The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology

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The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology by L. Ron Hubbard FOUNDER OF DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY Volume XIV THE O.T. LEVELS _____________________________________________________________________ I will not always be here on guard. The stars twinkle in the Milky Way And the wind sighs for songs Across the empty fields of a planet A Galaxy away. You won’t always be here. But before you go, Whisper this to your sons And their sons — “The work was free. Keep it so.” L. RON HUBBARD 2 L. RON HUBBARD Founder of Dianetics and Scientology 3 4 CONTENTS 5 Contents ORIGINAL OT 1.......................................................................................................13 OT 1 Checksheet ................................................................................................15 Clear And OT.....................................................................................................16 An Open Letter To All Clears .......................................................................17 Floating Needles ................................................................................................19 OT 1 Instructions ...............................................................................................20 OT 1 Steps..........................................................................................................22 NEW OT 1..................................................................................................................27 New OT 1 Instructions .......................................................................................29 OT 2 ............................................................................................................................31 OT 2 Course Checksheet ...................................................................................33 Keeping Scientology Working...........................................................................36 Technical Degrades............................................................................................43 O.T. Course - Section Two Instructions ...........................................................45 Additional Data Re: Dates .................................................................................46 Clearing Course Instruction Booklet .................................................................47 The State Of Clear .............................................................................................57 Floating Needles ................................................................................................58 Glossary Of Terms For The Section II OT Course.....................................59 The State Of Clear .............................................................................................63 The Nature Of A Being......................................................................................65 The Difference Between The Comm Cycle In Regular Auditing And The Comm Cycle In Solo Auditing.................................................68 OT II Handwritten Additional Instructions .......................................................70 Electrical GPM ..................................................................................................72 Tocky GPM........................................................................................................75 Big Being GPM .................................................................................................76 House GPM........................................................................................................78 Psycho GPM ......................................................................................................84 Banky GPM .......................................................................................................86 Forerunner GPM ................................................................................................89 Non Line Plot Incidents .....................................................................................96 The Arrow..........................................................................................................97 Woman...............................................................................................................97 White - Black .....................................................................................................97 Hot - Cold ..........................................................................................................97 Laughter - Calm .................................................................................................97 Dance Mob.........................................................................................................97 Double Rod ........................................................................................................98 Foreign Language Caution.................................................................................99 Basic Basic GPM .............................................................................................101 Basic GPM .......................................................................................................184 The One Command GPM ................................................................................193 Lower LP GPM................................................................................................197 LP GPM ...........................................................................................................203 Body GPM .......................................................................................................209 Lower Bank......................................................................................................217 6 NEW OT 3................................................................................................................229 OT 3 Course Checksheet..................................................................................231 Data ..................................................................................................................236 Additional Tech Data .......................................................................................239 Definitions, Sect III ........................................................................................246 Character Of Body Thetans..............................................................................247 2nd Note ...........................................................................................................248 1st Note ............................................................................................................253 The Basic On BTs .........................................................................................254 Dianetics Forbidden On Clears And OTs ........................................................255 Dianetics Deleted From OT III Materials ........................................................256 Revised Instructions .........................................................................................257 Section III Additional Data - Notes On Running.............................................261 Stuck Pictures...................................................................................................263 Section III Running ..........................................................................................264 3RD Note .........................................................................................................266 Overt-Motivator Sequence ...............................................................................267 Cross Auditing .................................................................................................269 OT III ...............................................................................................................269 Overrun On III ...............................................................................................271 Running OT III.................................................................................................272 OT III Errors ....................................................................................................273 Addition To OT III Pack ..................................................................................274 Cluster Formation ............................................................................................275 OT III Case Supervision ..................................................................................279 Ruds Going Out On BTs ..................................................................................282 Dianetic Auditing And OT III..........................................................................283 S E C R E T......................................................................................................286 III Completion..................................................................................................287 EP’s ..................................................................................................................288 Handling Correction Lists On OTs ..................................................................289 Flying Ruds On Solo OT III And Above .........................................................290 Incident II .........................................................................................................293 List Of Volcanoes ............................................................................................294
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