Selected Titles Edited by Beth Meacham

This list does not include books that Meacham assisted other editors on; it does not include books where she only did the production and packaging work; and it does not include anthologies where she did not help select the contents. (There are a lot of those, too!)

Addison, Katherine ( Monette) (The Angel of the Crows)

Anderson, Kevin J. Spine of the Dragon (Vengewar)

Anthony, Piers Anthonology Chimera's Copper Dragon's Gold Ghost Mouvar's Magic Orc's Opal Serpent's Silver The Shade of the Tree Demons Don’t Dream Alien Plot Isle of Woman Letters To Jenny Harpy Thyme Shame of Man Roc and a Hard Place Yon Ill Wind Hope of Earth Zombie Lover Faun & Games Dream A Little Dream Muse of Art Quest for the Fallen Star Dream A Little Dream Xone of Contention Zombie Lover Vale of the Vole Gutbucket Quest, The Heaven Cent Dastard, The Xone of Contention Man from Mundania DoOon Mode Secret of Spring, The How Precious Was That While Dastard, The Swell Foop DoOon Mode How Precious Was That While Up In a Heaval Swell Foop Cube Route Up In a Heaval Currant Events Cube Route Pet Peeve Stork Naked Air Apparent Two to the Fifth Jumper Cable Climate of Change Knot Gneiss Well-Tempered Clavicle Luck of the Draw Esrever Doom

Barnes, Steve Gorgon Child Streetlethal The Kundalini Equation Firedance Blood Brothers Iron Shadows Charisma

Bear, Elizabeth and Sarah Monette Companion to Wolves, A Tempering of Men, The Apprentice to Elves, An

Bear, Elizabeth All the Windwracked Stars By the Mountain Bound Sea Thy Mistress, The Range of Ghosts Shattered Pillars Steles of the Sky Karen Memory Stone Mad Stone in the Skull, The Red-Stained Wings, The (The Origin Of Storms)

Bear, Greg Blood Music The Forge of God Beyond Heaven’s River Psychlone Hardfought-Cascade Point Hegira Heads Moving Mars Legacy Eternity Moving Mars Sland Anvil of Stars The Collected Stories of Greg Bear

Bishop, Paul Chapel of the Ravens Sand Against the Tide

Blaylock, James P. The Digging Leviathan

Bova, Ben Cyberbooks Orion Peacekeepers Privateers Voyagers Voyagers II Voyagers III Test of Fire Winds of Altair, The Gremlins Go Home Escape Plus As On A Darkling Plain Astral Mirror, The Star Peace Prometheans Battle Station Multiple Man, The Winds of Altair, The Starcrossed, The Kinsman Saga, The Colony Power Play New Earth Power Surge Apes and Angels Survival Power Failure Earth (Uranus)

Brin, David Existence Kiln People

Brotherton, Mike Star Dragon Spider Star

Bryan, Kathleen (Judith Tarr) Serpent and the Rose, The Golden Rose, The Last Paladin, The

Cadigan, Pat Patterns Tea From An Empty Cup Dervish Is Digital

Card, Orson Scott Ender’s Game Xenocide Children of the Mind Ender in Exile Children of the Fleet

Ender's Shadow Shadow of the Hegemon Shadow of the Giant Shadows in Flight

War of Gifts, A

Lost Gate, The Gate Thief, The Gatefather

The Worthing Saga Pastwatch

Folk of the Frings Maps in a Mirror Keeper of Dreams

Seventh Son Red Prophet Prentice Alvin Alvin Journeyman Heartfire

The Call of Earth The Memory of Earth The Ships of Earth Earthfall Earthborn

Eye For Eye The Future On Ice The Future On Fire Sarah Rachel & Leah Zanna's Gift: A Life in Christmases

Empire Hidden


Authorized Ender Companion, The

with Aaron Johnston: Invasive Procedures Earth Unaware Earth Afire Earth Awakens The Swarm The Hive (The Queens)

Cassutt, Michael Missing Man Red Moon Tango Midnight Dragon Season Deke! The Autobiography of Deke Slayton

Chalker & Resnick & Effinger The Red-Tape War

Chalker, Jack Spirits of Flux and Anchor Empires of Flux and Anchor Masters of Flux and Anchor The Birth of Flux and Anchor Children of Flux and Anchor

Constantine, Storm The Bewitchments of Love and Hate The Enchantments of Flesh and Spirit The Fulfillment of Fate and Desire Sea Dragon Heir Crown of Silence, The Way of Light, The The Wraiths of Will and Pleasure The Shades of Time and Memory The Ghosts of Blood and Innocence

Cooper, Elspeth Songs of the Earth Trinity Rising

Cooper, Louise Mirage The Initiate The Master The Outcast

Dann, Jack and Jeanne,ed In the Field of Fire

Davis, Jay & Don Bring On the Night Sins of the Flesh Parting the Veil

Dickson, Gordon R. Beyond the Dar-al-Harb The Dragon Knight The Final Encyclopedia Wolf and Iron Young Bleys

Duane, Diane The Door into Sunset The Door into Shadow

Ellsworth, Spencer Starfire: A Red Peace Starfire: Shadow Sun Seven Starfire: Memory's Blade

Fenn, Lionel (Charles L. Grant) Agnes Day Blood River Down The Web of Defeat

Ford, John M. Heat of Fusion and Other Stories The Last Hot Time (Aspects)

Gibson, William Count Zero

Goldstein, Lisa (Glass, Isobel ) Daughter of Exile Divided Crown, The Alchemist's Door, The

Gould, Steven Jumper Helm Blind Waves Wildside Reflex Jumper: Griffin's Story 7th Sigma Impulse Exo

Harlan, Thomas Shadow of Ararat, The Gate of Fire, The Storm of Heaven, The Dark Lord, The Wasteland of Flint House of Reeds Land of the Dead

Held, Rhiannon Silver Tarnished Reflected

Henderson, Randy Finn Fancy Necromancy Bigfootloose and Finn Fancy Free Smells Like Finn Spirit

Holland, Cecelia Jerusalem An Ordinary Woman Lily Nevada The Angel and the Sword Railroad Schemes Lily Nevada Soul Thief, The Witches' Kitchen, The Serpent Dreamer, The Varanger High City, The Kings of the North

Ing, Dean Systemic Shock Wild Country Ransom of Black Stealth One, The Nemesis Mission, The Soft Targets Spooker Flying To Pieces Skins of Dead Men, The Loose Cannon

Kelly, James Patrick Look Into the Sun

Kendell, Gordon White Wing

Kessel, John Good News From Outer Space The Pure Product

Knight, Damon A Reasonable World Knight, Damon The Observers

Kowal, Mary Robinette (The Relentless Moon)

Kress, Nancy Steal Across the Sky Tomorrow's Kin If Tomorrow Comes Terran Tomorrow

Lafferty, R. A. Ringing Changes Lafferty, R. A. The Annals of Klepsis

Lake, Jay Mainspring Escapement Pinion Green Endurance Kalimpura Last Plane to Heaven

Maddox, Tom Halo

Mayhar, Ardath Golden Dream

McAllister Bruce Dream Baby

Meacham Beth, ed. TERRY'S UNIVERSE

Michaels, Melisa C. First Battle Skirmish The Floater Factor The Last War The Pirate Prince

Murphy, Pat The Falling Woman Nadya There and Back Again Wild Angel Adventures in Time and Space with Max Merriwell

Piper, H. Beam Fuzzies and Other People

Powers Tim The Anubis Gates Dinner At Deviants Palace Forsake the Sky Expiration Date Earthquake Weather

Priest, Cherie The Toll

Rawn, Melanie Spellbinder Fire Raiser Touchstone Elsewhens Thornlost Window Wall Playing to the Gods

Reaves, Michael Street Magic Reaves, Michael & Steve Perry Hellstar

Resnick, Mike Ivory Paradise Purgatory Santiago Stalking the Unicorn The Dark Lady Will The Last Person….. Second Contact

Robinson, Kim Stanley Icehenge Escape from Kathmandu The Gold Coast Pacific Edge The Memory of Whiteness The Planet on the Table Remaking History A Short, Sharp Shock

Russo, Richard Paul Inner Eclipse The Subterranean Gallery

Roessner, Michaela The Stars Dispose The Stars Compel Vanishing Point Walkabout Woman

Schroeder, Karl Stealing Worlds

Scholes, Ken Lamentation Canticle Antiphon Requiem Hymn

Sheffield, Charles Cold As Ice One Man's Universe Georgia On My Mind and Other Places Dark as Day

Shetterly, Will Elsewhere Never Never Dogland Chimera Gospel of the Knife, The

Smith, Sherwood&D.Trowbridge The Phoenix in Flight Ruler of Naught A Prison Unsought The Rifters Covenant The Thrones of Kronos

Somtow S.P. Vampire Junction Moon Dance . The Shattered Horse . Valentine

Stasheff, Christopher The Warlock Unlocked The Warlock Enraged

Streiber, Anne An Invisible Woman Little Town Lies

Tarr, Judith King and Goddess Lord of the Two Lands The Throne of Isis Eagle's Daughter, The Queen of Swords Pillar of Fire Shepherd Kings, The Lady of Horses Queen of Swords Daughter of Lir White Mare's Daughter, The Avaryan Rising Avaryan Resplendent A Fall of Princes Arrows of the Sun Spear of Heaven Tides of Darkness Queen of the Amazons Bring Down the Sun

Tepper, Sheri S. Jinian Star-eye Jinian Footseer Dervish Daughter .

Northshore Southshore

Vance, Jack Araminta Station Throy Ecce and Old Earth Ports of Call Lurulu Nightlamp

Williams, Walter Jon Angel Station Aristoi Days of Atonement Facets Hardwired House of Shards The Crown Jewels Voice of the Whirlwind

Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn A Candle for d’Artagnan A Flame in Byzantium Crusader's Torch Darker Jewels Out of the House of Life

Yolen, Jane Sister Light, Sister Dark White Jenna The One-Armed Queen Xanadu 1-3