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ªÔÚ›Ù ӷ ÂÍÔÈÎÔÓÔÌ‹ÛÂÙ ¿Ú· ÔÏÏ¿ garden, covered parking, facing 020 8373 6299 or 020 8373 6328 ¯Ú‹Ì·Ù· ·ÁÔÚ¿˙ÔÓÙ·˜ ¤Í˘Ó· green area, ten minute drive to town centre and twenty minutes ¶ƒ√™ √§∞ Δ∞ ∂™Δπ∞Δ√ƒπ∞, to Larnaca Airport. Title deeds available. SALES/REP DRIVER ª∞°∞∑π∞ Î·È ™¶πΔπ∞ Price for quick sale REQUIRED í170.000 ∏ ∂Ù·ÈÚ›· Ì·˜ DINOS & SONS ηٷÛ΢¿˙ÂÈ ÛÙÔ For reputable Greek Cheese Company ÂÚÁÔÛÙ¿ÛÈfi Ì·˜ Ô,Ùȉ‹ÔÙ ·fi ÎÚ¤·˜ ¯ÔÈÚÈÓfi, ‚Ô‰ÈÓfi:- Must have adequated food sales experience §Ô˘Î¿ÓÈη, ·ÛÙÔ˘ÚÌ¿, ÏÔ‡ÓÙ˙·, ¯ÔÈÚÔ̤ÚÈ·, ¯·Ì, Tel: Tony 07778 160 709 Û·Ï¿ÌÈ·, ÛÈÂÊÙ·ÏÈ¿ Î·È ÔÏÏ¿ ¿ÏÏ·. email CV’s to ∂ÈÛ¿ÁÔ˘Ì ηْ ¢ı›·Ó ·fi ∫‡ÚÔ, ∂ÏÏ¿‰·, ¢·Ó›·, πÙ·Ï›·, ¯·ÏÏÔ‡ÌÈ·, ʤÙÙ·, Ù˘ÚÈ¿, ÁÈ·Ô‡ÚÙÈ, ηʤ, ÎÚ·ÛÈ¿, [email protected] Ù·¯›ÓË, ÙÔ˘ÚÛÈ¿, ÂÏȤ˜, Ï¿‰È Î·È Ì·¯·ÚÈο. BORN FREE Tel: 020 3751 7550 HOLIDAYS DEMOS & SONS LTD Worldwide Flights, Hotels and Holidays HEATING & PLUMBERS MERCHANTS Best prices and many more offers & SPARES SUPPLIERS, COMBI BOILERS MERCHANTS  NEW FLIGHTS: Heathrow - Larnaca  For Reservations: 020 8886 2688 VAILLANT - BAXI - MAIN - PRO - 58 Hoppers Road, Winchmore Hill, London N21 3LH POTTERTON, KESTON, ARISTON BEST CAR HIRE RATES IN 568 LORDSHIP LANE, Δ∏§∂ºø¡∏™Δ∂ ª∞™ – ™∞™ ™Àªº∂ƒ∂π WOOD GREEN, LONDON N22 5BY ΔËÏ: 020 8808 2427 º·Í: 020 8808 7515 Tel: 020 8888 6051 / 020 8889 6476 Email: [email protected] Spares: 020 8365 7384 Fax: 020 8888 1284 ¶¤ÌÙË 1 √ÎÙˆ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2015 ™ÂÏ›‰· 5 ·ÚÔÈÎÈ· ÃÔÚÔÂÛÂÚ›‰· ™˘Ó‰¤ÛÌÔ˘ §Â˘Î·ÚÈÙÒÓ ∞ÓÔÈÎÙ‹ Û˘ÁΤÓÙÚˆÛË ∂¢∂∫ ∏μ ∂¢∂∫ ∏ӈ̤ÓÔ˘ μ·ÛÈÏ›- ÂÈÌÔÓ‹ ÁÈ· ¢È˙ˆÓÈ΋ ¢ÈÎÔÈÓÔ- ∏Ô˘ ÔÚÁ·ÓÒÓÂÈ ·ÓÔÈÎÙ‹ ÂÎ- ÙÈ΋ √ÌÔÛÔÓ‰›· Ò˜ ÂËÚÂ- ‰‹ÏˆÛË Ì ÙËÓ Â˘Î·ÈÚ›· Ù˘ ¿˙ÂÙ·È ÙÔ Ì¤ÏÏÔÓ Ù˘ ∫˘ÚÈ·- ªÂÁ¿Ï˘ μÚÂÙ·Ó›·˜ 55˘ ÂÂÙ›Ԣ Ù˘ ΋˜ ¢ËÌÔÎÚ·Ù›·˜ ·Ó·Î‹Ú˘Í˘ Ù˘ Î·È ÙÈ ÂÈÙÒÛÂȘ ı· È Â˘Î·ÈÚ›·˜ Û˘ÌÏËÚÒÛÂ- ™Ô‡‚Ï· ·fi ∞ÚÓ¿ÎÈ, ∫ÔÙfiÔ˘- Ï·¯ÓÔ‡. ∂ÈÛÈÙ‹ÚÈ· í35.00 ÙÔ ∂mail: community.lefkara- ∫˘Úȷ΋˜ ¢ËÌÔ- ¤¯ÂÈ ¿Óˆ ÛÙÔÓ ∫˘- ∂ˆ˜ 30 ¯ÚfiÓˆÓ ˙ˆ‹˜ Î·È ÏÔ ÃÔÈÚÈÓfi. ¢ˆÚÂ¿Ó ÎÚ·Û› Î·È ¿ÙÔÌÔ. ∞ÔÙ·ı›Ù ÛÙËÓ ÕÓÓ· [email protected] ÎÚ·Ù›·˜ Ì ÔÌÈÏËÙ‹ ÚÈ·Îfi §·fi ; ΔÈ ÛË- ‰Ú¿Û˘ ÙÔ˘ ™˘Ó‰¤ÛÌÔ˘ §Â˘- M¤ÚÔ˜ ÙˆÓ ÂÛfi‰ˆÓ ı· ‰Ôı› ÙÔÓ Úfi‰ÚÔ ÙÔ˘ Ì·›ÓÂÈ Ë ÂΠ̤ÚÔ˘˜ TION ηÚÈÙÒÓ ÛÙËÓ ·ÚÔÈΛ· Ë ÂÙ‹- CIAT OF ÛÙÔ ÁËÚÔÎÔÌÂ›Ô §Â˘Î¿ÚˆÓ Î·È ∫ÈÓ‹Ì·ÙÔ˜ ¢Ú·. 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Chialoufas ∫˘Úȷ΋˜ ∞‰ÂÏÊfiÙËÙ·˜, Niyazi Kizilyurek ı¤Ì·Ù· Ô˘ ÚÔ·ÙÔ˘Ó. 8LB). Britannia Road North Finchley, 00357 99 687 228 or 00357 25 711 746 London N12 9RU. ÏÒÛÂˆÓ Ù˘ ∞‰ÂÏÊfiÙËÙ·˜. ∂ÈÛËÁËÙ‹˜ Ù˘ ‰È¿ÏÂ͢ ΔËÏ.: 020 8445 7070 ‹ 020 ı· Â›Ó·È Ô Î·ıËÁËÙ‹˜ ÙÔ˘ 8445999. ÙÌ‹Ì·ÙÔ˜ ΔÔ˘ÚÎÈÎÒÓ Î·È ∫ÈÓËÙfi: 07956 849 094. JOB VACANCY ªÂÛ·Ó·ÙÔÏÈÎÒÓ ™Ô˘‰ÒÓ Î·È ΔËÏÂÔÌÔÈfiÙ˘Ô: 020 8445 EXPERIENCED ∫ÔÛÌ‹ÙÔÚ·˜ ™¯ÔÏ‹˜ ∞ÓıÚˆ- 9977. Ashmore Residential – Hampstead Estate Agency ÈÛÙÈÎÒÓ ™Ô˘‰ÒÓ Niyazi ÃÔÚËÁÔ› ÂÈÎÔÈÓˆÓ›·˜ ∂ÊË- PART-TIME SERVER A new opportunity has arisen ÌÂÚ›‰Â˜ ¶·ÚÔÈÎȷ΋ - ∂Ï¢ıÂ- Kizilyurek. required for the following position °È· ÏËÚÔÊÔڛ˜ ÂÈÎÔÈÓˆ- Ú›· - ºÈÏÂχıÂÚÔ˜ - LGR - LETTINGS ADMINISTRATOR (Full time) Ó›ÛÙ Ì ÙËÓ ÂÈÙÚÔ‹ ÂΉË- Hellenic TV - ƒπ∫ Î·È ∫À¶∂. 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Head Office: MONDIAL FORWARDING (HELLAS) LTD MONDIAL FORWARDING (HELLAS) LTD MONDIAL TRANSPORT Ltd 46 LOCKFIELD AVE, BRIMSDOWN, 20th KLM NATIONAL ROAD P.O. BOX 153 ISHIRON 24, MONOVOLIKOS 2, ENFIELD, MIDDLESEX EN3 7PX ATHENS - KORINTHOS 57009 KALOHORI KATO POLEMIDHIA, LIMASSOL-CYPRUS TEL: 020 8805 3344 (8 Lines) 19200 ELEFSINA, GREECE THESSALONIKI, GREECE TEL: 00357 2 5713 386 / 7 / 9 FAX: 020 8805 2299 TEL: 0030 210 5540907 FAX: 0030 210 5561697 TEL: 00302310 753 221/2 FAX: 00302310 753223 FAX: 00357 2 5713 391 ™ÂÏ›‰· 8 ¶¤ÌÙË 1 √ÎÙˆ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2015 ·ÚıÚo - ·ÚÔÈÎȷη EÙ‹ÛÈ· Û˘Ó‰È¿ÛÎÂ„Ë Û˘ÓÙ·ÍÈÔ‡¯ˆÓ ÌÂÏÒÓ UNISON ¶ÚˆÙÔÔÚȷ΋ ÚÔÛ¤ÁÁÈÛË ΔÔ˘ ∞¡Δƒ∂∞ ∫Àƒπ∞∫√À ‹ÚˆÓ ·ÓÂÍ¿ÚÙËÙ· ·fi ËÏÈΛ·. 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To support and transport elderly/disabled clients to and from their homes and the Day Centre Wedding by specially adapted tail-lift minibuses. Co-ordinations A clean driving licence is essential * We have competitive packages available and the expertise to Police checks will be necessary plan your wedding, engagement or social event down to the One month’s probation. last detail. * Our professional team are experts in coordinating your Applicants need to speak Greek and/or Turkish special day. and therefore we are advertising under the MANY VENUES AVAILABLE – (Some examples): Equality Act 2010. London Marriott, Landmark, London Hilton, Inter-Continental, The Brewery, Renaissance, Alexandra Palace, Decorium and many others. Apply to: John Constantinou or Shenkay Ahmet 020 8882 2329 – [email protected] You are only ‘One Stop’ away from Your perfect day. 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Head Office Receiving address for Goods Also receiving address for cars UNIT 15 Unit 26 RIVERWALK BUSINESS PARK RIVERWALK BUSINESS PARK RIVERWALK ROAD RIVERWALK ROAD (off Jeffreys Rd) (Off Jeffreys Road) ENFIELD EN3 7QN ENFIELD EN3 7QN

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Onewspaper celebra- of independent news con- al election, Jeremy Corbyn Making light of the turbulent ted its 41 years! cerning our community, used his first conference start to his leadership of the Established in 1974 with our island Cyprus and world- speech as party leader to call them younger voters disillu- towards helping the majority, party, he said: “I’m delighted the object of responding wide. on the party to unite. sioned with establishment rather than pandering to the to be making this speech to the growing needs of the We would like to thank all The 66-year-old lawmaker politics, and said he would few. today, partly as it’s a change Greek speaking communities those who have contributed played to his supporters by challenge the government’s He called on Prime Minister from the relaxing two weeks in London and the UK, to our newspaper throughout saying he wanted to usher in austerity policies. David Cameron to review its I’ve had, in which barely Parikiaki is now the leading the years, companies, asso- a new, kinder politics and to “Labour will be challenging approach to governments that anything of note has hap- Cypriot newspaper in Lon- ciations, organisations and boost investment in the austerity, it will be unapolo- “abuse their own citizens”. pened to me at all. don, serving the Greek and individuals who have adver- economy so more people getic about reforming our “Nor does it help our nation- “You may have noticed that Cypriot communities in tised with us and of course could thrive. economy to challenge inequal- al security to give such fawn- some of our newspapers do excess of 300,000 people. our readers for their contin- Corbyn, elected earlier this ity and to protect workers ing and uncritical support to seem to have taken a mild Our newspaper is a plat- ued support. month on a pledge to shake better,” he told delegates who regimes - I mention only two interest in me lately. up the political system, said halted his hour-long speech but there are many I could “Amongst the things I’ve as leader he had a mandate at least twice with standing mention - such as Saudi found out about myself ¶PIøN Y A for change, “first and foremost ovations. Arabia and Bahrain,” Corbyn are that, according to one K ° H ° ™ § it’s a vote for change in the headline ‘Jeremy Corbyn ø I “You don’t have to take said. A

N ™ way we do politics. Politics what you’re given,” he told the His speech was welcomed welcomed the prospect of an E that’s kinder, more inclusive.” party’s annual conference in by his supporters, who said asteroid ‘wiping out’ humani- E A E K 5 TO 6 ™ 19 He pledged to listen to the the southern English city of he was a refreshing change ty’.” I¢PY™E ø™ thousands of new members Brighton. for a party tired of modern-day Corbyn also referred to his who have joined Labour since Corbyn said his team would politics of slogans and sound- predecessor Ed Miliband en- he ran for leader, many of make sure policy was geared bites. during “tawdry media attacks”. ATI IINNVVIITTATION

The IN BRITAIN (E.K.A) AKEL and T/c United Cyprus Party celebrate and the TURKISH CYPRIOT ASSOCIATION FOR DEMOCRACY invite you to an event for the 55th Anniversary of Cyprus Independence anniversary of Cyprus’ Independence Looking to the future Thursday 1st √ctober 2015, 7:30pm KEL and Turkish munal federation. Cypriot Community Centre, Cypriot ‘United Cyprus AKEL’s leader said that we Earlham Grove, Wood Green, London, N22 5HJ AParty’ (BKP) held a cannot afford to let time pass joint event Tuesday evening and we should put all our ñ Speakers: to celebrate the anniversary efforts so that the procedure of Cyprus’ Independence on underway can bear fruits. October 1st. He said that both Greek The two parties sent mes- Cypriots and sages of peaceful coexistence are sending a message that Christos Alecou Ferdi Sedat between they will fight together to AKEL Central T/c Association and Turkish Cypriots at the reunite their common home- Organising Secretary for Democracy event titled “Encounter for land in peace and prosperity. Cultural¶ÔÏÚfiÁÚ·ÌÌ·x programme Peace”. United Cyprus Party leader, Keynote speaker at the Izzet Izcan said that “today is EKA choir ñ Poems ñ Songs event, which was attended, still closer than tomorrow” * Drinks and snacks will be offered inter alia, by former President In his speech Kyprianou ed out however that Ankara’s for a Cyprus solution adding at the end of the evening of the Republic Demetris said that the main responsibi- intransigence cannot be an that we ought to struggle for Christofias, was AKEL’s lity for the fact that Cyprus excuse for our mistakes and reunited homeland and to  Join us to help reunite our island Secretary General Andros problem remains unsolved lies regressions from the agreed safeguard the human rights of Kyprianou. mainly with . He point- objective for a bizonal, bicom- all Cypriots. 12 English Section, 1st October 2015 PARIKIAKI cyprus - uk - world news Why migrants are going to Denying the past, great lengths to avoid Cyprus denying the future

ine months after Fadi, passport-free zone. Visitors to s tragic conflicts rage in ing the flag of the Republic of a refugee from Homs, the country need a visa to get the Middle East, the Cyprus, the legitimate flag NSyria, landed in Cyprus to the rest of Europe. But Aworld has witnessed of the island. The extremists on a boat carrying some 340 because most refugees do not with justified indignation, chanted: “we are Turks, we smuggled refugees, he still have valid passports, they scenes of ancient cultural came, we saw, we took” – had not applied for asylum. can’t get visas. heritage obliterated by the a stark admission of Turkey’s He chose instead to attempt Many never register with self-proclaimed ‘Islamic State’ actions on the island. to reach mainland Europe by authorities so that they can or ‘ISIS’. In a staggering recent any means possible. more easily apply for asylum Cypriots are no strangers example of double standards, Fadi’s reluctance to plant elsewhere in Europe. This to such horrendous cultural the Turkish government roots in Cyprus, the European means they can’t live in destruction, or cultural geno- recently condemned ‘Islamic Union country closest to Cypriot refugee camps - cide. Having endured near- state’ for the destruction of Syria, stems from Cyprus’ instead, they live on the streets total ethnic cleansing from the the ancient site at Palmyra policy preventing most of or in unofficial, temporary Turkish-occupied north of in Syria, calling that action those granted asylum from shelters. Cyprus since 1974, Greek “savagery”. Turkey’s Ministry bringing their family members In an emailed statement, Cypriots then suffered the of Foreign Affairs stated it indignity of having their her- “feels a deep sorrow over to join them. reason they shun that country get it can’t support themselves the Cypriot Asylum Service itage there almost entirely the destruction of cultural For Fadi, who made the in favour of southern Europe. - and does not protect people defended its policies, saying wiped out. properties constituting the journey to Cyprus without his from expulsion. that “every case is examined In Cyprus last year, only 3 per More than 500 Christian common heritage of all wife and 3-year-old son, the cent of asylum-seekers were The distinction is just one on its own merits” and that “right to family reunification” it adhered to all of the Orthodox and some Jewish humanity”. One wonders how granted refugee status, which example of discrepancies in religious sites have been the Turkish government was important enough that allows them to live and work how various European Union EU directives concerning he continued via “illegal ways,” vandalised, demolished, reconciles such statements legally. Fifty-six percent were countries are treating the refugees. he said, to Sweden, where he looted or turned into stables. with the reality of its own granted subsidiary protection, world’s biggest influx of On September 22, Cyprus was granted refugee status in voted in favour of an EU plan As with many other coun- actions in the occupied area a kind of second-tier interna- migrants since the end of August. to relocate 120,000 refugees tries in the region, Cyprus is of Cyprus. We do not expect tional protection with fewer World War Two. The European Of the more than 487,000 across Europe. But discus- comprised of a rich mosaic of that many of Turkey’s friends, rights than refugee status. Council on Refugees and refugees and migrants who sions leading up to the cultures and minorities. The even those in the EU will call (The rest were rejected Exiles, a pan-European have reached Europe by sea Brussels meeting highlighted predominant Greek Cypriot out Turkey for such hypocrisy outright. But almost none of network of NGOs, has warned so far this year, just over a xenophobic sentiment seen and Christian culture of and the systematic destruc- the rejections were Syrians; that vastly different standards half are Syrian. But fewer in other Eastern European the entire island prevailed tion of Europe’s heritage in typically they get subsidiary and quality of national asylum than 3,000 have gone to nations such as Hungary: throughout centuries of occu- Cyprus. protection.) systems amounts to a Cyprus, an island nation of Cypriot Interior Minister pation by numerous major And what of UNESCO, “protection lottery” for those just 1 million people located Most European countries Socratis Hasikos said the powers. But that indigenous the UN body that seeks to 60 miles west of Syria. make little distinction between who reach Europe. country could take up to 300, culture of the island’s inhabi- safeguard cultural heritage? The situation is worlds apart the two. But in 2014, Cyprus Reunification rights are but “we would seek for them tants does not correspond It recently condemned the from that of the nearby Greek amended its laws so that particularly important for to be Orthodox Christians.” with Turkey’s strategic ambi- actions of ISIS in Syria, islands, which have seen those who are granted families like Fadi’s, which send Meanwhile, the refugees’ tions in the southeast Mediter- stating: “The destruction of 357,000 arrivals since January subsidiary protection are not fathers, husbands and under- widespread plots to leave ranean and its longstanding Palmyra constitutes an intol- alone. And unlike Malta, able to bring family members age children to Europe alone. Cyprus, as well as their choice plans to carve up Cyprus. erable crime against civiliza- located in the Mediterranean to Cyprus from their home If granted asylum, they to forego government-offered In an attempt to whitewash tion but 4,500 years of history Sea between Italy and Libya, countries or other nations to become a kind of anchor services, have drawn the ire Cypriot history, regions, towns will never be erased”. Yet Cyprus is too far from the rest which they’d escaped - known drawing the rest of the family of Cypriot authorities. One and villages have been UNESCO has been virtually of Europe to be used as a as the right to family reunifi- to safety. government official, speaking renamed by Turkey and its silent on the ongoing cultural transit country. cation - or to travel freely “When you’re a refugee and on the condition of anonymity, subordinate regime. This was destruction in occupied But according to a dozen outside Cyprus. Subsidiary you lost everything, your likened it to “window shop- not a case of names reverting Cyprus. In 1976 the author of refugees and migrants inter- protection also comes with family is your support network ping.” to those used during the a UNESCO commissioned viewed this summer, Cyprus’ very limited work opportuni- to rebuild from scratch,” said “If you are running from Ottoman occupation but the report on Cyprus claimed the asylum policies are the main ties - which means those who Emilia Strovolidou, a spokes- persecution, should you get deliberate, contrived renam- organisation “whitewashed” woman for the UNHCR in to choose?” the official said. ing of long-established Greek Turkey over the obliteration of Cyprus. “If someone is running behind places. Rewriters of history sat Cypriot heritage by modifying Migrants also shun Cyprus you trying to kill you, do you at maps and concocted place his report to suit political Nasa discovery boosts because it is not yet part of the say, ‘I don’t want Cyprus. I names in an attempt to create purposes. Other commenta- Schengen Area, the EU’s want Germany’?” a false narrative for Cyprus, to tors have claimed that the perpetuate the myth that the original report was so damn- occupied area is and always ing it would have resulted in was Turkish and to justify Turkey severing all contact hopes of life on Mars invasion, occupation, segre- with UNESCO. Lately, Turkey UK stargazers gation and eventual partition. boasts that it has taken Just as ISIS does not toler- over the chairmanship of the ate the existence of other UNESCO world heritage cultures or differing interpre- committee. sight supermoon tations of religion in territories All of the above begs the it captures, Ankara’s pan-Turk- question: why do Turkey’s ism is intolerant of non-Turkic friends – often its standard targazers across the UK United States, Canada, and culture in areas it conquers bearers, tolerate Ankara’s have observed a blood Central and South America and controls. abuses of cultural heritage Sred “supermoon” in the and Western Europe on the Some Turkish politicians and religious rights – and yet skies above Britain for the first evening of Sept. 27, and a since 1974 have been brazen condemn the very same acts asa scientists say they The existence of liquid time in 30 years. partial eclipse in the rest of about Ankara’s intentions to when conducted by other have found evidence of water is also significant for The eerie light created from Europe, South-East Asia and transform occupied Cyprus extremists in the Middle Nflowing water on Mars. future astronauts travelling a lunar eclipse with the Africa on Sept. 28. into Turkish territory. In 1980 East? According to researchers, to the planet, as the identifi- moon near to its The last time the Turkish foreign minister Only in a Cyprus that is the discovery of liquid water cation of water supplies near closest point to the this coincided with audaciously stated: “our mis- free from Turkish occupation, running down canyons and the surface would make it Earth delighted a lunar eclipse, sion is to make Cyprus our can all Cypriots enjoy funda- crater walls raises the chances easier for them to “live off amateur astrono- when the moon is motherland”. Unfortunately for mental freedoms such as of the planet being home to the land”, says the BBC. mers and photo- covered by the Cyprus, virtually all traces of the right to religion, as they some form of life. Nasa has already said it graphers, while Earth’s shadow, the majority Greek Cypriot do in the free, government The space agency has wants to put men on Mars and filling others with was in 1982 and population had to be extin- controlled areas of the hailed the “strongest evidence John Grunsfeld, the agency’s dread. the event will not be guished to bring such plans – island. yet” of intermittent flows of science mission chief, said he Some religious repeated until 2033. which not too long ago Governments, in particular briny water on Mars after hoped it would be able to do groups and believers in astro- During a lunar eclipse, the seemed far-fetched – to those of the EU must make a scientists pinpointed hydra- so “in the near future”. A Mars logy were convinced it is a moon turns a deep rusty red, fruition. Occupied Cyprus stand. The world should not ted salts in dark streaks that mission would cost tens of sign that the End of Days is due to sunlight being scatter- has, to all intents and purpo- stand by and allow Cyprus’ ebb and flow down the plan- billions of dollars. approaching. ed by the Earth’s atmosphere. ses, been transformed into a European heritage to slip et’s slopes. Commenting on the project, The spectacle began to Through the ages, so-called Turkish province. Extremist away in a matter of four “There is liquid water Joe Michalski, a researcher unfold from 1.10am (Monday “blood moons” have been policies by Turkish politicians decades, for the sake of today on the surface of Mars,” at London’s Natural History 28 September) in the UK, with viewed as ill omens by super- have encouraged extremism the perceived interests of Michael Meyer, the lead Museum who was not the “total” phase - when the stitious people. in order to help facilitate Turkey, the current bully on scientist on Nasa’s Mars involved in the research, said: moon is completely in shad- Many believe this eclipse Turkey’s ambitions. A few the block, which only tolerates exploration programme, said. “On Earth, wherever we find ow - lasting from 3.11am to was significant as it marks the months ago, Turkish nation- its own skewed, fabricated “Because of this, we suspect water, we find life. That is why 4.24am. completion of an unusual alists protested against those version of the past, present that it is at least possible to the discovery of water on Mars A total lunar eclipse, which line-up of four total eclipses at brave Turkish Cypriots who and future. have a habitable environment over the last 20 years is so coincided with the super- six-monthly intervals known were persecuted by the today.” exciting.” moon, was observed in the as a “tetrad”. occupation regime for bear- Lobby for Cyprus PARIKIAKI English Section, 10th October 2015 13 community Fundraising dinner & dance for the Stoptober launches Royal Free Hospital a great success in Haringey

mobile stop smoking clinic and quit and get Afit yoga and Pilates classes are just some of the activities taking place over the next month. Haringey’s ‘Stoptober’ campaign officially kicked off last week with specialist stop -hand smoke, smokers are smoking advisors outside also being encouraged to Wood Green Library offering make their homes smoke free support to residents to set a for ‘Stoptober’. Cllr Peter Morton, Haringey quit date and to take advan- Council’s Cabinet Member for tage of a range of free support Health and Wellbeing said: throughout ‘Stoptober’. “Quitting smoking is the most Smoking remains the main important step anybody can cause of preventable illness take to living a healthier life, fundraising dinner and that the Cypriot Community up-to-date medical techno- transplant can give quality of and premature death in the but we know that this is dance, organised by a had “responded so generous- logies and equipment as well life to a patient, and we give UK and in Haringey, with often easier said than done. group of Greek Cypriot ly and willingly in making the as great facilities, not to thanks to the many coura- A research showing that if That’s why events like those kidney transplant patients, event a success.” mention great hospitals. These geous donors who make this people can stop smoking for taking place across Haringey to raise money for the Royal He also spoke about the developments have offered new lease of life possible.” 28 days they are five times throughout ‘Stoptober’ are so Free Hospital nephrology poor conditions and the lack of treatment opportunities to Mr Nicolaou further added, more likely to quit for good. important. They encourage department, took place on medical equipment in Malawi kidney sufferers with a high “The transplant health fund This October also sees people take the first steps to Saturday 26th September and the difference the dialysis success rate.” supports transplant patients the launch of new national kicking their habit and direct at the Cypriot Community unit would make. However, he added, “Third so that they can take part in legislation which will make it them to expert support that’s Centre in Wood Green. the British transplant team illegal to smoke in a vehicle available in the borough.” The event raised a con- every year. Every two years with anyone under the age of For more information about siderable amount and all they are chosen for the British 18 present. Children’s expo- what’s going on in Haringey proceeds will go towards the team to compete in the world sure to second-hand smoke purchase of a dialysis unit for games. This year we had throughout ‘Stoptober’ inclu- causes around 9,500 hospital a renal clinic set up in Malawi, four patients from Royal Free ding services and support admissions and 40 sudden the third poorest country in the Hospital who took part in the available to people trying to infant deaths each year. To world. world games which took place quit smoking please visit stand an even better chance Present on the night in Argentina and they came http://www.smokefreelife- of quitting and to reduce were Dr Mark Harber, Renal back with 18 metals, 6 Gold, haringey.co.uk/Stoptober2015 Consultant at the Royal 9 Silver and 3 bronze - we children’s exposure to second .aspx Free Hospital, Sister Nadia congratulate them on this Godigamuwe, and kidney achievement.” transplant patients of the Mr Nicolaou concluded by Royal Free Hospital including once again thanking all the Be Safe Be Seen event organiser Elias Michael guests for their presence and urged them to give generous- (better known in our commu- nfield Council is launch- campaign will be a success.” ly for a great cause. nity as Elias Maronitis), Stelios ing a campaign so that Here are some useful tips to Following the speeches, Xiouris, Demetris, Papachara- On behalf of Neophytos world countries like Malawi when the clocks go back ensure you are safe: the evening’s entertainment E lambous, Sotera Hadjipanayi, Nicolaou, who was unable to cannot afford up to date on 25 October, and as the - Make sure you can be kicked off with live Greek George Angeli and Panayiota attend due to health reasons, technology, and that is why I winter nights draw in, people easily seen, especially at night, music. Sarbel created a great Georgiou. Sotera Hadjipanayi read out am very pleased to announce are reminded to stay safe on on dark days and in bad atmosphere when he took to Making a guest appearance his speech. that the proceeds from this the roads. weather. the mic with many female was Cypriot-Lebanese star Mr Nicolaou began by event will be utilised to help With pedestrians and - In the dark, reflective guests excited to be dancing Sarbel; the singer has a acknowledging Dr Mark fund the purchase of a dialysis cyclists becoming less visible material is best and shows alongside the singer. personal interest in the Royal Harber and Sister Nadia, and unit which will be sent to to motorists, up in car head- A raffle took place at the end Free Hospital since his father, all the nurses who “are always Malawi. Enfield Council lights - remem- of the evening with many rich Elias, was one of the first there when needed and work “The amount raised from a has launched ber fluorescent prizes. Cypriots to receive a transplant very hard to ensure round the dinner and dance back in the ‘Be Safe clothing The event organisers would there 23 years ago. clock care and comfort to all 2012 was £6.500 which was Be Seen’ cam- doesn’t work like to thank all those who The evening included patients.” sent to Mbarara University paign to urge after dark. You helped make the event a speeches by representatives He continued, “The very Hospital in Uganda for the children and can put reflec- success, either by attending of the hospital, relatives of first kidney transplant in this purchase of a Sonosite Ultra- adults to stay tive tape on or buying raffles, and all those transplant patients and country took place in 1960, 55 sound machine. safe by wearing your coat or who donated prizes for the Dr Mark Harber who said he years ago. Since then, science “Transplantation is referred fluorescent school bag to draw. was truly grateful for the fact has come a long way with to as the gift of life. A kidney clothes in the help you be day and reflec- seen by dri- tive clothing in vers. the dark. It is - It is against Lack of taxi ranks at Night Tube stations could leave also urging the law to cycle drivers to take extra care while at night without a white front driving in poor visibility, light, a red back light and a red including at night. reflector at the back, so make Enfield Council’s Cabinet sure that your bike is proper- passengers stranded warns Joanne McCartney AM Member for Environment, ly equipped and working. Cllr Daniel Anderson, said: - Cross the road at the safest fL should urgently concerns, warning that pas- Ms McCartney called for the this sorted. The Night Tube will “Enfield’s roads are generally place possible e.g. zebra, increase the number of sengers could be left strug- Mayor to go much further to only get you so far, people safe, but we want to make sure pelican and patrolled cross- Ttaxi ranks at Night Tube gling to complete their journey ensure that every Night Tube need to know that when they they stay that way. This ings. Remember to use the stations in order to ensure when the Night Tube is intro- station has a taxi rank within get off the tube there will be a campaign is about reminding Green Cross Code: Stop, passengers aren’t left ‘strand- duced later in the autumn. 250m of the station entrance. taxi there to help them finish people to wear reflective or Look, Listen, Live. ed’, Local Labour Assembly The lack of taxi ranks is Local Labour London their journey safely if they want fluorescent clothing as the - If you’re out at night, Member Joanne McCartney particularly acute in outer Assembly Member Joanne it. winter nights draw in, so they choose routes that are well-lit AM said. The comments come London where nearly half of McCartney AM said: “It’s great “This is particularly an issue are easily visible. by streetlights and cross the after new analysis revealed Night Tube stations do not that TfL has committed to for people in outer London “We’re also warning motor- road at well-lit places. that just over half the stations have taxi ranks. By contrast, increasing taxi rank numbers areas where it can be quite a ists to drive sensibly and bear - If there is no pavement and on the Night Tube routes have 64% of inner London stations but 2020 is far too late. The distance between the station road conditions in mind while you have to walk on the road, taxi ranks. on the Night Tube include taxi Mayor should have planned and home. Whilst pre-booked they are driving, especially always face the oncoming According to data provided ranks within 250m despite the ahead and made sure that all minicabs are an option, most when visibility is poor or roads traffic - this is particularly by TfL 59 of the 144 stations area also being far more reg- 144 Night Tube stations have people would be much more are slippery. Accidents have important in poor light or in the on the Night Tube network do ularly served by night buses. taxi ranks in place before the comfortable jumping in a cab been known to rise during the dark. not currently have a taxi rank Earlier this year TfL Night Tube starts. from the taxi rank than stand- winter months and if we can - Find out about ‘walking within 250m of the station announced it would provide “With the Night Tube start ing outside a secluded station stop one person from being buses’ where children walk in including Oakwood station in 100 new taxi ranks by 2020, pushed back to autumn the at two or three in the morning seriously injured or killed as a groups and are more visible Enfield. Ms McCartney said including new taxi ranks at Mayor has a chance to put his waiting for a mini-cab to result of people changing their by contacting your child’s this raised serious safety 26 Night Tube stations, but foot on the accelerator and get arrive.” behaviour on the roads, this school or your local council.

For the latest news from Cyprus, UK and around the world, visit www.parikiaki.com ● Follow us on Twitter: @Parikiaki 14 English Section, 1st October 2015 PARIKIAKI

Welcome to Eureka, the page for everyone interested in the history of Ancient Greece and Cyprus.

Thank you for all your ideas, keep them coming. Email: [email protected] Eureka! George M Georgiou Dark Age Greece course this only worked if everybody co- Each man had operated, and you had to practice a lot to to have the right armour. Nobody be able to do it right, like a marching band. Also, everybody had to have a shield. But if and spear. So you could only be a you did it right it was much more successful than the old run-and-yell method. These armour. It was pretty expensive, new soldiers were called hoplites. and this kept a lot of poor men from There were no more kings. Taxes were being in the army. The other new idea was for a new not collected. The roads were not repaired, Some people think that this kind of government. Some of the Greek and gradually became full of holes and new emphasis on the importance cities still had kings (Sparta for instance), could only be used for walking or riding of each ordinary soldier (instead of but most of them were ruled by groups of donkeys, not for wagons. Maybe a lot of just the aristocratic heroes of the aristocrats. These aristocrats were often people died, because there don’t seem Iliad) helped democracy to develop to have been very many people living in in Greece. have the most power. Some of them tried Greece at this time. And the people who to get other aristocrats on their side. But were still there were poor, and had no gold now one of these aristocrats had the idea jewellry in their graves. It even seems that to try to get the poor people on his side, there were no more potters or shoemakers too. That was pretty easy to do, because or other craftsmen, and people mostly had nobody had been paying any attention to to make their own pots and other things (so these poor people at all. So this aristocrat the things are very badly made). Without was able to get more power than his friends gold, people also stopped sailing to other and he was in charge of the city. Instead countries to buy things. of being called the king, he was called the tyrant. Because Greece was in such bad shape during the Dark Ages, and could The earliest tyrants (that we know of) not defend herself, it also seems that were in Corinth. Soon other aristocrats in some of their neighbours to the north other Greek cities (and in West Asia) copied invaded Greece and began living in some this idea. By 550 BC many cities were still of the Greek cities. The Greeks called these ruled by aristocrats, especially the ones invaders the Dorians, and called the old where Dorians lived, but many others were Mycenean, Bronze Age Greeks the Ionians. ruled by tyrants, especially the ones where Ionians lived, like Athens. Other aristocrats hated the tyrants, but a lot of poor people invaders, or just from the bad times in loved them. Most of the tyrants did a good Greece, and moved to other places during job. They protected the poor people from the Dark Ages. Many of them moved to the the rich aristocrats, they built a lot of new coast of Turkey, and people began to call buildings, and they helped people to trade that place Ionia because of all the Ionians with West Asia and the other nearby places. living there. Others moved to the coast of the Black Sea. Some historians think that some Greeks, or people like them, may have moved to Israel, where they were called the Philistines.

But some good things also happened during this time. Knowledge of how to make tools and weapons out of iron spread from the Hittites around the Mediterranean Sea, and so the Greeks also learned how to work iron. Iron is harder than bronze and cheaper to get, because you can mine it in Greece itself instead of bringing tin from He began by constructing new public far away. Because iron was cheaper than buildings, such as a ‘fountain house’ to bronze, more people could use it, even improve the city’s water supply, and new poor people. And without the kings and the temples on the Acropolis. Eager to glorify palaces, people were generally more equal. the city, he introduced major new festivals, The rich people weren’t as rich, so the including the Panathenaic Festival, a midsummer procession and sports event dedicated to Athene, and theCity Dionysia,

Promising to help the common people he By around 1000 BC the Greeks were also reformed the legal system. starting to rebuild their civilisation after But perhaps his greatest achievement the Dark Ages. There seem to have been was the transformation of the economy by more people around, and enough gold to introducing loans and encouraging farmers pay for building new buildings. The Greeks to grow ‘cash crops’, like olives. did not rebuild the kings’ palaces, though, A highly prized crop, olives provided because most Greek cities did not have cooking oil, lubricant, soap and even fuel, kings anymore. Most cities were ruled by but political instability had always made a group of rich men called aristocrats. This them too risky a crop to cultivate: an average kind of government is called an oligarchy. The Greeks (especially Corinth) also ways of doing things, which seem to have olive tree taking 10 years to produce fruit. Instead, the Greeks built temples to the began to trade with West Asia again, started in Greece instead of being learned Pisistratus’ stable reign made growing gods where the old palaces had been, especially with the Phoenicians. They from other people. We are not sure which such crops viable, and before long Athens mostly on top of hills. learned the alphabet (alpha beta) from was producing enough olives to become the Phoenicians around 750 BC, and that other. an export economy. In turn this produced a There got to be so many people in is how Homer was able to write down the massive boost to crafts, especially pottery, Greece that the Greeks began to send out stories about the Trojan War. The Greeks The old way was rather disorganised: all which was used to transport the harvest. groups of men (and sometimes women) to also learned about art from Western Asia. the men on one side would just run at the Pisistratus had literally sown the seeds build new cities in other parts of Europe The Greeks also began to take jobs as men on the other side, yelling their heads of future greatness, he died in 527 BC and and Africa. One example is the city of mercenaries (soldiers working for other was succeeded by his son Hippias. Marseilles in the south of France. Another people) again, in Egypt and also in Lydia ran away or were all killed. In the new way, is a city on the Black Sea called Byzantium, (Turkey). men lined up side by side, and each man Source: pbs.org, historyforkids.org, which is now Istanbul, or the city of Cyrene used his shield to protect the man next to ancient-greece.org, en.wikipedia.org and in Libya. These are called colonies. Around 650 BC there were two new him, so that there was a wall of shields. Of ancientgreece.com PARIKIAKI English Section, 1st October 2015 15 lifestyle - music news Samsara’s Top Tips on Fitness, Nutrition, Beauty and Fashion Lifestyle

natives such as unsweetened Eat To Live Samsara is a professional Bellydancer of Middle Eastern origin; brought up in London, she now lives in Essex. She soya, oat milk or almond. performs at various events such as festivals and corporate events including Arabian themed ones. At the end of the day, we are Eat to live, don’t live to eat! Samsara teaches at many events, venues and holiday retreats offering classes and workshops in Bellydance. only human, so if you do have Follow this rule and you won’t Working as a judge for the World Dance Competition from Bellydance to Street Dance, she has made several guest a day or two where you have need to diet to lose weight. It appearances and the Bellydance Workout TV series is Broadcast on various Sky TV Fitness Channels. is simple and effective. naughty food or overindulge, She has been a lecturer and assessor for many years in various educational departments in colleges where she teach- then just follow with the rest of When people come to me es a variety of subjects, including dance, fitness, kick-boxercise, holistic and beauty therapies including anatomy and for personal training and diet the week being good. Some physiology. Teaching is something she enjoys as she finds very rewarding to enable others to acquire new knowledge bodybuilders and athletes do tips, the first thing I do is say and skills that can empower them to transform their lives in many ways. eliminate the word DIET, this although I personally In her monthly column, Samsara will guide you with some top tips on dance, fitness, nutrition, beauty and prefer not to and have followed instead use the term ‘Healthy fashion, guaranteed to give you the WOW factor. Eating Plan’ - this eliminates my healthy eating regime the deprivation rule associated since I started training and regularly even if something another plate over or cover foods bear in mind that the first rated fat. Vegetables are with the word DIET that prefer to make my own cakes light. your plate of food. Place it in ingredient usually means it carbohydrates but they are creates the ‘I want because I or pastries. I have found this Next have an aerobic exer- the fridge and go back to it contains the highest of and the natural and good carbohy- works for me but I am quite can’t have syndrome.’ cise plan that gets your heart later when you are hungry. last listed ingredient the drates. Potatoes are fine to eat Eat regularly to avoid the disciplined in this area. rate up higher than normal?. People often do this at restau- least of. Try to eat as pure and whether boiled or baked, what Caution: when you are out sugar levels in your body Do something you enjoy. I rants and request to take the natural as possible. would change would be if you dropping. This will stop you and people offer you food that enjoy dancing and kickboxing put lots of butter on top - this you do not wish to eat, do not craving sugary foods that will which means I don’t have to would add lots of fat. give you the instant quick fix tell them you are on a diet, go on a running machine - White or granary bread; they will say ‘just this once followed by the quick low which I find boring and would have a little of each in your day won’t hurt’. Add up lots of drop. In the bodybuilder?s never stick to longer than five but again avoid butter and those ‘just once’ times in a world, we eat approximately minutes. So find something go for a lighter olive spread week and it will hurt so simply every two-three hours, even that suits you; it may be option. say ‘no thank you, I am watch- if it is a piece of fruit in order to swimming, tennis, football. - Pastas and rice are fine. ing my health!? sustain the sugar level. This Eat a protein meal with When cooking again make Try this healthy recipe at is why it is important to eat some carbohydrates within sure you use a tablespoon of home: breakfast in the morning as half hour straight after your olive oil avoiding high fat add your glycerol level falls over- aerobic choice of training. This on sauces. Best to make your night. This will give you a good is important in order to repair own as you know what you are Mahalepi start for both body and mind the muscle protein structures adding. brain power. that exercise breaks down. - Trim fats off all meats 1 -1/2 pints skimmed milk Don’t go without food for Your body will be burning off if possible when cooking. Try (lactose free optional) long periods of time as this will the food at a faster rate, in not to eat red meat every day, 2oz ground cornflour actually slow your metabolism fact up to fifteen times faster. limit this to a couple of times a 3oz sweetener, Fructose or down and if you are trying to So this can and does actually week. Eat mainly chicken and Stevia (12 tablets) if using lose weight, it will actually slow throw the theory of eating fish, not heavily fried. Fry in a tablet forms of sweetener the process down. Our body late straight out the window. tablespoon of oil to brown then Mix the cornflour with 2oz of was designed to adjust to Example - if you had just been add water and place a lid to the milk to make a smooth situation, therefore without out dancing or playing football remainder home. This is - Raw fruits are fine as they steam cook itself. paste. Place in a pan. Add food for long hours, the body till the early hours of the morn- common practice in the have the natural sugar of - Cakes and pastries; Make remainder of milk. Stir on low kicks into its auto pilot adjust ing, you could quite happily States. This rule should apply fructose that will give you that them yourself so you can heat. Keep stirring and bring mode of that it may possibly tuck into that chicken shish even if you take a few bites of instant high sugar fix but with use natural alternatives to to a gradual boil till bubbling be stranded in a desert mode (packed with protein) and not an apple and decide you have the natural gradual decline so sugar such as fructose, agave slightly. Pour into four small and may be without food for worry about it. had enough for now. Place it in you will not feel tired. This is nectar, carob syrup or Stevia. desert bowl/dishes. Allow to some time and will slow it’s The most important thing in the fridge and go back to it why athletes have bananas. Do not use butter or marga- cool. metabolic rate to adjust to its order to maintain a natural later. Remember it is eat to live - Eat plenty of fresh vegeta- rine, use olive oil recipes. Add cinnamon and natural survival need! body weight without counting and not live to eat! bles; you can cook them. With - Dairy; not too many eggs essence of Rosewater. If you do want to lose weight calories etc, is to actually listen So with all that in mind what veg like aubergines or pota- a day. Use skimmed instead there are many things you to your body. So when you are should we eat? toes that take longer to cook, of full fat milk instead. There Love and Sparkles, can do to speed up the meta- eating that healthy meal in Avoid processed foods that try part boiling them first, then is even lactose free skimmed Samsara x bolism. As we already men- front of you, if you are begin- have hidden fats and sugars fry in a tablespoon of olive oil milk for those with intolerance tioned, eating every few hours ning to feel full, STOP! Place in. When reading labels on which is a good polyunsatu- to milk. Or why not try alter- www.samsarabellydancer.co.uk

many skin tones. If that’s got singing star Panos Kiamos courtesy of Cobalt Music...... with you excited then you’ll be a will be hitting our shores for If you would like to see very happy bunny (or should his first ever UK concert! Panos Kiamos live in concert, Katerina I say elf?) to hear that the On Sunday 11th October better be quick to nab those full Mariah x MAC Beauty Icon the laiko/pop singer will last minute tickets! On sale collection is coming later in performing live at the London now and available online from This week in 2016. Forum and treating fans to a ticketmaster (fees apply) or XCLUSIVE! MAC Creative Director night of his greatest hits from local outlets (no fees). James Gager enthused: and hopefully a few neebies For more information contact Singing superstar “Mariah exudes elegance, too! Prive Productions Direct: Mariah Carey is glamour, sophistication, and This week saw brand new [email protected]. arguably as well a sense of fun. Her ‘All I Want’ track “Pos Tha Tin Vgalo” hit known for her vocal lipstick is the perfect frosty the digital airwaves; a heart- ******** gymnastics as she holiday shade and her felt ballad showcasing Panos’ is for her stint as Beauty Icon collection will be warm tones and vulnerable Celebrated Greek singer Mrs Santa Claus; everything you think of when side, composed by Nikos Peggy Zina is also teasing who doesn’t recall you think MAC and Mariah.” Gritsis and Giorgos Sampa- fans with the first soundbite her festively fabulous nis. The new single provides a from her upcoming new video for love ditty ******** taster of Kiamo’s highly antici- album. “All I Want For Christ- pated new album set for The lead single “Ela Grigo- mas Is You”? And It’s not long now until Greek release in a few weeks time, ra” is a powerful, rousing love this Xmas Mariah is song which definitely oozes adding a little some- the ‘Aww’ factor. Catch a listen thing extra on San- on *Scandalous! ta’s list. The pop icon has That’s all for now - more teamed up with MAC music & entertainment Xclu- Cosmetics to create sives coming soon! Until next a holiday-themed time… x Mwah lipstick in a sparkly champagne shade, *If you would like your CLUSIVE! naturally called “All I CD or event featured or Want”. reviewed in Xclusive! con- Mariah has des- tact Katerina via email: cribed the hue as [email protected] / a “beautiful cham- Facebook: Kat Neocleous / X pagne shimmer” that www.kat-whispers.blogspot. she created to flatter co.uk 16 English Section, 1st October 2015 PARIKIAKI


by George Savvides by Barney Efthimiou A journey from innocence TheThe InternIntern to moral dilemma

ancy Myers’ engaging to re-examine his loyalties harlotte Bronte’s novel Jane Eyre (National Theatre) film is a good vehicle for when he is kidnapped by a captures, through the life of its eponymous heroine, NRobert De Niro’s come- gang of bandits. Cthe essence of eighteenth century England, all during dic skills in this likable but It is a striking film superbly the reign of “mad” George III. We see her from an abusive perhaps a touch too long directed and photographed in childhood at Gateshead Hall all the way through to marriage comedy. He plays Ben Whit- Widescreen. Cooper makes a with her beloved Edward Rochester. The episodes in aker, a 70-year-old widower credible almost silent hero a between are equally significant. Director Sally Cookson’s who decides to spice up his man of a few words desper- imaginative adaptation, three and a half hours long, is a retirement by becoming a ate to go straight and get back penetrative and captivating production, played out on Michael senior intern at an online fash- to civilization. But his train Vale’s adult adventure playground set, which not only has ion site founded and run by journey to Fort Worth looking metaphorical meaning but allows the ensemble of 10 actors Jules Ostin (Anne Hathaway). to hire a schoolteacher is cut to engage with its physicality resulting in a hybrid of Myers has a good eye and short when the bandits attack. expressive choreographed movement. ear for writing smart dialogue Cooper is well supported by The beginning encapsulates Cookson’s approach as Jane and directs her stellar cast with “Twilight”, works well thanks newborn son, who finds refuge Julie London as Billie Ellis, the lets out a primal scream of anguish that echoes round the confidence and style. De Niro’ to the winning chemistry bet- in this vulnerable woman’s saloon singer who falls for Lyttelton giving voice to the difficulty and torment she will fun and enthusiasm for this ween its two protagonists. The home... Link. This perfectly crafted endure throughout. The actors work energetically and unusual role is simply infec- talented Toni Colette plays western is a must for your playfully around her taking on several roles, Madeleine tious and he is well support- Milly, a happily married career collection! Worrall (Jane) is the only singular role, including at times ed by Anne Hathaway and woman with two children while being parts of the set, we are invited to be both voyeur and Rene Russo in well developed Jess (Drew Barrymore) has The Watchmaker’s imaginer. The early part of her life unfolds in front of us like characters. Hathaway played been Milly’s best friend since a rapid montage of word and sound, given extra frisson and the De Niro kind of role in school but her main preoccu- Apprentice atmosphere by Benji Bower’s music which is beautifully “The Devil Wears Prada” and pation at the moment is to evocative, played by an onstage band who are integral to the now she gets upgraded for the conceive a child. But things This is a strange film and an overall impact. hard as nails Meryl Streep role. take an unexpected turn when even stranger project for As Jane matures and begins to tackle some of the moral But Jules has a soft side to her Milly gets sick... Oyelowo following his highly challenges that confront her so Worrall’s portrayal evolves and it is not too long before acclaimed portrayal of Martin from a frightened sparrow, about to be engulfed by she relies entirely on the Luther King in “Selma”. The nefarious and hypocritical townsfolk, into a strong and advice of her mature and full acting is strong as can be passionate woman who still has that quixotic, childish anger. of experience intern. Rene expected but it is difficult to Felix Hayes’s Rochester, a performance full of humour and Russo also has fun as the sexy sympathise much with the rough edges with an entrance that turns the air blue, is drawn masseuse who falls for Ben. characters especially with to this childlike woman. Soon they are wrapped in each A clock is a Universe It is an enjoyable and sweet Nichols following his cold other’s arms though that unity is disrupted when her vapid announces the narrator, John film despite the sentimentali- A clever combination of blooded killing spree in court. clergyman cousin St. John Rivers proposes to her as the Rhys Davis, at the beginning of ty towards the end. The film laughter with tears told with correct and proper thing to do. Love however is a far more this fascinating documentary won’t win any awards but it sensitivity and grace. Colette is potent force than ethical and moral codes and an uplifting Letters To Max about the life of George will certainly give you a lot of excellent and works brilliantly climax sees the two reunited again. Daniels, the world’s best pleasure instead! well with Barrymore. It is also What undoubtedly sets this production apart from others good to see Jacqueline Bisset horologist. Meanwhile a much I have seen is the incisive, almost clinical approach that relishing her lines as Miranda, younger man, Roger W Smith, Cookson adopts in getting under the skin of the character Macbeth Milly’s glamorous actress manages to prove to this great and exposing Jane’s frailties and psychological morass as mother. watchmaker that he is worthy she battles with a society not ready for challenge or change, to assist him. And thus begins especially from a ‘misbehaving’ woman. As a result some- a great partnership and friend- thing that could have ended up being an everlasting slog is McFarland ship... transformed into an evening that is intellectually stimulating Artist and filmmaker Eric The film features lots of and awash with theatrical creativity. Baudelaire makes an unusu- archive material of this genius Those who believe that plays and films can never really do al documentary here following at work as well as his last justice to a book should see this. It not only captures Bronte’s Michael Fassbender plays his decision to send a letter to interview just before his death original spirit but takes us to another dimension as the Shakespeare’s eponymous Maxim Gvinjia, Abkhazia’s in October 2011. You don’t free-spirited Jane embarks on an unforgettable and hero in this attractive adapta- former Minister of Foreign have to be a fan of clocks or transformative journey. When she sang Mad About the tion directed by the Australian Affairs. He expected his letter watches in order to enjoy this Boy it sent a chill down my spine. Justin Kurzel, one of the to be returned with “Destina- work of great precision and Meanwhile Grace Rubina Eroglou revels in tutu wonder- contributors to “The Turning”. This truly inspirational story tion Unknown” but to his sur- clarity! land… Curiously three writers are is based on true events that prise he received a phone call So many people have recommended Les Ballets credited here in re-telling took place in 1987. After losing from Max instead. A conver- Bad Land: Trockadero de Monte Carlo (Peacock Theatre) to me. As Shakespeare’s tragedy – the his job as a football coach Jim sation began almost immedi- somebody who was trained in classical dance (a few years story of Macbeth, a duke of White (Kevin Costner) moves ately questioning whether the Road To Fury back!) I was reticent thinking this may just end being an Scotland who receives a with his family into a predomi- state of Abkhazia, situated on abomination of my beloved art form. ‘The Trocks’, as they are prophecy from three witches nantly Latino inhabited town the eastern coast of the Black affectionately known, in fact pay homage to ballet in the that he will become King of in California’s Central Valley. Sea exists or not? Since the most delightful and hysterical way. An all-male troupe of Scotland. Macbeth’s obses- He sees the potential of 1992-1993 Civil War in Georgia classically trained dancers come up with a show that is drag sion with vaulting ambition is the McFarland students and the state is not recognised diva heaven. encouraged by his power hun- encourages them to start train- by the world - only by a few The costumes and hairdos are as you would expect in gry wife (Marion Cottillard) to ing for cross country running... nations. any corps de ballet but the giveaway is the outlandish murder the king while giving Here is another sport movie It is a mesmerising film make-up that screams parody and send-up, at once hideous him hospitality. The prophecy with Costner but far superior executed with just the right and hilarious. The programme is full of all the classical female is fulfilled and Macbeth than last year’s “Draft Day”. touch of eccentricity by Baud- The acting is strong in this roles performed en pointe and in tutus but with a comical becomes King but soon the Niki Caro directs confidently selaire. post apocalyptic story where twist. The Dying Swan, one of their oft repeated pieces is bloodshed begins... this deeply moving film. How- people kill for water. A farmer sidesplittingly funny, given the full treatment by Philip DVD Releases: The film is strong on ever, the product placement (Michael Shannon) is deter- Martin-Nielson. atmosphere and is superbly of a famous soft drink gets in mined to defend his land at The first half is much more fun than part two that erred on designed and photographed. the way as is the over senti- Man Of The West any prize while his daughter’s becoming a little too earnest. The danger with a show like However, the actors appear to mental singing sequence of (Elle Fanning) boyfriend this is when they start taking themselves too seriously the be side lined in this ambitious the American National anthem (Nicholas Hoult) wants the essence is lost. Fortunately they redeem themselves and project- Fassbender is never but overall this a satisfying land for himself... for me Duane Gosa was the standout, brilliant and cheeky. given the opportunity to shine, film. Director Jake Paltrow You’ll love their ‘Russian’ names too, like Vladimir Legups- instead Lady Macbeth comes creates a very believable ki, though sadly the infamous Iva Nevasayneva was nowhere much better off with a gigantic Captive post apocalyptic world in a dry to be seen. close up in her famous wash- land of eternal drought. The Also worth a mention was Paquita and the oh so bored ing the blood from her hands Spanish dancers sat on stage looking thoroughly bored, Another film based on a true actors are also persuasive in soliloquy. Overall, a stylish but throwing their half-eaten fruit onto the stage. And the story - this time that of drug This is one of the highest their roles particularly Hoult, rather hollow film! encore, River Dance, was pure genius. addict Ashley Smith (Kate acclaimed westerns of all who also gave another post Mara) who is taken captive time- made in 1958 by Antho- apocalyptic performance in JANE EYRE - 020 7452 3000 Miss You Already by Brian Nichols (David Oye- ny Mann at the peak of his “Mad Max-Fury Road”. lowo), an escaped prisoner. illustrious career. He tells the LES BALLETS TROCKADERO DE MONTE CARLO This lovely film from Cather- He is a dangerous man despe- story of ex-outlaw Link Jones Any feedback would be welcome: www.trockadero.org/performances ine Hardwicke, the director of rate to make contact with his (Gary Cooper), who is forced [email protected] PARIKIAKI English Section, 1st Octoberr 2015 17 GGRRAAPPEEVVIINNEE Sponsored by Tel: 020 8367 5000 Celebrity news and gossip with... Andrea Georgiou www.oakinsurance.co.uk

ey everyone, hope all is unreserved seating – available well... online at www.ticketmaster. H co.uk, from your local outlets (fee free): Greek on The NNeeww sscciieennttiisstt Panos Kiamos Green, CYTA UK, Raphael’s live in London! Bakery, Wilton Patisserie and Aroma Patisserie or from Privé Thea Michaelas direct on 07956 242 473. There’s only 10 days to go PAME KIAMO!!! to the biggest Greek live event in London! That’s right - I’m talking about Panos Kiamos X Factor’s Monica live in the British capital! Michael through to The singer’s first ever live six chair challenge appearance in the UK takes place on Sunday 11th Octo- Greek Cypriot X Factor ber 2015 at The Forum in Ken- Panos Kiamos live in London, 11th October at The Forum! hopeful Monica Michael said tish Town, courtesy of Privé she “can’t stop smiling” after Productions in association with 1994, at the age of 18, he Music Hall, being the only getting through to the next The Floor Shop. passed the entry exams for singer able to fill the club four round on the singing compe- The laiko/pop singer, known medical school. However, it times every week. In April tition. for his distinctive voice and was around the same time that 2011, he released the album The London youth worker onstage energy, was born in he discovered his interest in Olokainourgios featuring the Athens on October 4th 1975 music, leading to his decision smash hit Apo Deftera. was chosen by judges Simon and spent the rest of his ado- to reject the medical school’s In January 2012, Panos Cowell, Cheryl Fernandez- lescent life in the capital. In offer of a scholarship. He completed his first North Versini, Rita Ora and Nick began to learn to play the gui- American tour which was Grimshaw to join the Six Chair tar, and took up music theory sell-out success. He then went Challenge, where she was lessons. His talents were soon on that year to tour Australia knocked out in the 2014 discovered and he began and Germany. In March 2012, series. making appearances in the his song Krystalla became an “This is like the best feeling major nightclubs alongside overnight success, followed in the world,” she said. prestigious names in the up by the summer hit To Aima “I got through to the Six Chair Congratulations to Thea Michaelas who Greek music scene. Mou Piso. Challenge last year so I know graduated from Canterbury Christ Church this could all end.” In 2002, Kiamos made For the past couple of years, University with a BA Honours degree in Film, significant progress, with his Panos has held the residency Monica – who split the songs Alithina and Arketa from at Club 22 Live Stage in judges’ opinions with her ren- Radio & TV Studies. the album Tis Nihtas Oneiro Athens, packing them in, night dition of Bill Withers’ hit Ain’t Her parents Aggie and Gina, sister Andria, became notably popular. after night. No Sunshine – joins 63 other grandparents Maria and Theodoros Yianni and The release To Yelio Sou Klei After much negotiation, acts, who will next find them- Kiki and the (late) Petros Michaelas, would like to followed a year later; by this Privé Productions are pleased selves whittled down further share their pride and love for Thea and wish her all for the Judges’ houses round. stage, he had become a and proud to announce his the best for a successful future. Monica Michael is through to household name. debut UK appearance…. Parikiaki extends its best wishes to Thea. the six chair challenge in In March 2010, he per- Tickets just £35 downstairs Adios for now, ITV’s X Factor formed at the Posidonio standing and £45 upstairs Andrea xxx 0HGLWHUUDQHDQ0HGLWHUUDQHDQ4HE2OYAL#HACE(OTEL 3$&.$*(3$&.$*(

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598 GREEN LANES Opening Hours: LONDON Mon-Sat: N13 5RY 6.00pm-12 midnight

Tel: Sunday: 020 8886 1010 12.00 noon-10.00pm

AA ttaassttee ooff tthhee MMeeddiitteerrrraanneeaann

Email: [email protected] ñ Web: www.babinondas.co.uk OUUZZOOUUKKI EEEEKK BBO I NNIIGGHH GGRR with TT Mario & Dora THURSDAY From 8.00pm 8TH OCTOBER 2015 till late ™ÂÏ›‰· 20 ¶¤ÌÙË 1 √ÎÙˆ‚ÚÈÔ˘ 2015

Well-known community music teacher and bouzouki player Fish & Chips - Kebabs PAVLOS DOUKANARIS in association with °° ∞ÓԛͷÌÂ Î·È Û·˜ ÂÚÈ̤ÓÔ˘ÌÂ! MONTANA INTERNATIONAL MUSIC (M.I.M.) ™ÙÔ Ó¤Ô Ì·˜ ηٿÛÙËÌ·, Ô˘ Â›Ó·È present for one night only ¤Ó· Ú·ÁÌ·ÙÈÎfi ÛÙÔÏ›‰È ÛÙÔ Palmers Green ÛÂÚ‚›ÚÔ˘Ì ÊÚ¤ÛÎÔ the renowned Greek singer „¿ÚÈ, ÛÔ˘‚Ï¿ÎÈ·, ÌÂ˙¤‰Â˜ Î·È Î˘- Úȷο Ê·ÁËÙ¿. ºÈÏÈÎfi ÂÚÈ‚¿ÏÏÔÓ Î·È Â˘Ú‡¯ˆÚË ·›ıÔ˘Û· ¯ˆÚËÙÈÎfi- ÙËÙ·˜ 25 ·ÙfiÌˆÓ ÁÈ· Ù· ¿ÚÙ˘ Û·˜. ¢Â¯fiÌ·ÛÙ ·Ú·ÁÁÂϛ˜ ÁÈ· ¿ÚÙÈ Î·È take-away. ÕÚÈÛÙË Â͢ËÚ¤ÙËÛË Î·È ÏÔÁÈΤ˜ ÙÈ̤˜. ™·˜ ÂÚÈ̤ÓÔ˘ÌÂ! Àfi ÙËÓ È‰ÈÔÎÙËÛ›· ÙÔ˘ ÁÓˆÛÙÔ‡ ÛÙËÓ ·ÚÔÈΛ· Ì·˜ ¶·Ó›ÎÎÔ˘ ÷Ì‹ ALASIA has recently opened in Palmers Green, serving a large choice of fresh fish, souvlaki, meze and many other Cypriot dishes. Offering excellent serv- ice and reasonable prices, the restaurant seats 25 and has take away with easy parking access. th WEDNESDAY 7 OCTOBER 2015 Orders for parties from 7:30pm until 10:30pm are also at BARBICAN CENTRE, Silk Street, London EC2À 8DS accepted You’re welcome! Bookings only through the Barbican website: Proprietor: the well known Cypriot Panicos Chambi www.barbican.org.uk 378 Green Lanes, Tel: 020 7638 4141 / 020 7638 8891 Palmers Green, N13 5PD Δel: 07976 957 374 / 020 8882 1396 *** Parking available ***

∞105 ¢ÂÓ Â›Ó·È ÌfiÓÔ ÁÈ· ÙÔ˘˜ Palmers Green TÂÏÂ˘Ù·›· Û‡ÛÎÂ„Ë ¶·Ú·Û΢‹ Ô‰ËÏ·Ùfi‰ÚÔÌÔ˘˜... 9 √ÎÙˆ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2015 ªËÓ Í¯¿ÛÂÙ ӷ ÂÈÛÎÂÊı›Ù ÙËÓ ÈÛÙÔÛÂÏ›‰· www.cycleenfield.co.uk Î·È Ó· ›Ù ÙËÓ ¿Ô„‹ Û·˜

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CycleEnfield @cycleenfield

www.cycleenfield.co.uk ¶¤ÌÙË 1 √ÎÙˆ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2015 ™ÂÏ›‰· 21 °°ˆˆÓÓÈÈ¿¿ °Ú¿ÊÂÈ Î·È ÂÈÌÂÏ›ٷÈ: ∞¡Δø¡∏™ ∞¡Δø¡π∞¢∏™ ¶¶··ÚÚÔÔÈÈÎÎÈÈ··Î΋‹˜˜ ¶¶ÔÔ››ËËÛÛˢ˜

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Local Office: 134 High Street, Epping CH16 4AG Head Office: 123-125 Sydenham Road, London SE26 5HB Email: [email protected] www.mearsrepatriation.com ¶¤ÌÙË 1 √ÎÙˆ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2015 ™ÂÏ›‰· 23

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§ ª¡∏ª√™À¡√ MEMORIAL SERVICE TÂÏԇ̠ÙËÓ ÚÔÛ¯‹ K˘Úȷ΋ The 40 day memorial service 04.10.2015, for our much beloved ÛÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· Ù˘ ¶·Ó·Á›·˜, and unforgettable Δrinity Road, Wood Green, husband, father and brother London N22 8LB, ÙÔ 40‹ÌÂÚÔ ÌÓËÌfiÛ˘ÓÔ Andros Sofroniou ÙÔ˘ ÔÏ˘·Á·Ë̤ÓÔ˘ Î·È ·Í¤¯·ÛÙÔ˘ Ì·˜ Û˘˙‡ÁÔ˘, (Arnaouti) ·Ù¤Ú· Î·È ·‰ÂÏÊÔ‡ (Andy Special) ÕÓÙÚÔ˘ ™ˆÊÚÔÓ›Ô˘ (from ) (∞ÚÓ·Ô‡ÙË) will take place on Sunday 04.10.2015, (Andy Special) at The Greek Orthodox Church (·fi ÙËÓ ∞ÌÌfi¯ˆÛÙÔ) of St. Mary’s, Δrinity Road, Wood Green, Î·È Î·Ïԇ̠fiÏÔ˘˜ London N22 8LB, fiÛÔÈ ÙÈÌÔ‡Ó ÙË ÌÓ‹ÌË Ùo˘ Relatives and friends fiˆ˜ ·Ú¢ÚÂıÔ‡Ó. are invited to attend.

His wife Maria, children: Demetri, ∏ Û‡˙˘ÁÔ˜ ª·Ú›·, Sophia, Eleni and Lucy, ·È‰È¿: ¢ËÌ‹ÙÚ˘, ™ÔÊ›·, ∂ϤÓË, §Ô‡ÛË, his sons-in-law: Thomas and Richard, Á·ÌÚÔ›: Thomas Î·È Richard, his brothers: George and Stelios, ·‰¤ÏÊÈ·: °ÈÒÚÁÔ˜, ™Ù¤ÏÈÔ˜, §¤ÏÏ·, sisters: Lella, Yianna, Sotira °È¿ÓÓ·, ™ˆÙ‹Ú· Î·È ∂Ï¢ıÂÚ›·. and Eleftheria. ¶¤ÌÙË 1 √ÎÙˆ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2015 ™ÂÏ›‰· 25

∂π™º√ƒ∂™ ∏ ÔÈÎÔÁ¤ÓÂÈ· N¤·Ú¯Ô˘ ¡Â¿Ú¯Ô˘ ÂÈÛʤÚÂÈ ÙÔ ÔÛfi ÙˆÓ í300.00 ̤ۈ Ù˘ ∫.√. Palmers Green, ÛÙÔÓ ¤Ú·ÓÔ Ù˘ ∫.∂. A∫∂§, ÂȘ ÌÓ‹ÌË ÙÔ˘ ·Ù¤Ú· ÙÔ˘ °È·ÓÓ¿ÎË ¡Â¿Ú¯Ô˘ ·fi ÙË §ÂÌÂÛfi (·‚›ˆÛ 09.05.2013)

§ MNHMO™YNO EYXAPI™THPIO ∫˘ÚÈ·ÎÔ‡ ∞Ù¿Ô˘ ªÈ¯¿Ï˘ ¶·Ó·Á‹ (™ˆÙ‹Ú· ∞ÌÌÔ¯ÒÛÙÔ˘, ™Ù‡ÏÏÔ˘˜) MË ·Ó·Î‡„·ÓÙ˜ ·ÎfiÌË (∞ÚÓ·‰› ∞ÌÌÔ¯ÒÛÙÔ˘) ·fi ÙÔ ‚·Ú‡ Ï‹ÁÌ· ÙÔ˘ ı·Ó¿ÙÔ˘ Ù˘ ÔÏ˘·Á·Ë- TÂÏԇ̠ÙËÓ ÚÔÛ¯‹ K˘Úȷ΋ 04.10.2015, ÛÙËÓ Ì¤Ó˘ Î·È ·Í¤¯·ÛÙ˘ Ì·˜ ÌËÙ¤Ú·˜, ÁÈ·ÁÈ¿˜ Î·È ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ∞Á›Ô˘ πˆ¿ÓÓË ÙÔ˘ μ·ÙÈÛÙ‹, Wightman Road, ·‰ÂÏÊ‹˜ London N8 0LY, ÙÔ 40‹ÌÂÚÔ ÌÓËÌfiÛ˘ÓÔ ÙÔ˘ ÔÏ˘·Á·- ∫˘ÚÈ·ÎÔ‡˜ ∞Ù¿Ô˘ Ë̤ÓÔ˘ Î·È ·Í¤¯·ÛÙÔ˘ Ì·˜ Û˘˙‡ÁÔ˘, ·Ù¤Ú·, ·Ô‡, ı¤ÏÔ˘Ì ӷ ¢¯·ÚÈÛÙ‹- ·‰ÂÏÊÔ‡ Î·È ı›Ԣ ÛÔ˘Ì fiÏÔ˘˜ fiÛÔÈ ·Ú¢- Ú¤ıËÎ·Ó ÛÙËÓ Îˉ›·, ¤Î·Ó·Ó ÂÈÛÊÔÚ¤˜ ÁÈ· ÙÔ ªÈ¯¿ÏË ¶·Ó·Á‹ Parkinson’s Disease Society in Enfield (í820), Î·È Î·Ïԇ̠fiÏÔ˘˜ fiÛÔÈ ÙÈÌÔ‡Ó ÙË ÌÓ‹ÌË ÙÔ˘ η٤ıÂÛ·Ó ÛÙÂÊ¿ÓÈ·, ·¤- fiˆ˜ ·Ú¢ÚÂıÔ‡Ó. ÛÙÂÈÏ·Ó Û˘ÏÏ˘ËÙ‹ÚÈ· ÌË- Ӈ̷ٷ ‹ Û˘ÌÌÂÙ›¯·Ó Ì ÔÔÈÔÓ‰‹ÔÙ ¿ÏÏÔÓ ÙÚfi- ∏ Û‡˙˘ÁÔ˜ ∞ı·Ó·Û›·, Ô ÛÙÔ ‚·Ú‡ Ì·˜ ¤ÓıÔ˜.

·È‰È¿: °ÂˆÚÁ›·, ÃÚ˘ÛÔ‡ÏÏ· Î·È ¶·Ó·ÁÈÒÙ˘, ¶·È‰È¿: Yiannis, Androulla Î·È Maria, Á·ÌÚfi˜ Nick, ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·, Ó‡ÊË, Á·ÌÚfi˜, ·‰¤ÏÊÈ· Î·È ÏÔÈÔ› Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜. ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·: George, Kyri, George, Katerina, ·‰ÂÏÊfi˜ ºÒÙ˘ Î·È ÏÔÈÔ› Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜.

§ ª¡∏ª√™À¡√ TÂÏԇ̠ÙËÓ ÚÔÛ¯‹ K˘Úȷ΋ 04.10.2015, ÛÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· Ù˘ ∞Á›·˜ ∞ÈηÙÂÚ›Ó˘, Friern Barnet Lane, London N20 0NL, ÙÔ 40‹ÌÂÚÔ ÌÓËÌfiÛ˘ÓÔ ÙÔ˘ ÔÏ˘·Á·Ë̤ÓÔ˘ Î·È ·Í¤¯·ÛÙÔ˘ Ì·˜ Û˘˙‡ÁÔ˘, ·Ù¤Ú· Î·È ·Ô‡ ∞Ó‰Ú¤· πˆÛ‹Ê (¶ÂÚÈÛÙÂÚˆÓÔËÁ‹ ∞ÌÌÔ¯ÒÛÙÔ˘)

Î·È Î·Ïԇ̠fiÏÔ˘˜ fiÛÔÈ ÙÈÌÔ‡Ó ÙË ÌÓ‹ÌË ÙÔ˘ fiˆ˜ ·Ú¢ÚÂıÔ‡Ó.

∏ Û‡˙˘ÁÔ˜ ∂˘ÛÙ·ı›·, ·È‰È¿: πˆÛ‹Ê, °ÈÒÚÁÔ˜, ª›Î˘, §¤Ó˘, ¶·Ó·ÁÈÒÙ˘ Î·È ™ˆÙËÚÔ‡ÏÏ·, ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·, ‰ÈÛ¤ÁÁÔÓÔ, Ӈʘ, Á·ÌÚfi˜ Î·È ÏÔÈÔ› Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜. \ EYXAPI™THPIO

£¤ÏÔ˘Ì ӷ ¢¯·ÚÈÛÙ‹ÛÔ˘Ì fiÏÔ˘˜ fiÛÔÈ ·Ú¢ڤıËÎ·Ó ÛÙËÓ Îˉ›·, ¤Î·Ó·Ó ÂÈÛÊÔÚ¤˜ ÁÈ· ÙÔ British Heart Foundation (í6,000), η٤ıÂÛ·Ó ÛÙÂÊ¿ÓÈ·, ·¤ÛÙÂÈÏ·Ó Û˘ÏÏ˘ËÙ‹ÚÈ· ÌËӇ̷ٷ ‹ Û˘ÌÌÂÙ›¯·Ó Ì ÔÔÈÔÓ‰‹ÔÙ ¿ÏÏÔÓ ÙÚfiÔ ÛÙÔ ‚·Ú‡ Ì·˜ ¤ÓıÔ˜. T § MEMORIAL SERVICE The 40 day memorial service of our much beloved and unforgettable husband, father and grandfather Andreas Josif (from Peristeronopiyi Famagusta)

will take place on Sunday 04.10.2015, at The Greek Orthodox Church of St. Katherine, Friern Barnet Lane, London N20 0NL. Relatives and friends are invited to attend. His wife Efstathia, children, grandchildren, great-grandson, daughters-in-law, son-in-law and other relatives. \ NOTE OF THANKS We would like to thank all those who attended the funeral service, made donations for the British Heart Foundation (í6,000), sent all the lovely flowers, their condolences or participated in any other way to our deep grief. ™ÂÏ›‰· 26 ¶¤ÌÙË 1 √ÎÙˆ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2015

¦ ∞°°∂§π∞ £∞¡∞Δ√À - ∫∏¢∂π∞ † ∞°°∂§π∞ £∞¡∞Δ√À - ∫∏¢∂π∞ ∫ÏÂÈÒ Ã·ÚÈÏ¿Ô˘ E˘ÊÚÔÛ‡ÓË °ÚËÁfiÚË (·fi ÙË ¢ÔÚ¿ §ÂÌÂÛÔ‡) ∞‚›ˆÛ ÙÔ ™¿‚‚·ÙÔ (·fi ÙÔÓ §˘ıÚÔ‰fiÓÙ·) 12/09/2015, Ë ∫ÏÂÈÒ Ã·ÚÈÏ¿Ô˘ ªÂ ‚·ıÈ¿ ıÏ›„Ë ·ÁÁ¤ÏÏÔ˘Ì fiÙÈ ·‚›ˆÛ ÙËÓ ΔÚ›ÙË Û ËÏÈΛ· 89 ÂÙÒÓ. 15.09.2015 Ë ∂˘ÊÚÔÛ‡ÓË °ÚËÁfiÚË Û ËÏÈΛ· 83 ÂÙÒÓ. ∏ ÂÎÏÈÔ‡Û· ‹Úı ÛÙËÓ ∞ÁÁÏ›· ÙÔ 1962. ∏ ÂÎÏÈÔ‡Û· ‹Úı ÛÙËÓ ∞ÁÁÏ›· ÙÔ 1954. ∞Ê‹ÓÂÈ 2 ·È‰È¿: ª¿ÚÈÔ Î·È Δ¤„·, 5 ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·: ÕÓÙÚÔ, ∞Ê‹ÓÂÈ 6 ·È‰È¿: ªÈ¯¿ÏË, °ÚËÁfiÚË, ∞ÓÙÚ¤·, μ¿ÛÔ, ÷ÚÔ‡ÏÏ·, ¢ËÌ‹ÙÚË, ∫ÏÂÈÒ ª¿ÚÈÔ Î·È ÃÚÈÛÙ›Ó·, 8 ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·, 2 ‰ÈÛ¤ÁÁÔÓ·, 2 ·‰ÂÏ- Î·È ∞ÓÙÚ¤·, 7 ‰ÈÛ¤ÁÁÔÓ·: ʤ˜ Î·È ÔÏÏÔ‡˜ ¿ÏÏÔ˘˜ Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜. ¢ÔÏfiÚÔ, ¡ÈÎfiÏ·, ª·Ú›, ∞ÓÙÚ¤·, ¡ÈÎÔϤÙÙ·, ∫ˆÓÛÙ·ÓÙ›Ó· Î·È ∏ Îˉ›· Ù˘ ı· Á›ÓÂÈ ÙËÓ ΔÚ›ÙË 06.10.2015 Î·È ÒÚ· £Âfi‰ˆÚÔ, ÙÔ Á·ÌÚfi Ù˘ ¡›ÎÔ, ÙË Ó‡ÊË Ù˘ ™Ù·˘ÚԇϷ Î·È 12.30ÌÌ ·fi ÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ÙÔ˘ ∞Á›Ô˘ ¶·ÓÙÂÏ‹ÌÔÓÔ˜, ÔÏÏÔ‡˜ Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜ Î·È Ê›ÏÔ˘˜. 660 Kenton Road, Harrow, Middx. HA3 9QN Î·È ∏ Îˉ›· Ù˘ ı· Á›ÓÂÈ ·‡ÚÈÔ ¶·Ú·Û΢‹ 2 √ÎÙˆ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2015 Î·È Ë Ù·Ê‹ ÛÙÔ ÎÔÈÌËÙ‹ÚÈÔ ÙÔ˘ New Southgate Ë ÒÚ· ÒÚ· 12:30ÌÌ ·fi ÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ÙÔ˘ ∞Á›Ô˘ ¢ËÌËÙÚ›Ô˘, Δown Road / Logan Road, London N9 0LP Î·È Ë Ù·Ê‹ ÛÙÔ ÎÔÈÌËÙ‹ÚÈÔ ÙÔ˘ 2.30ÌÌ. New Southgate, Brunswick Park Road, London, N111JJ. ∏ ·ÚËÁÔÚÈ¿ ı· ‰Ôı› ÛÙÔ Penridge Suite, 470 Bowes ∏ ·ÚËÁÔÚÈ¿ ı· ‰Ôı› ÛÙÔ ¯ÒÏ Ù˘ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›·˜ ÙÔ˘ ∞Á›Ô˘ ¢ËÌËÙÚ›Ô˘, Road, New Southgate, London N11 1NL. Δown Road/Logan Road, London N9 0LP. °È· A°°E§IE™ † ∞°°∂§π∞ £∞¡∞Δ√À - ∫∏¢∂π∞ MNHMO™YNA Î·È £ANATOY™ ÃÚ˘ÛÙ¿ÏÏ· ¡ÈÎfiÏ· TËÏÂʈӋÛÙ ÛÙÔ (·fi ÙÔÓ ÕÁÈÔ ¢Ô̤ÙÈÔ, §Â˘ÎˆÛ›·) 020 8341 5853 ∞‚›ˆÛ ·fi ·Ó›·ÙË ·Ûı¤- Chrystalla Nicola ÓÂÈ· ÙËÓ ΔÚ›ÙË 22.09.2015, Ë ÃÚ˘ÛÙ¿ÏÏ· ¡ÈÎfiÏ· Û ËÏÈ- Passed away on Tuesday Λ· 64 ÂÙÒÓ. 22.09.2015, EYXAPI™THPIO at North Middlesex Hospital ªË ·Ó·Î‡„·ÓÙ˜ ·ÎfiÌË ·fi ÙÔ ‚·Ú‡ Ï‹ÁÌ· ÙÔ˘ ı·Ó¿- ∞Ê‹ÓÂÈ ÙÔÓ Û‡˙˘ÁÔ Ù˘ ÙÔ˘ ÙÔ˘ ÔÏ˘·Á·Ë̤ÓÔ˘ Î·È ·Í¤¯·ÛÙÔ˘ Ì·˜ Û˘˙‡ÁÔ˘, at the age of 64. ¢ËÌ‹ÙÚË ·fi ÙËÓ ∫ÂÚ‡ÓÂÈ·, ·Ù¤Ú·, ·Ô‡ Î·È ·‰ÂÏÊÔ‡ 2 ·È‰È¿: Kristina-Û‡˙˘ÁÔ Ù˘ She leaves her husband Chris, Johnny-Û‡˙˘ÁÔ ÙÔ˘ Demetris, 2 children: Kristina- Claire, 3 ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·: Chloe, husband Chris and Johnny- Emily Î·È Alexander, 4 ·‰ÂÏ- wife Claire, 3 grandchildren: ÊÔ‡˜, 2 ·‰ÂÏʤ˜ Î·È ÔÏÏÔ‡˜ Chloe, Emily and Alexander, ¿ÏÏÔ˘˜ Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜ Î·È Ê›ÏÔ˘˜. 4 brothers, 2 sisters and H Îˉ›· Ù˘ ı· Á›ÓÂÈ ÙËÓ many relatives and friends. ¶·Ú·Û΢‹ 09.10.2015 Î·È The funeral will take place ÒÚ· 10.00Ì ·fi ÙËÓ on Friday 09.10.2015 at ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· Ù˘ ¶·Ó·Á›·˜, 10.00am at the Greek Trinity Road, Wood Green, Orthodox Church of St. London N22 8LB Î·È Ë Ù·Ê‹ ÛÙÔ ÎÔÈÌËÙ‹ÚÈÔ ÙÔ˘ New Mary’s, Trinity Road, Wood Δ¿ÎË (Chris) ÃÚÈÛÙÔÊfiÚÔ˘ Southgate. Green, London N22 8LB and the burial at New Southgate (∫¿Ùˆ ¢Ú˘) °›ÓÂÙ·È ¤ÎÎÏËÛË ·ÓÙ› Cemetery. ı¤ÏÔ˘Ì ӷ ¢¯·ÚÈÛÙ‹ÛÔ˘Ì fiÏÔ˘˜ fiÛÔÈ ·Ú¢ڤıËÎ·Ó ÏÔ˘ÏÔ‡‰È· Ó· Á›ÓÔÓÙ·È Instead of flowers there will be ÛÙËÓ Îˉ›·, ¤Î·Ó·Ó ÂÈÛÊÔÚ¤˜ ÁÈ· ÊÈÏ·ÓıÚˆÈÎÔ‡˜ ÛÎÔ- ÂÈÛÊÔÚ¤˜ Ô˘ ı· ‰ÔıÔ‡Ó ÛÙÔ Ô‡˜, η٤ıÂÛ·Ó ÛÙÂÊ¿ÓÈ·, ·¤ÛÙÂÈÏ·Ó Û˘ÏÏ˘ËÙ‹ÚÈ· a donation box for Macmillan Macmillan Cancer Support. ÌËӇ̷ٷ ‹ Û˘ÌÌÂÙ›¯·Ó Ì ÔÔÈÔÓ‰‹ÔÙ ¿ÏÏÔÓ ÙÚfiÔ ÛÙÔ Cancer Support. ‚·Ú‡ Ì·˜ ¤ÓıÔ˜. ΔËÏ. ÔÈΛˆÓ: ∏ Û‡˙˘ÁÔ˜ ™Ù¤ÏÏ·, ˘Èfi˜ ¶¿Ú˘-Û‡˙˘ÁÔ˜ Wendy, ÎfiÚË 07947 771 975 Tel. 07947 771 975 Δ›Ó·-Û‡˙˘ÁÔ˜ ∞ndrew, ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·: ÕÓ·, ¶fiË, Lexi, ™Ù¤ÏÏ·, ·‰ÂÏʤ˜: Helen Î·È Δ·ÛÔ‡ÏÏ· Î·È ÏÔÈÔ› Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜.

§ ª¡∏ª√™À¡√

ΔÂÏԇ̠ÙËÓ ÚÔÛ¯‹ ∫˘Úȷ΋ 04.10.2015, ÛÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ÙÔ˘ ∞Á›Ô˘ ¶·ÓÙÂÏ‹ÌÔÓÔ˜, 660 Kenton Road, Harrow, Middx. HA3 9QN, ÙÔ 9ÌËÓÔ ÌÓËÌfiÛ˘ÓÔ Ù˘ ÔÏ˘·Á·Ë̤Ó˘ Î·È ·Í¤¯·ÛÙ˘ Ì·˜ Û˘˙‡ÁÔ˘, ÌËÙ¤Ú·˜ Î·È ÁÈ·ÁÈ¿˜

∞ÊÚÔ‰›Ù˘ √ÈÎÔÓfiÌÔ˘ (∂˘Ú‡¯Ô˘ ™ÔϤ·˜ - ∫‡ÚÔ)

Î·È Î·Ïԇ̠fiÏÔ˘˜ fiÛÔÈ ÙÈÌÔ‡Ó ÙË ÌÓ‹ÌË Ù˘ fiˆ˜ ·Ú¢ÚÂıÔ‡Ó.

O Û‡˙˘ÁÔ˜ ¶·‡ÏÔ˜, ·È‰È¿: ∞ÓÙÚ¤·˜, °ÈÒÚÁÔ˜ Î·È ª·Ú›·, Ó‡ÊË ∫¿ÙÈ·, ÂÁÁÔÓ¤˜: ª·Ú›·, ∞ÊÚÔ‰›ÙË, ¡·Ù¿Û· Î·È ÏÔÈÔ› Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜. ¶¤ÌÙË 1 √ÎÙˆ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2015 ™ÂÏ›‰· 27

¨ ∞°°∂§π∞ £∞¡∞Δ√À - ∫∏¢∂π∞ ¨ ∞ÓÙÚÔ‡ÏÏ· £ÂÔ‰Ô‡ÏÔ˘ (·fi ÙËÓ √ÚÌ‹‰ÂÈ·)

Androulla Theodoulou (from Ormidhia, Larnaca)

∞‚›ˆÛ ÙËÓ ¶·Ú·Û΢‹ 18.09.2015, Ë ∞ÓÙÚÔ‡ÏÏ· £ÂÔ‰Ô‡ÏÔ˘ Û ËÏÈΛ· 60 ÂÙÒÓ. Androulla Theodoulou ∞Ê‹ÓÂÈ ÙÔÓ Û‡˙˘ÁÔ Ù˘ ºÒÙË ·fi ÙÔ ¶·ÙÚ›ÎÈ, ÙËÓ ÎfiÚË Ù˘ ª·Ú›·, Passed away on Friday 18th September 2015, aged 60. ÙÔÓ ˘Èfi Ù˘ Theo, ÙÔ Á·ÌÚfi Ù˘ Andy, ÙË Ó‡ÊË Ù˘ Anna, She leaves behind her husband Fotis from Patriki, her daughter 4 ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·: ∞ÓÙÚ¤·, IÛ·‚¤ÏÏ·, ¶·Ó·ÁÈÒÙË Î·È ∞ϤͷӉÚÔ, Maria, son Theo, son-in-law Andy, daughter-in-law Anna, grand- 2 ·‰ÂÏʤ˜: ºÏÒÚ· Î·È μ·Ú‚¿Ú·, 3 ·‰ÂÏÊÔ‡˜: E˘ÁÂÓ‹, AÓ‰Ú¤· Î·È children: Andrew, Isabella, Panayiotis and Alexandros, 2 sisters: ¶·Ó·ÁÈÒÙË. Flora and Varvara and 3 brothers: Evgenis, Andreas and Panayiotis. ∏ Îˉ›· Ù˘ ı· Á›ÓÂÈ ÙËÓ ¶¤ÌÙË 08.10.2015 Î·È ÒÚ· 10.00Ì ·fi The funeral will take place on Thursday 8th October 2015 at 10.00am ÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ÙÔ˘ ∞Á›Ô˘ ¢ËÌËÙÚ›Ô˘, Δown Road/Logan Road, at the Greek Orthodox Church of St. Demetrius, Δown Road/Logan London N9 0LP Î·È Ë Ù·Ê‹ ÛÙÔ ÎÔÈÌËÙ‹ÚÈÔ ÙÔ˘ Edmonton, Church Road, London N9 0LP and the burial at Edmonton Cemetery, Street, London N9 9HP. Church Street, London N9 9HP. H ·ÚËÁÔÚÈ¿ ı· ‰Ôı› ÛÙÔ Royal Chase Hotel, The Ridgeway, The wake will be held at The Royal Chase Hotel, The Ridgeway, Enfield. Enfield. °›ÓÂÙ·È ¤ÎÎÏËÛË ·ÓÙ› ÏÔ˘ÏÔ‡‰È· Ó· Á›ÓÔÓÙ·È ÂÈÛÊÔÚ¤˜ Ô˘ ı· Instead of flowers there will be a donation box for Great Ormond ‰ÔıÔ‡Ó ÛÙÔ Great Ormond Street Hospital. Street Hospital. ™ÂÏ›‰· 28 ¶¤ÌÙË 1 √ÎÙˆ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2015

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Loizos Yiannis Koiza (from Yialousa, Cyprus)

∞‚›ˆÛ ‹Û˘¯· ÙËÓ ¶¤ÌÙË 24.09.2015 Ô §Ô˝˙Ô˜ °È¿ÓÓË ∫Ô˚˙¿ Û ËÏÈΛ· 89 ÂÙÒÓ. Loizos Yiannis Koiza th √ ÂÎÏÈÒÓ ‹Úı ÛÙËÓ ∞ÁÁÏ›· ÙÔ 1948 Î·È ·Û¯ÔÏ›ÙÔ Ì ÂÛÙÈ·ÙfiÚÈ·, ÚˆÙÔ‡ Loizos Yiannis Koiza was born on 5 July 1926 in Yialousa, Cyprus. ‰ËÌÈÔ˘ÚÁ‹ÛÂÈ ÙÔ ‰ÈÎfi ÙÔ˘ ÂÛÙÈ·ÙfiÚÈÔ «Yialousa Greek Taverna», ÛÙÔ Russell Loui came to England in 1948, working in the catering business before settling Square. at Yialousa Greek Taverna, in Russell Square, for over 20 years. ΔÔ 1960 ·ÓÙÚ¤˘ÙËΠÙËÓ Ì. ∫·ÙÂÚ›Ó·, Â›Û˘ ·fi ÙË °È·ÏÔ‡Û· Î·È ¤˙ËÛ·Ó In 1960 he married Katerina, of 28 years. They leave behind a son, Marios, 28 ¯ÚfiÓÈ· ¯·ÚÔ‡ÌÂÓ· Î·È Â˘Ù˘¯ÈṲ̂ӷ. daughter, Koulla, son-in-law, Anthony, and three grandchildren, John, Katerina ∞Ê‹ÓÂÈ 2 ·È‰È¿: ª¿ÚÈÔ Î·È ∫Ô‡ÏÏ·, ÙÔÓ Á·ÌÚfi ÙÔ˘ ∞ÓÙÒÓË, 3 ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·: and Artemis, as well as many more friends and family. °È¿ÓÓË, ∫·ÙÂÚ›Ó· Î·È ÕÚÙÂÌȘ Î·È ÔÏÏÔ‡˜ ¿ÏÏÔ˘˜ Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜ Î·È Ê›ÏÔ˘˜. Loui was a devoted father and grandfather, he touched the lives of so many with √ ÂÎÏÈÒÓ ‹Ù·Ó ˘fi‰ÂÈÁÌ· Û˘˙‡ÁÔ˘, ·Ù¤Ú· Î·È ·Ô‡ Î·È Ë ·Ô˘Û›· ÙÔ˘ his kind eyes and soft smile, and will be sadly missed, but his treasured ı· ·Ê‹ÛÂÈ ¤Ó· ‰˘Û·Ó·Ï‹ÚˆÙÔ ÎÂÓfi ÛÙËÓ ÔÈÎÔÁ¤ÓÂÈ· Î·È Ê›ÏÔ˘˜. memory will be forever in our hearts. ∏ Îˉ›· ÙÔ˘ ı· Á›ÓÂÈ ÙËÓ ΔÚ›ÙË 13.10.2015 Î·È ÒÚ· 1.00ÌÌ ·fi ÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· For those who wish to attend and pay their respects, his funeral will take place Ù˘ ¶·Ó·Á›·˜, Trinity Road, Wood Green, London N22 8LB Î·È Ë Ù·Ê‹ ÛÙÔ on Tuesday13th October 2015 at 1.00pm at the Greek Orthodox Church of ÎÔÈÌËÙ‹ÚÈÔ ÙÔ˘ New Southgate, Brunswick Park Road, New Southgate, London St. Mary’s, Trinity Road, Wood Green, London N22 8LB and the burial at N11 1JJ. New Southgate Cemetery, Brunswick Park Road, New Southgate, London °›ÓÂÙ·È ¤ÎÎÏËÛË ·ÓÙ› ÏÔ˘ÏÔ‡‰È· Ó· Á›ÓÔÓÙ·È ÂÈÛÊÔÚ¤˜ Ô˘ ı· ‰ÔıÔ‡Ó ÁÈ· N11 1JJ. ÊÈÏ·ÓıÚˆÈÎÔ‡˜ ÛÎÔÔ‡˜. Instead of flowers there will be a donation box for various charities. °È· ÂÚÈÛÛfiÙÂÚ˜ ÏËÚÔÊÔڛ˜ ÂÈÎÔÈÓˆÓ‹ÛÙÂ: Demetriou & English, Funeral For more information: Demetriou & English, Funeral Directors Ltd, Directors Ltd, 131-133 Myddleton Road, Wood Green, London N22 8NG - Tel: 020 8889 9888. 131-133 Myddleton Road, Wood Green, London N22 8NG - Tel: 020 8889 9888. ¶¤ÌÙË 1 √ÎÙˆ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2015 ™ÂÏ›‰· 29 ¦ § ª¡∏ª√™À¡√ ∞°°∂§π∞ £∞¡∞Δ√À - ∫∏¢∂π∞ § MNHMO™YNO TÂÏԇ̠ÙËÓ ÚÔÛ¯‹ ÃÚ›ÛÙÔ˘ Ã" ∞ÓÙÚ¤· √‰˘ÛÛ¤·˜ ÷Ù˙ËÏ·‚‹ıË K˘Úȷ΋ 04.10.2015, ÛÙÔÓ (∫·ÏÔÁÚ·›·) (·fi ÙËÓ ¶¿Óˆ ¢Â˘ÙÂÚ¿) πÂÚfi ¡·fi ÙÔ˘ ∞Á›Ô˘ ¢ËÌËÙÚ›Ô˘, Town Road / TÂÏԇ̠ÙËÓ ÚÔÛ¯‹ ∞‚›ˆÛ ÙËÓ ΔÂÙ¿ÚÙË Logan Rd, London N9 0LP, K˘Úȷ΋ 04.10.2015, 16.09.2015, Ô √‰˘ÛÛ¤·˜ ÙÔ 25oÓ ÂÙ‹ÛÈÔ ÌÓËÌfiÛ˘ÓÔ Ã·Ù˙ËÏ·‚‹ıË Û ËÏÈΛ· ÛÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· Ù˘ ÙÔ˘ ÔÏ˘·Á·Ë̤ÓÔ˘ Î·È 89 ÂÙÒÓ. ·Í¤¯·ÛÙÔ˘ °ÂÏ·ÛÙÔ‡ ¶·Ó·Á›·˜, Camberwell, √ ÂÎÏÈÒÓ ‹Úı ÛÙËÓ ∞Á- ¶·È‰ÈÔ‡ 305 Camberwell New ÁÏ›· ÙÔ 1959. Road, London SE5, ÙÔ ∞Ê‹ÓÂÈ ÙË Û‡˙˘ÁÔ ÙÔ˘ °ÚËÁfiÚË ∞ÓÙÒÓË 11ÔÓ ÂÙ‹ÛÈÔ ÌÓËÌfiÛ˘ÓÔ ºÚfiÛˆ ·fi ÙËÓ ∞ÎÚfi- Î·È Î·Ïԇ̠fiÏÔ˘˜ fiÛÔÈ ÙÈÌÔ‡Ó ÙË ÌÓ‹ÌË ÙÔ˘ ÙÔ˘ ÔÏ˘·Á·Ë̤ÓÔ˘ η ÔÏË, 3 ·È‰È¿: ¡›ÙÛ·, fiˆ˜ ·Ú¢ÚÂıÔ‡Ó. ·Í¤¯·ÛÙÔ˘ Ì·˜ Û˘˙‡- ∞ıËÓÔ‡ÏÏ· Î·È ª¿ÚÈÔ, ∏ ÌËÙ¤Ú· ÙÔ˘ ∞Ϥη ªÔ‡ÚÁ·ÏË, ÙÔ Á·ÌÚfi ÙÔ˘ °ÈÒÚÁÔ, ÁÔ˘, ·Ù¤Ú· Î·È ·Ô‡ Ô ·‰ÂÏÊfi˜ ÙÔ˘ °È¿ÓÓ˘, 2 ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·: ºÚfiÛˆ Î·È Ë ı›· ÙÔ˘ ∫ÏÂÔ¿ÙÚ· Î·È Ù· ·Ó›„È· ÙÔ˘. ÃÚ›ÛÙÔ˘ Ã" ∞ÓÙÚ¤· ™ÎÂ‡Ë Î·È 2 ‰ÈÛ¤ÁÁÔÓ·. Î·È Î·Ïԇ̠fiÏÔ˘˜ fiÛÔÈ ∏ Îˉ›· ÙÔ˘ ı· Á›ÓÂÈ ÙË ŒÊı·Û ¿ÏÈ Ô √ÎÙÒ‚Ú˘ Ô˘ ÌÔ˘ ‹Ú ÙÔÓ °ƒ∏°√ƒ∏ ÙÈÌÔ‡Ó ÙË ÌÓ‹ÌË ÙÔ˘ ¢Â˘Ù¤Ú· 05.10.2015 Î·È (¶Ô›ËÌ· ·fi ÙËÓ ¯·ÚÔη̤ÓË ª∞¡∞ ÙÔ˘ ∞Ϥη ªÔ‡ÚÁ·ÏË) fiˆ˜ ·Ú¢ÚÂıÔ‡Ó. ÒÚ· 1.00ÌÌ ·fi ÙËÓ ∂Î- ™ÙÔ˘ √ÎÙÒ‚ÚË ÙȘ ÂÓÓÈ¿ ÛÙËÓ „˘¯‹ Î·È ÛÙËÓ Î·Ú‰È¿ ÎÏËÛ›· Ù˘ ¶·Ó·Á›·˜, ‚Á‹ÎÂ Ô ¯¿ÚÔ˜ ·Á·ÓÈ¿, Û·Ó ÌÂÁ¿ÏË Î·Ù·¯ÓÈ¿. ∏ Û‡˙˘ÁÔ˜ ∞ÁÁÂÏÈ΋, ˘Èfi˜ ∞Ó‰Ú¤·˜, Trinity Road, Wood Green, London N22 8LB Î·È Ë Ù·Ê‹ ÛÙÔ ÁÈ· Ó· ·Ú¿ÍÂÈ ª· fiÛÔÈ √ÎÙÒ‚Úˉ˜ Ó‡ÊË ªÈÛȤÏ, ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·: ∞ϤͷӉÚÔ˜ Î·È ™Ù¤Ê·ÓÔ˜. ÎÔÈÌËÙ‹ÚÈÔ ÙÔ˘ New Southgate. ÙÔ ÁÂÏ·ÛÙfi ·ÁÔÚÈ Ô˘ ÙÔ Ï¤Á·Ó °ƒ∏°√ƒ∏. ÎÈ ·Ó ÂÚ¿ÛÔ˘Ó, ‰ÂÓ ı· ͯ·ÛÙ›˜ ÔÙ¤ H ·ÚËÁÔÚÈ¿ ı· ‰Ôı› ÌfiÓÔ ÛÙÔ ÎÔÈÌËÙ‹ÚÈÔ. ∂›ÎÔÛÈ ¤ÓÙ √ÎÙÒ‚Úˉ˜ ı· ’Û·È ¿ÓÙ· ÛÙËÓ Î·Ú‰È¿ ÌÔ˘ ¤Ú·Û·Ó ·fi ÙfiÙ ΔËÏ. ÔÈΛˆÓ: 020 8889 5748 Û·Ó Ó· ‹Ù·Ó ∂ã∂™. H «¶·ÚÔÈÎȷ΋» ÂÎÊÚ¿˙ÂÈ °ÚËÁfiÚË ÌÔ˘ ·È‰› ÌÔ˘, ÎÈ Â̤ӷ ‰ÂÓ ÁχηÓ ∞Ȉӛ· ÛÔ˘ Ë ÌÓ‹ÌË Ù· ‚·ıÈ¿ Ù˘ Û˘ÏÏ˘ËÙ‹ÚÈ· °È· A°°E§IE™, MNHMO™YNA Ô fiÓÔ˜ ÛÙËÓ „˘¯‹ ÌÔ˘. ÁÏ˘Îfi ÌÔ˘ ·È‰›, Î·È £ANATOY™ ŸÙ·Ó Êı¿ÓÂÈ Ô √ÎÙÒ‚Ú˘ ηϋ ·Óٿ̈ÛË Û fiÏÔ˘˜ ÙÔ˘˜ ÔÈΛԢ˜ ÙˆÓ ·Ôı·ÓfiÓÙˆÓ ÓÈÒıˆ ·˘Ù‹Ó ÙË Û˘ÓÓÂÊÈ¿ Î·È ÛÙÔ Â·Óȉ›Ó. TËÏÂʈӋÛÙ ÛÙÔ 020 8341 5853 ∏ ¯·ÚÔη̤ÓË ª¿Ó· ÛÔ˘

† ∞°°∂§π∞ £∞¡∞Δ√À - ∫∏¢∂π∞ † DEATH ANNOUNCEMENT ∂˘¿ÁÁÂÏÔ˜ ¡ÈÎÔÏ¿Ô˘ ∂vangelos Nicolaou (·fi ÙËÓ ∂˘Ú‡¯Ô˘) (from Evrichou) ∞‚›ˆÛ ÙË ¢Â˘Ù¤Ú· 21.09.2015, Ô ∂˘¿ÁÁÂÏÔ˜ ¡ÈÎÔÏ¿Ô˘ Û Passed away on Monday 21st September 2015 ËÏÈΛ· 67 ÂÙÒÓ. at the age of 67. √ ÂÎÏÈÒÓ ‹Úı ÛÙËÓ ∞ÁÁÏ›· ÙÔ 1961. Evangelos came to England in 1961. He leaves his wife, Niki, ∞Ê‹ÓÂÈ ÙË Û‡˙˘ÁÔ ÙÔ˘ ¡›ÎË, 2 ·È‰È¿: Andrew Î·È Natalie, ÙËÓ 2 children, Andrew and Natalie, his granddaughter Sophia, his ÂÁÁÔÓ‹ ÙÔ˘ Sophia, ÙË ÌËÙ¤Ú· ÙÔ˘ ¡·˘ÛÈο, 2 ·‰ÂÏÊÔ‡˜: mother, Nafsika, two brothers, John and Spiros, his sister Doulla °È¿ÓÓË Î·È ™‡ÚÔ, ÙËÓ ·‰ÂÏÊ‹ ÙÔ˘ ΔÔ‡ÏÏ· Î·È ÔÏÏÔ‡˜ ¿ÏÏÔ˘˜ and many relatives and friends. Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜ Î·È Ê›ÏÔ˘˜. ∏ Îˉ›· Ùo˘ ı· Á›ÓÂÈ ÙËÓ ¶¤ÌÙË 08.10.2015 Î·È ÒÚ· 1.00ÌÌ The funeral will take place on Thursday 8th October at 1.00pm ·fi ÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· Ù˘ ¶·Ó·Á›·˜, Trinity Road, Wood Green, London at St. Mary’s Greek Orthodox Church, Wood Green, London N22 8LB Î·È Ë Ù·Ê‹ ÛÙÔ ÎÔÈÌËÙ‹ÚÈÔ ÙÔ˘ New Southgate. N22 8LB and the burial at New Southgate Cemetery. H ·ÚËÁÔÚÈ¿ ı· ‰Ôı› ÛÙÔ ¯ˆÏ Ù˘ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›·˜ ÙÔ˘ ∞oÛÙfiÏÔ˘ μ·ÚÓ¿‚·, Finsbury Road, Wood Green, London N22 8PA. The wake will be held at the hall at St. Barnabas Church, Finsbury Road, London N22 8PA after the burial. °È· ÂÚÈÛÛfiÙÂÚ˜ ÏËÚÔÊÔڛ˜ ÂÈÎÔÈÓˆÓ‹ÛÙ Ì ÙÔ Demetriou & English, Funeral Directors Ltd, 131-133 Myddleton Road, Wood Demetriou & English, Funeral Directors Ltd, 131-133 Myddleton Green, London N22 8NG - Tel: 020 8889 9888. Road, Wood Green, London N22 8NG - Tel: 020 8889 9888.

Δ√ ¶∂ƒπμ√§π Δø¡ ∞°πø¡ Δ√ ¶ƒøΔ√ ∂§§∏¡√∫À¶ƒπ∞∫√ burgeon √ƒ£√¢√•√ ∫∞Δ∞™Δ∏ª∞ ™Δ∏¡ ¶∞ƒ√π∫π∞ floral design ¶ˆÏÔ‡ÓÙ·È ÂÈÎfiÓ˜, ÎÂÚÈ¿, Ï¿Ì˜ Î·È Ï¿‰È ÁÈ· Ù¿ÊÔ˘˜, Flowers for Weddings, SPECIALISING IN FUNERALS ηÓÈÛÙ‹ÚÈ·, ηÓÙ‹ÏÈ·, ÛÙ·˘ÚÔ›, ıÚËÛ΢ÙÈο CDs, Funerals and all Occasions ÛÙÂÊ·ÓÔı‹Î˜ Î·È ¿ÏÏ· ›‰Ë. ∂›Û˘ Û·ÎÎÔ˘Ï¿ÎÈ· ÁÈ· ÎfiÏÏ˘‚·. §Ô˘Ïo‡‰È· Î·È ÛÙÂÊ¿ÓÈ· ÁÈ· Îˉ›˜ §√À∫∞™ ¢∏ª√™£∂¡√À™ 101-103 Green Lanes, ∞ÔÙ·ı›Ù ÛÙËÓ HELEN 134 ªYDDLETON ROAD, WOOD GREEN, N22 8NQ [email protected] London N13 4SP 106 Cockfosters Road, Cockfosters, Herts EN4 0DP (∞¤Ó·ÓÙÈ ·fi ÙÔÓ Demetriou & English) www.polaflorist.com Tel: 020 8881 0228 t: 020 8441 6661 f: 020 8364 9146 ➤ ∂›Ì·ÛÙ ·ÓÔÈÎÙÔ› 6 ̤Ú˜ ÙË ‚‰ÔÌ¿‰· www.burgeon.co.uk e: [email protected] ÁÈ· Δ¿Ì·Ù·, ÁÈ· §·Ì¿‰Â˜ Î·È ÁÈ· °¿ÌÔ˘˜.


For all funeral related Assistance with DSS Claims Δ·Ê¤˜ Î·È ·ÔÙÂÊÚÒÛÂȘ 24-ˆÚË ÚÔÛˆÈ΋ Â͢ËÚ¤ÙËÛË requirements 24 Hours Personal Service ÃÒÚÔÈ ·Ú·ÌÔÓ‹˜ Î·È ÍÂÎÔ‡Ú·- Δ·ÊfiϷΘ Û˘ ÔÈÎÔÁ¤ÓÂÈ·˜ Î·È Û˘ÁÁÂÓÒÓ Burials and Cremations We guarantee best prices, μÔ‹ıÂÈ· Ì ÂȉfiÌ·Ù· ÙÔ˘ °Ú·Ê›Ԣ ∫·Ï‡ÙÂÚ˜ ÙÈ̤˜, ÔÈfiÙËÙ· Î·È Worldwide Repatriations quality and professionalism ∫ÔÈÓˆÓÈÎÒÓ ÀËÚÂÛÈÒÓ Â·ÁÁÂÏÌ·ÙÈÛÌfi˜ Chapel of Rest Facilities Memorial Stones ªÂÙ·ÊÔÚ¿ ÛÔÚÒÓ ÛÙÔ Â͈ÙÂÚÈÎfi For further information, call us on: 020 8889 9888 131-133 Myddleton Road, Wood Green, London N22 8NG Tel: 020 8889 9888 Fax: 020 8888 9205 [email protected] www.d-e.co.uk ™ÂÏ›‰· 30 ¶¤ÌÙË 1 √ÎÙˆ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2015

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CCYYPPRRIIOOTT FFOOOOTTBBAALLLL NEWS FROM GREECE Anorthosis, APOEL and AEK tops AEK went to the top of the table Berbatov strikes in Greece alongside APOEL on Saturday OLYMPIAKOS appeared in great night after beating Neon form against PAS Giannina on Paralimni 2-1 in Larnaca. Saturday, while Panathinaikos AEK scored very quickly stayed three points behind with when Joan Tomas pounced on a tight home win over Platanias, a mistake in the Enosis area and Dimitar Berbatov opened and fed Nicos Englezou who his tally with PAOK.Olympiakos opened the scoring. thrashed PAS 5-1 at the AEK finally scored again on Karaiskakis Stadium with strikes 58 minutes with Polish left back from Pajtim Kasami, Costas Adam Marciniak Fortounis, Alberto Botia, Jimmy Enosis reduced the score in Durmaz and a Themistoklis the 86th minute with Milan Tzimopoulos own goal. Svojic whose strike went in off Andi Lila scored Giannina’s consolation.The result has the post. AEK players celebrate stretched Olympiakos’s perfect Apoel’ beat Aris 4-0 the four scored first with Brazilian have not won since beating record to five wins in five games goals came from Giorgos Efrem Eduardo Pincelli. Apollon Nea Salamina 5-3 back in in the Super League, but its next given.PAOK came from behind equalizing goal by Frenchman who won a penalty on 24 min- equalised and within ten min- August and who take on game is at PAOK on October to beat Atromitos 2-1 at Peristeri Nicolas Diguiny on the third utes. Fernando Cavenaghi – utes were 3-1 up with goals from Apollon next weekend in the big 4.Panathinaikos, in second, late on Sunday, all goals coming minute of time added-on at who has now scored five goals Elizio who met Alex’s cross on game. For Ayia Napa, the de- needed a great swerving shot in the last half-hour of the match. Panionios for a 1-1 final score, in four matches –tucked away 26 minutes before Abraham feat was their fifth in succession by Abdul Ajagun to beat A spectacular shot by Javier after Tasos Karamanos had giv- the result penalty. The second Gneki-Guie scored their second as they remain at the foot of the Platanias 1-0. Umbides gave Atromitos the en the Nea Smyrni club the an own goal. Tomas de Croatian signing Dejan Mezga table without a point. Its fans jeered at manager lead, but Berbatov kneed the lead.Kalloni Lesvou led Vincenti addded a third when added a third on 33 minutes . In the other match on Yiannis Anastasiou on his way ball home for the equalizer, and Panetolikos 4-0 after 34 minutes he met Efrem’s cross De Fotis Papoulis added a fourth Sunday Paphos drew 0-0 with to the locker room after the final Robert Mak scored the winner and eventually won 5-1 at home, Vincenti also scored the fourth. just before halftime. Ioannis AEL whistle, as the defeat to for PAOK on the 90th minute. while Levadiakos downed visit- New Salamis continued their Hadjivasilis on 77 minutes re- On Monday night Anorthosis Panionios and the elimination Panthrakikos secured its first ing Asteras Tripolis 2-1 and fine form after their third win on duced the score but Apollon Famagusta joined APOEL and from Europe have not been for- point on the road courtesy of an Iraklis drew 1-1 with Xanthi. the trot after beating Ermis had the last word as Elizio AEK Larnaca at the summit on Aradippou. grabbed his second of the night Monday night after coming from New Salamis started badly for Apollon in the third minute behind to beat a stubborn Doxa CHARITY 7-A-SIDE TOURNAMENT – CHICKS and were 1-0 down to a of stoppage time. Katokopia 2-1 in Larnaca. Alhassane Keita who scored in Omonia got back to winning Andre Paus’ side were find- Giving Disadvantaged Children an opportunity the seventh minute. The red’s ways on Sunday after two first ing life difficult against a Doxa drew level with Ivan Curjuric half strikes from Ziguy side that had managed to hold THE Belleveue Mortlakes from a deflected free-kick. Badibanga earned his side a Omonia to a draw and then nar- Chartered Surveyors Charity 7- Dimitar Makriev got the winning hard-fought 2-1 win away to rowly lose to APOEL in their last a-Side Football Tournament took goal with seven minutes to go. bottom club Ayia Napa whose two games and even found place on 24th September 2015 Apollon bounced back from goal was scored by Darren themselves trailing Calo’s strike at the Walker Ground in their shock 2-0 defeat to Nea Maatsen. before Markus Holgersson and Southgate. The event sponsors Salamina last weekend by beat- The victory couldn’t have substitute Andreas Makris and organisers were Belleveue ing Ethnikos Achna 5-2 on come at a better time for coach turned things around for the Mortlakes www.bmortalkes.com. Saturday night. Ethnikos Costas Kaiafas whose side refugee club. The day was an outstanding success raising valuable funds Twelve Apostles Tavli competition Well done Jack for the childrens charity CHICKS – www.chicks.org.uk Markou Some of the teams who took part included Bank of Cyprus, Lloyds, Metro Bank, MT Finance, Auction House Ltd, SPF Private Clients, EFG and Allied Irish Bank with many spectators com- David Burrowes MP and Michael Yianni director of prising local business people, Belleveue Mortlakes welcomed the teams and guests politicians and prominent indi- viduals. The winners of the tourna- ment were SPF Private Clients, runners up Metro Bank with third place going to Bank of Cyprus. Trophy presentations were made by David Burrowes MP. David Burrowes said of the day; “It was a real pleasure to WELL done to Jack Markou the be play and be involved in such KOPA Football League commit- an excellent day. I am always THE Twelve Apostles Church in cond time and the runner up tee member and manager of happy to support such great Brookmans Park held their was Nick Georgiou (on the right Pantel who completed the charitable causes ”. Annual Tavli competition last of the photo attached). A total Ealing Half Marathon this CHICKS is a national chil- Friday 25th September 2015, of í750 was raised that will go Sunday 27 Sept 2015 for North dren’s charity that provides dis- The competition was won by towards The Twelve Apostles ro- London Hospice whose 3/4 of advantaged 8–15 year olds with Lefteris Georgiou (on of of appeal (www.12apos- care is relied on from donations. FREE short holidays across the the photo attached), for the se- tles.co.uk/roof-appeal). North London Hospice pro- UK – children that live in pover- The winners SPF clients the winners being presented their vides free care and support to ty, suffer abuse, are young car- trophy by David Burrowes Community Baghdatis patients suffering from illness- ers or have lost parents. Many but for thousands of children, come a reality. Further informa- defeats Almargo es that cannot be cured, living of us have fond memories of even a short break is just a tion about the charity can be within the London Boroughs of childhood breaks, something dream and without charities found on their website – Youth Results at Malaysian Open Barnet, Enfield and Haringey. perhaps we all take for granted such as CHICKS, can never be- www.chicks.org.uk Sunday 27th Sept. 2015 Olympiakos shock Arsenal Cyprus Rally 2015 U15 ARSENAL’S Champions flew past goalkeeper David AEK Black 3 AC Finchley 3 League hopes were left dan- Ospina. Arsenal were level Omonia Green 4 St Albans 3 gling by a thread on three minutes later Tuesday after they when Theo Walcott Panathinaikos G 3 Sun Sport 4 lost an astonishing scored but Olym- AC Finchley 6 AEK Gold 0 clash 3-2 to Olym- piakos went in front CYPRIOT tennis player Marcos piakos Piraeus who Belstone 1 Omonia White 2 Baghdatis defeated former again when Ospina won a competitive World No. 9 Nicolas Almagro mishandled a cor- Panathinaikos W 4 St Albans 4 European match in 6-3, 6-7(5), 6-1 at the Malaysian ner and dropped England for the first Open in Kuala Lumpur. but it the ball over his line U14 did not come easy on Tuesday. time in 50 years. with the fifth official After losing their opening game He led by a set and 3-1 in the signalling a goal. Highgate & M H 2 Olympiacos 6 to Dinamo Zagreb two weeks second, but was pushed to a Alexis Sanchez equalised for Alexandra P 0 Omonia W. 2 ago, Arsenal are bottom of tie-break, which he would drop the hosts with a neat header in 7-5. But Marcos was not rattled Group F, six points behind the 65th but almost immediate- THE 2015 CNP ASFALISTIKI the final stage from Polish driv- U13 after relinquishing the lead and leaders Bayern Munich, who he would reel off five straight they have to play twice. ly Icelandic substitute Alfred Cyprus Rally ended Sunday er and winner of the European AEK Black 2 Whetstone W 9 games in the third set, convert- Olympiakos, went ahead Finnbogason put Olympiakos evening with Qatari driver Rally Championship (ERC) Omonia W 0 Alexandra Park 5 ing on his second match point when Felipe Pardo’s 32nd ahead again and they held on Nasser Al Attiyah as the win- Kajetan Kajetanowicz (Ford for victory after one hour and minute shot was deflected by to seal a famous victory at The ner.Al Attiyah, driving a Ford Fiesta R5), who finished sec- AEK Gold 2 Highgate & M H 4 47 minutes. Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain and Emirates. Fiesta RRC, took the lead at onds later. www.parikiaki.com English Section Sports, 1st October 2015 – 35 ueiopasdfjklcvbnDZCM


KOPA League New Salamis Ahead Official Sponsor First Division Omonia 2 New Salamis 3 It was classed as the match of the day and the game definitely lived up to it. Both teams came out and played entertaining foot- ball and chances were created by both sides.New Salamis Nico Muir came closest when he hit the post and it was Nico who broke the stalemate when he tapped the ball into the Omonia goal from a Deniz Mehmet cross. New Salamis then increased LEAGUE TABLES the lead to 2-0 with a flying free kick from Steve Velandia that is Division 1 just before Nicole Muir scored a TEAMS P W L D GD P second to make it 3-0. New N. Salamis 3 3 0 0 12 9 Salamis became complacent and Anorthosis 3 2 1 0 8 6 Trip-Olympia 3 2 1 0 5 6 allowed themselves to argue Brotherhood 3 2 1 0 2 6 amongst themselves, with the op- Omonia 3 2 1 0 1 6 posing players and referee bring- Livadia 3 2 1 0 –2 6 ing Omonia back into the game. Cyprus Youth 3 1 2 0 –2 3 Whose first goal came from Cetinkaya C. 3 0 2 1 –6 1 Maronites 3 0 2 1 –14 1 Ricardo then Yiannis came close Free kick at Omonia v New Salamis New Salamis players celebrate Apoel 3 0 3 0 –4 0 with a shot. A big turning point was when New Salamis goal- Division 2 keeper Darren Behcet saved a TEAMS P W L D GD P penalty from Harry Vazanias of Komi Kebir 3 3 0 0 3 9 Omonia.And in the late stages St.Panteleimon32 10 9 6 Arachne 3 1 1 1 –1 4 Omonia reduced the score to 3- Asha 3 1 2 0 –3 3 2 with a diving header from Nick Achna 3 1 2 0 –4 3 Nicou, giving the game a nail bit- Pantel 3 0 2 1 –4 1 ing finish. Cetinkaya Cinar 0 Anorthosis 5 FIXTURES October the 4th 2015 Anorthosis have picked up since losing their first game at the Division One start of the season. Now they have had two wins on the trot and Maronites v Anorthosis scored nine goals in those two 1pm Winchmore Hill Cricket Club, The Paulin Ground, Ford’s Grove, games and in second place in the Winchmore Hill, London N21 3ER league table. Injury hit Cetinkaya Cinar did not start as they want- New Salamis v Brotherhood ed conceding after 3 minutes, a 10.30am Cheshunt FC, Theobalds Lane, cross into the box met unmarked Cheshunt, Herts, EN8 8RU Stavro to head 0-1. Tripimeni - Olympia v Omonia Omonia v New Salamis Alex Roussis scored in the Omonia v New Salamis 10.15am Whittington Park, Holloway 53rd minute Alex again on 66 min- Tripimeni-Olympia 6 Maronites 1 Toumazos with a shot that crept road, London, N19 4RS utes, the striker rounding keeper Tripimeni-Olympia were on into the corner of goal. Great Division Two Remzi for 0-3. Cinar heads comeback from Arachne. dropped and on 78 minutes fine form beating Maronites as a Achna v Komi Kebir Anorthosis got their fourth from result are in third place now. Komi Kebir 2 Pantel 1 Their goals coming from a Ricky 11.00am, Peter May Sports Centre, the penalty spot Alex Roussis This game could have gone Loucas hat trick, two goals from 135 Wadham Rd, London E17 4HRS again scoring giving him a hat either way but it was Komi who Alex Violaris and one from Ercan trick. A fifth was added right at the came out on top at New River Altinook with Maronites lone LFA Sunday Trophy end scored by Charlie. in this hard fought encounter. goal coming from Theo Vasilliou. Pantel took the lead when Jason First Round KLN 3 Brotherhood 2 Apoel 0 Livadia 1 Menzies latched on to a short Pantel v Grantchester Road Coming into this game back pass to make no mistake 10.00am Southbury Leisure Centre, This match meant Apoel were Brotherhood were unbeaten and from just inside the area. 192 Southbury Road, Enfield EN1 1YP looking for their first win and KLN had not won a game. So it Komi levelled the game as Livadia their second so it was Apoel v Tedington South was a surprise for KLN to win. Jason Hayes fired home from not surprising both teams de- 12.00pm Southbury Leisure Centre, The game started pretty even, 20 yards after a corner had been fences were tight at the back. 192 Southbury Road, Enfield EN1 1YP and it took a long kick from goal- headed out straight to him. The No real good chances were cre- Flamingoes v Cyprus Youth (KLN) game was end to end until the keeper Max Papacosta for Michael ated by either side and it took a 10.30am 140a Firhill Road, dying minutes when 18 year old Philippou to run on to and slot penalty to break the stalemate London SE6 3LL Alex Theodorou made it two home to give KLN the lead. which was awarded to Livadia goals in two games glancing Brotherhood then took control and and scored by Elias Katsoulides. Middlesex FA had many chances, even hitting home a near post header from another corner. Sunday Junior Cup the post but it stayed 1-0 to KLN Second Division Apoel v Livadia at half time. In the second half, St Panteleimon 5 Asha 1 First Round Brotherhood started where they in the midfield. The second half Achna 2 Arachne 3 St Panteleimon FC’s oppo- St Panteleimon v Irish of London left off and put pressure on KLN. saw Asha FC respond with more First half was goalless with nents this week were Asha FC. 12.00pm The Hive, Camrose Avenue, They got 2 goals within 5 minutes Arachne probably more on top The first half saw both teams possession and looked the more London, HA8 6AG of each other to go 2-1 up with 35 but couldn’t find a breakthrough. confident in possession howev- likely to score however a swift minutes left their scorers were Second half Achna scored er it was the Saints, with the counter attack by the Saints saw KOPA League Chris Antoni and Aaron Kennedy. against the run of play. First with power and drive of Nikos Dimgkioka dispatch his second With 10 minutes to go, Luke a penalty and then a quick Salapatas, Alex Dimgkioka & of the game making it 4-0. A sim- Papacosta came on and scored Official Partner second with both goals scored Costas Mina, who started to look ilar move then saw Salapatas re- instantly after receiving a pass by Chris Petrou the second Rob the more threatening. With the leased on the left wing and after from his brother Chris. With both retrieved the ball gave it to Theo pressure mounting and after taking on two players finished in teams trying to go for the win, who passed the ball to Chris to some excellent build up play the bottom corner making it 5-0. Brotherhood missed a glorious score 2-0. 12 minutes to go, Alex Dimgkioka opened the With 10 minutes remaining Asha opportunity when their striker went Arachne pulled a goal back scoring on 15 minutes for the through one on one. The winning through John Holmes close Saints. A second swiftly fol- FC were rewarded for their hard goal came after Andre Bennett range effort. Arachne then were lowed through Nikos Salapatas work all afternoon scoring a fine played a delightful chip to Michael awarded a penalty converted by and a third was added by goal with Chris Spyrou. Final re- Philippou an he smashed it in from Damien Spyrou. An Injury time Roberto Katsikas to compliment sult 5-1 and the Saints go march- Komi Kebir scorers Alex 10 yards to give KLN a 3-2 win. winner by super sub Lorenzo his very controlled performance ing on! Theodorou and Jason Hayes estate agents ™ÂÏ›‰· 36 ¶¤ÌÙË 1 √ÎÙˆ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2015

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