
Boise State University ScholarWorks

Student Newspapers University Documents

10-24-1947 Roundup, October 24 Associated Students of Boise Junior College

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1- Neal, Boor ami Jack Madison hang• "Fight 'Em Broncos" 111. f ront o f U nton. 2 Valkyries make pcm 1 11 1 f · P at ,, 1urph y, Ellomae Holden Hel J · ' ' •an s to se at game; e t to nght: Junl' Ostkr Rat'£, ms , en o 1mston and Beverly llhys D · f ' • " Demond, Walter Em mom l'ieal Boor i\1 1 C . . ' .. ~ ancc comnuttce, rom row: Norma i\lathcws, June Ostler. Carel l~ull: hack mw. illeh in • ' • e "'penter, Ketth Holden. 4 Allendant Do tl i\1 F 11 · · dant E>el)n Zamzow. 7 A. w. sellit "ill , f ro lCa r a · 5 Homccommg Queen Faye Sptlshun•. 1> .\ttt•n- lg I ums or game and dance· ~(arion J-1 o I A . . cheer leaders: i\Tarion Houseley B 1 B · use cy, nn \V•llmms, Sharon Lawrence, Rcvcrly lla)f.'S and Hett' Grirt·. ~ and Melvin Brown. ' o > ates and Tally Brown. 9- I · K · ' 8 gat>crI wood for bonfire and rally tonight: Dick Chasm in, Wall) Waller. Ja•·l.. Smith,

E~ I Ll ~RARY .. UNIV I '3 BJC RoU:-;ot·p lRID\Y, OGl OllER 2t. 1917 Tough Contest E~p~cted With Idaho Fro_sh Smith, Richter Polishing Off KDSH Broadcasts ILanguageCiassesGet llnternationaiCiub New Sound Mirror Formed The Rough Spots Homecoming !he Khool rr:ttntl) purch;uro. n~· 'lbelmerO>tlOnal Club hcld tiS lit>t PrC'p:.tltng for a UJUgb amtot Satunb\ aftnnoon. ~ Boase Exdusne radJo nghU to broadUS! sound muror for thr three b.na:uage m~ting :\londay noon at 12:50. under junJOr Collq Broocoo line: been runmn~gh nili dnll the Homcwmiog game ha'< been d>..a. Although the music. 'l'<'"'h· and the dir<«ioo of Dr. Baklic dassc:s used a sowul nurror zil was >ppomtcd t~mporary publicity

lhc IUJ()O.l"--~•...... ,•1 -L- ..--t. ""-chn !.de: m.ilh and Bill RKhta Broadastmg Co. outkt lor Idaho. -'r last )car that one cbairman. Uhn~&--'~ UK: '",...... ,. ra~U 1fCTt' aliDplctcd "'..-1th \\'a has b«f1 a"·ailablc (or lhc lafl1t\U~ Date and time for the next meeting ba\ been worlrng bard to po~ ~------• Wbillod. auna;;« of the sLation. dasso. I be language: re-•ch•• report will be posted uu the bulletin board in uh of[ lhc rough pot> and~' Chats by Chuck A P"P nlly !Jroadu.t " abo gu that lhry ••c "ell sahsfiro wilh rhe the main hall. ahcr a meeting "ith the thctr tqu.S rocly for~ rme l l eoacu:tu~IJOOJ lO Fan p !Jun out cnn KDSII thiJ arning I:Umr- sound mirror as an .nd tu ~Her pro- o;unril. All students are in\>"hed to come rHomlJC'"I 10 be one Q tht. ~ -.-. It--•- Q·- t~- r~ fi I nuodauon and ,....._..'h l:ach da'-'> h al ~nd join the dub. ~~ will be ~~ sp«ial r· ~ uun...... ---'!1 ._...... u'lt" ...... di.atdY foiinnd miru> ""'b mud> the nalc t'Hlhll,la,ln 101 futu11.: use ur it lii.J\ be lcusl"t..L In n CJPpoocnlt that will be cnc.uunt.cftrl nunJ) all \'CI"f nict! ~hich re- before the game. ll"ll.~ing. the JHl'\ iuu~ w·orl i!l crast:d a\ wrouctwut tbt rcm-.anda of the IC.il minds UJ th.at the Knights ha\e simi i tht.· llC\.l h. lt:Wilkd. lllU\1 lUlling down ""' \\ llh \\ t ..(.undc llrH)UI mg thh fm IC"a..,.on\ other than sc.hool spirit, un- sisted by Mary McCabe and Barhara Special guests for the Homecoming projttt. dnuhlt.'fti), but it senl-s the purpose. Smith. game and dance, as announced by Bill 111 dt.atKC of th<" bonhrc <~.nd J:K'P .\thaiKC dope on one date for the \lehin De~fond is the floor and door Adams, will include Gov. C. A. Robins, ' IIU} lOnight arc the Jnu·~tulltgiatc dann·· ..• ht."ll .\thanasak.as and Do1- chairman. Mayor Potter Howard, Coach Dixie KDS~ oo~m KnlJ;hb, .,_, 1lb Uid \\ a'ttrn.. u gt.·n nthc-) \ . . no one else? Oh, we hope ~f ary 7.upan is taking care of the in· Howell of the Uni,·ersity of Idaho, the ual ,,.h.urntan 1 he "ood hou bc.··c:·n dv- to \C."t.' \haron Lawrence and Jack vita lions to the members of the visit- ~uperintendents, princ..ipals and coaches CBS NETWORK (rom \OJIIOUi lknsr JtoJc: , .md 1\t""'J.c.h, <'Hn if he does pia)· football . of the high schools in this area, and ,,.t~"' mg team an dspecial guests. I I he tr.uliuon~l out.huusr nn hlp "ill be im the.· \loscow Frosh ~phs! the Freshman football team from the IH at nlnr. Oht·n. lo(."t."ll quartet of fre~hman {ella:-; Lions have been known to jump a~ Uni\"ersity. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1 br: pep r•ll~ \lo'ill lollow \1\"llh l-ht.· 1 wmpc.,..,t.-d of I\ ill Rodt.·n \\'a~ nc far as 20 feet. They can also dear a \dl laden. hall\ lhown, \latwn \\"light, Ja) {,ih"'m and Bob Par... om . Look Your Best in Garments Cleaned at ... Phone 304 tlowJC")', lhll kt·}na'lds. ant.l Uoh Bates Junt" Clillont and Emil Siron often hanicr nine _r""_'' _1_'i-gl_'-______lc:ad.lnc sc.-c-n together, ArmadillO'S always produce quad· lhc- BLuba v.·ill be ou~ m their \ ft·w fac.ult' mtmbers 1male) fmd ruplcts and the babies are alwan cith- Ltlgtu oar. dlO't\' a\\·calct!!o .and blue tlu.:m\C."ht~ minu'i a few hairs. thank.s CI all males or all femal<..os. . BAIRD'S U..hu, "'1U tx- on 1hc- Uo;.at lcadmg Ito the.· pledges Dr G1les ~~;uc.1 \":.~ll..nie DRY CLEANERS the par.tdc 'XHUr: of the girb \\ill u,1s1 "'"'' gt:t~eruu!l and ga\e two! tht \\ In hilndhng out "mu 111, • a: nannng together at the l'mon well· FURS CLEANED AND GLAZED the- c~auc \l C...rt.~man and Laoma Hm\..,. For a lhe uo..:utrd \\omen of 1\jC.. ;ur: k-.ltg time "t··,c \C.:cn Dean Di,hman LET'S MEET AT FUR STORAGE RUGS CLEANED b:aauth~ th~ Klliug o( tnunu.. "" l'a)· and l'at \lmpll\ togethe1 DOWNTOW;>.; OFFICE PLANT UlCOt ol H.!S hJ.s b«u paid for the Ito"· the 'ampa \tudent' male it to 609 Bannock 8th and Fort Streets Oo-....c• . and thC"~ 't\Ul b(' distnbutnt s o'dnt.l.. t.h'\( ca<.h morning is a McCALL'S lomoro"' a1 the pme unde-r the girh' IU\,teq · · l"ht" eager ones are Iris uawt: 1 bC"\ UU\ abo be purc:b..ucd .u lmch, Dec I aylm, Be' l-la)es anJ t~ mC' b) an onC' who ha uq;let.t<"d t'.aul o ... qn. CAFE h,l obU1h lhcm Jurlng thr ...,t."("\. I nun' lldain had a D.\,CER for a planna 111 the l"nion • . reall~ smooth. FOUNTAIN RECORDS COMPLETE LINE Faculty Helps, Too I 1 h<'< h no g>oup uf_ti•h<> officialh SPORTING GOODS \lcwbrn ul 1hc bcu.:\ h;t\~ Jtt:il· hC':trm~ tht- rume ··~rdine." 1 he SOUND-PROOF BOOTHS '-"-" ' rurunltcd to ldl :and tal...: l 'nittd "" tat~ hning, the menhaden Ut. eb at tbt- llum«omltlK gamr: '""' and the Europt.-an pilchard are the urd.l\ 1 hueot "-iho \\ "' ,•cat out the s.nu.ll 11 hb "'bich ~cnc-ralh r111 ~rc.line • 8th and Bannock Uno ol thr uib and 1hr tidch Iaus . kfl 0\-n" taf "bleb W(' hope lhttc "h - ---- PAUL BROOKS, Mgz. HAVE YOU Sheet Music bt- ftOIX) ar-c o\l.riu 'Ritter hul (.;~11 ( t: •.r ,f .i1e 1ih fam VISITED OUR han. J•lllf'\ (,, · :t. and R :tt llu<. POPULAR and CLASSICAL NEW :\IUSIC DEPART\IENT • Let's go to the ... YET? KING IF ;\OT . . CO:\IE Il'li Band Instruments MEN'S WARDROBE TODAY! t..e-t:•• gh~ a pat on the b:ac to these- 1 • fuult\ mftllbtn .... bo h.n~ so ..;milK, I.\'f.RYTHD.'G FOR :\IE:-i A:-iD YOUNG :\lEN - gt\nl lhrir ll~ to bdp uulc our foot· l\.a.l Sarlat Joe Sarlat biaU nnK' :a w &: l.J.ch om(' :so br OAKLEY APPLIANCE & MUSIC CO. ha bC is yoked and has a graduate of Uoi.J.e high school, dass full pmh up sleeves. The skirt is black, of 4i and the daughter 4Jf ,\t r. and lllade with the popular bias cut. MT\. f. R ~pllsbuty. h)C d one of -Rosita Alegria definitely goes for the the "t.all 'uru... out ht:rc. measuring a new look. She wil1 be frushionab~ cool 5' s·· . .and 125 in the weight depart dressed in beige crepe, the hi~hlight of mmt She h.u long bro"n hair, whkh the dress being a figure flattenng apron 1 tustle. ahe J.j al\\'~)·s tllrcournmg tu wt, and ·1 he choice of Ramona Luther and t-au:lhh·bro"'n t.,.c:s. n'thc 53)S that thC) 13cverly Nc1son is navy blue crepe. Ra­ t.hauge wlms wath the dothes .,he: sleevc~ and a draped hip·sash. Bev'a \\c-.. n!J mona's is made with a high neck ,cap In the 5pcdal like ancl dislike ~tore is trimmed in white lace and features tiny buttons. ol ha mind, she lt"'dll}' lct fly. l01 Bm no matter what styles and colon a11 0 ( )OU intCTl"Stcd ancl cligiblc men, are worn, the girls will have one thing un her rnan, bur an)' mo1e than that in common, their date dresses, not for­ she- san that tih<" h;u a ddinitt· idea mals, will he emphasized by the pre­ sence of aye llow "mum". • he \'o·oulctn·t Slace Now to hand out individual laurels yrau ..... that's the important thing! press purpose of the organizing of the min~. (and you ought to see her m a the five last year's pledges who did association was to sponsor athletics in she lS playin~ i~ herself, track. and she for a job well done. Will everyone who would like to not return, will now take their place likes to go hshmg and hunung. Boise and to forward the sports pro­ in the Valkyries as r~lar memben The student council float, under the march, and we hope it will be the en­ gram at Boise Junior College. and will help this orgamzation to c:arry Dramallcs arc another in the line of capable management of Mary Zupan tire student body, remember to meet !:aye's many achievements, she had one Speakers at the banquet will include out their plans for the year. of the leadmg roles in BHS's all school and Kenny McDermott, will convey the in front of the "Ad" building on Col­ President Chaffee, George Green, ath· play Jast year, and is planning to con· Homecoming Queen, Miss Faye Spils- lege Avenue so we can form an organ­ letic director at the University of Idaho, 'l he Associated \Vomen Coun­ tinuc with it Jater in her schooJ years. bury. and her two attendants, Dorothea ized line at 12:30. Please be as prompt ~~~:. tJl~fS~i~~~ ~!~~h~o=~~ ~~:V~ cil and co-chairmen, Beverly Nel­ She is taking a r~ular BA oourse, with McFall and Evelyn Zamzow, to the as possible so we can leave at 1:00 plans to major m either Journalism captains. son and Lenora McFadden, wi!h or Dramatics. That part-time work so game. sharp. The game begins at 2:15, and Business men who wiU attend the you '11 want &iO get good seats so be on to thank all of the women in many need is accomplished in the of· The parade wiU not lack m~sicians banquet plan to come to the campus for time. the bonhre and rally. Also on the school fm their fine .support of fice of Idaho Creameries. nor variety as four bands have enlisted pep program will be the pep band. the cake sale held last Saturday Just general likes include formal to keep our toes rocking toward victory. During half time at the game the dances, and the formals themselves, four bands will strut their stuff with morning and for the many cakes slacks and sweaters, spectator pumps, Those offering their time and spirit drills and majorettes. The presenta· Everybody's s,o drunk in this room, 1 which were turned in. tall men, Gregory Peck and Ingrid will be our own Pep Band, the Boise ion of the queen will also take place. Bergman. Church rates right up on high school band, the Caldwell high top. and picnics, autumn, pop corn Remember the rally and bonfire to­ can't+-··---- see them. ..----~~======-:: arc other fav.orites. "Holy Cowl" is her school band and the Nampa high school night and the parade tomorow. Put on y,our gear and we'll see you here. COL­ favorite expression, and green is ''that band. How can any alumni resist the Enjoy Your Skiing With call to the colors or resist the urge to LEGE AVENUE, AT 12:30 TOMOR­ color". ROW. Faye was born in Salt Lake, and mov­ step and follow the marchers to the NORTHLAND SKIS here from Preston in 1945. game? Pied Pipers, Boise style. A dime is a dollar with all the var- She is seen in the halls with no one SANDLER & BERGMAN BOOTS friends include Mickey Mathews, Mar· Also contributing floats will be the ious taxes deducted. in particular, but some of those ~P<:ci~l Women's Athletic Association with :------­ WHITE STAG PANTS and JACKETS Mary Lou Bachmann appointed as com­ HOMECOMING TICKETS e:,~eis,B~~e,511~;~~n S~~~~~· V~rgm1a mittee head; the dramatics groups, Near the end of the interview Faye Alpha Mu Omega and Delta Psi Ome· ON SALE .AT .. right from the bottom of her heart, ~ib KleUne't 's ga have put Barbara Nicholson in Sib Kleffner's, 816 Jeiier~wn asked that aU o{ the team, be thanked (or this most wonderful thing which charge of their plans, and the Spanish McCall's, 225 N. 8th BOISE'S EXCLUSIVE SPORTil\'G GOODS STORE has happened to her, and to say that club is under the supervision of Bob Century Store, 211 N. 8th 818 Jefferson she will do oll she can to fulfill her Merriell. Heller's, 224 N. lOth duties as Homecoming Queen. Student Union, BJC Campus -·-·-·-·---·-..--·-·----·--.---- ... The B Cubes, the Freshmen girl's Pep organization, will be repreaented Students requested to usc Broad­ Red Cross Unit Meets by the colorful blue and orange of way entrance to public school field. The n J ( Red Cross Lnit met their skirts and sweaters .on their float. Students admilled on activity \fondav with \fls. Camille Powers, Sharon Lawrence and Beverly Nelson ticket. board nu:mher of the l\oi-.c Chapter. are in charge. Students' wives ' and husbands ad­ and made phms for their Red Cross The lnterco11egiate Knights, the Val· mitted on 50c student ticket. ac.:tivitir..:., lor tiH: willing year. kyries, and the Associated Women have '------l \lis.s \l<~l~an:t Do)k wao; dH,s.eu fat· IT'S ALWAYS been rather rushed with initiations and ult) ad' i....:)l: Bill lkinhard of \kCall, other plans but will also be represented G---·-·---· thairman, and \lar)· \ftCahe of Boise, in the parade and at the field. GALS & GUYS.I 'ice lhainnan. St-u-ctar)·lrca-.urer :"tnd All who have cars are urged to join other offiu·r..; ''ill be st·k-ctt·d ;.It a fu row at 12:30. The parade will go down lure meeting. the parade on Colleg Avenue tomor· Atti\ itic:s propo-.ed for the imme­ For fancy duds or diate futuH· include a program for en· ,•••••••••••·-~ duty clothes • tertaining the \Clcrans at the \ 'ctcrans Think of the folks at borne HOMECOMING get CAREFUL Ho,pital and 'lupplying stall assistance lor the loc.:al chapter Later the)· hope HOMECOMERS! FEMININE to '-'ponsor a baby ~itters' program to STUDENTS! ATTENTION aid thmt' mothers in Boise \\hO have Remember Them With at ... no one to care for their babies in the "ftcrnoon while they do their '\hop­ Greeting Cards ping. "' Social Stationery -AT- As ~oon as the vctcram· wives are or­ Fountain Pens ganized, it h hoped they will partici· or Books . from the pate in the activitit'5 of the unit. fhe large selection at wi\e5 m::n aid in the making of polio packs for the loc.1l h~pital-. and pos· sibly hdp in the.." cntl·rtainmcnt p1o· gram. An)Ont' inte1cstcd can contact anv of r.n~ the.." above mentioned oHicers for fur­ STATIONERY MURRAY'S ther information. 1 he Red CrQ&.S needs Just North of First people who are skilled iu handicraft, Nat') Bank Building Lr.t aid, and home nunoini ___ ,__ ,, ___ _ BJC ROUNDUP 1-RII>AY, OCIOIIER 21, 1'!17 )>age Four Les Bois Staff Hillman, Carpenter Letters to the Is Named Discuss World Policy I he fnst of the rrumthly rttdio bw;.d Editor \ nnounu.:nu:nt wa~ made this week. b)' \Villiam Am<.·s, stud <.· nt publi prcr«:nted la-~t The Roundup Personal Beef a(lviscr. of the <.!ppointment of the edi I Jwrsday, October lb, in the form of Published by torial !'ll all ol J.<.·s Bois, BJC ycoulmok, a panel diset s, of the Bromo ami o thers o n the staff are Rosita AI· Editor -·· ...... Bob Kohls llil hnall, the fnst JHl's.<.·nted, cent<·, ecl Club. .l.hi s al'lidc stated Lh t'gtia and Shawn StC\'f.' II S, aso,istalll cd i· tors: BariMra ( ; a iH:tt, a 1t cditoa; l .co h hl Ulp it on tht· problcrus whid1 exist ~:::~dft~rt~~ ---·::::::··::. :::::::::::::::·::···.. :.'.' ...... L-~~R~~n~;~~:~ from high schools 0 1 other collc.:gcs Compto n, spot ts ed itor; R i<.hanl Pii r l.. today between Rus~ia and the lJ. ~ . Hf' l"ews Editor ...... Barbara Ann Garrett must not be worn on the ';u npus of cr aud F. arl H r oc-km;m, photog• aph y pointed out the differenu: hctwt:e11 Feature-Editor ···-...... Shar on Stevens Boise J u nior College Wou ld it seem editors, and R oo;s \\'arc, lm'iillt'>S motH Amt:Jit;.t''i a\oowed demouatiL ibbury, Ros•ta Alegna, La Vera Swope, dictate what the otla·r st udents m:.n Mr. Ames pa!licularly sucs~d the that re<-tification of thts<.• Tni<>takcs C;lll· Charlotte Graham, Dick Parker, Earl Brown and Tally Brown. 01 may not wear? import is, with the nm~wnt ot the lead· We wish w thank the ;eLUdents for theu cooperauon 111 parkmg tile hearLs o[ all of us and I ~<.'<.' no <.anlJ.• W; in the neal flltUH'. ancl ddtnite ers, designed to create hate and fc:. art: (J everyone abides by the parking rules. J was cnnHiragcd in J t':ul i 1~g on. there will be a m inim um waste of time blame for the attitude cxi<>tant in b(Jlh While on the subjeCt of automobiles, however, we do have one however, to d iscover that th<.· llwnco and efl'or·t on the part of hoth the Stu· wuntri<.·s. and tho1t the prupaganda beef in mind. How about you drivers obeymg the speed lumt on Club would .\LLOVV u~ to wear ou1 (knl body a nd the photog1<.1phcrs ..\ 11 . limit is 8 miles per hour. How about cooperaung on this matter backwards to make this c.:oncession. l the p roper time. also, students. 'I hanks a lot for your cooperation. have been wondering tho ug h , wh ich Mr. Ames was enthusiastic over the dub will wme out with the hy·law p rospects of p utting out a rlrst cia~ that 1 can 't wear my Bou Sm ut merit Conveniently f annual this school year. He pointed out badge. 1 Where's Your School Spirit? that, in addition to the oontrarts with Located With school spirit at as low an ebb, as it is, why do people insist phowgraphcrs in Boise for the student on tearing it down instead of building it up? Take for instance the Answer to Lawhead portraits. there ;tre three professional photographt'rS on the campus. and that person who got up in front of a class and told how s1lly 1t IS lor If you wan t to wear your Boy Scout SAVE the staff will hilvc a wide as-;ortrncnt the men to grow beards for Homecoming. Badge, you juat go right ahead and lt seems to this reporter that the only persons growing their wear it. If we didn't {eel that we were of pi(tllrcs to choose from in making on beards ARE the only ones who take an interest in the extra-curri­ above the " High School H ero" level, up the hook. " _\ II ide;:1s and suggl"S· cular activities. Granted, maybe this person is not one of those who we would still be wearing our b ig tions," he said, "will he more th an Cash and Carry can grow a beard-but why run it down-why not give support letters also. wel<.·ome hy the editorial staff." to mak.e our school the best of its kind? Coolie: " f-l ow rome you don't like Phone«!! "Yellow Peril" gjrls?" Buy Your Own Paper Here's one we dug up on Presidem Rhett: ".\ w, tlte) 're too biased." BOISE CLEANERS Chaffee from 14 years back. J he ar· Coolie: " What do you mean b-v b i· Once again we have noticed the presence of the artists in the tide appearing in the fi ts! Roundup ased?" · 1218 Capitol Blvd. assembly hall of our auditorium building. We are sure that none went as follows: R hett: "Oh, it's alway~ bias this and " Professor Eugene Ch affee was int(.'J· of us are too poor to buy paper for this purpose. It seems shameful Oi~ tha t, .:_·,______l!::::::::::::::::::::::::::: to ruin the general appearance of our colleg with such acts of rupted in his political science disc.:us­ sabotage. Kindly give us your cooperation in seeing that this sort .sion Monday when a yellow·ja<.ket en of thing will fail to happen again in the future. tered the room and wen t b u11ing --- around his head. It was g reat amuse· STUDENTS! ment for the class to sec Mr. Chaffc.:"t' dodging aro und in front of the room, 1 T ake Advantage of Our Why Smoke? trying to elude the p ersistent insclL" Ev~ry year the_ Faculty and President of our school hope PRE-XMAS SPECIALS that this pro?lem will not come up, and yet due to the neglignece Two flies were strolling the ceiling of For Photographs That Please of a small mmonty of students we always seem to have difficulty a New York apartment. herewith. " You know," remarked o ne fly, "hu· . There is a rule governing smoking in any school (college) build­ man beings are so silly." mg on the campus which makes it unlawful. Yet we see that some "Silly," echDcd the second . "How do you figure that?" students find it mo~e c~mvenient _ to d!sobey it. This not only makes The first fly shrugged his wings. more work for the j30itors, but It rums the general appearance of "Just take a look," he chirped. "They our campus. We are sure that y_ou wouldn't stoop_ to being untidy •pend good money building a nice ceil· at ho';"e and so we are now askmg your cooperauon to see that it ing- and then they wa lk on the floor." doesn t happen here any more either. Thank. you again for your lund attention to this matter. You Don't Have It So Hard! Vi~ V~t: says· ~ . ·~ By BOB KOHLS Gl INSURANCE IS YOUR Speaking to some of the studen ts !age are only dirt roads, of course; MOSIVAWABLE SOUVENIR. Irving in the campus courts I hear a uced more be said? With ap pwximately OF SERVICE -HANG 0H fO If! lot of complaining going on. I ask you, c1ne car for every two families Jiving IF lAPSEO, ~INSTAIE II! however, have you ever lived in a I here, and with approximately on e· trailer camp? For those of you who third of said owners attending every ha\'e, 1 am sure you will bear me out <.lass, the dust wa sterific. (It might be \\hen 1 say it was ROUGH ! Here arc well to add that we h ad to go approx· ~me of my e>~.pcricm:es while residing imatcly one-h alf mile to classes, so cv. m the Vets' Village on the UniversiL\ eryone d rove their car.) And 1 have LO of Idaho (.3m p us: ' get along with my wife! She reminded I mm·cd into what is known as Vets' me that the marriage vo w~ stated that Village J.pproximately ten mon ths ago. 1 was sup posed to protect her from U 1 knew then what 1 know now, everything, Ou t this has gone too faL b rother! You would n't believe it, b ut Of course, I have ·found this q uite h ard this is a good combat course for the to prove to her. With the end of school toughest football team running. 1 in sight, and the veterans all going lnow, for I was there. home, they devided to pave th e streets. T he first thing I had to become ac· Isn't that ironical? C.U\to~ed to was the low ceiling. (I am T he rain gave us trouble also. You 'lpeakmg as a man of si)r; feet th ree would thin kthat these darn houses STRIPED FOR SLIMNESS an done.half inches tall.) After one would leak only when it rained , hu1 ARE YOU BORED? \\~ek of that I wa sauending claUCli they leaked only when the sun wa' ete- middy plus strolght \\'llh my hair uncombed. phis c.:-an be shining. There was ample proof of t h i ~ COME IN AN D BROUSE fly.front d irt ••• a must for prO\ ed by asking my imtructors.) in the midd le of o ur fron t room noo1 • . l l~is ,unfortunate!)'. was only the be­ (I use the term front room fig uratively ViBit Om· m" •,. matching. In Grey or gtnnmg. W hen we moved in it was as there was only one 100m in tht· Drown Wool and Reyo" still winter as far as the weather was whole darn house.) NEW FOUNTAIN M.nd with contrasting Past•! strip•. wncerncd. Heating i!l done by a wood ~Ve il , you can ~e that by this time sto\·e which make. the trailer either It IS a wonder that I am not a raving too hot or too cold, or both. maniac. And then they expected u~ :'\ext comes the p roblem of keeping poor veterans to keep up with 0 11 1 m~~~~~ our little home away from home clean. l'tl'H Shop, St·toml Floot studies. We weren 't st udents, we were 417 No. IOih St. The roatU which pass through the vii gcniu~e~l IIJC ROv,DlP tYJD.U, OCTOSf.Jl %t. 1947 Broncos Win Fron1 Loggers For 4th Win Koll Crosses Goal For Three IMost Publicized Halfback in Football History Touchdowns 1 • 1 b

IHere In' There \ group or 200 or more Mosww SlU· I hC' l\ronro I~' tldl·n'>t' aliplll!H tknh turned out more no~ from the l~wh1on did.N ~Jtutt.l;a) night . • cheenng ~ect1on for the BJC squad tour ~ h(-fl~ inlcln"ptt"ll. lkmn I than has heen \\ltnesscd so far thl~ • R:al.!ar .. l\r)ltt H••k ,me in on the }Car 111 our home games by our BJC ~/zen l.t'llil!tOU '">. l1lrric:'ll i1 IO the- -10- Jtd fans lint". R.1 h.ull lUlled lh(" I.Jolll em one pb) "0 )Ud to pa~ dut. . . Koll 'Sam 1-b)t."), football predictor, places lJrnt thrl"f: rll· . Hob \b.):t UJC 14th among the nation's lead- hl$:iCd into t'u· t"lklAJnC" for thC' fourth. ing junior college ele,eru his weel. · Sweaters Jam l.c,,.s pb\ both t'C'nh:r and But ~ith th~ Wei.Jer crew still rated (lUout.l. llon l'nikrloOer dncxltd one po'Sition ahead of 1hem the Broncs lht' tom auuu to th<- fn t 'COlt" \.ttul 'till ha'c plcm~ of room for impro\·e· ctn n ht Kt"t"p \our C"\l" on th(· ment. lone lOtuoru• l)oo \lilkr. llon Un.l Students who want the smartest St) ling c\Ct dcrL.(l(ln l'ct:e CaU. ttirtt fonncr In Fngland the harnessing of dogs offered in sweaters should at once select from ln.nlhn tan. r potl'\iblC' for muL:h to \ehidts is forbidden. but in Bel­ lll'\.~ our brand new stock of Jantzens. Patterns that'll of the 5Ucreu the Broncos .... \\ iJ. gium it i:o. common practice 10 harness tickle )OU pink-lightweights or heavyweights ht' \Iiller. rapp-. link gw.rd. ~prau~ one OJ more to small mill carts. hb an'llt' fuod;a rughr Ln pra\:tiu:. V neck or plain. Colors that capti,·ate- -wear­ ability that will give you the smartest ll1 stylmg • juuml llume. rat} \lt-\lullan. rhe ;~ilbatrOS:t ha.s the longest wmg· at a saving of money. Get 'em while we've got tht' fa.stet. li'btcst tiSO) uil b:l'-ls on ')>pread of al1 birds, often H fttt from tbc UJC liCluad. lu.'<" ~ mdur:an~.~ 1ip to tip "em at- thJ.n an othn lllliO pb~es: \In loa c-;une throug;b "Llh h ' abtlin l urdav- n~ht to ("C'p the lin-=- .. tron Ju hhb dod;:d a l...nit,COD pun~ SEXTY'S .IIUnhl n~tn bcf~ WJUfi hi, hi and "u funna.J hum the ~mC' . Should Be noo M ··., u on~ o1 lh< ~ - • • Bn au. "hm ooc pbJin;: quurabod•. YOUR turns 1n one: of the bt_,~ pcrfornunn:'!l. at u.nd nn 5«n at BJC.. • :\d.suo JEWELERS d.><-,n) miDd informing hb opponui<;.e Bathman: "I like them. nn hutlt of the same mate~tal as ts the admmtstrauon hutldmg. 1 he bwldtng was government property She looks very nice in the long skiru. Mn. Ymille U l'u"'·er on \\'tdnestLi.} until recently when BJC pUJchased 1t from them. rhe. Health ·center s_er_ves as. a child-welf3:rc unit and comnnmi~ble disease prevention center. Dr. Kotas is gen· but if she is short like me, oh, brother!'' C'\ming. C.k.tobcr 15. O((icen rlected era! ducctor of the dt_mc wh1ch ser~es .Bo1se, .-\da county and F~lmore county. A nurse and doctor, practicing in Lorin \Vardle: !\CENSORED!! •ere \\'illiam \fernll, president: :\or· noi"i-C are on duty dunng the mornt~g. t~e nur.sc from 8-12 and the doctor [rom 9-10 for all college studentot. m:~n U1akt·r. \'ic.c president; and Ro­ 1 he college health. is under the ~hrecuon o( Dr: Bruce Budge, and Mrs. Corlett, nurse. The Veterans' Gu1dance Center IS also located m the Health Center now. Both the Veterans' Administrat.ion The common superstition that a per· •ll.a ,\lcgria, uc-.. \UIC.1 . At thi§ meeting and BJC are represented in the Health Center, with or. Giles representing the college, and Bill Bronson the v. A. thc dub dec idt·d to hold regul,;u busi· son handling toads will get wartJ on 11n1 mec:ting. t"\t:ry thirct Wednesday hi~ hands is untrue. C'\("lllOg at the home of \fn. Power, Baby SiHers Wonted I B. J. C. College ATTENTION, VETS! "bo is the; Spanish imtructor. \1rs. Fred L. Millett, training officer for Birds were used to cary mess.ages as bJnothellc· Wood dl' Infante wa\ a spec· By BJC R. C. Unit Directory I£ you want a job with short hours the Boise area, may be found in room long ago as 218 B. C. 1~1 gunt u( the duO. and, !)peaking in at a reasonable rate o£ pay and an op· Want a date? 120 every Wednesday as Vets' counsellor 'vani,h, tulct the mcrnben of her four portunity to study while working, be Know her phone number? to take up any problems connected A normal baby weighs 52 poundJ on sure to be in room 112 this afternoon yean aprnt in Bolh·ia. Other special l'he Boise Junion College Directory with your courses at BJC. a fisherman's scales. JlUC!\t'J CJl the dub were ~u,ano Lopez (friday) at 3 PM as the BJC Red Cross has gone lo press and is scheduled to t.Jnit will meet then to start their baby Special attention sh.ould be paid to from \'uetAtan anti Enio \fon~nto from make its appearance hy the middle of 1'"------­ program. The unit has had sev· the school bulletin board. If your name N,ovembel'. C..u:.~u·nu.la . calls already from prospective em­ appears on the board ,it is important STUDENT UNION Hut m(.•(;ting of the Get man Club ployers for baby sitters. This directory will contain the that you respond immediately. t'lill he-ld thi!ii Wl"tk. with newly elected At the meeting today the unit hopes names, addresses. and telephone num­ Show Your Colors Mr. ;\lillett can be reached from 8 to Preaident ~1elvin l>e\tond in charge. to obtain the names of all students, bers o( every B. J. C. student and fat.:· Othtr uffi(l·n ell-ted were Bill Jamie- male or female, who are interested in 10 every morning except \Vednesday ulty member. Included in the booklet • lfm. ,ju· ptl'liident. and Lola Howard. a as baby sitter, and to set up a and Saturday by phoning 6090--ex. 98. I clearing spot to put those ~tu- will be a sh9n history o( the coll ege Full Line of He wi ll be available for conferences on tecreary. The fant WednL'Sday of each dents in touch with people wantmg an dits student regulations. other days. month w;:t\ ~,(')Cf.'tt"CI for regular meet- baby litters. Decals, Mascots ing dates I£ you are interested in part time College clubs an dorganizations, their functions and officers, as well as the \t th'· first meeting of the club, plans work of this nature, be sure to be at Rattlesnakes, contrary to belief, do 1947-8 school and social calender, will Pennants "·ere made for presentation of a Ger· the meeting this afternoon. not seek to avenge the death of a be lisedt in the directory. The cover 111al\ language play later in the season. By bobbing his head in a certain mate. They arc attracted to the death will be printed in the traditional B. J. Belts and Buckles C;c:nnan son~ were sung and ano­ scene by scent. way, the !'ea gull shows other gulls the C. colors. gum,. in German, were played by the direction o( a ~chool of fish. An outstanding feature of this year's memben. Refreshments of cokes and directory will be the 5-cent sa le price, doughnuts were served. The porpoise and the panda are the an 80 per cent reduction of last sea­ MWiical Supplies Electrkal Appl.ian<:ell most playful animals. son's charge of a quarter. Wanted: BOISE MUSIC AND -APPLIANCE One Man! 81 9 Idaho Street Phone !49 ''\Vho are you going to the home­ coming dance with?" I smiled weakly and ;.~nswered, "no onel" I still haven't Broncs . • . d«ided whether her look was scorn· COKE REFRESHES ful or pirying. but J prefer to believe the latter. 1\~vertheless, it made me LET' S WIN HOMECOMING feel h.orible. h isn't that I ha\·en't any And Then Enjoy ll" xappcal. 01 is it? BOWLING TEAMS I was lJO sure that cute veteran in my SUNFREZE ICE CREAM t)ping das.s would ask me because he Served at Your Student Union \\in~ at me C\Ct} da~. How was J '~UppObed to know he was married? He AND SPECTATORS sure doon't act like it. Idaho Creameries \'ow 1 tell them I ha\C a date Sat­ 1301 Bannock, Boise, Idaho Phone 557 uat.13}' night. I hope no one asks me \\hO \\ith, I would just hate to lie. I hL'll''s suppo~U to be three men -- --======'Q to C\t:l) girl in BJC. If I fmd out who has my ahatt I'll tear her e)elashcs oul. [ VllC' h) one. Oh . oh, telephone. I HEADQUARTERS Can )OU imagine the nerve o( that gu). J. king me to the dance? \\'h) e\t:t\Onc lnows he's aln."3d)· asked three othct girls. l wouldn't go out with him if he were the onll man on this umpu" "0\\, what wa-. 1 SJ.)ing , .• Vic Vet says ~ ~ ON·TliHAltM 'IVAINING IS GROSWALD DOUBLE- CAMBER SKI AVAILABLE TO VETERANS UNDER lllE 6( I! ILL. SEE filE IIHEIUM5 from $15.00 up AOMINISTRATION FOR OETAILS. Tyrol, Sandler a nd Bergman Boots PAY WHI LE YOU SKI l/3 Down on Your Ski Outfit

Rent on a Renml Basis $2.50 Per Week