The Recusant
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Issue 21 October 2014 The Recusant An unofficial SSPX newsletter, fighting a guerrilla war for the soul of Tradition! DICI: The communiqué from the Vatican Press Office...said that the parties would “proceed gradually and over a reasonable period of time … with a view to the envisioned full communion.” Does this mean that you are starting over at the beginning? Bp. Fellay: Yes and no depending on the perspective that you take. (DICI interview with Bishop Fellay, 03/10/2014) FROM THE DESK OF THE EDITOR: Inside: “Holy abandonment is found ‘not in resignation Dear Reader, and laziness but at the heart of action and initia- “We Must Not Waver! We May Not Compromise!” In the midst of this crisis, it can sometimes feel tive.’ It would be dishonest to pray for victory (Abp. Lefebvre) as though this talk of “opposing Vatican II”, of “doctrinal integrity,” of “positions taken without really fighting for it. [...] ‘The things I pray Open Letter to SSPX Priests towards the Council,” etc. is just a little too dry for’, St. Thomas More prayed magnanimously, (an Australian layman) and theoretical. Allow me therefore to give you just one real-life, example of why being Unfurl the Catholic Banner! ‘dear Lord, give me the grace to work for.’” 100% opposed to Vatican II really matters. (“The Biography of Marcel Lefebvre” p. 568) (Fr. David Hewko) A few weeks ago I received one of those chain Letter to the Faithful emails, forwarded on to me from goodness- (Two Dominican Sisters) knows-where by a well-meaning acquaintance, Letter to the Faithful which informed me in suitably horrified tones about a black Mass being offered in public by (Dom Rafael Arizaga, OSB) some Satanists in the USA (Oklahoma, if I Contact us: Fr. le Roux Fiction Contest remember correctly). Many of you will be (Winning Entries) familiar with these sorts of messages. I myself [email protected] tend to associate them (rightly or wrongly) with well-meaning but slightly naive “conservative novus-ordo” types. I must admit, I find it difficult to work up any enthusiasm at the best of times. ‘So there’s yet another abomination going on publicly somewhere in the Western world. What’s new?’ In this particular case, however, something felt not right, something about it (I couldn’t quite put my finger on what) felt insincere, almost cynical. It then occurred to me that this was Page 2 Editorial SSPX Watch Page 35 nothing more or less than a case of Vatican II in practice. Do you believe in Religious fact that it is being built by a Society which has made its peace with Vatican II and shows Liberty? If so, to be consistent, you must support the right of Satanists to worship publicly. more signs of rot every day, to house vocations which will not exist, by an SSPX which no Do you oppose this sort of thing? Then you must reject Vatican II. And you must reject the longer enjoys God’s blessing... conciliar church and its teachings. According to the council, the very fact of being human How could the SSPX allow such madness, which can only harm their own interests in the means that one must be allowed to express one’s religion as a civil right, that one cannot be long run? Perhaps it one of those examples of where coerced in any way in matters of religion, and that “religion” is not to be understood as being everyone involved can see how crazy it is but nobody limited to the one, true religion, but rather all “religions”. All religions includes Satanism. dares say anything for fear of offending the leader (the Dignitatis Humanae informs us that the Second Vatican Council: sort of thing that used to happen all the time in Soviet “...declares that the right to religious freedom has its foundation in the very dignity of Russia)...? Or perhaps it is just straightforward arro- the human person as this dignity is known through the revealed word of God and by gance (Isn’t that a quality associated with the French? reason itself.(2) This right of the human person to religious freedom is to be recognized in (Cluny III) Is it a coincidence that design or the seminary looks the constitutional law whereby society is governed and thus it is to become a civil right. rather like Cluny Abbey?) Or perhaps a bit of both? . Therefore the right to religious freedom has its foundation not in the subjective disposition SSPX request the faithful to pray for heretical protestant “missionaries” - Fr. Gerard of the person, but in his very nature. In consequence, the right to this immunity continues Beck, the Headmaster and Prior of St. Mary’s, Kansas put up this notice on the main notice to exist even in those who do not live up to their obligation of seeking the truth and adher- board in that same SSPX parish. It was sent to him by Fr. Francois Laisney. ing to it and the exercise of this right is not to be impeded, provided that just public Through this email, Frs. Laisney and Beck order be observed. promote and encourage SSPX faithful to join . in the prayer intention of a Protestant group Religious communities also have the right not to be hindered in their public teaching and to pray for the Protestant group’s safety and witness to their faith, whether by the spoken or by the written word.” and success in their work in Iraq: which is a (Dignitatis Humanae, §2 ff. - emphasis ours) combination of humanitarian aid and prose- This is why Vatican II matters and is not just theoretical! As we see, the Satanists have a right lytizing. not to be hindered: all they’re doing is “teaching and witnessing to their faith” publicly! Provided, of course, that “just public order” is observed. Ah yes, quite so, absolutely. Let us Of course, murderous Islamic terrorists kill be responsible about the way in which we permit and defend public Satanism! Just so long as the body and that is a mortal sin. But there aren’t any rioting mobs setting fire to public buildings, then everything is alright! “C.R.I.” is a Protestant missionary group Indeed, the only fault with those “founding fathers” of the USA is that they were 200-odd spreading its version of heresy (see http:// and that is greater mortal years ahead of their time; but don’t worry, the council caught up with them eventually! sin. The Catholic Church teaches, and the But enough sarcasm. How many of those protesting this satanic event, I wonder, support Vat- SSPX used to know, that heresy is worse than ican II, be it directly or indirectly, actively or by their silence..? The Fraternity of St. Peter? murder, because it kills the soul which is greater than the body. (See Summa, St. Thomas Some “conservative novus ordo” types? At the very least, we may include in the ranks of “the Aquinas, IIa IIae, Q.10 a.3, ad 3.) So here the SSPX is asking the faithful to pray that the- inconsistent” the neo-SSPX, which staged a very noisy and well-publicised, public counter- se heretics continue safely in their humanitarian/proselytizing mission, although the Church demonstration. There is even a slick, professional looking “PR video” of this somewhere teaches that Protestant unbelief is worse than the unbelief of Muslims. (Summa, IIa IIae, online, in which Fr. Daniel (“Resistance-to-what?”) Themann (who was interviewed inside a Q.10 a.6, Respondeo.) church, by the way!) tells us that a black mass is really not a good thing and “very dangerous” for “the participants”. Err... ...yes. He doesn’t actually mention anything about Satan, hell, SSPX/Rome: Bishop Fellay goes to Rome to meet Cardinal Muller - according to Rome: damnation, or the idea of there being true and false religions... Nor even about Vatican II, “During the meeting, the two parties ... agreed to proceed in stages and within a religious liberty or the false principles on which the USA was built! Perhaps he just forgot. Or reasonable timeframe towards the desired goal of full reconciliation.” ( ) perhaps not. This is, after all, the man who went to great lengths to publicly defend Bishop Did I imagine hearing: “the deal is dead”; “there never was going to be any deal”; “It’s all a Fellay’s April 2012 Doctrinal Declaration. torrent of lies”..? Is this press statement true, or is it not? If not, why has there been no That same Doctrinal Declaration, which Bishop Fellay composed and which Fr. Themann official denial? If it is, who are the liars and calumniators? What sayeth Fr. Yves le Roux?! defends, declares that the Council’s teaching on religious liberty (quoted above) must be understood as part of an interrupted Tradition. Furthermore, it states that Vatican II’s “Paul VI to be beatified on 19th October 2014” (Vatican Radio headline) - religious liberty: “is with difficulty reconcilable” - original French: “est difficilement recon- have you heard anything about this whatever from the SSPX? Now, why might ciliable” - “with prior doctrinal affirmations” (i.e. with what the Church actually teaches!) that be...? Page 34 SSPX Watch Editorial Page 3 In other words, it may not be obvious, it may be difficult, but ultimately it can be done: like SSPX Watch! writing with your left hand or learning to speak mandarin. The Curse of the Squirrel #2 - In the most recent Apostle, Fr.