because an individual has this incident: It's a wrong time, wrong place, going wrong the whole way, and it took up two hours and actually looks like it takes up seven million, see? There are such incidents. Just before the Helatrobus Implants they were practicing these. Just before the Helatrobus Implants, you're liable to pick one up on a pc, within the few hundred billion years earlier than the Helatrobus Implants, or perhaps even after the Helatrobus Implants, you’re liable to pick up one of these false-track incidents. So they last-they're liable to be found almost any place. …[versus actual GPM that happened like Bear] another type of incident entirely, where you're hit with electronic blasts, at the same time you're hit with a series of pictures, which purport to be a past or a future for the individual. Errors in Time – 18 July 1963 …MEST beings, trying to inhabit an area of THETANS are commonly balked and fought by the thetans and the MEST beings then begin to trap and harass the thetans and will use them to motivate new bodies when the thetans have been reduced to little or nothing in power. The THEY which you will discover in incidents are MEST beings. … Thetans can kill MEST bodies by throwing a charge at them. Thus a war develops between thetans and MEST beings. Given electronics and hitherto unconquered thetans, MEST beings can and have won. What to Audit/History of Man

WARNING:Don't ever try to run words or other perceptions out of any electronic incidents. Words are seldom included in them. Communication in such an era was usually by thought transfer, not by words. This is very important What to Audit/History of Man

52 trillion B.C. – Helatrobus government - Helatrobus Implants – use of electronic clouds over planets when doing their implant – contain implant of “Heaven” - they use Aircraft Door Goals Implant but change the pattern regarding position of thetan Note: original Aircraft Door Goals is same pattern as Gorilla Goals, but they changed it from being done in an amusement park to being done in an aircraft-type set. …MEST beings, trying to inhabit an area of THETANS are commonly balked and fought by the thetans and the MEST beings then begin to trap and harass the thetans and will use them to motivate new bodies when the thetans have been reduced to little or nothing in power. The THEY which you will discover in incidents are MEST beings. … Thetans can kill MEST bodies by throwing a charge at them. Thus a war develops between thetans and MEST beings. Given electronics and hitherto unconquered thetans, MEST beings can and have won. What to Audit/History of Man

Thank you. People of Earth, we come in peace. We bring a plowshare, not a sword. But we won't use any clouds to spread the message. Oh, I see you characters haven't been really up to the front of the track yet. All those Helatrobus Implants of course came out of clouds originally, you know. …. the nation or small government that did these things -- Helatrobus -- not to be confused with Helatrobe. Helatrobe is the Galactic Confederation. It's Helatrobus. Call these things the Helatrobus Implants for lack of a better designation because 43 trillion isn't accurate for all cases, don't you see, and that sort of thing. You can't give it by a time date and there is no reason to keep calling it by a time date. Let's call it by something that was less well known, but that we can identify. Call them the Helatrobus Implants and it tells you these are the implants which begin with the electronic clouds over planets and -- and the dichotomy, plus and minus, and so forth, and sweep on through in a certain series. And people have been through them once, twice, three, four times and they have -- we have the patterns of the first series very accurately. We'll shortly have the patterns of the second series. … It isn't that the plot item isn't there; electronics were broken down that way. The Helatrobus boys really ought to get the manufacturer's seal of approval and the service seal of approval because I have been looking in vain to have one of their damn squawk boxes not fire. It's obvious with that many squawk boxes and electronic implant boxes in any existing series that -- well, it is obvious that their repairmen weren't all that good because they're on cables and so forth. Particularly those strung outside. Those that are on the last implant of the first series, that were just there open to the weather. … They always worked. They should get the manufacturer's seal of approval and so forth. Their production boys and their service unit should have gotten the leather medal pinned on with a blanket pin very deep. SHSBC The Helatrobus Implants 21 May 1963

The above reference with it’s “We come in Peace” was used by the Editor of Advance! Magazine Issue 2 of 1968.

The above reference by Hubbard was used to form what I'm sure was thought to be a humorous piece – but it was probably also thought that it would “restimulate” people with “the truth” of their history causing them to “sub-conciously” want to do their Advanced Levels (OT or Levels)

Here is what was done on pp. 12, 13 of this issue of Advance: HOW THE GALACTIC TRADING AND ETHNIC ADVANCEMENT UNIT WILL HELP YOUR PLANET

It is just a few spans of time since our first visit to your planet when we brought to you the richest of education, culture and science in order for your planet to take its proper place in this sector of the galaxy and now we are pleased to tell you that we have decided that you have progressed far enough to be eligible for a quarter system of doll bodies. You have, of course, seen doll bodies running our ships, maintaining patrols and our supply depots on your planet, and we know you have been curious. We of course do not wish to bide anything from you, but did not wish to introduce too startlingly different methods into your society until you were fully ready for them and could utilize them to the best advantage.

Now that the Galactic Population Control Program has been fully accepted by your peoples as the only and obvious way to galactic survival, your planet has the necessary resources and technology to introduce doll bodies.

You should not think that doll bodies are solely used as almost indestructible, maintenance free robots to do work. There are many models, from those designed to operate in free space, to maintain and service computer banks, to mine for ores, as efficient teachers for children, personal servants, technicians, soldiers and specialized military roles, to individually styled custom models with remote cortex control unit, full range perceptors and emotions and infinitely graduated sense controls, of nearly indestructible synthetone that is indistin­ guishable from meat body matter. These latter models are not yet available, as they require a high degree of expertise and technology, but will be available in the future. MORfl~S TO ~l{OO$B FROM; Already, the first shipment of two million Administrator models are on the way. These, of course, will be activated by the re-educated and /12 reformed administrators of your planet who retarded your progress for so long. You do not PAGE IN THE DIARY have to worry in the slightest that they may revert OF A STUDENT to their former ways once they are freed into administrator doll bodies. We have ensured that GOING TO THE AOUK they will behave as perfect Galactic Administrators, totally dedicated now to the continued progress of your planet. Thursday 12th September 1968 Further shipments of teachers, technicians, laborers and programmers are on their way also, Well I'm glad the tickets are all from Denib Minor. You know of course how finalised now- imagine in a couple of keenly interested we are in supporting artistic expression in the galaxy and will be pleased to hear days I'll be there. I believe it's a that in a early shipment is a special artist model groovy place - l-vayout modern I'm with Super X Perceptors, so that once again, art dying to see it. Oh boy POWER here will blossom and adorn your delightful planet. But the return of art to your planet will not mean the I come-- return of the former licentiousness, laziness, aberrated and often insane and inciting ways of artists, for even these renegades have been reformed mentally and spiritually. Friday 13th September 1968 So you see how even the criminal and insane elements of a society can be utilized in a highly Just a note to say I'm leaving for useful manner and help the planet in its forward the airport 9.00 a.m.- Well here we progress. Such is the genius of the Galactic Popula­ tion Control Program. Nothing is wasted. are uv above Africa- hey soon that'll

And so, good people of planet Earth, you see how be a Continent! It's so BIG. true our firs t words were to you: 'We come in AND I'LL BE O.T.VI SOON!!!! Peace. We are here to help you'. 11.30 p.m: On the train to Bonny SCOTLAND- Now I sleep.


Civilizations come and go, empires rise and spark awhile, soon to be extinguished by their leader's Saturday 14th September 1968 ineptitude and aberration. What has happened in Just time to note that I'm HERE the past on this planet is incredible enough but what will happen in the future has fortunately been ( AOUK)-Oh boy-FANTASTIC­ secured with Scientology. Total Freedom and Total and one day we'll have a whole planet Power we can obtain. The incredible tragedies of the past will not now be repeated. Beings will no like that. Gee -I'm at Mrs Hane's longer be slaved for untold aeons, contained by evil little hotel-nice place about 20 mins. suppressives. At Clear we have Total Freedom and walk away- lovely walk -I better at OT there is Total Power. Erase the cruel chains of an aberrated past. Be free with us at the write a SUCCESS Story. AT LAST! Advanced Organization. Continuing with refs for 52 trillion B.C entry:

… Well, one of the things that knocks out insanity and neurosis as a proper evaluation of a state of case on anybody is because these are contained as goals in the Helatrobus Implants. And I think any wisdom that is based on the Helatrobus Implants is sort of headed for the junk heap. The goals in there are quite alarming. I found a goal on my pc last night, "To get it." It's there! Interesting goal, isn't it? "To get it." Well, what does it-what does it refer to? What does it modify? Sickness? Havingness? Being unlucky? See, it's just one of those portmanteau things. But you don't have to have that type of goal, which is untranslatable or undeterminable. There's goals in that lineup that are quite determinable, such as "To be sick"! It's there. "To die." That's there. "To move," "To escape." Nearly every one-any one of these implants has at some time or another been the source of the most learned treatises which explain all of man's ills. How many articles and things have you seen on "escapism"? So it's not valid material on which to adjudicate such things. And I'm afraid this whole subject of insanity is just about as valid as a Helatrobus Implant as a source of philosophy. …We have moved toward the Helatrobus Implants because they were trying to find something that would really aberrate somebody, and sooner or later we certainly would collide with the very best-the very, very best authoritarian minds on the whole track on how to do somebody in if we were trying to pick people up out of the mud. Sooner or later we'd cross-we'd do a crossroads with somebody who had been on an opposite tack. And that was what happened there with the Helatrobus Implants. PROGRAMING CASES, PART 11 30 MAY 1963

Correct HCOB 17 April 1963 as follows: Omit introductory paragraphs and Points of Interest. Substitute the text of this HCO Bulletin…. TEXT FOR HCO BULLETIN THE AIRCRAFT DOOR GOALS ….It was given in the mocked-up fuselage of an aircraft with the thetan fixed before an aircraft door. (There are also two or more aircraft fuselages used in the Helatrobus implants, but the preclear moved through them, was not fixed in them.) The date is the way to tell the pattern. The Helatrobus Implants existed only between 52 trillion and 38 trillion years ago, the total life span of the Helatrobus government. HCO BULLETIN OF 14 JULY 1963 ROUTINE 3N LINE PLOTS

The Helatrobus, the Bear and Gorilla and Glade Implants, none of them use pictures. They sometimes-there's only-the only picture I know of used in the Helatrobus Implants is on a railroad on which you travel sideways at a vast rate of speed. And when you meet the railroad, when you come down to the railroad, you'll see that there's a section house right at the point where you're put on the track. There's a house there, see? And then as you move down the track, just before you move down the track, a board goes up in front of you, and it's the same section house. So actually you're moved at sixty miles an hour sideways with the same section house sitting in front of you. And this is supposed to confuse you enormously. But almost any thetan, no matter how anaten he is, can see that it's just a board shoved up in front of him. …[False Track incident] Don't think you're mixed up in one of these things just because in an implant, why, somebody jumps up with a picture, see, or something like that that's just a momentary picture. This is not the same intention. That's just to get you to make pictures, or louse up your pictures, or something like that. Errors in Time – 18 July 1963

43 trillion – An Implant Station does the “Heaven Implant” “For a long while, some people have been cross with me for my lack of cooperation in believing in a Christian Heaven, God and Christ. I have never said I didn't disbelieve in a Big Thetan but there was certainly something very corny about Heaven et al. Now I have to apologize. There was a Heaven. Not too unlike, in cruel betrayal, the heaven of the Assassins in the 12th century who, like everyone else, dramatized the whole track implants if a bit more so. The symbol of the crucified Christ is very apt indeed. It's the symbol of a thetan betrayed." Wikipedia quoting Hubbard

[wikipedia writer says]: “The stunned thetan was placed in a doll body and transported to Heaven in a ship. Over a period of one trillion years, the thetan was given a series of electronic implants, containing the phrases "To Forget, To Remember, To Go Away."

Hubbard described the terrain of Heaven: "The gates of the first series are well done, well built. An avenue of statues of saints leads up to them. The gate pillars are surmounted by marble angels. The entering grounds are very well kept, laid out like Bush Gardens in Pasadena, so often seen in the movies. Aside from the implant boxes which lie across from each other on the walk there are other noises and sounds as though the saints are defending and berating. The second series, probably in the same place, shows what a trillion years of overt acts does (or is an additional trick to collapse one's time). The place is shabby. The vegetation is gone. The pillars are scruffy. The saints have vanished. So have the angels.

"A sign on one (the left as you enter) says 'This is Heaven'. The right has a sign 'Hell' with an arrow and inside the grounds one can see the excavations like archaeological diggings with the raw terraces, that lead to 'Hell'. Plain wire fencing encloses the place. There is a sentry box beside and outside the right pillar. The roadway 'leading up' to the gates is deeply eroded. An effigy of Joseph, complete with desert clothing is seen approaching the gates (but not moving) leading a donkey which 'carries' the original Madonna and child from 'Bethlehem'. The implanting boxes lie on either side of this 'entering' path at path level." “Further, we have our hands on an appalling bit of technology where the world is concerned. With rapidity and a Meter it can be shown that Heaven is a false dream and that the old religion was based on [a] very painful lie, a cynical betrayal." (HCOB, 11 May 1963) This is a more germane excerpt that gives the date he alleged: Yes, I've been to Heaven. And so have you. And you have the pattern of its implants in the HCO Bulletin Line Plot ... The symbol of the crucified Christ is very apt indeed. It's the symbol of a thetan betrayed. Additional work and possible corrections need to be done but this is the gist of the matter: The implants are electronic in nature and follow the pattern of the G.P.M. The implant station existed on the order of magnitude of 43,000,000,000,000 years ago. (The dates may be part of the implants but do not appear so at this stage. However, a possibility of correction of dates is reserved). Some have been through it once, some more than once. The first time I arrived and the moment of the implant To Forget was dated at 43,891,832,611,177 years, 344 days, 10 hours, 20 minutes and 40 seconds from 10:02½ PM Daylight Greenwich Time May 9, 1963. The second series was dated to the moment of the implant To Forget as 42,681,459,477,315 years, 132 days, 18 hours, 20 minutes and 15 seconds from 11:02½ PM Daylight Greenwich Time May 9, 1963. There are no earlier such implants. There are no later such implants. HCO Bulletin of May 11, AD13 "Routine 3, Heaven"

38.2 trillion B.C. – Helatrabus government falls Omit introductory paragraphs and Points of Interest. Substitute the text of this HCO Bulletin…. TEXT FOR HCO BULLETIN The Helatrobus Implants existed only between 52 trillion and 38 trillion years ago, the total life span of the Helatrobus government. HCO BULLETIN OF 14 JULY 1963 ROUTINE 3N LINE PLOTS

38 trillion B.C. approx - After Helatrobus – Someone is doing False Track Incidents They're usually a derogatory or unhappy state of affairs of some kind or another. And they're often quite-they're not well plotted. There isn’t anything very good about it. It's messy. …Anyway, the somatics being wrong, and the scenery being wrong, and the character of the scenery being wrong, the whole thing is therefore a lie. This is a lie about time. It tells him where he has been, when. When he wasn't there. …Because an individual has this incident: It's a wrong time, wrong place, going wrong the whole way, and it took up two hours and actually looks like it takes up seven million, see? There are such incidents. Just before the Helatrobus Implants they were practicing these. Just before the Helatrobus Implants, you're liable to pick one up on a pc, within the few hundred billion years earlier than the Helatrobus Implants, or perhaps even after the Helatrobus Implants, you’re liable to pick up one of these false-track incidents. So they last-they're liable to be found almost any place. …another type of incident entirely, where you're hit with electronic blasts, at the same time you're hit with a series of pictures, which purport to be a past or a future for the individual. Errors in Time – 18 July 1963

…MEST beings, trying to inhabit an area of THETANS are commonly balked and fought by the thetans and the MEST beings then begin to trap and harass the thetans and will use them to motivate new bodies when the thetans have been reduced to little or nothing in power. The THEY which you will discover in incidents are MEST beings. … Thetans can kill MEST bodies by throwing a charge at them. Thus a war develops between thetans and MEST beings. Given electronics and hitherto unconquered thetans, MEST beings can and have won. What to Audit/History of Man

2 trillion B.C. – Another whole set of Implants which are quite similar to the Helatrobus Implants …I found the other day, back around trillions two, a whole set of implants-I say “the other day” – I’ve been colliding with them here and there and going back on the track running actual GPMs-but there’s a whole set of implants back around trillions two which are quite similar to the Helatrobus Implants, for which we do not have the pattern-which I don’t have the pattern for. And yet they look quite like it: there’s the standing parking- meter type of implant jet and there’s the wide fields and the railroad track and that sort of thing. And here’s this whole series of implants-GPM type implants-back there which we don’t have. Well, there’s no particular reason for me to wrestle around with this-someday somebody wants to get his “star of something or other”, why, he can go back and dig up the pattern for these things for me. SHSBC Summary of OT Processes 12 December 1963

5,000,000,000 B.C. – Maw Confederacy, 63rd Galaxy – Crew of Psychiatrists completely psychiatrically controlling the officers and executives of the place, when they got tired of them they played God and did the supercooled brainwash technique and wiped out their bank – later somebody then does it to them and wipes THEM out. …MEST beings, trying to inhabit an area of THETANS are commonly balked and fought by the thetans and the MEST beings then begin to trap and harass the thetans and will use them to motivate new bodies when the thetans have been reduced to little or nothing in power. The THEY which you will discover in incidents are MEST beings. … Thetans can kill MEST bodies by throwing a charge at them. Thus a war develops between thetans and MEST beings. Given electronics and hitherto unconquered thetans, MEST beings can and have won. What to Audit/History of Man

But now, if you really want to make one worse, I'm afraid that you have to go in for mechanical assists. I think you do. I think it takes a mechanical assist like a fist, or it takes ... Well, I'll tell you the best one I know; how's that? The best one I know is to take a sheet of glass and put it in front of the preclear-clear, very clear glass-which is supercooled, preferably about a -100 centigrade. You got that? Supercooled, you know? And then put the preclear right in front of this supercooled sheet of glass and suddenly shove his face into the glass. Now, that's pretty good. I mean, that was developed about five billion years ago by a whole-track psychiatrist. And it's pretty thorough, because its conductance is such, the whole bank of the thetan-which is already short-circuited to the body, you see, it's connected to the body-now connects to the glass, and you get a total collapse of engrams, facsimiles, locks. Anything electrical-ridges, anchor points, anything like that-collapses at once upon the glass. See, you put the body in physical contact with it. Now, you can do better than that by throwing some water in his face just before you shove his face into the glass; it does it faster. But this refinement is only worth another ten seconds. Takes about twenty seconds, then, to accomplish a total brainwash of a case. Now, if you wish to play God, as the whole-track psychiatrist did at that time, all you have to say at this time is, of course, "Go to Earth and be president," or something like that, you know? And a thetan, being properly brainwashed now, will take off, and that's that. But that's a rather thorough, purposeful procedure. It's much better to say, "Stay here, you dog," or something like that, or "You can't leave," in the midst of all of that confusion so as to give him a stable datum to as-is that amount of confusion. Now, in the future as he goes along, whether he exteriorized or not, it's quite interesting to note that any electrical energy which comes in his vicinity will continue to collapse upon this vacuum. So that if he does form, or he has a body that forms a great many facsimiles or engrams or something like that, these facsimiles and engrams will then collapse upon the old vacuum, and this keeps him rather perpetually brainwashed. And he's not much troubled with facsimiles. He has a black screen or something like that. Well now, as the engrams and-so forth collapse upon the glass, they turn black, and they leave a field there, which is quite interesting. A fellow can't see. He has to have some other means of seeing so he can see around the field. Also, it interrupts the mechanisms of perception in various ways. So that you can do most anything you want to do with this particular regard. Now, there are other ways to do it. You can take liquid air, for instance, and put it in a glass and give somebody a drink of it. This is always good; it's always good. You can take-there are many ways to go about this, you understand - supercold, just supercold items, one kind or another, any way you wish to apply them. ……The mechanism of brainwashing which I gave you, with supercold mechanisms and so forth, is very well known, was used very extensively in the Maw Confederation of the Sixty-third Galaxy. They had a total psychiatric control of all of their officers and executives, and when they got tired of them they used this specific method of brainwashing. It was the ne plus ultra. The track saw no better. It was the end of all brainwashing. And it was so effective that somebody after a while used it thoroughly upon this particular crew of psychiatrists, and that was the end of the practice. But here we have an example of our knowing with great thoroughness how to wipe somebody out in twenty seconds. Here we have an example of somebody knowing something that is totally vicious; there is no slightest argument on that. This is the most vicious thing anybody ever heard of. Wipe someone out in twenty seconds. Bang. Not just electrocute them or hang them; this leaves them with all their impulses. This just destroys the bank; it winds it up in a little ball, and you've got it, see? ABERRATION AND THE SIXTH DYNAMIC 13 NOVEMBER 1956 catalog #5611C13 15ACC-22

3,4,000,000,000 B.C. – OUTSIDE OF MEST UNIVERSE - Thetans live on some planets - they consider these to be “outside the Mest Universe” …Thetans live on some planets. They consider these to be "outside the MEST universe" by which they mean outside areas inhabited by the composite beings, the "races" which use electronics and need bodies. What to Audit/History of Man

3.4 ,000,000,000 B.C. – Beginning of Mest Universe Trap – No thetan Ron has ever processed is native to this universe…plus ref that we have “played this” many times, pushing an Akashic Book of Records type of alleged history. If there's anything true, it's certainly this: the MEST universe has finite dimensions. UNIVERSES A lecture given on 6 April 1954

…MEST beings, trying to inhabit an area of THETANS are commonly balked and fought by the thetans and the MEST beings then begin to trap and harass the thetans and will use them to motivate new bodies when the thetans have been reduced to little or nothing in power. The THEY which you will discover in incidents are MEST beings. … Thetans can kill MEST bodies by throwing a charge at them. Thus a war develops between thetans and MEST beings. Given electronics and hitherto unconquered thetans, MEST beings can and have won. What to Audit/History of Man

Or if there is such a thing as a thetan native to the MEST universe. I know you're not. I- no preclear I ever processed was native to the MEST universe-not one. Summary to Date: Handling Step I and Demo Philadelphia Doctorate Course 17 December 1952

…BEFORE EARTH: There is a BEFORE EARTH and a BEFORE MEST UNIVERSE in all banks. The incidents are not dissimilar. They consist of the preclear being summoned before a council, being frowned down, being sent elsewhere than where he was. The odd part of these incidents, to the preclear, is that he is not usually guilty of anything, not aware of having offended. He is simply recruited, is brought in, is sentenced to be transported and goes to a new area. The only thing remarkable about these BEFORE incidents is that they are a very definite degradation and condemnation of the preclear. They are best run by scanning the preclear backwards on each column of the CHART OF ATTITUDES, from for instance, "I KNOW NOT" to "I KNOW," etc., for the council's intent is to reduce the person down scale in order to get a more obedient colonist. What to Audit/History of Man

You know, the between-lives area is one of the cuter engrams on the track. It isn't described completely in What to Audit. The fact of the matter is, is there was not an entrance into the MEST universe and there isn't an entrance in the between-lives area anywhere else but in this universe. The entrance to the MEST universe was a which was played by a bunch of people on people who were in the universe. And they took people who were in the universe and PDHed them one way or the other, in order to bring them into a belief that they were now being shot into another universe. This game has been played several times. It'll be something on the order of you going down, traffic cop hits you- over the head and tells you you're now in Chicago, only it's the same town you were in before. He infers that you have been transported some vast indeterminate distance so as to completely confuse you and make it impossible for you to as-is the game. See how this would work out? PAN-DETERMINISM 24 DECEMBER 1954

[Arsclycus was first “planet” thetans put on upon entrance to the universe, only it wasn’t a real planet but like a death star from star wars…city-planet in space, made you work 10,000 years at the same job----]

…THE JOINER: There are three major JOINERS on the track; most of them found will be second facsimiles and do not need to be run. Here is the basic on entities. A person is "packed-in" with other souls by electronics. Actually these entities are synthetic. Very early on the track, two more entities were "added" to the victim. They were, the three, placed in a ring and hammered by electronics to get them to fuse. There is an empty spot in the centre. A later joiner adds two more "souls". These incidents are responsible for the preclear being "softened-up" to a point where he can be influenced by having a hypnotized soul thrown at him. What to Audit/History of Man

Step outside of yourself, you’re suddenly uninfluenced by a tremendous number of ridges which match your wavelength. [entities and perhaps GE too] INTRODUCTION: THE Q LIST AND BEGINNING OF LOGICS A lecture given on 10 November 1952

…THE BODY BUILDER: Sometimes a thetan is taken off a theta trap and put into a field which makes him fight again with his attention units. The purpose of this field is to make him resist its force and to resist it so as to mould him. Out of his attention units he "builds" a body. Later he is given sharp shots through the places where joints are supposed to be and is generally tailored into a body. There were many of these on the whole track. In your preclear they are probably second facsimiles. What to Audit/History of Man

…THE ICE CUBE: Here is an intriguing incident which, if your preclear demands, should be audited. This is evidently a method of transportation of beings to a new area. The being is packed in ice, is taken to the new area and is usually dumped in the ocean. What to Audit/History of Man

THE HALVER: Don't think thetans were only abused. When MEST bodies tried to invade and take over an area they usually wound up enslaved to the thetans in that area. And the thetans used them horribly. The invader sometimes came in with electronics, his only defence against a thetan. The thetan quite ordinarily took the electronics over and used them on the MEST bodies. One of the processes thetans used on MEST bodies was a half-light, half-black gun which shot out a wave. Half of this wave, usually the black, hit the right side of the victim's body, the other half, in the same explosion, usually the light side, hit the left side of the victim. This had the effects of causing him to be two people. It is also the basic on half-paralysis such as strokes. There was not always regularity in this incident. Sometimes it was the practice to shoot the victim one way and them turn him around and shoot him the other, sometimes the sides and head as well. What to Audit/History of Man

Yes? Female voice: Could you say it over so we could hear it twice and maybe get it written this time? All right. Zero is nothing. See, that's just thetan potential. One is perfect form, of course, in perfect space. Two would be the inhibition of the perfect form, usually by its own fragments, but you also could have other fragments. Three, a recomposition of these fragments into a new form. Four, once more the aspect of disintegration of this third form. Five, of course, would be a recomposition of form. Six would be a disintegration of that form. Seven, and so on. Well, now to take apart this little scale you have to hit the first perfect form. This is kind of the way it works out in auditing. As long as you audit perfect form, you get rid of the inhibitor. Now, we just draw a conclusion. This is probably the way the MEST universe got here and became permanent. I don't know on what ten-millionth -variation of this we are now proceeding, see? How many times has that wall you see disintegrated and then been made up again and disintegrated and been made up again. THE KEY WORDS (BUTTONS)-QUESTION AND ANSWER PERIOD 21 July 1958 There's something like a cul-de-sac, a blind alley, a box canyon; you come galloping into the MEST universe full of vim and vigor and all of a sudden crash - here you are at the bottom of the tone scale, the cycle of action. Now we have a cycle of action which goes backwards. It starts with stop, which is homo sapiens, and ends with intention, which is your thetan bailed out all the way. Good workable cycle of action. What you're studying, if the truth be known, is a cycle of action which can apply because it is very carefully based upon the reversal of the cycle of action which made the MEST universe." Philadelphia Doctorate Course 18, December 5 lecture by L. Ron Hubbard

One is not free in this mest universe and in this society to do everything he pleases to do. There are some small regulations. There is an organization known as the police, an organization which is addicted to making you do everything you don't want to do and preventing you from doing everything you want to do. And that is their motto. Their motto is "stop motion." … The MEST universe is an extremely degraded universe. It is a universe which runs on force. If it were the only universe, this would be a pity and I would be in apathy. Because to discover what the mEsT universe is, of what it is composed and that its basic law is nothing but force, that it has no truck with an ethic, that it cares nothing about sanity, that the crude force of a crashing cliff is about as high as it thinks-to discover that this would be the basic, that this is all we have to work with-would be heartbreaking. There would be nothing beyond that. And we could all go into apathy and just quit right there, because there's no future in it. There's no future in simply collecting more and more facsimiles and erasing more and more facsimiles. There's no future in arduous and continuous work, work, work. There would be no future in one lifetime; one lifetime would be a very pointless thing. One would get born, he would become educated, he would have some children and then he would pass away by violence, by bugs or by just general decay and deterioration. That would be a wonderful thing, wouldn't it? … Every man there is, is a universe. You talk about God: The most you will know about God for probably a long time to come is you. If you want to know what God is all about, or if you want to know what yoxfre all about, you want to know what the fourth dynamic is all about, you consult the essential elements of "you-ness." Not buried, unconscious, submotivated, libidoicated, bypassed symbolizations of the left hind ruddy rod, which we therefore graph and say, "It's all mysterious and you can’t understand you, so therefore we can own you." We're not running that operation. What you know and what you are, you know, and you are where you are at this moment. … But you're still you. You’re nobody else but you. The horrible part of it is, you never will be. INTRODUCTION: THE Q LIST AND BEGINNING OF LOGICS A lecture given on 10 November 1952 You've got an actual planet-builder incident, and it looks pretty wild to you. And it doesn't look like the pc could possibly have done it, and so forth. Errors in Time – 18 July 1963

[This sounds like a hold-over from the magic track – The Planet Builder] There's an incident on the track you'll find with an occasional preclear, particularly a very occluded preclear; it's known as the Empire Builder or the Planet Builder. It's interesting. A fellow goes out in the middle of space, a piece of space dust comes in, maybe from the right and it goes on by. And what do you know, it comes back. And that's fascinating. And then another piece of space dust comes swishing in from behind him and it goes on by and gets out there aways and, what do you know, it comes back. He thinks he's doing it. He's not. Any missile traveling in the MEST universe, any missile traveling in the MEST universe is operating on Newton's laws-for every action there's an equal and contrary reaction. And as that thing goes by, it creates a vacuum …when it gets in his vicinity, because he himself has accumulated and is using enough energy to upset the course of that particle. …But because he can be a magnetic influence, and if he's interested, he simply says to it, "Hey! (whistle). " You see it put out an anchor point. He gets it back here and he takes a look at it and he says, "What do you know! Bright. Sparkling. Fascinating! " Of course it goes dead right away. It goes dark. "Oh, that's too bad. How interesting." Whshht! "There goes one over there." …Something is on its way, and it's bright and sparkly. And of course after it goes on its way just so long, its bright and sparkling tail will get black. I'm telling you now what black and white is. After a piece of MEST-universe energy has burned, it turns black. The fire in it goes out. So from every side and above and below and around and around, these particles can pass by a thetan who is sitting in space and he can pick them up and bring them home by his own postulates. And there is his first real big, class A stupidity. They have an impulse to come back anyway. And having this impulse to come back, he doesn't bother to give them any postulates. He just lets them come back. He doesn't know anything much about gravity so if he starts to pile any of these things up or collect them, the next particle that goes by becomes influenced by that little pile of particles. And on its way, it goes on by and it says, "Whee, gravity!" and it comes right on back and goes plunk! into the pile. And the thetan says, "Look, I got it all set up automatically." He thinks he's doing it and that's what he should do. And there is your-the whole list of axioms. Every aberrated thought is preceded by a countereffort. Every effort is preceded by a countereffort. And there it is in that type of incident. So that somebody could sit out in space and have space dust flying around and could simply collect a pile of rocks.'d be a beautiful pile of rocks, except it'd keep going black. And they'd keep exploding every once in a while. Every once in a while he'd get one of these things just about back and it would go pow! He'd say, "How pretty. Let's capture it. It's black! I wonder what that blackness is?" First thing you know, he's surrounded by a terrific band of blackness. And anything that comes in through that black band of particles is bright, bright, bright, through the black. Of course, it's burning out. Apparently it has been made to go out by this black band of particles. It hasn't, it's just burned out, that's all, like a meteorite burns out when it comes down through the sky. …But the point is that an individual gets surrounded by black particles. But these black particles seem to have-don't have-but seem to have this trick. They create a vacuum whenever a particle goes through them, a vacuum is created in these black particles, and then that new particle is sucked back by this blackness. And a fellow gets the idea after a while, why, blackness takes, doesn't it? Nonsense, it doesn't. It's the-his postulates can do it, or Newton's laws can do it. And he gets himself completely surrounded by all this blackness. He thinks this blackness is desirable. He thinks he has many reasons why blackness is desirable, and so on. You can-one can hide in blackness. Never occurs to him all you have to do is look at that patch of blackness, and you'll see something's there. And your thetan can get a huge pile of rocks, which are doubtless very pretty. …You find every once in a while somebody would start to make a hobby of this. Or he'd join a sort of a club called the Sun Builders or some such nonsensical thing. And he'd take this pile of rocks which he had carefully accumulated in this fashion, everything whizzing by, and he would pitch the pile of rocks into a bunch of molten gases. What would happen? Why, the molten gases would be attracted by this much gravity and they would come in on the top of it and you would have a sun. I don't care whether it was a little sun, big as an orange or a walnut, or whether it was a sun as big as our sun. Size doesn't matter much. You'd have a sun. Which gets interesting, doesn't it? …Light, by the way, could have been the sole responsible agent for the organization of this universe, and it might be that great, molten piles of gases get out there someplace and thetans go out and organize them into planets and suns and systems and that a new universe maybe is only 3 or 4 billion years old. But that's just because it's just a new pile of gas that has particles and so forth that's being accumulated and collected by somebody. You can look up here and you can look in this universe which we have right now. It's about 3.4 billion years old and you'll find big, big masses of blackness up there somewhere. I don't know, maybe that's what they're calling God today. His name will be Joe tomorrow. Because that is the deteriorating spiral. The second he starts to go in for that sort of thing and doesn't recognize what his postulates are and what the MEST universe is, he can confuse the two, and in confusing the two, starts his downward spiral. So he gets anchor points all messed up with physical universe phenomena, and it's no longer him creating space, it's space being created for him. And when he first starts out, he may think he has space there the size of half a galaxy or a whole galaxy. That's- it's his idea of space-small room-one galaxy. And he gets along just that way just fine. But then after a while, because of the laws of the physical universe, this space is enforced upon him. He has to have this space. You see, he just has been tricked to mixing up a postulate with energy. And so he looks out at the space and he says, "Look at all the space, and I have to have that space." Well, he can go out and create some more space, I mean it's of no consequence. But he just misses that point. He skips that one. And then what happens? Something drives in those anchor points. He gets too much mass where he is, something upsets them and his space gets less because his anchor points get less. He can't see quite as far as he saw before. How do you control people? By desire you lead their anchor points out. You shift and change their anchor points in terms of interest. It's a shabby trick by the way because, you see, the anchor point and interest are not the same thing. But they have been confused by the thetan. A postulate is one thing. It has nothing to do with space and has nothing to do with energy. It's just a postulate. And that sits above all force and all space and all energy. And he can be a postulate any time he wants to. And he's-go on much better if he's just handling postulates. But he gets messed up with this desire for space, enforced anchor points, and then inhibited anchor points. …Now, how do people control people? They get their anchor points out by telling them some good news. And then when they got them good and far out they give them some bad news. Ha! And the motto is, Drive in Their Anchor Points. Tell them that that world out there isn't worth putting an anchor point on. Tell them it's bad! evil! no good! It's agin 'em. Tell them particularly that nothing obeys their orders; nothing follows their will; that everything out there is bad and there's nothing out there worth putting your anchor points on. [he says this is what newspapers do, and their motto is to make slaves] 12 JANUARY 1953 AGREE/DISAGREE-HAVE/HAVE-NOT (continued

… The older a person is in the universe, the further they are down that scale-which gives you some kind of a weird theory about-it obviates the idea or throws aside the idea that the universe was created by a sneeze at the same exact instant, you see, but predicates a cumulative universe that picks up the home universes of thetans at different times on the track. And people in better shape have been less long in the universe than people who are in terrible shape. … Well, that's the way it goes. It ebbs and flows. He gets active and charge accumulates more, and he gets inactive and accumulates less, and he runs up a lot of overts you see, and he accumulates charge like mad, and he tries to do some good and maybe even gets rid of a little charge and various things happen. But it's always plus, always plus, always plus, always plus. And it wouldn't matter if it took a hundred trillion years to get one more erg plus, it will be plus. See, charge is always additive in the absence of Scientology. Charge is always additive. That's the trick of this universe. That's the only thing that makes it a bad universe. You overcome that, you got it made, see? Then all the work somebody went to to put it here, you see, to be a trap in the first place, ha! You've had him, you see! You've got the universe and it's not a trap. I think it'd be an awfully good joke. I'm in a very good frame of mind to just pull that joke, too. But the universe, basically, doesn't have to be aberrative, and isn't-if you just go out and admire it and so forth, you'll find it's therapeutic. … But it's not going to drop charge off of you. PROGRAMING CASES, PART 11 30 MAY 1963 200,000,000 B.C. – Four Galaxies over – The Darwin Implant – Bodies are “SIMPLE”mockups before this - integral of OT 3 story from 1967…it is just regurgitating the so-called Darwin Implant. CHAPTER FOUR THE GENETIC LINE consists of the total of incidents which have occurred during the evolution of the MEST body itself. [Darwin Implant] The composite of these facsimiles has the semblance of a being, This being would be called the GENETIC ENTITY or the "GE".

The Volcanoes Earth was undergoing volcanic upheavals during the days of life on the beach. Possibly it was this volcanic action which served the chain of evolution for there is a lack of real reason why this evolution should not be continuing on even today. The progress of evolution was cut at the beach, possibly, because the beach is peculiarly subject to violence during volcanic upheavals, sea and land being in clash. Now and then the auditor will find a volcanic upheaval incident in restimulation with its palls of choking sulphurous smoke. It has been suggested that smoking tobacco is a sort of dramatization of volcanoes which, at the least, were spectacular.

[part of “evolution” to man – Darwin Implant] …The Caveman Keeping women at home for men and keeping a man from keeping one at home for women can be found in the CAVEMAN. Here one crippled one's woman to keep her there or poisoned one's man for having kept her there. Marital malaction often goes back to the CAVEMAN. Any condition of interpersonal relationships can be found in this area. Jealousy and overt acts around it, strangling, smashing in heads with rocks, quarrels about homes, tribal rebukes, pack instincts can be found in THE CAVEMAN. Also others are The Weeper, etc.. What to Audit/History of Man

… Here and there I have found an implant where something gave us a bad twist. For instance, there are several incidents in What To Audit, or A History of Man, that are taken from an implant given about four galaxies over. It starts with a goal, oddly enough, and then doesn't consist of a GPM type thing. They lay you down and show you endless pictures on a motion-picture screen. I just mentioned it the other day. Well actually, these-the actual engrams of these things can be found on the time track. The actual engrams, they do exist. But this was-the implant is what picked them up and restimulated them and kept them all in a bunch, you see. And What to Audit was influenced by that implant. But the remainder of our material is remarkably uninfluenced by this. …[giving someone a False Past] See, because that combines then the single action that is the most aberrative action-which is an alter-isness of truth or a denial of truth-with the one thing [Time] which if aberrated brings about, then, the greatest mess-up from the viewpoint of a person. And we get these two things in combination… [alter-isness/denial of truth and lie about Time] and we're off to the races. …Give somebody a false past. Implant him with a false past, complete with pictures, complete with times; and times in the order of magnitude of the thetan's actual existence- trillions and trillions of years. …Don't think you're mixed up in one of these things just because in an implant, why, somebody jumps up with a picture, see, or something like that that's just a momentary picture. This is not the same intention. That's just to get you to make pictures, or louse up your pictures, or something like that. No, we're talking about another type of incident, another type of incident entirely, where you're hit with electronic blasts, at the same time you're hit with a series of pictures, which purport to be a past or a future for the individual. …So you walked up a set of steps to get there, so you now have a visio that looks like you're walking up a set of steps in the incident. Same set of steps. So you've got two walkings up the steps. One is in the incident, one is the actual one. And there'll be two departures. There's the actual departure, in which one was usually anaten and didn't know whether he was going or coming, and the picture of his departure. And thetanwise, of course it'd be a picture of exteriorizing from the area; it's getting dim in the distance. In other words, there are two beginnings and two endings on such an incident. …[they do it backwards] And these incidents usually start with the troops marching away from you and end with the troops marching to you. …But it's very confusing, of course, because the couple of hours there that aren't taken up give you a whole time track. They're usually a derogatory or unhappy state of affairs of some kind or another. …Now they very often have wheels running over to the side with numbers on them. So you can get all the dates you want on the side of the picture. Sound familiar? … How long does it take to give somebody a feature-length picture in 3-D, with complete somatics hitting him in the breadbasket, of several trillion years? If you only give him a few pictures of each? See? Doesn't take very long. Well, that's the criteria. Now the Darwinian theory…That is an implant from man to mud. And it starts out oddly enough with the goal, "to persist." …there's not another item in it. There isn't even, "not persist." …They didn't have a doublefiring item. …See, actually they have you in a cell for a while, so they show you being in the cell, and then show you arriving in the room to be implanted. Got that? … And then they show you-complete with pictures, not unlike a modern motion-picture screen-they show you all that has happened to you, very briefly; they give you background on how mean you are, and then they show you getting implanted. And actually the implantation takes place-the picture never touches the pc-I mean, never touches the person being implanted, but simply stacks mass around his body. All the time he's looking at the picture he's having hell knocked out of him many feet away from the picture by electronic mass stacking around his body. See, he's being hit with waves around his body, you see? So he-this mass gets associated with the-you know, it holds it in the picture, and so forth. And there isn’t another thing said. There's not one word said.

… But in this particular Darwinian one, nothing is said. …Now, this incident- this incident, now with a wheel dating device which gives you a series of numbers that gives you-gives you the time of these events, shows you being implanted, shows you finished implanting, shows you leaving-being pushed out of the implant room, even shows you a couple of your fellow crew members, or something like that, there, who are tied up ready to be put into the room, shows you being put aboard a spaceship, shows you being taken to another planet, shows you being dumped in the sea, and shows you start from the sea and become seaweed and become this-and to work up stage by stage-giving the millions of years which elapse on each step, see? And you go on and on up the line, each step-each step-each step on an evolutionary channel, and you run all the way through on these evolutionary channels. A lot of this stuff starts looking awfully 3-D after you've been looking at them for a while, and shows you eventually arriving at the state of being a man. …And then they push you out through that exact corridor, past the exact two dummies that are tied up, to the exact spaceship, put you in the exact capsule, drop you into that exact sea, and expect you to make some seaweed and go on up the beach. We were fooled only to the degree of some of the incidents of What to Audit are actually out of that. Some of the incidents of What to Audit are actual, some are out of that Darwinian implant, see? Now, that's very interesting, to recognize how they can make you live your life twice. Because that one pretends to go into the future, not into the past. Gorgeous louse-up, see? I know, I caught this with myself, but after they dumped me down at the bottom of the sea, I said "Ho-hum, skip it!" And went over and picked up a young fisherman's baby, and so forth, and hung around there for a while, catching my breath. Didn't bother to go through all this, seemed pointless. But, the idea-that's very finite. That's a very short time ago. That's only a couple of hundred million years ago. A lot of characters around here got this, most of them become scientists. That actually is the sole foundation of the Darwinian theory. That's the lot. Evolution: there's no such thing. Bodies don't evolve.They deteriorate, but they don't evolve. You can trace all kinds of reasons how they evolve, and why they evolve, and you can figure it all out, but the truth of the matter is when you get horses on a planet, somebody came along and mocked up some horses! Now, they also mocked up these horses with the capability of growing hair or not growing hair. You've got adjustment factors, but not evolution factors. So you confuse the adjustment factors and prove the whole theory of evolution. And now you know man came from mud, and you can write a book like Pavlov and get the whole world poisoned. You see how this one goes? All of this is based on what? It's based on errors in time. Errors in time. Because an individual has this incident: It's a wrong time, wrong place, going wrong the whole way, and it took up two hours and actually looks like it takes up seven million, see? There are such incidents. …What type of equipment is used now, in order to implant false dates, and so on? It's usually quite-it's quite varied, but it really never moves off the basis of something you look into or something you look at, attended by electronic blasts. And that's the common denominator of all such equipment. Errors in Time – 18 July 1963 …THE ICE CUBE: …This is evidently a method of transportation of beings to a new area. The being is packed in ice, is taken to the new area and is usually dumped in the ocean. …A thetan responds to hypnosis, pain, force and other factors. He also responds to being frozen in ice. … History of Man/What to Audit

The human body at one time or another was mocked up to persist through an evolutionary cycle. And it did that. But what did it consist of? Of what did the human body consist at the moment of its mock-up? It wasn’t necessarily small; it wasn’t necessarily big. It was mocked up to do a cycle and it's still doing it. Well, I'll let you in on something: It had no lungs. It had no stomach. It had no intestine. It had no bones. Didn't have any cells. It just worked. And then helpful little thetans coming along, started to invent things for it. …The body was evidently originally a very simple thing. The evolutionary track is apparently a swindle, because the mechanism of it can be run out, and the fellow suddenly winds up with no evolutionary track. But you didn’t erase the evolutionary track; you erased the machinery which created one. That’s a different look at physiology, isn't it? COMPLEXITY 17 OCTOBER 1956

It almost can be said that all things are primarily mocked up as perfect form. …All right, it runs this way: Nothingness; postulate one: perfect mock-up; THE KEY WORDS (BUTTONS)-QUESTION AND ANSWER PERIOD 21 July 1958

50,000,000 B.C. – approx – Body Builder Implanting – GE But the reactive mind as such, which we were first addressing in , consists of the ridges of the GE, in the main, and they're the body ridges. …You never saw such a mess in your life as the amount-number of ridges that accumulate and park themselves around the body. And the body itself actually is this reactive mind. It is a mind itself; it consists of energy, and there's facsimiles and behavior patterns engraved on the very cells of the body. …If you ask him to reason, in any other way than stimulus-response, he's lost. He's really down scale. … the GE is just fine operating on stimulus-response mechanisms. …He's done a wonderful job coming up the line of patterning it all just right as the only solution which he had for the situation, lacked any other solution; but you ask the GE to suddenly go on the line of independent decision and thought and he is gone. He just goes bzooow! PDC - ANATOMY OF PROCESSING-ENERGY, PHENOMENA/SENSATION 3 DECEMBER 1952

…THE BODY BUILDER: Sometimes a thetan is taken off a theta trap and put into a field which makes him fight again with his attention units. The purpose of this field is to make him resist its force and to resist it so as to mould him. Out of his attention units he "builds" a body. Later he is given sharp shots through the places where joints are supposed to be and is generally tailored into a body. There were many of these on the whole track. In your preclear they are probably second facsimiles. The body builder used some fifty million years ago was very precise. Although it has degenerated and is less formalized and although it is doubtful if you will find it in more than a second facsimile, the original version is given here:

After he was caught in some kind of theta trap, the thetan was handled as follows:

THE JIGGLER: Placed over a post, the thetan was moved up and down rapidly and eccentrically for some time. He would try to hold onto and stop the post, would go into apathy and finish by being entirely invalidated as himself and would think of himself as the post, that having become cause.

THE WHIRLER: The thetan was placed on a platform which whirled eccentrically, jerkily to the left and right until he would turn as the post turned.

THE BOUNCER: The thetan was bounced up and down eccentrically until he had a facsimile which fixed him, it would appear, on his time track.

THE SPINNER: A chair device was used to spin the thetan until he had no orientation. This is the probable source of the slang term, spinning, meaning going insane.

THE ROCKER: This swung or teetered the thetan to the left and right, slowly and quietly. This incident is dramatized today by mystics who, not being low enough on the scale to die, finish the job by picking up old electronic implant motions and practising them until they have "control of the body"-which they mean to mean without meaning to mean it, complete body control of "I".

THE BOXER: This incident is a cousin to the "FLY-TRAP." Its purpose was to make the thetan into a complete stimulus-response mechanism. He was hit from every angle by a device not unlike a boxing glove. He would be forced to kick back against it with his force. At length he would be psychotic enough to return every motion be received. This is actually aberration itself. It is the psychologist's definition, though vaguely put, of a "well adjusted human being," one who stimulates and responds without thought.

THE FALLER: This installs fear of falling, also fixes the thetan in the incident on the track. He is dropped again and again and again to different drops and at varied intervals until he is jammed.

THE EDUCATION: After all these, the thetan was given a complete education. This -was of a hypnotic, stimulus-response variety. It was the type of education which makes a file card system out of a thinking being. It is dramatized today in universities as it requires no skilled instruction. THE FLY-TRAP: Very, very early on the track, a long time before any of the present populace came into being, there was a theta trap called the FLY-TRAP. It was of a gummy material. The thetan who got into it punched and fought at this material until he was psychotic enough to react to the physical universe laws of responding to motions. He was taken out of this trap by a crew of do-gooders who had caught him for his own good and who trained him in religious sweetness and syrup until they considered him fit to be part of their group. The attitude of these people was SO good, their manners SO understanding that the thetan usually ran away as soon as possible. Sunday school sometimes brings this, even as a second facsimile which it nearly always is, into heavy restimulation. What to Audit/History of Man

[Fly Trap personnel…] … There's two causes for courtesy. One is to be in such apathy that you can't do anything else, and the other one is to be sufficiently strong so that you can afford the luxury of it. And until people can afford the luxury of it, you never see anything like courtesy. Instead of that you see 1.1 on the Tone Scale. UNIVERSES A lecture given on 6 April 1954

3,000,000 B.C. – Electric Shock begins to not be the fashion to be used as brainwashing in space opera… Electric shock is very bad brainwashing, very poor. Hasn't really even been used in space opera for years. Ah, it's two or three million years, hasn't been used to amount to anything. I mean, it's just passe’. You know, old fashioned. ABERRATION AND THE SIXTH DYNAMIC 13 NOVEMBER 1956 catalog #5611C13 15ACC-22

1,000,000 B.C. – Fourth Invader Force – In this Galaxy – Mars Command - Fac One - They left it around and the “local yokels” used it….as “vital to get to heaven” … install body-making implants on thetans that are GE’s – knocking out pineal gland …FACSIMILE ONE: This incident is in everyone's bank, either as a second facsimile or as an original. Only in the latter case should it be run. It is called "Facsimile One" because it is the first proven-up whole track incident which, when audited out of a long series of people, was found to eradicate such things as asthma, sinus trouble, chronic chills and a host of other ills. It has a verbal content in most cases. It is quite varied when found as an original-for in this case, it happened to the preclear in the last ten or twenty thousand years. It was originally laid down in this Galaxy about one million years ago. The "Coffee-grinder" (which might be an alternative name for it) is levelled at the preclear and a push-pull wave is played over him, first on his left side, then on his right and back and forth from side to side, laying in a bone-deep somatic which cannot be run unless you recognize it as a vibration, not the solid board it seems to be. When this treatment is done, the preclear is dumped in scalding water, then immediately in ice water. Then the preclear is put in a chair and whirled around. [restimulating The Spinner from The Body Builder] He was quite swollen after the pommelling of the waves and was generally kept in a badly run (but quite modern) hospital for a few days. Sometimes he was given several and after the first one would report back on schedule for the next. FAC ONE was an outright control mechanism, invented to cut down rebel raids on invader installations. It was probably designed by the Fourth Invader and used by him in its original state and "ritual" for a considerable time. It gave him a nice, non- combative, religiously insane community. THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF FAC ONE APPERTAINS TO ITS “SUMMONS TO COURT." This was a sick quiver installed in the stomach area by the "coffee-grinder" during the first part of the incident. The coffee-grinder laid in "baps" on the pineal and other points but almost knocked out the pineal potential forever and relegated its actions to the pituitary. It knocked in every other glandular point. And these same "baps" were used against the vagus nerve to give what everyone knows as an "anxiety stomach," uncontrolled bowel action, etc., etc. The invader wanted people to report when sent for. Thus the context (WHICH MUST NEVER BE DONE UNTIL THE EMOTION AND EFFORT ARE REDUCED) when the vagus area was "bapped" concentrates on getting the preclear to report quickly when summoned and makes him terrified of arrest, of courts, of other legal hocus-pocus. …Thus criminal action against individuals, or sometimes any legal action, interrupts the glandular system, gives an anxiety reaction which has no equal anywhere else on the track. …The invader gratuitously left these machines around for the yokels. Believing that the treatment was vital to get to heaven or some such thing, the yokels practiced on each other, found new victims and generally spread the implant around. Trouble with the machines the invader left around was that they "backfired" while they were working, sending out a ray into the chest of the operator to restimulate him, the yokel operator not suspecting that the machine was hitting anything else but his victim. What to Audit/History of Man

[False-Track Implants 4th invader’s [Mars] between-lives?] …No, we're talking about another type of incident, another type of incident entirely, where you're hit with electronic blasts, at the same time you're hit with a series of pictures, which purport to be a past or a future for the individual. …[they do it backwards] And these incidents usually start with the troops marching away from you and end with the troops marching to you. …They're usually a derogatory or unhappy state of affairs of some kind or another. [hold you in a cell] And then they show you-complete with pictures, not unlike a modern motion-picture screen-they show you all that has happened to you, very briefly; they give you background on how mean you are, and then they show you getting implanted. …This is a lie about time. It tells him where he has been, when. When he wasn't there. It puts trillions of years into two hours. There couldn't be a fancier lie about time. Now they very often have wheels running over to the side with numbers on them. So you can get all the dates you want on the side of the picture. Sound familiar? … How long does it take to give somebody a feature-length picture in 3-D, with complete somatics hitting him in the breadbasket, of several trillion years? If you only give him a few pictures of each? See? Doesn't take very long. Well, that's the criteria. …All of this is based on what? It's based on errors in time. Errors in time. Because an individual has this incident: It's a wrong time, wrong place, going wrong the whole way, and it took up two hours and actually looks like it takes up seven million, see? There are such incidents. …What type of equipment is used now, in order to implant false dates, and so on? It's usually quite-it's quite varied, but it really never moves off the basis of something you look into or something you look at, attended by electronic blasts. And that's the common denominator of all such equipment. Errors in Time – 18 July 1963

Now, how do you get all this genetic blueprint? What is the genetic blueprint actually? It is an additive history of various types of forms which didn’t succeed, which had to go someplace, so they got installed by Fac Ones. The evolutionary track is apparently a swindle, because the mechanism of it can be run out, and the fellow suddenly winds up with no evolutionary track. But you didn’t erase the evolutionary track; you erased the machinery which created one. [Darwin Implant, and influence of earlier picture making ordering implants] That’s a different look at physiology, isn't it? …We find on the course of auditing this genetic blueprint, that we diverge from the genetic blueprint and we move over into the actual body cycle as such. And we don’t find hardly any of the early body cycle on record. It wasn’t making records. Additive! The facsimiles became an additive factor. The machinery to make facsimiles then began to add factors to the body. The thetans running these bodies, now convinced that they needed all these extra gadgets, would put them in. And we had additive machinery. And we had machinery that adds machinery. And we find people are sick. COMPLEXITY 17 OCTOBER 1956

300,000 B.C. approx – Espinol United Stars, or Espinol United Moons, Planets, and Asteroids…STILL EXISTS…controlled this quarter of the Universe Espinol is a lesser but still existent alien civilization, said by Hubbard to have lasted "something on the order of a few hundred thousand years." ("The ITSA Line") It used to control Earth's Solar System, which was "Sun 12" of the "Espinol United Stars" (formal name: "Espinol United Stars, or the Espinol United Moons, Planets, and Asteroids: This Quarter of the Universe is Ours"). The Espinols abandoned the Solar System in AD 1150, "when a group on Mars was finally abolished and vanished", and since then have used the system as a dumping ground for convicts Hubbard, The Free Being, SHSBC-281, July 9, 1963 Note – Hubbard has the Marcabs (not their right name...he says) as the Society that started 200,000 yrs ago [Hubbard, SHSBC 297, The ITSA Line, 29 August 1963] as that in that ref, he says is being copied here, so I guess the Marcabs are with their right name, Espinolians.

…THE ICE CUBE: Here is an intriguing incident which, if your preclear demands, should be audited. This is evidently a method of transportation of beings to a new area. The being is packed in ice, is taken to the new area and is usually dumped in the ocean. … A thetan responds to hypnosis, pain, force and other factors. He also responds to being frozen in ice. What to Audit/History of Man

[False-Track Implants Espinol between-lives?] …Give somebody a false past. Implant him with a false past, complete with pictures, complete with times; and times in the order of magnitude of the thetan's actual existence- trillions and trillions of years. …No, we're talking about another type of incident, another type of incident entirely, where you're hit with electronic blasts, at the same time you're hit with a series of pictures, which purport to be a past or a future for the individual. …[they do it backwards] And these incidents usually start with the troops marching away from you and end with the troops marching to you. …They're usually a derogatory or unhappy state of affairs of some kind or another. [hold you in a cell] And then they show you-complete with pictures, not unlike a modern motion-picture screen-they show you all that has happened to you, very briefly; they give you background on how mean you are, and then they show you getting implanted. …This is a lie about time. It tells him where he has been, when. When he wasn't there. It puts trillions of years into two hours. There couldn't be a fancier lie about time. …Now they very often have wheels running over to the side with numbers on them. So you can get all the dates you want on the side of the picture. Sound familiar? [He’s referring to the Between Lives Implant in History of Man – what’s this connection there to the Darwin Implant that ALSO uses this wheel, but is four Galaxies over…Espinol?] … How long does it take to give somebody a feature-length picture in 3-D, with complete somatics hitting him in the breadbasket, of several trillion years? If you only give him a few pictures of each? See? Doesn't take very long. Well, that's the criteria. …All of this is based on what? It's based on errors in time. Errors in time. Because an individual has this incident: It's a wrong time, wrong place, going wrong the whole way, and it took up two hours and actually looks like it takes up seven million, see? There are such incidents. …What type of equipment is used now, in order to implant false dates, and so on? It's usually quite-it's quite varied, but it really never moves off the basis of something you look into or something you look at, attended by electronic blasts. And that's the common denominator of all such equipment. Errors in Time – 18 July 1963 In What to Audit/History of Man Ron says: Between-Lives: At death the theta being leaves the body and goes to the between-lives area. Here he “reports” in, is given a strong forgetter implant and is then shot down to a body just before it is born. At least that is the way the old invader in the Earth area was operating. The preclear is seated before a wheel which contains numbers of pictures. As the wheel turns, these pictures go away from him. He is moved aside to the right, the left, the back. A mirror arrangement shows him still sitting there before the pictures. A force screen hits him through the pictures. The pictures dim out. The whole effect is to give him the impression that he has no past life, that he is no longer the same identity, that his memory has been erased. The force screen flattens his own vitality, thus invalidating his existence, thus installing, by force alone, a forgetter. The pictures, by the way, are simply generalized views, stills of vacant lots, houses, back yards, of a recent Earth period and they could apply to anybody. They are not the facsimiles of the preclear. The incident contains such force that the preclear, at first quite closely in contact, runs it willingly. As the force cuts down his past identity he begins to disbelieve the incident, then himself. If left in restimulation he has a difficult time remembering things for some days. Gradually through a life-time this BETWEEN LIVES incident keys in. At first it engulfs childhood, then later and later years. Finally, with age, the preclear starts to cycle through it automatically and goes into a "second-childhood," which is to say, he anticipates the coming implant, conceives it to have done if he lives beyond a normal life span for him. (If it usually happened that he died at sixty, should he now live to seventy, he will get a feeling in the last ten years that it has been done to him-a routine time restimulation effect.) …NO IMPLANT WOULD EVER SUCCEED unless there was a natural cause and reason for the implant to magnify. The report area for most has been Mars. Some women report to stations elsewhere in the Solar System. There are occasional incidents about Earth report stations. The report stations are protected by screens. The last Martian report station on Earth was established in the Pyrenees. Entities have between-life incidents independent of the thetan. History of Man

208,000 B.C. approx – Marcab [Espinolians] Invasion Force implanting Train Goals [could be only hundreds of years ago], Heaven Implants, Gorilla Goals, Invisible picture Goals

Mizar/Alcor, double star second from the end of handle of big dipper. This is a rough, fast survey of the Train GPMs and the Between Lives Implants and the pattern used. The data involved in all this is of great scope and as it concerns all the peoples of Earth, considerable more work will be done on it. As these are the most involved and low-toned implants on the time track, it is recommended that other earlier GPMs be completed before the Between Lives material is tackled. After all tone arm action is the important thing and any earlier GPM that gives it makes the Between Lives Implants and Train GPMs easier to run. So program for earlier GPMs. However, pcs do get into the Between Lives Implants and do connect with the GPMs there and in the Train GPMs, so the pattern and data is released. Where possible run earlier GPMs. In any event, a safe rule is to run whatever GPM you can get your hands on and date as little as possible in 3N. THE TRAIN GOALS These are given to the being on his first contact with the Marcab Invasion Force in this sector of the universe. Thus the Train GPMs date from hundreds of years ago to hundreds of thousands of years ago. Earlier on the track there are lots of trains such as in the Invisible Picture GPMs. So the mere existence of a train in the implant doesn't make it the Train Implants. This is established by date. The implanting is done from a huge train station. The announcer, through speakers on the platform, gives continual running fire of wrong dates and directions, and orders to depart and return to this point, and "you don't know when this happened to you." A lot of hellos and goodbyes and false information. The being is put in a railway carriage quite like a British railway coach with compartments. Speakers are to the right and left in the compartment. The train is backed up rapidly through eight pairs of stands (eight on either side of the track, sixteen in all.) These spray white energy against the side of the carriage. None of the white energy touches the pc. One pair of RIs fires during the whole backward run between the stands and then, reversing in the speakers, fires all the way forward again. One pair of RIs in the pattern, then, fires a complete round trip. Then the next pair fire for a complete round trip (forward and back) and so on. There are then sixteen repeats for each pair, 8 forward and 8 back, before the next pair. The pattern is as follows: (List for oppterm. Remaining terms use the whole phrase of the goal "To Be ______.") Oppterm NOT (Oppterm) All (+ complete goal) Nothing (complete goal) Best (+ complete goal) Not Best (complete goal) Inevitable (+ complete goal) Questionable (complete goal) Doubted (+ complete goal) Certain (complete goal) Accursed (+ complete goal) Commendable (complete goal) Unforgivable (+ complete goal) Forgivable (complete goal) Hopeless (+ complete goal) Hopeful (complete goal) (Single RI) That's your goal. At the start of each goal (or pair perhaps) a face may come up and say "You still here? Get out. Get off this train. We hate you." And from the speakers "This happened to you yesterday, tomorrow, now. This is your departure point, keep coming back. You'll be meeting all your friends here. When you're killed and dead keep coming back. You haven't a chance to get away. You've got to report in. This happened to you days ago, weeks ago, years ago. You don't know when this happened to you. We hate you. Get out. Don't ever come back." There's a lot more of this including how you'll be pulled and pulled when you're dead until you come back. A lot of wrong dates are also thrown in. The type of goal is of the worst negative dichotomy. To Be Caught. To Be Wrong. To Go Away. To Commit Suicide. Etc. The GPM "To End" begins the series. There is a large number of GPMs in the series. This series may have been given the pc on entrance to the Marcab Confederacy plus or minus 200,000 years ago, and then again much later just before the first Between Lives Implant as a preliminary step before the actual Between Lives Implant. It is therefore important to run these Train GPMs before trying to run the Between Lives Implant itself, for all these GPMs are repeated again in the Between Lives Implant. In running these Train GPMs, be sure to get the first pair on their first fire. There is a standard swinging arm crossing signal that sounds at the end of each run of the train. Trains play a large part in implanting. There are lots of pictures of them, lots of railways way earlier than the Train GPMs. But no earlier ones are given inside a coach. This is what makes it nightmarish -- the white energy only hits the coach sides, not the pc. The rush of the train puts heavy Kinesthetic into the engram. The goals "To Start" "To Stop" "To Change" make the pc feel he can't control the train. To Be Unable. To Be Instantaneous. Various perceptions are all in this series of Train GPMs. If it's bad, it's there. THE BETWEEN LIVES IMPLANT This implant properly has six parts. 1.Pc's actual death (not in first one given). 2.First screen section (to left) giving a false death, many GPMs calculated to obliterate memory and group the time track, and some pictures containing groupers. This says it is 15 days long. 3.The main screen purporting to give the future trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion years from the year zero. On this the pc's past implants get stuck up. 4.The "Next Hundred Days." A screen on the right of the main screen giving a number of positive dichotomy GPMs to fit the negative dichotomy goals on the first screen section (2). This also contains a false projection to Earth "into a baby" complete with sonic on the delivery room (a home bedroom with oatmeal wall paper or the current fashion on Earth.) 5.The actual kickoff from the implant station (not by projection to Earth but being dumped on Earth.) 6.The actual search for a baby. The main screen is a long white board with a grate near the top all the way along. There is a roar in the whole place like blowers going. Huge numbers of earlier GPMs stack up on (2). Lots of earlier implants stack up on the main screen. The whole operation is a huge grouper. But given good TA action, it all eventually flies apart, especially if many earlier GPMs and the Train GPMs are run first with good TA action. The pc has had at least two series of Train Implants and perhaps as many as 300 Between Lives Implants in the last many thousands of years. Therefore the way to program all this is to run mainly earlier GPMs on the pc, then the Train GPMs, then any more earlier GPMs that can be found and then the Between Lives Implants. The Between Lives Implants (and the Train GPMs) have the full intention of installing a compulsion to return and a feeling the pc can be reached by them and be pulled about, and wiping out all memory of former life. But any pc can be run on earlier GPMs in spite of all this. The reason this and other "screen implants" acts as a grouper is because it restimulates earlier track charge which then, pushing forward toward PT, crushes the incidents and GPMs on the screen. Of course it is all "wrong dated" and "wrong durationed." And this contributes to the crush of the material toward PT. But basically it is simply restimulated charge on the early track that presses toward PT and shoves the pc into the screen implant. Therefore if you just restimulate and do not run early track GPMs when found, eventually you will find your pc crushed up against recent times and in these Between Lives screens (if life and these screen incidents have not already done it).

This is the secret of the amnesia:

Restimulate enough early track charge and do not discharge it and the being will have amnesia on the whole track.

If you are monkeying about on the backtrack and just partially discharging incidents, going on to something new all the time, failing to run a series of GPMs completely when you find them, after a while, past track will become unreal to the pc. Then it will blot out and vanish and you will only have these Between Lives type of implants to work with. Then if you flub them, your pc's pictures will disappear. THE DANGER SIGNAL IS DECREASING TA ACTION. This all occurs on the mechanism of early track restimulation, compounded with wrong dates and wrong durations. So the way to handle any pc is to locate or spring off the bank early GPMs or implants and run them fully. Lack of Tone Arm action may upset this program but it is mainly GPMs that stick tone arms since they stall time. A pc is in danger if earlier track is becoming less real or is vanishing or the bank is pressing forward and landing on screens. The remedy is take what was already restimulated earlier, particularly GPMs, any GPMs, and run them thoroughly (1) As GPMs (2) As engrams and (3) As pc's postulates. This discharges them. Keep this up, be thorough. Don't restimulate more than you discharge fully. And the pc's pictures will come back on and the track go straight again. The above gives you the right way to handle the Between Lives Implants. Peel off the GPMs from it (meaning early track GPMs restimulated on it and visible on the screen) and run them fully before taking something else off the screen to run. Thus one does not really run a Between Lives Implant until very late on a case. The auditor uses it when it appears on a case (1) to realize that the earlier track has been restimulated too much and too little discharged from it and (2) to find earlier GPMs to run. Excessive restimulation and flopping about on the early track and running nothing clean will inevitably bring the pc forward and up against the Between Lives Implants. So the auditor who restimulates and does not run early track material when found is doing a dangerous thing. The Between Lives Implants create amnesia only because they restimulate early track and don't discharge it. If they didn't do this they would not produce the same effect. Therefore auditing undoes this mechanism only when early track incidents are thoroughly run when contacted. The worst sinner is the GPM. So never fail to run any early track GPM completely when found, with its whole series. Don't go skipping about. Going earlier. Omitting goals, leaving a GPM incompletely discharged. Otherwise you will make the acquaintance with the Between Lives Implant area. If you know of any early GPM series left unhandled on the pc, run it completely before restimulating anything else. And if you are running the Between Lives Implant grab off of it any earlier GPM or incident you can find and take it early and run it. Don't stay with the screen. Peel things off it that are earlier and run them. Otherwise the pc's bank will feel like crumbling forward into PT like an avalanche. This mechanism of the production of unawareness by restimulating but not running charge on the early track is itself an important discovery. It forbids then browsing through the early track, a sip here, a datum there. Be thorough or crash, out goes the lights, into PT slides the pc with a thousand volts driving him on. The cycle of a pc in total amnesia at start of auditing would be (if audited with good TA action): 1.Contacts yesterday 2.Contacts this life 3.Contacts childhood 4.Contacts a past life 5.Contacts incidents on this planet in the past few thousand years 6.Contacts early track 7.Contacts lots of early track and GPMs 8.Contacts earlier GPMs. 9.Contacts very early material 10.Continues to clean up track 11.Contacts reasons for making pictures 12.Goes OT.

If you try to rush this by practicing unthoroughness from (5) on, then when pc reaches (9) above you will suddenly find him on the Between Life screens.

You will have overcharged early track and failed to discharge it and the result will be:

8. Contacts earlier GPMs but has trouble holding position on the track to run them and is ARC breaky; 9a. Contacts earlier material but it groups and scrunches and sticks together; 10a. Collides with screen implants like the Between Lives (there are earlier ones);

11a. Can't keep pictures apart, things easily wrong dated and is very ARC breaky and is stuck in Between Lives; 12a. Can't reach the early track and at session starts, is found to be stuck in this lifetime.

There is no shortcut back to finding when he started to "make pictures." The phenomenon of early charge pushing the pc back toward PT if not run defeats any such attempt. So making an OT is keeping the TA going with itsa line in and being thorough on early track incident running. If the pc has gotten into condition (12a) above or is approaching it, don't waste time on endless dating. Just find any early GPM already partially run (the earliest one you can lay your hands on without restimulating others) and run it completely. Then find another and another. And shun all new material until you have completely handled the old. And don't let the pc wander around on the early track. Just find and run GPMs and clean up fully whatever you find. Or you'll be sitting there reading this HCOB despairingly trying to get your pc off a Between Lives screen. Even if these listed evils occur, however, you have not lost the TA action already gained, if misguidedly, on the case and the matter is easily repaired providing you redo what you've left undone and this time be neat and restimulate the case otherwise as little as possible. He or she is still closer to OT. They were just making it the hard way. HCOB 24 August 1963, Scientology Four - Routine 3N - The Train GPMs - The Marcab Between Lives Implants

108,000 B.C. approx – In This Galaxy - The Halver gets substituted for Fac One, by the Fourth Invaders presumably, as more creative of slave-like devotion…installs sexual obsession, amongst lovely things. About a hundred and some thousand years ago the HALVER was substituted for FAC ONE as much more efficient, much quicker and less destructive of personnel and more creative of slave-like devotion. …This sexual lust comes from THE HALVER. It is very, very strong and is very restimulative in the running. Here is where the second dynamic becomes abated. There is considerable frenzy in these incidents. The Halver now in use: THE HALVER: Don't think thetans were only abused. When MEST bodies tried to invade and take over an area they usually wound up enslaved to the thetans in that area. And the thetans used them horribly. The invader sometimes came in with electronics, his only defence against a thetan. The thetan quite ordinarily took the electronics over and used them on the MEST bodies. One of the processes thetans used on MEST bodies was a half-light, half-black gun which shot out a wave. Half of this wave, usually the black, hit the right side of the victim's body, the other half, in the same explosion, usually the light side, hit the left side of the victim. This had the effects of causing him to be two people. It is also the basic on half-paralysis such as strokes. There was not always regularity in this incident. Sometimes it was the practice to shoot the victim one way and them turn him around and shoot him the other, sometimes the sides and head as well.[I think theta beings did the electronics part]

[The Mest Beings added this part when they substituted it for Fac One] The halver was rigged up with religious symbols and it truly lays in religion. There is a devil on one side, a symbol carried in the light, angels on the other side. Sometimes it was very fancy and was complicated with dolls in the shape of nudes, angels, devils, strung on wires to slide and dance. It did terrible things to the victim: it gave him a conflict, one side with the other, one being good; the other being bad. It gave him sexual compulsion all mixed up with religious compulsion so that an overdose of indulgence would send him to church, sometimes into a life of crime. It was a control factor used to keep the community fighting itself.

The halver lies as a basic under sexual malpractice, under religious fervour. It shows up in almost every preclear as being in chronic restimulation. It is the one the auditor runs as an overt act when the preclear has a sexual or religious motivator.

Remember that the restimulation of a motivator when one does an overt act is not natural but a consequence of having a body and implants about bodies. You will find some of this "you do wrong, you'll get it right back" in the halver and similar incidents. What to Audit/History of Man

68,000 B.C. – Earth – very rare… but some theta beings arrived then, GE’s here – a non-standard Fac One used on Earth …Evidently theta being ASSUMPTION is recent on Earth. It is rare to find a theta being coming to Earth 35,000 years ago, rarer to find one earlier. 70,000 years ago is the present earliest arrival of a theta being on Earth. In a great many cases, the preclear (for the awareness of awareness of the preclear IS the theta being) will be found to have arrived on Earth for the first time only a few hundred years ago. Emeter reaction occurs in the GE line on these ASSUMPTIONS and the auditor should be careful to differentiate whether he is reading for the GE or the preclear himself.

…THE ICE CUBE: Here is an intriguing incident which, if your preclear demands, should be audited. This is evidently a method of transportation of beings to a new area. The being is packed in ice, is taken to the new area and is usually dumped in the ocean. What to Audit/History of Man

…FAC ONE deteriorated down the years, became quite varied and with the colonisation of Earth about thirty-five thousand years ago (or up to seventy thousand in a very few cases), when used FAC ONE was quite non-standard. But it has been used on Earth against some preclears. What to Audit/History of Man

…BEFORE EARTH: There is a BEFORE EARTH and a BEFORE MEST UNIVERSE in all banks. The incidents are not dissimilar. They consist of the preclear being summoned before a council, being frowned down, being sent elsewhere than where he was. The odd part of these incidents, to the preclear, is that he is not usually guilty of anything, not aware of having offended. He is simply recruited, is brought in, is sentenced to be transported and goes to a new area. The only thing remarkable about these BEFORE incidents is that they are a very definite degradation and condemnation of the preclear. They are best run by scanning the preclear backwards on each column of the CHART OF ATTITUDES, from for instance, "I KNOW NOT" to "I KNOW," etc., for the council's intent is to reduce the person down scale in order to get a more obedient colonist. What to Audit/History of Man

…THE EMANATOR: Now and then your preclear is found "stuck" in the EMANATOR. This is a large, glowing body of radioactive material which hangs magically in thin air, a sort of a god, an allknower. Its outpulse puts one into a trance. The story usually starts with the preclear "volunteering" to come to Earth and do good. He walks into the presence of the emanator and that is that. He has volunteered, perhaps, simply out of curiosity, wondering what is contained in that big building. His "agreement" is of course enforced. He is told that they will keep his body safe for him. He "agrees" to go help out and is transported by hypnotic transference. It never occurs to the preclear to question the safety of his body. He reports back to it between lives. The body is preserved and can stay that way for some thousands of years. But bodies do not last forever. One day the preclear dies on Earth and reports back dutifully to find no body. After that he conceives himself to be lost. He is given no new goals between lives, he is ignored. The next life may find him knocking on the door of a psychiatrist for he is very "lost" and "homeless" and generally bewildered. Running the emanator sequence and loss makes all right again. The EMANATOR trick as a recruiting device is very old. You will find many second facsimiles about it in the preclear's bank. What to Audit/History of Man

33,000 B.C. – Colonization of Earth – Rare to find a theta being coming to Earth… just GE’s– non-standard Fac One used on Earth …Evidently theta being ASSUMPTION is recent on Earth. It is rare to find a theta being coming to Earth 35,000 years ago, rarer to find one earlier. 70,000 years ago is the present earliest arrival of a theta being on Earth. In a great many cases, the preclear (for the awareness of awareness of the preclear IS the theta being) will be found to have arrived on Earth for the first time only a few hundred years ago. Emeter reaction occurs in the GE line on these ASSUMPTIONS and the auditor should be careful to differentiate whether he is reading for the GE or the preclear himself.

…THE ICE CUBE: Here is an intriguing incident which, if your preclear demands, should be audited. This is evidently a method of transportation of beings to a new area. The being is packed in ice, is taken to the new area and is usually dumped in the ocean. What to Audit/History of Man

…FAC ONE deteriorated down the years, became quite varied and with the colonisation of Earth about thirty-five thousand years ago (or up to seventy thousand in a very few cases), when used FAC ONE was quite non-standard. But it has been used on Earth against some preclears. What to Audit/History of Man

…BEFORE EARTH: There is a BEFORE EARTH and a BEFORE MEST UNIVERSE in all banks. The incidents are not dissimilar. They consist of the preclear being summoned before a council, being frowned down, being sent elsewhere than where he was. The odd part of these incidents, to the preclear, is that he is not usually guilty of anything, not aware of having offended. He is simply recruited, is brought in, is sentenced to be transported and goes to a new area. The only thing remarkable about these BEFORE incidents is that they are a very definite degradation and condemnation of the preclear. They are best run by scanning the preclear backwards on each column of the CHART OF ATTITUDES, from for instance, "I KNOW NOT" to "I KNOW," etc., for the council's intent is to reduce the person down scale in order to get a more obedient colonist. What to Audit/History of Man

…THE EMANATOR: Now and then your preclear is found "stuck" in the EMANATOR. This is a large, glowing body of radioactive material which hangs magically in thin air, a sort of a god, an allknower. Its outpulse puts one into a trance. The story usually starts with the preclear "volunteering" to come to Earth and do good. He walks into the presence of the emanator and that is that. He has volunteered, perhaps, simply out of curiosity, wondering what is contained in that big building. His "agreement" is of course enforced. He is told that they will keep his body safe for him. He "agrees" to go help out and is transported by hypnotic transference. It never occurs to the preclear to question the safety of his body. He reports back to it between lives. The body is preserved and can stay that way for some thousands of years. But bodies do not last forever. One day the preclear dies on Earth and reports back dutifully to find no body. After that he conceives himself to be lost. He is given no new goals between lives, he is ignored. The next life may find him knocking on the door of a psychiatrist for he is very "lost" and "homeless" and generally bewildered. Running the emanator sequence and loss makes all right again. The EMANATOR trick as a recruiting device is very old. You will find many second facsimiles about it in the preclear's bank. What to Audit/History of Man

10,900 B.C. alleged date – sudden Flash Freezing of upper hemisphere…lasts 1370 years Abrupt climate change The Younger Dryas saw a rapid return to glacial conditions in the higher latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere between 12,900 – 11,500 years before present (BP)[4] in sharp contrast to the warming of the preceding interstadial deglaciation. The transitions each occurred over a period of a decade or so.[5] Thermally fractionated nitrogen and argon isotope data from Greenland ice core GISP2 indicates that the summit of Greenland was ~15 °C colder during the Younger Dryas[5] than today. In the UK, coleopteran (fossil beetle) evidence suggests mean annual temperature dropped to approximately 5 °C,[6] and periglacial conditions prevailed in lowland areas, while icefields and glaciers formed in upland areas.[7] Nothing of the size, extent, or rapidity of this period of abrupt climate change has been experienced since.[4] Wikipedia

10,000 B.C. – In this Galaxy - Varied Fac One’s in use (possibly also on Earth) …FACSIMILE ONE: This incident is in everyone's bank, either as a second facsimile or as an original… It is quite varied when found as an original-for in this case, it happened to the preclear in the last ten or twenty thousand years. …FAC ONE deteriorated down the years, became quite varied and with the colonisation of Earth about thirty-five thousand years ago (or up to seventy thousand in a very few cases), when used FAC ONE was quite non-standard. But it has been used on Earth against some preclears. What to Audit/History of Man

10,000 B.C. – BIG ENTRY - Between-Lives Implants – In this Galaxy – Earth - Order of Magnitude, thousands of years, Hubbard disses the FDA …Now, that I release this might be a source of great worry to you. But remember, it's been in a book, one of the books carefully seized by the Fools and Druggists-the Fools and Drug Addicts. [Hubbard’s name for the United States FDA] That's the new name. Ah, that's a good name, isn't it? The Fools and Drug Addicts. Anyway, was What to Audit, and the between lives area are described in the book What to Audit. Hubbard, HCOB 24 August 1963, Scientology Four - Routine 3N - The Train GPMs - The Marcab Between Lives Implants

In What to Audit/History of Man Hubbard says: Between-Lives: At death the theta being leaves the body and goes to the between-lives area. Here he “reports” in, is given a strong forgetter implant and is then shot down to a body just before it is born. At least that is the way the old invader in the Earth area was operating. The preclear is seated before a wheel which contains numbers of pictures. As the wheel turns, these pictures go away from him. He is moved aside to the right, the left, the back. A mirror arrangement shows him still sitting there before the pictures. A force screen hits him through the pictures. The pictures dim out. The whole effect is to give him the impression that he has no past life, that he is no longer the same identity, that his memory has been erased. The force screen flattens his own vitality, thus invalidating his existence, thus installing, by force alone, a forgetter. The pictures, by the way, are simply generalized views, stills of vacant lots, houses, back yards, of a recent Earth period and they could apply to anybody. They are not the facsimiles of the preclear. The incident contains such force that the preclear, at first quite closely in contact, runs it willingly. As the force cuts down his past identity he begins to disbelieve the incident, then himself. If left in restimulation he has a difficult time remembering things for some days. Gradually through a life-time this BETWEEN LIVES incident keys in. At first it engulfs childhood, then later and later years. Finally, with age, the preclear starts to cycle through it automatically and goes into a "second-childhood," which is to say, he anticipates the coming implant, conceives it to have done if he lives beyond a normal life span for him. (If it usually happened that he died at sixty, should he now live to seventy, he will get a feeling in the last ten years that it has been done to him-a routine time restimulation effect.) …NO IMPLANT WOULD EVER SUCCEED unless there was a natural cause and reason for the implant to magnify. The report area for most has been Mars. Some women report to stations elsewhere in the Solar System. There are occasional incidents about Earth report stations. The report stations are protected by screens. The last Martian report station on Earth was established in the Pyrenees.

Entities have between-life incidents independent of the thetan.

[GE gets different between-life incidents] CHAPTER FOUR THE GENETIC LINE consists of the total of incidents which have occurred during the evolution of the MEST body itself.[Darwin Implant and Body Builder series] The composite of these facsimiles has the semblance of a being, This being would be called the GENETIC ENTITY or the "GE". History of Man

And we get these two things in combination… [alter-isness/denial of truth and lie about Time] and we're off to the races. …Give somebody a false past. Implant him with a false past, complete with pictures, complete with times; and times in the order of magnitude of the thetan's actual existence- trillions and trillions of years. …And if the incident itself were hung up with a double explosion, you know, left-right bang-bang, sort of a double-RI of the thing, you see? Plus and minus RI of the thing; hang it up on the track real good. And just give him a good, long time track. Let's give him-let's give him a few trillion years to chew on, or a few trillion trillion years to chew on. And let's give him some incident on that track. Let's give him a nice history that goes along with that track. [can do “Future-Track” too] …No, we're talking about another type of incident, another type of incident entirely, where you're hit with electronic blasts, at the same time you're hit with a series of pictures, which purport to be a past or a future for the individual. They're usually a derogatory or unhappy state of affairs of some kind or another. …And then they show you-complete with pictures, not unlike a modern motion-picture screen-they show you all that has happened to you, very briefly; they give you background on how mean you are, and then they show you getting implanted. …Now they very often have wheels running over to the side with numbers on them. So you can get all the dates you want on the side of the picture. Sound familiar? [He’s referring to the Between Lives Implant in History of Man – what’s this connection there to the Darwin Implant that ALSO uses this wheel, but is four Galaxies over…Espinol?] Errors in Time – 18 July 1963

You know, the between-lives area is one of the cuter engrams on the track. It isn't described completely in What to Audit. The fact of the matter is, is there was not an entrance into the MEST universe and there isn't an entrance in the between-lives area anywhere else but in this universe. The entrance to the MEST universe was a game which was played by a bunch of people on people who were in the universe. And they took people who were in the universe and PDHed them one way or the other, in order to bring them into a belief that they were now being shot into another universe. This game has been played several times. It'll be something on the order of you going down, traffic cop hits you- over the head and tells you you're now in Chicago, only it's the same town you were in before. He infers that you have been transported some vast indeterminate distance so as to completely confuse you and make it impossible for you to as-is the game. See how this would work out? PAN-DETERMINISM 24 DECEMBER 1954

Of all the nasty, mean and vicious implants that have ever been invented, this one is it. And has been going on for thousands of years. It's the most complete memory wipeout system and the biggest bunch of lies that anybody ever had anything to do with. …In other words, they give you the wrong death. That's the way it begins. Now, you move up to a point called the year zero. And thank God they've got a year zero, because you can always date the incident by dating the year zero, because there is no year zero on your time track. So, when you want to look -- take one of these incidents apart for dating, always look for a hole, Look for a hole in the incident, you see, and you'll find something like, well there's a year zero there. Well, good -- date the year zero. For God's sakes don't date the incident! And I'll show you why in just a moment. … Because they give you a future history of your life: This is going to be your life. Television program "This Is Your Life" has no bearing on the thing at all, but I often wondered why I could never bear the stinking program. But this is "This Will Be Your Life." And they now give you from the year zero, which they communicate to you as the year zero -- this is given in another room. This is given in a room alongside --another chamber. See, your first fifteen-day period, that all finishes up, see -- alleged fifteen days, see? Then you go to the year zero, and this is a great big room -- great big room. And this screen is a whitish colored screen -- surround -- a whitish surround to a copper grid. This copper grid is many feet long. I wouldn't -- haven't tape measured it; didn't have a tape measure! I'm not really up there very high yet, I can't carry things around with me. Anyway, it's -- oh, I don't know -- at a guess, seventy-five feet, hundred and twenty-five feet, hundred and fifty feet, something like that, copper grid. And it's very long and high, but it's much narrower than it is long, don't you see? Be on the order of about three feet high and seventy-five feet long, or five feet high and a hundred and fifty feet long, something of that sort, you see. And this has some compulsive effect upon the thetan, and the whole thing is to make him make pictures. And they don't show you your future life at all. They show you your -- what happened to you at the year zero, at the time you entered the universe. Now it so happens that there are a lot of incidents where people have told you you entered the universe, and some happened not so long ago and some happened a long time ago. And there can be such a thing as a guard room or something like that, and there's a bunch of angels sitting around in the guard room and you walk in in a doll body -- at the beginning of the universe, you walk in in a doll body, you see? Slight discrepancy there. You're madly out of valence, you see. That's you over there. But it's a facsimile of some kind or another. And the year zero usually takes one of these facsimiles. Now, there isn't really a picture in the whole sequence of the next section of this. There aren't any pictures, you understand, except yours. So what actually happens is from the year zero to the year one trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion years in the future, you're given a compulsion to mock up your own track on this screen. And date by date by date by date by date, from the year zero forward to one trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion years, you're given a compulsion to put your time track up there. And all that's very interesting. You finally come to the second significant date, which is one trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion years in the future. This is the wrong date, the wrong-date cake if there ever was any. But you actually have put your own facsimiles from your own year zero forward to that far from what you considered the year zero. Of course, this makes a scramble, too. But they're just your own pictures. Remember, there wasn't a single picture in the whole thing except what you put there. But what did you put up there? Man, you put up the early implants -- you put up the Glade, the Bear, the Gorilla, the Helatrobus Implants. You put up the whole lousy lot; entrapments and everything else. And you just did that, and this was probably in the course of the next sixty days. Not fifteen minutes -- sixty days. Long time, isn't it? Sixty days of restimulation. And wrong dates. … All right, so there's this middle period. That's in the main room, the middle period. And how a thetan is moved through there I don't know yet. I think he must be moved there -- through there on a very slow endless belt proposition. Very slowly. Fantastic slow speed! Because he spends sixty days going past this cotton-picking screen, see? It's not that big. Putting his pictures on it. … You scan somebody through that sequence and what are you scanning him through? You're scanning him through the misdated Helatrobus Implants. You're scanning him through anything and everything that you can think of, all misdated. …Now we get to the third sequence. And this is far more interesting because they furnish all the pictures, which I think is very sweet of them. They don't now try to pick up any pictures. They throw you, usually -- nearly always the same sequence. This is a very, very stable sequence. It's a bunch of pictures, and they have some -- there's a -- they use a wavelength communication system, by the way. [Psychotronics] Thought-concept wavelength communication system is all I can make out of it. Not words. But you do hear some sound, and part of it is a baby crying, and they show you picking up a body and so forth. And then they show you departing. And of course you depart and then you get another picture of departing and you get another picture of departing, so you really never get out of that one either, see. And then they show you a picture of being sent directly down to Earth and channeled straight into the body of a newborn baby. I think it's awfully nice. And you even hear the baby cry. I think that's good. That's good, it's very clever. And part of this -- and all through this thing, you've got a false emotion of "We're just good Joes and we're doing our best for you." And you get the feeling, "Well, we've..." I can imagine -- there's one thought concept in there which is terribly interesting, which I imagine you girls have occasionally been startled at, which is "We've treated you like a gentleman. Remember, we've treated you like a gentleman." … 'll bet that you'll occasionally get a pc who will say, "Well, they treated me well. I couldn't get along without this." You know, that sort of thing. Because that's the prevailing emotion. No anger, there's nothing there. The light touch, see. The most effective possible touch. … Anyway, you then see a picture of yourself separating from this planet. And how they explain that I don't know, but it's sort of -- it's just thrown in for good measure because it said so on the blueprint, I suppose. You've already been sent to Earth, you see, in a -- the thing is kind of mixed up. And you even get a picture of yourself being scooted across a desert on Earth with yucca trees down under you and that sort of thing. And there you are. You're on your way and you're going down to pick up this baby and everything is fine. … finally winds up with what actually happens to you: you're simply capsuled and dumped in the gulf of lower California. Splash! To hell with you. And you're on your own, man. And if you can get out of that and through that and wander around through the cities and find some girl who looks like she's going to get married or have a baby or something like that, you're all set. And if you can find a maternity ward to a hospital or something, you're okay. And you just eventually just pick up a baby. You're strictly on your own, man. In a state of total amnesia and gahh! Having been lied to to this degree with your track all scrambled, see. … Well, in this sequence you're given a compulsion that the next time you die you must appear on the landing stage. And that's it. That's the whole ruddy, lousy, cotton-picking lot. This is an interesting – an interesting thing, because this is the most vicious engram I have ever seen set up. To scan through that thing is asking you to scan through a restimulation of a trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion years of your own time track. Just asking you to do it like -- just like that, see. "Oh, that's all right, just scan through it, you know. Ho-ho!" Can't do it, man. … The point is this: the Helatrobus Implants, the Gorilla Implants, the Bear Implants, way back thetan fights and all of this kind of thing -- you got through all that. You got through all that and you were still OT. They used to say about me that I'd never been the same after the second Helatrobus, you know? I used to occasionally snarl at people more than I used to earlier. But before I hit this place I was on the same post for eighty trillion years, same post, same name. Give you some idea of stability of identity. … Mary Sue gave the cue on this thing. She said, "Look at how hard they have to work to keep you from being OT!" Hey, now, that's quite a thought! Isn't that quite a thought? Hm? Now you look at this. You look at this, now. The complete idiocy of it. Somebody sits up on Venus - there are probably some other stations around up in the system. This one's on Venus. I notice that we all believe that Venus has a methane atmosphere and is unlivable. … Now we notice that Mars doesn't have any atmosphere either and won't support life. In spite of the fact that it turns green and red and purple with the seasons, it doesn't support life. We understand -- there's lots of things we understand about this system -- heh-heh! Isn't it? But this is a carefully maintained station. And a space-opera, meat-body type society maintains it very carefully. They have a hospital, there's space craft hanging around there, dispatcher stations, landing platforms, this type of thing. It's all highly civilized, but they carefully maintain this one. And it's very interesting, they maintain this one. They've maintained it for thousands of years without any change. Why, it's fascinating. Why are they maintaining this thing? Why? Why is it so important to them? … Don't be deluded by the atmosphere they pump into you – the emotion they pump into you during the implant, that it's all for the best in this best of all possible worlds, man. … But the rest of this universe isn't run this way. It's a question of where are we? Why? Well, I know this: that onto this planet there's a great deal of dumping has gone on.

Stuff from the nearby galaxy -- not this galaxy but from the next galaxy over and so forth, is going on here. I know they take political prisoners and guys who they don't want around, but it's less personal than you think. They just have excess population so they start to get rid of their excess population, you see? They've got a revolt, or you're on the wrong side of a war, or something like that, and they pick you up in droves and ice-cube you and throw you into a sea someplace. … I know this planet has been subjected to that and several planets in this immediate end of this galaxy have been subjected to that -- that I know. But somebody must have taken a great deal of interest in this fact. And somebody must be awfully afraid. Somebody must be awfully afraid. You could almost say it isn't so many -- how many are here, but it might also be a question of who's here. Think of the cost -- now let's think of it in terms of just a society, you see -- think of the cost of maintaining a huge station or several stations, its maintenance, light, power, wages. Think of maintaining it on a basis of hard work, because it is. Look at the volume that station handles. How many people die on this planet in any given day? Well that's how many guys are started in on the beginning of that line in any day. That's a lot of people, man! That's something on the order of two and a half billion implants every half-century. That's quite a volume. Of course somebody may not say that's a great volume, but look at the length of the implant. … That this is a -- this looks to me like a very expensive proposition. And remember this has been going on since before the days of Egypt. Way back. Without any change. What industry! What enthusiasm! …Situations have to be maintained in a bad state, they just don't naturally exist in a bad state. And that's very definitely true of people. … Well, I know how to get out of here -- I could have went as a matter of fact. Just don't appear in this immediate vicinity of the solar system. Go back and find your friends and bring some battle cruisers in. … Because there must be considerable fear connected with this.

Perhaps the fear of death is mainly the fear of the between lives area. May not be a fear of death at all. Certainly oblivion takes place during that period. Now economic chaos would ensue at once if people kept coming back and demanding their toys back. I'm sure that you'd get a lot of people who would argue against this and say this was not the best for this best of all possible worlds. They'd say, well -- well, they could say a lot of things about this. I'm frankly not very interested in what they would say about this. … How close is the liaison between these jerks – I mean these nuts -- I mean these fellows -- and Earth. How close a liaison do they maintain? Do they care anything about Earth at all? They must have seen a space probe going by the other day -- they must be aware of some interplanetary action taking place right here. What they going to say about it? When in the last two weeks I've seen a full armored spaceship sitting on a landing port, with mine own eyes. What they going to do? I don't think they'll do anything. I think they're hung with their own petard. The moment they appear, they blow the show. I don't think they'd do anything. I just think they get fixed on a wrongness, and they're continuously executing this wrongness. They continuously -- so they insist on its rightness and they think that's going to solve everything. … I'm interested that jamming the track to this degree, and giving so little time period amongst incidents as they do to the person, is giving people a weird time -- zzzzzzzzz. So that you have fan-job airplanes only occupying a third of a century. … Somebody invented a fan-job airplane. Fine. That's good. Over here -- over here, we've got jet planes. Now we've got supersonic planes. Now we've got spaceships. You see? Pocketa-pocketa-pocketa-pocketa. It's this acceleration. I've interest -- been interested in that because I've seen it as quite different here than it is in any other place I've ever been. And this could be the primary factor. They give you your time track such a fast jam together that everybody gets an idea of more accelerated motion of the way progress has got to occur. There could be other explanations. There could be an explanation such as a base is being created here for takeover of this particular galaxy, since this type of implant is not native to this galaxy -- inspecting your own track you will see that is the case. It's the next galaxy.

These could be an enemy to this galaxy, sitting there quietly, letting a manufacturing or production base build up for an attack into this galaxy. These could be simply prison guards. And with tacit consent from one and all, far and wide, why any of you agitators that cut up a fuss or didn't join the local AMA or something like this -- they capsulized you and threw you down here and they know very well that this is a prison. … Now, I know that this is known in some peculiar way, because bulletin board notices exist all over the place with regard to this planet. They say, "No landings on Earth." Why does everybody comply with this? I got here, why, accidentally landing here up in the Himalayas. But why does everybody comply with this? Why is this planet stayed away from? I don't know -- how many visitors did Alcatraz have? See, this is about where we sit with regard to this situation. … If they have pictures of Earth in order to show you how you died, did they get them on Earth, or are they picking them up on some weird mind reading fact off of beings as they come up there? Have they -- have they actually figured out how to photograph a facsimile? If they've figured that kind of thing out, why then that's explained. But how do they know what's going on here? That is not finally answered, don't you see? … Another question is: How thoroughly do these people influence the affairs of Earth? We can understand that Earth is a very, very strange planet. I've never seen populations behave with the same hecticness and weirdness. And, of course, if people who were rather revolutionary or upset or nonconformist were picked up uniformly and concentrated on one planet, you'd get a – almost an ungovernable situation. Which I think rather tends to explain maybe what this is all about. I've seen other planets go nutty, but only when they were in external stress of great magnitude, otherwise they were rather peaceful. The days before the Helatrobus Implants on some of the planets attacked by those people, you couldn't maintain a government. It was everything going to pieces all the time. … So, what is this? If we really started to run with the ball and so forth, we expect a couple of meat bodies in the usual white jumper that comes along with the space opera (except those guys by the way wear khaki -- it's an odd-looking uniform), we expect them to appear on the front doorsteps and say, "Are you a Scientologist? Well, there's the spaceship," and they take you up and throw you in the can in -- at Pluto, or something. Is this a kind of action here that we might expect? … Or are they in a state where this covert action, going forward for so many years, would tolerate almost anything before they would disclose themselves? Or do they count absolutely on the exact camouflage which we have? We are ridiculed. That's our camouflage. I should think -- I should think if anybody was in the know or any liaison line existed between these two systems... Maybe Kennedy and other presidents find this out the moment they step in the White House, you know, maybe that's what makes them look so old in two or three years, the way they cave in. Maybe they find out, "Well, you boys are slaves, you see and..." … No, I don't think anything like that happens. But supposing -- supposing you did get a liaison line between this society and them, what would be their best reports on us? Oh, "fraudulent bunch of quacks," "the space opera science fictioneers," "bums." The very best authorities, the AMA, the Fools and Drug Addicts, the newspapers, which is where they get their news, radio broadcasts, television broadcasts, all forms of news, represent us as being totally unimportant, ridiculous and so forth. … They'd say, "… Look at the Buddhist. We let him conquer three quarters of Asia, and he was trying to end this life-death cycle and keep from coming through our carefully maintained plant, and he never made it. Never did anything. So there's your precedent. Nothing happened. Nothing happened." No, nothing happened, but I was standing on their landing stage the other day. Nothing happened. … We're a polite gathering, and it is no time to indulge in threats or violence or anything like that, so I won't describe any future plans with relationship to these people. … But I think the one thing they must be afraid of is having their planet rolled. Which of course is the one thing that will happen to them! Anyhow, the situation – the situation is much more favorable to us. It shows that aberration is very difficult to maintain. It shows that it's being actively maintained. As far as the validity of this and the possession of one of these series of implants in your pc is concerned, I'll vouch for it. You may not be able to run it, but it's there. … And show him an "S" and double triangle, and there he goes. … So simply by carrying on with R3R without the slightest change, carrying on with R3N without the slightest change, you then get the time track into the kind of shape that a pc perforce could actually scan through one of these implants no matter what type or part of his time track had been. … The truth never hurts. It's only lies that aberrate. The very fact that this is a prison planet, that it is being monitored this carefully right this minute... Right this instant, as I'm talking here, some Joe off this planet has appeared on that landing stage…” … They've been looking down the backs of our necks and we didn't know it, for thousands of years. Each one of us as a person and as a society as a whole. And I just want to point out to you that the other day, I was looking down the back of theirs. SHSBC Tape – Between Lives Implants – 23 July 1963

This is a rough, fast survey of the Train GPMs and the Between Lives Implants and the pattern used. The data involved in all this is of great scope and as it concerns all the peoples of Earth, considerable more work will be done on it. As these are the most involved and low-toned implants on the time track, it is recommended that other earlier GPMs be completed before the Between Lives material is tackled. After all tone arm action is the important thing and any earlier GPM that gives it makes the Between Lives Implants and Train GPMs easier to run. So program for earlier GPMs. However, pcs do get into the Between Lives Implants and do connect with the GPMs there and in the Train GPMs, so the pattern and data is released. Where possible run earlier GPMs. In any event, a safe rule is to run whatever GPM you can get your hands on and date as little as possible in 3N. THE TRAIN GOALS These are given to the being on his first contact with the Marcab Invasion Force in this sector of the universe. Thus the Train GPMs date from hundreds of years ago to hundreds of thousands of years ago. Earlier on the track there are lots of trains such as in the Invisible Picture GPMs. So the mere existence of a train in the implant doesn't make it the Train Implants. This is established by date. The implanting is done from a huge train station. The announcer, through speakers on the platform, gives continual running fire of wrong dates and directions, and orders to depart and return to this point, and "you don't know when this happened to you." A lot of hellos and goodbyes and false information. The being is put in a railway carriage quite like a British railway coach with compartments. Speakers are to the right and left in the compartment. The train is backed up rapidly through eight pairs of stands (eight on either side of the track, sixteen in all.) These spray white energy against the side of the carriage. None of the white energy touches the pc. One pair of RIs fires during the whole backward run between the stands and then, reversing in the speakers, fires all the way forward again. One pair of RIs in the pattern, then, fires a complete round trip. Then the next pair fire for a complete round trip (forward and back) and so on. There are then sixteen repeats for each pair, 8 forward and 8 back, before the next pair. The pattern is as follows: (List for oppterm. Remaining terms use the whole phrase of the goal "To Be ______.") Oppterm NOT (Oppterm) All (+ complete goal) Nothing (complete goal) Best (+ complete goal) Not Best (complete goal) Inevitable (+ complete goal) Questionable (complete goal) Doubted (+ complete goal) Certain (complete goal) Accursed (+ complete goal) Commendable (complete goal) Unforgivable (+ complete goal) Forgivable (complete goal) Hopeless (+ complete goal) Hopeful (complete goal) (Single RI) That's your goal. At the start of each goal (or pair perhaps) a face may come up and say "You still here? Get out. Get off this train. We hate you." And from the speakers "This happened to you yesterday, tomorrow, now. This is your departure point, keep coming back. You'll be meeting all your friends here. When you're killed and dead keep coming back. You haven't a chance to get away. You've got to report in. This happened to you days ago, weeks ago, years ago. You don't know when this happened to you. We hate you. Get out. Don't ever come back." There's a lot more of this including how you'll be pulled and pulled when you're dead until you come back. A lot of wrong dates are also thrown in. The type of goal is of the worst negative dichotomy. To Be Caught. To Be Wrong. To Go Away. To Commit Suicide. Etc. The GPM "To End" begins the series. There is a large number of GPMs in the series. This series may have been given the pc on entrance to the Marcab Confederacy plus or minus 200,000 years ago, and then again much later just before the first Between Lives Implant as a preliminary step before the actual Between Lives Implant. It is therefore important to run these Train GPMs before trying to run the Between Lives Implant itself, for all these GPMs are repeated again in the Between Lives Implant. In running these Train GPMs, be sure to get the first pair on their first fire. There is a standard swinging arm crossing signal that sounds at the end of each run of the train. Trains play a large part in implanting. There are lots of pictures of them, lots of railways way earlier than the Train GPMs. But no earlier ones are given inside a coach. This is what makes it nightmarish -- the white energy only hits the coach sides, not the pc. The rush of the train puts heavy Kinesthetic into the engram. The goals "To Start" "To Stop" "To Change" make the pc feel he can't control the train. To Be Unable. To Be Instantaneous. Various perceptions are all in this series of Train GPMs. If it's bad, it's there. THE BETWEEN LIVES IMPLANT This implant properly has six parts. 1.Pc's actual death (not in first one given). 2.First screen section (to left) giving a false death, many GPMs calculated to obliterate memory and group the time track, and some pictures containing groupers. This says it is 15 days long. 3.The main screen purporting to give the future trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion years from the year zero. On this the pc's past implants get stuck up. 4.The "Next Hundred Days." A screen on the right of the main screen giving a number of positive dichotomy GPMs to fit the negative dichotomy goals on the first screen section (2). This also contains a false projection to Earth "into a baby" complete with sonic on the delivery room (a home bedroom with oatmeal wall paper or the current fashion on Earth.) 5.The actual kickoff from the implant station (not by projection to Earth but being dumped on Earth.) 6.The actual search for a baby. The main screen is a long white board with a grate near the top all the way along. There is a roar in the whole place like blowers going. Huge numbers of earlier GPMs stack up on (2). Lots of earlier implants stack up on the main screen. The whole operation is a huge grouper. But given good TA action, it all eventually flies apart, especially if many earlier GPMs and the Train GPMs are run first with good TA action. The pc has had at least two series of Train Implants and perhaps as many as 300 Between Lives Implants in the last many thousands of years. Therefore the way to program all this is to run mainly earlier GPMs on the pc, then the Train GPMs, then any more earlier GPMs that can be found and then the Between Lives Implants. The Between Lives Implants (and the Train GPMs) have the full intention of installing a compulsion to return and a feeling the pc can be reached by them and be pulled about, and wiping out all memory of former life. But any pc can be run on earlier GPMs in spite of all this. The reason this and other "screen implants" acts as a grouper is because it restimulates earlier track charge which then, pushing forward toward PT, crushes the incidents and GPMs on the screen. Of course it is all "wrong dated" and "wrong durationed." And this contributes to the crush of the material toward PT. But basically it is simply restimulated charge on the early track that presses toward PT and shoves the pc into the screen implant. Therefore if you just restimulate and do not run early track GPMs when found, eventually you will find your pc crushed up against recent times and in these Between Lives screens (if life and these screen incidents have not already done it).

This is the secret of the amnesia:

Restimulate enough early track charge and do not discharge it and the being will have amnesia on the whole track.

If you are monkeying about on the backtrack and just partially discharging incidents, going on to something new all the time, failing to run a series of GPMs completely when you find them, after a while, past track will become unreal to the pc. Then it will blot out and vanish and you will only have these Between Lives type of implants to work with. Then if you flub them, your pc's pictures will disappear. THE DANGER SIGNAL IS DECREASING TA ACTION. This all occurs on the mechanism of early track restimulation, compounded with wrong dates and wrong durations. So the way to handle any pc is to locate or spring off the bank early GPMs or implants and run them fully. Lack of Tone Arm action may upset this program but it is mainly GPMs that stick tone arms since they stall time. A pc is in danger if earlier track is becoming less real or is vanishing or the bank is pressing forward and landing on screens. The remedy is take what was already restimulated earlier, particularly GPMs, any GPMs, and run them thoroughly (1) As GPMs (2) As engrams and (3) As pc's postulates. This discharges them. Keep this up, be thorough. Don't restimulate more than you discharge fully. And the pc's pictures will come back on and the track go straight again. The above gives you the right way to handle the Between Lives Implants. Peel off the GPMs from it (meaning early track GPMs restimulated on it and visible on the screen) and run them fully before taking something else off the screen to run. Thus one does not really run a Between Lives Implant until very late on a case. The auditor uses it when it appears on a case (1) to realize that the earlier track has been restimulated too much and too little discharged from it and (2) to find earlier GPMs to run. Excessive restimulation and flopping about on the early track and running nothing clean will inevitably bring the pc forward and up against the Between Lives Implants. So the auditor who restimulates and does not run early track material when found is doing a dangerous thing. The Between Lives Implants create amnesia only because they restimulate early track and don't discharge it. If they didn't do this they would not produce the same effect. Therefore auditing undoes this mechanism only when early track incidents are thoroughly run when contacted. The worst sinner is the GPM. So never fail to run any early track GPM completely when found, with its whole series. Don't go skipping about. Going earlier. Omitting goals, leaving a GPM incompletely discharged. Otherwise you will make the acquaintance with the Between Lives Implant area. If you know of any early GPM series left unhandled on the pc, run it completely before restimulating anything else. And if you are running the Between Lives Implant grab off of it any earlier GPM or incident you can find and take it early and run it. Don't stay with the screen. Peel things off it that are earlier and run them. Otherwise the pc's bank will feel like crumbling forward into PT like an avalanche. This mechanism of the production of unawareness by restimulating but not running charge on the early track is itself an important discovery. It forbids then browsing through the early track, a sip here, a datum there. Be thorough or crash, out goes the lights, into PT slides the pc with a thousand volts driving him on. The cycle of a pc in total amnesia at start of auditing would be (if audited with good TA action): 1.Contacts yesterday 2.Contacts this life 3.Contacts childhood 4.Contacts a past life 5.Contacts incidents on this planet in the past few thousand years 6.Contacts early track 7.Contacts lots of early track and GPMs 8.Contacts earlier GPMs. 9.Contacts very early material 10.Continues to clean up track 11.Contacts reasons for making pictures 12.Goes OT.

If you try to rush this by practicing unthoroughness from (5) on, then when pc reaches (9) above you will suddenly find him on the Between Life screens.

You will have overcharged early track and failed to discharge it and the result will be:

8. Contacts earlier GPMs but has trouble holding position on the track to run them and is ARC breaky; 9a. Contacts earlier material but it groups and scrunches and sticks together; 10a. Collides with screen implants like the Between Lives (there are earlier ones);

11a. Can't keep pictures apart, things easily wrong dated and is very ARC breaky and is stuck in Between Lives; 12a. Can't reach the early track and at session starts, is found to be stuck in this lifetime.

There is no shortcut back to finding when he started to "make pictures." The phenomenon of early charge pushing the pc back toward PT if not run defeats any such attempt. So making an OT is keeping the TA going with itsa line in and being thorough on early track incident running. If the pc has gotten into condition (12a) above or is approaching it, don't waste time on endless dating. Just find any early GPM already partially run (the earliest one you can lay your hands on without restimulating others) and run it completely. Then find another and another. And shun all new material until you have completely handled the old. And don't let the pc wander around on the early track. Just find and run GPMs and clean up fully whatever you find. Or you'll be sitting there reading this HCOB despairingly trying to get your pc off a Between Lives screen. Even if these listed evils occur, however, you have not lost the TA action already gained, if misguidedly, on the case and the matter is easily repaired providing you redo what you've left undone and this time be neat and restimulate the case otherwise as little as possible. He or she is still closer to OT. They were just making it the hard way. HCOB 24 August 1963, Scientology Four - Routine 3N - The Train GPMs - The Marcab Between Lives Implants EARTH

Ice Cube Incident A -like story in which alien invaders in flying saucers "plant" living entities. [body transportation] Says Hubbard in A History of Man, "Here is an intriguing incident which, if your preclear demands, should be audited. This is evidently a method of transportation of beings to a new area. The being is packed in ice, is taken to the new area and is usually dumped in the ocean. Your preclear, if he has this one in restimulation, has very cold hands and feet chronically." Hubbard also notes: "The new crew in the area is later quite surprised to find that their planted beings, so carefully dumped in the sea from a saucer, are being picked up between lives and given "treatment" by an old, established invader whose methods of political control are long since established." (1988 edition, pg. 109) [THIS IS WHAT THEY DREW FROM TO MAKE OT III]

Targs In his lecture Electropsychometric Scouting: Battle of the Universes spoke of "entheta beings" called Targs that were coming to Earth "right now" (1952), being dumped off by "flying saucers." When asked by his wife where the name came from, he replied "That's common in a lot of theta languages. It means slave. Entheta slave." (Electropsychometric Scouting: Battle of the Universes, April 1952)

Espinol is a lesser but still existent alien civilization, said by Hubbard to have lasted "something on the order of a few hundred thousand years." ("The ITSA Line") It used to control Earth's Solar System, which was "Sun 12" of the "Espinol United Stars" (formal name: "Espinol United Stars, or the Espinol United Moons, Planets, and Asteroids: This Quarter of the Universe is Ours"). The Espinols abandoned the Solar System in AD 1150, "when a group on Mars was finally abolished and vanished", and since then have used the system as a dumping ground for convicts Hubbard, The Free Being, SHSBC-281, July 9, 1963

This planet is part of a larger federation-was part of an earlier federation and passed out of its control due to losses in war and other such things. Now, this larger confederacy-this isn’t its right name, but we have often called it and referred to it in the past as the Marcab Confederacy. [He says it’s name in above reference, is Espinol] And it has been wrongly or rightly pointed to as one of the tail stars of the Big Dipper, which is the capital planet of which this planet is. …these various planets united into a very vast civilization which has come forward up through the last two hundred thousand years [and] is formed out of the fragments of earlier civilizations. Now, I can’t tell you accurately, exactly what these blokes are up to or where they’re from, but this isn’t quite germane to this galaxy. …it isn’t quite native to your track. You find a type of mental implanting and that sort of thing going on here in the last couple of hundred thousand years which are not native to your earlier track. …They have the problem of people who are native to this galaxy and aren’t used to this kind of thing, and they have the basic problem of “How do you kill a thetan?”. And that’s a terrible problem to men who have very,very guilty consciences and blood on their hands…Probably the best way to hide your overts is to give somebody amnesia…then tell them something else happened. ….this is a dramatization of a very craven intelligence, and that is what is going on here. …the fellow who conforms to that society is in no vast trouble. …these conformists are pretty weird, and the personnel of that particular society is pretty scummy, to say the least….supposing you were in the last shambling wreckages of a red- light district: you’d have high-toned personnel compared to the personnel which makes up the other planets I’m talking to you about….much higher toned than their average run. They practice cannibalism….race-tracks and race-track drivers – this Roman-circus-type entertainment…that’s all out of this zone and area. We’re still with that planetary system. …they specialize in the fellow who will conform…a “woiker”…So this leaves the brilliant artist, the brilliant engineer, the manager, the genius, the criminal, the pervert, non persona grata. …they sentence these people-the upper class (that is to say, the brighter gent) because they can’t control him and they’re afraid of him, and the lower class because it’s too vicious even for them-and they condemn these people to perpetual amnesia. “Dead forever” they call it-the problem of killing a thetan-and wrap them up in mothballs and ship them down here and here we are. And that IS the population of this planet. …the basic crime was not conforming. Well, actually, this group has gone ahead and made up, up until recent times, a totally different civilization than the civilization which planted it here. In the last ten thousand years, they have gone on with a sort of a decadent, kicked-in-the-head civilization that contains automobiles, business suits, fedora hats, telephones, spaceships-quite interesting, but a civilization which looks an almost exact duplicate, but is worse off than the current U.S. civilization. Therefore, you find the current U.S. and Western civilization rather restimulative, because it has moved up to look like the Marcabian civilization. It’s been moving up rather rapidly….we’ve not had this before. See? We’ve been moving up through strata of civilization, but we hadn’t matched this one. …highest crimes you could pull in that Marcabian society, probably even today, is income tax.. ..the material on the between-lives area has been much more broadly circulated than any of our other material is now, because it was laid down the line in all directions, to the most unlikely places (including Russia), and was contained in the book What to Audit and other materials, and that was 1951 and ’52. …No, gents of this character who have a system worked out this way would-the last thing in the world they’d do would be blow their own game, see? All they’d have to do is land one spaceship, and they feel like everybody would go into a convulsion of suddenly remembering everything. And they do, do you know? …but a landing in force without any equivocation that it has been a landing of some type, or like this, would be liable to restore everybody’s memory. I think that’s what they feel. Whether this is true or not, we couldn’t worry less. …how hard to you have to hit somebody to bring about amnesia? …almost unbelievable force isused to handle a thetan and put him into this kind of condition. …these guys are not going to blow their own show, see. They’re not going to do anything peculiar about it. They’ve probably got us all sized up, if they know anything about us at all. …See, now, they know the problems exist. They couldn’t have had any decent solution, or they wouldn’t have taken the route to solution which they have. They are beings too; remember that. …You are handling, therefore, the roughest case that you could find in the universe, because of the rehabilitation of the individual demands that you rehabilitate his knowingness. If his knowingness does not increase independently, he himself does not get well. You see, electrical charge on the case is simply a symptom that measures his knowingness. If he’s got too much charge, his knowingness is way down. See, that’s an indirect measure of the amount of knowingness of the individual. And as the case moves along up the line, you get an odd factor…this case continues progressively to remember more. …one of the things the case recovers is picture memory…I have a picture of, so therefore I was. A person…at…an advanced stage of the game in inspecting his own pictures-can tell you the difference between a false picture and an actual picture that has something to do, really, with him on his track. …Now, from picture memory, the individual graduates up to simply knowing. …you don’t have to get a picture of your name to know what your name is. In other words, you know this. Well, so does knowingness increase….up the line to a point where you know who you have been and where you have been, independent of any created evidence or cross-proof. You simply know. And that factor is a very slow factor to rise; it’s not a rapid factor. Under present auditing, yes, it is rapid, but that is all within a framework of hundreds of hours, don’t you see. I KNOW…where I was and who I was, and know with good certainty, who I was and where I was in the last eighty trillion years….what did I have for breakfast…?…That sort of thing is getting pretty dim. …over the top of that, which is an identity knowingness-which comes before a detail knowingness…between your picture knowingness and your total knowingness is this state of just knowing your identity-why, then, this detail knowingness starts to come up and follow in on this smaller basis. And one of your gains on it: you’ll know why you were here…You KNOW what you were doing ten thousand years ago…you KNOW what was happening 11,025 years ago….No pictures involved; you just know it. And that is the restoration of the beingness of the person, and I have given you (in a crude way here) a cycle of that restoration of beingness. His beingness returns to him gradually, bit by bit. Perhaps the lowest edge of it is….just some sort of a feeling like one might be able to know. And that crawls forward to a picture knowingness, and the unreality of those pictures at first is fabulous. So that anybody shows you a picture….must be yours, and therefore you must have been there. …(…looking at the falling apart airplane from 2 miles away) …Valence problem all of a sudden comes up and hits you in the face….later…false picture. That isn’t my picture at all….Picture suddenly peels off… your own picture is right behind it. ..that force, of course, has to be combined with trickery, and the trickery is mostly scrambling somebody’s dates and giving them opposite, opposing items that can suspend in time, so that the scrambled dates will suspend in time. …the mission of an auditor is the restoration of a person’s awareness, which includes his memory, his knowingness of himself and so forth. Restoration of awareness. …what is sitting on this knowingness?….it is force used with trickery, so that an individual will get an ARC break with force and then become the effect of force. …What’s an auditor?…an auditor has to be somebody who can release this tremendously involved force… …you can run R3R… ….thousands and thousands of hours just to randomly keep this tone arm moving…the amount of time in processing –is enormously speeded up if you run the right significances, because you’re running the force off early track, and you start to get force release which you don’t see on a meter….the fundamental of all mental activities was listening. Prayer is based on “God will hear me”. And if there’s no OT’s around, who is going to hear him? …The character of the pc you’re operating with is operating under an enforced and continuously-each-life reinforced amnesia. Academy Level 0 - Auditing Comm Cycles 6 August 1963

…Last time you were on that pole you said, “There must be someplace”. And here you are. …If we hadn’t waited quite so long, we’d find it much easier. But the state of civilizations, and the general combat that has occurred here and there and everyplace, has rather put things in abeyance. I can’t imagine us doing anything practical in the middle of the Roman civilization, can you? And about the only psychotherapy they had in medieval times was the rack or the lead boot. And general attitudes have been pretty poor. Furthermore, I don’t think any of us have been brought up to a point that we realized we had failed and that there had been a failure. That’s sometimes necessary for somebody to do something about something. …we’re closing out a very long cycle, of a long, losing cycle-tremendous length-of the OT. The cycle of loss, of the OT…the being had come to a point where he believed-and couldn’t do otherwise- the only safe place to be was in one of these meat-body civilizations…There was no going and sitting on a mountaintop quietly for a few thousand years and catching your breath. The fight had been lost, in other words. In other words, a strata and quality and character of life had been lost. That is a defeat. …OTs…reach right up practically to present time, but losing all the way. The condition of OT in this universe became looked upon as highly dangerous and highly unstable. You could stand around an airfield batting the airplanes down as fast as they rose, you know, and so they couldn’t serve as theta traps….next thing you know, a sleep light was going and somebody was saying, “Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Create. Be solid” and it was a losing war. …a very interestingly losing war, because it was lost by the most powerful. That’s what’s peculiar about this war. …How come this took place? Well, all battles are won by a combination of two elements, and these are force and intelligence. And given enough force, of course, there is no opposing side-everybody hopes. …atomic bomb…tremendous force. And it succeeds in short term wins….that is all you ever get from tremendous force, is a short-term win, never a long term win. Never. The long-term win is achieved by a balance between force and intelligence. …if you are sometime trying to solve the problem of whether you did right or whether you did wrong, take these two elements and look them over in relationship to what you did, and you’ll find out there is an imbalance in any defeat. There was an imbalance of intelligence and force, and these two things were out of gear. You’re either using all force and practically grasshopper-intelligence or you’re using monumental intelligence and saying “God will protect me,” forgetting at the same time that you were the only god around to do any protecting. …any coordinated civilization plowing forward, using technology, combining that technology with force, keeping some sort of balance between these two things, can make a monkey out of an OT, literally. There was an implant four galaxies over that taught you you came from apes. Darwin-that’s the whole of the Darwinian theory is implanted there in the course of about a day….you come up through the mollusk and sloth and ape and all this sort of thing, and there’s not a damn word of truth in it, see. It has nothing to do with it. You want to know what happened to these intermediate forms? Well, thetans have different tastes and there are fads of one kind or another. And some OT, he sort of liked this idea of cave-men society, and you get these huge jaws, you see, and hairy bodies…. You want to know about the evolution of man from treetop to cave. …there’s one form of that civilization in treetops and there’s another form in caves. There’s no evolution between the two, although you can draw these things in very carefully. It all depends on who was here and who was putting the bodies in the place. That’s your evolution. …Used to run the biological survey in here 612 million years ago and, you know, get reports on this place. But that was the style then, see. …The deterioration of matter is not as fast as they think it is, nowhere near as fast as they think it is. ..We haven’t got a deterioration of matter and the vanishments of suns….I know they have been burning for the last two hundred trillion, the existing collection of suns in this immediate vicinity. …They say, “Well, look over there, there’s a sun that DID go out.” No, it was never lit! Or whoever made it got distracted that day or was working on union hours or something; he just never finished it. He went off to pick up a new bank of Magellanic radioactive particles to throw at it and ignite it and got distracted by a butterfly or something, you know, and never came back and turned it on. These things don’t go out. …we’re looking at a tremendous number of misconceptions and we’re looking at a VAST number of unintelligences….these stupidities form a kind of trap, and they’re intelligence in their application in cohesing a society. If everybody remains ignorant in the society, nobody can get out of it, can they?…So, ignorance itself is used as an intelligent mechanism of entrapment, and to this is added force, and you get all sorts of odd combinations. …we have a sort of a medium structure floating along through this particular universe. And that medium structure is a balance of intelligence-if very warped intelligence-and a balance of mediocre forces. ..these two are a sort of a meanlevel, and they make these meat-body socieities and the automobile and the airplace, and they get up as high as the spaceship, and they don’t progress any further than that; they go right there and that’s it. If they progress much further than that, they disintegrate, and if they fail to progress at all, they disintigrate. And you’ve got various factors influencing it. [God] …beware of a planet in which there is as much progress as you find this particular planet. This planet has gone through the phase of the prop aircraft in something like 25 or 30 years, see. …Various forces are at work on this particular planet which are unusual, in the extreme. …One of the reasons for this-and I won’t say it’s the only reason for this, but the only reason I can lay my hands on at the moment-is this planet is being used as a dumping ground. …this Sun 12 is very distant…..on the rim of a galaxy. And it’s very handy to other galaxies, and it’s very handy to the center of this galaxy. …a rather consistent, continual dumping ground-and it’s being used as a dumping ground right up to this minute. There is no master hand guiding all this, but everybody feels that there must be a master hand guiding all this because there’s so much trouble. No. When a master hand is guiding things, there isn’t any trouble; things are calm. It’s only when the master hand doesn’t guide things that there is trouble. …when you take bodies which have been mocked up and thetans who have been indoctrinated in very different lines-to fight, to do this, to have certain types of societies; to do this, to do that, to do the other thing-and then they get scooped up from this galaxy and that system and this star and here and there and the other place and are dumped in on one systems as unwanted merchandise, you have these tremendous impulses which are at work, one against another…You have such a society here at this particular time. This society belongs nominally to the Espinol United Stars. This is Sun 12, and it is one little tiny pinpoint. Their whole title is Espinol United Stars, pardon me, Espinol United Moons, Planets and Asteroids, this part of the Universe is ours, Hup! …”This quarter of the Universe is ours.” And it’s so much quarter of the universe, and this is so lost in the middle of it that there’s been no command post occupied for this system now since 1150 A.D., at the time when a group on Mars was finally abolished and vanished… and nobody took any interest in this system. This system has been running wild since that time. You notice that we had a sudden resurgence in quote “science”, we had a sudden resurgence in this, that or the other thing. It became an uncontrolled civilization. And since that time has been used (and was used before this, of course) consistently as a dumping ground because nobody pays any attention to it. You don’t have scout ships coming out to meet your transport that is dumping ice cubes in the Pacific Ocean, you see. …it’s like a city dump with no cop to tell you, you can’t dump there…nobody alert…nobody doing anything on this planet to debar this sort of thing….most basic implulse on the planet is simply the basic impulse of thetans, who have been reduced to more or less a meat-body level, which is total cooperation-total cooperation with one another. Total, as you see in the communist thing, as you see in democracy. “We are all equal”, you see. “We are all equal; there must be no personalities of any kind, the cult of the personality must be banished, what we really are is equal.” And they’ve sort of come back to this because that is a common denominator of their indoctrination. They are indoctrinated to the idea that they have teammates, and from this, you see, you get this other equality factor…just giving you some kind of sketch here of things as they are. ..The only reasons you were ever punished was for being you, for being powerful and for not being quite intelligent enough… …No OT was ever so out of his mind as to depend upon any of his men or troops to untrap him. He never indoctrinated them to do that, because at the time he was doing this he never thought he would be caught. I consider this as huh! Singularly unintelligent. For instance, Frankie the Limper, over there, during the 30s, he wrote out a big check… …It isn’t this universe, it isn’t that you have atoms, it isn’t that this has happened and that happened and the other happened, or that you weren’t right thinking and didn’t join the OTs’ YMCA when you had a chance. That’s all irresponsible thinking. You were just knuckleheaded. I mean, let’s face it. You had unlimited force but there was not as much intelligence invested as there was force invested.

..It’s a very intelligent thing to be able to put together an atom, to be able to make matter…to make tremendous space, to be able to figure out eh biological cell perpetuation on the second dynamic….terribly complex….You had to figure out how to make the various things, the various enzymes and things like that, that cells convert to become this-and very complicated…fantastic amount of intelligence…that is usually assigned on this planet to God. ..”…very intelligent, very intelligent.” Completely knuckleheaded. You never worked out how to unbuild anything. Do you get the – get the unbalanced action?…Well, the whole thing was an insistence on enduring matter- enduring matter that was to endure forever. Well, that’s not smart. Eventually some of the stuff was made into a theta pole; that’s the pole you’ve been on. Confounded things last forever. …technology of entrapment…vast catalog….How do you fool a thetan? How do you make him curious? ….How do you soften him up?…vast amount of work put in on this subject. …no work put in at all on how do you free one. ..Total technology of freeing one: You reach over on the trap and pull the guy off it and throw him out in space to cool off. That requires a what? That requires an OT. What if there isn’t any? …Now it’s very embarassing. It isn’t that it didn’t cause societies trouble, it caused them lots of trouble. The Galactic Confederation right now is in trouble because of this. It has this problem on its front platter all the time.

The Galactic Confederation operates on a limited OT basis; its hierarchy of command is that of a limited level of OT, and it goes down to the doll body as the ship captain and the post captain, and that sort of thing; and that goes down to the meat body. And it’s one of the few civilizations which has endured over any great span of time-just for that reason that it uses a limited OT, a doll body and a meat body, and works out the hierarchies of cooperation in that. And their space wagons are very stylized, I don’t think they’ve changed in…fifty- trillion years. …The weariness with which they defend their no-change is quite remarkable, but they do have change. They cannot maintain a no-change. A society either goes up…or goes down. …the Galactic Confederation is up against a problem of great magnitude. It’s run out of Ots…their basic technology says that the problem of conquest…It’s the availability of Ots to command units. And that is the limiting factor of how much and how broad and how big the Galactic Confederation can be….And not once in eighty trillion years, has anybody ever said, “Well, if that is the case, why don’t you repair some of your limited Ots and keep them patched up and up to snuff? Why don’t you know SOMETHING about it?”…they know this is a pressing problem, but they have no such technology. ..Ots get peculiar. They get fitful. They get moody. I remember one time about 12 trillion years ago. It was, some comedian on a stage, vast theatre, pulled a gag about create and that sort of thing, and made a wisecrack of one kind or another. An OT had to be subdued-he was up in the box, alongside the royal box, and he had to be subdued, one way or ther other, but not till after he had torn down all the curtains and knocked down a four or five hundred-ton chandelier on the assembled meat-body multitude. Why? It just keyed him in. What could they do about it? Turn a sleep light on him and tell him to get solid and take him down to the hospital. That was their total-total ability to put this boy back together again. I consider it fascinating. I know-I was there. I was the guy they did it to. …if it’s that vital, why hasn’t somebody worked on it? Basically, they’re afraid of the technology. For instance, if I were to go back to the Galactic Confederation in any kind of a mood of a punitve sneer, and they would listen raptly as I talked to them about gunnery….and I’d say, “Well, also got a way to put Ots back together again.” Brother, I would meet probably the greatest silence-you could drop a space fleet into and it would just vanish. …it wouldn’t be fear, and it wouldn’t be ridicule, me being me-it’d be horror, because they’d instantly think, “How are we going to hold the society together? How do you maintain the strata of the society? How do you maintain this fixed organiation which we have, if every janitor can be an OT? You realize you say this is just going to be applied to Ots. That’s all right if you kept it buttoned up….and they would say to me, “Oh, you’ve gone too far. We know you took a course in scientific improvisation some years ago, but we never thought you would put it to this use.” ….everybody would still be saying “Keep it reasonable. Take it easy.”…You’d have to give them a political solution that was as great as the political threat. The people here on earth don’t think that Scientology doesn’t work. They’ve been trained, however, against the vectors of it. They’ve been trained to destroy, to set something up-a fixed status of something-and then work a destructive means with it and to work out techniques of entrapment so people cannot leave certain social strata and economic strata of the sociey. This is the whole level of training. And you’re not up against Pavlov, Freud or any mental technology. You’re up against the social structure of the organization in which we exist at this moment. And you pose a tremendous threat to that social structure. You could tear it to PIECES! In two different ways, one by the rehabilitation of tremendous power and force. …You make somebody OT and he’s good and mad…and he pulls the air cover and that’s the end of this planet. Don’t think it hasn’t happened. Those mammoths that are up in the frozen tundra, with quick-frozen vegetables in their stomachs, must have been reduced down to about two hundred degrees minus, in a split second, because to freeze vegetables they have to be frozen in something like sixty seconds for them to preserve it. And here these millions of years later, the Explorers Club serves those things with fresh mammoth steak…as vegetables. They’re tropical! What are they doing under all that ice, man! It must have been done in sixty seconds. Can you think of any natural cataclysm that could take place in sixty seconds?…Somebody was good and mad and they pulled the air cover and gave the planet a reverse spin. They changed it’s axis just like that-bang! Bang! …Most of you think an overt is harming something. Brother, that is the most unlimited piece of nonsense ever. Doing something damaging, destroying something; you think that is an overt act? No, that is not an overt act. It is sometimes an overt act, but that is just an unintelligent look at what an overt act it. …So, you might say with this point that a phase-not of us, but a phase of this universe- has taken place and has ended: the phase of the free being. And the free being lost and he lost to solid, unintelligent but mediumly lying, not totally forceful but not unforceful mean-level societies; he lost. Just a few trillion years ago the whole confounded place was all blown up, the suns were disorganized, planets all thrown to hell and everything else. Well, the little guys with the airplanes showed up again, and they still could put up the theta traps for this boy. …But another cycle opens up. It’s been a very unlovely and to a large degree very unpleasant phase, over this vast and long period of time, the free being losing more and more to guile and treachery, losing more and more to medium force and organization in spite of his ability to knock everything kicking-he’s nevertheless lost. What sort of society opens up toward the future? Well, in the first place, you won’t have that kind of free being again. You will never be-never be the same as you were; you can’t be the same as you were because you are now an experienced YOU. Oh, yes, you can be as strong as you ever were, but I don’t think you could ever be that stupid again. You see, you come out at the other end of the cornucopia knowing what the score is. ..never had any political or social contact internally to many of these meat-body socieites…you’ve never taken a look at them with a worm’s eye view in one of these things to amount to anything….you realize total destruction of them amounts to nothing, because guys totally dedicated to starting up another one…They cannot be obliterated… we’ve learned it can’t be done….But they can be managed; they can be handled. It takes intelligence and force…they can be thrown on a reverse vector….it’s all very well for everybody to be totally on his own, but look where this gets everybody…what it takes- what it takes is know-how and force-not know-how in how to play the force. …Now, the war of everybody on his own, everybody responsible, everybody total force and everybody with the brains of a peanut;that cycle has ended…because you’ll think twice before you start it rolling again….I think-as free beings, that any freedom, to be maintained, has to BE maintained. Freedom is something you work at, and freedom is something you work at intelligently. If you think you are going to stay Clear or OT simply by never destroying anything again, you’re nuts. …The free, ferocious being versus the meat-body society. That’s over. …So, at this point of the line we’re shifting gears on the whole game of the universe…….we’re just putting some intelligence along with the force.We’ve got the know-how and the technology to handle the problem which has never before been handled; Indoctrination in how to make things that always last forever inevitably and never go away, and no indoctrination in making things disappear, painlessly and without chaos. These two points are singularly unintelligent. …From here on out you will find out that your attitude toward a being who is getting up in power and who’s acting loopy as the devil will very definitely be different than it was before. You would normally say to that bird, “well, just get away from here and don’t bother us anymore.” I rather think that sometime in the future you’ll say, “Hey you…” …We have to learn to take care of our own. SHSBC – The Free Being 9 July 1963

This quarter of the universe, by the way, is suffering from an overdose of lousy civilization…It apparently has been conquered in recent times (in the last few hundred thousand years), but those who were conquered had already been-their governmental actions had already been – set up for their own failure, see? They’d been set up to be conquered by using, themselves, mental technology which made slaves. They implanted their own troops….ah.ah.ah. [points out remember the other half of the positive in the implant is the negative to get it to stick…] Let’s take an earlier and probably still extant organization, the Galactic Confederacy: eighty trillion years, smooth as glass. No implanting. I don’t know the exact length of the Espinol Confederacy, but it’s probably something on the order of a few hundred thousand years., Implants-no Empire. …A thetan can’t possibly do anything but survive. In fact, it’s probably the trouble with him…That’s the trouble the Marcabians are having with him right now. How to kill a thetan is the biggest problem in this universe. See, it’s just not solvable. The thought they had it all solved and we came along. …OT is a gradient process for a long period of time with a sudden fantastic upsurge. The Itsa Line 21 August 1963

When a person dies - or, in Scientology terms, when a thetan abandons their physical body - they go to a "landing station" on the planet Venus, where the thetan is re- implanted and told lies about its past life and its next life. The Venusians take the thetan, "capsule" it, and send it back to Earth to be dumped into the ocean off the coast of California. Says Hubbard, "If you can get out of that, and through that, and wander around through the cities and find some girl who looks like she is going to get married or have a baby or something like that, you're all set. And if you can find the maternity ward to a hospital or something, you're OK. And you just eventually just pick up a baby." To avoid these inconveniences, Hubbard advised Scientologists to refuse to go to Venus after their death.[21][22]

In Between Lives Implants (SHSBC #317, 1963), Hubbard claims to have been on the surface of the planet Venus and nearly run over by a Venusian train. He also ridicules the notion that Venus' "methane atmosphere" makes it unlivable. (in fact, Venus has an atmosphere of carbon dioxide and nitrogen).[23]

 The Galactic Fleet. It's not clear whether this group is related to the Galactic Confederacy. In The Time Track, Hubbard lectured about an implant station that was destroyed "38,932,690,862,933 years ago by the 79th wing of the 43rd Battle Squadron of the Galactic Fleet." (Hubbard, The Time Track, SHSBC-265, May 16, 1963)  The Three-and-a-half Invaders. (Hubbard, The Story of a Static)  The Psi Galaxy. (Hubbard, The Story of a Static)  Galaxy 18. (Hubbard, Philadelphia Doctorate Course)  Galaxy 82. (Hubbard, The Story of a Static)  "The next galaxy over". In Between Lives Implants, Hubbard notes, "Well, I know this: that onto this planet there's a great deal of dumping that has gone on. Stuff from the nearby galaxy - not this galaxy but from the next galaxy over and so forth, is going on here. I know they take political prisoners and guys who they don't want around." The closest galaxy to ours is currently said to be the Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy, although this was discovered in 1994 after Hubbard's death. At the time of the Between Lives Implants lecture (1963), the closest galaxy to us was thought to have been the Large Magellanic Cloud.[24]

• Aliens in ancient Egypt. Hubbard maintained that ancient Egypt was "a battleground between two space groups" who infiltrated humanity and become integral to Egyptian culture. (What is Knowable to the PC, 1961) In Responsibility and the State of OT, he claimed that the biblical Moses had a "disintegrator pistol", and also said:

"Ancient Egypt, if you care to look it up on the track, was a combination of Earth and space opera all mixed up as one. As the high Pharaoh stands on the side of the pyramid and blesses the multitude, he has to be careful that his cloak doesn't blow aside and reveal his ray gun."

Above is from Wikipedia

Parallels of the same story as Hubbard: A group of Asiatic or Nordic humans who, sources claim, discovered a vast system of caverns below the region of the Gobi desert and surrounding areas thousands of years ago, and have since established a thriving kingdom within, one which has been interacting with other-planetary systems up until current times. Vast cavern systems below Tibet allegedly link the Agharti systems of central Asia to "Snakeworld", a multileveled cavern system under the southwestern slopes of the Himalayas where the "Nagas" dwell, according to Hindu legend. Here a serpent cult of human and reptilian collaborators dwells, one which is said to have had contact with the Nazi Thule society during World War II. Long ago an Asian prince is said to have led several militant followers -- warrior monks -- into the caves and came in conflict with this serpent cult. Following the conflict the reptilians and collaborating forces were driven out, however in recent centuries they have regained some ground.

The 'Gizeh People' have been referred to by the Pleiadians (Billy Meier contacts) as well as others. This 'may' have some connection with the strange 'people' and technology allegedly encountered in deep labyrinthine recesses beneath Egypt, who were sometimes reportedly seen by explorers, and who are said to dress like 'ancient Egyptians'. There is allegedly, according to Leading Edge Research, a huge cavern deep beneath Egypt which is inhabited by people with close ties with the U.S. 'se-ret government'. Some sources indicate that the 'Giza People' may be a 'controlled' society with the reptilians being the dominant power, although there is still much mystery as to what the "Gizeh Empire" is all about.


Several sources refer to the Gypsies as having some connection with the UFO mystery. Other sources suggest a connection with high-tech subsurface kingdoms such as Agharti, etc. The knowledge which the Gypsies allegedly possess of an ancient war, UFO craft, and so on is supposedly a carefully guarded se-ret among various Gypsy tribes. Some claim to have traced the Gypsies back to ancient India or surrounding regions. The infamous Philadelphia Experiment information source, Carlos Allenda, was allegedly part of a Gypsy clan with knowledge of past and present "history" on alien cultures which have interacted behind the scenes in Terran affairs.

9,500 B.C. – alleged date - The Big Thaw The Younger Dryas stadial, named after the alpine / tundra wildflower Dryas octopetala, and also referred to as the Big Freeze,[1] was a brief (approximately 1300 ± 70 years [1]) cold climate period following the Bölling/Allerød interstadial at the end of the Pleistocene between approximately 12,700 to 11,500 years Before Present,[2]

8500 B.C - Jericho was built circa 8500 B.C. Jericho was protected by a wall surrounding the town over an area of 10 acres.

8039 B.C. – Hubbard as Dharma is now on earth – teaches the “ignorant” humans, teachings later become called the Veda, it is taught orally and he wrote it down, but it became “lost”…and then altered in “oral tradition”, and didn’t show up as it’s written alteration form until 135 B.C, but the only document actually left is dated 1100 A.D….Hubbard says that this is buried and that Dharma is later called a “fate” Now, the MEST universe-which is to say matter, energy, space and time-MEST universe has a curve or cycle of action. That cycle of action is a very simple one. It begins with creation, goes through persistence and progresses into and ends with decay and destruction. Creation, survival, destruction, that is the curve. It starts with creation, goes through survival and goes down into destruction. This is the time span, you might say, of the individual, of a planet, of a flower, of anything. That is the pattern, operation of the universe-create, survive, destroy. Now, that curve should demonstrate to us a considerable amount of data right there. Actually, it's a very, very old curve. Stated differently, we discover this curve in the Vedic hymns. One of the earliest of the Vedic hymns says that things are born, they grow, they persist for a while, they decay and they die. And that is straight out of the Vedic hymns, and those things are probably in excess of eight thousand years old. SOP 8-DA 22 APRIL 1954

[Prehistory (Latin, præ = before Greek, ?st???a = history) is a term often used to describe the period before written history. Because, by definition, there are no written records from prehistoric times, (or at least there are none known to still exist down to this day)... … The date marking the end of prehistory, that is the date when written historical records become a useful academic resource, varies from region to region. In Egypt it is generally accepted that prehistory ended around 3200 BC ... Wikipedia]

First, let me briefly take up with you the history of knowledge on this, our planet Earth, in the last three and one half millenia. At the beginning of our written history there was only one trace of workable knowledge which had been handed down from prehistoric times. This was contained in the Vedic hymns. The Vedic peoples are directly responsible for that principle known to us in Scientology as the Cycle of Action. The invaluable observation that birth proceeded into growth, that growth proceeded into an unchanging state and that this unchanging state then proceeded into decay and finally concluded with death, gives to us in Scientology our create-survive-destroy curve. Although it was not originally apparent that our dynamic principle of survive was an inherent part of this cycle of action, the usability of survive was discovered some time ago to be materially expanded by the recognition of the beginning and end of the cycle- of-action curve. Here we find a principle extended to us from a religion. The Vedic hymns are religious hymns. L. RON HUBBARD P.A.B. No. 32 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR5S BULLETIN From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office 163 Holland Park Avenue, London W. II 7 August 1954 WHY DOCTOR OF DIVINITY?

The first place we see this cycle of action is way back in the early days of the Veda. We have a description of the cycle of action, which is: All things proceed from nothing, and then they are born into a somethingness, and then they grow and finally they start to decay, and die. And that is the cycle of action. Actually, in Scientology we have a much better description of that: create, persist, destroy. And this could bo'create, survive, destroy. In other words, survival also belongs-as well as standing by itself-it also belongs on this more descriptive curve. SURVIVE A lecture given on 26 October 1954

These great religious leaders, at least those I consider great religious leaders, begin with a monk, a legendary, mythical monk, whose name is probably not, but is said to be, Dharma. That word has meant wisdom ever since. Some many thousands of years ago in the highlands of India he handed out or handed on information which was taken up and carried forward by someone who might never have existed, just as they say Christ might never have existed, and that person was Krishna. And we go forward from there and we get to Lao-tse, who in his Tao again handed on knowledge and said there was a spiritual side to life. But all of these people were saying something that was much more important than "There is a spiritual side to life." They were saying, "There is hope. They can come to you and they can tell you that all is lost and that you are dead, you are trapped and there is not hope for you. They can come to you and say this, but this is not true. There is hope. You do go on living. This life is not all there is. There is some future life in which you can do better, succeed more worthily than you have." That is all these men said. Whatever trappings have been hung upon their words, we don't care. Whatever technology they had has certainly been lost. Nevertheless, they did hand on this message to Man; they said, "There is hope, you can be better, this life is not all there is and somehow or other it is all going to come out all right in the end." Without that hope I do not think Man could have survived this far down the track. ….Scientology is knowledge. That's all Scientology is. The word "Scientology" means knowledge, that's all it means. Scio means knowing in the fullest sense of the word. Many people believe that this is named after science. No; it's scio, knowing in the fullest sense of the word, studying how to know in the fullest sense of the word, but this is the same word as Dharma, which means knowledge; Tao, which means the way to knowledge; Buddhism, which means the way to spiritual knowledge. It's an old word, a very old word. It happens to contain within it today possibly the bulk of what is knowable in terms of theory, that is immediately knowable to anybody anywhere. But it contains in itself something else. It contains a positive direction, a positive goal and is itself committed along a certain path, and this is the first time that this has ever been committed along this path and is the principal thing I wish to announce to this Congress. Ability Minor 5 [ 1955, ca. mid-June] The Magazine of DIANETICS and SCIENTOLOGY from Washington, D. C. The Hope of Man L. Ron Hubbard

[Hubbard correcting alleged alterations of his original teachings that appeared as the “Vedic Hymns”] It almost can be said that all things are primarily mocked up as perfect form. Now, this gives the lie, for the first time, to some of the Vedic hymns. It claims that all was chaos and the chaos all came together and made something. And I think that's commie propaganda. Don't think it's true at all. That's about the fourth postulate. All right, it runs this way: Nothingness; postulate one: perfect mock-up; postulate two: fragmentation and chaos inhibiting the perfect mock-up or as a result of the perfect mock-up; fragment three, a recompos-pardon me-postulate three: a recomposition of the fragments into a solid whole; postulate four:disintegration or inhibition of this third thing. THE KEY WORDS (BUTTONS)-QUESTION AND ANSWER PERIOD 21 July 1958

[Hubbard alluding to “his” original teaching in the way he taught it the first time] It is created, it survives and is then destroyed. That is the cycle of action. Now, the first time this was ever noticed was in one of the unwritten Vedic hymns, Lord knows how long ago. I've forgotten when I did write it. Let's see? But it runs like this. They don't have this clean, clear-cut cycle of action. It got a little bit muddied up and complicated. It's "Out of the infinite nothingness there arrived a form which in various aggressions and recessions proceeded on through the infinity unto the time it declined, degraded and disappeared." Well, it's written in various ways, some of them much more colorful than that. But the truth of the matter is something got created and that which is created survives and is then destroyed. That's the simplicity of it. THE ROUTE THROUGH STEP SIX 7 NOVEMBER 1959

You find these in the original Vedic hymn, you'll find that cycle of action. -Cycle of Action; Create, Destroy, Relative Importances (11 Nov. 59)

… That sounds like an exaggeration because you look at some of the old Vedic hymns and you look at this and you look at that and you'll find pieces of Scientology. Yes, but how many other pieces do you find in them? How many other pieces that had no part of the puzzle whatsoever! FINAL LECTURE A lecture given on 8 November 1959

But let's take a look at this urge toward survival. Now, there's a cycle of action and it begins with create and it ends with nobody creating. The original cycle of action, as brought out, was create, survive, destroy. That is only an apparent survival curve-only apparent. This, by the way, is not necessarily native to Scientology. It's one of the few things in Scientology which aren't native to it. It goes back to probably the first lectures of Dharma, undoubtedly ten thousand or more years ago in India. And you find it today in the Vedic hymns. Creation, and following creation, why, there was a continuation, and following-this is a very shorthanded statement of it-and following creation, why, then there was destruction and an end of it. That's very old; that piece of information is very old. 7 APRiL 1959 The Dynamics

And, by the way, he was going forward in the tradition of a monk (and this they get all messed up about because they talk about "the Dharma") and Gautama Buddha followed along with his knowledge in the tradition of the Dharma and all of this, and the Dharma was apparently this or that. And then they kind of overlooked the fact that there was a monk named Dharma about ten thousand years ago who gave the original Dharma, but it's called Dharma because his name was Dharma and actually is in the tradition which was followed by Buddha. And once more-once more we get a tremendous number of truths with no evaluation of importance. Got the idea? CYCLE OF ACTION; CREATE, DESTROY, RELATIVE IMPORTANCES 11 NOVEMBER 1959

There is such a thing as the cycle of action. Its earliest genus of create-survive-destroy comes actually out of the fourth hymn of the Veda; about 10,000 years old. It describes it much more lengthily, and so on, and we use it today on the basis of the cycle of action. We call it the create-survive-destroy cycle. That is its crudest form, and actually is only an apparency, but is nevertheless a demonstrable thing. THE THINGS OF SCIENTOLOGY 31 DECEMBER 1960

The oldest cycle of action is of course the early Vedic hymn, probably written by the monk Dharma himself, so far as I recollect. It shows the dawn becoming the day, becoming the night, and out of nothingness a progressive development into a new nothingness. This has been written as, I think, "The Hymn to the Dawn Child", available probably in most libraries as the Vedic Hymn. HCO BULLETIN OF 27 JULY 1960 DOUBLE ACTION CYCLES

For instance, the monk Dharma who existed ten thousand years ago in India has formed the basis of most Indian religions. And not a thing is known about him or what he said. I mean, Indian religions are based to a marked degree upon the sayings, findings and so forth of Dharma. Chinese religions are based on Dharma. We think it means "fate." You look up in the dictionary and you'll find Dharma has something to do with fate or something of the sort. Doesn't tell you what it is. Actually, Dharma was the name of a monk and that is it. And of course, he had a fantastic influence upon Indian philosophy, so they began to regard him as fate itself. But he is actually a loftier name in the philosophies of the East than Buddha. But nothing is known about him. Nothing. So here you have a fabulous not-know, don't you? And you get a terrific persistence of this not-know, don't you? You might say the least known philosopher on the whole track Earth-immediate track Earth-current, present-time Earth - is a fellow that we don't even know what his name is. We don't even know it's a fellow. Got the idea? It's a fate. No, it wasn't a fate. It was probably somebody who washed his feet in a brook and put his begging bowl out where it belonged and laid down the law, and said what he thought was right and so forth. And yet, this fellow's been totally devoured in time. I happen to know something about this particular character myself. But if he can ride that unknown up the track and be the influential background to somebody that we know rather well - Lao-tse, see? Confucius. A Buddha. They all go back to this fellow. And we don't know anything about it. Why is he still there? It's because we don't know anything about him. He's held in place by the not-know. Not-knowingness does not result in an obscurement, but is known to you as not-isness, you see? So there he is riding on the track like mad, expressed in everybody's mind through India, through China. He's the background of the most broadspread religion of peace that this planet has had. And yet, we call the background of this planet "Buddha," see, the Eastern religions. We say, well, Buddha or Confucius or Lao-tse, or-see? But, actually, sitting right back of their shoulders is this Dharma and we don't even know it's a man; it's fate. You got the idea? Do you see the alter-isness, so forth? SHSBC Not-Know 15 June 1961

The Vedas are arguably the oldest sacred texts that are still used. Most Indologists agree that an oral tradition existed long before a literary tradition gradually sets in from about the 2nd century BCE.[12] Due to the ephemeral nature of the manuscript material (birch bark or palm leaves), surviving manuscripts rarely surpass an age of a few hundred years. The oldest surviving manuscripts of the Rigveda are dated to the 11th century CE. Wikipedia

Veda - [Root: vid, to know or Divine knowledge]. Divine knowledge. The four ancient scriptures of the Hindus, whose antiquity has not yet been decidedly affirmed, -are probably the oldest records of human thought. They are known as Srutis, i.e., what is heard or revealed as distinguished from Smritis, i.e., what is memorised and considered as the composition of human origin. Each hymn of the Vedas bears the name of a Rishi to whom the hymn is supposed to have been revealed. The compilation of the Vedas is attributed to Krishna Dwaipayana, or Vedavyasa, but he regards himself merely as "the compiler" and not the composer. The Vedas are said to have emanated like breath from Brahma, who is regarded as the soul of the universe. All the Vedic writings are classified in two great divisions, viz., exoteric and esoteric: the Karma-Kanda, 'the department of action’ the ceremonials, and the Jnana-Kanda, 'the department of wisdom." The hymns and prayers come under the first, and the philosophical speculations of the Brahmans, especially of the Upanishads, under the second division. All are alike Srutis or revelations. Mantras, or Samhitas, and the Brahmanas are two distinct parts of the Vedas. To the Brahmanas are added the Aranyakas and Upanishads, mystical treasures which speculate upon the nature of Spirit and of God, and exhibit a freedom of thought and ;peculation which give rise to various systems of Indian philosophy. According to traditional belief, the Vedas are Apaurushaya, 'not of human origin,' so these are considered Srutis in their entirety, and the Rishis whose names are associated with different hymns are those seers to whom the hymns and mantras were revealed. Aurobindo has suggested that the Vedic presentation of divine wisdom needs a fresh look. He states: "The hypothesis I propose is that the Rig Veda is itself the one considerable document that remains to us from the early period of human thought of which the historic Eleusinian and Orphic mysteries were the failing remnants, when the spiritual and psychological knowledge of the race was concealed, for reasons now difficult to determine, in a veil of concrete and material figures and symbols which protected the sense from the profane and revealed it to the initiated. One of the leading principles of the mystics was the sacredness and secrecy of self-knowledge and the true knowledge of the Gods. This wisdom was, they thought, unfit, perhaps even dangerous to the ordinary human mind or in any case liable to perversion and misuse and loss of virtue if revealed to vulgar and unpurified spirits. Hence they favoured the existence of an outer worship, effective but imperfect, for the profane, an inner discipline for the initiate, and clothed their language in words and images which had, equally, a spiritual sense for the elect, a concrete sense for the mass of ordinary worshippers. The Vedic hymns were conceived and constructed on this principle. Their formulas and ceremonies are, overtly, the details of an outward ritual devised for the Pantheistic Nature Worship which was then the common religion, covertly the sacred words, the effective symbols of a spiritual experience and knowledge and a psychological discipline of self- culture which were then the highest achievement of the human race." (Cf. The Secret of the Veda, pp. 5-6)

8000 B.C approx – track of civilization – Himalayas/China/India first A correct track of civilization is not from Phoenicia, through Greece, Rome and Europe to America; it is from China through Chaldea, through Babylonia through Persia, through Achea and minorly through Greece, Rome and Europe since these last form a decline from civilizations at various times and periods. It usually passed through Greece and Rome and Europe, which accounts for our fixation on these minor empires and inferior societies. The point here is that a study of history is very restimulative to the GE and produces body alterations for which the theta being, not having been there usually, cannot account. YOU as a theta being, may or may not have seen Greece or Rome. Your MEST GE has probably activated a body there…. …There are extra-terrestrial Ges…But the theta being, where it has had a MEST body on some other planet may have had it in company with a GE there which had its own peculiarities. What to Audit/History of Man Chapter Four 6500 B.C. Ugarit was first settled about 6500 BC. Encyclopedia of the Orient

6248 B.C. – (1952 minus 8,200 years) Fifth Invader Force, Third Battalion arrives to Earth Well, now, the point is that the Fifth Invader Force operated for some little time here in this system without suspecting the existence of the Fourth Invader Force. And all of a sudden they started to lose crews, and they didn't know where they were going. And they got a little more upset about it and a little more upset about it and a little more upset about it.

And a battalion was sent down here to Earth 8,200 years ago, the Third Battalion. If you find somebody who is a member of the Third Battalion, why, speak up. Because the whole battalion, its officers, staff and so forth, was under the command of the expeditionary force commanding officer for this - not for just this area ...

So 8,200 years ago, they came down in the Himalayas, the upper headlands, up about, oh, I'd say about seventy-two miles northwest of Khyber Pass, and put a base in there, and still not believing that there was anything like an invader force operating in this system, failed to take any vaguest precautions with regard to their installations. They put up no defenses; after all, what was here! Nothing but Homo Sapiens. That was just nothing, no danger, no menace, and so on.

And they were in this installation just a very short time when all of a sudden, with a terrific crash, the Fourth Invader Force, which was a little more active then than it has become since, knocked out this whole battalion (a battalion of that size is in the neighborhood of about three thousand beings) and picked up all of its staff, all of its staff officers and so forth, and took them through to Mars and then knocked them back into this human race here. They're still here. There are saucer crews here; there's all sorts of things on Earth here from the Fifth Invader Force. Very interesting.

This is directly and violently in opposition to the Fourth Invader Force. And the Fifth Invader Force, out of its own protection, took over Venus - oh, relatively in modern times - took over Venus and tried to stabilize the Venusian. THE ROLE OF EARTH Dated Nov 1952 in R&D Volumes and 30 Oct 52 on old reels. 5210C30A SOP8A (SOP lectures number 8A). 62 min and 10 sec long.

Fifth Invader Force, circa 6235 BC. Wikipedia is getting this date by subtracting 1954 from 8200 years go

…THE ICE CUBE: Here is an intriguing incident which, if your preclear demands, should be audited. This is evidently a method of transportation of beings to a new area. The being is packed in ice, is taken to the new area and is usually dumped in the ocean. … A thetan responds to hypnosis, pain, force and other factors. He also responds to being frozen in ice. You may wonder how the being, if the ice-cube is used or is necessary at all can get into the between lives area so easily-in other words, if he can be transported between lives with ease, why should he be dumped originally in the form of an ice-pack. Possibly the answer lies in two invader crews at work; an old invader, already in command of an area but rather down scale, controls by between-lives; a new invader crew with more ambition plants beings in the same area. These beings then fall into the between-lives routine which exists unbeknownst to the new crew. The new crew in the area is later much surprised to find that their planted beings, so carefully dumped in the sea from a saucer, are being picked up between-lives and given "treatment" by an old, established invader whose methods of political control are long since established. When such a discovery is made, the new crew may very likely knock out some of the old crew installations and upset the routine. THE ICE-CUBE is quite authentic. What to Audit/History of Man

The Himalayas, said by Hubbard to be the site of the defeat of the Third Battalion of the Fifth Invader Force, circa 6235 BC.

Synopsis by Wikipeda: According to Hubbard, the Solar System has been occupied repeatedly — and sometimes concurrently — by multiple Invader Forces. They were discussed in detail in a 1952 lecture, "The Role of Earth", in which Hubbard described the conflict between the Fourth Invader Force (already occupying the Solar System) and the Fifth Invader Force (which invaded without knowing that the Fourth Invader Force was already in residence).

The Fifth Invader Force renamed the Solar System as "Space Station 33" but "without suspecting that the Fourth Invader Force had been there for God knows how many skillion years, had been sitting down, and they have their installations up on Mars, and they have a tremendous, screened operation". The result was a major clash between the two Invader Forces some 8,200 years ago in the Himalayas, when the Third Battalion of the Fifth Invader Force landed about 72 miles (116 km) northwest of the Khyber Pass and attempted to set up an implant station. The battalion was captured, taken to the Fourth Invaders' complex on Mars, brainwashed and stuck into human bodies. As for the remainder, the Fifth Invader Force, out of its own protection, took over Venus – oh, relatively in modern times – took over Venus and tried to stabilize the Venusian[s]. If you called a Fifth Invader, though, a Venusian, he would probably shoot you out of hand, because it would be a horrible insult. They merely monitor the government of Venus, and they leave Mars strictly alone. ("The Role of Earth")

Many present-day thetans are said to have been former members of the Fifth Invader Force and can be distinguished by the fact that they believe themselves to be "a very strange insectlike creature with unthinkably horrible hands." (Scientology 8-8008)

The Invader Forces are still said to be controlling "installations in Mongolia … installations in the Pyrenees here on Earth, and there are installations down in the Mountains of the Moon in Africa which pick up, very often, people on death. WIKIPEDIA

The Afghan fort of Ali Masjid seen from the Khyber Pass.

Khyber Pass: The Afghan Connection Pakistan •2500-1500 BC: Home to Indus Valley Civilization, one of the oldest civilizations in Asia. •326 BC: Invasion by Alexander the Great. People of Pakistan Pakistan's people are a reflection of the country's past; brown eyes, blue eyes, green eyes, black hair, red hair, fair skin, dark skin... 6200 B.C. approx – Straight data – “the lads in the upper highlands of India”, Himalayas – first appearance here on earth of the analogy of knowledge and the pyramid…can be found in Mayan Culture also…pushing the pyramid of the All- Seeing Eye Himalayas

Note: the following newer research is inserted here, so you can see what Hubbard is attempting to parallel with all this – the Rosicrucians (Freemasons), also referred to as Masonic Judaism.

In 1974, Stanford Research Institute (SRI) put out a book called the Changing Images of Man, which was the culmination of research began in 1968. At the time this book was put out, members Hal Puthoff and Ingo Swann were engaged in mind- control/ability research at Stanford Research Institute.

The book Changing Images of Man makes a point of presenting the Rosicrucian/Masonic “image” in use in founding America, and specifically references the pyramid on our money.

On p.24

It [“Gnostic Path”] and views like it, however, have been kept alive by secret societies such as the Sufis, Freemasons, and Rosicrucians, whose influence on the founding of the United States is attested to by the symbolism of the Great Seal of the United States, on the back of the dollar bill.

On p. 184, underneath “strategies” for getting the new “image” accepted…

Chapter 6 described some characteristics of the “image of man”…Of special interest to the Western world is that Freemasonry tradition which played such a significant role in the birth of the United States of America, attested to by the symbolism of the Great Seal (on the back of the dollar bill). In this version of the transcendental image, the central emphasis is on the role of creative work in the life of the individual. (In “true Freemasonry” there is one lodge, the universe-and one brotherhood, everything that exists. Each person has the “privilege of labor,” of joining with the “Great Architect” in building more noble structures and thus serving in the divine plan.) Thus this version of the “new transcendentalism” (perhaps more than other versions imported from the East more recently) has the potentiality of reactivating the American symbols, reinterpreting the work ethic, supporting the basic concepts of a free-enterprise democratic society, and providing new meanings for the technological-industrial thrust. At the same time, it is compatible with other versions more indigenous to other parts of the globe.

And on p. 188 under “Restorative strategies”

Restorative strategies can play an important role in the present transformation because of the fact that the new, emerging image is essentially that of the Freemasonry influence which was of such importance in the shaping of the nation’s foundations. The activities of the “Heritage” segment of the American Revolution Bicentennial are mainly an attempt to recapture a waning American spirit, although they could serve to promote the new image by reminding us of the transcendental bases of the nation’s founding (e.g. the all-seeing eye as the capstone of the pyramidal structure in the Great Seal).

Note: For those that choose to peruse this book, I can’t stress this enough - pay attention to the use of the word image repeatedly in this book.

Hubbard’s reference on the origin of the pyramid symbolism:

…Knowledge is a pyramid, and knowledge as a pyramid gets itself a connnon denominator which evaluates all other data below it. At this point of this pyramid, this top point, we have what could be called a Q, and it could be also called a common denominator. It is in common to every other datum in this pyramid full of data. Now, at any level of this pyramid-any level-we have a greater complexity of knowledge. At any level in this pyramid, as we descend down the line from that common denominator, we find it less and less 'able to be recognized-this common denominator-in the data. It's less and less obvious what its common denominator is, but that doesn't make that common denominator any less a common denominator or any less workable. …So, if you can envision knowledge as this pyramid-and that's one of the oldest symbols there is for knowledge, by the way. You see in Masonic emblems, you see in Egypt, all over the place you see pyramids, conical objects, that sort of thing. That's what they're trying to represent. The datum I am giving you first appeared here on earth eighty-two hundred years ago. The analogy of knowledge and the pyramid. They've been stumbling along with it ever since. You even find it in Mayan culture, and so on. … Typical in the evolution of a science is to go on and get more complex and more complex and never dream for a moment that you'd better look for a simplicity. And you think I'm just talking about modern scientists, but I'm not. I'm talking about the boys that came after the lads eighty-two hundred years ago in the upper highlands of India, and the later people from there, the Vedic people, and the later people than that, the Runa Vedic, and the later people than that. And boy, they really got it nice and complicated. Do you know that every essential datum-every essential datum-of evolution, of anything and everything you want to think of, is contained in mysticism and in the basic Hindu writings and in the Vedic writings? Do you know evolution is in there? Do you know the Darwinian theory is in there? You know everything is in there? I don't know anything that's left out. They're all there. … Let's take the subject of the chakra-very interesting. There are seven of them. And what do you know! It says right at the beginning there, "Man is a mind who owns a body. He is not a body who owns a mind." It says, "This is the crown chakra. The crown chakra is in the head, it's in the skull. There are seven chakra in all. …The data is all there; it's all there. It's been there for eighty-two hundred years. INTRODUCTION: THE Q LIST AND BEGINNING OF LOGICS A lecture given on 10 November 1952

[Hubbard said the above got boobytrapped though – see 6000 B.C. entry]

6000 B.C. – “… then the boys who came after, then the “Vedic people” who came after and did the Vedic Hymns, then the “Runa Vedic” people – altered form… BOOBY TRAPPING begins … You will find any line of Scientology in almost any philosophy that was ever written. But there's a curve on them the way they were written. They didn't work. UNIVERSES A lecture given on 6 April 1954 One is not free in this MEST universe and in this society to do everything he pleases to do. There are some small regulations. There is an organization known as the police, an organization which is addicted to making you do everything you don't want to do and preventing you from doing everything you want to do. And that is their motto. Their motto is "stop motion." A society-Homo sapiens-in this age could not exist without a very, very adequate police force-tremendously adequate. As a matter of fact, there have been much better police forces. The present police forces of Earth are a little bit in apathy. … The MEST universe is an extremely degraded universe. It is a universe which runs on force. If it were the only universe, this would be a pity and I would be in apathy. Because to discover what the mEsT universe is, of what it is composed and that its basic law is nothing but force, that it has no truck with an ethic, that it cares nothing about sanity, that the crude force of a crashing cliff is about as high as it thinks-to discover that this would be the basic, that this is all we have to work with-would be heartbreaking. There would be nothing beyond that. And we could all go into apathy and just quit right there, because there's no future in it. There's no future in simply collecting more and more facsimiles and erasing more and more facsimiles. There's no future in arduous and continuous work, work, work. There would be no future in one lifetime; one lifetime would be a very pointless thing. One would get born, he would become educated, he would have some children and then he would pass away by violence, by bugs or by just general decay and deterioration. [Brahmanism] That would be a wonderful thing, wouldn't it? … Every man there is, is a universe. You talk about God: The most you will know about God for probably a long time to come is you. If you want to know what God is all about, or if you want to know what yoxfre all about, you want to know what the fourth dynamic is all about, you consult the essential elements of "you-ness." Not buried, unconscious, submotivated, libidoicated, bypassed symbolizations of the left hind ruddy rod, which we therefore graph and say, "It's all mysterious and you can’t understand you, so therefore we can own you." We're not running that operation. …This data I'm giving you now on the Axioms falls into three categories. The first is what we're going to call the Q list. There's nothing in mathematics even vaguely approaching this, but Q means the top level from which we are now working-the top level from which we're now working; the highest echelon from which all other things are derived. Knowledge is a pyramid, and knowledge as a pyramid gets itself a connnon denominator which evaluates all other data below it. At this point of this pyramid, this top point, we have what could be called a Q, and it could be also called a common denominator. It is in common to every other datum in this pyramid full of data. Now, at any level of this pyramid-any level-we have a greater complexity of knowledge. At any level in this pyramid, as we descend down the line from that common denominator, we find it less and less 'able to be recognized-this common denominator-in the data. It's less and less obvious what its common denominator is, but that doesn't make that common denominator any less a common denominator or any less workable. And the Q from which we're operating now evaluates all the data in the material universe. That's a small statement, but I'll make it bigger. The Q we're operating from now evaluates all the data in any universe, and it's not near high enough as a Q. There's a higher Q than this, and I'm fishing for it now. Have it one of these days and what do you know, well have a simpler pyramid. Right now the pyramid is pretty simple. So, if you can envision knowledge as this pyramid-and that's one of the oldest symbols there is for knowledge, by the way. You see in Masonic emblems, you see in Egypt, all over the place you see pyramids, conical objects, that sort of thing. That's what they're trying to represent. The datum I am giving you first appeared here on earth eighty- two hundred years ago. The analogy of knowledge and the pyramid. They've been stumbling along with it ever since. You even find it in Mayan culture, and so on. Well now, if you could envision, then, our datum here, you can see that we're dealing with something which can be found in every scrap of knowledge or action or material or space or time or beingness of any universe. … Typical in the evolution of a science is to go on and get more complex and more complex and never dream for a moment that you'd better look for a simplicity. And you think I'm just talking about modern scientists, but I'm not. I'm talking about the boys that came after the lads eighty-two hundred years ago in the upper highlands of India, and the later people from there, the Vedic people, and the later people than that, the Runa Vedic, and the later people than that. And boy, they really got it nice and complicated. Do you know that every essential datum-every essential datum-of evolution, of anything and everything you want to think of, is contained in mysticism and in the basic Hindu writings and in the Vedic writings? Do you know evolution is in there? Do you know the Darwinian theory is in there? You know everything is in there? I don't know anything that's left out. They're all there. There isn't any reason, really, why you shouldn't be studying mysticism right across the boards-no real reason at all-except for one thing: they booby-trapped it or they didn't know. And for every correct datum in mysticism, there are a dozen incorrect data. For every correct datum in mysticism, there's a misevaluation. For every correct datum in mysticism, there's a reversal of fact, so that if you enter in and use that data, you will be smacked flat. If you want to finish yourself completely and utterly, get standard works on mysticism and practice them just exactly the way it says and you'll be a dead duck one day. And the reason for this is very simple: (1) nobody wanted to integrate the information completely, because it was much more fun some other way; and (2) boys along the line had no slightest desire for anybody coming after them to really know. They had no desire for that, and so they booby-trapped it just as though they'd laid land mines across the line. … Let's take the subject of the chakra-very interesting. There are seven of them. And what do you know! It says right at the beginning there, "Man is a mind who owns a body. He is not a body who owns a mind." It says, "This is the crown chakra. The crown chakra is in the head, it's in the skull. There are seven chakra in all. And now it's the last one which one approaches." "The crown chakra is the last one which one approaches." Get that. Says that right there. There's the true datum and the false datum. If you took it as the last one to approach, and if you did to the other chakra in the body the other zones or centers, which are not really beings but which we call entities-if you did nothing but process those and you took up the crown chakra last, the crown chakra would not come free with any ease at all. It would take a terrifically specialized technique. If you started in with the crown chakra and said, "Beat it, bud," he would. But if you address the other, if you address chakra number seven and work backwards up the line toward the crown chakra, you would probably have your preclear in a condition whereby he was so stuck in his body that only super-super-human-being techniques would free him. That's the way you pin him down. If you get your preclear to deny the MEST universe and deny it and deny it, you start up a one-way flow of the uncontrollability of force and he will be unable to manufacture enough energy to keep himself afloat. The data is all there; it's all there. It's been there for eighty-two hundred years. Now, it should strike you as very alarming that somebody would really booby-trap this line. But let's be kinder about it and let's merely say, "Well, they didn't have a process." And you'd probably be closer to the truth, because there's so much truth in it that the added booby-trapping goes unnoticed. And when people try to practice it- oh, boy. You are going to find this out: When you have a preclear who has been deeply, deeply steeped in mysticism, he's going to be much harder to work. Because those things are angled toward pinning him down, pinning him down but good. All you have to do is reverse mysticism and handle him that way. … I spent a lot of time when I was a kid watching little matches float around the bowl. I could push them around a bowl once. I could sit still and do this and read minds and read books. But it's very funny; they've got it fixed that if you do them the way they say, the technique will leave you, the ability will desert you. Isn't that horrible? They tell you all these things are possible and then fix you up so you can't do them. The way you're supposed to practice them is the way that ends your doing of them. Now, you don't have to take my word for that. You'll see before the end of this course if you want to go back and study that material. That material is rich, though. And I'm not condemning the material, I'm just warning you in handling it that you might as well be sitting on a lighted bonfire juggling skyrockets. It's just about that safe. I'm just warning you, don't cross -them up until you've got your track very straight and you know this orientation which you're handing out very well. And then pick up that subject if you want for a scholarly study and look it over, and you will, I'm sure, be saying much what I'm saying: "Gosh! If they just hadn't booby-trapped the line, if they just hadn't misevaluated this data, look where we'd be today! Look where we'd be. Isn't it a shame!" And I know you'll be saying that. All right. INTRODUCTION: THE Q LIST AND BEGINNING OF LOGICS A lecture given on 10 November 1952

Inserting more recent reference here – A recently published book Revelation: A Briefing for the Peoples of Earth, by author David Griffin, (and other sources) show that David claims he is under the tutelage of Ancient Master Lord Enki, re-incarnated as L. Ron Hubbard (deceased) telepathically, and that he is handling his OT case as per Mr. Hubbard’s direction. [first line below says When I first began this exercise or raising kundalini, during the]

David writes: After I had gotten the energy flow to run the entire length of the channel and to exit from the top of the head…[in the 1 through 7 order of the picture above]

As compared to Hubbard:

…if you address chakra number seven and work backwards up the line toward the crown chakra, you would probably have your preclear in a condition whereby he was so stuck in his body that only super-super-human-being techniques would free him. That's the way you pin him down.

6000 B.C. – Mesopotamia – Buildings and Art – time of “Lord Enki” The earliest Mesopotamian religious practices must be reconstructed from remains such as temples, burials, and artistic imagery, examples of which date from as far back as the 7th millennium BC.

5300 to 4700 B.C. – Sumerian Ur

4000 B.C. - Reign of Gudea – Alleged inscriptions done AFTER HIS DEATH show “chaos theory” being pushed – also a SOURCE OF SITCHIN CRAP – Map of ancient Mesopotamia (Iraq today)

Concerning Sargon and Naram Sin of Agane, [Akkad/Akadia] about 3800 B.C., there is general agreement; but whether the priest-kings of Lagash, among whom Gudea figures, preceded or followed Sargon is still under debate. Gudea was a ruler (ensi) of the city of Lagash in Southern Mesopotamia who ruled ca. 2144 - 2124 BC. He probably did not come from the city, but had married Ninalla, daughter of the ruler Urbaba (2164 - 2144 BC) of Lagash, thus gaining entrance to the royal house of Lagash. He was succeeded by his son Ur-Ningirsu. … Inscriptions mention temples built by Gudea in Ur, Nippur, Adab, Uruk and Bad- Tibira. This indicates the growing influence of Gudea in Sumer. His predecessor Urbaba had already made his daughter Enanepada high priestess of Nanna at Ur, which indicates a great deal of political power as well. Gudea chose the title of ensi (town-king or governor), not the more exalted lugal (Akkadian sharrum); though he did style himself "god of Lagash".

[It appears that Sumerian rulers were first known as Ensi while military leaders were called Lugal. After a period of time, the military leaders became kings and the new title for them was ensi-lugal. They were king, military and religious leaders all at the same time.]

Stichin's story: ...the hordes of Gutium, a mountainland north of Mesopotamia, to attack Akkad. They came down upon Akkad in vast numbers ….. King Gudea - Sitchin.]

Gudea claimed to have conquered Elam and Anshan, [Ansan=Persia] but his inscriptions emphasize the building of irrigation channels and temples, and the creation of precious gifts to the gods. Materials for his buildings and statues were brought from all parts of western Asia: cedar wood from the Amanus mountains, quarried stones from Lebanon, copper from northern Arabia, gold and precious stones from the desert between Canaan and Egypt, dolerite from Magan (Oman), and timber from Dilmun (Bahrain). The social reforms instituted during Gudea’s rulership, which included the cancellation of debts and allowing women to own family land… His era was especially one of artistic development. …In matters of trade, Lagash under Gudea had extensive commercial communications with distant realms. According to his own records, Gudea brought cedars from the Amanus and Lebanon mountains in Syria, diorite from eastern Arabia, copper and gold from central and southern Arabia and from Sinai, while his armies were engaged in battles in Elam on the east. Cylinder A, written after the life of Gudea, paints an attractive picture of southern Mesopotamia during the Lagaš supremacy. In it, “The Elamites came to him from Elam… loaded with wood on their shoulders… in order to build Ningirsu’s House” (p. 78), the general tone being one of brotherly love in an area that has known only regional conflict and rebellion. … Gudea was a peaceful ruler …Gudea built more than the House of Ningirsu, he restored tradition to Lagaš. His use of the title ‘ensi’, when he obviously held enough political influence, both in Lagaš and in the region, to justify ‘lugal’, demonstrates the same political tact as his emphasis on the power of the divine. And it worked. Ur-Ningirsu II, the next ruler of Lagaš, took as his title, “Ur-Ningirsu, ruler of Lagaš, son of Gudea, ruler of Lagaš, who had built Ningirsu’s house” (p. 183). … Gudea naturally was a hard act to follow, and the influence of Lagaš declined, until it suffered the fate that defined Southern Mesopotamia, military defeat, this time to Ur- Nammu, whose Third Dynasty of Ur then became the reigning power in Southern Mesopotamia. Wikipedia

It almost can be said that all things are primarily mocked up as perfect form. Now, this gives the lie, for the first time, to some of the Vedic hymns. It claims that all was chaos and the chaos all came together and made something. And I think that's commie propaganda. Don't think it's true at all. That's about the fourth postulate. All right, it runs this way: Nothingness; postulate one: perfect mock-up; postulate two: fragmentation and chaos inhibiting the perfect mock-up or as a result of the perfect mock- up; fragment three, a recompos-pardon me-postulate three: a recomposition of the fragments into a solid whole; postulate four:disintegration or inhibition of this third thing. THE KEY WORDS (BUTTONS)-QUESTION AND ANSWER PERIOD 21 July 1958

4750 B.C. –chaos/god theory and worshipping gods attributed to Gudea (and Lord Enki)

After Gudea’s death: Below, a picture or drawing from Gudea's cylinder seal showing King Gudea of Lagash, Ningishzida and a seated god identified as Enki according to Black and Green, but possibly Gudea's god Ningirsu of Lagash (?).(cf. p. 139. figure 115. "Ningishzida." Jeremy Black & Anthony Green. Gods , Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia, An Illustrated Dictionary. Austin, Texas. University of Texas Press. Published in co- operation with the British Museum Press, London. 1992). A "mystery" exists regarding Ningishzida's name. Nin is usually translated as "lady," whereas En is "lord." For various scholarly suggestions as to the meaning of the name Ningishzida please click here.

Amusing later account of Gudea and his Gutium hordes Enlil , the king of all the lands, entrusted Utu-hejal, the mighty man, the king of Unug, the king of the four quarters, the king whose orders cannot be countermanded, with wiping out the name of Gutium, the fanged (?) snake of the mountains, who acted with violence against the gods, who carried off the kingship of Sumer to foreign lands, who filled Sumer with wickedness, who took away spouses from the married and took away children from parents, who made wickedness and violence normal in the Land.

[vague hints of what Hubbard pulls from and expands on in his history of India, with him as Dharma] When the Babylonian religion comes into view in the fourth millennium B.C., numerous centres of government and of worship have been established in North and South Babylonia, and various elements of nationality have been already combined. The relation of the Semitic immigrant peoples to the previous occupants of the country is still obscure, and the chronological problems arising out of the attempts to determine the successions of kings are differently settled by different investigators. …. The religion of this age is already developed, and shows traces of the beginnings of organization. But it has not passed beyond the character of polytheistic nature-religion. The deities are revealed in the elemental forces: the moon, the sun, the stars, the courses of the seasons, the three great divisions of the universe -- the sky, the earth, and the primaeval waters which surround and bear it up -- these are the chief objects of interest, the embodiments of divine powers. At the bottom are magic and witchcraft, an immense multitude of spirits, evil and good. Babylonic-Assyrian religion does not descend as low as Egyptian animal worship; on the other hand, its doctrine of man and his destiny remains much nearer the animistic level, the condition of the wandering double (ekimmu) on earth resembling that of the usual disembodied ghost, and the gloomy underworld having no proper ethical character. Such philosophical interest as Mesopotamian religion presents seems rather to lie in its occasional efforts to rise above the fundamental polydaemonism and the polytheism superposed upon it. The term for a god, il-u, is identical with the widespread Semitic name which appears in Hebrew as l, but its derivation is still matter of discussion. A regular feminine was formed, which does not occur in Hebrew, and similarly an abstract ilt-u, god-head or divinity, with which may be compared ant-u, a corresponding abstract from the name Anu, the sky-god (Jeremias).

Anu appears already in the inscriptions of Gudea, forming the first member of a supreme triad. He represents the expanse of heaven. Beside him stand Bel, lord of the earth and its forces, and Ea, god of the ocean-deep, which encompasses the earth and lies beneath it. Theological arrangement here begins to be apparent. But though Anu is the supreme lord of all, and the father of the gods, who must obey his commands, he himself takes no leading part, and in the cosmogony mentioned below he is removed by several stages from the actual origin of the world of the gods. Another triad comprised the moon-god Sin, who could even be identified with Anu, the sun-god Shamash, and Ishtar (Venus) or Ramman ('the thunderer'), god of rain and storm. Accordingly, in one of the great cosmogonic myths, he is the creator; and he is even called 'god of gods' (Sayce, Hibbert Lectures, 501). [see enuma elish further alteration of this] …Creation

One early Sumerian myth, called “Enki and the World Order,” portrays Enki organizing the universe in a form rather like the great temple estates described above. In another, called “Lugale,” a victorious young god, Ninurta, reorganizes the universe after a great victory. In the Anzu myth, Ninurta defeats Anzu, a monstrous bird, and gets control of the tablet that assigns responsibilities to all the gods.

Religion Before Written Sources Toward the end of the 4th millennium BC, [wrong date] when urban civilization first developed on the Mesopotamian flood plain, monumental temple complexes dominated the cities. These complexes were raised on huge platforms so as to be visible at a great distance, and they were decorated with architectural ornament, paintings, clay mosaics, and statuary. Planted with gardens, the sanctuaries towered like mountains on the flat plain. Rulers are depicted in the art of this period, sometimes in a ritual function—for example, presenting gifts of fruit and animals to a goddess—sometimes killing enemies in warfare. This suggests that religious leadership and political and economic control may have been in the hands of a priest-king. Later burials in Ur (now Tall al Muqayyar, Iraq) show that hundreds of servants, soldiers, and entertainers were sacrificed to accompany a dead ruler in his tomb, although this custom disappeared soon after in favor of simple burials without sacrifices. Religion appears to have been an important factor in the creation, expansion, and control of this beginning phase of Mesopotamian civilization.

[wrong date?] 3800 B.C. - Written sources appeared in Sumerian beginning at the end of the 4th millennium BC that indicate religious practices…

4500 B.C. [possibly later at 3100B.C.] - Stonehenge

3800 B.C. – Reign of Sargon and Naram Sin of Agane - …alterations of his works “come into view” When the Babylonian religion comes into view in the fourth millennium B.C., numerous centres of government and of worship have been established in North and South Babylonia, and various elements of nationality have been already combined. The relation of the Semitic immigrant peoples to the previous occupants of the country is still obscure, and the chronological problems arising out of the attempts to determine the successions of kings are differently settled by different investigators.

[wrong date?] 3100 B.C. - Written sources appeared in Sumerian beginning at the end of the 4th millennium BC that indicate religious practices…

2500 B.C. – Writings first appear in Akkadian and other Semitic languages 2250 B.C. – Under Hammurabi – rise of Marduk worship But under Hammurabi (about 2250 B.C.) Babylon rises into political pre-eminence, and its local deity Marduk, already named in early texts, with the function of god of the spring-sun, is consequently elevated to the loftiest place. Day by day he rises out of the ocean, and so is the son of Ea, and he brings to light the hidden wisdom which lay in the mysteries of the deep. Year by year he wakens the dead to life, and in his character of 'the merciful' he heals the sick, sets free the prisoner, and protects the weak. Not only is he first-born and leader of the gods, he is lord of lords, ruler of the world, whose will heaven and earth obey. Accordingly, in one of the great cosmogonic myths, he is the creator; and he is even called 'god of gods' (Sayce, Hibbert Lectures, 501).

… Temples The temples of the gods were considered their manors or households. The deity, in the form of a statue, was clothed, entertained with music, and taken on ritualized journeys. A divine staff of servants, including couriers, stewards, cooks, gardeners, and herders, all had human counterparts. The humans who lived in the temple estates were headed by a high priest (for a female deity) or high priestess (for a male deity). In later times high priests or priestesses would often be sons or daughters of ruling kings, and would be appointed for life. They were sustained by temple income, offerings, and plots of land assigned to provide them with food. The temples controlled a great deal of farmland, especially in Sumer. They also had vast flocks and herds, wealth in the form of luxury goods and surplus, and large labor forces. The temples provided social services, such as employment of the poor, blind, and orphaned. They could serve as banks, making loans with or without interest; as the place for oaths taken in law cases; and as repositories for documents, such as treaties and land grants, that called on the gods as witnesses. They were also centers of learning and artistic production. During the 3rd millennium BC, temples were often the center of their communities, even though political and military rule was in the hands of city rulers or kings who were not priests. There is no evidence that religious services in temples allowed for the participation of the community as a whole. Rather, individuals could make gifts to the temple for their well-being, leave written petitions for the gods to consider, participate in the city festival, and view the image of the deity when it was carried in public procession. The annual festival of the new year, called akitu, took place in a special chapel outside of the city walls. Temples were increasingly controlled and maintained by kings, who kept them in good repair, rebuilt and refurbished them, and took charge of their lands and wealth.

2000 B.C. – end of third millenium – Kings of Babylon proclaiming themselves gods Toward the end of the 3rd millennium BC, some kings proclaimed themselves gods and had temples built in their own honor.

1900 B.C. – early second millenium - Sex rituals appearing now in the Babylonian Temples During the 2nd millennium BC, the temple seems gradually to have yielded its central position in the Mesopotamian community to the palace, or king's household. An important ritual of the early 2nd millennium was the sacred marriage, in which the king had intercourse with a priestess, representing a goddess, in a ceremony to ensure fertility of the land.

1500 B.C. – Another further alteration of Gudea appears…the Enuma Elish which takes from the “Anzu” myth of late Sumeria With the growth of nation-states and empires in the second half of the 2nd millennium BC, certain city gods became national gods, especially Ashur in Assyria and Marduk in Babylonia. Marduk, for example, was portrayed in the Babylonian creation epic, called Enuma Elish (When on High), as assuming supremacy over the other gods in return for protecting them from attack by Tiamat, the ocean. Marduk then reorganized the universe, placing Babylon and his own temple at the center, thereby supplanting Nippur, the city of the god Enlil, who had previously been the chief god of the land. In this way religion expressed Babylonian nationalism. Marduk was thought of as the son of Ea and father of Nabu (Nebo), god of scribes; his wife was Sarpanitum.

The Babylonian creation epic was modeled on the Anzu story. In the creation epic, Marduk seized the so-called tablet of destinies after defeating Tiamat (the ocean) in battle. Inanna (Ishtar) is the subject of many myths and stories. In some she is a warrior, triumphing in battle. In others, she is a young girl falling in love with Dumuzi (Tammuz), god of shepherds and spring vegetation. She later turns on him in a jealous rage, leaving him to die. In other myths she descends to the underworld, where she is killed by her sister, Ereshkigal, queen of the underworld, but is restored to life by a trick of Ea (alternate name for Enki, god of wisdom, skill, magic, and knowledge). Other Babylonian myths include theogonies (stories of how the gods were born) or recount the origins of human institutions, such as kingship, or of such harms as disease and death. There are various versions of a flood story, in which the gods send a deluge but a man escapes by building an ark. Heaven and the underworld were visualized with gates, palaces, and sanctuaries just like those on earth. According to one Mesopotamian tradition, the human race was created by Enki and the Mother Goddess, Ninhursag (also called Ninmah), to relieve the gods of the necessity of providing for themselves. The first human was made from clay mixed with the blood of a god killed because he rebelled against the other gods. In order to keep the human race within controllable limits, the gods ordained that all humans must die, whereas the gods could live forever. According to this tradition, a flood was sent by Enlil to eliminate the human race when it had become too numerous and noisy, but the gods soon repented of their action when they found themselves hungry and thirsty with no one to provide for them. The gods jealously withheld from human beings any hope for achieving immortality. When humans died, they crossed a river to the kingdom of the dead, there to live in darkness and dust, perpetually hungry and thirsty unless a living person remembered to offer them food and drink. One of the most popular of Babylonian stories tells of Gilgamesh, a king of the ancient past, who, shocked by the death of his best friend, sought a way to live forever. After many adventures, he meets the only human being who survived the flood, Utnapishtim (the Babylonian Noah), who tells him his quest is impossible, so he should enjoy his life while he has it (Gilgamesh Epic tablet 11). There was little sense that the gods were fair in their treatment of people: Good people suffered and bad people could live long, happy lives without being punished for the evils they did. Some Mesopotamians had a sense of personal guilt, a sense that people are imperfect and often sin without meaning to. Others were atheists or made jokes about the gods.

The early cosmogonic speculations were finally embodied in a 'creation epic,' which opens a series of poems in honour of Marduk. Before heaven and earth were named, when no god yet lived, there were only the heaving waters of the deep. The deep is personified as Tiâmat (equivalent to T'hôm, Gen. i. 2), primaeval mother of heaven and earth. By a kind of evolutionary process the first pair of gods, Lakhmu and Lakhamu, are 'built' out of the chaos, and from them after many days two more, Anshar and Kishar, the male and female principles of heaven and earth. Then follow Anu, Bel, and Ea, and in due course Ea's son Marduk. Tiâmat dreads the growing power of the gods, and prepares for a great struggle by producing a brood of monsters to defend her. The elder gods are powerless for the conflict; Anu and Ea fail; but Marduk, installed as king, advances armed with the weapons of the storm, and attended by seven fatal winds. Tiâmat is caught in his net and slain; Marduk splits her gigantic carcase into two parts like a flattened fish, and one half is made into a covering for the heavens to hold back the waters. The earth is then constructed as a hollow hemisphere beneath the upper vault, spanning the great deep; the districts of the mighty Three -- Anu, Bel, Ea -- are marked out, and the courses of the heavenly bodies are fixed. The tablet describing the origin of the human race has not been preserved, but at the close of the series the children of men are enjoined not to forget Marduk, 'who created mankind out of kindness towards them, the merciful one with whom is the power of giving life.' [so sitchin invented it]

Synopsis This book comprises five poems dating from the height of the Babylonian civilisation in the second millennium BC. They include "The New Babylonian Creation", which was recited at the new year festival in honour of the god Marduk and his conquest of Tiamat, "Inanna's Journey to Hell", in which the goddess of fertility descends into a gloomy wasteland of devils and darkness, and "Adapa: the Man", a story of man's fall from grace, not through disobedience but through blind obedience. N.K. Sanders also translated "The Epic of Gilgamesh". Classics/dp/0140442499

One early Sumerian myth, called “Enki and the World Order,” portrays Enki organizing the universe in a form rather like the great temple estates described above. In another, called “Lugale,” a victorious young god, Ninurta, reorganizes the universe after a great victory. In the Anzu myth, Ninurta defeats Anzu, a monstrous bird, and gets control of the tablet that assigns responsibilities to all the gods. The Babylonian creation epic was modeled on the Anzu story. In the creation epic, [enuma elish] Marduk seized the so- called tablet of destinies after defeating Tiamat (the ocean) in battle.

1546 B.C. – The composing of The Rigveda in the “oral hymn” tradition allegedly begins which per Hubbard, is an altered form of his (Dharma’s) earlier teachings….study of the Vedas here:

[3500-1954 is 1546] First, let me briefly take up with you the history of knowledge on this, our planet Earth, in the last three and one half millenia. At the beginning of our written history there was only one trace of workable knowledge which had been handed down from prehistoric times. This was contained in the Vedic hymns. The Vedic peoples are directly responsible for that principle known to us in Scientology as the Cycle of Action. The invaluable observation that birth proceeded into growth, that growth proceeded into an unchanging state and that this unchanging state then proceeded into decay and finally concluded with death, gives to us in Scientology our create-survive-destroy curve. Although it was not originally apparent that our dynamic principle of survive was an inherent part of this cycle of action, the usability of survive was discovered some time ago to be materially expanded by the recognition of the beginning and end of the cycle- of-action curve. Here we find a principle extended to us from a religion. The Vedic hymns are religious hymns. … L. RON HUBBARD P.A.B. No. 32 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR5S BULLETIN From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office 163 Holland Park Avenue, London W. II 7 August 1954 WHY DOCTOR OF DIVINITY?

… That sounds like an exaggeration because you look at some of the old Vedic hymns and you look at this and you look at that and you'll find pieces of Scientology. Yes, but how many other pieces do you find in them? How many other pieces that had no part of the puzzle whatsoever! FINAL LECTURE A lecture given on 8 November 1959

As an example of this, we read in the Vedic (many of the four Vedic Books), we read along there, and we find there's a rather uniform agreement that at a certain stage people all went to the devil. Everybody went to the devil, and they've been there ever since and going further to the devil. And they got so bad, it says in these ancient books, that they began to eat! It got so bad that they began to eat. Now, that’s pretty bad, see? They evidently considered that was horrible.- COMPLEXITY 17 OCTOBER 1956

There's something in the Rig-Veda which has always been a laugh to me. It's very funny, I mean. "The people got so bad off that they began to eat." The line has always hung around. There was a point on the Indian time track, in other words, where they did notice that people were starting to do this. Evil 15 JANUARY 1957

650 B.C. – Written form of Vedas alleged here – here is brief study of that subject – [ also see 8200 Dharma entry ] The Rig-Veda ऋगद (Sanskrit ṛc 'praise' + veda 'knowledge') is the earliest of the four Hindu religious scriptures known as the Vedas. It consists of 1,017 hymns (1,028 including the apocryphal valakhilya hymns 8.49-8.59) composed in Vedic Sanskrit, many of which are intended for various sacrificial rituals). These are contained in 10 books, known as Mandalas. This long collection of short hymns is mostly devoted to the praise of the gods. However, it also contains fragmentary references to historical events, notably the struggle between the early Vedic peoples (known as Aryans) and their enemies, the Dasa. The chief gods of the Rig-Veda are Agni, the sacrificial fire, Indra, a heroic god that is praised for having slain his enemy Vrtra, and Soma, the sacred potion, or the plant it is made from. Other prominent gods are Mitra, Varuna and Ushas (the dawn). Also invoked are Savitar, Vishnu, Rudra, Pushan, Brhaspati, Brahmanaspati, Dyaus Pita (the sky), Prithivi (the earth), Surya (the sun), Savitar, Vayu (the wind), the Maruts, the Asvins, the Adityas, the Rbhus, the Vishvadevas (the all-gods) as well as various further minor gods, persons, concepts, phenomena and items. Some of the names of gods and goddesses found in the Rig-Veda are found amongst other Indo-European peoples as well: Dyaus is cognate to greek Zeus, latin Jupiter. germanic Tyr; Mitra to persian Mithra (who became roman Mithras); Ushas is greek Eos, latin Aurora; Agni corresponds to latin ignis;. [Greeks got their God ideas from here]

Begin Study: A History of Indian Philosophy - Chapter II


The sacred books of India, the Vedas, are generally believed to be the earliest literary record of the Indo-European race. It is indeed difficult to say when the earliest portions of these compositions came into existence.

Classification of the Vedic literature. If we roughly classify this huge literature from the points of view of age, language, and subject matter, we can point out four different types, namely the Samhitâ or collection of verses (_sam_ together, _hita_ put), Brâhmanas, Âranyakas ("forest treatises") and the Upanisads.

The Samhitâs.

There are four collections or Samhitâs, namely Rg-Veda, Sâma-Veda, Yajur-Veda and Atharva-Veda. Of these the Rg-Veda is probably the earliest. The Sâma-Veda has practically no independent value, for it consists of stanzas taken (excepting only 75) entirely from the Rg-Veda, which were meant to be sung to certain fixed melodies, and may thus be called the book of chants.

...These may be contrasted with the arrangement in the Rg-Veda in this, that there the verses are generally arranged in accordance with the gods who are adored in them. Thus, for example, first we get all the poems addressed to Agni or the Fire-god, then all those to the god Indra and so on.

Rig Veda – Hymn of Creation The most remarkable and sublime hymn in which the first germs of philosophic speculation with regard to the wonderful mystery of the origin of the world are found is the 129th hymn of R.V.x.

[The one trace Ron referred to, but note it is promoting the “Chaos” theory of the Universe] [ Comparisons – Book 10 Verse 129 HYMN CXXIX. Creation. 1 THEN was not non-existent nor existent: there was no realm of air, no sky beyond it. What covered in, and where? and what gave shelter? Was water there, unfathomed depth of water? 2 Death was not then, nor was there aught immortal: no sign was there, the day's and night's divider. That One Thing, breathless, breathed by its own nature: apart from it was nothing whatsoever. 3 Darkness there was: at first concealed in darkness this All was indiscriminated chaos. All that existed then was void and form less: by the great power of Warmth was born that Unit. 4 Thereafter rose Desire in the beginning, Desire, the primal seed and germ of Spirit. Sages who searched with their heart's thought discovered the existent's kinship in the non-existent. 5 Transversely was their severing line extended: what was above it then, and what below it? There were begetters, there were mighty forces, free action here and energy up yonder 6 Who verily knows and who can here declare it, whence it was born and whence comes this creation? TheGods are later than this world's production. Who knows then whence it first came into being? 7 He, the first origin of this creation, whether he formed it all or did not form it, Whose eye controls this world in highest heaven, he verily knows it, or perhaps he knows not. R.T.H. Grifffith translation of 1889, revised in 1896.

Among the 1028 hymns of the Rig- Veda none is so famous as cxxix of Book X, of which a translation was given by Max Müller forty years ago. [1858] This translation, though metrical, is remarkably literal and contains the best exposition of ancient Indian thought on this subject. It runs as follows:— Nor Aught nor Naught existed ; yon bright sky Was not, nor heaven's broad wood outstretched, above. What covered all? what sheltered? what concealed? Was it the water's fathomless abyss? Darkness there was, and all at first was veiled In gloom profound—an ocean without light— The Germ that still lay covered in the husk Burst forth, one nature, from the fervent heat. Then first came Love upon it, the new Spring Of mind—yea, poets in then- hearts discerned, Pondering, this bond between created things And uncreated. Comes this spark from the earth Then seeds were sown and mighty powere arose— Piercing and all pervading, or from heaven? Nature below and Power and Will above—- Whence, whence this manifold creation sprang? Who knows the secret? Who proclaimed it hcru? The gods themselves came later into being— Who knows from whence this great creation sprang? He from whom all this great creation came, The Most-High Seer that is in highest heaven, Whether his will created or was mute, He knows it—or perchance even He knows not. 1908 - The Catholic Encyclopedia: An International Work of Reference on the ... By Charles George Herbermann

Another translation that does not show this Chaos bs: 1. Then there was neither being nor not-being. The atmosphere was not, nor sky above it. What covered all? and where? by what protected? Was there the fathomless abyss of waters? 2. Then neither death nor deathless existed; Of day and night there was yet no distinction. Alone that one breathed calmly, self-supported, Other than It was none, nor aught above It. 3. Darkness there was at first in darkness hidden; The universe was undistinguished water. That which in void and emptiness lay hidden Alone by power of fervor was developed. 4. Then for the first time there arose desire, Which was the primal germ of mind, within it. And sages, searching in their heart, discovered In Nothing the connecting bond of Being. 6. Who is it knows? Who here can tell us surely From what and how this universe has risen? And whether not till after it the gods lived? Who then can know from what it has arisen? 7. The source from which this universe has risen, And whether it was made, or uncreated, He only knows, who from the highest heaven Rules, the all-seeing lord--or does not He know [Srinivasan Sriram and, William Boerst 1922 Max Hauri of Ron’s Org Europe publishes a text of a book called “the scientology religion” – in it he produces Rigveda Hymn of creation, which is quite altered. “Non-being then existed not nor being; there was No air, nor sky that is beyond it. What was concealed? Wherein? In whose protection? And was there deep unfathomable water? “ -(The Rigveda, Book X – Hymn of Creation).

…In a hymn of the Rg-Veda (X. 58) the soul (_manas_) of a man apparently unconscious is invited to come back to him from the trees, herbs, the sky, the sun, etc. In many of the hymns there is also the belief in the existence of another world, where the highest material joys are attained as a result of the performance of the sacrifices and also in a hell of darkness underneath where the evil-doers are punished. In the S'atapatha Brâhmana we find that the dead pass between two fires which burn the evil-doers, but let the good go by [Footnote ref 1]; it is also said there that everyone is born again after death, is weighed in a balance, and receives reward or punishment according as his works are good or bad. [This shows up as Christianity's HEAVEN AND HELL – weighing part Hubbard rewords in his Between-lives Implant, the rest is also used in Before Earth/Before Mest Universal judging, as well as the Halver with all the religious symbolism]

... The words which denote soul in the Rg-Veda are _manas_, _âtman_ and _asu_.

The Brâhmanas ...After the Samhitâs there grew up the theological treatises called the Brâhmanas, which were of a distinctly different literary type. They are written in prose, and explain the sacred significance of the different rituals to those who are not already familiar with them. "They reflect," says Professor Macdonell, "the spirit of an age in which all intellectual activity is concentrated on the sacrifice, describing its ceremonies, discussing its value, speculating on its origin and significance." These works are full of dogmatic assertions, fanciful symbolism and speculations of an unbounded imagination in the field of sacrificial details. The sacrificial ceremonials were probably never so elaborate at the time when the early hymns were composed. … the result was the production of the most fanciful sacramental and symbolic system, unparalleled anywhere but among the Gnostics. It is now generally believed that the close of the Brâhmana period was not later than 500 B.C. [rituals, “magic rites”, chanting, spells etc.]

The Âranyakas. As a further development of the Brâhmanas however we get the Âranyakas or forest treatises. These works were probably composed for old men who had retired into the forest and were thus unable to perform elaborate sacrifices requiring a multitude of accessories and articles which could not be procured in forests. In these, meditations on certain symbols were supposed to be of great merit, and they gradually began to supplant the sacrifices as being of a superior order. It is here that we find that amongst a certain section of intelligent people the ritualistic ideas began to give way, and philosophic speculations about the nature of truth became gradually substituted in their place


A History of Indian Philosophy - Chapter III

THE EARLIER UPANISADS (700 B.C.-600 B.C.) ...In the Upanisads however, the position is entirely changed, and the centre of interest there is not in a creator from outside but in the self: the natural development of the monotheistic position of the Vedas could have grown into some form of developed theism, but not into the doctrine that the self was the only reality and that everything else was far below it. There is no relation here of the worshipper and the worshipped and no prayers are offered to it, but the whole quest is of the highest truth, and the true self of man is discovered as the greatest reality. This change of philosophical position seems to me to be a matter of great interest. This change of the mind from the objective to the subjective does not carry with it in the Upanisads any elaborate philosophical discussions, or subtle analysis of mind. It comes there as a matter of direct perception, and the conviction with which the truth has been grasped cannot fail to impress the readers. That out of the apparently meaningless speculations of the Brâhmanas this doctrine could have developed, might indeed appear to be too improbable to be believed. [ That’s because it WAS meaningless...]

This is the Samkhya school of thought of the Upanishads: ...The world is sometimes spoken of in its twofold aspect, the organic and the inorganic. All organic things, whether plants, animals or men, have souls [Footnote ref 1].

Brahman desiring to be many created fire (_tejas_), water (_ap_) and earth (_ksiti_). [Rosicrucians use the same ideas] Then the self-existent Brahman entered into these three, and it is by their combination that all other bodies are formed [Footnote ref 2]. So all other things are produced as a result of an alloying or compounding of the parts of these three together.

...In the Taittirîya, II. 1, however, ether (_âkâs'a_) is also described as proceeding from Brahman, and the other elements, air, fire, water, and earth, are described as each proceeding directly from the one which directly preceded it.

...Thus when the different objects of nature have been spoken of in one place as the product of the combination of the three elements fire, water and earth, the effect signifies a real change produced by their compounding. [Rosicrucian, later nuclear physics and quantum physics]

[evolution] ...A close consideration of the above passage shows that the self itself destroyed the body and built up a newer and fairer frame by its own activity when it reached the end of the present life. At the time of death, the self collected within itself all senses and faculties and after death all its previous knowledge, work and experience accompanied him. The falling off of the body at the time of death is only for the building of a newer body either in this world or in the other worlds. The self which thus takes rebirth is regarded as an aggregation of diverse categories. [bit of evolution, but says what the GE is doing]

...The knowledge of the self reveals the fact that all our passions and antipathies, all our limitations of experience, all that is ignoble and small in us, all that is transient and finite in us is false. We "do not know" but are "pure knowledge" ourselves. We are not limited by anything, for we are the infinite; we do not suffer death, for we are immortal. Emancipation thus is not a new acquisition, product, an effect, or result of any action, but it always exists as the Truth of our nature. We are always emancipated and always free. We do not seem to be so and seem to suffer rebirth and thousands of other troubles only because we do not know the true nature of our self. Thus it is that the true knowledge of self does not lead to emancipation but is emancipation itself. All sufferings and limitations are true only so long as we do not know our self. Emancipation is the natural and only goal of man simply because it represents the true nature and essence of man. It is the realization of our own nature that is called emancipation. Since we are all already and always in our own true nature and as such emancipated, the only thing necessary for us is to know that we are so.

Source: A History Of Indian Philosophy Surendranath Dasgupta Volume I First Edition: Cambridge, 1922. Produced by Srinivasan Sriram and, William Boerst and PG Distributed Proofreaders. While we have made every effort to reproduce the text correctly, we do not guarantee or accept any responsibility for any errors or omissions or inaccuracies in the reproduction of this text. Please refer the original text for any academic or serious studies. Sunday , February 3, 2008

...The Samkhya school was founded by Kapila, who lived in very ancient times, even before the composition of some of the principal Upanishads such as the Svetavatara, Katha, Prashna and Maitrayani Upanishads. ...

623 B.C – approx actual birth date of Gautama Siddhartha based on a life of 80 years…born in NEPAL, The Himalayas… Siddharta Gautama, who later became known as the Buddha, appeared around 563 BC (the Mahabodhi Society accepts 624 BC) in a warrior caste. [Sakya/Sukyya Caste – hence other name of Gautama Sukyamuni]

The warrior caste is called: Ksatriyas- The ksatriyas take the positions of king or politicians and the military.They administer society according to the directions and advice of the brahmanas. Their qualities are given in the Bhagavad-gita as heroism, power, determination, resourcefulness, courage in battle, generosity and leadership.

Perhaps the best known Nepali person is Siddhartha Gautama, better known around the world as Buddha. Siddhartha was born some time between 624 BC and 563 BC in Lumbini of Nepal. Buddhism is based on the teachings of Gautama who became known as Buddha meaning “the awakened” or “Enlightened One”. Tradition states that at the age of 30 he abandoned a life of opulence and focused many years of his life on self-denial and contemplation. One day, whilst sitting under a tree he gained enlightenment. From then on he became Buddha. For the remainder of his life he taught his beliefs to this disciples along with the goal of reaching Nirvana, the ultimate state of enlightenment. His beliefs are embodied in his Four Noble Truths. [Per Hubbard, those are alterations] Buddha died at Kushinagara sometime between 544 BC and 483 BC, yet his teachings continue to influence the lives of individuals throughout the world.

Siddhartha Gautama was born about 624 B.C. at Kapila- vastu, one hundred miles northeast of Benares, which was at the time the centre of a thickly populated region. Suddhodana, a wealthy prince, the father of Siddhartha, ruled over the tribe of the Sakyas, and his mother, Maya, was celebrated for her beauty and wisdom. Myths and legends cluster so thickly around the birth, early and later life, and even death of Gautama, that it is difficult to pick out the historical details with any accuracy. Published in 1898 under title : The literature of all nations and all ages. id=r54CAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA9&lpg=PA9&dq=gautama+born+624+bc&source=web&o ts=zeSA4knmiL&sig=FULlaoo4mzszWPLkQ5_lNE5wkGU#PPA9,M1

Hubbard: Now, there's a fellow by the name of Gautama Siddhartha-Gautama Buddha. And the Buddhists call it one date and the historians call it another date, but I suppose the Buddhists are probably right and it's something on the order of about 543 or something like that B.C., it's some such date. People are always arguing about this date and we don't care about that because it's an unimportant datum except to plot him up against existing knowledge. CYCLE OF ACTION; CREATE, DESTROY, RELATIVE IMPORTANCES 11 NOVEMBER 1959

600 B.C. – The Bhramins and their “how you are supposed to live” (amazingly similar to the same “now you are supposed to” of today’s times – Buddha doesn’t do it and they get made at him …whole life of a Brahman in ancient India was under a certain control. It was divided into four stages: the school, the household, the forest, and the solitude. Up to the age of twenty-seven a young man was supposed to be a student in the house of a Guru. After that he had to marry and found a household; and perform all the religious acts which were prescribed by the Vedas; then, when he had seen his children's children, he was expected to retire from his house and live, either alone or with his wife, in the forest, released from social and religious duties - nay, allowed to enjoy the greatest freedom of philosophic speculation. This leaving of the world before a man had performed the duties of a student and of a father of a family was the great offence of Buddhism in the eyes of the Brahmans, for it was that which deprived the Brahmans of their exclusive social position as teachers, as priests, as guides and counsellors. In this sense Buddha may be said to have been a heretic, and to have rejected the system of caste, the authority of the Veda, and the whole educational and sacrificial system as based on the Veda. He could never be forgiven for having arrogated to himself the right of teaching, which was the exclusive right of a Brahman born. The critical event in the life of Buddha himself was really his leaving father, mother, wife, and children behind, and going alone into the forest.

[sounds like sanskrit is being presented as the Brahmans “secret language” for control of truth to the masses]

[They do not allow any converts from any other caste or country, they write their religious books in Sanskrit and do not allow any non-Brahmans to read the Vedas – no propagation of Brahmanism in other lands allowed.]

… their exclusive social position as teachers, as priests, as guides and counsellors. – If there is any religion thoroughly popular, thoroughly unreserved, without admitting any priestly privileges, it was the original religion of Buddha. Brahmanism used Sanskrit as its sacred language; Buddha adopted the vulgar dialects spoken by the people, so that all might be able to follow his teaching. – Max Muller

600 B.C. – “the Dharma” of Buddha and his disciples – a “Buddha” is one who has attained Bodhi, which means – “one who has attained an ideal state of intellectual and ethical perfection by purely physical means.”… [wasn’t called Buddhism] spread at a rapid speed because of the simplicity of its teachings and the magnetic personality of its founder. %20_of_buddha.php

Hubbard: But there somebody can go outside of his head. We could have talked to Buddha-we could have talked to Buddha with the greatest of ease. Now, Buddha was the first boy to bring this up and popularize it here on Earth. He probably got it from about ten thousand years ago. The monk Dharma had certain things about it and they were talking about clearing, and Buddha-if you talk to a Buddhist, talk to him about not clearing but becoming bodhi and he'll say, "Oh, yeah, yeah, if you don't cause anything.. ." You know there's where the bank is really stuck; where the individual has said he will cause nothing. Why, if you want to find a nice big black lump in a bank, find where the individual decided never to cause anything or to be very wise and to oppose nothing. He'd be stuck right in nirvana. Anyhow, if we'd talked to Buddha about this, he would have said, "Hey, now. You mean we aren't going to have to sit and look at our navels for twenty years? You mean you sit on that side of that and you go out of your head and these various things and the cycle of birth and death then cease?" And boy, he would have been right with us, see? He would have been right with us. 20 APRIL 1963

The next single most important philosophic advance within our written history was accomplished by Gautama Sakyamuni. This work was part of a religion known as the Dharma. The Dharma, existing some time before the advent of Gautama, is a religion preached by individuals known as Buddhas. The Western world knows this as Buddhism and variously believes it to be a superstition or idolatrous practice or believes that it was founded by a man named Buddha, none of which are true. A Buddha is simply one who has attained Bodhi. A Bodhi is "one who has attained an ideal state of intellectual and ethical perfection by purely physical means." There have been many Buddhas and there are expected to be many more.

[Hubbard revealing more of what he allegedly taught as Dharma that still shows up in “the Dharma”- he refers to these as facts] A very cursory glance at the Dharma discovers that it embraces these facts. "All that we are is the result of what we have thought; it is founded on our thoughts, it is made up of our thoughts." "By oneself evil is done; by oneself one suffers; by oneself evil is left undone; by oneself one is purified. Purity and impurity belong to oneself; no one can purify another." "You yourself must make an effort; the Buddhas are only preachers. The thoughtful who enter the way are freed from the bondage of sin." "He who does not rouse himself when it is time to rise, who, though young and strong, is full of sloth, whose will and thoughts are weak, that lazy and idle man will never find the way to enlightenment." "Strenuousness is the path of immortality, sloth the path of death. Those who are strenuous do not die; those who are slothful are as if dead already."

…Although the Dharma does not give and does not contain, as it is handed down to us, any real or workable methodology to accomplish the state of Bodhi, it cleaves very strongly to a scientific rationale which, coming to us from two and one half millenia ago, is startling in view of the fact that it is more delineative, more exact, more comprehensive and more comprehensible than any and all psychological doctrine as known to us in this Twentieth Century. Here is an amazing body of scientific-philosophical-religious truth. These texts written about 600 B.C. outline a scientific religion of compassion and magnitude.

What has been the fate of the Dharma in these past centuries? What mark has it left upon Earth? The Dharma rose in an Asia enslaved by animism, superstition, idolatry, cannibalism and slavery. It was a barbaric world in 600 B.C. Gautama Buddha and his handful of followers, pretending nothing to the supernatural, using only wisdom, teachings and the technologies of civilization, spread through India the doctrines of the Dharma and brought to these hundreds of millions a much greater civilization than they had known. Penetrating into China, the Buddhist priests spread civilization before them. Penetrating into Japan, they taught the Japanese to read and write, to weave and sew, until two-thirds of the Earth's population had attained higher levels of wisdom. Spreading westward, the Dharma came into the Middle East and there presented its message of "love thy neighbor" and general compassion for life. And the parables of Gautama Buddha were re-expressed with some differences and additions to spread westward again as Christianity. And today, the entire Western Civilization lies under the spell, if at a lower intellectual level, of the teachings of the Dharma.

You are left to conclude what you will concerning the actual foundation of religion on this planet and of the factual structure underlying Christian churches. …I do not mean to tell you that Scientology is an extension of the Dharma, or that the forecasts of the Tibetans concerning the Western world are now coming true, or that you should embrace Asiatic philosophy, or even that the efforts of the Buddhas and the Scientologists are comparable. I am telling you this mainly because Western civilization is extremely ignorant of its sources and because these facts, no matter how true, are probably very little known in America and Europe. L. RON HUBBARD P.A.B. No. 32 7 August 1954 WHY DOCTOR OF DIVINITY?

And, by the way, he was going forward in the tradition of a monk (and this they get all messed up about because they talk about "the Dharma") and Gautama Buddha followed along with his knowledge in the tradition of the Dharma and all of this, and the Dharma was apparently this or that. And then they kind of overlooked the fact that there was a monk named Dharma about ten thousand years ago who gave the original Dharma, but it's called Dharma because his name was Dharma and actually is in the tradition which was followed by Buddha. And once more-once more we get a tremendous number of truths with no evaluation of importance. Got the idea? CYCLE OF ACTION; CREATE, DESTROY, RELATIVE IMPORTANCES 11 NOVEMBER 1959 "Another one of these great leaders, Gautama Buddha, who oddly enough never pretended to be a god, pretended to be nothing but what he was, a man inspired with the wisdom which he had gained and which he taught, and at one time one-third of this earth's population knew of and was better for Gautama Buddha. In the Western world, if you walk up to a man casually and you say "Buddha," he'll say, "An Idol," which was the furthest thing from Buddha's thoughts -- to be an idol. He would have laughed and probably did laugh after he exteriorized and came back and took a look around and saw everybody building temples, burning joss to Buddha. Nevertheless, this was not the attraction of the Buddhist; the attraction was again wisdom and hope."

Ability circa mid-June 1955, "The hope of Man" by L. Ron Hubbard

543 B.C. – Siddhartha Gautama died – Siddhartha to Ananda about GPMs before he died In the "Surangama Sutra" giving a discourse to one Ananda, Gautama said, "If you simply do not follow after these twelve notions of conditioning phenomena, namely: motion and stillness, separation and contact, variability and constancy, appearing and disappearing, passing or impenetrability, brightness and darkness, or should ignore any pair of them you will be freed from bondage to all mental contaminations." L. RON HUBBARD - P.A.B. No. 32 7 August 1954 WHY DOCTOR OF DIVINITY?

In the light of the aforesaid evidences we can now conclude that the most probable date of the birth of Buddha therefore, is 624-623 B. C. We make this deduction as he is supposed to have lived for 80 years, as he himself says in the Mahaparini-bbanasutta of the Dighanikaya before his death that he was of 80 years of age (athititaro me vayo vattati). Thus the date of the Buddha's parinivana may be decided at 544 B. C. (624-623 B. C.-80 = 544-543 B. C.) FROM WEBSITE found online.

543 BC – Siddhartha Gautama and “the Dharma” is allegedly reinterpreted and altered as soon as he’s gone…turned into “Buddhism” - took all motion out of it, plus a spread of the “it’s all bad out there” – [see Hubbard spreading the same idea, but appearing to “reveal” it in his planet-building incident – where he describes this is how to drive someone’s anchor points in]… surrounding his birth, life, and death with myths and legends so as to literally bury what really happened or that it NEVER happened….the idea of Buddha is turned into omniscient and supernatural guy

And that basing is back at five, four, three BC Gautama Sidhartha rewritten. And naturally, the way you would pin down a whole race would be to take them out of motion so that they made the ideal, a person who was in no motion of any kind whatsoever. That was the ideal. Tape lecture by Ron Hubbard 18 Oct 1961 [after Buddha’s death] was a critical moment for the Dhamma and its followers. How the Buddha's teaching could be preserved for the future, was a problem for his prominent disciples. Some disciples, like Subhadda, felt that, with the death of the Buddha, they could interpret the Dhamma according to their own wishes. …[First Council] … Mahabodhi+Society+%22birth+of+Buddha %22+624+B.C.&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=2&gl=us

Purana – (the old one) hears what the first council has “decided” that the buddha’s teachings were, says ok, but what I have heard from him directly from his very mouth will be in what manner I bear it in my memory. Heinrich Zimmer Philosophies of India

Perhaps the best known Nepali person is Siddhartha Gautama, better known around the world as Buddha. Siddhartha was born some time between 624 BC and 563 BC in Lumbini of Nepal. Buddhism is based on the teachings of Gautama […”based on the works of” ? Like ’s Scientology V.2]

258 B.C. – Buddhist Writings – Analysis [Only writings they are analyzing are allegedly from Asoka, 200 B.C. (third century B.C.] There are still several of the recognised canonical books of the Northern Buddhists, the Nine Dharmas, of which the manuscripts are beyond our reach, or which frighten even the most patient students by their enormous bulk. – Max Muller approx 1890

Asoko began to reign it. c. 258, and was a zealous promoter of the faith of Bud- ha. This period is remarkably illustrated by existing monuments, found in all parts of Central India. In the seventeenth year of this reign, a third council was held to purify the fraternity of the Bikkhus from certain heretical doctrines, introduced by persons jealous of the progress of Budhism, who had of themselves assumed the yellow robe, and intruded themselves into the viharas, for the purpose of creating a schism. [good example, even if just a story, of a man who accuses others of what he is about to do to try and distract]

The great age of Budhist missions began at this time. As places to which missionaries were sent, may be mentioned, Kasmira, Mahis- amandala, the Maharatta country, the Yona country, the Himavanta or Snowy country, and Ceylon. Of the rise and progress of Budhism in the latter place, also in Cashmere, a more extended account is given. The foundation of the system in Tibet was laid A. D. 307. Here, as in China, the Mongols were its principal patrons. A resemblance follows between the Roman Catholic and the Budhist systems, iu the latter as it is discovered in the worship of the grand Lama, and the history closes with a view of the rise and progress of the Budhist system in China This part will be presented entire. * * * * " In the thirteenth century, Koblai Khan brought n large part of China under the Mongol sceptre, and his reign was the period of the glory of the religion of Buddha in that country. It had its votaries there, however, previously, during many centuries. The Chinese Repository edited by Elijah Coleman Bridgman, Samuel Wells Willaims – 1845

Mystic Heart – Wayne Teasdale His life, inner process, and direct teachings are lost in the remote past where fact and fiction mix, creating a superhuman image of a mythic, almost divine being. Between the Buddha’s life 25 centuries ago and the first written Buddhist texts come four hundred years of Oral tradition.

Sakyamuni is definied by Heinrich Zimmer, book Philosophies of India 1969 as “ silent sage – muni – of the Sakyas” “In the Buddhist texts there is no word that can be traced with unquestionable authority to Gautama Sakyamuni”

Older Buddhism Analysis from the 1800’s, The Ten Commandments: "I exhort you to avoid the ten evils: 1. Kill not, but have regard for life. 2. Steal not, neither do ye rob; but help everybody to be master of the fruits of his labor. 3. Abstain from impurity, and lead a life of chastity. 4. Lie not, but be truthful. Speak the truth with discretion, fearlessly and in a loving heart. 5. Invent not evil reports, neither do ye repeat them. Carp not, but look for the good sides of your fellow-beings, so that ye may with sincerity defend them against their enemies. 6. Swear not, but speak decently and with dignity. 7. Waste not the time with gossip, but speak to the purpose or keep silence. 8. Covet not, nor envy, but rejoice at the fortunes of other people. 9. Cleanse your heart of malice and cherish no hatred, not even against your enemies; but embrace all living beings with kindness. 10. Free your mind of ignorance and be anxious to learn the truth, especially in the one thing that is needful, lest you fall a prey either to scepticism or to errors. Scepticism will make you indifferent and errors will lead you astray, so that you shall not find the noble path that leads to life eternal." BUDDHA, THE GOSPEL By Paul Carus Chicago, The Open Court Publishing Company, [1894]

Current Buddhism data analysis: Gautama was a Buddha. The Buddha is a person who has discovered the true nature of reality through years of study and meditation. This discovery is called enlightenment. Buddha means - one who is Awake - derived from the Sanskrit 'bud', 'to awaken'. Bodhi is a title given in Buddhism to the specific awakening experience attained by Gautama Buddha and his disciples. Bodhi is most commonly translated into English as enlightenment, however, more accurate translation is awakening. After attainment of Bodhi, it is believed one is freed from the cycle of birth, suffering, death and rebirth.

[as compared to Hubbard in 1954 – see below:] A Buddha is simply one who has attained Bodhi. A Bodhi is "one who has attained an ideal state of intellectual and ethical perfection by purely physical means." There have been many Buddhas and there are expected to be many more. L. RON HUBBARD P.A.B. No. 32 7 August 1954…]

The Buddhist method is summed up in the Four Noble Truths: 1. All worldly life is unsatisfactory, disjointed, containing suffering. 2. There is a cause of suffering, which is attachment or desire rooted in ignorance. 3. There is an end of suffering, which is Nirvana. 4. There is a path that leads out of suffering, known as the Noble Eightfold Path.

Point 1. is how to make slaves per Hubbard - see below: …Now, how do people control people? …. the motto is, Drive in Their Anchor Points. Tell them that that world out there isn't worth putting an anchor point on. Tell them it's bad! evil! no good! It's agin 'em. Tell them particularly that nothing obeys their orders; nothing follows their will; that everything out there is bad and there's nothing out there worth putting your anchor points on. [he says this is what newspapers do, and their motto is to make slaves] 12 JANUARY 1953 AGREE/DISAGREE-HAVE/HAVE-NOT (continued

“the Dharma” (which theoretically predates Buddhism) says that evil is not “out there”: A very cursory glance at the Dharma discovers that it embraces these facts. …"By oneself evil is done; by oneself one suffers; by oneself evil is left undone; by oneself one is purified. Purity and impurity belong to oneself; no one can purify another." L. RON HUBBARD P.A.B. No. 32 7 August 1954

Wise human beings, who see things as they are, renounce attachment and clinging which cause suffering, transform the energy of desire into awareness and understanding, and eventually attain nirvana.

[ Hubbard has the above as escape as a philosophy, Helatrobus GPMs and practicing non-confront of what you’ve become: …we have a cycle of action which starts low and goes high and gets there. And doesn't start with the low we have and then denies its existence and just tries to wipe that out and sails off someplace else. Philadelphia Doctorate Course 18, December 5 lecture by L. Ron Hubbard – taken from Arnie’s site]

The Buddhists practice a lot of “meditation” trying to achieve a “stillness”…

Hubbard: …A very cursory glance at the Dharma discovers that it embraces these facts. …."Strenuousness is the path of immortality, sloth the path of death. Those who are strenuous do not die; those who are slothful are as if dead already." L. RON HUBBARD P.A.B. No. 32 7 August 1954

An amusing comparison:

1. Emptiness also refers to a lack of permanent self or soul..doctrine of the No-Self 2…desire, longing and craving are the root causes of our suffering – doctrine of Do Not Make Any Postulate 3. Transcendent Emptiness – doctrine of SIT STILL

Thus we read in the Dhamnapads, 42 -

He who, though dressed in final apparel, exercises tranquillity, is quiet, subdued, restrained and chaste, and has ceased to find fault with other beings - he is indeed a Brahmana, a Sramana (Samana), a Bhikshu. – Max Muller

Hubbard: Now, the whole of the Buddhist concern was the life-death cycle. The birth-death cycle of Buddhism [alleges that is taken from the original Dharma (Hubbard) cycle of action…only trace of workable knowledge left in the altered Vedic Hymns] is their total fixation, and actually is probably the greatest wisdom that Earth had up until we came along. It wasn’t much, they ran it kind of backwards. But nevertheless it was a lamp burning. The whole goal of the Buddhist is to escape [Helatrobus Implants] this cycle of birth- death, birth-death, birth-death. The Buddhist is afraid of causing something, and he is afraid of making any change in life because he might then change somebody else, and he might then become responsible for broader changes. Now, actually he’s doing all this on the basis of “If I shirk enough responsibility, why, I will somehow or another float out of my head.” Well, unfortunately, it doesn’t work very well. If Buddha did it sitting under the Bodhi tree, he didn’t write it down on rock. He wrote it on men’s minds and that is writing as upon quicksand, because there’s something, something missing. See: …Although the Dharma does not give and does not contain, as it is handed down to us, any real or workable methodology to accomplish the state of Bodhi, it cleaves very strongly to a scientific rationale which, coming to us from two and one half millenia ago, is startling in view of the fact that it is more delineative, more exact, more comprehensive and more comprehensible than any and all psychological doctrine as known to us in this Twentieth Century. Source: PAB 32, 7 August 1954]

Do you see now, there is the birth-death cycle. And the Buddhist believed that he could escape this cycle. He could leave this vale of tears and woe. Now, it’s one of the mechanisms of that particular series of truths that they believed that the world was horrible and poverty-stricken and that it was pretty well all bad over there. [that’s the how to control people point detailed above] Now, the basic truths which they were putting out are so interlarded with these other exaggerations, overts and unkind thoughts, criticisms, alter-ises, and so on, that it operates as a self-trapping mechanism. If you get a guy to be still long enough you will key him in like crazy. All motions of the past will come in and kick him in the head. You see, the still spot is there to hold back the motion earlier. So, every time he goes still, of course he restimulates the earlier motion. …We’ve been so carefully sold on the idea of Buddhist serenity as a token of altitude and high state. A high state is a still state. And boy, that has been very far from the case in every single one of these Clears. They just depart wildly from this particular lineup because they go into motion… Of course, you get these ideas about what a Clear should be and they’re actually based on what you have been told a Clear should be. And that basing is back at five, four, three BC Gautama Sidhartha rewritten. And naturally, the way you would pin down a whole race would be to take them out of motion so that they made the ideal, a person who was in no motion of any kind whatsoever. That was the ideal. Tape lecture by Ron Hubbard 18 Oct 1961

215 B.C. – Numidia – Hubbard alleged he was there. Numidia was an ancient Berber kingdom located in the region of North Africa now occupied by Algeria. The Kingdom existed from the 3rd to 1st centuries BC. The Kingdom of Numidia was established as a client kingdom by Rome following the Second Punic War. It was annexed by Rome in 46 BC, and then, after a brief period of restored independence, in 25 BC. Wikipedia

Dianetics and Scientology now are really about thirty years old. Only ten years of this have we been together-besides those times on the backtrack. Yeah. Occasionally we do meet each other on the backtrack, you know. I mean, we have. … For instance, I remember being just a little bit late relieving a garrison in Numidia or someplace… The Genus Of DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY 31 DECEMBER 1960 0 – Hubbard calls the “Birth of Christ” alleged. … The length of time since the birth of Chr-the alleged birth of Christ …. PROGRAMING CASES, PART 11 30 MAY 1963

What to Audit/History of Man CHAPTER FOUR …Prior to these discoveries of Darwin and others earthmen accepted various impossibilities as the explanation of the variety of animal forms. The Vedic theories persisted until the early A.Ds. when a new cult arose in the Middle East 30 degrees N. Lat. 30 degrees to 80 degrees E. Long. Earth) and proposed that animals had been created suddenly from mud by a Creator and that this included Man. The Vedic peoples had proposed much earlier that a sort of evolution was responsible for 'the various forms.

Here on Earth there was undoubtedly a Christ. Well, one of the reasons he was.. he swept in so suddenly uh.. and.. and he would go forward so hard is he had a good assist back of him in terms of an implant. [Fac One and the Halver] Philadelphia Doctorate Course lecture 24 of December 9

53 A.D. – First use of the term “Christian” (were Jews) in the city of Antioch …Penetrating into China, the Buddhist priests spread civilization before them. …Spreading westward, the Dharma came into the Middle East and there presented its message of "love thy neighbor" and general compassion for life. And the parables of Gautama Buddha were re-expressed with some differences and additions to spread westward again as Christianity. And today, the entire Western Civilization lies under the spell, if at a lower intellectual level, of the teachings of the Dharma. You are left to conclude what you will concerning the actual foundation of religion on this planet and of the factual structure underlying Christian churches. L. RON HUBBARD P.A.B. No. 32 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR5S BULLETIN From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office 163 Holland Park Avenue, London W. II 7 August 1954 WHY DOCTOR OF DIVINITY?

570 – Mohammed and using the restim of the Emanator incident – “Lode stone” Casbah… "This is an incident called the Emanator, by the way. And this thing is, by the way, the source of the mohammedan Lode Stone that they have hanging down there that uh.. when uh.. Mohammed decided to be a good uh.. small town booster in uh.. Kansas Middle East or something of the sort.. by the way, the only reason he mocked that thing up is the trade wasn't good in his home town. That's right. You can read the life of Mohammed. And he's got a black one and it's sort of hung between the ceiling and the floor and, I don't know it.. maybe it's called a casbah or.. or.. or something. Any.. anyway that thing is a mock-up of the Emanator. The Emanator is bright, not black." Philadelphia Doctorate Course No. 24, December 9 lecture by L. Ron Hubbard

"Asia Minor, given a goal by Mohammed, exploded into Europe." "Mohammed sat alongside the caravan routes until he had a goal formulated and then his followers managed Mohammedanism into a conquest of a large part of civilization." The Dianetic Auditor's Bulletin, Volume 2, No. 2, August, 1951, "An Essay on Management" by L. Ron Hubbard

1000 – Oldest manuscript of the Vedic Hymns – alleged date The oldest surviving manuscripts of the Rigveda are dated to the 11th century CE. Wikipedia

1000 – The Assassins – Persia and Syria – Mind Control "Another effort of swaying minds occurred in Persia and Syria between the 11th and 13th centuries A.D. A sect known as the Assassins utilized the popular belief in Mohammedan Paradise to rule, viciously and powerfully, a large segment of the known world. This sect enforced its will upon the rulers and influential men of its time by assassination, and, indeed, that is the derivation of that word. The leaders of this sect would ply religious young men with hashish and then transport them to a marvelous garden which contained all the sensual delights recounted in the Koran, even to the forty black-eyed houris. The young men, believing themselves in Paradise itself, would be told that they could not remain there unless they obeyed the slightest wish of the sect and that they could not return unless they were actually dead. The young men, so bedazzled, were then returned to the "world of the living" and were used to slay important persons, for what mattered it that the assassin was killed, since he would, at worst, return to "Paradise." Thus any ruler or influential man in the world, once threatened by this sect, would obey its mandates as to tribute or the passing of new laws." "The Journal of Scientology," circa fall, 1952 "Danger: " by L. Ron Hubbard

" You can control men like you would control robots with those techniques. The implantation, black Dianetics, pain-drug-hypnosis are very mild methods of control. Do you know that the Sufi Mohammedan cult under Hashshashin controlled Europe for 300 years with the rather thin gadget of throwing hashish into some young man, suddenly making him appear, wake up in a beautiful garden where there were forty black-eyed houries to serve his every desire, where there were rivers of milk and honey - real milk and honey, rivers and fountains. And he could stay there for about three or four days, and then he would suddenly be told, "Now you have had your taste of paradise. In order to return to paradise it is necessary for you to return down to earth and carry out the commands of this order." And this young man would then find himself suddenly in the middle of some large town, and he would know that all he had to do was to walk up and kill the sultan of that town, and if he himself were killed in the same act, he would immediately appear in the garden of paradise. Hence the Assassins, and the Assassins controlled practically every breath Europe took for almost 300 years. How simple it was." Philadelphia Doctorate Course No. 20, December 6 lecture by L. Ron Hubbard

1650 – Earth - In a great many cases, Theta beings [“frowned down”] arrive around this time…assumptions of GE’s [implanted thetans doing the “Darwin Evolution” on Earth]…some recruited by The Emanator and hypnotically transferred directly. …Evidently theta being ASSUMPTION is recent on Earth. It is rare to find a theta being coming to Earth 35,000 years ago, rarer to find one earlier. 70,000 years ago is the present earliest arrival of a theta being on Earth. In a great many cases, the preclear (for the awareness of awareness of the preclear IS the theta being) will be found to have arrived on Earth for the first time only a few hundred years ago. Emeter reaction occurs in the GE line on these ASSUMPTIONS and the auditor should be careful to differentiate whether he is reading for the GE or the preclear himself. History of Man/What to Audit

…BEFORE EARTH: There is a BEFORE EARTH and a BEFORE MEST UNIVERSE in all banks. The incidents are not dissimilar. They consist of the preclear being summoned before a council, being frowned down, being sent elsewhere than where he was. The odd part of these incidents, to the preclear, is that he is not usually guilty of anything, not aware of having offended. He is simply recruited, is brought in, is sentenced to be transported and goes to a new area. The only thing remarkable about these BEFORE incidents is that they are a very definite degradation and condemnation of the preclear. They are best run by scanning the preclear backwards on each column of the CHART OF ATTITUDES, from for instance, "I KNOW NOT" to "I KNOW," etc., for the council's intent is to reduce the person down scale in order to get a more obedient colonist. What to Audit/History of Man

…THE EMANATOR: Now and then your preclear is found "stuck" in the EMANATOR. This is a large, glowing body of radioactive material which hangs magically in thin air, a sort of a god, an allknower. Its outpulse puts one into a trance. The story usually starts with the preclear "volunteering" to come to Earth and do good. He walks into the presence of the emanator and that is that. He has volunteered, perhaps, simply out of curiosity, wondering what is contained in that big building. His "agreement" is of course enforced. He is told that they will keep his body safe for him. He "agrees" to go help out and is transported by hypnotic transference. It never occurs to the preclear to question the safety of his body. He reports back to it between lives. The body is preserved and can stay that way for some thousands of years. But bodies do not last forever. One day the preclear dies on Earth and reports back dutifully to find no body. After that he conceives himself to be lost. He is given no new goals between lives, he is ignored. The next life may find him knocking on the door of a psychiatrist for he is very "lost" and "homeless" and generally bewildered. Running the emanator sequence and loss makes all right again. The EMANATOR trick as a recruiting device is very old. You will find many second facsimiles about it in the preclear's bank. What to Audit/History of Man

Espinol is a lesser but still existent alien civilization, said by Hubbard to have lasted "something on the order of a few hundred thousand years." ("The ITSA Line") It used to control Earth's Solar System, which was "Sun 12" of the "Espinol United Stars" (formal name: "Espinol United Stars, or the Espinol United Moons, Planets, and Asteroids: This Quarter of the Universe is Ours"). The Espinols abandoned the Solar System in AD 1150, "when a group on Mars was finally abolished and vanished", and since then have used the system as a dumping ground for convicts Hubbard, The Free Being, SHSBC-281, July 9, 1963 Wikipedia version though

[transport method for convicted beings being dumped on Earth] …THE ICE CUBE: Here is an intriguing incident which, if your preclear demands, should be audited. This is evidently a method of transportation of beings to a new area. The being is packed in ice, is taken to the new area and is usually dumped in the ocean. … A thetan responds to hypnosis, pain, force and other factors. He also responds to being frozen in ice. What to Audit/History of Man

1756 – Vedic Hymns in written form taken to England from India during the Seven Years War – translated in England – I’m sure there were more alterations there in the translation. Darwin and his co-workers [1856] picked up this theory after the Vedic hymns had been translated to Europe, about a century earlier, concurrent with the French-English conquest of India. History of Man

1830 – Frenchman coins the term Pre-History Prehistory (Latin, præ = before Greek, ?st???a = history) is a term often used to describe the period before written history. Paul Tournal originally coined the term Pré-historique in describing the finds he had made in the caves of southern France. It came into use in French in the 1830s to describe the time before writing, and was introduced into English by Daniel Wilson in 1851. Wikipedia

1851 – Pre-History introduced as a term to the English (used three years later by Darwin Prehistory (Latin, præ = before Greek, ?st???a = history) is a term often used to describe the period before written history. Paul Tournal originally coined the term Pré-historique in describing the finds he had made in the caves of southern France. It came into use in French in the 1830s to describe the time before writing, and was introduced into English by Daniel Wilson in 1851. Wikipedia

1856 – Darwin “Theory of Evolution” Darwin and his co-workers picked up this theory after the Vedic hymns had been translated to Europe, about a century earlier, concurrent with the French-English conquest of India. History of Man

The Vedic hymns are religious hymns. Yet the material in them contains all that is to be found in the works of Charles Darwin and even in the works used today by nuclear physicists. …Although the Dharma … Here is an amazing body of scientific-philosophical-religious truth. These texts written about 600 B.C. outline a scientific religion of compassion and magnitude. L. RON HUBBARD P.A.B. No. 32 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR5S BULLETIN From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office 163 Holland Park Avenue, London W. II 7 August 1954 WHY DOCTOR OF DIVINITY?

1890 – Isis Unveiled – Helena Blavatsky does Veda “chaos theory” Isis Unveiled by H. P. Blavatsky, vol 2, ch 9, part 1 Who can give a correct idea of Him of whom the Rig-Veda says: ..... a whole series of worlds evolving out of the chaos, and being destroyed in succession. ... - 107k - Cached - Similar pages

1898 – Nuclear Physics begins The Vedic hymns are religious hymns. Yet the material in them contains all that is to be found in the works of Charles Darwin and even in the works used today by nuclear physicists. A survey of these hymns as they are now written and available in your local library would astonish you. It demonstrates clearly that our earliest indebtedness was to a religion. …Although the Dharma … Here is an amazing body of scientific-philosophical-religious truth. These texts written about 600 B.C. outline a scientific religion of compassion and magnitude. L. RON HUBBARD P.A.B. No. 32 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR5S BULLETIN From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office 163 Holland Park Avenue, London W. II 7 August 1954 WHY DOCTOR OF DIVINITY?

While Becquerel went on to do research in atomic physics, Marie Curie ...M. Curie citation... was stimulated by his discovery of the Uranic rays, and she, later joined by Pierre Curie, began to investigate them systematically. Their studies which showed that such rays were not unique to Uranium, led them to the discovery of the new elements Polonium and Radium in 1898, and they coined the term Radioactivity by which the phenomenon has been known ever since. Four years later Ernest Rutherford and Frederick Soddy found that substances like Uranium and Thorium transmute naturally into other elements. During the next few years, and continuing for 50 years, many other naturally radioactive substances were found. It was also shown that there are three kinds of radiations, alpha-rays, beta-rays, (both discovered by Rutherford), and gamma-rays. These rays of radioactivity have very different penetrating powers: Alpha-rays can be stopped by a thick sheet of paper, beta- rays can go through a sheet of metal, while gamma-rays are even more penetrating. It would take several decades before the detailed nature of radioactivity would be fully understood by physicists. Harriet Brooks..Brooks citation.. discovered an effect which was later shown to be nuclear recoil after emission of radiation. Rutherford found that a certain fraction of a radioactive substance decays in a given time interval. This means that the original amount decays exponentially with time; the time it takes for half the material to decay is known as the half-life. For each radioactive decay, there is a characteristic half-life, which was shown to be quite independent of chemical and thermal properties of the radioactive substance. This was demonstrated by F. C. Gates. See Gates citation It was eventually learned that alpha-rays are just helium atoms without electrons, carrying two units of positive charges each. This means that when an alpha ray is emitted, the atomic number Z of the atom decreases by two units, and the atom is transmuted into another atom two steps below it in the Periodic Table.

An observation of unexpectedly large angle backscatterings when alpha particles hit a gold foil led Rutherford in 1911 to the theoretical picture of an atom. Rutherford's atom was made up of a nucleus of Z positive charges and also A-Z pairs of positive and negative charges surrounded by a sphere of Z uniformly distributed electrons, which had been known since 1898. This discovery of the atomic nucleus would have far-reaching impact not only in physics, but also in war and politics.

Rutherford's nuclear model pointed the way to the new world of modern physics, but it was Niels Bohr who opened its door. In 1913, he constructed a dynamical model of the hydrogen atom with an electron circulating a hydrogen nucleus, (which later acquired the name proton) in stable orbits called stationary states. By allowing the electron to emit light only when it jumps between these stationary states, Bohr was able to explain the known energies of light emitted by excited hydrogen atoms. Bohr's model was soon developed by others into a mathematical formulation called Quantum Mechanics. This theory and Albert Einstein's Theories of Relativity provide the conceptual basis for the theoretical description of all physical phenomena known to us today.

RADQ W03 2-16-03 ENERGY DENSITY OF BLACK BODY RADIATION AND QUANTIZATION KNOWN ENERGY DENSITY OF BLACK BODY RADIATION It was known at the end of the 19th century that the energy of black body radiation in a cavity was given by: of the form u() = 8 2c3 F(T ) (1) where is the frequency of the radiation, = c§ , § is the wavelength. Defining x = T , we see that F(x) kT for x << 1. On the other hand, it was found that F(x) decreases roughly like e-x for x >> 1.