Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC June 2000 Daily Egyptian 2000 6-30-2000 The Daily Egyptian, June 30, 2000 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_June2000 Volume 85, Issue 170 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 2000 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in June 2000 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. .-.-·-- ,-,·., .-. i -.~·­ . dailj'Cgyptia"h.com 50 THERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY AT CARBONDALE . Glissays: I swear,alH have in here is sparklers. Performances grace the University Mzµeum's sculpture garden each week MAll'LEl:N TROUTT DAILY EGYPTIAN REPORTER There was silence Thursday afternoon amid• the cold, metallic, modem sculptures that arc scattered across the grounds of the Univ-..rsity Museum's sculprwc garden. Akicm the Dream, toured ;\s •the peoples poet,~ was sclieclulcd to read for the Arts in the Garden 2000 series. Ins~ he is in the ·Motorcyde 'hospital for complications from cirrhosis of Motorcycle training the liver. course prepares The arts series will continue next week riders for the road, with the Thursday lunch hour escapes to cul-· K.Dlff. MALONEY,- DAn.:i·EGYPTIAN ture, where people can enjoy picnic-like • pag,S Brian Buckman and David Lohman, also known as the Psychic Bunny Aveng~~ ar~ P,reP,aring f~r ~ ~ike ride from. lunching on the cool, grassy grounds while St Louis to San Diego while stopping at hospitals to bring gifts to diildren. llie Psychic Bunnies will be holding a, enriching their senses. press confer1:_nce Saturday before they tra_vel to Springfield to meet with Gov. Ryan. What began four years ago as Music in the Garden has expanded its curriculum this season to include other expressive arts, such Psydtic Blinny, AW!JlgerS- findl theiJ.'pulpOse; as music, dance and poetry. Arts in the Garden 2000 is a series offree Audio&Film St. Louis to San Diego in When asked why tlie bunny; cos~c:s were n~ performing art C\'Cnts occuriing at the Reviews of David'Lohman, an SIUC: graduate student in art and'the University Museum, sculprwc gan:len each "Oticken Run," other half of the Avengers, liad a logicahcsponse. ,he Patriot," and spa~dex and bunny ears 11i~:ifteinoon. "Me,Mysel(.& "The bunny is an approachable creature,~ Lohman saiti Lori Huffinari, curator of collections and Irene.• RYAN T11osT "We were thinking that we could be dinosaurs or skunks; development officer for the University DAILY EGYPTIAN REPORTER but you might not be quite as loved as a bunny," Milsewn, s:iid sh!= saw 31! audience to expand "Everybody seems to take to a bunny; Buckman added: upon and she hopes todiveis_iijthe events as They call 1 themselves superheroes. Their uniforms arc The visits to P.Otential sponsors.arid· local' hospitals in well as rejuvenate ~ full-body spandex and bunny ears. Their mission is to ride Carbondale brought· t_o light just liow important tlie cosc •Art isn't just music, 311cf iJ isn't fustwf!a:t from St Louis to San Diego on bicycles bringing good will, tumes would k you hang on ~ Hilflman said! "There t-shlrts al)d posters to children in hospitals "The, costume not only allows us to are a va,riciyoffonns from poct!yto ~cc.~ along the way, and to raise environmental and n••••••• 'approacli people differently but allows J?C:O""· Followiitg Thursdays will' showcase the spiritual a~ess. _ t pie to feel: more comfortable with ~t music ofBanjovi;.Loose Gravc,1; arid'~ This morning the two Psychic Bunny The costume not Buckman said! . Relevant, as well as_dancc from the Southern Karaoke Illinois Rcpertoi:r Thea~ . _· · Karaoke offered at Avengers will ride to Memorial Hospital of only allows us to, SpollS!>rs: will be donating cquip111ent Dan_cc Mugsy Mt<;uire's Carbondale for a visit to the pediatrics ward' aJ1d' filnds for the. ride including bike sup:, The fall series will o~ some ofthe same: and Pinch Penny to brighten the day of children there. approach· people plies, webccams and, money. Donations arc bands that p~rfonned: this• yt:ar- such as Pub. • Saturday the Psychic Bunny Avengers will differently but allovvs · being accepted' and• arc \Ve_lcomcd; widi all B~jovi, Loose· Gr?,vcl' andi' Cartc;r 3.fld' pag,S begin timing-uP. for their cross-country ride people to f~I i more spo~<>rs recefying ajr .!imc; on the~~ .. CoM~cy, as wcll•z a•J!OCl:!Yrc:ading; 3.?~' by holding a p_ress conference and breakfast comfortable with us. The ride. will'. be. wcbcast live on: tlieir, dan~ by, SIRim The &,m con!U!1_:1e5 ti,>. from 7 to 9 a.m. at Harbaugh's Cafe, 901B' S. ~ebsite at www.psythicbunnies.com, _ . •. cxpang by-oflcriiig participants,a hands-,on - I Illinois St.. 8IIIAN ~ The buMy path willtbegin in,St Louis approach with demonsUations ofart. The breakfa.t will be followed by a trip to P,ychk BunnyA;...,g... L and go ~!lgh Wichiia; lun,, Oklahoma; The interactiw: Fllicr Art danonstration :!i·hfitHI: Springfieldt to, see Gov. George Ryan Albuquetq!_le, N.M,: Fligstatl;.Ariz:, an,d an~' eartic:i~ti()fl is ~ Slil:h: exj,a~_cm to 10IMY. Monday morning, for; a photo shoot and to San Diego; the series that, d• allow. die audience to Partly E(hudy. thank him for signing a bill bst September. that awarded' What is going to~ the:se bunni,;s going for 2,300• weavc, ~ an4dyeaJongwilli tlieinsttucto& 157 million in bike path grants'to local communities, miles through, th~ hot summer sun and• blistering pave- High:as. Thc.17~milci trip, to Springfield ivill be practice for. ment? • . Low: 62 their 2,300 mile ride to San Diego on July 23. Riders arc . "Dealing with_ that unkn~, tha,t we've been,_ ta!_king welcome to join the Avengers on their ride to Spriiigfield 1 about,"Lohman said.:"I01ean,I'm sure we'll finfoutwhat .£~~~~with cvay ffl!C ~f spring~ • ·. ~ as well as the big ride, but arc asked to wear their favorite we need to do ~n:wc get out there,"· ._ • · · · TheJ.Cu:.maloiraGamen's$rie~t!i~; super hero con.ume. · . These ~~ 50.ul:searcliing mission; ang they, . to "-~-floored bridge,.wbac apcnon, Partly doudy­ Brian_ Bu~an; one of.the two Ave~ anJ;a,1997- want to sliare it :wit!i ~ne. They've bl·a!! a~ cm ~tin the ~triclde ofaw.ata','- High: 94: . SIUC· graduate, in. radio-television, and' creatjve writing, of SCll'ts; and it isn't_ enough t<> Ji,:cp it inside. · . Low: 65, consid~ April' 1, ~e day of ~oini'for the Psychic · The bunnies say their trip has evol~ from 3:11 i~ealis­ Avengcrs, That's the day the.#-"1 was rcalizcd. tic journey. of. selfocalization, t~ i; spiritual' advcn_twc ''We're superherocs,"Buckritan saiti."l thinkitwill ht; between themselves and:natwc. In-.,ly,Aprilf~~' 1SINCLE COPY FREE pretty neat for. Carbondale•fo be proud.aboutsomethijlg ~ tossing around•th_e idea a11:iit~ evol~·into a~~ ~9$i:E. \'OLSS, N0.170 .. that's in ilie news. Now.'>'e liave something that people can sion._The idea isn'tjust a liop down, the ~ trail:any-· 12 PAGES not only feel good abo,ut but Clll rally aroundt more. · --.:-.-.·-:(,:,:;~·•'" .• ,..?::; Ouur.mnn FRIDA\'. JUUE 30 2000 • PAGE 2 Mii!U 11MiM · -~ • Library Affairs, Introduction to • Library Affairs, Tables with HTML, l CARBONDALE . ic publi,hrd Mon.by Photosliop Seminar, I I a.m. to 12 · to 4 p.m. July 20, Morris Library · through Fridiy,during p.rri. July 11, Morris Library Room 103 Room 1030, 453•2818. • Susan Bethan Berner, 41, of Carbondale th, fall and spring D. _453·2818. was arrested Wednesday and charged with ~ntm and four timn • Library Affairs, Web Design Tricks retJil theft. The incident occurred at , -k during th, • library Affairs, Introduction t-> . and Tips with HTML, 2 to 4 p.m. July · Schnucks Supermarket,'915 W. Main St.. ,ummu semntrr acq,t Constructing Web Pages (HTML), 9:30 21, Morris Library Room 103 D, The value of loss was S22.94. · during: nations and to I I :30 a.m. July 12, Morris LibrJry 453·281B. cum -b by th, UPCOMING Room 103 D, 453·2818. stud,nrs of Southern • Two bicycles were reported stolen from a • library Affairs, Web CT 2.0 I I lllinoit Uni,-eniry at • Wllmen's Services Summer Brown • Library Affairs, Digital ll!lag!ng, home in the 600 block of North Almond Cubon.W,. Overview, 10 to 11 a.m. July 5, Morris a.m. to 12 p.m. July 24, Moms Street in Carbondale. The two bicycles Library Room 15, 453·28 l 8. Bag Series 2000, 12 to 1 p.m. Jul) Library Room 103 0, 453-2818. Editor--in-Chicf; Woody Hall A 306, 453-3655. were identified as a black. 18•ir.ch 800 DAMISERITTIR • Women's Services Summer Brown • Library Affairs, Power Point sr.ort mountain bike, valued approximate• SeminJr, to to 11 :30 a.m. July 13, • Library Affairs, Introduction to AdMma,:,r. Bag Series 2000, Tai Chi: thl' Art of Constructing Web Pages (HTML), ly at S264, and a black ar.d g1ay Giant Rmm. l)tO.\IASSIE M~!ris ~bra_ry Room 103 ~- 453-2818. Relaxation, 12 to l p.m. July's; 9:30 to I I :30 a.m. July 25, Morris Nincon mountain bike, valued at $282. CbuifiN: Woody Hall A 306, 453-3655.: '. • Women's Sentices Summer Brown Library Room 103 D, 453·281B.
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