JapaneseJapaneseSociety Society ofSystematicof Systematic Zoology Species Diversity, 2007, 12, 187-192 First Record of a Rare Moray, Enchelycore kamara (Actinopterygii: Anguilliformes: Muraenidae), from Amami-oshima Island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan Koichi Shibukawai, Yohko Takata2 and Gento Shinohara3 JfVtzgao IVatural Environment )bundation, 3-1010 Shitcrya, 71aito-ku, 7bhyo, 110-OO04 Joj)an E-mail: hshibukawa@tvrc,or・.tP 2Cignterfor Molecutar Biodiversity Research, IVtitional Mttseum qflVttture and Science, 3-23-1 Ilyakunin-cho, Shinjuku-ku, 7bdyo, 1oo-O073 Jinpan E-mail:
[email protected] 3Daparttnent of Zoolog L,, IVational Museum of IVtiture and Science, 3-23-1 Ilyak"nin-cho, Shinjuku-k", Tokyo, IG9-OOrs Jirlpan E-mail:
[email protected] (Received 6 March 2007; Accepted 13 June 2007) A single specimen of the rare moray Enchelycore kaniara BOhlke and B6hlke, 19eO was eollected from a shallow coral reef at Amami-oshima Is- la]d, Ryukyu Islands, Japan. The species had been known previously flrom only six specimens collected from the Line Islands and Palau, and the pres- ent specimen thus represents the first record of the species from Japanese waters. A brief account of the morphology of the Japanese spectmen is pro- vided, as well as a photograph showing its color freshly after col]ection. Key Words: Actinopterygii, Anguillifbmies, Muraenidae, Enchelycore kamara, first record, Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Introduction Morays of the genus Enchelycore Kaup, 1856 are moderately elongate, med/[um- to Iarge-sized muraenid eels attaining over 1100mm total length (TL), known i'rom temperate to tropical regions of the Indian, Pacific, and Atiantic oceans, Although the classification of the family is in a state of flux (Smith 2002), this genus is distin- guished from other muraenid genera in having the lbllowing combination of char- acters (B6hlke et al.