FaO 1989 Presenting.,. 1989-YearOfThe Customer The MGB Body ShellAtMoss Moss Motors Is pleased to announce the official American launch of brand new MGB Body Shells. British Motor Heritage Is planning a grand unveiling during a two week multi- event cross country tour. They will be air freighting a complete brand new bodyshell and a totallyrebuilt and rebodled 1973 MGB roadster to New York. With body shell in tow behind a Winnebago the "new" MGBwill be driven to a number ofevents, cumulating with an open house and MGMarque Dayat our Goleta facility. Traveling with the British Motor Heritage support team will be Peter Mitchell. Managing Director, and David Bishop, who spearheaded this project from thestart.Representativesofmajor motoring (Continuedon page 4C.)

5th Annual We're proud to name 1989 as TheYear of Our move towards direct order entry is looking for Moss decals on your car (and the Customer. In the last twelve months progressing quite well as we go to press. As awarding prizes to some of you) as well as we've found a number of new ways to make you may remember from our Summer 1989 handing out various promotional items and Photo Contest your contact with Moss Motors more enjoy Moss Motoring, our sales staff was just be letting you know about special discounts. As many of you may remember, we re ableandefficient.Theresults of ourFall 1988 ginning the transition between manual en All In all. we'vemademanyimportantand ceived so many great photos during last newsletter survey outlined your percep try to computer entry. Ifyou've ordered by necessarychangesto ouroperation in order year's contest that we needed two issues to tions of our strong points as well as pin telephonerecently, you may have been able to offer you the best possible service avail display just someof the winners. Hopefully, pointedminor problemareas.This has given to give your customer service number and able from any British car parts company in well receive even more great examples of us theabilityto correct theprocedures that have your salespersonknow yournameand thebusiness.We arestill strivingto improve British car photography this time around! you found troublesome or Ineffective, and mailing address. Or, perhaps you've called on ourserviceIn everypart of ourcompany, Whetheryou are shootingfor artisticspecial even Improve on the areas you've praised. to checkstockon a partyou neededdesper so you are sureto seemorepositfvechanges effects, highly detailed close-ups or Just Although we have grown into a fairly large ately and were able to find out its status in thefuture. Keeping ourBritishsportscars capturingthefun, you'll want to get Inon the business, we're very proud of the fact that Immediately. Ifyouorderoften,chancesare on the road Is just one part of Moss Motors. contest. we offer a personalized level of service such that you'll experience both manual and di We want our name to be synonymous with Here's your chance to make someof that as you might find in a smallcompany.Instead rect order entry by your sales person, de excellent service, a caring, interested staff photographyreally pay off.The Moss Motor of a vast, faceless and impersonal sales and pending upon thetime of dayorpersonyou and high quality spares. Please let us know ing Photo Contest Is open to amateur pho customerservicestaff, we really pushto give reach when you call. We are moving very how wearedoing. ^_ tographers who may submit up to three you Individual service. We take pride in fol steadily and carefully towards 100% direct entries each. Contest winners will receive lowing the restoration ofyour British sports entry. Our goal duringthistransferalperiod generousgift certificates,and everyonewho car- Ifyou have a problemwith a part, we will is to get your parts to you as quickly and enters will receive a S5.00 gift certificate go all out to solve it for you. efficiently as possible.We'restillironing out (one per entrant). As you may havenoticed in ourlast news- small problems and training our staff, as MOJA Update, Remember, the subjectis British carsand letter-we've added a toll-freecustomerserv well as tailoring our computer program to In our last edition we announced the activities related to them. This includes ice line for your convenience. Now, if you operate at the most efficient level. "MOJA's" In which we wished to recognize vintage races, rallies, shows, social gather havea question about a backorder, an order When we started our Guaranteed Next theeffortsputIn by theeditorialandproduc ings, restoration photos, Concours events you have placed, or an order you've already Day Delivery Program last year, we never tion staffs of the manyclub publications we and the vast array ofactivities enjoyed byall received,youcancall us on ourdollar! We've dreamed it would become so popular. know are out there. The response has been British car enthusiasts. also extended our customer service hours; There's probably a British sports car joke most encouraging, with applications from call anytime between 7:00 am and 5:00 pm, somewherehere,butwe'reseeingdozensof virtuallycoastto coast,from clubs largeand Monday through Friday. P.S.T. customers per day order by Next Day, des small. Please rememberthat you must sub After receiving several comments from perate to receive their parts immediately! mit your entries together with the form, customers who had occasionally reached a Fortunately. It's not just those who break which are available from the club support busy signal when calling on our toll-free down on the road that want this department at Moss Motors. We plan to order lines, wedecldedthat it was time to get service-we've found that there are some closethecompetitionon December31,1989, a separate receptionist for the sales depart repair calls, but also a great deal of last after which our panel of judges will an mentalone! Now, yourtoll-free salescallsare minute partsorders "Iforgot theseal for my nounce thewinningentries in thenext issue directly routed to the sales desk, while your windshield and it's getting installed tomor of your favorite British sports car newslet toll-free customer service calls, as well as row" and last minute Concours or show car ter! So if you haven't already done so, send local calls, go Into a completely separate additions (right up to theday of the event). for a Moss Journalism Awards entry blank There's plenty of time to get those spe switchboard. In order to more efficiently Our survey pointed out to us that more today! cialsshots, since the contest closes Decem handleyourcalls,we'veremodeledoursales than a third of our customers are active in ber 31,1989. Please send all entries to : offices and doubled the floor space. We've British sports car clubs. In that light, we've Moss Motors Photo Contest also added six more sales telephone lines, expanded and Improved our club support 400 Rutherford Street and are In the process of training additional program. You may have noticed our new In This Issue Goleta. CA 93117 staff. Thoseofyou with no time for the phone Moss Motoring club section (see page 6), 1. All entries must be received no later- will be glad to know that In addition to fast where we list and highlight club events all Letters 2 than midnight December 31, 1989. Please mall orderprocessing, we takefax orders 24 over the country. In this issue we've added Heritage Car I.D. Information 3 see paragraph 5 /or information that must hours a day (although they're entered the a brand new column by our club and event Tech Tips & Torque Specs „.4 accompany each entry. next morning). Hopefully, thesechangeswill coordinator. Ken Smith, where he will keep Fall Sale 4&4H 2. Each entrymust be the original unpub greatlyfacilitate yourparts orders!We know you up to date on club happenings from Club Events 6 lished work of the entrant. they'llcertainlyhelp to alleviateanyfrustra coast to coast! You will also see Moss club 3. Photos will be Judged on the basis of tionyou may have experienced during peak support staff at more British car days and Newl-The Club Scene 6 Continuedon page 7. order hours. special events than ever before. They'll be Classifieds - 8

MOSS MOTORING PAGE 1 IMgKiaQgggffi''• MomMotoring Is published by Mo« Motors, Ltd. To Err is Human... Editor: Laura Eltherington (Although we attempt perfection, some computer and de Although we make every effort to times, even with the best of intentions, mis liberately sabo insure the correctness of technical takes happen. Fortunately, we're able to taged my order. My articles. Moss Motors, Ltd. assumes no remedy our errors, as well as team from our brain was reeling liability for the accuracy, safety, or mistakes. In this case, a human error, com from the implica pounded with a computererror, made life hell legality of these contributions. All tions when I was tor a very good-natured customer -Ed) transferred back to technical material should be weighed Allow me to acquaint you with my tale of Sales. Speaking In against commonly accepted practice. woe and failure. Back In the dim reaches of disjointed sen Any opinions expressed in this my memory 1 ordered several parts from tences I reordered newsletter arethose of theauthors and your fine establishment, i received all but 223-310 Lucas do not necessarily reflect the opinions one. The missing part,the causeofmy heart FenderMirror. or policies of Moss Motors. ache, my nemesis, my Moriairy, Is: And then, on a Moss Motoring Is © 1989 Moss Motors, 223310 Lucas Fender Mirror bleak October day, Then, last month, 1 received a postcard withthewind blow Ltd.All rights reserved. MossMotoring Informing me that this innocent hunk of ing the leaves down the street and Intoevil Offices: 400 Rutherford St., Goleta, CA metal and glass was, fanfare please, finally looking piles in thegutter, It came. Another Sincerely, Michael Grant, Sales Manager 93117(805)967-6401 available! Overjoyed. I phoned in a new smallenvelope.ARGHHHlMywife had to re (Mr. Sigsworth willreceivea giftcertificate order for strainme. I almost kicked thecat.Thatword 223-310 Lucas Fender Mirror. for his contribution.) Contributions Invited again: REGRET.Thiscouldn't be happening. Ignorance is bliss, so they say. and In my After severaldaysof heavymedicationIwas Contributions are greatly appreci ignoranceIcontinuedto live my average life, able to think clearly enough to phone your ated and everyeffortwill be madetouse awaiting the at my door step of office again. Note to appropriate material. Items for consid 223-310 Lucas Fender Mirror. He transferred me to Customer Service erationshouldbemailedtoournewslet And then, somehow, this part acquired a while he checked with the warehouse to Contributors ter production office (right down the life of Its own. Skulking through hallways, ensure the existence of the suspect part. We've been receiving a great deal of staying low. moving only at night, this ... Ring. Ring. Whirr, buzz click. Busy signal. reader contributions, including personal/ road from Moss Motors): thing, began Its infinitely evil campaign to Moss Motoring, 400 Rutherford Street, Click buzz. Whirr. Hummm. I could almost humorous stories, technical tips, photos torment me into a hideous, babbling blob, swear I heard, very low, a cackling. Insane and puzzles. Unfortunately, due to obvious Goleta, CA 93117. my brain turned to tofu. The first sign of Its laughter, as Iffromveryfar away. Coldsweat space limitations, we can't print everything Double-spaced, typed information is activities was another postcard, post beaded from my brow. I couldn't take It! I we receive. However, those of you whose preferred. We regret that we cannot re marked 29 September, Informing me that hung up. contributions do not appear in the newslet turn any material. We also reserve the 223-310 Lucas Fender Mirror Grant Slgsworth. San Diego, CA ter Immcdiatcry-havc hope! Since we pro right to accept or reject any material on was finallyavailable.Wow,deja vu. Warn (Sales Manager Michael Grant, when duce our quarterly editions some months ing klaxons wen t offIn my subconscious, but whatever grounds we decide; we re faced withthis trulyawful spateoferrors,had beforeyou actuallyreceivethem in themail, 1foolishly ignored them. The very next day. two immediate responses. Fortunately, we contributions sent might (and often do) servetheright to editorchange anyma I received a small envelope postmarked 29 can publish this onef€d) appear In later issues of the Moss Motoring. terial to suit the needs of our publica September. I opened it with some small Dear Mr. Slgsworth, Whicharticleswedecidetouseineachissue tion, without prior notification to the amount of trepidation. As I opened It that Enclosed you will find one of the rarest dependsonwhatwe have In ourfiles, andthe contributor. "Letters to the Editor" will wordJumped out at me and tried to strangle Items on this planet the 223310 Lucas balance between technical and feature ar- be accepted for publication provided me: REGRET. Larger than life it was. and It Fender Mirror! ticles, photos and the particular theme of they are accompanied by a name, ad could mean only one thing: We have managed to pry this from the that newsletter.ThisMossMotoring Includes 223-310 Lucas Fender Mirror dress and phone number. claws of a strange, stunted, greenish crea a story, with photos, from Bob Conover of was "temporarily out of stock". ture that evidently died after Ingesting 399 San Diego, which hemailed to us In January; Contributors whose material is se The obvious answer to all this confusion of these mirrors. We've sent the carcass on that's nine months of waiting In our files! lected for publication in MossMotoring is that the part, this hyper-intelllgent. mu to UCLAmedical schoolandwe aresending After all, better late than never...-Ed. |M will receive Moss Motors Gift Certifi tant mirroringdevice, had broken Into your the last mirror to you. cates in the following amounts: $75.00 GIFT CERTIFICATES time I ordered from your store in California, Technical Articles, Marque Reviews, I have been given service second to none. It does not matter whether I purchase a small Histories (cars, race teams, etc.) and gasket ora very large Item.Thesalesstaffis Personality Profiles veryefficient and extremelycourteousat all $40.00 GIFT CERTIFICATES times. Iorderoverthe phone and know that Book Reviews, Club Article Reprints it is easy'to make an error. However, in four Triumphant Effort! its outward appearance, we shared many years not one mistake has been made. You (humorous or general interest) good times in that rattletrap: our first kiss, are also to be praised for the organizationof $20.00 GIFT CERTIFICATES I would like to express my appreciation and a proposal while driving in the moon your mall order department things never Technical Hints. Tips, Cartoons, Hu for the expedient and courteous response light down Mulholland Drive. to my recent order. My father-in-law's long fall to go smoothly.Thankyouverymuch for morous Anecdotes, Puzzles and Photos After the honeymoon was over it didn't time friend, Ken Richardson, told me last makingtherestoration of my carsoeasyand (not including photo contest contribu take much to convincemyhusband to fix up yearthat Triumphs were built to be driven, the car. For each Moss package he received trouble-free. tions) Wayne Lariviere not merely restored and shown. In that In the mail, hespent a weekendin thegarage. Ontario. Canada light, the (almost) last part Ineeded to drive A small spark of jealousy grew towards the my 1967solid axle TR4A. after 20 months of oncejunker.nowCandyApplcRcd babythat Prices complete restoration, was a pinion oil seal. my husband Insisted was so sexy. But tops The caring and concern shown by Woody Survey Maps British Sale prices are valid from had to bewhen we returned toCalifornia for and Deanna was exemplary and. Just as our five-year anniversary... Car Patterns 9/15/89 thru 10/21/89. promised, the part arrived the next day. As In a rental car. we cruised Mulholland 1am the originalowneranddallydriverof a matter of fact, just as I was briefing two Drive. The moonwas bright and it reminded (probably)one of the most used TR4s in the Highlight prices are valid Southern California Triumph Assoc, mem me so much of the night I cherished. Reach world. It is a 1963 and has just topped through 12/31/89. bers on how Iwould be receiving the prom ing over and squeezing my husband's hand, 400,000. ised part, the Federal Express truck pulled I said, "Do you remember five years ago, 1 Just received my Moss Motoring Sum up. (Ishouldadd that theywere impressed!) when we drove this road In the Triumph?". mer 1989 editionand 1just want to thank you Once again, Moss Motors should be He smiled that special smileand for once for publishing the results of your recent StickOn A Moss grateful and Indebted to staff personnel I thought he was all mine. Yet his replysaid survey. Sharingthatinformationwas reallya such as these. it all. "Yeah. It's a great car, Isn't it." nice gesture.The Isometric map of the. Decal For $$$$ Mordy Dunst ThanksMoss Motors-I'd sayyou played a United States (page 7) was an excellent idea In your last issue of Moss Motoring you Duarte. CA part in this! and 1 send my sincere appreciation to the should have received a neat little blue and Christie Craig individual responsible for that clever Idea. It silver decal in the shape of a wire wheel Houston, Texas sure helps one visualize the numbers in knock-off.with the Moss logo In the center. Here Comes The Bride? perspective. Thanks! If you didn't receive one. ask for one when My husband Is the proud ownerof a 1963 We'll Take a Bow RKoval you place your next order! TR4, which I've justlyclassified asthe other Westmont. NJ Put this on your windshield and keep an woman.WhenIfirst met my husband he was I am writing this letter to commend you eyeoutfor oureventstaffat yournext event- a dream, but his classic little sports carwas andyourstaffat both of your [Californiaand (Comments, responses, gripes? Send us a they will select one ortwo random winners a nightmare. Different shades of primer, New Jersey] locations. I first started to do letterandletusknowwhatyou'rethinking! We from those enthusiasts sporting our decal missing bumpers...the kind of car you hope businesswlthyoureompany In 1985,when 1 want your input to let us know what we're on their British sports cars. your friends neverseeyou In. But In spite of purchasedmy 1978 MGB.From theveryfirst doingrighL..and where we can improve!-Ed.)

MOSS MOTORING PAGE 2 Yfk Restoring TR3B TCF2585L Tracing Your Car's Roots By Bob Conover Recently we had a letter from Anders proving to be uneconomical. However, they San Diego, CA Clausager, the archivist of the British Motor also decided as theywere raising thesearch It was almost four years ago, back In cars shook their heads and quietly agreed IndustryHeritageTrust, based In the heart of fee to Improve presentation of the records my younger,collegedayswhena friend of that it would never be finished. Shakespeare country in England. Apart from and supply you with a certificate which Is mine with a love affair for cars got me I'd work on the beast off and on, getting expressing his love of vintage BMW motor both well designed and Informative. Interested in a jointventure. It turned out help from my car-loving friends when I was cycles, Anders gave us some good news and TheProductionTraceServiceIs availablefor therewas this forlorn, old sportscarthat stumped, and plodded on. Iquit my Job, went some bad news! As many of you know, It Is the following cars: could be had cheapand together, he said, backtoschool,and in 19881found myself with possible to trace the production record of Austin - most models from 1945 to 1968 we could probably get it going. All the two months of free time in the middle of certain British cars as they left the factory, Austin-Healey -1953 to 1971 pieces were there: it was Just a matter of summer in San Diego (Paradise). Between providing that you can come up with basic MG-1953 to 1979 tinkering with it, pumpingoil through the baskingatthebeachandsendlngoffresumes, identification numbers (chassis number, Morris - most models from 1928 to 1971 I worked on the car. body number, etc.). Information is then pro -1959 to 1968 Another Triumph enthusi vided by Anders regarding dates built, origi Metropolitan - all models ast stopped by one day and nal color, information about extras fitted to RUey-1953 to 1969 (1953 to 1955. Path saidtolet him know when 1was the car at the time of manufacture. In fact, as finder only) readyto paint. After 1finallyran much Information as Is still available on the Rover -1945 to 1979 (Cars only - not Land- my gallon can of Bondo dry, the factory records. Fascinating info, to enthusi Rover or Range-Rover) car was ready for prime and asts who would like to get to the bottom of Standard -1945 to 1963 paint. I drove my car to his their classics. Triumph-1945 to 1977 house one Saturday morning The bad news is that the cost of providing Vanden Plas Princess -1959 to 1974 and we put on the gray primer. the information has unfortunately been In Wolseley-1901 to 1930 and 1949 to 1975 The car looked so great that I creased to $20.00.The good news Is that you Send your request and $20.00 to the fol could hardlywait to put on the will now receive(as a result of yourInquiry to lowing location (not to Moss Motors): paint. At that time I was still Heritage), the details of your vehicle on a Anders D. Clausager unsure about what color to speciallydesigned BMIHT certificatewhich Is Production TraceService engine and replacing a few parts, and paint it. I had always envisioned driving suitable for framing. (Previously your car B.M.I. HeritageTrust soon we'd hear that lovely note of a car around in a red Triumph TR3 after having details came in letter form.) Castle Road brought to life. seen "The Flamingo Kid"and spottinga beau As a trust. Heritage has a duty to be self- Studley. Warwickshire B80 7AJ, England I had only faintly heard of a Triumph tiful red TR3. But one of my first purchases financing and the original fee charged was ^2 before that day we paid a visit to the car was a red leather Interior from Moss Motors resting comfortably in a fenced-in lot in and I was beginning to have my doubts Lubbock, TX. with a blanket of dirt blown whether red on red would look good. The day around the wheels and inside the inte I went into the paint store. Ifinally made up Protect Your Chrome- rior. It had been sitting, unmoved, in that my mind - white. We painted the car white in spot for 15 years with the top down col twoweekends, and though we both werecon lecting dirt, rain, snow, or whatever else cerned about some of our amateurish mis Bumpered MGB happened to come down. It was a faded takes, 1can hardly find any now. red with ratted black interiorand looked Now, all of a sudden, thecarlooked almost to me something like a race car with a done. I worked hardand wasable to finish the Irog-like face. rest in a little over a month's time, just in time The owner sold it to us for what he to take some Christmas pictures fulfilling a paid t°r, It • $200. He said it had been In a New Year's resolution I had kept to mysqlf. wreck and the previous owner had only The car looks incredible now - beautiful half-way fixed the damage; half-way leatherInterior, red carpet, new chrome, new meaning, taking a cutting torch to the tires, new paint. In fact, though most people part damaged and leaving It In that state ask me what year It is, one person actually forever. He hadn't had lime to fix it him asked me ifitwas new!Itake greatprideInsay ing that it is a 1963 TR3 that 1have only recently finished restoring. Right now it is sittingvery happily in my garage waiting for the newtopand side cur tains that 1 have on order. Then I'll take It in for a front- end alignment and rebuild (I don't want to do It myself) Your lower rear body panel, between the layers thick, you accomplish two tHinfjs: and on to the open road for boot lid and the bumper, has probably been One.yousignificantly Increasethe rigidity of its first real road test. dented in the past. Even now you may be your rear bumper: two, the extra thickness So if you see a happy, sporting the marks that result when a care moves your bumper about 1/4" farther from successful-looking person less parallel parker gently nudges your over the rear of the car, affording just a bit more drivingaround In a beautiful riders forward into Ihe body of the car. Let's room before the overriders touch the paint. self until eventually the car deteriorated white TR3,you'll know it took four long years, face it, the guys in pickups aren't fastening This worked beautifully on my 1969 MGB, I into Its present condition, complete with a lot of skinned knuckles, mistakes, and WD- MG bumpers to the backs of their rigs for didn'teven have to enlargeorelongateany of grass growing on the floorboards. 40 to get it out of the pasture and onto the better protection! The chrome bumpers we the mounting holes. It was a simple bolt-on He took a forklift and, crunch, scrape, open road where it belongs. so lovingly polish are perhaps longeron style modification, easily reversed, and invisible lifted Ihewhole car out of its home of dirt (The TR3Bis one of the rarerof the Triumph than strength. Well, I don't have a cure, but to all but the most practiced and knowledge and onto the concretewhere we filled up TR3series.) here's some help! ableeye. Unfortunately, thejob might not be Its tires with air. hooked it to a tow hitch, (Bob will receivea giftcertificate forhis con By obtainingan extra pairol spring brack- as easy on the split rear bumper fitted to the and pulled it to my house. That was Feb tribution.) ets-the mounting brackets that fasten the 1970 model cars." or likewise the late 1974 ruary 25, 1985. Since that day It's been bumper to the car-and doubling them up two model with its one piece bracket, but if Chitty Chitty Bang Bang In the garage, you're handy with tools. It will be worth in hammering, welding, and WD-40'ing eve TriumphTR2-6 Bulkhead Sealer Plates & Seals vestigating. rything, trying to make a dream come For a clearer Idea of what's involved, look true. Having no knowledge of how to fix at page 46 of your Moss catalog, and refer up a car. I quite innocently threwout the You can minimize the chances of enceitem 28,39.46or 53 as appropriate. Just old side-curtains, rusted jack, rusty tools, rusting fenderbottoms by insuring imagine another identical bracket sand seats and anything else that seemed that the baffle plates and seols are wiched together to the one you're looking junky. 1soon learned lesson number one in good condition. There is only TR2-3B at...as a matter of fact, taping them together In restoration: Don't throw anything adequate drainage at best be makes assemblyeasier. Just bolt everything away! Sealer Ptete 802-650 $9.95 tween the fender and the rocker backtogethertheway It cameapart,treating My partner soon left for a job in Ten Seal, side (2 req.) 680410 $2.95 pcnel, so any dirt willquicklyblock Seo!. upper |2 req.) 680-550 $2.75 the doubled bracket as If it were the single nessee, and in another half-year Itoo left one you tookout.Thewhole job takes only a thisdraincge,ocfing likea sponge TR4-6 for a Job in California which paid to move and promoting the rusting of the few minutes, and the cost is well worth the my car. Although a lot of improvements Sealer Plate, R/H 802-000 $7.35 fender bottoms and eventually Sealer Plate, L/H 802-010 $7.35 lew dollars that you'lladdtoyour next Moss had been made on the car, It still looked order! I'll see you on the road! even the rockerpanel. Seal 12req.| 680410 $2.95 as if nothing had been done and a lot ol (Dan will receive a gift certificate for his people without that romantic interest for contribution.)


dttili Under The Bonnet While not all of us were born with a feet, or any similar ratio of weight versus wrench in our hand, weall can learn to work distance. Heard any Interestingtechtips lately? We're Interested Inpublishing new and exciting hints onourcarsand beabletohaveconfidencein You may check the calibration of your and tips il applicable. Send your tech tip contributions to: Editor, Moss Motoring, 400 thequalltyofthework. Butsuchskill 1 torquewrench in yourshoporgarage Ifyou Rutherford Street. Goleta. CA 93117. If we can use them, you'll receive a $20.00 gilt does not come easily nor _ have a well-secured bench vice. certificate. quickly: It comesonlythrough Clamp the square drive end of the checks were done and all that remains Is to study and experience. Factory torque wrench in the jaws of a vice so fire the engine and set the carburetors, and 12 workshop manuals are written thatthe handleofthewrench Is horizon Gi*<:i

MOSS MOTORING PAGE 4 t33? li'jK$$gg63&g>?• Austin-Healey BJ8 SportsCorGallery

Distributor Timing Tip SportsCarGallery features a memorable British sportscar photo(orseveral) ineachIssue Ron Phillips, Healey Motor News oftheMoss Motoring. Please sendyourphotos to:Editor. Moss Motoring Sports CarGallery, Manyofyouhaveheard one ofmyfavor the drivingspindle and the distributor. For. 400 Rutherford Street. Goleta, CA93117 ite expressions "Timing,... timing is every you see, it places the distributor well above thing!" Well, this month that's just what I the oil filter with adequate clearance for the want to talk about. And,maybe a fewthings vacuum advance unit. Ah. not so BJ8s with more. How many of you BJ8 owners have their electronic tach, and a different dis rebuilt your engine? A few probably. When tributor that mates to the engine much fur you put the distributor back in after the ther down into the "dark pit". Ifyou use the rebuild, did you have problem with the vac "twenty-to-two" technique, you will have uum advance unit Interfering with the oil problems timing the engine unless you. 1.) filter?I'llbet you did Ifyou followedthe shop alter the wires coming from the distributor manualand hadyournumberonesparkplug or, 2.) re-install thedrivingsplndleinadlffer- wire in the "three o'clock position" where ent position. "What position is that?" you the rotor points to the locator notch and ask? I, too. asked that question. Here's what where the hold-downclamp attaches.Tothe 1got for an answer! bestofmyknowledge (and Icould bewrong Havingplaced the drive spindle inthe ap on this), all 6 cylinder cars originally had propriate position In the engine (and car) their distributor caps I'm reassembling, wired with number one such that the in the position I've de distributor's vacuum scribed above. But for advance unit would more clarity. I call 12 nestle neatly between o'clock the orientation the engine block and of the cap such that the the oil filter, leaving spark plug wires point enough room to accu directly to the imagi rately time the thing, I nary 12 on the clock as asked several (two, (Yes,it'strue...That's an MG TD packedtightly withMGB sheetmetal!) you are looking down actually) Innocent by There are lots of things you can do in an on the cap (caps don't delivery of a complete set of pieces of panel standers (I had to go MG,some of which we are not prepared to workfor his MGB!We asked him again Ifhe'd get no respect anyway!) get them) to describe discussin a familypublicationsuchas Moss like the parts delivered and he replied. "Oh And In case this still what theysaw in look Motoring. However, can you imagine car doesn't convey my no! I'll get them all in the TDT This we had to (Pickyourfavorite "time" andyou ing down Into the rying an MG in an MG? meaning, see the pic- see. as with the best will in theworld the T will have no troublewithclearance.) drive spindle hole. The following story came to us from cars are notthegreatest loadcarriersof this lures below. Having gotten several Barry Stafford, Managing Director of our or any other day-there's hardly room to First, however, some notes about the off-the-wall comments, I told them to just Manchester,EnglandMG facility."Saturday pictures. There are two different types of storeyourleftfoot when you are driving one. describe the slot in the drive spindle In momlng. usually our busiest time of the However, with rope and straps, pushing distributor caps, one for the DM6Adistribu terms of the hands of a clock. Here's the week, with a shop fullof customerseagerto and shovinghegot all his parts in and on the tor and onefor the 25D6typeintheBJ8s (and results! Myson said it was "four fifty-five or purchase their spares for the weekend's some late model BJ7s from engine number TD. With a cheerywave he drove off to con eleven twenty-five". My wife said It was tasks. Suddenly onto our forecourt came a tinue his restoration.Ittruly is amazing what 29F3563). I've enclosed a picture of both. "twenty-flve-after-elcvon". Well, 1 guess nice 1952 MGTD, not Concours you under you can do - and whatyou can get in an MG! However, in looking up this info. I found a oppositesattract as I said it looked like"five- stand, but quite tidy. The driver was not a misprint In the shop manual describing the if you don't believe us, then take a closer to-five" to me! Isn't diversity of opinion young person, but then again you never look at these photos. 25D6wherein it describes In one part the wonderful? grow old driving an MG! 25D6as having a "pre-titled"contactbreaker Here's the picture of the drive spindle. Several of our customers waiting then unit and In another part describes the Pick your favorite "time" from the observa went outside to look at the TD. and the "titled"angle ofthe breakerplate."Titled" or tions abovefor yourBJ8 andinstallthedrive ownertold themhehad owned thecarsince ; continued from 4 "tilted". You choose which ever suits you. spindle as I have marked and you willhave new. and used It virtually everyday." Torque Ifyou haveany doubts abouta fastener, bolt, Theshop manual,written longbefore the no problem with clearance (unless you are We proceeded to tell the gentleman that BJ8engine and distributorcame along, tells one tooth off!) I've about run out of time for reluctantly we didn't stock many parts for or nut. replace it. It's a good idea to destroy you to install the driving spindle (the slot this subject, so followyour shop manual for "bad" lasteners, that way they won't migrate theT-«eries cars and he would be better off back to youiyvorkbench. ted, geared thing you stuff into the distribu the rest ofIt.It won't lead you too far astray. giving his business to Naylor Bros. MG tor hole that the distributor then mates to) But remember the "twenry-to-two" rule for Parts, our sister company, who stock a tre As a general rule, all torque specifica in the "twenty-to-two" position. This kind of mechanical tach drive style distributor tions are given for clean and dry fasteners. mendous range of spares for the T" cars. . Use of any lubricantor anti-seize compound I tribal mating ritual works just fine for all 6 mounts and "five-to-five"rule for BJ8s.Hope "Oh, I don't want parts for this car the cylinder cars with a mechanical tach where this has been a timely tip! driver replied, I want some parts for my will mean that you willover-torquethat con necting rod bolt, ect. if you take it to the the tach dive mechanism placed between (Ron will receive a gift certificatefor his MGB".He then proceeded to orderand take contribution.) written specs. Get new specifications if you're assembling something with oil or anti-seize.Lubrication can makea difference of up to 40% in the torque requirement. Triumph TR2-4 Lighting Problems Unless your manual says to lube before By Ian Cornish torqulng. torqueclean anddry. ^_ S3 Most of us have followed a car and ob (c) TR3/3A/4 Rear: The side lamp dropped across the side lamp filament and servedthateverytimethedriver brakedone works, but when the brakes are applied the only 1/4th (3 volts) acrossthebrake/flasher or both rear lamps were extinguished and side lamps (or perhaps one only) are extin filament. Now 9 volts Is enough to make a Jaguar XK1 20-140-150 the result In either case was puzzlingand guished and the brake lamp filament is not filament light, not as bright as it should be of rather dangerous. The cause energized. course, but 3 voltswill scarcelymakeit even Factory Workshop Manual Isalmostalways that rust has Bearing in mind that glow red. Returning now to thetroublesome eaten away any possible double filament bulbs for lightson thecaritself, let's imagine that rust Another Moss earth return from a lam- brake/side or flasher/side has eaten away the earth return of the rear Motors exclusivel pholder with a double fila lamp duty have filaments right (RR) lamp holder on a TR2. With the High qualify hard ment bulb. Triumph rear rated respectively at 18 and 6 side lamps only on, the current flowing to bound reprint of lamp holders are mounted in watts. It follows that theresis the RRside lamp filament cannot return via the factory work an area where rusting pro tance of the brake or flasher earth, and so passes through the RR flasher shop manual is ceeds at a very high rate and filament will be much less filament and finds Itself then atthecommon now available can produce the following than that of the side lamp fila connection with the front right (FR) flasher from your XK con symptoms: ment (in inverseproportionof filament, through which it thenpassestoget nection! Our man (a) TR2/3/3A Front: the power ratings. In fact). to the earth return. Now, despite the fact ualincorporatesall The side lamp works but You can then see that if we that the current has passed through one of the XK140 and 150 factorysupple when the flasher is used the were to connect both fila sidelampfilament and2 flasher filaments on ments,including the difficulHo-find wir appropriate Qeil or right) mentsofthebulbinseries and its journey we still find 60% of the available ing harness diograms for all models. side lamp Is extinguished place them acrossour battery voltage appearing across the side lamp fila This price reflects the soft-back price andtheflasher filament is not (nominally 12volts), about 3/ ment (it will In (act be a greater proportion (and will be more expensive in the energized. future), so buy now and save! Rust-prone areas. 4ths of the voltage available because as the filament heats up its resls- (b)TR2Rear: Ditto (say 9 volts) would be Conlinuedon page 7. Manual 011-753 S49.95

MOSS MOTORING PAGE4A Moss Motors, Ltd. Auatln-Hoatey Wind Wing Set Our dear plexiglass wind wings Austln-Healey Piston eliminate annoying side drafts. .030" oversize. Fits 100-6 and; Fits all roadsters except 1004. 3000 with 2912cc engines and Installation requires dnUing 9.03:1 compression ratio. These pistons aro the 5- only four holes in «5a ' ringtype and are designed tor use withbush-type the windshield frame. connecting rods. Rings, wrist pins and dips included. SALE! 240-150 Reg. S40.95 Sate Price $34.75 Sold individually. 021-009 Reg. $59.95 Q Sale Price $4935 Austln-Heatey 1004 Black FurFtex Door Seal The original type door jambdraft excluder. Sold per yard. 4 yards required per car. Austln-Healey 100-4 249-760 Reg. S7.25 Sale Price $6.25 Exhaust Valve 021-022 Rog. $18.00 Sale Price $1355 oa.

Austin-Heeley 100-4 Exhaust Valve Guide Austln-Heatey 100-4 021-025 Reg. $4.50 Sale Price $3.95 ea. Blue Vinyl Side Curtain Set Super quaify reproductions of the factory supp6ed Austln-Healey Main Bearing Set side curtains. ADframework, coverings and chrome strips arc exactly as original. .020" oversize. Fits all 100-6 and 3000. tfacc Octofen, 21, 19X9 021-045 Reg. $59.95 Sale Price$4955 259-118 Reg. $334.15 Sale Price $27450

Austln-Healey Gearbox Gasket Set Austin-Healey 100-6 & 3000 Factory Style Side Curtain Set Frts 100-6 and 3000 with4-speed side shift gearbox. Austin-Healey Gear Lever Knob Austln-Healey 1004 Vatve Lifter /T For all 6-cylinder roadsters, these great reproduc 021-053 Reg. $10.95 Sale Price $755 A nice reproduction of the original Soldindividually. £"77 tions come complete with rubber sealing strips and knob. Fits all 4-speed gearboxes. 031-212 Reg. $16.95 J*Jj Austln-Healey 100-4 Sump Gasket brackets. 021-399 Reg. $8.95 Sate Price $1450 l^jj 259-208 Reg. $184.50 Sale Price $159.95 021-057 Reg. $12.50 Sale Price $9.95 Sate Price $7.25 0 Austin-Healey Battery Tray Austln-Healey For cars with single 12 volt battery. Austin-Healey Rear Suspension Austin-Healey Leaf Spring Seating Pad Clutch Pressure Plate Clutch and Brake Pedal Pad 031-308 Reg. $23.50 Sate Price $1750 Frts 3000 from (c)26705 on. Fits 100-4 and 100-6. Fitsall 1004 thru 3000. sold individualy. 267-580 Reg. $2.20 Sate Price $1.95 Save now on this brand 021412 Reg. $1.90 Sale Price $1.50 ea. Austin-Healey new9"cove'r assembly. Steering Box and Idler Body Bush Austln-Heatey Hood & Trunk Ud 021-135 Reg. $110.65' Austln-Healey Key Fob Fits 1004 Irom C/E231109 thru 3000 BJ8. Prop Rod Rubber Catch Sale Price $99.95 A most handsome tan leather lob with 031-267 Reg. $8.15 Sate Price $6.75 Fits all 100-4 thru 3000. the Healey crest and "Moss Motors 282-350 Reg. $2.50 Sate Price $2.25 Austln-Healey Maintaining The Breed" on a Austin-Healey Battery Cover Clutch Pressure Plate surrounding silver circle. For cars with single 12 volt battery. Austin-Healey Small Air Duct Clip Thisbrand new 10"cover assembly fits3000 up to 021-414 Reg. $4.75 Sate $3.75 031-311 Reg. $8.40 Sate Price $6.75 BJ7 (e)29F4878 and 29FF149. Original type, fits the small 1 1/4" and 1 1/2" air duct hoses. 021-136 Reg. $149.50 Sale Prico $124.50 Austin-Healey Fuel Gauge Sending Unit 326-350 Reg. $1.95 Sate Price $1.65 Fits 3000 BJ8 only. Austln-Healey Austin-Healey 100-4 021-571 Reg.S49.95 Sate Price $39.95 Trunk Lid Handle Assembly Austln-Healey Large Air Duct Clip Left Front Wheel Cylinder Fits all 100-4 thru 3000. Original type, fits the large 3 1/4" and Fits from C/E221414 to C/E228046. Austin-Healey Hes'er Lever Completewithlockbarrel &twokeys* 021-144 Reg. $34.95 Sale Price $27.50 and Switch Assembly 031-325 Reg. 531.95 Sate Prico $2755 4" air duct hoses. 326-360 Reg. 52.25 »„ Sate Price$1.75 A quality reproduction ol the Austin-Healey Front Disc Brake Rotor combination switch that controls Austin-Healey Seat Slide Nut Fits3000 to (c)26704. Sold individually. the hot water vatve and blower motor. Fits all 100-4 thru 3000. These specially machined 021-171 Reg. $69.30 Sale Price $54.75 Fits 100-6 and 3000. nuts are a must for property securing seat slides to 021-574 Reg. $24.75 Sate Price$19.95 your big Healey. Sold individually; 6 requiredfor 100- Austln-Healey Front Suspension 4,12 required for 100-6 and 3000. Austin-Healey 100-4 Vinyl Wiring Harness Lower A-arm Bushing 031-329 Reg. $1.70 Sato Price $155 Frts 100-4 BN1 only. Ourvinyl tape bound harnesses These steel/rubber bushings 302* Austin-Hcatey1004 Austln-Heatey are complete except for minor sub-harnesses such fit all 1004 thru 3000. "£ Connecting Rod as steering column, overdrive and headlamp pig Sold individualy. 8 required per car. Factory original new old stock, now Shift Lever Antl-Rattte Spring 021-187 Reg. $2.75 Sale Price 42.25 Fits 4-speed centershift gearboxes. tails. available at a great low price! 355-290 Reg. S113.45 Sale Price $99.95 Sold individually. 031-330 Reg. S5.75 Sale Price $5.25 Austin-Healey Second GearSynchro Ring 021-626 Reg. $37.50 Austln-Healey Fits 4-speed side shift gearboxes. Sale Price $2955 Austin-Healey Front Splash Apron 021-325 Reg. $32.50 Sale Price $26.95 Fits between bumper and front shroud. For 100-6 Oversize Carburetor Throttle Shaft An easy way to compensate for slightly worn throttle Austin-Healey Connecting Rod Bolt and 3000. Austin-Healey 031-350 Reg. $67.85 Sale Price $59.95 bodes. Fits cars with H-6 and HD-6carbupstprs. i Fits 100-6 and 3000 with bushed type connecting 372-510 Reg. S9.95 Sate Price $850 Third and Fourth Gear Synchro Ring rods. Sold individually. Fits 4-speed side shift gearboxes. 021-633 Reg. $12.95 Sate Price $10.75 Austln-Healey 021 -327 Rog. $26.90 Sale Price $22.50 Standard Carburetor Throttle Shaft Austin-Healey Flywheel Ring Gear Fits 3000 BJ7 with SU HS-6 carburetors only. Austin-Healey Layshafl Fits all 100-4 thru 3000. 372-520 Reg. $9.80 Sale Price $8.50 Fits 4-speed side shift gearboxes. 021-635 Reg.S42.20 Sale Price $36.75 021-331 Reg. $64.50 Sale Price $56.75 Austin-Healey Austin-Healey Radiator Grille Austin-Healey Chrome Rear Bumper Bar Standard Carburetor Thronle Shaft Austin-Healey Layshafl Chrome "100" Emblem Fits 100-6 and 3000. Fits 3000 Mkll BT7 with three SU HS4 carburetors Fits 4-speed centershift gearboxes. Overriders and brackets sold separately. 021-737 Reg. $21.30 only. 021-332 Rog. $64.50 Sale Price $56.50 031-356 Reg. $112.50 Sale Price $98.50 Sale Price $18.25 372-540 Reg. $9.80 Sale Price $8.50 Austin-Healey Gearshift Lever Boot Austin-Healey Gas Filler Neck Rubber Grommel Austln-Healey Gearbox Rear Oil Seal Fits 4-speed side shift gearboxes. Fits 4-speed sdo-shtft and 4-speedcontorshrft gear Fits 100-6 and 3000. Austln-Heatey 021 -337 Reg. $8.95 Sale Price $5.95 boxes. 021-766 Reg. S4.75 Sate Price $4.25 Fuel Pump Elbow Set \^ «. 120-800 Reg. $2.50 Sato Prico $2.15 Fits BN6 trom (C)4425 to3000 (c)28224. S» Austin-Healey Front Engine Mount Austln-Healey Nylon Door Window Guide 3 piece set inducing brass elbow, nut and oDve. Fits an 1004 thru 3000. Austin-Healey Interior Fits 3000 BJ7 and BJ8. 375-038 Reg. $8.95 Sate Price S7.25 021-341 Reg. $17.65 Sale Price $14.25 Sold individually, 6 required per car. Rear View Mirror Fits 3000 BJ8. 021 -780 Reg. $1.45 Sale Price $055 ~ _~~^mbM?\ Austln-Healey Austin-Healey 165-160 Reg. $19.95 KQ«X»S) Valve Cover Crankshaft Timing Gear Sato Price $17.25 Austln-Healey Left Hand Door Glass Metal "Austin" Nameplate Fits 100-6 and 3000. Fits 3000 BJ7 and BJ8. Fits 1004 thru early 3000 BJ8. 021-367 Reg. $83.35 Sate Price $69.95 021-860 Reg. $164.50 Sale Price $144.95 Austin-Healey 1004 Owners Manual Suppliedwith ar new Heatoys. this hardbound hand 408 900 Reg. $7.95 Sate Price $6.50 Austin-Healey 100-4 Tachometer Cable Austln-Healey Cluster Gear i-^-i book contains all the general data you need to 021 -387 Reg. $10.95 Sale Price $9.45 Needle RollerBearing wi/ operate and maintain your car. Austin-Healey Valve Cover Fits all 4-speed side shift and 4-speed centershift 212-650 Reg. $12.95 Sate Price $10.25 "Valvo Clearance" Plate Austln-Healey Push Rod except BJ8 with caged bearings. Sold individually. For 100-6 only. Reads "Set rockers to .012' valve Fits 100-6 and 3000. sold indrvkfuatty. 46 required per car. Austin-Healey 1004 Car Number I.D. Plate clearance when hot". 021-396 Reg. $8.50 Sale Price $7.25 ea. 031-237 Reg. $0.65 Sale Price $050 406-930 Reg. $9.95 Sate Price $850 408-910 Reg. $7.95 Sale Price $650

Moss Motors, Ltd. 805-968-1041 P.O. Box MG, Goleta, California 93116 Customer Service & Foreign Orders Moss, Motoring page.4JB. Austln-Healey Sprtte-MWget SplivOn Oil FHter yfcc^tctt-'r^e^tCeti <-.,.-..,,. Steel Trunk Floor Rust Repair Panel Only for cars fitted with our accessory tkz re-r-D-r? Fits 100-6 and 3000. spiivon oil filler conversion kit. Austln-Healey Top Radiator Hose 856-150 Reg. $76.95 Sale Price $89.95 Stock up now and save! MG TD-TF Reer Axle Pinion Oil Seal Fits ail 6-cySnder cars. 235:950 Reg. $4.10 Sale Prico $3.75 120-800 Reg. $2.50 Sate Price $2.15 570-083 Reg. $8.75 Sate Price$7.75 MG TD 7" Headlamp Austln-Healey Rear Braka Shoe Sfr.tcte-'Tftctiaet Bucket Assembly Steady Post Felt Bush Ready for painting, this Fitsall 104 thru 3000.4 required per car. assembly indudes tho l£*^r BugeyeSprite chrome rim and screw, 582-870 Reg. $0.75 Sale Price $0.60 Chrome Rear Deck "Sprite" Arrow wire and shel dips and 031-580 Reg.$16.50 Sate Price$1455 mounting bracket nut Austin-Healey Disc Brake Pad Set Sprtte-MWget Light unit, but) and Fits 3000 from (c)26705 on. Sprite-Midget Timing Cham Cover CHI Seel Aluminum Frame Cover Set adaptor sold separately. 585-520 Reg. $12.25 Sate Price $9.95 This is the rubber type seal fitted Irom This quality reproduction is used to cover the frame Genuine Lucas late type 948ec(e)9C-H37647on. rails of side-curtain cars with original type rubber assy., without medallon. 120-000 Rog. $3.05 Sale Price $2.75 fioormats. #241-870. 143-300 Reg. $24450 Sale Price $219.95 Austln-Healey 240-510 Reg. $33.50 Sato Prico $29.95 Sprite-Midget Reer Axle Pinion Oil Seal Left Front Chroma Fender Spear MG TC Starter Switch Fits all 948 thru 1500cc cars. Sprtte-Mdget Rubber Floormat Set Genuine Lucas British military surphisl 601-260 Reg. $15.50 Sale Price $1250 120-800 Reg. $2.50 Sale Price $2.15 For allside-curtain cars. Animproved version of the 145-700 Reg. $39.95 Sale Price$3450 Austln-Healey original equipment type ribbed black rubber floor- Right Front Chrome Fender Spear Sprite-Midget mats. Use withaluminumframe cover set above. MG TD Panel Light Rheostat Knob 601-270 Reg. $15.50 Sato Price $1250 Rear Axle Hub Bearing O-RIng Seal 241-870 Reg. $19.95 Sato Price$15.95 fits TD from(c)10701 on. For replacement switches Fits all 948 thru 1500cc cars. requiring push-on knobs only. Austln-Healey Anti-Sway Bar Link 121410 Reg. $2.10 Sale Price $1.75 Sprite Rubber Floormat Set 145-907 Reg. $7.35 Sale Price $6 JS Comes complete with locknuts and washers. For cars with roll-up windows. Reproduction ot the Sprite-Midget Winds hieId Wiper 661-810 Reg. $11.95 Sate Price $9.75 "Amco" heavy-duty black ribbed rubber fioormats MG TF Complete 5-Plece Dash Knob Set Wheelbox Splndto Nut incorporating the •Sprite" logo. 150-908 Reg. $15.95 Sale Price $1250 Fits all 948 thru 1500cc cars. 241-880 Reg. 519.95 Sato Price $15.95 145-205 Rog. $2.95 Sato Price $2-35' MGTF Dash Warning Lamp Lenses Austln-Healey Sprite-Midget Rear Suspension Red Lens Outer Tto Rod Assembly Sprite-Midget Windshield Wiper Wheelbox Shackle Pin Bush 151400 Reg. $2.40 Sato Price $155 Frts 1004 from (c)157624 thru Spindle Chrome Finisher Fits Midget Mklland Sprite Mklllon. Sold individu Blue Lena 3000.2 required. Fits all 948 thru 1500CC cars. ally, 8 required per car. 151-600 Reg. $2.40 Sale Price $155 667-550 Reg. $61.75 ,Sale Price $5450 145-280 Reg. $4.95 Sato Price $4.25 280-905 Reg. 50.75 Sato Price $0.60 MGTC-TD-TF Austln-Heatey Rear Axle U-Boit Midget 1500 Parklng Lamp Medallion Electronic Ignition Type Red plastic "King Of The Road" medallion. Frts 100-6 and 3000. Sprite-Midget Hand Brake Cable Assembly Distributor Cap Fits 948 thru 1500cccars with disc 154-900 Reg. $3.45 Sate Price $2.75 675460 Reg. $6.25 Sate Price $455 ea. 151-870 Reg. $4.45 wheels from (c)182001 on. Sato Prico $3.95 331-670 Reg. $16.95 MG TC-TD-TF Tall Lamp Retaining Screw Austin-Healey Rear Leaf Spring Shackle Pin Sate Price $14.25 Frts TD to (c)21302 with rectangular lenses. Fits all 100-4 thru 3000. Bugeye Sprite Tall Lamp Base Rubber Pad 157-800 Reg. $2.00 Sato Price $155 675470 Reg. $4.95 Sate Prico $4.25 ea. Fits between chrome base and body. Spr iic-M!dg otCh romo SideCurtain fixing Screw 159-400 Reg. $2.50 Sale Price 52.25 4 required per car, sold individualy. MG TD Tall Lamp Assembly Austln-Healey Vent Window Seals 401-690 Reg.$5.20 Sato Price $4.25_ Fits TDs to (c)21302. This Fits 3000 BJ7 and BJ8. Sprite-Midget Reverse Lamp Bulb complete assembly indudes Right Hand Frts 1275 and ISOOcc cars. glass lens, chrome rim. socket 682-090 Reg:$19.90 Sale Price $15.95 170-140 Reg. 51.40 Sale Price $1 JO Sprite-Midget & bulb, lens padand rubber Lett Hand Door Latch Assemblies mounting body. 682-100 Reg. $19.90 Sale Price $15.95 Frts Sprite Mkl-Mkll & Midget Mkl. 157-908 Reg. $29.50 Sato Prico $24.50 Right Hand Austln-Healey Body Rubber Kit Sprite-Midget C~^ 402-640 Reg. $16.95 Sato'Price $14.25 MG TD Tall Lamp Socket Fits 1004 BN1thru (b)11141. Includes just about Clutch Master Cylinder Left Hand and Plate Assembly every rubber bit found on your car's body. Buya set fits 1275 and 1500cccars. 402-650 Reg. $16.95 Sate Price $145S fits TDs to (c)21302. and save! 180-625 Reg. $5750 Sate Price $4955 158-310 Reg. $10.65 Sato Price $855 682-308 Reg. $84.50 Sale Price $7450 Sprite Valve Cover Midget 1500 Clutch Disc "Austin" Nameplate MG TF Wiper Motor Control Knob Austln-Heatey Body Rubber Kit Brand new. not rebuilt! Sate Prico $650 160-520 Reg. $8.75 Sale Price $750 Fits 3000 BJBfrom (c)26705 on. Fits 1500CCcars only. 682-368 Reg. $159.50 Sate Price $13955 190-900 Reg. $41.95 Sprite-Midget Silicon-Bronze Valve Guide MG TC-TD Wiper Idler Bearing Austln-Healey Door Striker Plate Assembly Sato Price $3650 fits 1275cc engines only. The low friction Late TD uses 2. sold individualy. Frts 1004from (b)2236 thru 3000 BT7. and high strength characteristics of these 160-600 Reg. $6.50 Sato Price $4.75 803-790 Reg. $19.95 ^ Sale Price $1555 guides mean extremely reduced valve stem wear. For both intake and exhaust MG TD-TF Starter Switch Terminal Dust Boot Austln-Healey 1004 valves. Sold individually. 161-900 Reg. $1.20 Sale Price $0.95 Windshield Spring Clip Assembly 423-295 Reg. $3.95 Sate Price $3.25 Thisis theassembly thathelpsto holdthe windshield MG TD-TF Dash Mirror in the folded down position. 2 required per car. Bugeye Sprite Rebuilt Rear Brake Shoe Set Sprite-Midget Bottom Radiator Hose Also corred for 49-EXU TCs. 805-150 Reg. $7.95 Sate Price $6.25 Price indudes a core charge of $10.00. refundable fits 948 and 1098cccars. 165-090 Reg. $24.95 upon receipt of your old shoes. 470-380 Reg. $8.75 Sato Price $6.75 Sate Price$19.50 Austln-Healey 1004 Your net cost after refund Is just $9,951 Chrome Side Curtain Socket 182-140 Reg. $25.75 Sale Price $1955 Sprite-Midget Door Striker Plate MG TD-TF Clutch Link Rod 805-170 Reg. $4.65 Sale Price $3.65 fits Sprite Mkl & Mkll and Midget Mkl only. F 190420 Reg. $14,95 Sate Prico $11.65 Midget Radiator Grille Badge 470-540 Reg. $7.95 Sato Price $6.75 ea. Austln-Heatey Wood Top Bow Fits 1970 thru '74. MGTD-TF Clutch Rod Adjusting Nut Fits 100-6 thru 3000 BT7. 201-060 Rog. $6.75 Sato Price $5.95 Sprite-Midget Interior Door Pull Assembly 190-430 Reg. $5.25 Sale Price $455 806-080 Reg. $62.80 Sate Price$53.80 fits 1275cc cars thru'71. Midget Gaa Cap 472-240 Reg. 55.40 Sale Price $4.50 ea. Austln-Heatey Wood Top Bow fits 1970 thru '80 except California ISOOcccars. MGTF Fits 3000 BJ7 and BJ8. 202-755 Reg. $6.50 Sale Price $5.65 Midget Cylinder Head Gasket Spare Wheel Knockoff 806-090 Reg. $62.80 Sale Price $49.95 fits 1500CCcars only. Medallion listed separately below. MG Key Fob 694-110 Reg. $10.50 Sal a Prico $9.25 200-260 Reg. $44.50 Sale Price $36.75 One of our best-selling and bost-lookingkey lobsl Austln-Heatey The MG logo is surrounded by the words "Moss MG TF "MG" Medallion Non-Adjustable Motors Maintaining The Brood" on a silver tag on a Midget From Engine Mount . This is the black and white Steering Wheal tan leather fob. Frts 1500cc cars from (c)GAN6-166304 on only. medallion for both the spare Fits aU 100-4 thru 3000. 229-900 Reg. $4.75 Sale Price $2.95 810-120 Reg. $11.95 Sale Price $9.25 ea. wheel knockoff abovo and the radiator shell. A beautiful reproduction of 201-030 Reg. $10.95 Sate Price $9.25 the standard factory banjo style steering wheel. Willnot MG TC-TD Chrome Radiator Cap fitadjustable steering columns. tk$ re-TD-r? 202-010 Reg. $2425 Sele Prico $1950 853-800 Reg. $136.25 Sprite-Midget Sun Visors Sato Price $114.95 fits 1098 thru 1500cccars. MGTC Fog Lamp Bulb MG TD-TF Chrome Hub Cap Right Hand 170-500 Reg. $3.45 Sato Price $255 For those ot you who prefer a simpler look, we have Austln-Heatey 233-340 Reg. $14.75 Sato Price $12.25 the original type chrome hub cap un-drHted without Rockershatt Oil Feed Pipe Assembly Left Hand MG TD-TF Rear Axle Brake PipeStrap tho center medallion. Sold Individually. 839-080 Reg. $1955 Sale Price $1750 233-350 Reg. $14.75 Sate Price $1255 181-900 Reg. $2.45 Sato Price$1.85 ea. 200-230 Reg. $18.25 Sate Price $14.95

800-999-4992 800-322-6985 800-235-6954 Toll-free Customer Service Phone Toll-Free California Order Phone Tall-Free Continental US except CA Mom.Motoring Page4C MG TD-TF Steering Column MG TD Mkil and TF CarburetorThrottle Shaft MG TF Reer License Plato TKG 7e-TD-7? Spring Cover Chroma Cap Standard diameter, for 1 1/2"carburetors. Mounting Bracket Assembly 262-240 Reg. $2.40 Sato Price $155 376-030 Reg. $8.95 Sale Price $7.75 451-290 Reg. $19.95 Sato Price $1525 MGTF Chrome "Dummy" Radiator Cap 202-040 Reg. $12.95 Sate Prico $955 MG TD-TF Front Suspension MG TC-TD Braided Fuel Lino MG TD Blanket Bar Link Seal Support This Is the 14"carb. to carb. line. Braided stainless This is the bar attached to the top of the seat back. MG TC Owner's Manual Sold Individually. 8 required per car. steel covering with teflon Inlng-guaranteed for life! 451-730 Reg. $21.50 Sato Price $18.75 Reprint ot the 100-page 264-010 Reg. $0.70 Sale Price $0.60 376080 Reg. $25.85 Sate Price $1755 fadory manual MG TD-TF Front Bumper Bracket supplied with an new TCs. MG TD-TF Front Suspension Sold individualy, 2 required per car. 210-500 Reg. $18.95 Link Distance Tube 454-020 Reg. $16.95 Sato Price $13.50 Sate Price $14.50 Four required per car. 264-070 Reg. $3.65 Sale Price $2.95 MG TC Complete MG TD-TF Ring & Pinion Conversion Manual Door Lock and Handle Kit Want higher cruising speeds and reduced engine MGTD-TF Rear Axle Check Strap Indudes 2 interiorlocks.2 strikers,2 exteriorhandles wear and tear for your TD or TF? This very well 266-430 Reg. $11.95 Sale Price$855 ea, and all necessary mounting hardware. documented and illustrated manuaJ. written by Carl 402-168 Reg. $139.50 Sato Price $12250 Cederstrand of the Vintage MG Club of Southern MG TD-TF RearSuspensionSpring CenterPlate MGTC California, gives detailed step-by-step instructions Four required per car. MG TC Chrome Side Curtain Fixing Plate Stainless Stool Exhaust System on installing high-speed ring & pinion gearsets in the 266-450 Reg. $7.30 Sate Price$555 405-200 Reg. $4.65 Sato Price$3.75 Constructed of heavy-duty stainless steel and de TD-TF rear axle housing. signed to fitcorrectly, this qualitysystem even retains 212-350 Reg. $9.95 Sate Price $955 MG TD-TF Rear Suspension MGTC Seat Adjusting that good old British exhaust note. Clamps not in Rebound Rubber Chrome Wing Bolt cluded. MG TC-TD Instrument Decal Set 266-500 Reg. $9.95 Sate Price$855 406-100 Reg. $5.45 454-508 Reg. $239.50 Sale Price $219.95 Acomplete set of 5 decals to fitthe TC and early TD flat-faced chronometrtc instruments. Excellent re MG TC-TD-TF Cowl To Hood Rubber Strip sults when installed carefully. 280-250 Reg. $9.25 Sate Price$825 MG TC-TD 215-100 Reg. $4.95 Sate Price $4.50 Hood Latch Assemblies ma* Truly fine reproductions, MGTD Headlamp Stone Guarda MG TD-TF cadmium plated for durability. Fender MGA Timing Cover Oil Seal These chrome-plated stone guards are made ol Rubber Footwell mounted brackets & handles not included. Frts 1622cc engines from (e)GC8263 on. heavy-duty wire mesh and are easily installed. Pro With "MG" crest. Fits LHD Right Hand 120-000 Reg. $3.05 Sale Price $2.75 tects your driver'sfloorboardfromTD(c)4237on." 406-855 Reg. $13.60 Sate Price $1150 expensive headlamps 280400 Reg. $12.95 Sale Price $1050 Left Hand MGA Gearbox Input Shaft Bearing while adding a touch 406-860 Reg.$13.60 Sate Price $1150 127-200 Reg. $2255 Sato Price $19.95 of dass to the overall MG TC Body Rubber Set appearance of your car. This complete kit contains just about every rubber MG TC-TD-TF Windshield Lock Nut MGA Gearbox Rear (H \ Sold in pajrs complete item found on the TC body. Buy the set and savel Chrome "D" Washer MalnshaftBearing \Ji J withmountinghardware. 281-508 Reg. $134.50 Sale Price $11955 408-650 Reg. $2.50 Sale Price$155 Frts flanged typo mainshafts only. V_i-/ 222-150 Reg.$19.93 127-800 Reg. $19.65 Sale Price $1725 Sale Price $15.95 MG TC-TD-TF Windshield MG TD-TF Gearshift Top Comer Chrome Brackets MGA Map Light Switch Knob Remote Control Rubber Snug Left Hand 150-800 Reg. $2.50 Sato Price $215 282-680 Reg. $19.95 408-600 Reg. $9.45 Sale Price $8.25 Sate Price $1455 Right Hand MGA Tall Lamp B«* 408-610 Reg. $9.45 Sate Price$825 Frts all except Midi. MG TC-TD-TF Cylinder HelU Gasket 159400 Reg. $2.5': Sale Price $2.25 MGTD -Coffin Style" Fits 1250CCengines from (e)22735 on (round water MGTC Front Engine Mount Rebound Rubber Alloy Volvo Cover passage holes). 410-020 Reg. $6.95 Sate Price $5.25 Great reproduction ot the 290-100 Reg. $24.95 Sate Price $2150 MGA Rear Brake Shoo Return Springs exceptionally attractive anddesirable classic Ameri MG TD-TF Front Exhaust Pipe to Bracket Clamp An essential little item often overlooked during rou cancovers originally sold by S.H. Amoft of Chicago. MG TF Cylinder Heed Gasket 412-070 Reg. $3.95 Sate Price $325 tine brake jobs. 2 of each required per car. sold These unflnned aluminum castings are highly pol Frts 1500CC engines only. individually. ished and incorporate an MG crest, provision for 290-200 Reg. $27.2S Sale Price $2350 MG TC-TD Intake Vafvo Fits wheel cylinder end. breather fitting and threaded octagonal fillercap. 1 5/16" diameter lace. 181-450 Reg. $4.75 .Sale Prico $4.25 224-220 Reg. $54.90 Sale Price $4750 MG TC-TD-TF Exhaust Pipe 423-010 Reg. $9.95 Sale Price $7.95 Fits abutment end. to Manifold Gasket 181460 Reg. $2.65 Sale Price $225 290-500 Reg. $450 Sato Price $3.75 MG TC-TD-TF Oil filler Cap MGARear Axle Brake Pipe Strap MG TC-TD-TF ChromeAcom Nut Fits original valve covers only. 181-900 Reg. $2.45 Sate Price $155 ea. For gas tank strap bolts. Sold Individually. 433-490 Reg. $11.95 fj Sale Price $9.50 311-160 Reg. $325 Sato Price $2.75 ea. MG TC-TD-TF Valve Cover Thumb Nut MGA Front Disc Brake Rotor MG TD-TF Steering Column to Flange Bolt Original type black bakelite thumbnul with brass fits 1600 and 1600 Mkll. 320-850 Reg. $4.50 Sato Price $3.70 insert. Sold individually. 182-180 Reg. $59.95 433-560 Reg. $4.95 Sate Price $455 ea. Sale Price» $49.95J MG TC-TD-TF Rocker Arm Bushing MG TF "Amco" Luggage Rack TC-TD to (e)9007 with 14" rocker arm shaft uses 4 MG TD-TF Crested Dipstick The dassic fold-down design allows you to carry (long). TD from (e)9008 and all TFs use 8 per car. A beautiful reproduction of the MGA Chrome Hub Cap plenty ol luggage without obstructing rear-view vi Sold indrvidualfy. original chrome-plated dipstick 2C0-230 Reg. $18.25 Sale Price $1455 sion. Simple bolt-on installation. 330-090 Reg. 54.25 Sato Price $3.75 with MG crested knob. 243-800 Reg. $184.75 Sale Price $15955 433-820 Reg. $15.95 MGA Radio Speaker Screen Sato Price $1255 233-750 Reg. $5.95 Sate Price $425

MGTC-TD-TFEngine Block Water Drain Tap MGA Owners Manuals MGTD ^=5^=^' 434-240 Reg. S10.95 Sale Price $8.50 Induded by the factory with all new MGAs, these Cloth Bound Wiring Harness handy books cover the operational and maintenance fits TD from (c)18883 on with turn signals and dash MG TC-TD Accessory Oil filter Assembly procedures for your sports car. mounted dimmer switch. Our complete harness kits An attractive cast alum- lafloaai^BHoao^poaoj 1500 Owners Manual arecolor coded to original specifications with original inum assembly that 210-800 Reg. $9.95 Sale Price $7.95 type cloth braided binding over modem PVC-insu- diredly replaces the 1600 Owners Manual lated wires. Wiringdiagram and all necessary con original TC and early TD 210-830 Reg. $9.95 Sale Price $7.95 nectors included. throw-away type filtor. 356-140 Reg.S139.95 Sate Price$129.95 Tho dever design MGA Trunk Lock MG TC-TD Original Type accepts Inexpensive Extra security lor High Mount Luggage Racks MG TD-TF Front CarburetorJet Lever cartridges that make tho possessions stowed Beautifully made on our behalf to traditional stan 370-425 Reg. $9.95 Sato Price $7.95 entire package quite in your trunk. This dardsof excellence.Allhardware is includedfor easy economical overall. lock set installs boil-on installation. 435-380 Reg. S89.95 easily and comes TCRack MG TC-TD-TF Sato Price S7250 complete withmounting hardware and twokeys. Dis- 244-400 Reg. $148.75 Sate Price $129.95 FuelPump Elbow Set """ © conned the original pull mechanism and your trunk TDRack 3 piece sot including brass elbow, nut and dive. MG TF Long Chrome Running Board Strip can only be opened with the key. 244-500 Reg. $148.75 Sate Price $129.95 375-038 Reg. $8.95 Sato Price $7.25 451-010 Reg.S13.50 Sale Price $11.25 oa. 222-500 Reg. $ 12.95 Sate Price $1050

MG TC Steering Box Sector Shaft Peg MG TC-TD Carburetor Throttle Shalt MG TF Short Chrome Running Board Strip MGA Spin-On Oil Filter 260-080 Reg. $1755 Sate Price $1455 Standard diameter, for 1 1/4" carburetors. 451-020 Reg. $10.95 Sate Price $950 ea. Only for cars fitted with our 376-010 Reg. $8.95 Sale Price $7.75 accessory spin-on oil filter MG TC Front Axle Beem Locating Bolt MG TD-TF Clutch Rod conversion kit. Stock up Sold individually. 8 required per car. MG TC-TD-TF Left Hand Door Lock Cover FrtsTD from (c)22251 on and all TFs. now and save! 261 -160 Reg. $8.95 Sale Price $750 401-150 Reg. $13.95 Sale Price $9.95 451-220 Reg. S16.95 Sale Price $1355 235-950 Reg. $4.10 Sale Price $3.75

Moss Motors, Ltd. 805-968-1041 ~Bg: P.O. Box MG, Goleta, California 93116 Customer Service & Foreign Orders Moss Motoring Page 4D MGACrankcase Breather Pipe MGBHazard Warning Flasher Unit ma/t e~«~~ fits from (e)GB35809 on. fits 1972 thru '80; roadsters/GTs from Includes mounting dip. (c)258001 on. MGA Aluminum Threshold Plate Set These good-looking ribbed aluminum accessory 451-050 Reg. $15.70 Sate Price $1295 141-650 Reg. $5.95 Sato Prico $455 platescoverand protectyoursillsfromscuffs.Easy MGA Rear License Plato MGBHeadlampand HeaterSwitchChromeBezel toinstal. Mounting Bracket Assembly fits 1968 thru 71; roadsters from (c)138401 to 240-600 Reg. $13.95 Sate Price $1250 451-290 Reg. $19.95 Sale Price $1555 (c)258000/GTfrom(c)139471to (c)258000. 142-130 Reg. $4.50 Sate Price $3.95 MGA Black Door Seal Combination vo'our andrubberdoorseal.Soldper MGA Rear Leaf Spring MGB Body Side-Stripe Kit 454-840 Reg. $68.95 Sate Prico $59.95 MGB Amplifier for Electronic Ignition Supplied bymanydealersInthelate70s, theseop yard; roadsters require 4 yards per car. coupes fits 1980 non-California spec require 7 yards. tionalside-stripes fitalong the lowerpart of your MGA Rear Bumper Bracket MGBs with distributor #41851. MGB. Espedalfy suited to rubber-bumpered cars. 249-607 Reg. $825 Sate Price $655 454-950 Reg. $8.75 Sate Price $655 ea. 142-975 Reg. $119.95 On sale in silver or gold, easy to install. Sate Price $99.50 MGA Fender Piping Set Sliver Body Side-Stripe Kit MGA Steel Rockor Panels 215-375 Reg. $3850 Sate Price $3250 Completesetoftheoriginal typesilvervinyl piping for Left Hand MGBFront Flasher Lamp mounting all four fenders. Gold Body Side-Stripe Kit 456-70 Reg. $26.50 Sale Prico $22.50 Completoassembly withdear/amber lens as origi 215-380 Reg. $38.50 Sale Price $3250 249-738 Reg. $11.95 Sate Prico $9.95 Right Hand nal, fits thru 1969; roadsters thru (c)187213/GTs thru (c)187741. MGA Steering Wheel Centerpiece 456-730 Reg. $26.50 Sate Price $2250 MGB "Negative Earth" Sticker 143-960 Reg. $76.90 Sale Price$6250 1"x 4" silversticker withblack tottering. 263-110 Reg. $16.75 Sale Price $1250 MGAFront Fender Rust Repair Panels 215-650 Reg. $2.90 Sate Price $250 MGB Windshield Wtoer Wheelbox Nut MGA FrontSuspension These panels replace the lower 10" of the front fender between the door jamb and wheel arch Rtsfrom(c)6917on. Link Seal Support Right Hand 145-205 Reg. $2.95 Sate Price $235 MGBSeat Slide Packing Strip Sold individually. 8 required per car. 457-760 Reg. $25.95 This is the wood packing strip that fits between the 264-010 Reg. $0.70 Sate Price $0.60 Sate Price$1955 Left Hand MGBWindshield Wiper seat slide rails and floorboards.4 required per car, 457-770 Reg. $25.95 Wheelbox finisher sold individually. MGA Front Suspension Sate Price $1955 Frts roadsters only, bright chrome finish. 228-170 Reg. $4.45 Sale Price $3.85 Link Distance Tube MGA Clutch Lever , 145-280 Reg. 54.95 Sale Price $4.25 4 required per car. Rubber Boot P 264-070 Reg. $3.65 Sato Price $2.95 461-010 Reg. $5.75 Sale Price $4.95 MGB Map Light Switch Knob fits 1963 thru '67; roadsters thru 138400/ MGA Brake Drum Tab Washer MGA Second Gear GTs thru 139470. MGB KAN filter & Plate Kit Frtsrear drums on allcars (4 required),frontdrums Thisis our improvedtype 150-800 Reg. $250 Sate Price $2.15 This hot looking kit fits all twin on 1500s with disc wheels (4 required). SokXriemdualfy. second gear and must SU carburetor MGBs. The black be used with steel synchro MGBElectronic Ignition and silverribbed aluminum end plate is emblazoned 267460 Reg. S1.05 Sate Price $055 ring #461495 only. Distributor Cap with the MGB togo and includes two high flowpre- 461-480 Reg. $64.95 Sato Price $49.95 fits 1975 thru 79; distributor —' ciled K&N air filters. Uses your original stock air MGA Clutch & Brake Rubber Pedal Pads numbers 41643,41693 and 41695 cleaner assembly baokplate. Sold Individually. MGA Gearbox Layshafl 151-870 Reg. $4.45 222-910 Reg. $89.95 Sate Price$7955 280-770 Reg. $1.50 Sale Price $155 461-560 Reg. $27.50 Sale Price $23.95 Sate Price $355 MGB Heater Control Knob MGAFender Splash Plate Seals MGA Reverse Gear MGB Starter Switch Terminal Rubber Boot Fits 1963 thru '67; roadsters to Lett Front 461-660 Reg. $47.50 Sale Price$3850 fits 1963 thru '67; roadsters thru (c)138401/ GTs (c)1384000/GTs to (C)139471. 280-800 Rog. $9.95 Sate Price$655 thru(c)139471. 233-890 Rog. S7.45 Sale Price $655 Right Front MGARadiator Grille Piping 161 -900 Reg. $1.20 Sate Prico $0.95 280-810 Reg. $9.95 Sale Price $6.95 Original silver colored vinyl. MGB Sun Visor Pivot Bracket Right Rear 470-120 Reg. $3.45 Sate Price $255 MGB Vacuum Advance Fits roadsters 1977 thru '80; (c)410001 on. 280-820 Reg. $9.95 Sate Price $6.95 Pipe Assembly 233-925 Reg. $8.75 Sale Price$755 Loft Rear MGA Gas Cap Assembly fits 1963 thru '67; all 18G, 280-630 Reg. $9.95 Sate Price $655 470-190 Reg. $17.75 GAand GB engines. MGB Sun Visor Anchor Bracket Sate Price $14.50 163-640 Reg. $18.45 fits roadsters 1970 thru "80; (c)184497 on. Sato Price $14.75 233-930 Reg. $4.95 Sato Price$4.15 MGATail Lamp Plinth Pad Set MGA Door Striker Plate Fits 1600 only. Contains both plinth to 470-540 Reg. $7.95 Sale Price $6.75 ea. MGBFront Side/Flasher Lamp Chrome Rim MGB Spin-On OHFilter bodypads, in the originalsilver-greycolor. fits 1963thru741/2;roadsters thru (c)360300/GTs fits 1970 thru '80 cars with hanging type liter head. 281-668 Reg. 513.75 Sate Price $1155 MGA Chrome Defroster Slot finisher thru (c)361000. Stock up now and save! 472-000 Reg. $8.35 Sato Price $655 ea. 164-780 Reg. S17.25 Sato Price $1425 235-950 Reg. $4.10 Sate Price$3.75 MGA Rear Axte U-Bolt 267-550 Reg. $7.65 Sato Price $6.95 MGA Radio Blanking Plate MGB Left RearSidelamp Assembly <^v 472-030 Reg. $6.95 Sale Price $5.50 fits 1970 on; roadsters from MGA Oil Pan Gasket (c)187211/GTs from 187841 296-330 Reg. $3.25 Sate Price $2.65 MGA Battery Hold-Down Bracket 164-865 Reg. $67.50 2 required per car. Sale Price $4955 MGA Air Duct Clip 473-180 Reg. $3.95 Sato Price $355 MGB "Amco" Style Chrome Grille Bar Original type, fits the large 4" air dud hoses. MGBReverse Lamp Bulb This traditional style chrome grillebar protects your SokJ individually. 4 required percar. fits 1967 thru 80; roadsters from (b)100016/GTs car fromdamage bycarelessparallel parkers. fits al 326-360 Reg. $2.25 Sate Price $1.75 from (b)16928. chrome-bumpered MGBs. TOGS 170-140 Reg. $1.40 Sate Price $150 244-110 Reg. $49.95 Sale Price $4450

MGB Timing Cover Oil Seal MGBRear Axte Brake Pipe Strap MGB Front Suspension 120-000 Reg. $3.05 Sato Price $2.75 181-900 Reg.$2.45 Sate Price $155 King Pin Lower Seal Support MGA Vinyl Wiring Harness Sold individually, 4 required per car. Fits 1600 and Mkll. Our complete vinyltape bound MGB Front Hub Oil Seal MGBRadiator Grille Badge 264-010 Reg. $0.70 Sate Price $0.60 harnesses not only indude the main harness, but all 120-610 Reg.S2.75 Fits 1970 thru '72. For all cars with 4 sub-harnesses as wdl! Headlamp pigtails #171- Sale Price$235 recessed grilles. 400 sold separately. 201 -060 Reg. S6.75 Sale Price $5.95 MGB King Pin Set 355-050 Reg. $124.95 Sate Price $109.95 MGB Rear Axle Pinion Oil Seal One kitincludes everything you Fits roadstersthru '67 withearly banjo type rear axle. MGB Gas Cap need to replace both king pins. MGA Heater Lever and 120-800 Reg. S2.50 Sato Price $2.15 Fits1970thru '80 except 1975cars withsinglecarb. Bushes must be reamed to fitking ^j I I

800-999-4992 800-322-6985 800-235-6954 Toll-Free Customer Service Phone Toll-Free California Order Phone Toll-Free Continental US except CA Moss Motoring Page 4E MGB Limited Edition Wheel "MG" Medallion MGB Window Regulator Handle Fiber Washer Triumph TR4 Headlamp Switch Knob •mas ^.„..„- 408-280 Reg.$255 Sato Prico $1.95 Fits 1968 thru "80. Can be used for TR4A as wen. 472-525 Reg. $0.80 Sale Price $0.60 560-010 Rog, $3.75 Sale Price $295 MGB Pedal Box Cover Rubber Seal MGBCrankcase Breather Pipe fits ad cars with non-servo brake systems. fits 18G ongines only; indudes mounting dip. MGB Battery Hold-Down Bracket Triumph TR4A Differential Carrier Bearing 281-850 Reg. $355 Sate Price $275 451-050 Reg. $15.70 Sale Price $1255 FHs all cars with two 6-volt batteries. fits cars with IRS rear axle only. 2 required per car. 473-180 Reg. $3.95 Sale Price $355ea. 525-070 Reg. $2450 Sale Price$1855 MG8 Hood Prop Rod Rubber Catch MGB Chrome Overrider BBHI Frts 1963 thru 70; roadster/GT thru (c)219000. with Rubber Insert Triumph TR4A 282-350 Reg. $250 Sale Price $225 Correct for the front of 1970 to *7iiu*Kh6 T&2-3-4 Outer Rear Wheel Bearing mid-74 cars;fitted ontherear ^, fits cars with IRS rear axle only. MGB Battery Access Panel RubberSeal of 1970 carsonly. Triumph TR2-TR3 525-120 Reg. $12.50 Sato Price $9.95 282-500 Rog. $555 Sale Price$450 454-315 Reg. $19.95 Brake Shoe Return Spring Sate Price $1650 fits TR2-TR3front brakesto(c)CT13045(4required) Triumph TR2-TR4A Generator Pulley MGB Black Rubber Sill CoverSet and both Lockheed and Girling rear 10" brakes 539-010 Reg. $16.95 Sate Price $1350 fits 1963 thru 76. MGB Hood Prop Rod (whool cylinder end. 2 required). Does not fit 9" 282-738 Reg. $49.95 Sale Price $4455 fits 1963 thru 70; roadsters and GTs to (c)219000. brakes. Sold individually. .,*_. 457-470 Rog. $10.95 Sale Price $8.95 181450 Reg. $4.75 MGBRadiator to Support Rubber Seal Triumph Fits 1968 thru 76; roadsters to (c)410000/all GTs. MGB Dog Leg Rust Repair Panels Triumph TR2-TR3B TR4-TR4A 282-905 Reg. $7.50 Sato Price $855 These panels replace tho tower10"ofthe rear fender BatteryTray Headlamp between the door jamb and wheel arch. Our heavy-duty ABS plastic Assembly MGB Oil Pan Gasket Right Hand Panel liners are tough, easy to fits TR4 from (b)24601CT on \& Frts3 main bearing engines only. 457-580 Reg. $19.95 Sale Price $1555 remove tor deanlng and will and all TR4As. This complete assembly 296-330 Reg. $355 Sate Price $2.65 Left Hand Panel keep battery add away from Indudes bucket inner and outer rims, adjusting 457-585 Reg. $19.95 Sate Price $1555 your vulnerable sheel metal. screw set sealed beam ight unit wiring pigtail and MGBBody Skte MouldingPlate &Stud Assembly 241-010 Rog. $23.95 Sale Price $1955 mounting gasket. Two assembles required per car. Soldindividually, 6 required per car. MGB Vatve Cover Cap Nut 544-010 Reg. $12950 Sate Price $99.50 326-075 Reg. $0.95 Sate Price $0.75 fits 1968 thru 76.2 required per car, Triumph TR4-4 A Black Door Seal sold individually. Replacement type combination valour and rubber Triumph TR4-TR4A WiperSwitch Knob MGB Accelerator Cable 460-112 Reg. $3.85 Sale Price $355 ea. door seal. Sold per yard, 5 yards required per car. 560-020 Reg. $3.75 Sale Price $2.95 fits 1975 to 77; roadsters from (c)367901 to (Cars with surrey top require 7 yards.) (c)428510. MGB Rubber Clutch Lever Boot 249-607 Reg. $8.25 Sale Price $655 Triumph TR2-TR3B Tall Lamp Base Rubber Pad 331465 Reg. $6.95 Sale Price $S5S fits cars withovalshaped hdo in belhousing. fits TR2 from TS1301 thru TR3B. 461-010 Reg. $5.75 Sato Price$455 Triumph TR2-TR3B Black FurFlex Door Seal 159400 Reg. $2.50 Sale Price $225 MGBHand Brake Cable Assembly The originaltype door jambdraft excluder.Sold per fits roadsters withwirewheels from(c)4l5001 on. MGB Second Gear yard, 4 yards required per car. Triumph TR2-TR3 331-550 Reg. $17.50 Sate Price $15.75 fits 1963 thru '67; roadsters 249-760 Reg. $7.25 Sato Price $6.25 Brake & License Lamp Lens to (c)13840Q/GTs to (c)139471. Fits TR2 thru TR3 TS18912. MGB Air Filter Brackets This is our improvedtype second gear and mustbe Triumph TR2-TR3B 552-090 Rog. $17.95 Sate Price $1555 fits 1963 thru 71; cars with SU HS4 carburetors. used with steel synchro ring #461495 only. Steering Assembly Sector Shaft Peg Rear filter Bracket 461-480 Reg. $64.95 Sato Price $49.95 260-080 Reg. $17.95 Sato Price $1455 Triumph TR4A Side-Marker Lamp Lens 372-330 Reg. $6.25 Sale Price$550 560-220 Reg. $6.95 Sato Price $555 Front Filter Bracket MGB Gearbox Layshafl Triumph TR2-TR4 Front Suspension 372-340 Reg. $8.35 Sate Prico $755 Fits1963thru'66 (approx.);cars withstandard gear Bottom Trunnion Thiust Washer Triumph TR4-TR4A Tall Lamp Lens boxes thru (e)GB74719 and cars with overdrive Sold individually.8 required per car. 560-290 Reg. $12.95 Sale Prico $9.95 MGB Standard Carburetor Throttle Shaft gearboxes thru (e)GB74528. 324-900 Reg. $1.60 Sato Price $1.30 fits 1963thru 71; cars wfthHS4 carburetors only. 461-560 Reg.S27.50 Sate Price $23.95 Triumph TR4-TR4A 372-540 Reg. $9.80 Sale Price $850 Triumph TR2-TR4 Lower Wishbone Windshield Washer Pump Knob MGB Reverse Gear , Nylon Washer 565-100 Reg. $3.75 Sato Price $295 MOB Fuel Pump Elbow Set Frts 1963 thru-67. ' Sold individually.8 required per car. Fits ea/ly roadsters thru (c)44438.3piece set includ 461-660 Reg. $47.50 '*-' Sate Price $38.50 324-930 Reg. $0.75 Sale Price $0.60 Triumph TR4-TR4A Handbrake Grip ing btass elbow, nut and olive. 582-640 Reg. 52.85 375-038 Reg. $8.95 Sate Price$725 MGB Gearbox Layshaft Triumph TR4A BottomTrunnion Sato Price $225 fits 1966 thru '80; roadsters from(c)138401 orVGTs to Wishbone Washer MGB Electric Wlndow-Uft Conversion Kit from (c)139472 on. 324-940 Reg. $0.95 Sate Price $050 Triumph TR4 Handbrake Lever ManufacturedinEnglandby 462-050 Rog. $47.50 Sate Price $3750 Sealing Rubber Smiths. The electric win Triumph TR2-TR4 Brake Pipe to Rear Axte Clip 582-750 Reg. $1295 dow-lift drive unit Installs MGB Gearshift Knob Cap •>'.'>J>\~ 326-350 Reg. $1.95 Sate Price $1.65 Sale Prico $1125 easily inside your door with fits1977 thru 80;roadsters from •---..V^J a small, neat plate to cover (c)410001 on. Non-overdrive cars only. Triumph TR2 Rear Carburetor Jet Lever Triumph TR3A where the window crank 462-530 Reg. S3.35 Sate Price $2.75 fits early 2-bolt mount SU H4 carburetors only. Rear Brake Shoe Steady Post Felt Bush usedto be.Switchescanbe 370-425 Reg. $9.95 Sato Price $7.95 fitsTR3Awith9'brakesfrom TS15332thruTS56376, conveniently mounted on MGB Roatyto Wheel Hub Cap 4 required per car. your center console, dash Indudes "MG" medallion. Triumph TR3-TR4 582-870 Reg. $0.75 Seto Price $0.60 or door panel. Comes complete withan emergency 462-710 Reg. $4.75 Sate Price $355 ea. SU CarburetorJet Lovers hand crank lor use in caseof a power failure, and in Fits both front or rear SU H6 carbs. Triumph TR4-TR4A stallation instructions, fits 1968 thru '80. MGB DoorStriker Plate 370-950 Reg. $11.50 Sale Price $9.95 Clutch Master Cylinder Repair Kit 386-950 Reg. $199.95 Sate Price $149.95 fits 1963 to '64; roadsters thru (b)57985. 583-780 Reg. $9.95 Sale Price $855 470-540 Reg- $7.95 Sato Price $6.75 Triumph TR2-TR4A Timing Cover Oil Seal MGB Clutch Alignment Tool 520-000 Reg. $6.75 Sale Price $5.95 Triumph TR3B-TR4A For5 main bearing engines. Allows youto perfectly MGB Radio Blanking Plate Disc Brake Pad Set centeryourdutchdisc, making engine re-installation Fits 1963 thru 76; roadsters Triumph TR3-TR4 Fits TR3B (TCF series), a breeze. thru (c)410000/GT8 thru Oversize CarburetorThrottle Shaft TR4 with wire wheels from CT4690 on, 387-235 Reg. $5.75 Sate Price $4.25 (0367803. Medallionand bezel sold separately. Aneasy way to compensate forslightlyworn throttle TR4 with disc wheels from CT4300 onand all TR4A. 472-030 Reg. $6.95 Sato Prico $5.50 bodies. Frts cars with SU H-6 carburetors only. 585-520 Reg. $12.25 Sale Price $9.95 372-510 Reg. $9.95 Sato Price $8.50 MGB Interior Door Pull Assembly Triumph TR2-TR4A Clutch Operating Fork '-OJ-" MGBCarburetor Heat Shield fits 1963 thru 71; roadsters/ TriumphTR4A StandardCarburetorThrottleShaft 596-030 Reg. $59.95 Sale Prico $4955 fits 1972 thru 74 cars with HIF carbs. GTs thru (c)258000. fits cars with SU HS-6 carburetors only. Thisexcellent reproduction is cadmium plated and 472-240 Rog. S5.40 Sale Price $450 372-520 Reg. $9.80 Sate Price $850 Triumph TR3 Front Cowl Medallion indudes rivetedinsulatingpads as original. Frts TR3 to (c)TS22013. 451-015 Reg. $36.50 Sate Price $2750 MGB Chrome Door Seel finishers Red and black cloisonne' on chrome. Fits all roadstors. 601-135 Reg. $21.95 Sato Price $18.95 Right Hand Rear MGB Rod & 472-290 Reg. $4.25 Sato Price$3.75 Triumph TR4-TR4A Choke Cable Knob Main Bearing Sets Left Hand Roar Triumph Starting Handles/Hand Cranks 633-510 Reg. $3.75 Sato Price $295 fits 5 main bearing engines. 472-300 Reg. $4.25 Sato Price $3.75 These excelent reproductions d the fadory hand Standard Main Bearing Set cranks are more than just a device for starting your Triumph TR2-TR3B 425-060 Reg. $24.55 Sale Price $2150 MGB Convertible Top car when al else fails, they also make adjusting your Interior Roar View Mirror .010" Oversize Main Bearing Set Fastener Socket valves a breezeI 633-520 Reg. $19.75 425-070 Reg. $24.55 Sale Price $2150 472-310 Rog. $2.85 Sale Price $2.25 TR4 Hand Crank Sale Price $17.25 .020" Oversize Main Bearing Set 389-010 Reg. S27.95 Sato Price $24.50 425-080 Reg. $24.55 Sato Price $2150 MGB Convertible Top TR2-TR3 Hand Crank (Small mouth grille.) Triumph TR2-TR3B Vent Control Knob 530" Oversize Main Bearing Set Fastener Backplate 389-030 Reg. $27.95 Sale Price $23.95 fits TR2 from TS6157 thru TR3B. 425-090 Reg. $24.55 Sato Price $2150 472-320 Reg. $1.95 Sate Prico $1.65 TR3A-TR3B Hand Crank (Wide mouth grille.) 633-600 Reg. S2.75 Sate Price $225 Standard Rod Bearing Set 389-040 Reg. $27.95 Sale Price $2450 425-760 Reg. $23.75 Sato Price $2055 MGB TopFrameand \y'y Triumph TR2-TR3B Vent Control Escutcheon .010" Oversize Rod Bearing Set Tonneau Bow Chrome Socket M/ Triumph TR4-TR4A Panol Lamp Switch Knob fits TR2 from TS6157 thru TR3B. 425-770 Reg. $22.95 Sato Price$1955 472-330 Reg. $12.80 Sate Price $9.95 560-000 Reg. $3.75 Sate Price $2.95 633-640 Reg. $350 Sale Price $275

Moss Motors, Ltd. 805-968-1041 P.O. Box MG, Goleta, California 93116 Customer Service & Foreign Orders Mo»«. Mfttertflg PajK.l F Triumph TR4-TR4A Glove Box Triumph TR2-TR3B Triumph TR2-TR4 Aluminum Tall Pipe Extension Triumph TR250-TR6 633-110 Reg. $3250 Sate Price $27.50 Steering Column Grommat As originally fitted at the factory. Retaining damp Front Suspension Coll Spring 680-830 Reg. S7.35 Sale Price $5.95 #326-450 available separately. 661-650 Reg. $32.50 Triumph TR2-TR3 Heater Valve Extension Pipe 863-010 Reg. $9.95 Sate Price $7.95 Sale Price S2755 635-110 Reg. $6.20 Sate Price $4.95 Triumph TR4-TR4A Steering Column Rubber Qrommet Triumph TR2-TR3B Heater Control Valve 680-860 Reg. $4.95 Sato Price $4.25 Triumph TR250-TR6 635-120 Reg. 519.80 Sato Price $17.95 07icc€*h^ *Tk250-'?><6 Steering Reck Solid-Mount Triumph TH4-TR4A Cylinder Head Gasket Set Conversion Kit Triumph TR4-TR4A Fan Switch Knob fits cars with 86 and 87mm engines. Triumph TR6 Overdrive Rear Oil Seal This modification contains v^; 635-370 Reg. $3.75 Sate Price$295 690-020 Reg. $74.95 Sale Price $58.95 Fits late J-type overdrive. 1973 (c)CF1 thru '76. wide lower spacers and upper damps machined 121-125 Reg.S5.75 Sale Price $4.50 from high strength alloy to eliminate ali play between Triumph TR4-TR4A Heater Control Valve Knob Triumph TR2-TR4A Gearbox Gasket Set your steering rack and chassis. 635-390 Reg. $3.75 Sale Price $295 fits all cars with standard gearboxes only. Triumph TR6 667-288 Reg. S36.95 Sale Price $27.50 693-010 Reg. $3.95 Sate Price $3.45 Hazard Warning Flasher Unit Triumph TR4-TR4A Air Control Cable Knob Fits Irom (c)CC75001 on. two terminal type. Triumph TR6 ]V 635410 Reg. $3.75 Sale Price $295 Triumph TR4-TH4A Trunk Lid Stay 141-650 Reg.S5.95 Sale Price $4.85 Anti-Sway Bar Link Assembly I fits TR4 from (b)5643CT thru TR4A This complete assembly includes H Triumph TR4 802-190 Reg. $11.95 Sate Price $950 Triumph TR250-TR6 Black Door Seal the link,rubber mounts, washers, j Seat Spring Assembly Similar to original used thru 1973. but may be used distance piece and locknut. Two required per car. fits TR4 to (b)20876CT. Triumph TR2-3 Front Bumper Chrome Overrider on all. Combination velour and robber door seal. 667-720 Reg. $27.95 Sate Price$2455 642-990 Reg. $79.50 Sate Price $72.50 Will not fitTR3A oi TR3B. Sold individually. Sold per yard. 5 yards required per car. 802-750 Reg. $24,20 Sale Price $1955 249-607 Reg. S8.25 Sato Price $655 Triumph TR250-TR6 £Ef Triumph TR4A Front Suspension Brake &Clutch Pedal Pad <\UJ Lett Hand Vertical Link Triumph TR2-TR3B Triumph TR250-TR6 680-230 Reg. $1.30 Soto $0.95 ea. \Jgr$ 661-120 Reg. $94.50 Sate Price $74.50 Chrome Rear Overrider Clutch Alignment Tool Sold Individually. Allowsyou to perfedrycenteryourdutchdisc. making Triumph TR250-TR6 Hood Rubber Side Butler Triumph TR2-TR4 Front Suspension 802-800 Reg.S23.50 Sale Price $19.95 engine re-installation a breeze. 680-400 Reg. $0.90 Sate Price $0.75 Lower Wishbone Arm Inner Steel Bush 387-220 Reg. S6.95 Sato Price $4.75 661-570 Reg. $3 60 Sate Price $355 Triumph TR250 Windshield Pillar Rubber Seal Triumph TR250-TR6 Differential Carrier Bearing 680-475 Reg. $14.35 Sate Price S1155 ea. Triumph TR4-TR4A Hood Rubber Side Buffer U - 525070 Reg. $24.80 Sato Price $18.95 680-400 Reg. $0.90 Sale Price $0.75 ca. x^ Triumph TR250-TR6 Gearbox Gasket Set Triumph TR2-TR3B _ Triumph TR250-TR6 Outer Rear Wheel Bearing fits all cars with standard gearboxes only. Triumph TR4A Front Suspension Coil Spring Spare Tireand ToolRollStrap Sol ° 525-120 Reg. $12.50 Sale Price $9.95 693-010 Reg. S3.95 Sale Price $3.45 This is the long type spring with an approximate 10 802-845 Reg. S24.95 Sato Price $18.50 1/4" free length. For cars now fitted TriumphTR250-TR6 I—»j Triumph TR6 Cylinder Head Gasket Set with short springs, these long springs Triumph TR4 Front Bumper Chrome Overrider Roar Wheel Bearing Kit \ \j\ Fits from 1972 on. may be used in pairs only, with the Sold individually. One kit does both sides. Includes* 694-560 Reg. S48.95 Sale Price $3955 original spacers replaced with spacer 804-170 Reg. $21.90 Sato Price $17.50 inner and outer grease seals, inner #661-675. and outer bearings and collapsible spacers. Triumph TR6 Cylinder Head Gasket 661-650 Reg. $32.50 Triumph TR2-TR4A 525-230 Reg. S27.95 Sate Price $23.95 Rtsfrom1972on. Sato Price $2755 Standard Size Main Bearing Set 694-640 Reg. $19.65 Sale Price $1755 822-000 Reg. 524.95 Triumph TR4A Front Suspension Sato Price $2250 Lucas Scroenjet Assembly Triumph TR250-TR6 Top Radiator Hose Bottom Trunnion Nylon Bearing A great replacement for the Fits an TR250S and TR6 thru 1971. Sold individually, 8 required per car. Triumph TR2-TR4Valve Spring Set Cs3 obsdete TR250-TR6 834-600 Reg. $7.95 Sate Price $6.95 661-740 Reg. $0.95 Sate Price $0.75 fitsTFSthru TR4 CT21470E. £^ windshield washer assembly. Atlast,wehavethecorred f£5 Will also fit most other British sports cars with a Triumph TR6 Top Radiator Hose Triumph TH4A,Front Suspension triple valve spring setstoryour TR! ISP minimum ol 8" vertical clearance. Usewilh a momen Fits 1975 and 76. Bottom Trunnion Water Shield 831-000 Reg. $34.95 Sale Price $29.95 tary contad switch. 834-605 Reg. $11.95 Sale Price 5955 Sold individually, 8 required per car. 546-135 Reg. $42.75 Sale Price $36.95 661-760 Reg. $0.80 Sale Prico $0.65 Triumph TR2-TR4A Timing Chain Triumph TR250-TR6 832-000 Reg. S13.55 Sato Price $9.95 Water Pump Triumph TR4-TR4A Steering Rack Supplied complete with pulley. Solid-Mount Conversion Kit Triumph TR2-3B Radiator Fan Triumph Fits all TR250s and earfy TR6s fits late TR4 from CT20C64 on 834-030 Rog. S69.95 Sato Price $49.95 TR250-TR6 ""SB^I thru (e)CC80027E (mid 1972). and all TR4As. This modification Headlamp Bucket Assembly 835-030 Reg.S53.10 Sale Prico $4650 contains wide lower spacers and Triumph TR2-TR4A Crankshaft Fan Belt Pulley This complete assembly includes bucket, inner and upper clamps machined from high Rear Pulley Half outer rims, adjusting screw set. sealed beam light Triumph TR6 Water Pump strength alloy to eliminate all play 837-500 Rog. 58.60 Sate Price $6.50 unit,wiringpigtailand mountinggasket. Two assem Supplied complete with 1/2" groove pulley. between steering rack and chassis. Front Pulley Half blies required per car. Fits TR6 irom (e)CC800278E (mid 1972) thru 1975. 667-288 Reg. $36.95 Sale Price $2750 837-510 Reg. $11.95 Sato Price $8.25 544-010 Reg.Sl29.50 Sato Price $99.50 835-040 Reg. $46.50 Sale Price $39.95

Triumph TR4A Rear Suspension Rubber Buffer Triumph TR2-TR3B Fan Hub Extension Triumph TR250-TR6 fits solid axle cars above '.he differential housing (1 837-520 Reg. $24.50 Sato Price $19.95 Distributor Cap required) and IRS cars below shock arms (2 req.). 560-125 Reg. $10.25 674-610 Reg. $6.25 Sato Price $455 Sale Price $8.95 Triumph TR6 Crankshaft Triumph TR2-TR3B Fits TR6 from 1970 on. Genuine N.O.S. factory- Triumph TR2-TR4A Chrome Hub Cap Adjustable Steering Wheel Triumph TR250-TR6 Chrome Wiper Blade originalcrankshafts. Asuper buy at our regular price, Medallion #674-710 (doisonne'enamel) This is a perfect reproduction of fits TR250 and early TR6 to (c)CC50000. now at a price so low you can buy one as a spare... sold separately. the fadory optional adjustable 560-610 Reg. $10.35 Sale Price $8.75 just in case! 674-690 Reg. $19.95 Sale Price $16.95 wheel, yet made of superior 837-205 Reg. $149.50 Sale Prico $139.95 materials to really last. Will Triumph TR250 Glove Box Triumph TR4A Roar Wheel Stud only fitcars originallyfitted 633-110 Reg. $32.50 Sale Price $27.50 Triumph TR250-TR6 Camshaft Timing Gear Fits cars with independent rear suspension and disc with adjustable wheels. fits lateTR250s and all TR6s with double row chain. wheels only. 853-730 Reg. S167.95 Triumph TR6 Hazard Warning Switch 838-200 Reg. $86.65 Sale Price $6250 674-960 Reg. S2.65 Sale Price $225 Sale Price $139.95 fits TR6 from (c)CC75001 to (c)CC85737. 635-610 Reg.S39.95 Sate Price $34.50 Triumph TR250 Front FenderBead Triumph TR2-TR4A / flA Triumph TH4 Front Fender Bead Sold individually, 2 required per car. Brake &Clutch Pedal Pad \ tM Sold individually. 2 required per car. 854-120 Reg. $12.95 Sale Prico $9.95 This isthe familiar pedal pad that Yi^3» 854-120 Reg. S12.95 Sale Price $9.95 features a large *T". Sold individually. *B*^ 680-230 Reg. $1.30 Sate Price $055 Triumph TR2-TR3B Long Rear Fender Bead 854-220 Reg. $12.95 Sate Price $9.95 Triumph TR6 Triumph TR2-TR3ARubber Trunk Seal Original Style fits TR2 thru TR3A TS60000. Black Vinyl Convertible Top 680-500 Reg. $14.95 Sate Price $1150 Beautifullytailored in England for us by the original manufacturer, these heavy-duty black vinyl tops Triumph TR250-TR6 Triumph TR2-TR3A Gearbox Countershaft Triumph TR2-TR4 incorporate the original type reflective strips and a Stainless Sleel Exhaust Systems B48-420 Reg. $62.50 Sale Price $5455 Stainless Steel Exhaust Systems zip-out rear window. The last exhaust system your car will ever need. The last exhaust system your car will ever need. 640-150 Reg. $269.95 Sate Price $23955 Constructed of heavy-duty stainless steel and de Triumph TR4A Constructed ot heavy-duty stainless sted and de signed to fitcorrectly, Wisqualitysystem even retains Upper Rubber Gearshift Boot signed tofitconedfy.this qualitysystem even retains Triumph TR6 Radio Surround Panel that good ok) British exhaust note. Hangers and 680-720 Reg. $10.95 that good old British exhaust note. Hangers and Right side only, with prepunched speaker hole. clamps not included. Sale Price $955 damps not included. 647 045 Reg. $24.50 Sato Price $1955 TR250 and early TR6. Fits 1968 thru 72 cars w.ih TR2thruTR4 single head pipe. Triumph TR4A 860-100 Rog. $217.75 Sate Price $199.95 Triumph TR250-TR6 860-200 Reg. $329.30 Sale Price $279.95 Lower Rubber Gearshift Boot TR4A, single muffler system for later cars. Front Suspension Lett Hand Vertical Link LateTR6. Fits 1973thru 76carswith dual head pipe. 680-730 Reg. $16.95 Sate Price $12.75 860-120 Reg. S298.50 Sate Prico $24955 661-120 Reg. $94.50 Sale Price $74.50 860-210 Reg. 5329.50 Sato Price $319.95

800-999-4992 800-322-6985 800-235-6954 Toll-Free Cuslomer Service Phone Toll-Free California Order Phone Toil-Free Continental US except CA Moas Motoring Page 4 G Jaguer XK140-150 Bottom Radiator Hoso Jaguar XK140 Chromo Rear DeckTrim ItcutKfrA- "77£7 011-178 Reg. $12.95 " Sate Price $9.95 011-875'.Reg. $39.50 Sale Price$3250 Shell, continued from I Triumph TR7 Clutch Disc JaguBPXK14O-150 Speedometer Cable Jaguar XK120-140-150Tappet publications, as well as news and TV Fits1977 thru '81 cars with5-speed transmissions . fits:carswithoverdrive ransmisstons only. 57"long. Sold individually. 12 required. crews will beon hand at a number of these 071-304 Reg. $86.90 Sato Price $74.50 011-208 Reg. 515.95 Sate Prico $13.95 011-940 Reg. $12.30 Sale Price $9.50 cross country events. Jeremy Coulter, deputy editor of the premier English Triumph TR7 Jaguar XK140-150 Steering Column Jaguar XK120-140 Roadster Complete Clutch Kit Flex Coupling Chromo Door Lock Cover Plate sports carmagazine Thoroughbred & Clas fits cars with4-speed gearbox 011-230 Reg. $42.95 Sate Price $36.50 031-052 Reg. $10.20 Sate Price $8.50 sic Cars, has signed on with the Heritage Includes clutch disc, pressure crewand will be covering the entireevent. plateand release bearing. Jaguar XK140-150 Overdrive Switch^ 1 The motoring press has taken a real 071-340 Reg. S125.95 Sato Price S99.50 Jaguar XK120-140 Original Trico switch with ^^J/'L_l interestin thisbodyshellproject.It seems Brake Master Cylinder large dear illuminated toggle. ^IfeJ that for the first time in automotive his Triumph TR7 Camshaft Timing Gear Not for tandem system XK120s. 031-980 Reg. $28.95 Sale Price S24.95 tory, a totally obsolete body shell has 071-034 Reg S37.50 Sate Price S29.95 011 -234 Reg. $109.50 Sale Price $89.95 been put back into production by the Jaguar XK150 Front Brake Hose original producers, utilizing the original 011 -249 Reg. S19.60 Sale Price $17.95 tooling. Together with a wide range of Triumph TR7 critical components re-Introduced by Front Bumper Rubber Cover Jaguar XK120-140-150 Jaguar XKI20 Cloth Wiring Harness British Motor Heritage and independent 071-802 Reg. $245.95 Sale Price $219.95 Clutch Slave Cylinder Hose fits early XK120S withchrome parkinglamps. Our Heritage-approved distributors such as 011-252 Reg. $18.95 Sate Price $14.50 comoiete harness kits aie color coced to original Moss Motors, it Is truly possible for the Triumph TR7 Front Strut Upper Rubber Gaiter LHDspecifications, include v rtually afl minor sub- enthusiast to recreate a virtually brand 071-420 Reg S23.25 Sale Price $19.95 Jaguar XK120-140 Windshield Wiper Blade hamesses. and come withoriginaltype braided doth new MGB!Is it only a mat ter of time before 011289 Reg. S9.9S Sale Price $8.25 binding over modern PVC-insulated wires. enterprising concerns are rebodying Triumph TR7 356-220 Reg. $315.50 Sale Price S299.95 MGBs on mass production bases and of Front Strut Shock Absorber Cartridge Jaguar XK120-140 Hood Release Cablo fering them from stock in choice of color? 071 400 Reg. $42.50 Sale Price $32.50 011-600 Reg. $28.75 Sale Price $24.75 Jaguar XK120-140-150 (Watch out Miata-the Brits haven't even Oversize Carburetor Throttle Shaft Triumph TR7 Jaguar XK120 Roadster An easy way to remedr slightlyworn throttle bodies. begun to fight!) Turn Signal Switch Side Curtain Clamp Bolt Chrome Washer 372-510 Reg S9.95 Sate Price $8.50 The Goleta event Is scheduled from 9 Thisis the multi-purposesteenng column mounted 011-708 Rog. 53.90 a.m. to 4 p.m. on October 14th and will switch that activates the turn signals, horn, and Sale Price $3.50 Jaguar XK120-140 Fuel Tank Cap Seal follow the usual Marque Day format in headlamp dimmer. s> 682-170 Reg. $3.45 Sale Price $295 cluding car display, new and used parts 071-766 Reg. S89.95 Sate Price $66.75 Jaguar XK120 Roadster swap meet and a 10% discount on all Chrome Side Curtain Knurled fixing Bolt Jaguar XK120 Front Engine Mount counter sales. The Heritage team will be Triumph TR7 011-720 Reg. $11.75 Sale Price S8.75 This is the early rectangular Hood Panel available to answer questions and will be engine mount. Sdd individually.2 required per car. showing a detailed video of the complete Original fori 979 thru Jaguar XK150 810-040 Reg. $26.25 Sale Price $2250 81. but will fit Chromo Exterior Door Handle ^ ^ body shell manufacturing process,as well alt-years. fitsboth left and right sides, a S^L as detailed coverage of theactual rebuild/ 071-830 Reg. S481.05' Supplied without lock assembly. rebody project. Our own 1980 MGB LE. Sale Price $399.95 011-711 Reg. $49.95 Sate Price $44.50 with only80 miles on theclock will also be on display and should make for an inter Triumph TR7 Hazard Warning Flasher Unit Jaguar XK140 Trunk Ud Badge esting comparison. fits 1975 thru 78. A nice reproduction ot the red While we hope to have our first ship 141-650 Reg. S5.95 Sale Price S45S cloisonne badge proclaiming Jaguar XK120Stainless Steel Exhaust System ment of bodyshells on hand for thisevent, Jaguar "Winner LeMans 1951-53" This system is the 120M type with twin headpipes. availabilityis going to be limited for many Triumph TR7 011-712 Reg. $29.75 Sate Prlce$24.95 single mufflerand twintailpipes designed to be fitted monthsaswealreadyhaveaccumulated a Electronic Ignition Distributor Cap under the chassis. Constructed of heavy-duty stain For Lucas distributors only. Jaguar XK150 fixed Head Coupe less steel and designed to fit correctly, this quality considerable list of Interested enthusi 151-870 Reg. $4.45 Sale Price $3.95 Rear Window Rubber Seal system even retains that good old British exhaust asts. We will be notifying customers in the 011-736 Rog.$47.50 Sato Prlce$38.75 note. Hangers and damps not included. order In which the original inquiry was Triumph TR7 Rubber Floormat Set 860-170 Reg. $439.50 Sale Price $419.95 received. We urge anyone seriously inter Our custom moulded rubber mats proted new car Jaguar XK120 Rear Bumper ChromeSpacer ested in purchasing a body to get their pets from sunlight and soil, and arc perfect for Sold individually,2 required per car. Jaguar XK140-150 name on our list as soon as possible. covering holes ifyou haven't got around to new car 011-737 Reg. S12.50 Sale Price $9.45 Stainless Steel Exhaust System All bodiesfor the American market will pets yet Made of heavily ribbed black rubber with The last exhaust system your car willever need! Triumph logo. be supplied completewith fenders, doors, Hangers and clamps not included. hood and rear deck lid. All hinges are In 646-760 Reg. 519.95 Sale Price S15.95 Jaguar XK120 Rubber Trunk Lid Seal 860-190 Reg. $569.50 Sale Price $459.95 fits XK120 roadstersfrom(c)674941 on.Soldbythe cluded and all bolt-on panels will be foot. 9 feet required per car. Jaguar XK120-140-150 Gas Cap Door Seal aligned and bolted into position. This in S£ctfrne/$'76 011-741 Reg. $1.60 Sale Price $1.35 011-816 Reg. $2.75 Sale Price $2.25 sures proper factory alignment ol bolt-on panels and guarantees that all rebodied Triumph Spitfire S GT6 Rubber Floormat Set Jaguar XK120-140 Roadster Jaguar "Break-In" Windshield Decal American MGBs will contain 100% new Our custom moulded robber mats protect new cai- Windshield to Cowl Rubber Seal This decal was applied to tho wind sheet metal. pets from sunlight and soil, and aie perfect lor Sold by the foot. 4 ieet requiredper car. shield ol your Jaguar when itwas Thepricefor the completebodyshellIs covering holes ifyou haven't got around to new car 011-746 Reg. 51.25 Sale Price $0.95 first sold. Jaguar logo on the front S3.995.00 F.O.B. Goleta, California, or pets yet. Made ot heavily ribbed black rubber with side with running-in instructions Dover. New Jersey, plus a crating fee Tnumph logo. Jaguar XK14O-150 on the inside. which is yet to be established. Sales tax. if 646-770 Reg. $19.95 Sale Price $15.95 Door Shut Face Rubber Seal 011-719 Reg $6.75 Sale Price $5.95 Not lor XK140 roadster. Sold by the loot. 6 Ieet applicable, is additional. required per car. Jaguar XK120 ThisGoletaMarqueDay event is bound 011 -746 Reg. S1.25 Sale Price $0.95 Rear Bumper Small Chrome Dome Nut to be memorable- Plan now to attend and (faaucw "XTC Soldindividually, 4 required per car. showyoursupport for the importantwork Jaguar XK150 Rubber Trunk Lid Seal 011-738 Reg. $3.90 Sate Price $2.85 of British Motor Heritage. Jaguar XK120-140-150 Sold by the foot,8 feet requiredper car. Engine Piston 011-746 Reg. $1.25 Sato Price $0.95 Jaguar XK120 fits all3.4 literengines with , 8:1compression ratio.Supplied '' Front Bumper Chrome Taper Washer Jaguar XK150 Roadster 011 -739 Reg. $6.95 Sate Price $5.65 ea. completewithrings and wrist pin Sold individually. Door Top To Window Rubber Seal .020" Oversize Piston 011-747 Reg. $7.25 Sate Price $6.50 ea. 011-112 Reg. 574.85 Sale Price S59.95 Special Notes About Ordering Sale Items: Jaguar XK150 Clutch and Brake Pedal Pad Orders must be received by Saturday, October 21,1989 to qualifyfor these speoal prices, so be sure Jaguar XK120-140-150 011 -750 Reg. $6.95 Sate Price $5.95 ea. Cam Cover Chrome Dome Nuts to order earlyl Sa'e begins September 15.1989. Sold individually.22 required per car. a Jaguar XK120-140 Roadster Wood Top Bow 011-148 Reg. $2.25 Sale Price SI .85 1. All itemslistedinthisnewsletterand sale sectiondo notincludeshippingand handlingcharges orsales Suppled as a pair. tax (Calilorniaand NowJerseyonly).Ifyou mailpaymentwithyourorder, pleaseseepage31 ofour current 011 -752 Reg. $34.50 Sato Price $27.50 Jaguar XK120-140-150 Price Update for shipping rates to your area. Cylinder Head Nut "D" Washor Jaguar XK140 License Plate Lamp Bracket 2 Wealwaystryto have adequate suppliesot sale items,butthere isno realwayofanticipatingdemand. Soldindividually, 14 required per car. 011-754 Reg. $64 65 Sate Price $57.50 011-150 Reg. S2.50 Sale Price $2.15 Werecommend, therefore, that sale items be ordorod "BackordorYes"so that youwillreceive the full benefit of the sale pricos even ilwo sell out of our initialslocks. Becauseol the nature of our business, Jaguar XK140 obsolete Britishauto parts, our supply of some items is limitedand we are unable to replenish them when Jaguar XK120Top Radiator Hose Rear Bumper Inner Rubber Grommel 011-175 Reg. $15.75 Sate Price $12.50 depleted. Withthe exception of these items, we can restock temporarilyexhausted supobes withina 011 826 Reg. $4.75 Sato Price S4.25 reasonably short time. Our minimumorder is SI 0.00 please. Jaguar XK120 Radiator Bypass Hose Jaguar XK150 Chrome Rear Deck Trim 011-181 Reg. S9.45 Sate Price $7.95 011-877 Reg. $61.00 Sale Prico $54.95 Sale Prices valid September 15 thru October 21,1989

Moss Motors, Ltd. 805-968-1041 P.O. Box MG, Goleta, California 93116 Customer Service & Foreign Orders MOSS MOTORING PAGE4H usG&snuttiY?m Part I.D. Contest Results U.K. Profile: Graham Paddy One of the three original partners of Midget parts and advice. Eventually the C.B.S.S. (see front page story' Summer 1989 rangewasexpanded to coverthe MGB, MGC Moss Motoring), Graham Paddy is now the and the MGB GT V8. Retail Parts Director of Moss Europe, Ltd., Graham has always been a strong sup out of Richmond.Surrey, England. He brings porter of the club scene and was an active '|yor to us a great deal of Britishsportscar techni memberof the Austin-Healeyclub, where he cal knowledge, emphasizing the Austln- drove a very quick stage 3. Downton-tuned Healey Sprite and MG Midget. Mr. Paddy will Sprite MKIIIin racing and sprint events! be a major contributor to future editions of He still owns two Sprites to this day, one our Sprite-Midget catalog in both research a 1959 Sprite MKIwith just 16.000 miles on and new parts sourcing. As founder of the the clock. It was formerly owned by Sir Jack original Sprite & Midget Center in England, Brabham, the former Formula One world with a wealth of positive hands-on experi driver. Graham's second car is a pristine encebehind him, GrahamPaddyis oneofthe 1967 MK11I Midget which has been featured ,' ^ A, # „# 0 key figures to emerge from the closer asso many timesinarticlesextollingthevirtuesof ciation between Moss in the U.S.A. and the these mostpopular littlecars. Both cars can Moss operation now being developed in be seen regularly at classic car shows in the Well, we knew It was difficult but—barelya handful of entries? Next time we'll makeour Europe. U.K. contest easier!Theanswersthatyou've been dyingfor are listed below with theirappropri Graham has been in sports cars literally A lifetime of dealing In and sourcing Brit- ate Moss part number. The first ten correct entrants received a $10.00 gift certificate. all his life. His family ran a BMC A. Oil pump rotor H. Wheel cyl. piston (#031-743) (British Motor Corporation) dealer B. Lever arm shock valve (#267-975) I. Panel clip (#803-420) ship, and his background has been C. Carpet ring (#228-137) J. Brake line end fitting (#181-010) Leyland-orientated throughout his D. Starter armature end cover (#149-800) K. Door/window winder handle pin career. After graduation. Graham E. Valve guide (#071-015) (#803-230) obtained a City & Guilds certificate F. Float bowl grommct (SU H-type, #370-020) L. Windshield wiper motor ferrule in motor vehicle technology, (simi G. Sector shalt pcg-MG TC, TR2-3B (#164-970) lar to our N.I.A.S.E.. the National (#266-080) M. Exhaust hanger strap (#812-060) Institute of Automotive Service Ex cellence). He then joined the re nowned tuning company of Down- ton Engineering. Downton was the leading promoter of tuning Leyland Before You PuII That MGB competitioncarsin thesixties,offer ing such Items as performance cylinder (Graham Paddy's pristine Midget MK IB.) Engine...Read On heads and valves. Ish Leyland parts has left Graham a walking Dr. Bud Laird His formal training and development In "part's numbers" book! He Is able to Goleta, CA sports car and race tuning attracted the at quote thousands of original part numbers. tention of the largeWadham Stringer Group, even those which have been superceded II you own a late model MGB, it's likely the gearboxand the car Itself. Then clean it that you can pull the gearbox, replace the again. Disconnect battery. Disconnect gear one of British Leyland.*S largest distributors, countless times, from memory. His ap- where Graham accepted the post ol Service proachabilityand personal view that techni clutch, check the rear main bearing lor oil shift lever. Put a clean, llnt-lrce rag in top of & Body Shop Manager. cal knowledge should be freely given out, leakage, and/or replace the rear main seal gearbox remote control unit (what you Just In 1968,Graham left to found the original saw him gain the premier MG dealership with much less effort than you might be led tookthecontrol leverout of). Put thecarup Sprite & Midget Center operating out ol a award In the U.K. seven years running, until to believe. These are all those wonderful on jack stands, firmly supported all around, small village in Surrey, known as Beare Ihe program ended In 1984. His dedication jobs that start with that dreaded phrase: with enough clearance underneath to Heon Green. However, by 1979, the premises were and enthusiasm Is always availableto fellow "First remove engine from car". Not neces your creeper/back and work comfortable needed and the move to Richmond, close to enthusiasts and this was recognized by sarily true. 1 have worked out the following under the gearbox. Give yourself some South London, was an Inevitable step. Graham's operation becoming founding procedureon my daughter's '79 MGB.and It room here. Here, former British Leylanddealerprom members ofthe British MotorHeritageAsso should work on most later model "B"s with 2. Removeclutch slave cylinder. Remove ises were turned Into a large retail shop ciation. BMHA.as you know, is thecommer out overdrive. Since pulling the engine Is a starter motor, tucking wires up out of the which, with Triumph specialists' Cox & cial historic preservation arm (or British time consuming, knuckle-bruising adven way. (I always use a wire tie for this- It's Buckles as neighbors, soon became the ture that can be difficult on both yourself cheap, fast and works super.) Remove ex sports cars includingMG and Triumph.^^ haust system attachment to place to go or to call for MG, Sprite and gearbox.Some cars may require removal of the exhaust system from the rear of the catalyctic WhyYou Need To Carry converter on back. Remove gearbox to engine mounting bolts. Drain gearbox. Remove A Fire Extinguisher drive shaft. Disconnect speedo Tips For Reducing cable (another wire tie here). Disconnect 4th gear vacuum Fire Danger advance wiring (that makes • Make sure float bowls and three wire ties, but who's count fuel fittings are tight and flex ing?). Remove gearbox mount lines are not cracked or ing. Disconnect backup light rotted. switch wiring (that's four). • Visually check engine (Note rotation of gearbox.) So far. all of the steps are compartment to make sure and the car, take the opportunity of check covered in the gearbox removal section of nothing is chafing against the ing this procedure out. Almost all of the most workbooks,and in greaterdetail. Now, wiring harness. following steps are required in the old we get on to the new lifestyle. •Make sure that ground "remove engine" sequence anyway, so you 3. Pull gearbox backa half inch or so from strap is in good condition. won't be out much time if your set-up the engine, so that it rotates around the • Use electrician's tape to doesn't accommodate the new Idea. If you shalt freely. repair insulation that has 4. Rotate gearbox so that the remote cracked and rotted away. have an overdrive gearbox, all bets are off. •Keep extinguisher available at all times (in cockpit). The rationale behind this procedure Is: control is turned toward the right hand get the gearbox clear of the body of the car, (passenger) side of the drive tunnel. There are not many things moredepress Our Halon Fire Extinguishers are pre without bending anything or moving the 5. Support the underside of the gearbox ing than seeing a once beautifully restored mium quality throughout and include per engine.The majorproblem is thatthe height with an appropriate jack (to take the weight car arrive at a British car day, damaged manent mount brackets. They are suitable of the bell housing runs smack into the fire off the shalt). beyond recognition by an engine fire. Unfor for all class B and C fires (liquids including wall whenyou tryto scoot thegearboxback, 6. Carefully, noting which bolt comes tunately, that's what we saw at theJuly 29th grease, fueland electrical fires). The 20 oz. so you can't get theshaft clearof the clutch from where (different lengths!) remove the Moss Triumph marqueday. Most of us don't capacity should be more than adequate to assembly. Or can you? Here's the way six bolts holdingtheremote control assem carry fire extinguishers, blindly relying on cope with any under-hood or cockpit fire. around the problem, in a step-by-step se bly cover from the gearbox housing. To do ourownluck to saveus from anyelectricalor Best ol all, theycan be rechargedforyears of quence. this you have to work by sense of touch, leaking fuel trouble. However, after seeing safe motoring. 1. Clean the entire regionthat you will be since the bolts are up on top, between the the blackened mess ol the once perfect TR3 Red Extinguisher & Bracket working In, especially the area of the gear gearbox and the car body. I have small fln- that burned only two blocks from the Moss 220468 $34.95 box and housing. Try to get as much dirt, parking lot (after a 3 hour trip), I'll bet that Chrome Extinguisher & Bracket grease and grit out from the area between (Conlinued on page 7.) many have rcconsidered-I know I have. 22CM88 S47.95

MOSS MOTORING PAGE 5 mssmsfti G.O.F. West-Sun Valley, Idaho THROUGH CLUB NEWS

The Club Scene By Ken Smith Club & Events Coordinator We all like to show off our fine British tion shops, andtheasking prices reflect the sports cars, and it's amazing just how many amountof timeand moneywhichhavebeen times I've been sitting at the stop light in my put into the renovation. For the amateur (T-types grace beautiful Sun Valley.) 10year old MGand have had people pull up restorer, the proposition is ratherdifferent, alongside me and comment "nice car"! It for while everyone counts the dollars spent This year GOF was unique In a number of Thecarscamefrom all over,withthedis gives you a warmglow andI'm surethis must for parts, not many do-it-yourselfers count respects, and the people who went (over 100 tance award going to Werner Jacobscn havehappened to you at sometimeorother. the hours of work put Into It!It really does registered) will be talking about the setting from New York. There were 13 TCs 34 TDs Invariably thecommentscomefrom a driver become a laborof love. However, when the for quite awhile. The and 10 TFs. In addition, whose vehicle probably cost three times as car Is complete and taken out on the road, choice of Sun Valley, Idaho there were a number of much as yours, and is full ol kids, dogs, there Is a feeling of achievement, pride and meant that most people MGAs, MGBs. and an luggage, wife and mother-in-law to boot. tremendous satisfaction! had a fairdistance to drive, MGC, along with a '37 There's just something about our Triumphs. Recent examples have been noted of which generated some in TA, and a Y Tourer. One Jaguars, MGsand Healeys that bring out the MGBs fetching over $10,000, Austln- teresting "on the road" of the more memorable envy in others. Healeys commanding well into the mid- adventures. cars was an immaculate Thecarshows thatwehave attended this teens of thousands, and our favorite Theareaof SunValley is black TC that was spot year have been truly spectacular and the Triumphs becoming sought-after cars with a combination of steep less — alter900 miles of standard of entries and preparation are in good examples fetching premium prices. grass-covered hills, moun- _. driving no less, it took creasingall the time. More and more we are Maybe we sell our cars short in the U.S.A! tain slopes densely for- (T-shirt contest entrants.) highest honors among delighted to see cars that once would have Otherwise, why would sensible Europeans ested in pines, and river valleys dotted with theTCs.Thecar showattracted quitea few been destined for the;wreckingyard thatare be coming overand buying the good carsto vacation homes and farms. The towns of people.Includinga resident of theareawho lovingly, correctly'(and sometimes pain re-export back home? Ketchum and Sun Valley are small and rustic owned an MG but was totally unaware that fully) restored! Providedfinancing Is possible,therehas on theonehand, yet catering to a yearround over 70 of his favorite cars were going to Apart from having your own personal never been a better time to get that classic flow of visitorsandtourists.Thecomblnatlon show up In his back yard. Nobody asked pleasure machine under your right foot. It restored, even if then you only sit at the of beautiful scenery and unbelievable aboutthe"Undo's", but onepasserbyasked now makes more sense than ever to look lights to attract the admiration of the guy weather made It perfect for top-down tour iftheMoss TD pickupwasan old Dodgethat after your classic British sports car and the cooped up In his Eurobox, or sweatingin his ing. The rallye to Redfish Lake was challeng had been "spruced up a bit". After explain main reason (apart from the fact that there oriental look-a-like. Remember with the ing — keeping your mind on the rallye meant ing to himabout MGs andGOF. hewanted to won't be any more manufactured) is thatthe tremendous range of parts we stock here at taking your eyes off the view... Of course know li that Morris fellah, the guy with the price asked for such vehicles has taken off Moss Motors and the wealth of experience there were the usual events — first timer's garage, had built anyothercars. Thisbeing Into the blue. Whether it's the collectability we can offer, there Is virtually no limit to car show, the main car show (held on a field the first Ume a GOF had been held In the of the car, whether potential investors see what can be achieved. You'll feel much of grass large enough lor THREE football area, it Is not surprising that there was them as a good riskfor thefuture,orwhether betterfor it -andit will be betterthan money games), and the fund raisingauction for next some confusion, even among the resort as they are such good fun to drive, the fact in the bank, as a safeguard for thefuture' Of year's GOFIn Bend. Oregon.Therewerea few staff. They had known we were coming for remains that prices of restored cars, prop course, another benefit Is that when your new events, too-at the first timer's car show months, and there had been a good deal of erly restored cars, are at an all-time high and caris finished you just might join a club,and there were easels set up with T-shirts, each discussion on how they should-act around climbing. Some of the ones we've recently meet some super people, and have a great with the simple outlineof a T-type grill In the this Ultra-Conservativefundamentalist reli seen offered for sale have undergone exten time. That's something money can't buy! middle. Everyone had a chance to paint their gious group... after all. what else could a sive rebuilds by highly specialized restora own design around the grill, with wonderful "Gathering of the Faithful" be? m results. The auction, which featured dona All in all, a good time was had by every tions from all overtheworld, was conducted one, and we look forward to seeing every after a fine western style barbecue In a natu body In Bend In 1990, especiallythose with Marque Day Mania '89 ral amphitheater. cars that just weren't quite readythis year. This has been a festive year for Marque slsted greatly in the large number of cars Day Eventsat our Goleta, California location. that arrived to fill our parking lot, and swap We'veseen moreenthusiasts, given morefa meet items were hotly bargained for. cility tours, sold more swap meet parts and EventsCalendar had more fun than any other year yet! In the interest of British sports car owners throughout the country, we are Interested in publishing majorBritish carevents in ourquarterly events calendar. Ifyou would like to list an eventin the Moss AfoforrVig, pleasesend a short description, includingdateandtelephone number. We will list as many events as possible In our available space. Send your entries, attention: Moss Motoring Events Calendar, 400 Rutherford Street. Goleta. CA 93117. Our next deadline closes October 2, 1989. Note: Events and dates arc submitted by clubmembers. Moss Motors.Ltd. can not be held (Triumphsas far as the eye can see.) responsible for accuracy. (So please confirm all events by telephone before travelling.) We finished up our 1989 Marque Day September season with thearrival of a beautiful cropof 2-3 All British Car Day. Kansas City. MO (816) 361-9032 Austln-Healeys on August 5th. From Con 2-4 All British Field Meet. Portland, OR (503) 244-2580 cours quality through "drivers", a super se 8-10 15th Annual Cape Cod Austln-Healey Meet (413) 625-6568 (MGAsshow off for the huge crowds.) lection of 100s. 100-6s and 3000s filled the 10 The British Meet. Palo Alto, CA (415) 5606103 June 10 saw the arrival of hundreds of lot! 10 3rd Annual British Car Festival, Des Plaines, IL (312) 885-7789 MGs, some from as far away as Arizona, We plan a similar set of Marque Day 10 5th Annual British Car Day. Richmond. VA(804) 272-6836 which led to the creation of an overflow events again in 1990, Including the annual 15-17 4th Annual NWAustin-Healey Meet. Alderbrook Union, WA (206) 8708236 parking lot for the visiting enthusiasts! The Best of Britain Day held at our Dover, New 15-17 Hoosier Auto Show. Indianapolis Speedway, IN (317) 635-7530 annual MG swap meet raged on while event 16 7th Annual British Car Day. Jackson. MS (601) 469-3279 participants sold spares to each other with 17 British Car Day. Hartwood Acres, PA (412) 859-6873 great delight! The popular vote car show 21-24 New England MGT Register GOF Mk XLIXSaratoga, NY(413) 737-8611 came up with some wonderful examples ol the craft of Abingdon. Particularlyoutstand October ing was Rcld Miles' MGTC and Neil Graffey's 1 British Car Day, Del Mar Race Track, San Diego, CA (619) 460-1128 MGA. 7 8th All British Festival. Shenandoah Valley. VA (703) 943-1236 July 29th dawned fogless and clear for 8 The British Meet, Woodley Park. Van Nuys, CA (415) 56O6103 Triumph owners to show their support for 8 British Car Show. Westminster, VT (802) 722-3708 theirbreed of car. Large numbers of enthusi (A few of the "HandsomeBrutes"present) 8 9th "Out of the Woodwork" Meet, Lebanon. NJ (301) 986-8679 asts viewed Triumphs from TR2 through Jerseyfacility. Ifyou'venevertakenthetime 12-15 TRSC Triumphest '89. Lake Arrowhead. CA (818) 998-5753 TR8.with the odd Stag and even a TVRpres to attend-makc sure to marque your calen 13-15 6th Annual British Sports Car Fest, Memphis, TN (901) 362-5434 ent. The Central Coast Triumphs club as- dar next year! mmt 14...'.. MGB BodyShellLaunch,MossMotors,GoIcta.CA (805)968-10-11

MOSS MOTORING PAGE 6 Car Clubs Discovering Your T-Series' tnQine.cwtftnoednwtS gas, so I can get mysocket wrench up In And Charities Compression Ratio there withoutdamagingpryknuckles.Hyoa WouWirtltlxsiucelfyowcDoldgetoutln By Carroll Dorschel have olg hands you mayhave to fashion a trjeixMimtywtihyowcar.en^thefreshab San Diego, CA specialshortdep^a^cketbycuttingsbout end help those.others less fortunate than a thirdoff.leavtogjustahalfanincborsoof oureSvesaitbesametiine? A very simple way to oetermine the (CarolPstipsandthethesespecsprovide socket tograb the bote.Socketsarecheap, Hej^fc^onwhays.nolicedanincreas- compressfonrattoofymirT-typeerjgmetsto an easy way to determine the compression conmaredtoenginerernovals. ^.nunubcrol.evp^taking place -which measure>owthlckthecylinderhead is.The ratio of yourTseries engine. 7fee primary '_ 7.W^gletheremorecontro]coverlooset • en^propletodoJmrtthat;whereaBrtUih rneasurementyou want Is the distance be reasonforchecking yourengine's compres- or lightlytap and pr£aiappropriate, safe carc^r^ta^ltonrhernselvestoorgB^ tweenthebottomniachtaedsurfaceand the sionratiopertalnstohoawellyoacanexpect pcmits.Usecareliere,slteetheretoapaper uppermacrilnedsurracethatmateswiththe .toa&partap^'taaaeveni'tobenettope yow engine to ma an today's lower octane gasloAbetweenzriexcwwhichcanoftenbe valve coyergasket- No, you don't have to cffmofecharitfesv - •* '** tuels¥fitletaJsingthecompressionratiokas savedwllh things thatthemanuals say you cantreach to Kansas CHyby theM&Clubthere.Inthe the metal platecov or9.1. To reducethe without removing theengine! same dry,The HeartofAmericaJaguar Chib ering the water compression ratio, 10.AssemblyIs theproverbialreverseof raisedovert3,000forthe BrassRingSociety Jacket at the rear of XPEG Engine 1500 cc-MGIT a second head gas the foregoing,wlthacautlonaiynote regard the cylinderhead. for terminally ID children, during the 15th Head Compression ket can carefully be ing the paper gasket between the remote D. Scrape both Stage ammaUaguarconcours. Thickness Ratio ofTune fitted, which will re- control unit and the gearbox (namely,dont surfaces to remove storeapproximately We are sure there are many dubs out 3.022 (Std.) 833:1 Standard forget it or you may get a leak), and of paint cork, etc. .045"ofheadthick there performing similar good deeds, so 2S59(-1/1F) 9.0:1 course, to finthe gearbox with theappropri- E. Using the Stage0* ness. Simply use why not write and teB us here at Moss aO 2328(3/32-) ate fluid. aboutYO Let us puttheselovely canof ours proper microme 93:1 Stagein CopperKbte& head togoodusd ter*, carefully meas 2.898(-l/8") 10.7:1 StageIV gasket cement and ure the distance torque the headvery between the two carefully prior to surfaces. starting and 2-3 Photo.continued from] F.Referto the tables above and you can timesmoreduringmefh^fewhundredmiles. determine your compression ratio. If the Forcylinderheadsthathavebeenextensively content photographic skil] and appropri thicknessofyour cylinderheadisalittle less machined,it maybe necessarytomakeupa ateness. thanthefigures InthetablesItindicatesthat "compressionplate'. Thisis a solidmachined 4. Prizeswin beawarded as follows: the head was machined slightly to remove gasketwhichUmensandwichedbetweentwo One GrandPrize:a $125.00(one hundred anywarp orother irregularities. stock head gaskets. Also, keep in mind that twenty-five dollar) Moss Motors gift certifi • Ifyou cantget hold of amlcrometer,an oversizecylinderboresraisethecompression cate. First Prize: a $100.00 (one hundred outsidecaliperand a high grademetal scale ratio slightly. A.100"overbored block, when dollar) Moss Motors gift certificate. Second may be used.Transferringthecaliper meas hoedtoa standardthickness headproducesa Prize: a $75.00 (seventy-five dollar) Moss urement to the metal scale to obtain the compression ratio of7.74:1.-Ed.) (Don'tforgetto replacethe gasket) Motors gift certificate. Third Prize: a $50.00 correct reading te straightforward. (GarmUwiUrecelveagittceitifieateforhis (WrydoBar) Moss Motors gift certificate. contribution.) I have used tins procedure on three dif Honorable mentions will be awarded a ferent occasions-one dutch replacement $25X0 (twenty-five dollar)MossMotorsgift one rearmain seal Job,and one replacement certificate. AD other entrants win receive a of the gasket between the engine and the $5X0giftcertificate.Winning photographs I, continuedfrom4A rearmounting plate(a sourceof oil leakage willbe published in Moss Motoring. Lighting Triumph sometimesconfusedwith rearmain bearing 5. Each entry must be labeled with the tance increases) and It will light wear). I have never pulled theengine out or photographer's name and address. Do not Now, what happens when we decide to Puzzle even loosened theenginemounts, and have write on either the back paperorthe front turn right and operate the flasher switch? accomplishedtheJob, startto finish, Inthree emulsionside ofthe printApplya separate We apply our 12 volt supply to the right Solution and onehalfhours. label to the back of the print Dasher filaments and the front one will be (MikeGoodman's MGServUx inLosAnge 6. This contest is limited to black and energized.Atthe rearwehave nowno poten By George Boley les and John Twist of University Motors in white and/or color prints only. We regret tialdifferencebetweenthe side lampsupply Lake Ridge, VA GrandRapids,Michigan have confirmedthe that weare unableto accept color transpar and the flasher supply and no earth, and practicalityofDr.Lairdstechnique anduse it encies for this contest Entries must be no withoutthepotentialdifference thecurrent regularly when undertaking clutchJobs on smaller than 5 x 7 nor larger than 11 x 14 will not flow;the side lamp therefore goes nnnn n 1968-'80non-overdriveMGBs.Thisprocedure d n n c d glossyprints. outas thefront flasher operatesand comes will not work on IS63-V7 MGBs or on later 7. Up to three (3) submissions will be modelotxraritxgearboxesdue to insufficient backon between front flashes. • nnnn an a accepted from each entrant Each must be Thesolutionis, of course,torunan earth •nnnnnnn nnnnncc room in the .transmission tunnel area. It is labeled IndMdually. return from the offending lamp holder (the n •• •• extremely important mat the back ofthe en 8. AUentries become the property of rear assemblies have a scroll type connec nnnn nnnnn wiannu gine is property and safety supported John Moss Motors for their exclusive use. No tor that wfllreceivea snap connector •bul •• n n • Twist has constructed a special crossbeam nnnnnn ccn on nnnc entries can be returned. let") to somepartof the bodywork that has whichrests in the fondermountingbob area nnnn nan c andsecures to the tear of the cylinderhead 9. If there are recognizable persons in escaped the ravages of rust If you have n a ann nnnnn n c your photo, a signed release must accom fitted fiberglass body panels you must of a a a • n n nnnnn MikeGoodmanusesa telescopingJackanda pany your entry. If securing a release Is course run earth returns for all lamps nnn nnnnnnnn ••• lull car lift to enable the mechanic to walk Impossible, a letter wrpbilnlngwhy a con mounted thereon, otherwise they'll never ,• n C a GD DDDDD under the car. A number of variations are senting signature could not be obtained work. Dontforget thattheheadlampstake a nnnn n n n n n possible,justbecertamthattheenginebwett mustaccompanythe entry. hefty current and use a correspondingly nnn nnnnn n supported and that you haoe room to safety c nnnnn n • nnn maneuverunderthe car.-Ed) 10. Ifyouwould like a list of thewinners, heavy gauge of wire for the earth returns nnn nnnn nn a send aSASE to Editor, Moss Motoring. 400 here. BB •nan nnnn • (Bud wUlreceive a gift certificate for his Rutherford Street Goleta, CA93117. nnnnnnnnnnnn c n contribution.)

MOSS MOTORING PAGE 7 "• Classic-fied Ads Need a Catalog? We accept advertisements for British Cars only; no parts ads please. One time Moss offersyoua full Insertion is $35.00. Publication is quarterly, the deadline for the next issue is line of complete and October 2,1989. We suggest you place your ad well in advance, and please limit it comprehensive to 50words or less. Cars which are realisticallypriced have a betterchanceofbeing catalogs. Beautifully sold. Due to space availability, ads received near the deadline may be held for the detailed illustra nextissue. Lateadswill run in the next issue unless theadvertiserspecifiescurrent tions of each car issue only. Please send typewritten copy, Include your name, address and phone. make finding the Payment must be sent with ad to: Moss Motoring Classic-fied Ads, 400 Rutherford parts you need easy. Street, Goleta, CA 93117. Tech tips and acces sories alsoaidyou in 1967 MGB GT: Moss Motors' catalog 1967 MGB GT: 12,500 total miles on this the restoration, cover car and Chris Nowlan's daily driver two-owner Southern California car. Original maintenanceand en past 12 years. 2 liter overbored engine, fac pale-primrose paint and leather, chromed joyment of your Brit tory O.D. No longer a show car but still a wirewheels, and new Dunlop radlals. Looks, straight, rust-free & reliable runner. runs and drives beautifully! An Irreplace ish classic. Clip out S5000.00. (805) 569-0934. able, collectible and "smog-free" MGB GT. this coupon, check $7,500.00 FIRM.Call John Dormer. (619) 455- the box for your car 1953 MGTD: Olderframe-up restoration. 0383. type, and send it to 2000 miles on rebuilt engine. Solid rust-free Moss Motors, Ltd., body. Needs some new canvas and some Wanted TR4 orTR250: Prefer excellent/ P.O. Box847, Goleta, trim items. J 10.500.Timothy J. Murty, 1633 restored condition, as I love to look at and CA 93116 for a free Periwinkle Way, Sanibel, FL 33957. Phone drive British cars, but am weary of working Moss catalog. (813) 472-8467. on them. Will travel to inspect, but prefer within 500 miles of Richmond. Bob Buerlein. (Don't forget to specify a catalog by Jaguar 1946 MG TC Been In fire. Cowl, dash 4430 Menokln Road, Richmond, VA 23225. checking the appropriate box.) XK120-140-150 • JAG-07 board, and seats are gone. Rest Is pretty Please send letter with photos, if available. MG TC-TD-TF • MGT-20 good. A challenge for one who knows how. 1 TR7 • TRZ-01 don't. $5,000.00. Tom Dunnam. 2400 Provi Private CollectorrequiresJaguar XKand MGA • MGA-11 Sprite-Midget • SPM-01 dence, Houston.TX 77020, (713) 224-4004 or XKE, any models. Also Austin-Healeys. any MGB 1 MGB-03 (713) 464-9888. models. Above cars, any condition whatso Current Price List • * ever considered. Mint to basket case. Disas TR2-4A • TRI-03 "Keep parts costs down! Please check 1954 TF: Very original, complete, rough. sembled and parts, cars o.k. Finder's fee Good restoration or vintage racer project. gladly paid. Travel anywhere U.S.A.Robert TR250-6 D TRS-01 your catalog edition number before re J5.000. 1952 TD: Wire wheel, Volvo B18D Chadwlch, 4879 Natures Hollow Way N., Austin-Healey • AHY-05 questing a new catalog-you may Just 1700 C.C. conversion, quick, dependable, Jacksonville, FL 32217. (904) 737-2229. need a current price list. solid body, etc., burgundy & tan. Early 100-4, 100-6, 3000 ground up restoration. $6.500. Jaguar MKIV: 1960 A-H Sprite: SCCA HP 1972 - '87. 31/2 liter saloon. 48. LH. drive, very sound, currentlyretired. Full cage. 5-point harness; original & complete. Gray with red. Needs adjustable camber, panhard, front discs, T.L.C. Restoration. $8,000. John Caslenica, How new slicks on mags and old rains on steel. You'll find asin: 1941 N. Burling St., Chicago, IL60614, (312) Competitive regional engine, side exhaust, To Order 787-5853. ribcage box,welded 4.22 & 4.88differentials, spare everything, street gear Included & By Toll Free Phone: Goleta,California 1956 MGA Roadster: Concours. AACA stock nose. $4,500. Bill Haggan, (617) 876- MossMotors, Ltd. National Junior, Senior and Preservation 9436. P.O.Box847,7200 HollisterAvenue awards. Original owner, glacier blue, wire 800-235-6954 Goleta.CA93116 (805) 968-1041 wheels, white top and tonneau. black USAexceptCalifornia General Office. Mail & Phone Order Processing. leather, original tools and import papers, Showroom. Main Warehouse <& Distribution Center continuous maintenance log, 1985 profes sionaltotal remanufacture at 52,636, always 800-322-6985 Dover, NewJersey garaged. Car #HDL43/20341. $11,500. A.B. p Moss Motors, Ltd. California Only Thomas, 433 East Yvon Dr., Tucson. AZ ykJSsBZiJlf Isoneofthefew U.S. HamiltonBusiness Park,Unit4A 85704. (602) 888-3815. ^Vy jtr charter members of By Moil: FranklinRoad S**^ 'he British Motor Dover, NJ 07801 1971 MGB GT: Bronze-yellow, wire Heritage Trust, a P.O.Box847, (201)361-#358 East CoastWarehouse<£Distribution Center. wheels. Private party. One of the finest GTs non-profitorganiza Goleta, CA93116 on the west coast. $5300.00. (619) 724-1452. tion dedicated to the historical pres Showroom andSales Counter ' > ervation ol material relating to all 805-968-6910 658473 MGB GTs, 1969 and 1974: Completely types of British-manufactured motor Payment: We accept VISA/Master FAX* TELEX* rebuilt engines In both. 0 miles on '69 and vehicles. The B.M.H.T. maintains a Card, or we can ship COD. (CODs over lessthan 10,000on '74. Newclutchesin both. large archive of historical informa- $400.00 require cash or Certified Excellent mechanicals, lousy (for Lucas) don. Including over two million draw ForCustomerService: Check.) electricals. Both are drivable. Spare grille, ings dating from the birth of the Brit Mail orders can be accompanied by bumper, carbs. etc. $1,500 each or $2,500 ish motor industry. 800-999-4992 check or money order, although per both. Call Burt Barrows (302) 3663509. CustomerService sonal check may delayshipment. Com plete information about ordering, pric 805-968-1041 ing, shipping and other procedures is MGB "Factory Original" Chrome Bumpers ForeignOrders &CustomerService contained in ourPrice Update, available atnochargeby callingusToll-Free. Weare verypleasedwith thefactory de cision to reintroduce MGB chrome bumpers. Produced on original tooling Bulk Rate tooriginal specifications, these bumpers ™' US Postage are ofexcellentqualify.We 're continu PAID Moss Motors, Ltd. PO Box 847, ingtooffer theeconomical repro.bump Permit #378 7200 Hollister Ave.. Goleta. Ca. 93117 ers which have been the only bumpers Santa Barbara. CA available in recentyears, butthe fitand Dated Material-Please Rush finish ofthenewfactory-produced bump ers is certainly superior. We strongly support the fodory effort lo reintroduce previously obsolete products and hope lhal youwilltoo. 1962-'74 MGB FactoryOriginal Front Bumper 453-075 $99.50 1962-'74 MGBFactoryOriginal Rear Bumper 453-085 $109.50 1962-'74 MGB Reproduction FrontBumper 453-090 $67.95 1962-'74 MGBReproduction RearBumper 453-100 $74.50