January 2014 Adam L. Porter Department of Religion 1120 West Lafayette Avenue Illinois College Jacksonville, IL 62650 1101 West College Avenue 269-767-8373 Jacksonville, IL 62650
[email protected] Voice: 919-245-3429 www2.ic.edu/aporter Fax: 919-245-3480 Education: Ph.D., Religious Studies, Duke University May 1999 Major Field: Judaic Studies Minor Fields: Old Testament, Art and Art History Master of Theological Studies, Harvard Divinity School May 1993 Concentration in Western Traditions Bachelor of Arts, Oberlin College May 1988 Major: Economics, Minor: Religion Dean of the Faculty, July 2014 - present Overseeing search and hiring of faculty Assessing faculty performance Associate Academic Dean, July 2013-June, 2014. Leading the team writing Illinois College’s HLC re-accreditation assurance argument Overseeing search and hiring of non-tenure track faculty, as well as meeting with them to discuss their performance Coordinate efforts to improve student retention, serve on college’s Early Intervention Group, student academic advising and progress monitoring Coordinate selecting and brining major speakers to campus as part of Convocation program Special projects and troubleshooting as assigned by the Dean of the College Teaching Experience: Professor, Illinois College, fall 2012-present Associate Professor, Illinois College, fall 2006-spring 2012 Assistant Professor, Illinois College, fall 2000-spring 2006 Courses Taught Abrahamic Religions (fall 2002, 2003, spring 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013) Ancient Near Eastern Religions (fall 2003, 2005) Art and Archaeology of the Ancient Mediterranean (spring 2003, fall 2004, 2006) Biblical Greek (AY 2004-05, AY 2008-09, AY 2010-11, spring 2012, fall 2012, spring 2013) BreakAway: Ancient Greece (spring 2008, 2010) BreakAway: Jews, Christians, and Muslims in Medieval Spain (spring 2003) BreakAway: Italy (May 2012) BreakAway: London (May 2013) BreakAway: Morocco (January 2008) BreakAway: Peru, Past and Present - Inca Trail (Spring 2009) Curriculum Vitæ A.