Kazakhstan - Manuscript "Shah-name" of Firdousi in the Eastern-Turkic dialect (Chagatai)


1. Resume The world history is full of formidable events and periods. In these epochs the most advanced representatives of their times poignantly and strongly felt the dramatic situations of their epoch and created the great creations of human spirit. To such works that reflect in highly artistic form the spiritual and public rise of the peoples, belongs also "Shah-name" by the genius Firdausi. The manuscript presented by the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the translation of the work "Shah-name" into the Eastern-Turkic (Chagatai) language. From time immemorial, the Kazakhs highly valued the poetical word. The people especially loved the epic works that brought up courage, heroism, nobleness, devotion, better feelings. Firdausi had great cultural influence upon the poetic creativity of the Kazakh people. The poem "Shah-name" occupies a special place in the spiritual culture of the Kazakh people. It had huge influence upon the minds of the people. Whatever distances might separate the peoples from each other, the best specimens of their literatures will find ways of inter-penetration. The all-human and international character of literature is expressed first of all in that the literary creativity of the peoples cannot exist in isolation, without influencing each other. Consequently, the literary links are the lawful product of the general world literary process. The main reason for the translating of such a grandiose work was the influence upon the consciousness of the nomadic population of the , because it praised the courage, nobleness, devotion and better feelings for the Motherland. The manuscript, according to the researchers, is a copy of the original executed by order of the ruler of Yarkend city (in Eastern ) Yakub Khodzha who ruled in Eastern Turkestan in the 30- 40s of the XVIII century during the years of "The great tribulation" (Aktaban shubyryndy), when the nomadic population of Kazakhstan and Eastern Turkestan suffered from constant inroads and plunders of the Djungars. In the years of "Aktaban shubyryndy" (The years of great tribulation) the nomadic population of Central Asia collected ancient narratives, translated the Old-Irani, books, they used in their verses the ideas, images and motives of fight between good and evil. The translation of "Shah-name" was the spur for the people in the fight against the Djungar invasion. It had great influence in the minds of the people. The poet Firdausi lived and worked in Eastern Iran which in those distant times was part of the state of the Samanides. The political and cultural centers were the cities Bukhara and Samarkand. In 994 like it is told in the concluding part of "Shah-name", Firdausi finished the first incomplete edition of his work. During the long years when he was writing "Shah-name", he experienced hunger, cold and cruel poverty. Upon the first editing the poet, judging by the data from the primary sources and the text of "Shah-name" itself, was working in the course of twenty years and only when he was very old he received the remuneration for his truly titanic work. In those times the rulers paid poets only for the works dedicated to them. But Firdausi turned out to be in an unenviable position: in the year of 922 (i.e. two years before the completion of the first editing of "Shah-name") Bukhara - the capital of the Samanides with whose policy agreed the ideas and meaning of the epopee and whose patronage the poet had all the grounds of attaining, was conquered by the Karakhanides1 - the leaders of the

1 Karakhanides - the Turkic dynasty which ruled in Middle Asia in the XI and XII cc. This dynasty was called so by the Oriental specialist Grigoryev after the name of the khan (Kara-khan) who turned to Islam: the numismatist Tornberg called her Ilekami by the title of these owners ; others called them Uigir khans of Turkestan (Fren), Turkestan khans (Munedjim-bashi). The outstanding head of this dynasty was Bogra-khan who wore the title Shakhab-ad-Daula (the star of the state) and the Moslem name Kharun. He took away Maverannakhr from the Samanide Nukh and the successor of Bogra-khan. Shams ad-Daula (the sun of the state) Ilek-il-khan, put an end to the Samanides. The nomadic tribes from the Semirechye. The hopes of Firdausi were not predestined to be fulfilled but he did not finish working and started the second editing, whose volume was almost twice in size compared with the original and which was finished in 1010. By this time the Samanides as the rulers of Khorasan and part of Middle Asia were replaced by the mighty ruler sultan Makhmud Gaznavi (997-1030), who became famous as the cruel conqueror of Northern India. He rejected the creation of Firdausi. "Shah-name" is a huge epopee in verses. In the course of the millennia the poem was copied many times, and the medieval copyists not being excessively finicky in the issues of copyright, treated the text like they pleased so that the number of beits in different variations of "Shah-name" vacillates from forty to one hundred twenty thousand. The composition of "Shah-name" is the following: the poem consists from descriptions of fifty reigns, beginning from the legendary tsars and ending with historical personalities. These are - "The legendary tsars", "The narration about Zakkak", "Zal and Zubada", "Rustam and Sukhrab", "Siyavush'V'Farud", "Rustam and Akvandiv", "Bizhan and Manizha", "The seven feats of Isfandiyar", "Rustam and lsfandiayr","lskandar", "Ardashir Babakan", "Bakhram Gur", "Mazdak", "The invasion of the Arabs". The researchers divide "Shah-name" into three parts: 1) the mythological (before the appearance of the Systan heroes); 2) the heroic (before Iskandar); 3) the historical. The primary thought of "Shah-name" - is the glorification of the native country, the exultant hymn to the Motherland, the call for the unification of separated forces, the centralization of power in the name of rebuffing external invasions, for the good of the country.

2.0. DETAILS OF THE NOMINATOR 2.1. Name: National library of the Republic Kazakhstan, Committee on culture of the Ministry of culture and information of the Republic of Kazakhstan

2.2. Relationship to the documentary heritage nominated: Custodian The Department of rare books and manuscripts of the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan

2.3. Contact person (s) (for submitting information about the nomination) Balabekova G.K., Director-General of the National library of the Republic Kazakhstan

2.4. Information about the contact person (s): Surname/name/patronymic: Balabekova Gulissa Kabarovna Address: Republic of Kazakhstan, 050013 city, Abai av., 14 Tel.: +7-727-2672883 Fax: +7-727-2672883 E-mail: [email protected]

3.0. IDENTITY AND DESCRIPTION OF THE DOCUMENTARY HERITAGE 3.1. Name and full address/ place of storage of the nominated material: National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 050013 Almaty city, Abai av., 14 / Department of rare books and manuscripts of the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan

3.2. Description (catalogue or registration data): Manuscript code: 338 Name of the manuscript: "Shah-nama" ("The book about the shahs") Author: Abulkasim Firdausi Copyist:

capital of the Karakhanides in Maverannakhr was Bukhara, after that Samarkand. The end to the Karakhanides came by the shakh of Khoresm Alladin Mukhammed approximately in 1210. Translator: Shakh-Khizhran Kalyandar bin Nizameddin Khodja Content: epos Year of copying: 1275 hijra = 1859 AD Language: the Eastern-Turkic dialect (Chagatai) Handwriting: Number of sheets: 1056 pages Number of volumes: 1 Binder: Beginning:

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Inventory N°: 1956 Size: 50x30x9 cm Weight: 6,500 kg Paper: Chinese

Additional information: The translation into the Eastern-Turkic dialect (Chagatai language2) of Turkestan was made by the orders of Yakub-Khodja (Khodja Dzhakhan) the son of Daniyal-Khodja3, the ruler of of Yarkend4, the contemporary of the Djungar khan khuntaishy Tsevang Rabdan (1663- 1727). On the first page of the manuscript there is an inscription in the in that says "The given translation of the great work "Shah-name" "Rustem dastan" was donated

2 The Chagatai language or Chagatai Turki is the medieval Middle-Asian Turkic written-literary language which attained the fullest completion and uniformity as the in the Timuride districts of Maverannakhr in the 2-nd half of the XV-th and XVl-th centuries. The modern Uzbek and Uigur Languages are the direct continuation of the Chagatai language [3]. It imbibed the Arabic-Persian vocabulary and many foreign dialectic forms stilulated by the proximity of residence and active contacts between representatives of the Karluck, Kypchak and Oguz groups of the Turkick dialects, become the superdialectic language. The Turkic- lingual Krimea-dwellers till the end of the XlX-th century called «Chagatai» their own language. Written literature on the basis of the Arabic script. Among the Turkic-study specialists there is no unity towards the Chagatai language and determination of its temporary boundaries, but it is accepted that people wrote in it in the Middle Asia, beginning from the Xlll-XIV-th cc. and practically to the beginning of the XX-th century. It was the language of international communication in Middle Asia. It originates from the Uigur-Karakhanide language. From the end of the XV-th century there is a tendency in the Chagatai language of departing from the Old-Uigur Karakhanide literary tradition and nearing the popular language of the ancestors of the modern . At this time there in the grammatical system of the literary language appeared the traits of transition to the modern [4]. Since the Chagatai language lies in the basis of the modern literary Uzbek and Uigur languages, it is sometimes called the Old-Uzbek or the Old-Uigur language. In the historical work «Tarikh-i Kashgar» there is an information about the invitation by Daniyal-khodja of the Kazakh sultan Esim (Ishim) as a Chingizide to sit on the throne of Yarkend in the troubled period, when there in Eastern Turkestan was extinguished the dynasty of Chagataides. This Daniyal-khodja, the descendent of Khodja Iskhak Uali, the founder of the Chernogorsk sect (Iskhakiyiya) of the Sufi order Nakshbandiyiya in Eastern Turkestan at the beginning of the XVIII-th c. was called from Khodjent by Mukhammad Mu'min (Ak- Bash)-khan to Kashgaria. He died presumably between 1730-1735. It was namely during the period of his rule that the events took place with the description of which «Tarikh-i Kashgar» is finished. The works dedicated to the description of the life of Khasan-khodja, do not give detailed data about his incursions. «Tazkira-yi azizan» (<

3.3. The visual materials, in case of necessity (for example, photographs or DVD of documentary heritage) See the attached pictures.

3.4. History/Origin "Shah-name" is one of the outstanding monuments of written world literature, the national treasure of the nomad population of the Middle Asia. The volume of the poem on the average consists of 60 000 beits (lines). But the researches of the specialists show that some manuscripts contain up to 80 000 beits. Of course, not all of the works have reached us. "Shah-name" as a considerable monument of world significance due to the translations into many foreign languages has become the treasure not only for science but also for the wide circles of readers. "Shah-name" translated into many languages already in the middle ages. Thus for instance in the Xll-th century it was translated into French and Georgian. The most complete ancient manuscripts that have reached us are deemed to be the London manuscript of the second half of the Xlll-th c. (approximately 1276-1277) and the St.-Petersburg one, 1333. Beginning from the Xlll-th c. "Shah-name" started being translated into the Turkic (Chagatai) language. Of special significance are the translations of "Shah-name" into the Western-European languages. The worshippers of this wonderful book were the lovers of poetry, researchers, Oriental specialists, philologists-translators, experts in Tajik poetry. "Shah-name" in the English language among the Western-European translations occupies a special place, since it has spread around the whole world. One of the first translations in the English language was published in Kolkata (India) in 1785. The London edition of "Shah-name" appeared in 1788. Popular is also the translation of "Shah-name" in the Russian language. Beginning 1849, separate works of Firdausi were published in collections and periodical press more than 200 times. From time immemorial the Kazakhs highly valued the poetical word. The people especially loved the epic works that brought up courage, heroism, nobleness, devotion, better feelings. The poem "Shah-name" occupies a special place in the spiritual culture of the Kazakh people. Firdausi had great cultural influence upon the poetic creativity of the Kazakh people. It had huge influence upon the minds of the people. Whatever distances might separate the peoples from each other, the best specimens of their literatures will find ways of inter-penetration. The all-human and international character of literature is expressed first of all in that the literary creativity of the peoples cannot exist in isolation, without influencing each other. Consequently, the literary links are the lawful product of the general world literary process. In the years of "Aktaban shubyryndy" (The years of great tribulation) the nomadic population of Central Asia collected ancient narratives, translated the Old- Irani, Arabic books, they used in their verses the ideas, images and motives of fight between good and evil. The translation of "Shah-name" into the Turkic language was a kind of protest of the Kazakh people against the Djungar expansion. This very manuscript was made by the order of Yakub Khodja who ruled in Eastern Turkestan in the 30-40s of the XVIII c. When subsequently mentioned about this translation of "Shah-name" into Turkic language it was said that it was made later by somebody named Yakhund Yarkendi in 1210 hijra (=1796). The epic work of Abulkasim Firdousi started being translated into the Kazakh language already in the 30-s of the XlX-th c. The first translator of "Shah-name" was Oraz Molda5 who began his work in 1843 and finished it in 1870. This translation later in 1886 was published in Tashkent. Among the talented translations

3 Oraz Molda Zhusipuly (1814-1865, other sources claim 1804-1875)- Kazakh poet, translator. Was bom in Kyzyl-Orda region, Syr-Darya district. He finished the madrasah Kokiltash in Bukhara, received higher education in Bagdad. He knew perfectly the Chagatai and Persian languages. The first translator of «Shakh-name» to the Kazakh language (1830-1870) are the interpretations of akyn -poet Serdaly6, who transferred into Kazakh language part of the poem named "Kissa-I Rustem - Dastan" and published it as a separate book (in 1888). Approximately the same very chapters reflecting the feats of legendary Rustem in his own translation were published in 1901 in Kazan city by mullah Khasan. Other successful translations were implemented by the writer-translator Mukhamedzhan Seralin (1914-1915). He reproduced in the Kazakh language an episode from "Shahname", the heroes of which are Rustem and his son Sokhrab. A little later another Kazakh translator Aben Satybaldiyev, not possessing the language of the original, made a translation from the Russian interpretation of "Rustem and Zorab" by Vasily Zhukovski, in which he left the contorted name Zorab (Sokhrab), which stayed a long time in the translated texts. In the 30-s of the XX-th c. the poem "Shah-name" was translated into Kazakh by Turmagambet Iztleuov7 (40 thousand lines), part of which named "Rustem-Dastan" (24 thousand lines) was published in 1961 as a separate book. The literary study specialists deem his translation most attractive and adequate to the text of the original. Being a graduate of the Bukhara madrasah, he knew the Persian, Arabic and . It gave him the possibility to penetrate the beauty and depth of the original in order to deliver to the Kazakh reader the fully adequate version of the excerpts of the famous creation of Firdausi. In 2004 there saw the light his book "Shah-name" in two volumes. There in the fond of rare books and manuscripts of the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan are kept manuscripts in Arabic, Persian, Turkic (Chagatai) and other languages dated by the XII-XIX cc. In content the manuscripts represent fiction, the precise sciences, medicine, philosophy, linguistics, Sufism etc. The manuscripts' style of writing is also varied: the kissa, khikmets, genealogy, Risala, legends etc. In the collection of manuscripts in the Turkic (Chagatai) language there are the works of Khodja Akhmet Yassaui and his pupil Bakyrgani which entered the "Memory of the world" internatioonal UNESCO register in 2003, also works by Nauayi, Nizami, Firdousi etc. The studying of the Oriental manuscript collections of the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan began at the end of the 80-s of the XX-th c. The first print catalogue of manuscript books from the collection of the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan is "The catalogue of manuscript books in the ". The compilers S.Abdulloh and S.M.Bakyr Kamaleddini studied the collections of rare manuscripts and books of the collectors of Middle Asia, in which they found quite rare copies of manuscripts in the Farsi, Turkic (Chagatai) and Arabic languages. It's a pity, but the manuscripts in the Turkic language still remain little studied.

3.5. Bibliography 1. The influence of Firdousi's "Shakhname" upon the people's poetics // Gorod.- 2009.- Oct.9.- P.12 2. The Persian reader: The reader in Persian literature Part 1/ compiled by professor in Orinetal languages of the Moscow imperial university Alexei Boldyrev (1780-1842)Moscow: university printing-house, 1833.- 210 pages. 3. The seven poets of the Orient. - Semei: Inetrnational Abai club, 2007.-184 p.- (The library of "Amanat" magazine - Poetry of the IX-XVI cc. Literature of the peoples of the world) 4. Firdousi and world poetry // Kazakh adebiety.-1934.- Oct.23 5. Abdrakhmanov S. 40 thousand ways treasure // Herald of "Kainar" university.- 2007.- #3/1.- P.92-96. 6. Abikova G.M. The Kazak copies of "Shakhname" poem from the manuscript fond of the Central scientific library // Library study. Bibliography. Book-study : A collection of scientific library.- NLRK.-Almaty, 2005.- Vol.13- p.87-98. 7. Askarbekova N.M. Firdousi's "Shakhname" from the rare fond of the National library// National library.- 2009.- #2. - P.55-59.

6 Serdaly Myrzalyuly - was bom in Kokchetav uyezd. Kazakh poet, translator. 7 Turmagambet Iztleuov (in Kazakh = TypiuaraM6eT hTijteyyjiti, July 9, 1882 - May 15, 1939) - Kazakh poet, zhyrau, translator. 8. Alibekuly A. The mourning of the Turkic poet Sultan Kaitbai: The translation of Abulkasim Firdousi's "Shakhnama" into Turkish by Sharif Amidi// ll-nd Auezov readings: The materials of the young scientists' 2-nd international scientific-theoretical conference (Almaty, September 26, 2003)/ Compiled by: A.Toishanuly, G.Kurmangali; Responsible editor S.S.Korabai.- Almaty: "Akaedmia" publishing centre, 2004.- 78-82 p. 9. Dosymova T. The creator of "Shakhnama" // Syr boiy.- 2007.- June 7.- 3 p. 10. Zhemenei I. The world treasure "Shakhnama": the renowned Persian author Firdousi's "Shakhnama" is also dear cultural heritage for the Kazakhs// Ak zhol.- 2004.- July 22.- 3 p. 11. Zhemenei I. World treasure - "Shakhnama": about the history and artistic translation of Firdousi's poem // Abai.- 2006.- Nl.- p.83-88. 12. Zhusipov B. The truth about "Shakhnama": about the famous "Shakhnama" poem of the Oriental poet Firdousi (Ferdausi) published in "Zhazushy" publishing house, after which Turmagambet Iztileuov made his recitations// Kazak adebiety.- 2004.- December 20 (N50).- 6-7 P- 13. Ibragimova G. "Shakhname" performed by Kazak singers // Akikat.-2010.-Nll.-p. 120-121 14. Kadirova M.S. The people's poems in Firdousi's "Shakhname": abstract of theses.... cand.of science (philology)/ the Tajik national university; scientific leader Sharipov Kh.- Dushanbe, 2010.- 24 p. 15. Kenzhebayev B. Public figure, poet, journalist: about the poet Mukhametzhan Seralin who translated Firdousi // Kazak literature.-1972.- Sept.29 16. Kumisbayev U.K. Firdousi and Kazakh poets // Kazakh state university herald. Series in Oriental studies.-1998.- N4.- P.34-37 17. Kumisbayev O. What influenced Abai... [About Firdousi, Zhami, Navoi]// Bilim zhane enbek.- 1976.- N7.-20-21 p. 18. Kumisbayev O. Firdousi and Kazakh poets // Madeniyet- 2009.- Nl.- P.47-50 19. Kumisbayev O. Shakhnama - in the Kazakh steppe: on the eve of the V-th conference of writers of Asia and Africa// Kazak adebiyety.-1972.- Oct.6 20. Kumisbayev 0. In the ocean of "Shakhname"// Kazak.-2007.- Oct.5 (N40).- P.9 21. Kumisbayev 0. Oriental poets: Orinetal poetry/ Committee for information and heritage; editor A.Kulimbetov.- Almaty: Kazygurt, 2011.- 224 p. 22. Karatayev M. Abilkasym Firdousi// Jewellry made from words.- Almaty: Kazakhstan, 1966 23. Konyratbayev A., Baidildayev M. The great Oriental epopee: About Firdousi's "Shakhnama"// Kazakhstan mugalimy.-1962.- March 15 24. Kydyr T. "Do people know who is Eskendyr?": Esendyr in Koran and Eskendyr in history, is it one man?: About Eskendyr in Firdousi's poem "Shakhnama" and Eskendyr in the works of A.Navoi// Turkistan.- 2004.- August 12.- 7 p. 25. Kydyr T. About the first translation of Firdousi's "Shakhnama" // Kazakh state university herald. Series in Oriental studies.-2010.- N4.- P.53-56 26. Mazur V. Our capital: 1000 years to the Firdousi's immortal poem "Shakhnama"// Labour banner.- 2011.- February 15.- P.6 27. Mostafa B.A. The archtype in Firdousi's "Shakhname": abstract of theses. ...cand.of science (philology)/ the Tajik national university; scientific leader Rakhmanov A.A.- Dushanbe, 2011.- 24 p. 28. Myrzakhmetuly M., Zhemenei I. Seven Persian poets praising Turan city: [The verses of seven prominent Persian poets who lived in Iran about the history of Taraz city]// Kazak adebiety.- 2002.- July 26 (N30).- 6-7 p. 29. Nasrin B. The symbol in the poem "The legend about Siyavush" in Firdousi's "Shakhname": abstract of theses.... abstract of theses.... candidate of science (philology)/ The institute of language, literature, Oriental studies and written heritage after Rudaki of the Academy of sciences of the Republic Tajikistan; scientific leader Rakhmonov Sh.A.- Dushanbe, 2011.- 26 p. 30. Nurgaliyev O. Firdousi: the Oriental star, about the poet// Kazak batyrlary.- 2002.- Kazan (N10).- 9 p. 31. Sagandykova N.Zh. "Shakhnama" in the cultural heritage of the Kazakh people//The problems of poetics and verse-study: the materials of the V-th International scientific-practical conference dedicated to the memory and 70-th birthday of the doctor of science (philology), professor V.V.Badikov (Oct. 15-16, 2009)/ Chief editor S.D.Abisheva.- Almaty, 2009.- P.293-297. 32. Sagandykova N.Zh. To the history of translation of "Shakhname" into the Kazakh language// The historical-cultural interrelations between Iran and Dasht-I Kipchak: the materials of the interantional conference (May 23-24, 2006). Book 2.- Almaty: Dyke-Press, 2007.- P.149-152 33. Satpayeva Sh.K. Firdousi's "Shakh-name" on the Kazakh soil // Satpayeva Sh.K. The selected works in five volumes.- Astana: Elorda, 2007.- V.2- P.207-239. 34. Satybaldiyev A. The trip with "Shakhnama"/ Kazak adebiety.-1963.- June 14 35. Seyitova A. Abai's poem "Eskendyr" and the Persian-lingual Eskendymama-s//The international conference "The heritage of Khodja Akhmet Yassaui and the issues for study in religion" (September 29 - October 1, 2008)/ editor D.Makhranov.- Almaty, 2008.-124-138 p. 36. Uzakova M. The civilization of the Great steppe and Shakhname// New generation.-2009.- Oct.9- P.15. Gorod.-2009.- Oct.9.- P.12 37. Khakim Abu-I-Kasym Ferdausi (941-1020). Firdousi's "Shakh-nama"/ Translated by Zhangi Purshad.- Lakhnau: Munshi Naval Kishor, 1287/1870.- 621 pages; 38. Firdousi. Shakhname. Volume 3.- Moscow: Nauka, 1965.- 592 p. 39. Firdousi Abulkasim. Shakh-name. V.5.-M.: Nauka, 1984.- 390 p. 40. Fridousi. Shakhname.-M.: Nauka, 1957 -T.6.-1957.-655 p. 41. Firdousi, Nizami, Rustaveli, Navoi. Shakh-Name. Leili and Medjnun. The hero in the tiger hide. Farkhad and Shirin.- M.: Detskaya literatura, 1989.- 734 p.-(The library of world literature for children; V.2) 42. Firdousi, Nizami, Rustaveli, Navoi. Shakh-Name. Leili and Medjnun.- M.: Detskaya literatura, 1982.- 734 p.-(The library of world literature for children; V.2) 43. Firdousi. Kei-Khosrou: The verses from "Shakhnama" epopee.- Alma-Ata: Zhazushy, 1976.-184 P- 44. Firdousi. Manushekhir.- Almaty, 1972.-168 p. 45. Firdousi. The image of Rustam in "Shakhname": the selected thousand verses from Shakhname.- Tehran, 1369 (1990).-138 p. 46. Firdousi. Rustam and Sukhrab.- Tashkent, 1979.-123 p. 47. Firdousi. Rustem-Zorab: 1-st book/ Translated by M.Seralin// Cultural heritage: literary fiction published before the revolution in periodicals/ Compiled by U.Subkhanberdina.- Almaty; Zhazushy, 1970.- 209-236 p. 48. Firdousi. Shakh-name. Volume 1.- M.: Nauka, 1991.- 400 p. 49. Firdousi. Shakh-name: Translated from Farsi.- M.: Khudozhestvennaya literatura, 1972.- 796 p.- (Series 1, volume 24) 50. Firdousi. Shakh-name.- M.: Detskaya literatura, 1985.- 734 p. 51. Firdousi. Shakh-Name: volume 2/ Firdousi; notes by M.N.Osmanova.- Moscow: Nauka. "Vostochnaya literatura" publishing house, 1992.- 392 p. 52. Firdousi. Shakh-name in 2 books. Book 1.- Moscow: Khudozhestvennaya literatura, 1964. -752 P- 53. Firdousi. Shakh-name in 2 books. Book 2.- Moscow: Khudozhestvennaya literatura, 1964. - 742 P- 54. Firdousi. Shakh-name in 2 books: The critical text. Book 1/ Under the editorship of E.E.Bertels.- Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura, 1960. - 30 p. 55. Firdousi. Shakh-Name. The legend about Rustem.- M: Khudozhestvennaya literatura, 1980.- 477 P- 56. Firdousi. Shakhname. V.I: From the beginning of the poem to the legend about Sokhrab/ The edition prepared by Ts.B.Banu-Lakhuti, A.Lakhuti, A.A.Starikov.- 2-nd edition, revised - M.: LADOMIR-Nauka, 1993.- 675 p.- (Literaturnye pamyatnyaki). 57. Firdousi. Shakhname. V.2: From the legend about Rostem and Sokhrab to the legend about Rostem and Khakan Chin/ The translation by Ts.B.Banu-Lakhuti; commentaries by A.A.Starikov.- 2-nd edition, revised - M.: LADOMIR-Nauka, 1994.- 643 p.- (Literaturnye pamyatnyaki). 58. Shulembayeva R. The pearl of literary East// Kazakhstanskaya pravda.- 2008.- May 24.- P.6 59. Shulembayeva R. The pearl of literary East: By the decision of UNESCO 2009 declared the year of the millennium of the poem of Firdousi "Shakhname"/ Kazakhstanskaya pravda.- 2009.- Oct.9- P.21 60. Batyrkhan Bolatbek. Shahnameh and Kazak literature/ Under supervision of AJowaini.- Tehran: University of Tehran, 2004.- 209 p.

3.6. Surnames (Names, Patronymics), qualifications and contact data of up to three independent people or organizations, with expert knowledge about the value and origin of documentary heritage.

1. Dr Henryk Jankowski - professor at the Department of Asian Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland Contact data: Henryk Jankowski Katedra Studiow Azjatyckich Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza al. Niepodleglosci 24 61-714 Poznan Tel.+4861 829 39 21 Fax+4861 829 39 29 E-mail: henko@amu,

2. Zhemenei Islam - doctor of science (philology), professor of the University after S.Demirel. Contact data: Tel.: +7-702-341-50-52 E-mail: Jemeneyislam(5>

3. Shafigi Maksut Aminuly - scientist, Arabic specialist, researcher of manuscripts made in Arabic script, specialist in studying folklore, scientific worker of the Institute of literature and art after M.O.Auezov of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Contact data: Tel.: +7-777-276-87-78

4. Alibekuly Akzhigit - Arabic-Orientalist, candidate of science (philology), deputy director of the Institute of literature and art after M.O.Auezov of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Contact data: Republic of Kazakhstan 050010 Almaty, Kurmangazy St., 29 Tel: +7-727-272-74-11 Fax: +7-727-272-79-43, +7-727-272-79-83 E-mail: alibekuly [email protected]

5. Garkavets Alexander Nikolayevich - doctor of science (philology) by the speciality "The Turkic languages", professor, main scientific worker of the Institute of history and ethnology after Ch.Ch.Valikhanov of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Contact data: E-mail: qypchaq(5); desht i [email protected]. 4.0. LEGAL INFORMATION 4.1. Owner of the documentary heritage (name and contact data): Name: National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Committee on culture of the Ministry of culture and information of the Republic of Kazakhstan Address: Republic of Kazakhstan, 050013, Almaty city, Abai av., 14 Tel.:+7-727-267-28-83 Fax : +7-727-267-28-83 E-mail: [email protected]

4.2. Custodian of the documentary heritage (name and contact data, if different from owner): Name: Department of rare books and manuscripts of the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan Address: Republic of Kazakhstan, 050013, Almaty city, Abai av., 14 Tel.: +7-727-267-28-55 Fax : +7-727-267-28-83 E-mail: [email protected], askarbekova(a»

4.3. Legal status: (a) Category of ownership - state

4.4. Accessibility Access granted only to scientific researchers.

4.5. Copyright-legal status: Copyright-legal status conforms to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On copyright and related rights" (1997, Chapter 2, article 5). The organ responsible for administration: Committee on culture of the Ministry of culture and information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

5.0. JUSTIFICATION FOR INCLUSION/ ASSESSMENT AGAINST CRITERIA In 2006, UNESCO approved the nomination of the Islamic Republic of Iran manuscript of " Bayansaghori Shahnameh " kepting in The Imperial Library, Golestan Palace (Tehran) (Ref 2006-13). Prince Bayasanghor (1399-1433), the grandson of the legendary Central Asian leader (1336- 1405). This manuscript was written in Persian language specifically for the library of Prince Bayansaghor. The manuscript has a miniature, the volume is 700 pages, size 26 x 38 cm. In contrast to the " Bayasanghori Shahnameh " a manuscript nominating by the National Library of Kazakhstan is written in the East-Turkic language. Translator of the manuscript is a great poet of the XVIII century in Kalandar Djahan. He lived in the heyday of the East Turkestan Uighur Khans Saidiya Dynasty. The text of the manuscript is written in prose and verse. The manuscript contains 1056 pages of main text, size is 50 x 30 x 9 cm.

5.1. Is authenticity established? Yes, authenticity has been established by the experts: Zharmukhamedov Mukhamedrakhym (1928-2011) - doctor of science (philology), professor. From 1961 worked at the Institute of literature and art after M.O.Auezov of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The author of more than 150 scientific works. Among them "Ogyz-nama", "Mukhabbatnama", "Khodja Akhmet Yassaui" and others. He translated "Diuani khikmet" of Khodja Ahmet Yassaui from the Turkic (Chagatai) language in Arabic script into Cyrrilics. For the labor achievements he was awarded three times by the Honorary certificate of the Ministry of culture of . Shafigi Maksut Aminuly (21.03.1934 - ...) - Arabic scientist, researcher of manuscripts in Arabic script, specialist in folklore studies. In 1961 graduated from the faculty of the Arab language of the Beijing university of international relations (China). From 1974 scientific worker of the Institute of literature and art after M.O.Auezov of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He translated into Cyrrilics many manuscripts written in the Turkic (Chagatai) language in Arabic script kept in the fonds of the National library, the Central scientific library of the Academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Institute of literature and art after M.O.Auezov. among them "Diuani khikmet" of Khodja Ahmet Yassaui. One of the authors of the first textbook "The Arabic language" for Kazakh schools. The author of more than 100 scientific articles dedicated to folklore.

5.2. World significance Has been proved by the above-mentioned experts. "Shakh-name" is one of the outstanding monuments of written literature in world literature, the national asset of the Tajiks and Persians. "Shakh-name" as an outstanding monument of international significance and translated into many languages of the world, has become the treasure not only for science but the wide circles of readers.

5.3. Criteria Is one or more of the criteria of (a) time, (b) place, (c) people, (dj subject and theme, (e) form and style satisfied? a) Time: The National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan presents for inclusion into the "Memory of the world" international UNESCO register the work by A.Firdausi "Shakh-name". The prosaic code "Shah-name" is the result of the urgent need for the creation of truly poetical works about the heroic past. All this was stipulated on the one hand by the ever-growing process of awakening people's self-consciousness, the need of spiritual self-expression; on the other hand it was dictated by the necessity of consolidation of the inner forces of the country before the threat of external invasion of nomad tribes with which there had to be carried incessant wars. The primary thought of "Shah-name" - is the glorification of the native country, the exultant hymn to the Motherland, the call for the unification of separated forces, the centralization of power in the name of rebuffing of external invasions, for the good of the country. The translation of the given manuscript was made into the Eastern-Turkic dialect (the Chagatai language) of Turkestan by the orders of Yakub-Khodzha (Khodja Djakhan) the son of Daniyal-Khodja, the ruler of Yarkend8, the contemporary of the Djungar khan khuntaishi Tsevang Rabdan (1663- 1727). The main idea of the translation into the Chagatai language was the goal of raising the spirits of the nomadic population of the present-day Kazakhstan in the fight against the Djungar invasion. This manuscript is a copy of the original manuscript which was written in the period "Aktaban shubyryndy" ("The years of great tribulation") (1723-1727) - the most devastating invasion, which became fixed in the people's memory of the Kazakhs, when the Djungars captured the capital cities of Turkestan, Tashkent and Sairam. Masses of desolate people fleeing from the invaders, escaped to the Uzbek lands in Samarkand and Bukhara. The plundered groups of Kazakhs from the Great clan and a small part of the Middle clan crossing a little higher than the place where the river Chirchik flows into Syr-Darya, migrated to the places of Khodjent and Samarkand. The Kazakhs from the Lesser clan, evading Sairam city (Sairam ainalgan), fled to Khiva and Bukhara. Some Kazakh clans migrated to the desert districts of Kyzylkum and Karakum. In "the Years of great tribulation" the Kazakhs lost the rich pastures of the Semirechye, there were ruptured the traditional routes of wandering, the trade and the centres of craftsmanship declined, the number of cattle and sheep sharply fell. In these years there appeared the song "Elim-ai" ("My people"), which expresses the tragedy of the Kazakh people.

8 Yarkend - Moguliya, Uigur = Mamlakat-i-Moguliye, or Yarkend khanate, later Kashgar khanate, also often called Saidiya - the feudal state in the Western part of Eastern Turkestan (at times included also Turfan, Kumul. Chalysh) with the capital in Yarkend, and from 1596 in Kashgar, in the epoch of bloom embraced also the former territories of Mogolistan (Djungariya, Semirechye, the Fergan valley, lssyk-kul), and also Badakhshan, Kashmere and the northern districts of Tibet.

10 b) Place: Yarkend = Moguliya, Uigur = Mamlakat-i-Moguliye, or Yarkend khanate, later Kashgar khanate, also often called Saidiya - the feudal state in the Western part of Eastern Turkestan (now Xingjiang province, China). Originated in ancient times as a place of halt caravans followed the Silk Road. Known in Chinese sources from BC II century. At the end of AD I century yielded Bao Chao of Hang Dynasty troops, thus giving way to commercial primacy of the neighboring oases of Kashgar and Kargalyk. Revived during the Tang Dynasty. In the XIII century, it was conquered by the Mongols and called pearl of the Chagatai ulus. At times included also Turfan, Kumul, Chalysh with the capital in Yarkend, and from 1596 in Kashgar, in the epoch of bloom embraced also the former territories of Mogolistan (Djungariya, Semirechye, the Fergan valley, Issyk-kul), and also Badakhshan, Kashmere and the northern districts of Tibet. In the middle of the XVIII century, after Dzhungar Khanate was destroyed, was a part of the Qing Empire.

c) People: At the end of the first half of the XVIII century began the process of weakening Jungar khanate - the once-powerful nomadic nation. The XVIII century was for the Uighur people a period of hardship. The territory of East Turkistan was subjected to occupation, accompanied by the extermination of civilians._Strengthening of civil war in Dzungaria gave rise to the liberation movements in Eastern Turkestan. Since the beginning of the XVIII century Daniyal- formally ruled the country until his death as a vassal Dzungaria. After his death Galdan Tseren appointed rulers of Kashgar by his sons: Jehan-Khoja (Khoja Yakub), Yusuf Khoja, Nizam ad-din Khoja and Abdallah-Khoja. However, their power over the cities of Kashgar was nominal. Translation of the manuscript on the East-Turkic language is made on behalf of the Jahan-Khoja (Yakub-Khoja) by the great Eastern Turkestan poet of the XVIII century, an influential representative of the Sufi Order of "Poor" Qalandar Jahan. A major government official and public figure Qalandar was recognized at the time a virtuoso literary art. He wrote a great number of gazelles, masnevi, rubai, kyssa, qasida, etc. He lived and worked in the heyday of the East Turkestan Uighur Khans Saidiya Dynasty.

d) Subject and theme: Turkic manuscript "Shah-name" is one of the great literary monuments of world literature, national heritage of the nomadic population of Central Asia. If the Persian version of "Shah-name" served as a hymn to Iran, calling for the fight with the Arabs, the Turkic version of "Shah-name" was the hymn for the Kazakh nomadic people to appeal against Djungars.

e) Form and style: The lexical studies of the historical linguistic-cultural monument "Shakh-name" by Firdausi translated into the Turkic (Chagatai) language helps restore the vanished segment of original lexical units that have undergone the structural-semantic changes during the process of evolution of form and content. The study of the Turkic (Chagatai) language of "Shakh-name" as the perfect specimen of the early stage of development of the modern Turkic dialects (Kazakh, Kirghiz, Uzbek, Uigur, Tartar, Bashkir, Turkish etc.) is conducive to the more effective and argument-based researches of the peculiarities of development of the given language.

6.0. Contextual information 6.1. Rarity The given manuscript is a bibliographical rarity, it is kept as the only copy within the fonds of the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan and does not have analogues in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

11 6.2. Integrity The completed and full variant of the translation of the manuscript of "Shah-name" by Firdousi into the Turkic language.

7.0. CONSULTATIONS WITH INTERESTED SIDES 7.1. Present detailed information about consultations by this nomination with interested sides by significance and preservation. See 3.6.

8.0. RISK ASSESSMENT Request to give data on the character and degree of dagger threatening the given documentary heritage 8.1. Evaluation of physical state: The manuscript belongs to the XVIII century. The document was subject to non-professional restoration which together with the low-quality restoration material and lack of the stablestorage regime provokes the breach of integrity.

9.0. PRESERVATION AND PLAN FOR ACCESS CONTROL (Conditions of storage) 9.1. Is there a plan for access and preservation control for the given documentary heritage? YES NO There have been created conditions in the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the storage of the rare fond which are near the norm. Beginning from May, 2005 there is implemented in the library the project for the creation of the digital manuscript and print heritage kept at the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which will make it possible to provide the preservation of written heritage and widened access to it by means of the information technologies. The existing equipment is used to maintain and control the regime of their storagethe manuscripts and rare books that consist documentary heritage go through the regular manual dusting and airing procedures. The lack of qualified restorers and the modern ecologically clean materials and equipment in restoration do not make it possible to carry out full-scale works.

10.0. ANY OTHER INFORMATION Give in detail any other information to support the inclusion of the given documentary heritage to the "Memory of the world" World register. If the nomination successfully passes, how will you use it to help "The Memory of the world" programme? The National library in case of succesful passing of the nomination, plans the digitization of the manuscript "Shah-name", publication of the reprint edition identical to the original. The attraction of scientists, researchers for the study and publication of the manuscript in the Kazakh and other languages. The popularization of the Turkic version of the work by Firdousi "Shah-name" among the Turkic speaking population of the world.

Part C - Presentation The present nomination is presented by: Director-General of the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan Gulissa Kabarovna Balabekova

May 11,2012 (date)