Friday 10th February 2017 Volume 6 (01536) 532700
[email protected] CALENDAR WELCOME! Friday 10th February Dear Parents/Carers Last day of Term We are all very much looking forward to our Monday 20th February performance of Oliver! which is taking place on 23rd School re-opens to students February. This is the first time we have put on a performance of this scale, demonstrating how well our Thursday 23rd February new music department has integrated with KSA performance of Oliver! The Musical Performing Arts to form a really strong department. If Tuesday 7th March you haven’t already purchased your tickets, details of how to do so are included within the bulletin. Parents’ Forum, 6pm It is now getting busier for our Year 11 students in Thursday 16th March preparation for their exams in the summer, revision Year 9 Options Evening 1 sessions take place every evening. If you have a child Thursday 23rd March in year 11 please ensure they take up every opportunity available to them in order to help them Year 9 Options Evening 2 achieve their potential in their GCSEs. I hope you all have a pleasant half-term break and EPraise look forward to welcoming the students back to the Academy, feeling refreshed on Monday 20th February. Congratulations to With best wishes, Year 10 who continue to hold first Paul Davies position for EPraise Principal points, with Year 8 NEWS closely following. These are awarded Sainsbury's Active Kids Vouchers on the EPraise We are now collecting Sainsbury's Active Kids system for good Vouchers.