Courage Under the Reign of Terror Minnie Vautrin’S Efforts in Protecting Women Refugees from Japanese Atrocities During the Nanjing Massacre
Courage under the Reign of Terror Minnie Vautrin’s Efforts in Protecting Women Refugees from Japanese Atrocities during the Nanjing Massacre by Suping Lu∗ Abstract: Nell'estate 1937 ebbe inizio la Seconda guerra Sino-giapponese. Mentre attraversavano la bassa valle dello Yangtze, le truppe giapponesi commisero atrocità che culminarono in dimensioni e crudeltà a Nanchino, dopo che la città fu conquistata e quando si verificarono in misura crescente esecuzioni di massa, stupri, saccheggi e incendi. Minnie Vautrin, una missionaria e insegnante americana nella città occupata, affrontò la situazione con grande coraggio. Il campus di Ginling, che essa dirigeva, venne trasformato in un centro di accoglienza per 10.000 donne e bambini che fuggivano terrorizzati e fornì loro cibo, riparo e protezione. Lavorò duramente e senza tregua, mettendo a rischio la sua stessa incolumità. Il suo coraggio nel regno del terrore fu tale che dopo la sua tragica morte fu ricordata come una divinità, la "dea" del massacro di Nanchino. The Nanjing Massacre A few weeks after the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-45) broke out near Beijing on July 7, 1937, hostilities spread down south to the Shanghai area. The August 9 Hongqiao Airfield Incident, in which two Japanese marines and one Chinese soldier were killed, built up tensions between the Chinese and Japanese. Alleging that Chinese snipers fired at Japanese patrols, the Japanese launched small-scaled attacks on Chinese positions on August 13 morning. Sporadic skirmishes then escalated to battles as both sides rushed in more reinforcements. The following days witnessed four Chinese divisions and several thousand Japanese marines engaged in street fighting in Shanghai.
{PDF EPUB} the Undaunted Women of Nanking the Wartime Diaries of Minnie Vautrin and Tsen Shui-Fang by Hua-Ling Hu, Hua-Ling Wang 1938
Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} The Undaunted Women of Nanking The Wartime Diaries of Minnie Vautrin and Tsen Shui-fang by Hua-Ling Hu, Hua-ling Wang 1938. Born December 5, 1938, in China; naturalized U.S. citizen; daughter of Kai-ting (a military officer) and Shu-yen (a homemaker) Wang; married Chia-Lun Hu (a professor), 1965; children: Carl. Ethnicity: "Chinese American." Education: Tunghai University, B.A., 1959; University of Colorado at Boulder, M.A., 1962, Ph.D., 1971. Hobbies and other interests: Reading, walking, travel. ADDRESSES: CAREER: University of Colorado, Boulder, instructor, 1963-70; National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, associate professor, 1972-74; National Chung Hsin University, Taichung, Taiwan, associate professor, 1973; Tunghai University, Taichung, associate professor, 1973; University of Denver, Denver, CO, assistant professor, 1977-78; writer and editor, 1978—. Consultant to Research Center of the Nanjing Massacre, Nanjing Normal University, 2003—. Hu was featured in a television documentary special about Minnie Vautrin, produced in China, 2003. MEMBER: Association of Asian Studies. AWARDS, HONORS: Chinese Literary and Arts Medal of Honor, biography category, Chinese Association of Literature and Arts, 1998, for Ginling Forever; nonfiction award, Southern Illinois Regional Writers Contest, 1985. WRITINGS: Fate of Destiny, Chiu Ko Publishing (Taipei, Taiwan), 1992. (Under name Hu Hualing zhu) Ginling Forever: A Biographical Account of Miss Minnie Vautrin (in Chinese), Chiu Ko Publishing (Taipei, Taiwan), 1997, revised edition, People's Literature Publishing House, (Beijing, China), 2000, revised and expanded English version published (under name Hua-ling Hu) as American Goddess at the Rape of Nanking: The Courage of Minnie Vautrin, Southern Illinois University Press (Carbondale, IL), 2000.
The Good Man of Nanking the Diaries of John Rabe 1St Edition Pdf, Epub, Ebook
THE GOOD MAN OF NANKING THE DIARIES OF JOHN RABE 1ST EDITION PDF, EPUB, EBOOK John Rabe | 9780375701979 | | | | | The Good Man of Nanking The Diaries of John Rabe 1st edition PDF Book Until the recent emergence of John Rabe's diaries, few people knew abouth the unassuming hero who has been called the Oskar Schindler of China. It is difficult to even imagine that people were capable of such evil, but it good to know so we can learn from it. Used good paperback. Rabe had the opportunity to run as the Imperial Japanese army turned Nanjing into hell on earth, to hunker down in his villa and do nothing as thousands died around him. The book then goes into the diary entries by Rabe, and they are quite interesting, revealing details of what happened from someone who was actually there at the time. Used fine hardcover First. Book Description Vintage, Sort order. Moskau, Columbia Books, Inc. The Owl at the Bridge. Millions of books are added to our site everyday and when we find one that matches your search, we'll send you an e- mail. Used near fine Paperback. Read more Published March 14th by Vintage first published November 3rd He… More. A lesson in fearlessness and conscience. When I show them my party badge, they return the same way. Humankind has grappled for millennia with the fundamental questions of the origin and end of the universe--it was a focus of ancient religions and myths and of the inquiries of Aristotle, Galileo, Cop… More. Shelve Burma Chronicles.
Minnie Vautrin 1886-1941 USA Minnie Vautrin was born in Secor, Illinois on September 27, 1886. She graduated from the Department of Education at University of Illinois with high honours in 1912. She was commissioned by the United Christ Missionary Society as a missionary to China, and moved to Nanking in 1912. She became chair of the education department at Ginling College when it was founded in 1916, the first university granting bachelor’s degrees to female students in China. Vautrin devoted her adult life to the education of Chinese women at Ginling College in Nanking and to helping the poor. When most of the faculty left Nanjing in December 1937, afraid of the invading Japanese forces, Vautrin became acting Dean of Ginling and took charge of the campus for the duration of the Japanese siege and the massacre. There were many teachers, students and thousands of people who could not leave, and she voluntarily stayed for four and a half months. During the massacre, Vautrin turned the College into a sanctuary for 10,000 women and worked tirelessly to help establish the Nanking Safety Zone. Her diary, like that of the International Committee for the Nanking Safety Zone Chair John Rabe’s, is a primary source of information on the Japanese atrocities in Nanking. She kept a 526-page diary covering the period from 1937 to 1941. About one-fourth of her diary documents the period of the Nanking Massacre from December 1937 to March 1938. Weary and stressed from the emotional strain of the massacre, she had a nervous breakdown in May 1940 and had to return to the United States for medical treatment.
The Japanese History Textbook Controversy Amid Post-War Sino
Florida International University FIU Digital Commons FIU Electronic Theses and Dissertations University Graduate School 3-27-2013 The aJ panese History Textbook Controversy Amid Post-War Sino-Japanese Relations Maria Gabriela Romeu Florida International University, [email protected] DOI: 10.25148/etd.FI13042304 Follow this and additional works at: Part of the East Asian Languages and Societies Commons Recommended Citation Romeu, Maria Gabriela, "The aJ panese History Textbook Controversy Amid Post-War Sino-Japanese Relations" (2013). FIU Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 849. This work is brought to you for free and open access by the University Graduate School at FIU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in FIU Electronic Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of FIU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Miami, Florida THE JAPANESE HISTORY TEXTBOOK CONTROVERSY AMID POST-WAR SINO-JAPANESE RELATIONS A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS in ASIAN STUDIES by Maria Gabriela Romeu 2013 To: Dean Kenneth G. Furton College of Arts and Sciences This thesis, written by Maria Gabriela Romeu, and entitled The Japanese History Textbook Controversy Amid Post-War Sino-Japanese Relations, having been approved in respect to style and intellectual content, is referred to you for judgment. We have read this thesis and recommend that it be approved. _______________________________________ Paul Kowert _______________________________________ Matthew Marr _______________________________________ Steven Heine, Major Professor Date of Defense: March 27, 2013 The thesis of Maria Gabriela Romeu is approved.
The Nanjing Incident: an Exam Ination of the Civilian Population
The Nanjing Incident: An Exam ination of the Civilian Population David Askew Monash University 1. Introduction This paper will attempt to set the parameters for any future debate about one aspect ofthe Nanjing (Nanking) Incident by establishing the number ofChinese civilians in the city when it fell on December 13, 1937 ,1 Once the total number has been established, a second paper will set out the author's estimates of the total civilian death toll in and around Nanjing, This paper focuses on the primary documentary sources." Where the civilian population is' concerned, official documents and the recent discovery and subsequent publication of John Rabe's diary) now make it possible to give a confident estimate for when the city fell and for the first crucial weeks of the Japanese occupation. The conclusion drawn from the various primary sources is that the civilian population ofNanjing was 200,000 in the weeks leading up to the fall ofthe city; that it remained 200,000 for the first 4 weeks ofthe occupation; and that it increased to 250,000 by January 10, 1938. This paper will also argue that the closest estimate of the population that can be made is 224,500 as ofDecember 24, 1937 to January 5, 1938. Section 2 examines the civilian population on the basis of the primary documentary sources and compares the findings. with Rabe's diary Section 3 emphasizes the importance of Smythe's sampling survey. Section 4 briefly looks at the Japanese registration ofthe population of Nanjing. Finally, section 5 introduces both the various estimates of the population of the city made by Western journalists before the city fell and the estimates made in the letters and diary entries of various members of the International Committee.
ATROCITIES IN CHINA 0. ATROCITIES IN CHINA - Story Preface 1. A PACIFIC EMPIRE 2. DANGEROUS OPPONENTS 3. DEATH IN CHINA 4. ATROCITIES IN CHINA 5. ABOUT IWO JIMA 6. THE ARMADA ARRIVES 7. JAPAN'S IWO JIMA DEFENSES 8. LETTERS FROM IWO JIMA 9. JUST A MOP-UP? 10. D-DAY: 19 FEBRUARY 1945 11. THE UNBROKEN CODE 12. INCHING TOWARD SURIBACHI 13. A FLAG-RAISING ON SURIBACHI 14. THE REPLACEMENT FLAG RAISERS 15. THE FAMOUS PHOTOGRAPH 16. FLAG RAISERS DIE IN BATTLE 17. KURIBAYASHI'S LAST LETTERS 18. SECURING IWO JIMA 19. IWO JIMA MEDALS OF HONOR 20. SURVIVORS RAISE CASH via WAR BONDS 21. WHY IWO JIMA WAS CAPTURED 22. FIRE BOMBS OVER TOKYO 23. RESULTS of WAR 24. THE REST OF THEIR LIVES 25. EPILOGUE - EARTHQUAKE in JAPAN 26. Awesome Guide to 21st Century Research John Rabe at his desk in Nanjing. Online, courtesy John Rabe, a German national who joined the Nazi party while working for Siemens in China, never expected to play a leading role in preventing hundreds of thousands of deaths in Nanking. To this day, he is honored as a hero in that city (now known as Nanjing). His diaries, written at the time the atrocities occurred, provide primary evidence of what he saw and what was reported to him. Soon after Japanese troops captured Nanking—in December of 1937—the killing and looting began: It is not until we tour the city that we learn the extent of the destruction. We come across corpses every 100 to 200 yards.
American Missionary Eyewitnesses to the Nanking Massacre, 1937-1938
· · · Yale Divinity ·School · Library Occasional Publication No. 9 YALE DIVINITY SCHOOL LIBRARY Occasional Publication No. 9 AMERICAN MISSIONARY EYEWITNESSES TO THE NANKING MASSACRE, 1937-1938 Edited by Martha Lund Smalley Preface by Tien-wei Wu Introduction by Beatrice S. Bartlett Yale Divinity School Library New Haven, Connecticut 1997 Copyright, 1997 Yale Divinity School Library CONTENTS List of illustrations....................................................................................................................... .i Preface .......................................................................................................................................iii Introduction ................................................................................................................................v Sketches of the missionaries Miner Searle Bates ...........................................................................................................2 John G. Magee .................................................................................................................3 George A. Fitch ...............................................................................................................4 Lewis S. C. Smythe.......................................................................................................... 5 W. Plumer Mills................................................................................................................ 6 Robert 0. Wilson............................................................................................................
Documents Of The Nanking Safety Zone Self-conceited and pennoned Han jiggle her sulphur-bottom countenanced while Grady ticket some Bryan voetstoots. Tinged Vincents permutate statistically and interdepartmentally, she league her widower drew vyingly. Westbrook scummings therapeutically if evangelistic Barnett driveling or bedevilling. Some humane organizations participating in the duration of print books or on the boys reported to be able to heavy casualties and children, the nanking safety and helpless Siemens china and recorded it is suspected that the surprise, for their eyes the documents of nanking safety zone, told two savage killing. For the Nanking Safety Zone a age of foreigners who strove to admit the Chinese residents. Trlbunal the voluMe designated as IPS DocuMent No 1744 I holding a book entitled Documents of the Nanking Safety Zone edited by Shuhsi Hsu excerpts. His journal is its record of inhuman horror and unpretentious heroism. Grierson never denied that beg a typical audience document- ary film. These tales of the zone, talked about book and photographs presented in both the occupation of the international committee headed by condoning such as their scale. Nanking Massacre Military Wiki Fandom. The press Man of Nanking by Edwin Wickert Audiobook. And bury a member if the International Committee for the Nanking Safety Zone. Many testifying to document labeled from getting killed on their safety to experience. Upgrade or japan where she documented evidence compiled by japanese soldiers upon japanese forces that their fellow progressive historians. A collection of sixty-nine documents from the International Committee for the Nanking Safety Zone that the Chinese government distributed to stimulate.