The 10Th EAA International Symposium on Hydroacoustics Jastrzębia Góra, Poland, May 17 – 20, 2016
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ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS Copyright c 2016 by PAN – IPPT Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 355–373 (2016) DOI: 10.1515/aoa-2016-0038 The 10th EAA International Symposium on Hydroacoustics Jastrzębia Góra, Poland, May 17 – 20, 2016 The 10th EAA International Symposium on Hy- Dr. Christopher Jenkins: Backscatter from In- droacoustics, which is also the 33rd Symposium on • tensely Biological Seabeds – Benthos Simulation Hydroacoustics in memory of Prof. Leif Børnø orga- Approaches; nized in Poland, will take place from May 17 to 20, Prof. Eugeniusz Kozaczka: Technical Support for 2016, in Jastrzębia Góra. It will be a forum for re- • National Border Protection on Vistula Lagoon and searchers, who are developing hydroacoustics and re- Vistula Spit; lated issues. The Symposium is organized by the Prof. Andrzej Nowicki et al.: Estimation of Ra- Gdańsk University of Technology and the Polish Naval • dial Artery Reactive Response using 20 MHz Ul- Academy. trasound; The Scientific Committee comprises of the world – Prof. Jerzy Wiciak: Advances in Structural Noise class experts in this field, coming from, among others, • Germany, UK, USA, Taiwan, Norway, Greece, Russia, Reduction in Fluid. Turkey and Poland. The chairman of Scientific Com- All accepted papers will be published in the periodical mittee is Prof. Eugeniusz Kozaczka, who is the Pres- “Hydroacoustics”. ident of Committee on Acoustics Polish Academy of Sciences and Chairman of Technical Committee Hy- droacoustics of European Acoustics Association. Abstracts The Symposium will include invited lectures, struc- tured sessions and contributed papers covering almost Review on the Development all major topics of hydroacoustics. Structured session of Underwater Acoustic Propagation Models will be devoted to: Chen Chi-Fang, [email protected] underwater acoustics in security systems, • National Taiwan University seafloor scattering, • Underwater acoustic propagation modeling began with satellite methods in marine ecosystem research, • two-dimensional (2D) approach by treating the ocean as underwater communication in confined and shal- range-dependent medium and neglecting the azimuthal • low waters, variation. Later the azimuthal variation is taken into ac- noise monitoring in European marine waters, count by Nx2D approach, i.e. dissect the space into az- • imuthal sectors and treat each sector with 2D approach. ultrasonic applications, • However the ocean is 3-dimensional; we cannot neglect the sound propagation in the sea and modelling, • true ocean physics. This motivated model developers to de- sonar signal processing, velop model(s) to treat the 3D ocean physics realistically. • sound propagation in the sea and modelling. This was how the FOR3D (which stands for Finite dif- • ference solutions for an Ordinary differential equation us- More than 90 scientists have already registered to ing the Rational function approximations for 3Dimensional the Symposium representing research centers mainly wave propagations problems) was developed. In 1990s, from Poland but also from other countries including FOR3D was first introduced to the underwater acoustics Israel, Canada, USA, with 5 invited papers: community to treat ocean as a three-dimensional medium Prof. Chi Fang Chen: Review on the Development with variations in range, depth and azimuth. This was the pioneer work in three-dimensional underwater acous- • of Underwater Acoustic Propagation Models; tic propagation. Dr. Ing. Tanja Grießmann et al.: Application of • In the last decade, the three-dimensional research at- Bubble Curtains to Mitigate Hydro Sound Levels tracted more interest as the computational power and at Offshore Construction Sites; speed were greatly improved and advanced. In this paper, 356 Archives of Acoustics – Volume 41, Number 2, 2016 we will review the recent works in the field while FOR3D good visibility in daytime. For the night time, thermal cam- continues to be one of the commonly used models. eras can be successfully used. In case of fog, radar is an ad- ditional device allowing observation of the inspected area. ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ On the other hand, more complex situation occurs if un- derwater area is under supervision. Application of Bubble Curtains to Mitigate Hydro Vistula Lagoon is a specific water environment, char- Sound Levels at Offshore Construction Sites acterized with little depth and generally muddy bottom. Grießmann Tanja, [email protected] The propagation of acoustic waves is specifically – char- Rustemeier J¨org, Rolfes Raimund acteristic for the propagation of acoustic waves in plano- Leibniz Universit¨at Hannover parallel waveguide. Under such circumstances, the detec- tion of both surface and underwater targets is spatially The acoustic noise caused by piling of offshore founda- reduced. tions of wind energy converters has an impulsive character It seems that the use of passive observation is more and generates sound pressure levels, which are potentially effective solution. dangerous to marine life. Without mitigation measures, the Active location methods can be used in relation to spe- single piling event reaches values, which exceed the limit cific conditions, as for example the application of acoustic values at a distance of 750 m (160/190), established in the antenna on fairway. German regulations since 2010. To minimize impact on the These specific conditions create a complex methodol- marine environment, effective sound reduction techniques ogy of observation system for the previously characterized have to be provided. This talk presents the results of appli- water region. cations of the mitigation concept bubble curtain in the Ger- In the paper functional solutions and system design man North Sea within different national research projects made in the frame of the research project founding by the during the last decade. National Centre for Research and Development will be pre- To gain deeper insight into the physical effects of bubble sented. curtains, measuring-setup, methodology as well as spectral results of a parameter study from an onshore test cam- ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ paign in a lake are presented and discussed. Bubble cur- tains produced with rubber membranes are found to unfold Estimation of Radial Artery Reactive Response the best sound attenuation effect compared to conventional using 20 MHz Ultrasound construction types – especially in the frequency range from Nowicki Andrzej1, [email protected] 100 to 400 Hz, where the spectral analysis of typical piling Secomski Wojciech1, Trawiński Zbigniew1 noise close to the source delivers maximum energies. Olszewski Robert2 ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ 1 Institute of the Fundamental Technological Research 2 Military Institute of Medicine Acoustic Backscatter from Intensely Biological Seabeds – Benthos Simulation Approaches Preceding atherosclerosis is endothelial dysfunction. Jenkins Christopher J., [email protected] There is therefore interest in the application of non-invasive clinical tools to assess endothelial function. There are CSDMS, University of Colorado Boulder USA & University commercially available ultrasound scanners to estimate Adelaide Brachial Artery Reactive Response BARR by measuring Divergences between the results for backscatter map- the flow-mediated vasodilatation (FMD) of the brachial ping of the seafloor, and ground truthing observations are artery using 10–12 MHz linear array probes; however the often likely from biological factors in the seabed. Most mod- precision in estimating of artery dilation does not exceeds els do not deal well with biology. This talk discusses the 0.2 mm, far beyond the required one. issue and illustrates a different approach with box sim- We have introduced a high frequency scanning schemes; ulations of biological seafloors, which are then numeri- 25–35 MHz encoded (Golay) wobbling type imaging with- cally insonified to gauge acoustic response. Simulations are out Doppler (uScan developed in our lab, thick film wide able to handle organism shapes and arrangements, popu- bandwidth transducer, 50 microns axial resolution). In the lation changes, and effects of ‘engineering species’ on the second approach we have used 20 MHz linear scanning with seabed. In these modern times large online databases pro- 20 MHz pulsed Doppler attached to the linear array. In- vide enough information to reliably construct simulations stead of brachial artery we have examined the radial artery for special areas. where Radial Artery Reactive Response RARR was mea- sured. ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ The radial artery FMD were normalized using AUC of shear rate at the radial artery wall. The precision of the Technical Support for National Border Protection radial artery diameter measurements is over two times bet- on Vistula Lagoon and Vistula Spit ter using 20 MHz US instead of 7.5 MHz used for brachial Kozaczka Eugeniusz, [email protected] artery FMD. The measured initial internal radial artery diameter Gdańsk University of Technology was in range of 1.59–2.35 mm, the maximum diameter Border areas, especially the aquatic, are on the one 2.01–2.60 mm was observed 40 to 55 seconds after releas- hand, subject to the overwater observation in the case of ing the cuff. In a limited number (14) of examined young, Chronicle – The 10th EAA International Symposium on Hydroacoustics 357 healthy patients the FMDSR were in the range from 7.8 available via EumetCast transmission. Calibration is per- to 9.9 in arbitrary units. In older patients with minor car- formed in predefined coastal zone area and the parallelized diac history the normalized FMDSR was clearly lower, 6.8 gradient computing method