Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC June 2000 Daily Egyptian 2000 6-30-2000 The Daily Egyptian, June 30, 2000 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 85, Issue 170 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 2000 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in June 2000 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. .-.-·-- ,-,·., .-. i -.~· . dailj'Cgyptia" 50 THERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY AT CARBONDALE . Glissays: I swear,alH have in here is sparklers. Performances grace the University Mzµeum's sculpture garden each week MAll'LEl:N TROUTT DAILY EGYPTIAN REPORTER There was silence Thursday afternoon amid• the cold, metallic, modem sculptures that arc scattered across the grounds of the Univ-..rsity Museum's sculprwc garden. Akicm the Dream, toured ;\s •the peoples poet,~ was sclieclulcd to read for the Arts in the Garden 2000 series. Ins~ he is in the ·Motorcyde 'hospital for complications from cirrhosis of Motorcycle training the liver. course prepares The arts series will continue next week riders for the road, with the Thursday lunch hour escapes to cul-· K.Dlff. MALONEY,- DAn.:i·EGYPTIAN ture, where people can enjoy picnic-like • pag,S Brian Buckman and David Lohman, also known as the Psychic Bunny Aveng~~ ar~ P,reP,aring f~r ~ ~ike ride from. lunching on the cool, grassy grounds while St Louis to San Diego while stopping at hospitals to bring gifts to diildren. llie Psychic Bunnies will be holding a, enriching their senses.